Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

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john jasson
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Thu Apr 13, 2023 7:52 am

Things have continued to ebb and flow at somewhere around this high level for almost a year now and, of course, I’ve been accustomed to sharing Sherrie sexually with another man for getting on for 4 years. It’s comfortable between us at home and the vibe is constantly exciting, although my mind can go off at irrational tangents and give me nightmares at times. In some weird sense this kinky life has become the norm for us, and I just love the way she is with it. I crave it too, in fact. I adore this constantly sexually exhilarated woman. She has always been hot and keen on sex with me before, but since having a lover, and in Geoff’s case a personal trainer and Master all in one, I confess that her libido is a quantum leap higher. I have to concede that he’s been good for her too, and I have to admire his sheer inventiveness. Even though I’m not having full sex with her because of the strange dynamic, she is most certainly pushing my buttons and keeping me satisfied and fulfilled. She’s always up for bed time games with me to drive me nuts. We are enjoying the prime of our lives and she is revelling in her role of satisfying two Sherrie hungry men in different ways.

As time has gone by, I’ve worried less about the crazier things she does with him. It’s hers and she owns it despite us both getting off on it. Her weight has stabilised, even though she is lighter than I would like and her ribs are really quite prominent by now, but that’s all to do with her sport and peak fitness which she is devoted to, and I would never seek to interfere in that or try to take it from her. She is regularly achieving top five placings in fell races now, and being rewarded by Geoff in his own inimitable fashion. She is punished if she falls short, again in Geoff’s own inimitable fashion. Sometimes the leather gloves across her bare arse, or his belt and a couple of times when she comes outside the top ten, a feeble 11th and then a 15th, 11 and 15 strokes of the cane to concentrate her mind, then left ball gagged, blindfolded and bound. The latter occasion is the first time he puts her into the ball tie bondage position and just leaves her lying helpless on her side on the floor in his gym annexe while she considers her necessary urgent improvement in performance. Once when she’s having a real off day and doesn’t finish a race he offers her the choice of a caning each day for a week, or no sex for a month. She comes home from the race and reports her dilemma back to me.

S(to me): So serial canings or no cock for a month. What should I do?

Her eyes are playful though, and her motor is running. I can see she’s hot and wants to have fun with it. I play along.

J: It’s obvious, isn’t it?

S: Is it?

J: You take the canings.

S: Really? Wow. Why so?

J: Because that’s what you want to do, and you’ll be miserable for the month without his cock if you don’t.

S: Yeah. I guess.

I think she’s taken aback at my insight. She knits her brow and gives me her wise owl look.

S: You know me too well don’t you?

J: Of course. And I know you’re wet just thinking about it. Come here. I think I’ll fuck your arse before he canes it.

S: I can promise you that you won’t be fucking anything that’s attached to me!

When she tells Geoff she’s elected to take the cane, she knows it’s a further humiliation for her with her unspoken implication that she can’t contemplate a month without his cock. He adopts his arrogant smirk.

G: Always remember your place with me, girl. And never forget what you can’t live without as you’ve just confirmed. Keep that thought at all times and embrace your female shame in your surrender to me.

But it isn’t just punishment for wrongdoing now. She is also routinely punished simply as part of his discipline regime to keep her on her toes and respectful to her Master. I’ve noticed recently that I can tell when she’s gone for more than a week without a caning because she begins to get a bit jumpy. It’s nuts, but I know she wants to feel the fiery lick of it in her flesh. She’s craving pain and humiliation inflicted by her master. She even told me she yearns for it out of the blue on one of our cosy evenings after we’d sunk a few glasses of wine.

S: God, I want his cane tonight.

It didn’t shock me. I already knew, and we exchanged smiles as her eyes watered with confusion, emotion and maybe a little hopelessness at the extent of her descent.

A watershed seems to arrive at a time when I’m not travelling quite so much for business and I am home more. Over several months we fall back into a lot of our old routines and it’s nice; really, really nice. I have an inkling that my sexual denial is becoming old for her too, despite us not having yet broken the spell. It’s a good feeling to have, and it’s almost as though she’s keeping me off her body so as to maintain the tease vibe and not let me down! During this period we seem to be discovering each other all over again during our increased ‘us’ time, despite not thinking we had been lacking anything at all before.

