Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

For hotwives and the men who adore them.
john jasson
2 Bit Whore
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Wed Nov 15, 2023 3:02 pm

BDJ wrote:
Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:57 am
John, It's certainly odd. As her Master he controls her completely when she's with him. But not when they're apart. Your involvement has been nil up to now as far as he's concerned. Do you think he's still after her heart? That he's trying to foster doubts in you about your relationship with Sherrie? If so, it wasn't very subtle or effective, was it? From experience I know that just because a love interest has put limits on the relationship it doesn't keep that person from constantly pining for more. Part of Sherrie isn't enough for Geoff, I'm thinking, even though she's made it clear he'll never take your place. Good thing you've got a that poker face. I wouldn't be able to stop imagining the two of them going at it hot and heavy if I were in your shoes, and my wife's lover and Dom showed up on my doorstep. He'd know what I was thinking too.


I don’t know, BDJ. Of course I’ve analysed it over and over through the years. If so, as you say, it was unsubtle and ineffective. Maybe he was curious and thought he might learn something. Perhaps it was a final throw before he moved on. We don’t know. As I mentioned, the poker face comes from many years of business negotiations with much cannier people than Geoff. Sher would just tell me not to be mean about him! She always felt like she needed to protect him from my barbs, but of course it was her choice of dom she was defending all along. It made her uncomfortable if I disparaged him in any way.
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

john jasson
2 Bit Whore
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Wed Nov 15, 2023 3:04 pm

Johng1953 wrote:
Fri Nov 10, 2023 7:25 pm
I'd have hit him.

:D :D

Always the diplomat, Johng1953!!! So how much hot mileage would we have got out of me doing that??
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

$2 Ho
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Johng1953 » Wed Nov 15, 2023 9:53 pm

john jasson wrote:
Wed Nov 15, 2023 3:04 pm
Johng1953 wrote:
Fri Nov 10, 2023 7:25 pm
I'd have hit him.

:D :D

Always the diplomat, Johng1953!!! So how much hot mileage would we have got out of me doing that??
Sorry. I have found much of your journey very hot but Geoff seems to have rubbed me up the wrong way.
You are right though, my avoiding a career in the diplomatic corps was probably a good call!

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Trickydicky69 » Wed Nov 22, 2023 11:57 am

I’ve felt the same Johng but it obviously worked for them!

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Trickydicky69 » Thu Nov 30, 2023 11:46 am

And of course, my understanding of his story is sometimes at odds with what he means… 😁

john jasson
2 Bit Whore
Posts: 1259
Joined: Sun Oct 23, 2011 1:34 am

Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Sun Dec 03, 2023 7:53 am

Even within the long wind down there are many flare ups when their affair burns bright again, like the night I described during Marie and Matt’s visit. Some of the main ones now, though, feature around sporting events, and particularly a running festival that Geoff and Sherrie attend for five consecutive years as she improves her standard time after time under his direction despite, obviously, being a year older on each occasion. There are three races over six days, and in between they set aside training and alone together time at a country hotel.

He drives her very hard from just after dawn each morning on the non-race days. She describes vividly how he often reduces her to tears with his unyielding demands in bringing out her last ounce of effort, but her competitive performance instinct responds positively. He doms her privately, usually involving strenuous bondage, in the long afternoons, and beds her after a protein rich meal each evening, leaving her alone, exhausted and sexually sated, with a pointed “straight to sleep” instruction by 9pm. She isn’t allowed television or other distractions. Surprisingly to me, it’s at the end of one of these full on trips that they agree their fling has run its course. She’s sad when she returns home and says he is too.

She comes into the house that evening and throws her arms around me.

S: It’s over. Look after me tonight.

J: Eh?

I’m being a bit thick today.

S: Geoff and me. The whole thing. It’s done. I’ve lost my Master.

Breaking our embrace, she collapses onto the sofa, just staring into space. Having unloaded her news she appears spent, mentally and physically.

J: How? What happened?

S: I’ve told you before that it was heading this way.

J: Yeah, but it has been since the fortnight from hell. You’ve been saying it since then at least, even before then, but it hasn’t stopped him regularly giving you the benefit and you lapping it up. So why now? Something must have tipped it over the edge.

I sit beside her, draw her to me to comfort her because she looks as though she needs it. She doesn’t immediately engage either with my touch or my words. She seems hollowed out emotionally.

J: Just tell me if it’s mutual or did one of you decide to end it?

At length, she looks at me, all watery eyes and flushed face. There’s been a lot of crying.

S: It’s tough, babe……. You know it is. You know how mixed up….. fucked up….. Always has been, really. He brought it up first, but we talked and talked into the night last night, and in the end we agreed we’d taken the best that it could ever be quite a while ago. It was an extremely moving conversation about what might have been. Things that I knew were in his head from before. You know what I mean, don’t you?

J: Yeah. I know what you mean. Dom you 24/7.

S: Yes, but tender, sensitive stuff too. Thoughtful. A side to him I haven’t often seen. You’re aware that he still thinks it’s my true destiny to submit myself totally to him. Says I was made for him, but he’s reconciled now that it will never be because I’m too tainted by my superficial life outside as he calls it.

J: He still tries to sell you that stuff?

S: It isn’t a cynical ploy though. He truly believes it. Thinks I was born to be his submissive and his plaything, and he was born to rule me and mould me to my highest fulfilment. His ideal is I dedicate my life to it and my only outside interest should be my running and his training to hone me into a top athlete. It’s tragic that we are both missing out on our best life as he sees it. He said he was sorry he didn’t meet me in my teens before I had my head turned because then he could have guided me to my true calling, and I’d have been winning Olympic medals in my 20s. Maybe he’s right! I’d have been all ears if someone had told me that as a teen! He’s quite adamant that everything else in my life is worthless. My science, my career, being half owner of the business, these things are not right for a woman at all. Even you are just a silly diversion, my sweetheart!

J: Oh well! Especially me!! Tell me something I don’t know! How did the subject come up though? Like I said. Why now?

She relaxes a little and leans on me.

S: I suppose it was appropriate in the end. We were having sex last night. Final night of the trip. Of course we were having sex. We’re always having sex. He was plowing me from behind. I was crazed in the wildest continuous orgasms, brain in outer space, like there’s nothing else in the world. After he came too, we kind of flopped on the bed tangled up in each other. He was spooning me as we calmed down. We were just trying to get our breath back, and he settled there behind me, fidgeting a bit and his cock moved which I felt vividly because it was still big and hard, buried inside me. Standard stuff for us over the years really, but as my brain returned from orbit, I realised the atmosphere was weird and heavy between us. Something was different. Then he just said it out loud.

G (to S): This can’t go on. I can’t do it any more, Sherrie.

S (to me); As soon as he starts calling me Sherrie, I know we’re into dangerous territory. To me, it levels us in an instant and breaks the sub-dom spell that protects me from reality. Right away, I’m on my guard. I’m a responsible adult again rather than some “girl” nonentity. Neither of us moved an inch. Still lay there in silence, maybe for a minute or more, genitals joined together, and it’s funny. In that very moment I knew with clarity that this is where it ends. Minimal warning of losing something so mega, eh? The awful feeling that soon he’s going to pull out of me, and his command and possession of me will be gone for ever. I felt myself pushing back onto him involuntarily. Like my body wanted to keep him inside me to prolong the spell for just a little longer. I couldn’t let the feeling go. At least I didn’t want to, but I knew it was done. Knew I’d been a lucky girl to have my cake and eat it for so long too.

S (to G): I’m sorry, Geoff.

G (to S): Why are you sorry? You’ve driven the agenda to where we are now. I should be the boss, but I’m not, am I? And that’s no good for either of us. You feel it, and I feel it. I’m supposed to be your Master, but you know the all-powerful vibe of that is missing, and you also know that it’s because you have taken control of the situation away from me. It might not seem like it day to day when I put you into submission, but in effect you’ve been topping from the bottom. I’ve thought about it a lot, and it’s become a travesty of what was spontaneous at first and what we should have for all of our lives. You were within an inch of embracing total surrender to me, body and soul; of accepting my will in directing your life. There is so much more for you still to discover about yourself, and I would have cared for you 100% to help you through it all. The worst thing is that I know you crave it and need more. I don’t know how I got it so wrong or if I could have played it better to get you over the line. I’ve tortured myself over it, but it’s done. I’m being emasculated by you now, and it doesn’t sit well. I’m not used to making compromise in relationships with women, and I can’t live with myself. You’ve pulled all the power back, and although you’ve played around the edges, and acted the part well, you’ve never let go to the same degree since that awful night. The good effect diminishes more as time goes by. I told you I thought that having part of you would be better than having none of you, but it isn’t. I was wrong. The part of you I don’t have eats away at me all the time. Your submission is incomplete, and now I’ve decided I won’t play subordinate to a female or her will in any respect. Or I won’t anymore. Not even for you. I have my pride.

S(to G): Why am I sorry? I’m sorry because you feel that way. I’d never ever describe you as emasculated when you’re training me, or disciplining me like all this week. Certainly not now while you’re fucking me. You are the undisputable boss in all of that. I can’t match your strength and aggression, can I? I yield to you, and you totally rule me; you are genuinely my Master. I’m sorry because I’m going to miss us too. I’m sorry because I’m going to feel terribly deprived of what might have come next. But yes, I’m sorry because you’re right. It’s good, but it’s not full throttle into the unknown like it used to be. I know it’s not the same. I’ve known it for a long time, and I never wanted to hurt or disappoint you. It’s just about the way we both are, and the incompatibilities in what we can and can’t accept.

G(to S): Maybe I made the big play a little too soon, but it had been years, for God’s sake. You should have been able to see you were on the threshold of something glorious with me. A whole new life, and the one that you were majestically designed by God to live out. You’ll call that rubbish, but I know you were.

S(to G): And that’s where we’ve always differed isn’t it? I’m up for everything you throw at me, even for exploring the outer limits of my submissiveness to you, but not your definition of what a woman should be or my destiny. I never lied to you. I never said I could fit your aspirations. It’s simply not me, Geoff. I think that when it was really good was when we both had different ideas of the agenda and where it could lead. But we let each other believe their own fairy tale because we were taking such highs from what we were doing. Once reality kicked in, it was no longer utopia for either of us. I never wanted us just to go through the motions. We both needed to be getting something valuable from it.

J: That’s heavy pillow talk, Sher.

S: What do you expect? It’s been six years. Weeks living with him, countless nights in his bed. Regularly reduced to tears by him under his extreme domination. A lot of marriages don’t last that long, and you know how intense it’s been. I cried. I cried buckets. His cock still inside me as we’re having the conversation, and then I’m blubbing into the pillow.

J: Can you keep away from it though? Either of you?

S: That’s the 64 million dollar question isn’t It? I think so. We’ve both decided we will and discussed the reasons which are not likely to change. But who knows how strong the addiction is? It runs deep. I’m making no promises.

J: Well, if you’ve done with it, you know I’m always here. Always got your back whatever you do. Even if you slide back to it. Your sexuality is yours, remember, and it always will be, I promised.

S: Thanks, John. Thank you for loving me. Crazy bitch that I am.

J: Thank you for loving me! And you’re not a lucky girl for having your cake and eating it. You’re simply exceptional enough to get both.

She’s very distracted that night and, unusually, not really on my wavelength. She seems to want to be alone, slightly reminiscent of the time he dumped her when her submission to him was at its height, but nothing like as fraught as that, thankfully. By 9.30 she tells me she’s exhausted from the trip, the hard physical effort, the rawness of the break up, and after giving me another hug and the tenderest of kisses, she’s going to bed. I hear her crying bitterly in the bedroom for a long time, and am torn between leaving her to process it in her own way and going in to try to comfort her. I’m still undecided when, an hour later, all is quiet and I head off to the spare bedroom to spend the night there. It’s probably better to let her have her space.

She’s very resilient, my girl, but after the previous drama when he dumped her before, I am a little surprised to see her so much better from the next day and onward, and of course she’s as much my loving, attentive, beautiful darling as ever she was. In that respect, true to her promise, apart from the fortnight everything crashed, she never wavers. She never lets her dalliance with Geoff spoil us.

We both always had ultimate confidence in our relationship. We agreed throughout that we could test it to destruction and if anyone came along and split us up through this kind of play, then we never had what we thought we had in the first place. I’ve repeated the mantra several times through this narrative. We never dreamed that anybody could, and I clung to the conviction because throughout all the excitement and the one isolated bad time, I maintained my total faith in her and us. We know that what we have is golden. Then and now, I didn’t believe anything or anyone could break us, but after witnessing her grief, I confess that I was surprised how far up the scale Geoff was hitting with her back when he told her to choose. If he couldn’t break us, he certainly proved he could shake us. It devastated her for the fortnight when she thought they were over the first time and ran away in the crisis of it all to try to come to terms with the fallout and her loss. The pain lingered, and it took a time to fade, but we got each other through it with large helpings of our perennially demonstrative love which never faltered in the months afterward.

The whole “Geoff” experience had been memorable and, I’m sure, it left a mark on all of us. Her inner conflict about doing all of this has never really eased over time and neither has my joy of watching that conflict in action. Her guilt at doing wrong persists to this day. It is so much more fascinating and hot that she has to overcome this good girl guilt in order to play, rather than being a woman who just sluttily goes for it without a care. As for me, I was shaken by how extreme the feelings of pleasure and despair could become for both of us. It was quite the “standing on an aircraft wing” type of exhilaration, but a chastening lesson at times, too. We might have faith in each other, but we can’t claim to be quite as tough as we thought we were.

Apart from one isolated occasion several months later, he never again steps out of line with her into any of the areas they’d explored for so long. He becomes a hundred percent professional and never lays so much as a hand on her body during her training. It remains absolutely platonic, maybe a little more so than her pride in her sexual allure to men is content with.

One aspect that fascinates me is that after the BDSM and sexual relationship between them ends, Sherrie reverts to her modern sexy clothing, wearing skinny jeans and short tee shirts, short skirts that she’s always suited with her wonderful long legs, and showing her bare midriff a lot of the time in the summer. It’s like she’s making a statement that her domination by a controlling man is over, and it certainly raises eyebrows at the business among the newer folk we recruited as we expanded, who have only ever seen her in flowery cover up dresses and modest blouses with skirts to the knee. They, no doubt, believed she was a caricature nerdy scientific eccentric and a bit of a prude with her very frumpy wardrobe. We know that it’s the subject of office gossip, so of course Sher is tickled pink, and plays it up even more, often going braless to work. It’s a fun distraction from the pain of missing her lover.

S: I reckon some of them think I’m having an affair when I’ve just embraced monogamy again. How ironic is that?!

However, when she goes to the pool or the gym she reverts to the demure, old-fashioned feminine attire he had insisted on as her Master, and she puts on the belly chain too for those sessions. He never asks her for it back as she supposed he would when the sex and the sub-dom aspect finished, and she says wearing it puts her in the right frame of mind to give her all and leave her last ounce of strength and energy at the pool or the track or gym. She wears it in all of her competitive races as well. She also continues to use towels rather than tampons, but when I question her she says it is nothing to do with his outrageous diktat. She’s just got used to them and doesn’t want to go back to having tampons inside her. I can’t help but wonder, however, if there is something in her that can’t quite abandon these remnants of her submission to his will.

My banishment to condoms when she came off the pill at her doctor’s bidding, well before her total withdrawal of her favours from me as she descended deeper into submission, continues through the remainder of the “Geoff affair” even as we start having marital intercourse again. She doesn’t go back on oral contraception until it’s all over with him. Medically, she could have done so after only a year off them or less, but it turned into one of those weird erotic mindfucks that he’s getting her bare and I have to use a condom. Then it ratcheted up so that I wasn’t getting her at all or even seeing her naked. She likes to hold it over me, and I never really pester her seriously to change it. I moan ritually about it on and off because it’s part of our scene for me to complain about her putting out so often to her fat cocked lover and taking his semen into her while her husband hasn’t felt the inside of her vagina on the bare for years. Of course I enjoy the vibe and, deep down, she knows I do. We have the most incredibly hot time with it in our play teasing. Immediately they finish for good, she seduces me one wonderfully romantic night. Wine, candles, lingerie, the works:

S: I want you bare tonight, babe.

J: What?!

S: You heard. I want to feel YOU in me. I don’t want a condom. I want your seed flowing around in me.

J: But, what about the risk?

S: I don’t care. Fuck it. I want to feel you. It’s been too long. It’s ridiculous.

I’m thrown into a quandary. I know she doesn’t want to get pregnant. Never has. It’s a stone wall red line for her. I’m not keen on the idea either!

J: Is it because you’re missing it bare from Geoff?

I note that she doesn’t answer that directly.

S: I’m missing it from you. For far too long. It shouldn’t have happened.

J: What if you get pregnant?

S: We’ll cross that bridge if we come to it.

How can I resist her? I’m only a man. So we do, and it’s fantastic. Delicious and intense and…, everything... Obviously. With the heightened sensation I don’t last long before I flood her, but I’m nothing near finished with that, so we just carry on and on, right through her climax until I come again. I’ve always been able to maintain an erection and carry on through two or three ejaculations. Despite my fears of knocking her up, I’m aware of thrusting deep as I orgasm, answering some obscure call of nature to seed her as high up inside as I can. The times we have together just after Geoff leaves the stage are truly magical. We had always been loving to each other throughout, except for the obvious “fortnight from hell”, so it seems really strange and wondrous that we now feel so renewed, our love reborn, even.

We’re having some of the best sex of our lives, and for us that’s really saying something. Dispensing with condoms puts the icing on the cake (that feels a bit too literal!), as we fuck for a week with me at last filling her with my jizz several times a day, her telling me she’s loving it and not to worry because she’s nowhere near her ovulation time, before she fesses up one morning and shows me the pills.

J: What the……..

S: I was just messing, babe. I was at the surgery a couple of weeks ago. That’s one risk I don’t ever want to take! I just wanted to surprise you by getting you so hot that you’d take me without protection.

J: You little shit. I’ve been frantic about knocking you up!

She chuckles naughtily, so I grab her and drag her back to bed. We are late in the office that morning.

Geoff, of course, continues to train her for swimming, running and in the gym. She’s determined to maintain the peak of physical fitness he drove her to as her Master. One Thursday, evening some months after it ended, I’m travelling in the south on business when I receive a text just after 9pm which is finishing time at the swimming pool:

S: Have an invitation. :twisted:

J: What sort of an invitation.

S: Drinks at Geoff’s! :twisted:

J: Oh right. I thought that was all over.

I have an instant hard on, of course.

S: So did I! Is it alright, babe? I’m sorry. xxxx

J: Of course it is. U know it is. Are you excited?

S: Am I excited? Is the pope catholic? :twisted:

S: Yh. You could say I’m excited. :twisted:

S: Running down my leg excited!!! :twisted:

J: Me too! Not the running down my leg bit!

J: Have fun and be careful!

S: Love you! THANK YOU! xxxxxx

I think maybe that will be the last I hear until the following morning, or even when I arrive home later on tomorrow, but about 10.30pm, another text:

S: I’m home. Nothing much happened, but it got a bit hairy. Tell you tomorrow.

J: Oh. Disappointed?

S: Yh. A bit. Well some bits more than others! Love you, babe. :)

I’m puzzled. Dying to know what went on, but never wanting to come over as needy, I give her space until I arrive home early evening the following day, the Friday. Almost before I’m through the door.

J: What the fuck was that all about?

She hugs me close and then presents me with a glass of red.

S: After swimming he asked me out of the blue if I wanted to go to his. Not like it used to be, obviously. Back then he’d have told me where I was going in no uncertain terms, and I had to jump to it or get thrashed. I was intrigued, of course. So I said yes. I followed him to his farm just like I used to.

J: Did you tell him yes before or after you texted me?

S: Before of course. As soon as he asked! I was instantly wet.

I pull her and our wine to sit with me in the lounge. She’s giving me her best shit eating grin.

J: That’s so fucking hot, you dirty little slut.

S: As soon as he shut the door behind us he was on my case.

G(to S): Arms in the air.

S(to me): So obviously I did. I had my plain white dress on. He just got hold of the hem and pulled it right up and over my head.

G(to S): Plain white cover up underwear? You’re still sticking to the dress rules even now?

S(to G): Yes.

G(to S): All the time?

S(to G): No. Only when I come to swimming or training now. Just when I’m near you…….. Sir.

G(to S): And the sub belly chain too? Why?

S(to G): I don’t know. I always wear it at swimming and training under my kit too. Guess it brings back exciting memories.

G(to S): It’s definitely doing that right now.

S(to G): Why have you asked me here tonight?

G(to S): Why do you think? I want you. I miss you. Why did you say yes, Sherrie?

S(to G): Same reasons. Sir.

G(to S): Let’s have a drink and talk first.

S(to me): So we sit down together, him in his coaching tracksuit, me in bra and knickers, with two of his ridiculously oversized measures of brandy. Just like old times! Obviously he wants me drunk tonight. Then he says something I’m not expecting.

G(to S): I’m in a relationship.

S(to G): Wow. That’s great. Congratulations! But…. I don’t understand. You’ve invited me here and taken my dress off!

G(to S): I’m in a relationship but that doesn’t change you being the hottest and most submissive woman I’ve ever known. I want one last time with you. Just to remember how it was. Just to cherish for the future…. I’ll have to make a special confession in church because I’m cheating on Lynn in a way, even though we’re not married. It is getting serious, though. I know this is sinful.

S(to me): It always used to intrigue me that my Master was in such fear of his master. God. Often had to stifle a giggle in the old days while he tried to hide that he was making the sign of the cross behind my back and thought I didn’t know!

S(to G): I think you’ll be OK. I’d have been struck down by a bolt of lightning long ago if there was anything in all of that old crap!

S(to me): If ever I started my heathen outbursts he’d rapidly change the subject or distract me, so that’s what he did.

G(toS): We’ve been spending a lot of time together. Me at hers, and her here. I met her at church. We’ve actually known each other a long time. She’s away at a conference overnight tonight, back tomorrow. That’s why I thought……

S(to G): So is John. He’s back tomorrow too….. Sir.

G(to S): Come here, you!

S(to me): So we’ve drunken a little brandy, he takes me in his arms and we start kissing. Going at it, really eating face off each other. Of course, I’m already down to my bra and knickers, so as we pause for breath, I’m pulling his top and tee shirt up to get my hands on his body. He takes the hint, pulls them up and over his head to show me those solid muscles. Then he took my bra off and he’s mauling the girls roughly as we go back into the kiss, upper bodies flesh on flesh now, and all of those memories flowing back. It’s getting quite steamy, and Christ I was already thinking about that big, fat cock in his pants and what it was going to do to me. I’m dreaming of him tying me up, caning me, Christ knows what. Maybe he’ll catheterise me before the night’s out. He’s pinching my nipples hard and they’re growing really, really big. The arousal and submissive anticipation is making me hyperventilate. My mind’s running riot.

G(to S): Those nipples of yours! I’ve never seen nipples that grow so long. Wait here. I’m going to get some serrated clamps and show them who’s boss. Remind you of your inner sub. I know you want to feel the force of submitting again.

S(to G): I won’t deny!

S(to me): He’s up off the sofa and heading to the bedroom, so I shouted after him.

S(to G): Is she as submissive as I was to you? Are you her Master?

S(to me): He actually laughed.

G(to S): You must be joking. She’d have a fucking heart attack and throw holy water on me.

S(to me): He was back with the clamps and got them locked on to my erect nipples. It made me gasp for breath as the teeth bit into me and the pain shot straight to my brain and the rush to my vagina. We went into the clinch yet again. Next thing, he’s managed to get a hand into my knickers and eased them down my thighs a little, he has a finger entering me, and I’m adjusting position to give him more access. I’ve got my hands on his trousers, thinking about getting them off when his phone pinged. He pulled it out of his pocket.

G(to S): Shit! Oh fucking shit!

S(to G): What??!

S(to me): He moved the phone sideways so I could read her text: “Hi. Conference finished early, so I thought I’d come home tonight and surprise you. I’ve just reached the Co-op in (town about half an hour from us). Any requests?”

G(in exasperation still staring at his phone in dismay and disbelief): Yes! Please will you just fuck off!!

G(to S): I’m so sorry, Sherrie. It’s divine intervention.

S(to G): Oh don’t start that bloody nonsense again! If it was the doing of the almighty she wouldn’t have texted, would she? She’d have arrived here unannounced and administered divine retribution by cutting your bollocks off. It’s fine, Geoff. I’m gone in 5 minutes. You have at least 30 before she gets here without including her shopping time. You make sure you tidy up and put these glasses away. Oh, and I’d open the windows for fresh air if I were you!

S(to me): So he’s jumping around like a jack in the box, and I’m just getting my bra and my clothes back on quite casually. I know she has a good half hour to run, and I can’t understand why he’s going ballistic. It’s just a few minutes since he received the text, but it’s the only time I’ve been in his presence and not felt subordinate to his will. It was high farce in action.

G(to S); I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have set this up with you.

S(to G): Look. I’ll get over it. Stop flapping. I’m gone! See you tomorrow for training.

I love hearing how she’d taken charge of the situation while her so-called Master was falling apart. That’s my girl!

S(to me): And that was it. Luckily, most of my brandy was still in the glass, and I drove back here wet and frustrated, but I had to laugh. It would have made a great sitcom scene. I’ve never seen Geoff so sheepish as he was at training this morning! He obviously thought it wasn’t masterly for me to see him panic like that, and it wasn’t, but eventually I laughed it off with him. What else could I do?

With that farcical encore, Geoff’s fun and games are truly over, but he maintains the pressure by remaining hard on her in her training. She would have it no other way and wants no other trainer despite him telling her he could recommend a really good one if she feels uncomfortable with him after their affair ended.
Would we have steered clear of something so heavy if we’d had a crystal ball at the outset? We’ve talked this over many times down the intervening years, and the answer for both of us is no, certainly not. Obviously not, because it didn’t stop us delving into a similar cauldron of emotions and playing with fire again later on. My wife’s submission to such a harsh Master was an epic experience for us both, but, obviously, particularly for her. She told me that he said much the same to her in the aftermath. He wouldn’t have missed what they shared for the world either. She took comfort from his words because she still felt guilty about hurting him the night he made her choose. She’s a lovely, caring person who wants to make people feel good, not to hurt them. She was genuinely sorry for him that she wasn’t and couldn’t be what he wanted her to be. We never held it against him, incidentally, for making her choose. He’d reached the stage in his own life where, belatedly, he wanted a partner full time rather than a hot submissive lover who was his absolute ideal, but who kept disappearing back to her husband.

I reckon she did us all a favour by choosing me. I thrive on an independent, intelligent wife who I see as my equal. In my view he would have tried to suffocate her mentally, and it wouldn’t have ended well. Above all, she loves me and we’re still unbreakable after all of this white turbulent water has passed under the bridge. I never doubted it. Well, maybe just for a minute or two!

Geoff actually married not too long after they finally split. His early relationship with Lynn was probably one of the reasons it ended when it did, although he didn’t tell Sherrie about her until that comical, frustrating night when his new girlfriend might easily have caught him in bed with her. He told Sher that whilst he had felt guilty about her committing adultery with him and that it was sinful, he just couldn’t resist her. He would definitely not, however, do the same after he was married. It was a church wedding after all, and a red line for him. Sherrie actually attended the nuptials solo as a guest. She expressed great surprise at the invite, as she would have imagined Geoff shrinking from bringing such a brazen temptress, undoubtedly sent to him by the devil, into the house of God. The day went off without incident as it turned out. No bolts of lightning, balls of fire, nor dire prognostication of any kind did befall.

Did it change us as people? Harder to say. We proved to be strong and durable before and during Geoff despite the convulsions over what happened for a couple of weeks in the middle, and we remained strong and deeply in love afterwards. Everyone’s outlook changes during their 30s. A person leaving their 20s is very different from the same person entering their 40s, so we would have changed anyway. I think it gave Sherrie a more worldly outlook beyond our admittedly very insular romantic relationship, but she was always outgoing socially from being a young girl, and would have continued to develop as the sophisticated, learned woman that she is, particularly in view of her extensive list of contacts through the business and wider academia.

Geoff indisputably put her into a higher league in her sporting prowess and made it his quest to adapt her body more towards that. She was his project, if you like, and her comprehensive submission to his will gave him licence to mould her exactly as he saw fit, confident of her obedience. She might not have gone down that road without him, and might not have the wonderful figure and fitness she still has today. As for her masochistic tendencies, she had this potential in any case from the evidence of Damien back when she was a newly wed 21 year old. She is forever grateful to Geoff for developing that deep seam in her sexuality, stretching her (literally physically and mentally!) and, not to put too fine a point on it, blowing her mind.