She’s still devoting a lot of time to her Master, her training and her sports, and they’re having scorching sex a couple of times a week at least. Thursday overnights are a given, as ever, but maybe he’s noticed a slight dip in her ardour for the really crazy stuff. Maybe he’s also feeling he’s not getting quite the attention and hero worship from her that he was taking for granted as his right and is smarting about it. Little do we know that this is all about to blow up in our faces.

She’s doing fewer overnight stays with him generally, other than Thursdays, maybe because there isn’t so often a lonely bed for her to face in our bedroom. She reports catching a vibe that he isn’t happy about having less time than hitherto to dominate her to the extremes, but I’ve also noticed that she doesn’t seem to be receiving his text commands to drop everything and go to him as much as she used to. It has been a long time, so perhaps the level of intensity is dropping a bit for both of them. When she does stay over with him, she’s telling him that her cover story to me is a night out and staying with a girlfriend out of town. Perhaps he’s smelt a rat with the plausibility of that over a long period and has guessed our kinky game. I simply don’t know.

I do know what goes down one memorable Thursday night, but to build up to it and set the scene, I need to digress to a serious faux pas on my part that upset Sherrie a great deal earlier the same week.

We have a collaboration partner, a small company in California USA, that works in our field of science. They contacted us a while back after seeing some of the core concepts that Sherrie had loaded onto our website, and we have been working together on some new ideas which are showing promise. We have long had a standing invitation to visit them to see their production facility where initially scaled up manufacture would happen in any joint venture, but we’ve put it off until now because of the cost of the trip and our still less than glorious financial position. Long story very short, things have reached the development stage where the potential benefits could far outweigh the short term cost, so we agree that we can just about scrape the funding for one of us to go for a week, and being the scientific guiding mind behind the enterprise, that one has to be Sherrie. She is by degrees excited and apprehensive as neither of us had been beyond Europe at the time, and travelling so far alone was a very big deal to her. Anyway, even longer story short, she flies to America, and our nascent partners are extremely impressed with her and our work. The timetable is that she’s away from home Sunday for ten days until the following Wednesday week. Meanwhile, I have a vital need to see a customer in southern England that same Wednesday to do some firefighting, so I’ve pencilled a couple more overdue meetings in around it, and am planning to be away from Tuesday, the day before Sherrie arrives home, until the Friday. Unfortunately, she will be coming home to an empty house, but it’s how the stars align and we agree that it’s just one of those things. She teases me mercilessly that she’ll be very happy and wet to come home straight to Geoff’s domination instead.

The day the shit hits the fan, I am eating an evening meal having spent a long, tough, wearying afternoon struggling to hold on to our important customer in Oxford. My phone rings. As I go to answer it, I notice that the time is 1758. It’s Sherrie, and she’s calling from home. My sunshine girl is back from her travels, and a torrent of excited words flows out of her.

S: Hi Babe, I just walked in through the door. I love you so much! I have so much to tell you about the trip. It’s all looking great. So wonderful. They love our stuff and I think it’s really going to fly.

I have my extremely stupid head on. I’ve had a bastard of a day, and I’m eating. I don’t tell her I love her or how wonderful she is. I don’t pick up on her glad tidings. I don’t even say hello sweetheart. With brain in neutral, I say something that’s blindingly obvious to me given our mutual and vital obsession with economy. It’s only the same sort of thing she would throw at me from time to time, but it should also be blindingly obvious that it won’t go down well right now with my sweet darling, who has been half way around the world on her own for our joint benefit.

J: If you’d waited another minute you could have called on the cheap evening tariff.

Oh dear. It’s only one sentence, but it’s decidedly not the smartest utterance I ever made in the game of life and love. In effect, I’ve told her curtly that I’m not as desperate to connect with her as she is to connect with me, haven’t I? It’s not how I feel at all, but it’s easy for Sherrie to perceive it that way. It’s horribly, excruciatingly inappropriate, and I know it as soon as I say it. Too late.

For seconds there is a stunned silence at the other end. I can almost hear her brain processing her pain and incredulity at my terse, dismissive words. She’s tired and worn out too; much more than I am, no doubt. An eerie calm descends while she absorbs my reply, before the tempest erupts, her joy collapses around her and her fiery red haired temper builds to a crescendo. Next thing I hear is her starting to cry. Shit! But then the ginger tsunami of her anger hits me and the force of it washes me away in its torrent.

S: Fuck you! Just fuck you, Jasson!

Her voice is broken coming down the line. Of course I realise the damage I’ve done so easily and thoughtlessly, and I try desperately to pull it back.

J: Look, I’m sorry Sher. It was a stupid thing to say. Tell me about the trip.

She’s sobbing hard.

S: Fuck off, you bastard. I’ve worked so hard and travelled all that way for us. I haven’t slept for Christ knows how long. I’ve been longing to talk to you, to share everything with you; couldn’t wait to be back in your arms all the time I’ve been away. Yearned to be home in bed with you. And this is the welcome I get? Shit, I’m such an idiot. I hate you! What the fuck! You care more about the fucking phone bill than you do about me and all I’ve done. I hate this fucking life. I fucking hate you!!

I have never, ever, known her like this. Honestly. We never really fall out. I’ve never made her cry in all of those years. Now her voice is at once distraught but also menacing. This situation is not covered in the ‘Living With and Adoring Sherrie Operator’s Manual’ that has built up in my mind over the years. I’m floundering.

J: I’m so sorry sweetheart. I hate me too.

S: Good! Not as much as I do, I promise you!

She’s talking and crying at the same time. I’ve really hurt her, and my own pain at having done so is profound. I only wish she could know how bad I feel. I detest the idea of anything coming between us.

J: Please, sweetheart. Tell me all your news.

S: No. I don’t want to talk to you now. I’m obviously not your sweetheart. I’m going to see Geoff. Maybe I’ll get a better reception from him. At least he’s straight about being cruel to me. I’m going before I put another penny on your precious phone bill. Fuck you, John, just fuck off!

J: Please, Sher….

And with a final heartrending sob reverberating in my ear, she hangs up leaving me devastated. It’s the first time she’s ever hung up on me. Of course it is! And I’ve never before had to deal with her having a lover to run to and hating me at the same time. Lots of firsts. None of them good. To put it mildly, this is not a nice feeling, especially from hundreds of miles away. I’m so concerned about us that I don’t sleep that night. At 4am I cancel my two important Thursday meetings by email citing a sudden bug that I don’t want to pass on, and first thing I hightail it up the motorway back home. Our all important business that we’ve invested so much work and money into suddenly seems worthless in my current frame of mind.

I go straight to the office. It’s almost lunchtime, and I’m relieved to find her there. She can’t blank me in front of everyone, but she’s frosty like I’ve never seen her before. This isn’t a bit like her cold erotic teasing because I know how much I’ve wounded her. She stays in the lab among the staff and resists my attempts to get her alone. By the evening at home, she is speaking to me, just about, but she’s detached, on autopilot, and she’s getting ready for swimming as usual. As she’s leaving:

S: I’ll be in the office after training tomorrow.

J: Maybe you give it a miss tonight and we open a bottle and try to sort us out?

She laughs without humour.

S: I really don’t think so, do you? I’m not ready for that. I’m going to Geoff. He helped me so much to get through last night. I called him while I was still sobbing straight after I hung up on you, and asked him if I could go to him. It was a very intense night, and he took it all away for me like only he can. Ordered me to leave my troubles with my clothes at the door and then sent me to my other world, where I can lose all control. It was massive to have him there for me that way when you hurt me so badly, and God I need much more of that.

J: When are you going to forgive me? It was a stupid off the cuff remark. Have you never in your life said something you regret?