I’ve asked her whether under different circumstances she could have lived as his full time submissive for her whole life. It’s a hot conversation and we return to it time and again, feverishly indulging the gory details of it usually before or during fucking. Winding each other up, and extreme teasing around the possibility is one of our favourite sports, and it can rear up without warning on any given intimate and otherwise loving and romantic evening:

We’re relaxing together on a Friday night. It’s been an unusual Friday because Geoff is away on his delayed honeymoon with his new wife, so there has been no tough gym and running training for Sherrie today, and there’s none next week either. Naturally, he’s left her a programme of exercise and runs to complete in his absence, but the Friday schedule can be slotted in over the weekend.

She’s been with me all day from first thing, and we’ve been pretty chilled. We travelled to the office in one car, and we’ve even had our heads together all day at work brainstorming a new project. Afterwards, we called in for a light meal and a drink at the local down the road. We can do this stuff for days on end without ever getting tetchy with each other. We just chatter, chuckle and budgie the whole time. During the long Covid lockdowns we all heard stories about relationship fractures and divorces because of people being under the partner’s feet and concluding that they didn’t like each other very much anymore. Sher and I have never been remotely like that. The more time we spend together, just us, the better. It’s a really nice vibe this Friday too because we’ve got some new exciting products on the starting blocks in the lab, and the company finances have finally turned a corner. We’re recruiting again and the debts are coming down at last. It truly is a feelgood Friday, so I buy Sher a rose for her hair in the pub, one of my regular little gestures when I see a vendor selling them because she just suits them so much. They make her look virginal! The flower vendors always come to us. Maybe we just appear so loved up, or look the part of a young courting couple rather than a pair who’ve been married for 15 years. I’m not sure about me, but Sherrie is fresh faced enough to pass for a mid 20s something girlfriend living out her first major love story, and she dresses young too. Contentment reigns in our world, we believe. Here’s to good times and success.

Anyway. Back home, early evening, we’ve been getting even more mellow with a little wine….. Sher has lit her scented candles all around us. I’ve set the background mood music with our favourite love songs on the sound system, naturally including our own adopted love theme, “Pure” by The Lightning Seeds. Petting and snuggling in our favourite ways on the big living room rug, clothes melt away and we’re engaging in some delicious sexing along with more wine. It’s a nice time, putting it mildly. There’s no rush when doing something as exquisite as this, and we take our time, revelling in the joy of our mental and physical connection. It’s maybe an hour or more of loving, kissing, touching foreplay. She’s edged me agonisingly close to orgasm and pulled me back several times, and it’s a reminder of the teasing “cruelty” she inflicted on me during my long penetration denial, but this is very different. She’s naked for one thing, and tonight I know how it ends. It’s well over an hour before I’m inside her, but it’s always worth prolonging the anticipation. Her pussy tightens around my cock as I enter her. I’m doing her doggie but being lazy with it and lying behind her, both on our sides, Sher almost in the foetal position to feel the maximum effect of my cock in her. Slow and deliberate suits the mood; this is all pretty vanilla now, long and leisurely, leading to a lovely smooth wave of climaxes, sending her channel into a constricting spasm that soon triggers me over the top too, and I let go deep into her.

We lie, still joined. Recovering. Silent in our love.

Eventually, after very necessary ablutions we move to sit by each other. Still on the floor, still naked, still close enough for me to feel her hot breath on me.

S: That was so beautiful, John. The slow climb, your patience and restraint to get me right to the summit. You’re such a good, considerate lover for a girl. Thank you, babe. And thank you for a lovely day. I love you so much.

J: Nothing in life gives me greater pleasure than playing with you, sweets, and seeing your pleasure. You know that. Thank you for the edging. I thought you’d made me lose it a couple of times. I’m glad that you’re such a cock expert. I’m sure we’re not finished though. We have all weekend and the night is young.

I see her eyes shining in her desire for me, and my cock starts to perk up again.

S: Hmmm. Well obviously SOMEONE isn’t finished!

She reaches out and takes hold of my erection, just idly playing with the shaft and then slowly pulling back the foreskin to reveal the most sensitive part once more. She sensually wets one finger on her tongue and plies it gently over the top of the head, stimulating around the hole. Her touch is exquisite. She says she loves cocks, and she knows exactly what this does to me. I struggle to maintain composure yet again, this time against the bladder urge rather than impending orgasm. Responding in kind, I lick my left index finger and delve my hand between her legs to part her lips and find her clitoris. Only light touches from each of us, but directly on our most responsive bits. This is soon making us really fidget! Suddenly she gasps:

S: Ohhhh Christ! Fuck me again, John! Just fuck me hard this time!

She’s perfection in her lotus position. That flat runner’s stomach in the shade of those big tits and erect nipples never fails to transport me somewhere different. It’s clear that the mood hasn’t diminished in either of us. Life is good. We’re on a high. I want more. She does too. Perhaps that session was all a little too vanilla for us in our elated frame of mind, and now she’s directly asking for aggression. I make a decision to twist things up a few notches as I take my hand away from diddling her, and I stand up to walk over to the drinks cabinet knowing exactly what I’m looking for. I pull the bottle of brandy from right at the back. Brandy’s not our usual tipple. This one was bought for us long ago as a present and it’s never been opened. It’s not OUR usual tipple, but it is what Geoff sometimes used to ply her with to get her drunk. I pour two large measures and return to her. She’s seen what I’m doing and clocked the brandy.

S: Brandy?! Are you suddenly Geoff or something? You trying to get me pissed to take advantage of me?

She reaches out for the glass anyway, and takes a big slug of the brandy.

J: Do I need to? I hadn’t noticed having to hold you down to pour it down your neck! Or the wine for that matter! You just asked me to fuck you hard if you’ve forgotten.

She sniggers as she swallows and draws a deep breath, tits heaving appealingly. We’ve already sunk a bottle of red around our foreplay and the first fuck, and then there were the drinks at the pub earlier. It’s all oiling the wheels, building the atmosphere. I notice that the music has stopped. There’s just the silence now. And us. My mind is in overdrive about where to take this. I’m going for delving into her crazy sex brain.

J: Does the thought of hard fucking and brandy bring back memories?

S: Hmmmm.

J: Of Geoff, specifically?

S: Hmmmm.

J: Show me, Sher. Adopt the submit position for me. I’ve imagined it so much over the years, you wouldn’t believe. Just picturing you doing it for him.

I’m pushing the envelope beyond anywhere we’ve been as a couple. She looks unsettled.

S: I’m not fucking submitting to you. I’d feel a fool. You’re not my Master, you’re my love and my equal.

J: Yes. I know that. I don’t want you to, but just for my education. Just so I can feel something of the vibe you got from it. You and I have always got off on psychoanalysing each other.

It’s true. We have. She remains in lotus for a few moments more as we look at each other in hushed standoff. Will she go for it? I push a little harder.

J: Please, sweets, for me. I’d so love it if you would.

Another moment of indecision, and then hesitantly she moves, turns around, kneels up in front of me. Looks at me, big beautiful, appealing brown eyes. Face full of doubt and confusion. Slightly tipsy. Then she looks down at the floor and starts to adjust. She will bestow the gift on me. My goodness, she’s doing it.

J: I love you.

So gorgeous, so sweet, so feminine. How must he have revelled in having her before him this way, knowing that she was freeing him to take any liberty. To mess with her mind and body any way he wanted. To cane her, to belt her. Cause her pain. Direct her to run naked in the forest at his whim, or to wet herself in public, or take it upon himself to give her enemas. To render her helpless and penetrate all of her orifices that have been coveted, mostly in vain, by men ever since she was a teenager. To do precisely his will, only to have her begging for more because she craved his domination and his cock. Such a prize he won. And what a loss he has suffered.

The imagery before me, and what it conveys, my wife with her head bowed, chin hard to her chest, arms behind her back with hands clasped, sitting with her butt on her heels, knees slightly apart, sex visible and vulnerable, open to anything and encouraging every violation from her Master. She holds the pose, statuesque, as I’m genuinely moved by the sight.

J: God, that’s enthralling. You are art, nothing less.

I think she’s encouraged and getting the into the feeling because she bends forward, straightening her thighs to almost vertical as she lowers her upper body with infinite grace, still kneeling but with her knees further apart now. She brings her arms around stretched out horizontally in front of her, then moving them down as well until her palms are flat on the floor, her face down in the rug. It’s a little like seeing her perform her yoga naked, but only a little. This is supercharged. Her arse is now the highest part of her. She says nothing. I circle her once, then stop with my toes touching her fingertips, feasting my eyes on her perfect form. I walk around to her rear again and stand by her feet. If the first position was pure surrender, then this is surrender with a pronounced sexualised undertone. Her face is hidden from view, her cunt and arsehole are given centre stage.

J: Fuck that’s hot.

S: This is the homage position he sometimes made me take before sex.

Her voice reaches me, albeit muffled by her speaking into the rug.

J: Fuck. Talk about a picture painting a thousand words. Right now the picture paints a million.

I bend down and feel the heat radiating from her sex. Insert two fingers. She’s slick, soaking, and she doesn’t flinch. Yes, I now know that she’s enjoying showing me. A bit of her penchant for enjoying her own humiliation on display to me, perhaps? That’s my first thought, or rubbing my nose in all that she’s experienced with him as she likes to do? I’m not sure which. I wonder where her head is at, and what I could push her to here, but I’m not her dom, and I don’t want to attempt to master her in the vulnerability of her excitement. That could ruin us in the aftermath. But I do want to explore her sex brain as her equal partner. I really, really want to do that, and I’m feeling more confident that she’s amenable as I kneel behind her. Amazing how she can totally mesmerise me with all that she is after so long together. The scene extends for minutes, just me looking in awe at her, and I’m reluctant to break the suspense.

J: Stay in position. You know how you told me that your sex brain is focused back on me now after all of those years on Geoff?

S(mouth still in the rug, so voice still muffled): Yeah.

J: You must still fantasise about him though. I mean being cut off from all of that so suddenly. That couldn’t have been easy.

S: I still think about him. Of course I miss it. You know I do. I was fucking addicted to it wasn’t I?

I’m kneeling beside her now, bending right down to her ear, whispering as I strive to elevate her mood still further.

J: Is it more than that though? More than thinking about it and missing it?

I take one finger and rub it very lightly up and down her anal cleft, from her coccyx to her perineum.

J: You said he did this to you all the time and you loved it.

S: Hmmmm. Yeah. It was heaven. It felt so naughty.

I remember his regular next move was to tickle her arse hole and drive her to distraction before poking a finger a short way up it. I don’t have her tied up as Geoff often did, but I follow suit with the tickling anyway. I feel her tense, but she’s trying to stay cool and calm. Her breathing is getting heavier.

S: Aaaaaah.

It’s somewhere between a sigh and a moan. I don’t want her to lose control, so I only tickle for long enough to make her breathe hard and fast.

J: OK. On your back. Now! Legs up and open.

She takes my command without a murmur, like she’s with him and in the zone. Within a few seconds she’s on her back and beckoning me.

S: Please, John…..

She’s very needy now, so I’m not ready to give her what she wants immediately. I’ll keep her hanging.

J: Drink some of your brandy, like you did for your Master.

She leans to the side on an elbow. Grabs the glass and takes another big slug from it.

S: I want you now.

J: Has your little submission performance got you all hot, sweets?

S: Please put it in!

I don’t deny her any longer. I get myself into position above her, looking down into her eyes, my weight supported on my arms. One hand either side of her body, I approach, my pelvis to hers, engage my cock with her lips and a moment later I penetrate her again, pushing in to the limit as she wraps her long legs around my middle. I thrust in a steady rhythm for a couple of minutes, nice and slowly, but with power and length, the way I know she loves it. She’s starting to build again already. Her orgasm won’t take much longer if I carry on, so I hold back. My cock is buried inside her, but I stop to let us both savour our union.

J: I know that your sex brain is only a small part of you, and it doesn’t completely control you, but I want you to take me in there. Tell me everything, Sher. Let me into your sex brain and give me the tour. Don’t lock me out of that amazing part of you.

She’s into the sex we’re having, and at the same time bewildered by my words. Her mind is racing. I’m probing inner recesses of her mind that even she finds difficult to understand or control.

S: You should be careful what you wish for. Some fires burn underground for centuries, you know. If they rage up to the surface again, we can get burnt, things can be damaged.

It’s a typically deep analogy from her, but I’ve come this far, and our love reserves are brimming over nowadays. I think she’s at the edge of a precipice, but I feel safe to take it on.

J: You can tell me your secrets you daren’t tell anyone in the world. It’s ok. I’m part of you. That’s what we’ve always known isn’t it? You’re part of me, so telling me is just like thinking to yourself. Do you want him bad, sweetheart? Please tell me.

S: This is like when it was all going on, getting crazy, and you asked me to hold nothing back even if it hurt you. You’ve plied me with drink, and you’ve brought me here again. You might hear things you don’t want to know. If you push me, you know that I will get to a point where I let you have both barrels and I’ll get off on it selfishly. If that’s what you want, you know very well that I can do selfish, but I warn you……

I’m still looking down into her eyes. I still see her confusion, but I also see a growing desire to let go and do it. Reticence and reserve are fighting the urge to let it go free. She’s tightening again around my cock, so I give a couple more thrusts intending to take her a little closer; build the pressure on her. Encourage her. I whisper again:

J: Tell me, Sher. Do you wish it was your Master inside you right now?

She says nothing straightaway. Just thrusts up onto my cock and groans long and deep. A very hot sound. At last I see the change. The confusion gives way to that shit eating grin I’ve enjoyed and endured so often. She’s flipped:

S: OK, then, suck it up, babe. I do so wish he was fucking me now. I still want him bad. The very worst way. That’s how I want him. I’m sorry, but you asked me. You fucking asked me to say that! And it’s true!

J: Are you sorry it ended?

S: Fuck yeah! Don’t be stupid. Of course I am. I’d do anything to go back to him.

J: Back to him pounding you, stretching you out mercilessly? Dominating you. Rather than your husband?

S: Oh yeah. Any day. I want my Master to rule me! I’m his little sub woman and I crave it.

We’re moving again, both of us. Slowly but steadily. It’s climbing.

J: Be careful though. He might cane you afterwards.

S: Yeah. Bring it on! I need it. Anything if he will only fill me with that beautiful big fat cock again. He fucks me beyond all reason, beyond a hurricane……..

J: But he makes you piss in your knickers in public too. Makes you drink till you can’t hold it and he won’t let you go to the toilet. That’s really bad, Sher. Makes you disgrace yourself and then he calls you a helpless baby girl. Tells you to piss on the floor. Or he’ll piss in your hair and on your face while you’re hogtied. That’s cruel, Sher. I’d never do that to you. I’d never make you helpless and debase you in that way or in any way.

S: Ohhh. Of course you wouldn’t, and I wouldn’t let you. But he can do anything to me, John. Because he knows what I need deep down. He knows all my secrets more than I do. Reads my darkest depths. That’s why I need him, and why I need to pursue the full knowledge of it all.

J: And what’s the logical conclusion to that, my beautiful girl? You need him to humiliate you, don’t you, my sweet?

S: Yeah. I need that so much. I need it, babe. Fuck, I can’t tell you how much. It’s what I need to be. It’s what I was put on this planet for.

All through this exchange her vaginal muscles are constricting my cock, so I pull out of her suddenly. She thinks I’m about to leave her high and dry on the way to her climax, a bit like she’s sometimes left me, and Geoff often left her. Instead, I put my fingers inside her vagina, and gather some of the juices cascading out of her.

J: Ok. Let’s see how supple you are after all that booze, madam. Legs right back now. Knees resting on your shoulders.

Of course, any contortion isn’t a problem to my little yoga gymnast. As soon as she’s complied I lubricate a little way into her anus with her own sex juices from my fingers, bring my already slick cock head into contact with it and press forward. I recall one of the hottest things she ever reported back was how Geoff used to Master her by taking her anally in missionary position while staring into her eyes and making her acknowledge her subservience to him. It was the epitome of her submission to him. I’m replicating the posture if not the dominance, and I’m slowly working my way into her, but anal is always so tight. Heaven knows how he got his fat cock in here.

When I’m all the way in, her grin has turned to that ice cold look that she reserved for her most extreme treatments of me. Times during the affair when she might tease me mercilessly but give me no relief. Or other outrageous times when she ruined my orgasm before leaving to do an overnight with him. I’ve never seen this expression while I’ve been balls deep in her before, it’s true to say, and it strikes me that what puts her into utter submission to him has the opposite effect on her with me. I can judge her well after all our years together, and I know she’s wired at a very high voltage now, so I give her just a few slow strokes. Her nipples are reaching something like the Damien size and length previously reserved for her Master. I push her some more, winding her key.

J: Do you wish you’d gone further? Not held anything back and done everything he wanted you to? Given everything up and lived as just his little woman for the rest of your life? You can tell me, Sher. It’s OK. The full X rated, unfiltered version. Your secret will be safe.

Her eyes seem like they’re glazing over from the energy she’s expending. Her body is rising to orgasm, and her mind is somewhere other than in this room. We’re both getting close now, and her breath is coming in short, snatched gasps. Anal always drives her wild and makes her come quick and hard, without any direct clitoral stimulation. I hear that this is unusual in women, but I have a theory that it’s tied in with Sherrie’s masochism and her seeing anal penetration as the ultimate taboo submission. I notice, incongruously, that my rose that I bought her in the pub earlier as a token of our tender love is still clipped in her hair. What we are doing now is a hundred and eighty degrees away from the romantic vibe we indulged those few hours ago, as I move faster then slower again. Adjusting speed and angle all the way through as I coax her to the summit with my cock and drive her nuts with my talk.

S: Ohhh. Fuck yeah… I made a big mistake…. there, but I’m going to put it right now….. You know I can…… tempt any man…. Awwwwh…. I’ll get him to divorce that bitch and…….. he can have me any way he wants me. Awwwh, awwwh…

J: You want him that bad?

S: I wanted to scratch her fucking eyes…… out at their wedding….. Awwwwwwwh. She stole my Master……. But I smiled sweetly…. and pretended it was all good………. It’s NOT FUCKING GOOD! I should have…. stopped it. Stood up in the church……. I …. Almost did ………. awwwwh

J: How will you get him back from her?

S: I’m going to seduce……. him in the gym after…….. training next time……

She’s fighting for her breath now. and I’m arse fucking her like my life depends on it. Her voice cracking; the words losing coherence.

S: She’ll be out…… work. There’s no contest between…..…... He wants me…… Awwwhh…… and I want…… I know it…… He knows it, and you, John……… You fucking know it too! Awwwwwh

J: So that’s the cunning plan. But then he’ll have you right where he always wanted you. You lost your freedom. He’ll turn you over and fuck you up the arse every day to show you who’s boss. I might do that anyway from now on.

S: No you won’t!!......... I’ll live with him….. I’ll have to take 2 enemas for him every time…… But… ok…….. I’ll have him as mine…… Anything….. Truly……. I mean it…..

J: You’re gonna leave me for him?

S: Yeah……… So you pushed me to him……. at last. I devote myself to him.

J: I know you do, Sher, but then he’ll stretch your tight arsehole with his big fat cock. Maybe you won’t be able to take it up your little arse. Maybe he’ll tear you, Sher….. Tear you with the dirty great cock that you crave.

The thought takes her over the edge, and she screams out as though in pain from the size of his penis.

S: Ah. Ah. Awwwwwwwhhhhhh.

She’s bucking around, lost in unintelligible moaning and screaming, until we’re left clinging on to each other trembling, my cock still hard up her bottom, as the fever of our mutual orgasm subsides.

I collapse on top of her for a moment. The anal session with the febrile conversation I led her into has finally sapped our strength.

A couple of minutes later I disengage from her, and in one movement I get first to my knees, then collect her, picking her up from the floor and cradling her limp body gently in my arms as I stand. It isn’t a problem. Despite her fitness and toned body, she’s actually lighter than she was when I met her at nineteen. I hold her close, flesh on flesh, seeking our loving intimacy once more, as we continue to come down from the kinky climax.

J: I think we should indulge ourselves with a nice hot shower and wash our bits, sweetheart.

S: I think we need to! I’ll definitely pass on licking your bits clean considering where they’ve been!

I carry my girl up the stairs as I’ve done so many times before, her arms clinging around my neck as I climb. It’s been a long, varied day, and we’re really jaded now as we soap each other. The passion, the kinks and the angst have all evaporated like they never intruded. There’s just the love left, and that’s a perfect note to go to sleep on. I remember leaving the flower I took out of her hair before our shower on the handle of her bathroom cabinet so that it’ll be the first thing she sees in the morning. Beyond that, I remember nothing at all of getting into bed and falling asleep. It’s been draining for both of us.

It’s all history by then of course. It’s been an intense evening, but it’s just a prop for our rich and varied sex life. Geoff is married to another woman, and we are no nearer to answering the conundrum of whether Sherrie might possibly have lived that way exclusively for real. The answer is unknowable, but when we’ve calmed down, lying in bed together with our traditional cuppa on the Saturday morning, and we aren’t thinking with our sex brains, like me, she thinks fairly definitely not. She does take quite a while to come up with that answer, though, so the fascination is undoubtedly still there, lurking somewhere below the surface in that sex brain.

J: Last night was right up there among the out there stuff we’ve done. Phenomenal!

S(eyeing me with one of her sardonic looks): If a tender arse hole is a measure of phenomenal, you have a point.

J: Yes, love. I know the physical was demanding, but that never lets us down, does it? It was the crazy vibe that drove it though. Geoff can still do it for us despite it all being over.

S: I know what I said, and I’m a bit shamefaced now in lots of ways. You pushed me to let it out, and I know you are going to want to slice it up forensically, but I’ve tried to before in my own mind. It gets me nowhere, so there’s no point.

J: But how much of what you said did you embroider to push it closer to the edge? To push back at me and give it to me between the eyes because I’d cajoled you into disclosing it all?

S: Maybe all of it or none of it. I don’t know. It’s all fantasy now I’ve lost him, so it’s a moot point. I didn’t deliberately ramp it up. I just opened my imagination and let things that flowed into it loose out of my mouth without the usual reserved filter. None of it’s going to happen so I can fantasise whatever I like, can’t I? Liberating in a sense, I suppose. I can be as insane and evil as I like in my make believe world. It’s you that pleaded for access to it, so don’t shoot me for letting you in.

J: No, no. I wouldn’t do that. It’s all good. It was magical, in fact.

S: I will say that the mystery of where and what it might have led to never stopped deepening for me. Even while I sensed it was winding down. What came next always intrigued me because I know I could never deny him anything. Well, anything in the context of our affair. That’s how he got confused into thinking the affair was real life, and it’s understandable. It was real when it was playing out. Just not a lifestyle choice for me for ever. I think..

J: Perhaps you’ll take me there to that hot scene again. And again, and again!

She smiles her familiar “there really is no cure for either of us” smile.

S: Yeah. Maybe. It was good. You were squirming at times, but I like that. Keeps you keen, and I know it sends you somewhere crazy at the same time. But we know you always want more even when it hurts, don’t we? Like me, I guess, and the orgasms were explosive if you didn’t notice. We really are fucking mad, aren’t we?

J: But it’s good mad. The notion of losing my wonderful Sherrie is horrendous, but because I know it won’t happen I can eroticise the possibility and have fun with it. I love you.

She knows I never change, and she just rolls her eyes.

S: I love you too.

In my head, I continue to pick at the scab of whether Geoff came close to destroying us. I like certainty. I might play with fire, but I only bet on sure things. Maybe if it were not for me and our relationship she possibly could have lived that submitted existence, although she did say at the height of it that were it not for the strength of us, she couldn’t have risked putting herself into such a vulnerable position with him at all. I was her insurance and her rock that gave her licence to be so outrageous as to allow a man so extreme in his views and actions full reign to negate her as a woman and utterly humiliate her. She did it for the thrill and for the sheer hell of seeing what might happen. Perhaps she tells herself and me she couldn’t have done it without me so as to make herself more comfortable with her decision to end it. Who knows? Her words comforted me and kept me happily on board at the time, nevertheless.

My own view is that Sherrie is too multifaceted a character to live only in that persona. It was wild for her as an exciting antidote to the day to day, but 24/7/365 as a highly intelligent female made to acknowledge her abject subordination to her less academically gifted man, and to have her nose rubbed in it regularly on a permanent basis, would have been a different proposition, very frustrating for her long term, and just too hard to endure. I could be wrong. These emotions hang as unresolved issues rather than fitting into boxes to provide neat endings to this story, but then isn’t that life for all of us? No easy solutions, lots of loose ends, no neat conclusions. Chaos reigns, but Sherrie and I have our chemistry, our love and our unwavering devotion. And we like toying with loose ends. We’re happy with all of that. We’re very lucky to have each other.

And definitely finally:

Geoff is actually still training her when she takes her next lover a further five years later. In fact, he confronts her with an accusation. It’s at the finishing line after a county standard fell race where she’s blown away the female opposition and comes in well up the male field too.

G: You’re playing away again. You’re fucking some guy.

S(soaked in sweat, indignant, and still breathless, hands on knees, after her sprint finish): No I’m not!

G: You fucking are, Sherrie! You don’t fool me.

S(sticking to her guns feistily): What the hell makes you think that shit?

G: There’s an uptick in all of your performances. Running, swimming, everything. You have that spring in your step again. The bounce you only have when you’re cheating for cock. Just like when you were with me. You’ve been going slowly downhill since we finished. I thought it was maybe because you’re female and you’re getting older, but now you’re getting right back up there again, and that run today is phenomenal. Something’s charging your batteries, and I know what it is. You’re having that hole of shame of yours filled regularly again. I’d say for a couple of months now going by the line on your training stats graph. He’s a lucky bastard.

S(wind comprehensively removed from her sails, and impressed by his scientific insight because the couple of months chimes exactly): OK. You got me. I admit it. I might be getting a wee bit of forbidden attention.

G: Anyone I might know?

S: Hmmm. You might do. He’s pretty well known in the business community, but it’s a small town so better not go there.

G: Is he a strict Master?

S: Nooooo. Nothing like you. He’s very assertive in sex though. Definitely takes what he wants on his terms. You know I need that in a man.

G: Fucking slut. Does he know?

She makes a point of telling me that she laughed dismissively.

S: John? Nah. Of course not. Doesn’t have a clue. I’m much too smart, and he’s lovely. He trusts his little angel.

And at the time it’s true. I do indeed have no idea that she’s at it again. The conversation between us when I am introduced to the new situation comes sometime later in romantic, yet intriguing, circumstances.

G: Obviously! Little disgusting fucking slut, more like!

They laugh together and the moment passes. The conversation returns to the sterling performance she’s put in that day, but as she turns to walk away he suspends his professionalism for a moment and slaps her arse hard.

Sherrie’s “Geoff” phase lasts for the greater part of her 30s, and he trains her for sport well into her 40s until he sells his farm and gym, keeping her mega fit just like all of his male clients. In all the time she’s with him, he never takes on another female personal training client and he continues to insist that they aren’t worthy of his time and expertise. She’s the exception, but he maintains throughout that even she is only just borderline acceptable. A typical ungenerous Geoff putdown. Geoff moving away is the end of her having a personal trainer too, after well over 10 years. She maintains her demanding fitness regime, still swims and runs to a high level, but in mutual help groups without a qualified coach.

Thank you for your interest in our mad journey. I do hope that you caught something, even if only a fragment, of the edgy vibe we play around with for our kicks.
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by subtoall » Sun Dec 03, 2023 5:34 pm

Fantastically detailed and deep wrap-up. Thank you for baring your soul here.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by foot69loose » Sun Dec 03, 2023 8:06 pm

Thank you John, for taking the time and effort into putting these memories into print.

My wife and I have been riveted to your story and looked forward to each episode. It is indeed a warm and humbling story of love between 2 soul mates who both embarked on a journey and seen it through which and thin to an end.

With Geoff out of the scene in real life and Sherrie being so candid and honest about her memories it is a real eye opener for others who have yet to embark on an intense journey being prepared to risk everything in allowing their loved one to experience things that only a third party could ever provide. I am astounded it lasted so long it was an amazing amount of time that G & S had their time together.

Whilst we understand that this completely wraps up the Geoff and possibly the BDSM portion of Sherrie’s adventures, we are both now wanting to hear about her next lover 5 years later.

Is this a possibility?

A very sincere Thank you.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Kingmidas » Sun Dec 03, 2023 9:35 pm

Wow! Always worth the wait. Cheers, John.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by pixmangurn » Mon Dec 04, 2023 6:45 am

Thank you for continuing your fascinating story!