S: Oh yes! But it’s probably not a good plan to go there right now because I might say something that we’ll both regret. I don’t know when I’ll forgive you because it was so fucking crass. You burst our whole beautiful bubble with one sentence. Have you ever thought that maybe you are too quick with your stupid off the cuff remarks? You hurt me so badly after all I’d done, and being so completely invested in our love to the extent that you are my entire life makes it unbearably painful to find that you could do that to me. To think that way and let me down like I was nothing to you. Just a fucking irritation.

And with that and the filthiest of looks thrown back at me, she’s gone. I can do nothing but walk around the house wringing my hands and cursing myself and my luck, but only hours later, around midnight, she’s back home unexpectedly. She left here in high dudgeon four hours earlier for swim training, fully intending to stay the night with Geoff afterwards, and on into her Friday morning gym session at his farm. I am surprised to hear her pulling up outside and I go to meet her. She’s rarely ever home Thursday nights as a rule, so my hopes soar that it’s all getting to her and she wants to mend things between us. As I open the door, she runs into the house in floods of tears and straight past me. I catch up with her and try to wrap my arms around her but she struggles free. Pushes me away with both hands on my chest.

J: Trouble in paradise?

She stops and looks at me coldly, like she thinks I’m trying to hurt her some more. I can see she’s pondering whether she wants to engage with me at all. She does, but she turns her back on me.

S: He’s told me I have to make my mind up what I want.

J: How do you mean?

She pauses for a long moment, then she turns back to me and delivers the answer flatly, with dead eyes that are still red and full of tears:

S: Between you and him.
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Trickydicky69 » Thu Apr 13, 2023 8:54 am

So it was the choice of leaving you for him?
As you said, a silly little thing really but I can’t help feeling, it was inevitable. Something obviously was going to happen and realistically, how long would an arrangement like this last anyway? In that, would the 3 of you be collecting your pensions and it’s still ongoing…?
However, is it really just Geoff testing her and calling her bluff?
And if she was serious about John being her whole love, why fly off the handle like that? Surely it’s indicative of seismic movements that John blithely fails to see, since he does trust Sherrie plus they get off on the sexual energy.
Getting closer to the resolution but clearly John has learnt lessons from Geoff and we’re not getting off that easily!!

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Tracey52 » Thu Apr 13, 2023 1:39 pm


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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by edgedndenied » Thu Apr 13, 2023 2:31 pm

Does not seem like one sentence can destroy all the love she had for you. This has been brewing for a long time. Her darker side may have wanted to go much deeper into submission with Geoff and was looking for a reason and a way to blame you for pushing her to Geoff

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Johng1953 » Thu Apr 13, 2023 2:36 pm

You did hint before that it was something you said and not something seismic that caused the cataclysm. Was it this utterly trivial thing that did it??
If it was, I seriously question the undying love you were supposed to feel for each other back then!
And with 2 years (I think?) still to go of the Geoff 'phase' I fear what her choice then was.
Last edited by Johng1953 on Thu Apr 13, 2023 8:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Tracey52 » Thu Apr 13, 2023 3:56 pm

Don’t blame yourself for the comment. While it was thoughtless, it was the trigger for the release Sherie needed. It was likely that she new this choice was confronting her and while I’m sure she would always choose you, having to give up Geoff was hard. She’d already told you that. I think she resented you (emotionally) and irrationally because she had too give him up and your poorly timed quib was a catalyst for the release of her anger and frustration. It was like I’m giving him up for you and you treat me like this. I’m sure she is going to rub your nose in it but it will turn out ok.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Build2last » Thu Apr 13, 2023 7:59 pm

I tend to agree with everyone else here. Your offhand remark is just the first excuse she needs to justify really considering leaving you for her master.

It could probably make you replay all those nasty evil looks that you decided were playful when she shut you off. It even takes away all the edging and other things you think were so intimate and satisfying.

The thing is, that it was obviously always going to lead to this point. You have explained things from your perspective when I have commented in the past. But there is no room for anyone besides the master to a true and complete submissive. Geoff has taken her as deep as he can without a complete and total commitment to him only.

Honestly I'm surprised that your relationship survived this. As you've said before, it's like a drug, and addiction is one of the great destroyers. After all, he is her drug and real people that are truthful with themselves realize that love doesn't conquer much of anything.