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Trickydicky69 » Mon Dec 04, 2023 7:53 am

A wonderful, insightful ending to the Geoff phase.
I’ve equally been hoping to see into Sherrie’s sex brain and grateful for the chance, which as you suggest, is not entirely knowable even by Sherrie herself.
Thanks for your honesty regarding the near disaster of the fortnight and still discussing whether it was wise.
I think you two have an unusually strong and accepting relationship which has survived because you truly are soulmates. And you are both somewhat addicted to the edge of acceptable behaviour which has fuelled this story and also kept you together.
Definitely most couples would not have survived this and I certainly know I wouldn’t have gone along with most of this.
But very happy to have lived it vicariously through you!
Do you have have any time/energy/ interest in writing up further adventures or are you one and done? 😉
Thanks again.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Johng1953 » Mon Dec 04, 2023 12:46 pm

Thank you for this extremely erotic story and your patience when I have wobbled and failed to understand the unbreakable bond between you both.
However, I still can't stop despising Geoff. He is so full of shit. How on earth could anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together believe that someone could possibly submit to a life that in the end could only be termed abuse? There are normal interactions in life that can't possibly occur within the lifestyle he thinks is acceptable.
I'm torn between wishing he was caught that last time and being dumped and glad he wasn't because at least she'll stop him abusing someone else who hasn't the mental strength and support Sherrie had.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by PaNic » Mon Dec 04, 2023 4:31 pm

Thanks John,
For sharing your incredible story so eloquently, erotically and with such soul baring honesty! As others have said, I’ve got so much from living your story vicariously; it’s been both titillating and deeply thought provoking.
You have the makings of a great book here!

All the best to you and your delightful Sherrie,
“Life is best organized as a series of daring ventures from a secure base” John Bowlby

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by RetiredSnowbird » Mon Dec 04, 2023 7:56 pm

John, I’ve never really been interested in the D/s, humiliation thing that appeals to so many on this website. Having said that, your account of what happened over the years between Sherrie and Geoff as well as Sherrie and you was something that I couldn’t put out of my mind, and like other readers here, I eagerly awaited each and every instalment of your experiences.

I’ve been coming to OHW for years now and I must say that yours is one of the best written accounts of any type of sexcapades I’ve ever come across. A definite classic. Thanks ever so much. And all the best to you and Sherrie.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by lovethis » Tue Dec 05, 2023 1:48 am

The good guy wins. Subconsciously she was always yours. The ultimate test was his effort to take her away from you. She was so far down the rabbit hole Geoff fully in control. You guys were not in a good place after Sherrie moved out. Geoff had her exactly where he wanted her and took his opportunity to split you and Sher. He was shocked that one mention of him forcing Sherrie to leave you bought her out of her deep submission to tell him no way is she going to leave you. He was never privy to know that you knew of most of their experiences. He thought you were some dumb ass waste of a husband who deserved to have his beautiful wife fuck around on you. Little did he know that he was essentially a pawn in the kink that you and Sherrie shared. It never crossed his mind that you were in it as deep as you were. To this day he must have wondered what the hell you had over Sherrie and what made her so devoted to you. With all the control he possessed over her she always went home to what he thought was a useless husband.

What ever would he have thought if he had found out about your kink and that you had shared all of his experiences to hundreds of eager and appreciative readers in a website forum called hotwife.

Still I think you and Sherrie came through a testing time.
Geoff was the ultimate for Sherrie and deserves praise for bringing your beautiful wife to the heights that she desired and you got to enjoy as well. They shared years of history in and out of the bedroom.

Now does anyone come close to topping him. Sherries expectations and limits were really pushed by Geoff. Being her trainer and her lover did give him the edge.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Tracey52 » Wed Dec 06, 2023 9:10 am

Really enjoyed reading your story John. Like the others, I’d love a book 2, especially since this time it seems more like she was cheating on you for awhile before you found out.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by goodjob » Sun Dec 10, 2023 12:10 pm

john jasson wrote:
Thu Jan 12, 2023 3:10 pm
This is the third and final installment of the trilogy featuring Sherrie's Saturday morning confession after the two consecutive nights she spent with Geoff on the Weds after she ruined my orgasm and the Thurs after swimming. This part has probably been the most difficult to pitch the atmosphere just as it was on the day. The written word can't always match the visceral reality of emotions, but I hope the vibe makes it across to you. Needless to say, if you haven't read the first two thirds of this, you need to do so to even be "in the room".

S(to me): So you know the Thursday was a ridiculously busy day at work, and I texted you as I left the office. I was back with him well before 6.

G(to S): Come and sit down, Sherrie. I want to talk to you.

S(to me): And straightaway I’m thinking: R-i-g-h-t…. He never calls me Sherrie. It’s Jasson at the pool, Holland when we’re alone, or whatever demeaning monicker he can dream up for me in the moment. So, like always with himself, I’m thrown off balance as soon as I sit opposite him at the kitchen table.

G(to S): Tonight is going to be different. It’s time to change things.

S(to me): So this can mean anything.

G(to S): Tonight you will be paying for your conduct last night.

S(to G): I’m sorry Sir.

S(to me): So there’s going to be punishment. I’m scared, but I’m immediately turned on at his words anyway. Wondering what the hell will happen to me is always a big thing when I’m with Geoff.

G(to S): You are certainly going to be sorry. But this little chat is a dialogue between us about this whole situation, so there’s no need for you to call me “Sir” for the moment. Pretend you are my equal just for as long as this conversation lasts. I want to talk to you about your attitude. You’ve come a long way, and it’s plain that you enjoy your submission to me. When I think of the arrogant, superior acting mouthy young bitch who walked into the pool office three years ago, you are such a different and much more pleasant proposition today. I’ve moulded you. You now have humility befitting a female. You didn’t realise it then, but I saw the craving for submission in your eyes that day. You were longing for it. You needed it, but you didn’t have a clue you needed it. I knew you would make a wonderful submissive, and I wasn’t wrong, was I? What you do here under my guidance is the real you, Sherrie. The genuine person. You should be grateful to me for bringing you out and proud of yourself for recognising your need. Everything else you do in your life is incidental to this real you.

S(to G): I am grateful because I enjoy it in a weird way. All of it, even if I don’t understand it or why I do it. But you’re dead wrong; it isn’t the real me. Not the whole me. No way. It’s a temporary escape from the everyday me. The self-starter, the scientist, the businesswoman who is equal to her husband and men in general – except you when we do this, of course. This is….. Well, it’s like I say, pure escapism from everything real, and I kind of give myself license to immerse myself in it here. My normal self is horrified at the things I let you do to me, and allow myself to do for you.

G(to S): But have you ever wondered why you want to escape from that other feminist self that you call “normal”, Sherrie? It’s really just a façade, you know.

S(to G): I don’t want to escape from her! Well not for most of the time anyway. It’s like I say. This is some crazy relief valve. It’s temporary. I come here to let go of my real world and just wallow in the way it makes me feel. The way you make me feel. It touches my scientific mind too because I want to understand my behaviour, and maybe yours as well. I’m sure we both get a kick out of it, so there’s a premium for both of us. It doesn’t mean I don’t love my life outside in the modern world. I really, really do. I seem to have the capacity for both. Which is good. I think. But I’m a modern woman at heart.

G(to S): No. You don’t escape your real world, actually. You come here to escape a superficial world and a life you are living all wrong. You call that world modern and liberating for women, but the inescapable truth for you is that you are a born masochist. A real genuinely submissive woman. The most submissive woman I’ve ever known, in fact, and I’ve known quite a few. Your capacity for it runs extremely deep, Sherrie. Humiliation challenges you, excites you, because deep down you know that it’s the natural way of things for a woman like you. There’s no denying it. I give you that in your life. It’s a basic need in you to bow to the will of a superior male. I brought it alive in you and showed you how it feels to indulge it which you’d never ever done before. You thought it was a negative then, but you don’t now, do you? You’ve never known such happiness than when you are here deeply submitted. It’s your true destiny. It’s what your life is all about to be guided and controlled by a strong man. You must give in to it all the way, and for God’s sake don’t try to fight it.

S(to G): It’s hard to deny that this masochistic streak runs deep in me, and yeah, you channelled into it big style without doubt, but I’m all about John, the business, my research, lecturing to young scientists and my life outside. Truthfully, I am. I see myself as equal to anyone of either sex.

S(to me): The conversation was quickly becoming uncomfortably relatable for me though. I was arguing my corner because he’d given me permission, but I could readily identify with his vision of me too. It’s shocking but I could. When I’m in the zone I feel exactly as he was portraying me. I enjoy being his submissive and I’ve kind of made peace with that now. I don’t beat myself up about it so much as I did at first.

J: Well no. You’ve got Geoff to beat you up now, haven’t you?

She smiles at my quip. She knows I’m trying to lighten the mood which has taken a much darker turn, but I realise she’s made a serious point. I’m also disturbed by her telling me that he’s calling her Sherrie. It seems an odd detail for me to pick up on considering the rest of the stuff she’s telling me, and it is her name after all, but he’s never called her by her first name before despite their ongoing intimacy for nearly 3 years, and it’s hard to get my head around him doing so now. It feels too affectionate and, quite ludicrously, I resent the change hugely.

J: It sounds like it’s getting a little too crazy even for us, sweetheart. I worry. It’s exciting but it’s feeling very uncomfortable listening to you right now. What do we do if you wake up one day permanently wanting to be that opposite meek little woman persona? Where does it leave us?

She moves in and kisses me again so lovingly, offering a little much needed encouragement and reassurance, I believe, for both of us. Maybe she’s entertained the same worries I’m having. She’s so analytical that I’m sure she must have done, but such thoughts would powerfully arouse her too, clouding her judgment still more. I can see from her hardening nipples that just talking to me about her penchant for submission is getting to her in that fascinating way she can’t ever resist. No doubt she’s feeling it down below too. I can see her lips are wet and open, but then we already fucked this morning so it’s no great surprise. After this discussion I wouldn’t bet against it happening again either. Our recovery time for yet more sex is always very short whenever Geoff is the topic of conversation.

S(to me): Nooo. I’m good, babe, I promise I won’t do that. Remember my fantasy that I’m out there spacewalking in zero gravity and you’re in the capsule holding me secure by a cable to my harness? My only route back to safety and sanity? This is exactly the kind of extreme I was thinking of when I came up with the imagery. Maybe the umbilical cord is getting longer though as he draws me further into his web. I’m becoming a tiny speck in the distance, but don’t worry. There are no horizons in space, so I won’t vanish from you altogether. Please just hold me now John, because this is so hard for me. I’m confessing things to you about myself that are brand new to me too, and really challenging for me to face. I need to be cradled in your arms and know that you have my back while I share.

I’ve enjoyed watching her as she’s been sitting there naked in lotus position looking lovely, but I answer her need by pulling her soft sweet body down and into me so that we now have full length contact, my left leg hooked over her right hip. I run my fingers through her hair and ruffle it a bit in the hope that she feels my solidarity with her. She closes her eyes and soldiers on:

G(to S): You may still think that the world outside is your oyster for the time being because you’ve not reached your full potential for submission yet. That’s why I wanted to speak to you about your attitude. What you did last night, I’m sure you would have scored highly with most men by turning up like a painted whore, rampant for mating, but it’s not the way I expect my sub to behave unless I order it. You see, Sherrie, you have to show me complete humility and be submissive at all times. When in doubt, you should think of the submit position you adopt when you kneel before me and bow your head in respect. Try to fashion your whole attitude to life on that pose. Do not exhibit overt sexuality or wear provocative clothing except when you are told to.

S(to G): I’m sorry, Sir. I promise I will do better.

S(to me): I forgot he’d told me this was a free chat and not to call him Sir. I slipped so naturally back into character. Just a hard habit to step out of because he’s my Master after all.

G(to S): I know you will, Sherrie, and tonight you will have the opportunity. You see, I’ve been toying with the idea for a very long time, but what you did last night has concentrated my mind and made me finally decide that you are an unfinished project and I should dominate you more completely. I want you to anticipate your deeper surrender to me that will start later on after the swim session. Give me your total co-operation. Surrender your remaining wilfulness and poor attitude, and you will find true fulfilment and inner peace. You will do this for me and for yourself. You have my vow as always that you will come to no lasting harm when I render you helpless and at my mercy. You know that’s the essential BDSM compact between a dom and a sub, and I wanted to reinforce the promise to you before I take away the final shreds of your dignity and guide you to realise your full potential. You still have much more to experience, and I will protect you as you go forward. You will prove to yourself the wisdom of everything I’ve been saying.

S(to me): Well, I wasn’t sure what to say to that, but he didn’t seem to care. He’d said what he wanted me to hear.

She opens her eyes, searching mine for subtle hints of my reaction to her words. I remove my leg from its position arching over her hip, and place a hand between her legs instead. She moves slightly to accommodate me. Despite her obvious apprehension about both what happened between them and the ordeal of reporting it to me, her sex is hot and very wet, and it’s clearly not just her secretions from our intercourse earlier. She’s leaking hot new lubes all the time as she focuses on the turn of events of Thursday evening. She reciprocates, putting her hand around my hard cock and holding it tight as she speaks. It’s like my enduring hardness as I listen is her insurance to go on speaking.

G(to S): Ok. We have about half an hour before we need to leave. Drink this.

S(to me): It was an athlete’s energy drink, and I knocked it back. I’d only had liquids all day, remember.

G(to S): Undress now and lie face down on the table here.

S(to me): So our friendly conversation was over and it was time to follow orders again. I know where I am with that, so I got out of my clothes and climbed up to lie on the table to display myself for him. He came up behind me to put the first butt plug in me. It was cold and I jumped.

G(to S): I want you to lie there for 20 minutes and contemplate what you did last night. How you can be a far better person than that, enjoy becoming more servile to me, and live up to my expectations in all things. Your deep surrender that starts tonight will take you to a place you haven’t imagined up to now. I’ve only taken one other girl to such a pitch and it’s a long time ago. We were students together at the time, both very young and keen on experimenting. It will be different altogether with a more mature married woman, I’m sure. That’s why I’ve hesitated for so long, but it’s obvious you’re the right woman for this and it’s time to proceed, and I know that you like experimenting too. Get yourself into your most docile, obedient state of mind because that’s where you will need to be from now on. I will be humbling you body and mind beyond anywhere you’ve been before, so you must be prepared, but I assure you it will be worth it.

S(to me): And he just left me there like that on his kitchen table. I was full of trepidation but outrageously excited thinking about the stuff he’d said. You see how he doesn’t even have to be in the room to control me? I’m lying there on my own and he has me turned up beyond max. He strolled back in nonchalantly to remove the plug and tell me to get ready for swimming and leave, so I put myself back together and set off to the pool. I drove there in a fog of confusion. Some of the guys from the class were waiting too, and we were chatting outside the building. Geoff turned up nearly 10 minutes later and unlocked the doors. Greeted us all in his standard grumpy manner like he hadn’t seen any of us for a week. If only the others could have seen me lying on his bloody table with a butt plug up my hole and heard what he said to me.