Looking forward to seeing how things work out John. As always I love your writing style. You do it so well. Thank you for sharing this with us.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Kingmidas » Fri Apr 14, 2023 1:07 am

“………..and being so completely invested in our love to the extent that you are my entire life makes it unbearably painful to find that you could do that to me.”

But this is patently untrue. I think that she is self delusional. Her behaviour towards you and her conversations regarding how Geoff makes her feel in no way support her assertion that you are her entire life. She is either consciously hurting you or her judgment is impaired.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by KarrieKraves » Fri Apr 14, 2023 1:52 am

S: He’s told me I have to make my mind up what I want.
J: How do you mean?
She pauses for a long moment, then she turns back to me and delivers the answer flatly, with dead eyes that are still red and full of tears:

S: Between you and him.

Well…..if that doesn’t get every ones attention then nothing will.
Again I need to reiterate the praise most others are offering here in terms of the writing style and presentation of details. This entire story has been of course nothing less than first rate from any angle so again thank you John for sharing this with me/us.
Reading this segment however I am a bit “miffed” with Sherrie to say the least, and although we don’t know for sure what happens next I think I have a pretty good idea. I imagine both Sherrie and Geoff have been conspiring to go yet deeper down the rabbit hole perhaps wanting some period of complete exclusiveness with each other. Geoff apparently pressing Sherrie to make this happen and Sherrie unsure of how to bring the issue up with you (and perhaps being majorly unsure about it herself) jumped on your “mistake” using it as a springboard for her own (and of course Geoff’s) up to this point secret agenda.
And reading about "the mistake" made me lolol. I thought I was the only person on earth that could say something so stupid and then have it blow up all to hell on me.
But I really don’t agree with her bringing an issue from “Play Life” and imposing it on Real Life. These are two completely separate entities requiring two separate conversations at two separate times. So bad on her (if indeed this does pan out as I suspect).
Having said that however I do believe the red flags were there as big and bright as they possibly could have been and you for whatever reason refused to see them.
John could you possibly provide the year and approx. month for the following scenes:
--the time you described Sherrie lifting her dress to show you how Geoff had marked her.
--the morning you were leaving to travel for work and Sherrie asked you if you indeed wanted her to stop with Geoff because she felt the two of you were getting too close to the fire.
--this time when she tells you Geoff demanded that she make her choice between him and you.
Thanks again for the tremendous read.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by mundyman » Fri Apr 14, 2023 3:13 am

I agree that it appears that this has been building for a long while. Her attachment to her master, her need to be dominated, attaching love to the pain he gave her, the physical pain and mental challenges she did not get in your relationship by design.
Like an addict addicted to a drug, she came to need the abuse Geoff gave her, and who knows what else was said while he was doing it. I do know from experience that the mental bond developed between a coach, a superior, and the person they train as they get that person to achieve goals and reach places physically and mentally they never thought they’d get to, is so powerful. The shared experience of achievement and support entwines the people’s together and brings them incredibly close together until the trainee, or submissive in this case, comes to love and see the trainer, or Master in this case, as their true partner.
The fact that she so quickly ran to Geoff after your alleged transgression, and I’m sorry a thing like this is said between couples all the time, indicates a stronger live connection then was admitted to.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by afagehi7 » Fri Apr 14, 2023 4:14 am

She was looking for a reason. The comment wasn't bad at all, she was looking for a reason and was going to find it.

I can't believe you're still together

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by KarrieKraves » Fri Apr 14, 2023 5:19 am

Rereading this segment for the second time now I’m simply astounded that Sherrie even considered that there was two Viable options or paths to go down (hence her choice between you and Geoff) staring her in the face. Considering the time and effort you describe spending developing and nurturing your relationship, the support you describe giving her so that she might achieve the best possible version of herself, the freedoms you both had agreed to and of course not forgetting that the two of you had invested as you have in your business which as its now sounding is just beginning to really take flight. How does one even attempt to contemplate giving up those kind of steaks for an aging Fitness Trainer???
Others have mentioned the addiction of the BDSM dynamic which I have found so unique to this story. You have quoted its escalating hold on Sherrie as follows:

“But it isn’t just punishment for wrongdoing now. She is also routinely punished simply as part of his discipline regime to keep her on her toes and respectful to her Master. I’ve noticed recently that I can tell when she’s gone for more than a week without a caning because she begins to get a bit jumpy. It’s nuts, but I know she wants to feel the fiery lick of it in her flesh. She’s craving pain and humiliation inflicted by her master. She even told me she yearns for it out of the blue on one of our cosy evenings after we’d sunk a few glasses of wine.
S: God, I want his cane tonight.”

Would you mind explaining this dynamic in more detail if you could especially your statement “I can tell when she’s gone for more than a week without a caning because she begins to get a bit jumpy.”

You describe the discipline sessions becoming more routine now, is she sharing the full extent of what her and Geoff are doing? Are you allowed to see her marks and other results of Geoff’s discipline now or is this still private between the two of them. Does she continue to follow his direction in terms of dressing “more feminine” and wearing the butt plug and the belly chain he gave her??
Also I meant to ask last time, when she cut her hair as she described at Geoff’s direction (and somewhat against your wishes) was it really his doing or was she just teasing you with that. Does she continue to wear it short(er) even though she knows it bothers you??
Lastly how does all of this stuff that is “Geoff specific" make you feel??
Sorry for the many questions. Don’t mean to hijack. If I’m overstepping just let me know

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Maddie_Hippychick » Fri Apr 14, 2023 10:05 am

I’m so drawn into this story through John’s writing. It’s so well crafted. As I contemplate each chapter, I have to remind myself that this story is real, that it happened years ago, and it’s one man’s recollection and perspective. There is likely much more that happened between Sherrie and Geoff that John never heard about. Little things. Nuances. Or even entire conversations that Sherrie either forgot or chose to omit. When a woman reacts with such strong emotions to an offhand comment, it’s never really about the comment. As others have mentioned, she built up to that. The comment was just a trigger. So ultimately, I think we all want to know, what was going through her mind leading up to that exchange, and why then. Of course we’ll never really know for sure, only what Sherrie shared with John and his retelling of it. But I suspect Geoff had been pressuring Sherrie to make this choice for awhile. I suspect that while Geoff was always clearly the Master, maybe he showed more kindness or tenderness than Sherrie would admit. John, did Sherrie ever really consider leaving you, or did she tell Geoff to f@ck off right then when he gave her the ultimatum?

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by vicg » Fri Apr 14, 2023 12:48 pm

Wow. I may be wrong (we'll see!) but here's my perspective. From everything Geoff has done to this point, I don't think he has any particular desire for Sherrie to really be his wife or girlfriend; that's just not who he is or the kind of relationship he has with her. He is a man who likes his freedom. So why did he give her this ultimatum, then? Just because he saw that crack in the marriage as an opportunity to mess with her even more and see if he could push her that far. He just wanted to see if he could get her to leave her husband to continue to be his 3-days-a-week sub. He hadn't made the ultimatum before just because he didn't think she would choose him, but he saw his chance and pounced. What a bastard.

I've been entranced by this story all along, but even as dark as this turn was, I'm all in until the end. I'm so glad I know that it ultimately ended well, but what a ride.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by mundyman » Fri Apr 14, 2023 1:56 pm

Well, we know how they come out on the other side as they are still together and very much in love. The question then is does she leave to live with him?
My guess is yes. She leaves and lives with him for a short time b/c she is a mental captive of Geoff’s. Addicted to the pleasure and pain, the endorphins rush off the casings and physical tests he gives her. Her desire to make him happy and not displease him thereby causing him to withhold his physical and mental torment.
As slowly as one gets twisted into this type of dependent relationship, one must unwind themselves from the relationship, even if it is broken off cold turkey.
I can’t wait to read the next chapter.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by JeffBingham » Fri Apr 14, 2023 5:24 pm

I think Mundy might be onto something here. We’re going to find out soon enough, but I suspect Sherrie leaves John for a time. John has told us that the Geoff period lasted a total of 6 years and we are only 4+ years in at this point. So what happened in the 18 months from this ultimatum until the end of the 6 year relationship?