J: Shit and pillagery, Sherrie. This is remarkably fucking heavy for something that’s supposed to be fun isn’t it?

S(to me): Yeah. I know. But you know how it works, and you know how worked up it gets me. It’s so out there; and you know I’m really invested in it. And it is fun too isn’t it? I mean, there’s this…..

She squeezes my rigid cock again, then moves her hand down onto mine which is still holding her wet pussy.

S (to me):…….. and there’s this. They don’t lie about what we want, do they?

I’m not sure if it’s a rhetorical question or she’s looking for more reassurance from me.

J: You know I have misgivings; always have had. For you, for us. I’m sometimes ashamed it gets me hard to think of you and him. But this shit he’s talking now? I feel really so ashamed and afraid.

She lies back down on her pillow, grabbing my cock anew, gripping it extra tightly as if to underline my words and emphasise my excitement and my shame. To a degree though, I’m dramatising for her benefit. What he said to her clearly has her motor running, but in all honesty I’m thinking it’s going to be difficult for him to dominate her more than he already is. It seems to me that he’s simply playing with her head as he always does and she’s susceptible to it and loving it. I’m not going to drag her joy down.

S(to me): Don’t be ashamed, John. I have enough of that for both of us, believe me. And please don’t have doubts on me right now, babe. I can’t bear that. I think it’s at a critical point. But let me carry on with my tale, or I’ll lose my composure and not get to the end. My throat’s getting dry from all the talking, but I want to tell you all of this. You know it’s hard to share it even with you, but you know that I can never feel comfortable until you know everything.

She’s being so brave baring her innermost desires to me, and it’s my honour and duty to comfort her. I engulf her in a full bear hug embrace filled with love which I hope she’s catching the extent of. I kiss her neck as she continues:

S(to me): Swimming was a classic “get at Jasson” session where I could do nothing right for him. Least said the better. That normally gets me hot in itself as you know, but this week I couldn’t get my mind off what might happen with him afterwards. Perhaps that’s why he was rubbishing my performance. Maybe it really was shit, but then he’d starved me all day too, so what did he expect? My muscles were running on empty.

J: No point me telling you he’s a bastard. You know that already.

She laughs.

S(to me): Please don’t be mean about him. He just has a style that’s a bit bastardy! So anyway, we get back to his. Usual secrecy; me following a distance behind as always. As soon as we’re through the door it starts.

G(to S): Go through the gym into the small room and strip off. Time for the punishment I told you about. Lie lengthways along the vaulting horse and stay there while you think about your fate. What do you think is going to happen to you?

S(to G): You’re going to belt me, Sir?

G(to S): No, girl. I’m finally going to cane you. You need it, and your bad behaviour demands it. It will put you in a better place to know the consequences of crossing my boundaries. Your insolence will no longer be tolerated. A new regime starts now.

I open my mouth, but I’m speechless. I have no words. Maybe I was hasty in thinking he couldn’t turn the wick up much more.

S(to me): So in the course of the evening we’ve gone from him calling me Sherrie to mere “girl”. He left me alone for a good 20 minutes. He likes pausing so I can reflect on his plans for my suffering. So then I heard him approaching through the gym and he bustled into the room and bound my arms and legs to the legs of the horse which is like just routine now. No escape from there, and he brings out this cane. It’s long, thin and bendy. No blindfold tonight. He wants me to watch as he swishes it around and brings it down hard on the other, smaller vaulting horse. He’s threatened it so many times before that I lost count, but he’d never done it. I’m scared, but I’m curious about how it’s going to feel, you know? Like when you’re a kid and you wonder for ages what it would be like to touch a hot kettle? I soon found out. He really laid it on, though certainly not as hard as he could, and strangely, I heard it before I felt it. It’s a swish then like a thwack impact sound and it’s like nothing happens for a split second. I just flinched a bit after the force hit me, followed by the sensation of a line of fire across my rear end as the nerves caught up and told my brain what’s happened. He gave me four strokes of it very close together and both cheeks were ablaze with the pain. My arm muscles contracted involuntarily as they tried to take my hands to protect my bum, but of course I was tied down so it wasn’t going to happen.

J: And you’re telling me you enjoyed this?

She raises her head; looks at me, eyes wide. Again she’s searching for the exact nuance of what she wants to tell me.

S(to me): Not the right word is it? Enjoyed. No, not the right word at all. I don’t enjoy the 26th mile in a marathon, but I’m always glad I faced it when it’s over. It’s similar to that, I suppose. I’m aware I was soaking wet too, if that tells you where I was at with it. Anyway, the next thing that surprised me was that he’s behind me rubbing some sort of oil on my burning arse and it’s quite soothing.

S(to G): That’s nice, Sir. Thank you.

G(to S): It’s not intended to be nice, girl. It prevents scarring and makes the marks disappear faster. That’s all. I don’t want to injure your backside. I want to nurture you, not damage you.

S(to me): I told him that would be useful for coming home to you because I couldn’t let you see marks on me. I happened to say I wouldn’t dare to get naked with you for a week to be on the safe side. It was a throwaway remark, but he picked up on it, approved of it. He said he’d cane me once a week then if it made me hide my body from you permanently. I think he’s intrigued by the idea of denying you as much as I am!

She chuckled a little at that and flashed her wicked eyes at me, but it was the only lighter moment in her intense and emotional disclosures about the goings on of Thursday night.

S(to me): He helped me off the horse and told me to lie on my side on some of the exercise mats that were piled up on the floor. It was a blessing because I didn’t think I’d want to sit on my bum for a long while, even after he applied the lotion to it. He came to sit beside me.

G(to S): You haven’t thanked me for your punishment, girl. It was going to be three strokes for last night. The extra one was for the mess you were at the pool this evening.

S(to G): Sorry, Sir. I was starving!

G(to S): Silence, girl, with your excuses! Do you want another lesson on your hide for insolence and ingratitude already?

S(to G): No Sir, Sorry Sir. Thank you for my punishment, Sir. I will try much harder.

S(to me): He saw I had watery eyes after the beating, and it seemed to please him and calm him down. It was more the full on emotion of the occasion rather than pain making me well up like that.

G(to S): You took it all with fortitude. Well done, girl. I can see such bravery in your face right now. It’s had the desired effect. It reached you. Go to the bedroom now. I’ll follow shortly.

S(to me): That was when he came in with the three butt plugs and kept me waiting for it, touching my toes like I told you before, while he inspected his handiwork on my behind. As he put one in me, he told me I must work up through the three sizes over the coming week.

J: You’re comfortable with that?

She looks askance at me:

S(to me): Comfortable?! You’re choosing all the wrong words today aren’t you, babe? Actually, they do get more liveable as you get used to them being there. They’re a reminder of my submission to him too, so I have this nice warm feeling that he’s leading me on this pathway and supporting me to be my best in it. Just like he coaches me in sport. I feel it inserted there in me any time of day and it’s our secret that nobody else knows. Not even you, unless I tell you or you discover it like you did this morning. It’s so different and I like it. I think.

J: Yeah? Secrets between you and him? You say some queer things sometimes.

S(to me): He says he’s going to enter me up there next week. Reckons he’ll never get his cock in unless he relaxes my tight arse a bit. He’s told me I’ll have to use enemas before he will go in. I’m scared of that.

G(to S): You’ll have to clean yourself out before I take you anally. I’m not stirring up the contents of your dirt box with my cock. Have you taken enemas before?

S(to G): No, Sir.

G(to S): I will instruct you. Don’t worry. It will soon become routine to you.

S(to me): I really am scared of all that. Trying not to think about it. He says anal is not so much a sex thing for him. It’s mainly about extending the domination. He’s doing it to deepen my sense of submission to him. He says I get off on the humiliation - difficult to argue, isn’t it? - and he will guide me to see this act as the epitome of him imposing his will over mine.

I still have her cuddled safe in my warm embrace as she requested. She looks up at me, her expression apparently full of nervous apprehension that Geoff has turned the volume up on their relationship yet again, or maybe it’s gauging my reaction to it all that’s concerning her. While I can’t deny that my mind’s eye vision of him perpetrating these taboo acts upon my very willing wife is as wild as it gets, as is the way she’s laid his plans on the line to me this morning, it’s still tough to handle. The idea of how keen she’s been to go along this far with him despite her inner good girl fighting her all the way is hard but hot too. I know her own thought processes as she conveys it all to me are unquestionably exciting for her but, again, difficult to bear. I can tell that my little love is very emotional and unsure. She’s not on her own in that. I’m more conflicted than ever. A part of me wants to scream “too much”, and I suspect more than a little of her “love brain” does too, however much she hides it.

J: I can see you’re shot through with doubt about it all. Why do it if you think it will be too much? If it’s all too much to take? I’ve told you before.

S: Yeah…… I know… but.

J: Obviously, you know you don’t have to. You said you’re scared. You don’t need to go there.

She tries to gather her ragged wits together as my sensible brain tussles with my cock.

S: I know….. but. Fuck. I like it when I’m scared. Well, when I’m scared by this stuff, or more accurately by what develops after I’m scared. That’s when he takes me over the summit of being scared and into this deep canyon of submission to his will. That’s a new dimension and it’s growing all the time. A kind of….. revelation of me. A me that I never knew before.

The tears are flowing wet on her cheeks now, so I hold her closer.

J: But what you’ve described sounds like he’s planning a 24/7 sub/dom style relationship with you where you actually live under his control all the time. How can you pretend to do that within the time constraints of a secret affair? Are you sure you want to go through with it?

S: No. I’m sure of nothing, but I am going through with it. Not being sure is a big part of the thrill. Like the upward slope on the rollercoaster. You can identify with that. You’ve always said this is a rollercoaster. Well I can’t get off now. It’s going too fast and I’m strapped in until the ride stops. Obviously it can’t be a full time thing. Like you say, it will have to be tailored to the limits of the time we can snatch together.

J: Well, no need to ask if you're excited.

S: What do you think?! I can’t lie. You’ve heard what the immediate prospects hold. I’m scared stiff, often weepy, like now, but wet whenever I think about it. And the full feeling of the plugs in my arse plays with me and reminds me all the time what’s coming, like he’s already in there. But the big thing is the mind game. I try not to think about it, but next thing I want to think about it. Savouring my humiliation as he would have it as he gloats over me. I imagine the feeling of him up there, but much more than that, I try to anticipate the level of submission it’s going to involve, and what exactly will go through my brain as he does the deed and makes it clear to me he’s doing it to get the better of me and tame me. And then how I reconcile it all to my normal character. I try to anticipate it, but he says it’s going to go to a level I can’t begin to imagine. He hasn’t been wrong before. I’m all at sea.

She’s not just teary. She’s trembling with emotional energy after talking so candidly about preparing for her deeper submission to him.

Since before our marriage when we were very young we have done everything together that two people can possibly do. She insists she isn't so keen on anal, although whenever we do it she always comes very hard. I’ve forever been absolutely sure that she secretly likes it. Who knows, it could be the age old association with ultimate submission. Her unacknowledged liking for back passage penetration might have been to do with a repressed masochism in her all along.

We’ve calmed down a little, so I’ve released her from my protective embrace, and we’re lying side by side again.

S: When he takes my anus, he says I can’t give it to you anymore.

She’s dropped it into the conversation casually, almost as an aside. Her eyes are still big and wide looking at me. She’s testing the ground here, still on the verge of more weeping but fascinated to know my response. My first reaction is a scandalously instant reinvigoration of my declining erection.

J: What did you say to that?

S: I didn’t say anything. There’s nothing I can say, is there?

J: But how would he know if we did?

S: He wouldn’t, but I would, and he’d know I was lying. I’ve told you. He can see right through me.

I’m careful not to naysay this surprise news, at least for the time being. I don’t want to make it all heavier for her than it already is by getting angsty. She’s looking at my cock, checking for the state of my erection. She tries to hide her quick downward glance, but I’m not stupid. She wants to know if the prospect of anal denial is exciting me.

J: Can you possibly enjoy giving him anal seeing as you say you’re not keen and his cock’s so broad?

This seems to cost her a lot of thought, but at least she’s speaking out loud as she carefully thinks her way around the answer. It’s like she’s feeling her way through a minefield:

S: There’s that word ‘enjoy’ again. Honestly? Not if I gave him it, …….. then I probably wouldn’t be into it at all, but if he just takes it from me, and that’s what he will do….. then, yeah, that’s something else again.

She pauses before finding her tongue again:

S: You first have to understand that everything’s a different experience with him. It’s nothing like you and me. It isn’t a mutually loving exploration of our bodies where we’re having a communication about what we are going to do for our mutual pleasure. It's a case of him taking just what he wants of me on his own terms, and me absolutely revelling in having no say and no responsibility as he takes it, even if I’m scared. The fear just flips over into this submissive adrenaline. It’s a fine line…… hard to explain, and he directs me so well. I suppose that really is pure masochism, isn’t it? Getting off on my own humiliation just like he insists I do. It’s my preordained destiny as a woman to submit according to him, and now to submit absolutely.

She can take my breath away with these declarations at times. Cold logic that’s burning hot. She’s gone quiet too, presumably processing her own profound and unrehearsed words that are as new to her as they are to me. I don’t respond, and I’m sure she sees the bemusement writ large across my face as I wonder what, if anything, I can do to help her through:

S: I know it’s hard. I don’t expect you to understand something I don’t understand myself. I know I’m a ball of contradictions. I’m sorry, John, and I’m sure you must be sorry you encouraged this. At least sometimes.

When it comes down to it, of course, we don't have to comply with Geoff’s diktat. I could pull out the plug and fuck her arse here and now. But she doesn’t want me to so we don't. I feel the need to distract her from further introspection because I can see her face clouding over heavily; it’s getting too much for her again. I sense that it’s time to soothe her, so I draw her in for a tender kiss.

Straightaway she can see what I’m doing as I try to deflect her from dwelling on something that’s exciting, but that’s also making her uncomfortable and agitated. The kiss breaks as she sniffles and gives me a loving look and a smile that warms me through.

S: I love you. Forever, babe. For ever and ever. I always will. I’m glad I’ve got you for my rock whatever horrible things I do. Thank you for listening and more to the point, thank you for understanding your crazy wife.