Can’t wait to find out!
Last edited by JeffBingham on Sat Apr 15, 2023 6:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Tracey52 » Fri Apr 14, 2023 11:35 pm

The timing thing is a really good point. It’s therefore unlikely that Sherrie calls it off with Geoff, so she either chooses Geoff, whatever that means, or there’s a third outcome we’re not thinking of. We’re all coming down on Sherrie but give her some credit as she has managed this affair to fulfill both her and Jason’s pleasure until now. This could be her pushing Jason’s buttons again. She has denied Jason sex and he seems to be turned on, now perhaps she denies him cohabitation for awhile or something along those lines. I can’t really see Sherrie and Geoff playing house, so there must be an outcome where Sherrie chooses Geoff,for a time, but without leaving Jason.

Bloody intriguing to say the least.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Trickydicky69 » Sat Apr 15, 2023 1:07 pm

There’s certainly a number of scenarios but not sure how exactly accurate the timeline is for this purpose.
Without repeating the other observations, I would have thought there’s only a binary answer- she gives up Geoff or leaves John.
Certainly, if I had been John, I think I would’ve given her an ultimatum myself. If she chooses Geoff, then her life with John, their house, their business would be over and i’d be moving away to restart my life - that’s what she’d be giving up…
But I’m not John!
Could it be that John goes to see Geoff and have it out with him? Do all 3 reach an agreement that Sherrie goes to Geoff one night per week only, John restarts sex with Sherrie and Geoff is taken down a peg?
And ultimately Geoff has a hissy fit because he’s not getting his way anymore and gives her up?

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by KarrieKraves » Sat Apr 15, 2023 6:17 pm

As I’ve already commented twice here for this segment of the story I wasn’t going to offer anything further not wishing to overstep. However since others seem to be offering their own possible outcomes for where things go from this point I just can’t resist with my own version. I think once again it’s a tribute to the incredible uniqueness, writing and presentation of detail that this story just seems to reach out and grab readers holding them almost captive to the next installment.
As John describes Sherrie to have always been basically a “good girl” I think at this stage in her life she is extremely confused by her newfound addiction and the level of her craving to experience more of it. I can understand that wanting to be basically two people at the same time and having to constantly balance her professional, Feminist-based Scientist self against her submissive-slut craving self would tear most sane people apart. She also has Geoff now wanting more of her and John wanting his usual amount of her, the major transformations that seem to be taking flight with the business, along with her dieting, training, running events…etc etc. I think that is perhaps why she so over reacted to John’s stupidity with his misdirected comment as she did.
As we are currently about 4 to 4.5 years into the Geoff story 6 year timeline, we know that Geoff is going to be present in Sherrie’s life for at least another 1.5 to 2 years so the possibility of her giving him up at this point is not feasible. We also know that as Geoff has now put forth an ultimatum, Sherrie (and by association John) is going to have to respond in some sort of way that will be acceptable to him, both as her Dom and also as someone that has been involved in an ultra-close sexual/coaching/friendship-based relationship with her for approx. 3.5 to 4 years now. Whatever this answer is going to be someone, likely John, is going to suffer some heartache.
If I was in Sherrie’s shoes (and indeed I’m assuming this is what she will do) I would put forth/demand the idea of taking a “time-out” from the marriage for either a specified or unspecified period of time. During this time period she may remain living in the house with John or she may get herself some type of living space separate from John. A separate space would probably be preferable but because of the “money-crunch” that they are currently in, sharing a space may have to be the reality.
I do not see her actually moving in with Geoff unless she is 100% certain of their future together and I can’t see her being in anyway certain of that at this point in her life. I’m sure he would want this type of commitment from her before taking her into his home anyways.
I think she opts for a living space away from John where she can live as single woman again. Of course they remain working together so they would at least see each other regularly at work. Perhaps outside of working hours she and John could gradually work up to regular communications and eventual dating as the time line stretches out but, at least initially, she would be free to live, visit, date, have sex with anyone as she sees fit and of course as her relationship with Geoff unfolds. Once she has found herself again in terms of who she wants to be going forward she obviously chooses her relationship with John again. By this time (approx..1.5-2 years in the future) she will have decided that Geoff has done all he can for her and she ends things off with him ready to live her life being the person that she is currently.
In terms of John confronting Geoff and the two of them “fist fighting” over Sherrie to any degree, I can’t see this happening. This is not a John/Geoff issue. IMO this is an issue first and foremost between Sherrie and her own personal demons, next between Sherrie and John and lastly between Sherrie and Geoff. John seems to have long maintained his belief that if you have something/someone and let them go and they return to you then that was indeed what was meant to be