J: You know I wouldn’t be anywhere else with anyone else, Sher. That would just be wrong – and boring. At least we’re never boring. This is all just incredible; you’re incredible. It’s an inferno.

The mood seems to lighten after these declarations of love, and I know she’s thankful to have got it all off her chest to me. Something occurs to me that’s been on my mind and now could be the time to broach it again:

J: If he’s going to have anal exclusively with you, what about you see the doctor about going back on the pill so we can get rid of the bloody condoms? It was supposed to be a year. It’s more than double that now.

She totally shuts me down:

S: No. I don’t think I want to for now. Not yet.

J: Why not?

S: I just don’t. It’s my body.

J: I’ll get the snip then.

S: No! You know I don’t want you to do that.

J: So I’m stuck with condoms indefinitely now? That wasn’t the plan.

She grins her evil shit eating grin as she pulls herself together and gets her mojo back.

S: You needn’t worry. It won’t matter when I stop having sex with you, will it? I’ll be exclusive with Geoff front and back.

I see that she’s jumped neatly onto a golden chance to push my familiar buttons. She’s used this theme and held it over me for both of our excitement during most of her affair with him:

J: You little shit!

She laughs.

S: Hey! You just told me I am incredible. Make your mind up!

Her hand goes down the bed and grabs my cock. She doesn’t even have to check does she? She knows in advance that I’m going to be rock hard.

S: And this big boy tells me you can’t wait for me to cut you off. A girl can be offended, you know.

J: And I could divorce you for sexual neglect.

She squeezes my cock in her hand. The shit eating grin has been replaced with a pout and she’s giving me the evil but sexy eyes.

S: You know me better than that.

As she speaks, she’s retracted my foreskin, and she’s rubbing just her thumb lightly and repetitively on the top of the head, just below the hole where it curves into the helmet.

S: I will never ever neglect this fella. I’m going to pricktease you mercilessly day and night when you’re denied sex. Don’t think I won’t. I love tormenting you. You’ll grow to wish I was neglecting you.

What she’s doing to my dick is really getting to me. She’s expertly stimulating the bladder urge and I’m already fighting my need to wet myself. Of course it messes with my brain, and I have one of my periodic attacks of reckless idiocy. At that moment I’m all in with her words.

J: Christ, Sher. You send me fucking wild. I want you to drive me nuts by teasing me. I want my balls to ache with the need for your body.

I hear the stupid words fall out of my mouth as her teasing pout reverts to the shit eating grin, and she immediately lets go of my cock.

S: Oh they will, trust me. You know already I’m capable of getting you hot then leaving you and going to Geoff. You should prepare for that to become the norm. Your balls are going to be blue and swollen, babe. I might take you to orgasm with my hand sometimes. Or maybe I’ll just make you wank like you do when I’m with my master.

When I calm down a little, I have another of my ‘what have I said’ moments. I watch her eyes as her grin widens, she raises her eyebrows and banks my crazy request.

It’s Saturday lunchtime now, and still we’re naked in bed. Well, apart from Geoff’s butt plug up her arse hole that is. Is there time for another fuck before we get up and eat? Knowing us, I daresay we’ll fit one in. Condoms are in heavy demand around these parts. Maybe they won’t be for much longer, but not for the reason I’d hoped when I brought up the subject.
This is a train wreck that I cannot stop reading. Yes, I know you make it through but it would have ended right here for me.

I hate hypocrisy. I am too much of an alpha to be told not to talk mean, yet, someone else can and control my serial activities, especially with my wife. There would have been 2 options at the end of that chapter.

1. Fuck no. Nobody tells me what I can and cannot do with my wife.
2. If I have to visit him myself, I will.

When I say alpha, I spent 5 years in Marine Reconnaissance and another 4years as a Scout/Sniper Instructor. Shit would get real, really fucking fast. I'm actually seething right now.

No need to reply. I'm just venting. This isn't my story. It's yours. I will shush now.
I actually joined when this site was initially created. I've been a member on/off since then. The founding members created this site when the old forum we were all on just went away.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by BDJ » Sun Dec 10, 2023 3:38 pm

Please forgive my tardiness on commenting.

You have proven once again you're the best writer on this site! What an adventure you've had! Give my regards to Sherrie; who has to be the best looking, sexiest, and just the most bodacious female alive!

Jade's Awakening: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=68192
Jade: My Story: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=66126

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by goodjob » Sun Dec 10, 2023 4:08 pm

Build2last wrote:
Thu Feb 23, 2023 6:50 pm
I have never understood the denial part of the fetish. My ex wife did this to me years ago. It had the complete opposite effect to what your wife has said to you. All of a sudden I couldn't be comfortable around her. Even when she wanted to have me hold her, it just wasn't the same. Every time I would feel the need to just walk up to her for a hug, it would cause me to pause and think about how I might touch something I wasn't allowed to. It eventually sent me into a deep depression, and I just avoided her entirely. I even went as far as changing shifts at work so I didn't have to sleep next to her.

She of course was Aware of the effect it was having on me, and tried to reverse it by allowing me access to her intimately again. My depression was so deep though that it didn't work and I really started to resent her for it.

In the end, we ended up divorced, and it took me about three years and therapy to get over my depression. It seems a little drastic, but I dated for a few years after that, but never was able to connect on a deep level with women afterwards.

That was all about 25 years ago. I finally found peace with myself when I gave up dating altogether. Anyway stories like yours and others here touch a deep emotion in me. I enjoy all of the triumphs and heartache to be found here. So please keep writing. You do it very well.

Incidentally my ex wife and I were enjoying this lifestyle at the time. The denial just derailed us completely.

The only exception, in my view, would have been if it was temporary. By temporary, maybe for a week at a time. Not being intimate with my wife would do the exact same thing to me. I would consider it a betrayal to the Nth degree, especially not even being able to see her body. Holy cow I still have three more years to read and I'm ready to mindfuck her back and leave her on the side of the road.
I actually joined when this site was initially created. I've been a member on/off since then. The founding members created this site when the old forum we were all on just went away.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Build2last » Sun Dec 10, 2023 4:27 pm

goodjob wrote:
Sun Dec 10, 2023 4:08 pm
Build2last wrote:
Thu Feb 23, 2023 6:50 pm
I have never understood the denial part of the fetish. My ex wife did this to me years ago. It had the complete opposite effect to what your wife has said to you. All of a sudden I couldn't be comfortable around her. Even when she wanted to have me hold her, it just wasn't the same. Every time I would feel the need to just walk up to her for a hug, it would cause me to pause and think about how I might touch something I wasn't allowed to. It eventually sent me into a deep depression, and I just avoided her entirely. I even went as far as changing shifts at work so I didn't have to sleep next to her.

She of course was Aware of the effect it was having on me, and tried to reverse it by allowing me access to her intimately again. My depression was so deep though that it didn't work and I really started to resent her for it.

In the end, we ended up divorced, and it took me about three years and therapy to get over my depression. It seems a little drastic, but I dated for a few years after that, but never was able to connect on a deep level with women afterwards.

That was all about 25 years ago. I finally found peace with myself when I gave up dating altogether. Anyway stories like yours and others here touch a deep emotion in me. I enjoy all of the triumphs and heartache to be found here. So please keep writing. You do it very well.

Incidentally my ex wife and I were enjoying this lifestyle at the time. The denial just derailed us completely.

The only exception, in my view, would have been if it was temporary. By temporary, maybe for a week at a time. Not being intimate with my wife would do the exact same thing to me. I would consider it a betrayal to the Nth degree, especially not even being able to see her body. Holy cow I still have three more years to read and I'm ready to mindfuck her back and leave her on the side of the road.
Yeah. I could probably have delt with it if it was a part of our dynamic, but it wasn't. We started doing this for the fun and excitement for the both of us. Certainly enjoyed many encounters. I have a feeling it derailed because of one of her fwb talked her into full cuckold treatment. Something that we had discussed before and she knew was a hard no for me. I don't know why she pushed it for as long as she did, but when she was trying to backtrack I have a feeling that her friend was out of the picture. I was never really comfortable with that guy anyway. Or maybe she just lost her mind. I'll never know now I saw her only one time about a year from our divorce and we didn't discuss anything about the LS. She passed away year's ago I found out recently so those answers will never come, even if I wanted them.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by goodjob » Sun Dec 10, 2023 4:45 pm

john jasson wrote:
Fri Mar 10, 2023 2:33 pm
More months pass by, and my wife’s double life as my dearly devoted love and her master’s enthusiastically submissive plaything continues unabated. I’m still strictly denied intercourse with her and the sight of her fully naked body, but she’s blowing my mind with what she’s doing to me physically, short of full sex, and mentally with her talent to feed me unparalleled feedback about her exploits as she teases me to distraction and beyond. I’ve probably had more orgasms at her hand than at any time in the past, and probably an equal number of occasions when she’s stimulated me to the very brink for an extended period but not allowed me relief. I don’t know how others would cope with it, but it’s hot for us. Yeah, it really is, extremely so. It is different now though, I admit, and it’s undeniable. I can’t put my finger on what it is exactly because she’s extremely affectionate to me and caring to a fault, but I just have a troubling feeling that she isn’t as exclusively mine as she used to be despite her constant reassurances. It could be in my head with the knowledge that she’s chosen to give another man free sway over her body and her mind to a degree, or it may even be a change in the electro-chemical reaction between us. She is constantly being topped up with his DNA after all. She looks the same stunning woman as ever, but there’s a kind of alien feel when we touch that I don’t like and I can’t quite quantify. Most of the time, in my excitement, I dismiss such concerns, and it’s easy to do so when it’s plain to see how happy she is with her intriguing ménage à trois. She’s at her peak, positively glowing and full of the joys of living. I love that mood in her, and I love her.

She has progressed through many stages with Geoff over the years, as he’s played various roles in her life. Swimming coach, personal trainer, aggressive lover, BDSM fuckbuddy and now, as her master, he rules her perfect body pretty much as his personal property, and does exactly as he pleases with her, no holds barred. He knows she has extremely masochistic tendencies towards him, and he takes full advantage. She simply revels in it. Her joy and excitement on this journey of surrender has been fascinating to watch as he’s challenged her increasingly with the delights of the BDSM world. From bonds to restrain her physically, blindfolds, white noise earphones and gags to disorientate and cow her, nipple clamps, butt plugs, physical punishment and discipline by his hand or belts and canes to subdue her to his will, and now to total submission in the form of ritual anal possession along with control of her body functions by him using enemas and, increasingly in recent months, long periods bound and in catheterisation when she spends weekends with him while I am away. I still sometimes wonder if she will wake up one day and rebel against his regime but there are no signs at all that she will. Aside from her familiar periodic outpourings of remorse, and refrains of ‘what the hell am I doing’, she’s happy and contented most of the time, and as long as she is, I am too. Of course there are many nights when we kiss and cuddle that I’m overcome with the need to strip her and fuck her. To reclaim my rightful place as her cherished only lover. She feels it too, but we see what we are doing as hotter for the moment. It’s an ultra erotic adventure we are sharing, and we tell ourselves to take all we can from the situation because it isn’t for ever. We have numerous late night heart to hearts in bed and agree that once we stop it’s over. Do we want it to be over? Well, no, we don’t. It’s so frantically fucking exciting for both of us that to have her out there this way, and it’s unlikely that we will ever again in our lives find such a perfect fit to ring so many of our deviant bells simultaneously. We are both intoxicated with the fact that she’s putting out to him so enthusiastically. It’s a no brainer. We simply have to go on with this.

One Tuesday night she’s gone off to Geoff’s for an unscheduled assignation. Tuesday isn’t one of their regular nights, but of course, she has as much latitude as she likes to do what she will, so there have been plenty of hot Tuesday nights for sure.

This evening he’s sent a text ordering her to come to him and spread herself before him. This would usually indicate a session of her deepest submission involving her humiliation by him with enemas, prolonged anal possession and, for good measure, usually a blindfold, bondage and a ball gag too. She has slightly mixed feelings about these occasions, because while she craves the extreme surrender to him and now has a basic instinct for doing exactly as he tells her, it usually means she gets no vaginal sex. My Sherrie has always needed a hard cock regularly thrusting into her pussy, and now he knows he’s her only source he seems to be taking delight in treating her like she’s unworthy of it. I’ve formed the impression that he feels more inclined to dominate her nowadays than to fuck her, and I think it irks her a little sometimes that he can eschew her abundant womanly sexual charms that are freely on offer to him in favour of making her suffer. He’s her master of course, so she can’t complain. It’s a good thing that she gets off on him dominating her just as much as she does on him fucking her, but it’s no surprise to me that she sometimes feels cock deprived when she visits him. As I mentioned a little way back, it’s astounding how the outrageously hot can soon become bizarrely routine. It remains hot always, but somehow you do get used to it.

This particular evening she’s shown me his two word text “spread them”. It arrived unexpectedly and she leaves in a rush, rather flushed, saying that she isn’t staying over with him tonight because she has a breakfast business meeting tomorrow and she needs to focus.

After several hours of my usual angst which I am totally used to coping with, but which never loses its edge, she arrives home very late and being very quiet as she enters the house. Maybe she’s expecting or hoping I’m already asleep. I’m not. I am high on adrenaline about what she might have been up to, and I’m all ready to hear about it and to play. I have my arms around her, kissing her, as soon as she’s through the door, but she’s obviously ruffled. I move my hands down to her hips to squeeze her, and it feels a bit bulky down there which is odd as she’s been gradually losing weight for years now.

J: What’s all this?

She doesn’t reply. Instead she looks at me very sheepishly. Nothing surprises me by now, and I unbutton her coat to find her bare beneath it. I haven’t seen those tits naked for almost a year because she hasn’t let me, but my attention is drawn lower down to what looks like a flannelette sheet carefully folded to look like an adult sized nappy around her nether regions. That is obviously the intended effect because it’s secured at the top with a giant sized safety pin. There are large see through rubber incontinence pants over it.

S: We’ve been playing dirty games.

J: Fuck me!

Now, I secretly knew that Sherrie has a thing for water games. When home computers came out, and we had a house pc rather than individual laptops, I went into the search history one day looking for a travel site I’d been on previously that I’d lost the url for. I was astonished to find searches that Sherrie had done for “wee wee games” “peeing girl” “wet myself” and “wetting fetish”. As they say, you never know everything about a person. She’d never confided a word about it to me, probably ashamed to, but now it looks as though her master has got far enough into her brain to uncover her interest in the fetish. When she’s with him, bringing out her shame and amplifying it is what they’re all about.

J: What have you been playing?

She’s blushing as deep a red as I’ve ever seen her by now.

S: We play pissing games now and then. He walks beside me through town or wherever. He tells me to wet myself and I have to do it there and then. Makes me drink glass after glass of water at his and then hold it till I’m bursting. Then we go out. Might be walking down the main street, in a shop or anywhere. Sometimes he will take me somewhere secluded where hopefully nobody will see us, and he puts his hand down into my nappy and I do it while he holds me there playing with the flow with his fingers and smearing it all over my crotch and my arse. Even wipes it on my face and hair if he’s being really nasty.

Her hair does look a bit matted and unkempt now, come to think about it.

J: Fuck. You never told me any of this before.

S: Too afraid of what you’d think of me.

J: But not ashamed of him knowing?

S: I have no shame threshold with him. Only humiliation. It’s different. I want to die if you think badly of me. Being humiliated by him gets me excited.

J: You must tell me everything! Always. That’s the deal.

S: I’m sorry.

J: This all gets you hot?

S: Drives me fucking insane with lust. It’s all I can do not to mount him in the street after I’ve finished peeing. He wouldn’t allow it though because by then I’m soaked and not in a good way. He had me wet myself in the pub tonight, and made me sit there in it while he slowly drank two pints of beer. He’s sent me home now in the nappy covered in piss. Bastard wouldn’t let me have a shower and change at his like he normally does as a punishment because I told him you are home and I wasn’t staying the night with him. I think he wanted to make me sleep the night with a catheter in like he sometimes does to ‘teach me a lesson’ after I’ve been wetting myself. I stank all the way home in the car, so you’d best move out of the way and let me get to the bathroom before I stink the house out too.

I can’t help laughing at the tableau she projects before me. Shock of dishevelled and maybe pissy red hair, big wild eyes, heaving tits with huge swollen nipples on parade, fucking great nappy covering her middle and her face full of consternation at me finding her this way.

J: You’re absolutely fucking crazy!

When I’m over my amusement, for some reason I get the vivid impression of her as a stinking tom cat that’s been out on the prowl for mating. Real sleazy thought as we continue to eyeball each other. After the hesitation I let her pass me. I decide I would rather pursue this with her when she has removed the presence and aroma of cold piss from her lower reaches. It’s an extreme episode, but it’s just another example of the no limits nature of their games now. As ever, I am careful not to judge. How can I? I have a raging hard on from seeing her this way, and observing her embarrassment over it.

She’s standing on the tiles of the bathroom, so if she drips now it won’t be such a smelly disaster. She takes down the incontinence panties, and removes the nappy, so suddenly I’m seeing her sex exposed to my gaze for the first time in months. I’m not sure whether it’s inadvertent or she’s doing it to inflame my passion for her.

J: Tell me more about your pissing exploits.

Slowly she opens up:

S: It’s gone on a while now. Last week in his forest, he made me strip and squat and he pissed on my head and then hold the position as it ran down all over me. Then when he was finished he said it was my turn, and he told me to take my wedding ring off, put it on the ground and piss on it.

J: Fucking arsehole.

S: Only time I’ve ever refused him anything. He wasn’t happy. The rules are I can’t refuse my Master anything, but he soon knew he’d picked on something I wouldn’t budge on. He didn’t push it because he knew I was serious, but he told me I would have to perform a forfeit instead to maintain his authority over me, so I did that.

J: What was the forfeit?

S: No. I’ve told you this much which is hard enough, but I won’t tell you that. You’ll be upset and angry and there’s just no point. But now you know I wouldn’t defile my wedding ring that way.

J: Tell me!

S: John, no. I’ve told you everything else. Just leave what I did to stew in my own head. Remember our talk in the hotel that time? I’m driving this. I control it, and when I need you to, you back off, right?

J: OK Sweetheart. If that’s what you really want, but if you change your mind at any time I am here. And I won’t be angry with you. Thank you for protecting the symbol of our union.

S: Thank you so much for being you; for not pushing me and not giving me grief. I love that about you. You let me be who I am, however unreasonable and however tough on you, and I love you so much.

I know that she doesn’t want to get into this anymore with me and what I’ve seen already with the nappy is huge enough for my brain to process. I decide to let her have her privacy on whatever the forfeit was, just like I never raised my discovery of her urolagnia inspired internet searches with her many years before. Her gratitude for my acquiescence is tangible, but she’s not finished with me.

S: There’s something else I want that you won’t like though.

J: Name it.

S: Sometimes nowadays, when I’ve had a very extreme experience like tonight, he’s still in my sex brain when I get home. He’s there now, looming large. When I feel like this, I don’t like to go to bed with you and play or talk about it to you. There have been lots of those times to be honest, even going way back to when I started with him. It clouds the memory of me and him together for me. I don’t want that, but in the past I’ve just done it because I know you’re hot too, and you want us to lie in bed in the aftermath and relive the details of what I’ve done. I know it will be hard for you not to have that immediate togetherness, but I feel the force of his greater domination of me now that I’m more submitted to him.

She’s standing there naked with a giant nappy on the floor beside her, both of them still stinking of piss and she’s laying this on the line to me.

S: Holding you to what you’ve said to me about pleasing myself first, I’m not going to give you that instant gratification anymore when I’m not feeling it. I’m going to sleep in the spare room so that I can come down from the high gradually, savouring my own thoughts on what’s happened, and not have to regurgitate everything as a performance for you. That’s what I want sometimes. Just to enjoy the reality of my submission to him and wallow in the afterglow of it. It won’t be every time, but I want to have the option.

J: Well, I suppose there’s nothing I can say to that. You’ve already denied me intercourse and the sight of your body.

My words make her realise finally that she is naked before me. Shocked momentarily at her lapse, she makes a move to put her hand between her legs and her other arm over her tits to hide her goodies. Then she realises its far too late and we both laugh at the farcical scene we’re playing out.

S: You said you wanted to experience the harsh side of my sexuality. The parts that I told you you’d hate. Well this is one of them that I’ve protected you from before, so now, again, you’ve got what you wanted. And you know what?

The smirk is there now.

J: What?
S: It serves you right and I honestly don’t care what you think about it. It’s a new and alien feeling to me not caring what you think, John, but you asked for it. Come here.

I approach her again, the smell from her now permeating the bathroom, and she grabs my roaring erection through my pants. She gives me the arrogant grin of hate and laughs at me. She comes over all superior:

S: As I thought. You like me not caring what you think, don’t you? You so love my cruelty any way I choose to dispense it. You are soooo fucking weird!!

This seems somewhat pot kettle black to me under the circumstances.

J (indignantly): Says the thirty two year old company director whose master has made her piss in her nappy like an incontinent baby and drive home stinking of it!

It’s one of the most profound moments of our whole relationship to date, as we stand our ground and stare at each other, our minds and bodies at fever pitch. Totally on fire. This, right here is the feeling. This is why neither of us wants it to stop.

Eventually, she’s almost compelled to laugh at the irony I’ve highlighted. Almost, but I can see she doesn’t want to break the spell she’s cast over me, so she nods her appreciation of my touché riposte instead and closes the bathroom door with a wry pout. I know I’m dismissed for the night, so I skulk into the bedroom to our empty bed. I can’t say I feel frustrated because the red hot vision of her bare breasted in that giant nappy, and the way she spoke to me before stalking off to sleep alone still have me on fire with desire for her. The imagery is fucking mental, and the picture stays with me long after I turn out the light.

We next see each other the following morning at the kitchen table. She’s laid my breakfast out, and brewed tea in the time honoured fashion. She’s in a bright and breezy mood. She’s had another fix of her master, and all is normal now as she prepares herself for her client meeting at the office.

S (comes in for a kiss): Morning, Babe. Sleep well?

J: As well as could be expected in a bed that was too big.

She looks at me and smiles. A nice smile this time.

S: Thank you for understanding.

J: Would it have made any difference if I hadn’t?

S: No, actually. But if I’d backed down you would have been disappointed in me and lost your erection.

I aim a knowing grin at her. Busted again.

S: Wouldn’t you??!! And not half as turned on! This is me speaking! I know you, remember!

J: I guess so, I suppose, if you put it like that.

S: Don’t worry. We’ll make up for it tonight, and we can lie in a bit tomorrow. There isn’t too much scheduled. The crew can hold the fort.

J: Did you genuinely want to go to bed alone to savour your mad night with him, or were you pushing my buttons a bit there?

S: Does it matter either way? I told you. I’m doing exactly what I want according to how I feel. And you asked me to do it! Now I’m disappointed that you don’t believe me.

If it’s truly her state of mind that she wants to go to bed alone to relive her times with him it’s more than a little concerning, but yes, I asked for it, and Christ, it’s off the scale enthralling. Her words prove to be genuine, and that night marked the start of a new phase. It’s now become a feature that sometimes she’ll go off to sleep in the spare room if he’s blown her mind in particularly spectacular fashion. Over the next months it’s not unusual to hear her through the wall vocalising her sensations as she masturbates to orgasm, and I’ve heard her weeping to herself too. It’s concerning, and I’d like to go and comfort her, but she’s steadfast in her assertion that there are some times when she needs to be alone with her thoughts, so I let her be.

J: Do you truthfully not care about what I think anymore?

S: I don’t when I’m fever pitching as much as I was last night, but never forget that you encouraged me. You’re at least fifty percent to blame for the way I sometimes am now. It’s our game though, isn’t it? Doesn’t change our love for each other. At least you promised me it doesn’t.

That night when she’s lightly perfumed, and not with urine, we make the most tender love together as we mutually soothe, and accuse each other of being the most wonderful person on Earth. We make love short of full sex, of course. In fact she’s wearing a knee length nightie over her underwear and, unusually, I’m wearing boxer shorts. Neither of us climax, but that isn’t the point tonight. We really don’t need orgasms to express our love. I fall asleep contentedly holding my darling girl, Geoff’s extremely submissive masochist. I worship the former unconditionally. I love and hate the latter in equal measure, I think. Our world is bright, exciting, full of love and hot, edgy experiences. We’re doing ok.
I find it interesting that she feels the need for you to maintain your promises but she doesn't have to. She said she would tell you everything and she doesn't. Now, she's even telling you that she won't. This train is Randy Rhodes (off the track - Crazy Train).

Plus, she keeps guilting you into blaming yourself for her actions. Keeps putting the blame on you. I actually commend you for staying in the game. I would not have let her touch my willy until she got her shit under control. Yes, I am aware that this is having an outrageous effect on you as well. I genuinely hope you guys have been able to keep that under control since this affair ended.
I actually joined when this site was initially created. I've been a member on/off since then. The founding members created this site when the old forum we were all on just went away.

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Location: Virginia

Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by goodjob » Sun Dec 10, 2023 4:46 pm

Lonewolf659 wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 7:32 pm
Tracey52 wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 11:43 am
Like the sight of a red sky in morning to a sailor, I see danger ahead. As I expressed before, this is not a journey for her that seemingly has an end or a bottom, if you take my meaning. Despite your concerns at the revelation of each new deprivation he introduces to her (and she enthusiastically participates in), you soldier on, intent on being not only the perfect mate but unstinting in your devotion to her. Thus you metaphorically ignore that red sky and support her when a deeper part of you knows she might be damaging herself, while also introducing a crack into the foundation of your unstinting love, by abstaining from action.

I have been wrong in my assessment before. I'd be happy with that now.

It worries me too BDJ. Were not the alarm bells and sirens ringing in John head? He’s losing her. How could he not see it? It seems like a train wreck coming and he had an inclination of it but seemingly did nothing. John doesn’t talk to Sherrie about his fears, so even the communication is lapsing. How they got through it is what I’m waiting for.
I totally agree. John and Sherrie are now like a pair of rams butting heads, with the center between them evaporating. Sherrie telling John to be her lifeline to pull her out. John telling Sherrie that it's up to her to decide when it's time to get out. While neither one of them either willing or able to bring this to a halt. John is loosing his grip on his precious Sherrie. Sherrie is slowly replacing John with Geoff. Considering what has already been endured, something catastrophic must be on the horizon.

"I want to look away, but I can't. It's like a train wreck, only worse"
I actually joined when this site was initially created. I've been a member on/off since then. The founding members created this site when the old forum we were all on just went away.

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Location: Virginia

Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by goodjob » Sun Dec 10, 2023 5:08 pm

john jasson wrote:
Thu Mar 30, 2023 2:49 pm
She puts her hand down to feel my prick. Whenever she does that, and she does it a lot, I can’t really lie about my feelings on her sex life. I’m big and hard as ever.
This is actually not true. Rape victims get wet, too. That doesn't mean they liked it. It's a natural response. Just because you're hard does not mean you like it. You seem to keep silent for her benefit.

I'm sure it seems as though I an sharing a lot of nay saying but there is a lot going on that is leading in the wrong direction. Whether you felt like he didn't have possession of her more than you, he certainly did. Somebody was letting the little head speak for the big head. I would have shared every sordid detail of the other women I fucked every time she said no.
I actually joined when this site was initially created. I've been a member on/off since then. The founding members created this site when the old forum we were all on just went away.

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Location: Virginia

Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by goodjob » Sun Dec 10, 2023 5:19 pm

Build2last wrote:
Sat Apr 08, 2023 9:36 pm
I know that we only get a glimpse of this situation, but when she tells you that she would try to stop if you wanted it, then it's clear that it's already beyond to far. It's only my opinion of course but to me if she tells you that it's uncertain about her cutting it off, it's a huge red flag. To me it means that she is no longer fully committed to you and you could easily lose everything to her addiction. And I know you disagree with the brainwashing idea I put forth earlier, but this really seems to be the best example of my theory so far.

But regardless of my opinion on this, I compliment you on another very well written chapter John. I look forward to your updates for how well you paint the picture, despite your story not being my thing so to speak.
I agree 100%. It's been too far for at least a year and a half, if not more. But, John does an amazing job conveying the feelings and emotions. It's very disheartening that these two "smart" individuals cannot see the forest through the trees.
I actually joined when this site was initially created. I've been a member on/off since then. The founding members created this site when the old forum we were all on just went away.

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Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:03 am
Location: Virginia

Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by goodjob » Sun Dec 10, 2023 5:34 pm

Build2last wrote:
Thu Apr 13, 2023 7:59 pm
I tend to agree with everyone else here. Your offhand remark is just the first excuse she needs to justify really considering leaving you for her master.
Ding ding ding ding

Winner winner chicken dinner
I actually joined when this site was initially created. I've been a member on/off since then. The founding members created this site when the old forum we were all on just went away.

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