Anyways we will see what actually happens over the next few postings although it is fun to speculate at this point.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Tracey52 » Sat Apr 15, 2023 11:52 pm

Great thesis KarrieKraves. I agree that something along these lines is the most likely outcome. John has spoken of the dark times. I expect that this upcoming period is what he was referring to.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Nfhw » Sun Apr 16, 2023 9:35 am

The one constant throughout this entire amazing story has been John's unwavering love of Sherrie. Even when he has been pushed aside or disvalued, his love and enjoyment of Sherrie has only seemed to strengthen. She has (as John encouraged) divided her time and pleasure with a man of far less character. To see her tempted to even consider leaving a heroic being like John for a scum like Geoff creates great sorrow for me.

But I still love Sherrie (as we all do) and want her to do the right thing.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by antidote2909 » Sun Apr 16, 2023 10:46 am

I don't think I would have survived this story if it was being told in real time.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Trickydicky69 » Sun Apr 16, 2023 1:31 pm

I can’t see them having a fist fight. But I can see John fighting to keep Sherrie.
I can see them coming to a middle way to keep together.
Although I can see Sherrie suggesting a marriage break, that is so dangerous as nearly suggesting a divorce.
And even though John is a loving cuckold, I feel he has suggested he does have some red lines.
John likes these suggestions of scenarios and we are all fascinated.
After all, turn a different corner is very true in life.
This story could have been about the ex wife he lost to a Dom 20 years ago.
It could be about his wife who had a very intense 12 month bdsm relationship which fizzled out.
Or the one he’s telling us.
So all of our suggestions could be true in an alternative universe.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Mack555 » Mon Apr 17, 2023 2:35 pm

John i’ve been following along on your situation ,between you and your Sherrie. It seems to us in the way you write it is almost heartrending and unbearable to go through. I know thats not the case since these events have already come to pass. I applaud you and Sherrie for going thru this and coming out whole on the other side. Your writing draws us in and keeps us all on edge. I feel like i know you both even though we have never met. I know it must be hard bringing up events and emotions from the past. I feel you must be doing this as a loving tribute to your wife Sherrie. I will waiting on edge for your Epic story. Thank You John and Sherrie

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Tue Apr 18, 2023 4:27 am

Thank you all for the multiple comments and speculations. Logging in this morning, I feel like xleglover must have felt when opening his very busy threads to find lots of interesting feedback. Great stuff. Perhaps I should leave you all to it, because I’m convinced that some of your speculations are far more exciting for the more extreme viewers among us than what actually happened to Sherrie and me. Anyone reading along who has an angle that we haven’t yet heard or discussed, please chime in. I’m seriously entranced with your musings! Incidentally, thanks for pushing the thread past 100,000 views too.

Previous parts from our playful youth through reliving the excitement we had in our 20s and 30s flowed very easily, and were a joy to compose. This last section was much more difficult and emotional, as will be others to come. Surprisingly, considering the elapsed time, it can still cut deep, and I’ve been transported back to some heartbreaking days by regurgitating them from the vaults of my memory. I have to be in the mood to do it, and I’ve been holding my darling a bit closer to me in bed some nights after a writing session, I can tell you. Maybe, as someone suggested way back, it is indeed a cathartic exercise. I will be back to comment on the comments ASAP.
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

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