progress story

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Re: progress story

Post by wocka-wocka » Sat Nov 17, 2018 8:23 pm


Listen to her. She's telling you to at least try to do more than numbing spray. She is growing/changing. You need to as well. There are people with a great deal of medical and psychological experience that might help.

Not addressing it is doing the opposite of what you want even though it is pushing her towards a third. It's pushing her away. This is the part where you are playing a far more dangerous game by doing nothing.

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Re: progress story

Post by seydonar » Sun Nov 18, 2018 4:41 am

I think that it’s all going to work out.
Don’t overthink it and just go with her lead. Fingers crossed!

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Re: progress story

Post by armyguyot1 » Sun Nov 18, 2018 5:54 am

It's Sunday and we are ready to hear how last night went. Sounds like you have both ends meeting in the middle and you just need to get em tied. Good luck and let us know how last night went. At a minimum I hope you got a hot piece of ass.

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Re: progress story

Post by minos_dis_crete » Sun Nov 18, 2018 9:54 am

She definitely called a guy during that private conversation.aybe the guy from work who gave her his number. I wouldn't be surprised if she had coffee with him (whomever was on the phone) the day she told you to take her to dinner. She has confirmed your permission and desires, and she's dipping her toe in to get some of that attention, as she said. I don't know how long it might take her to go beyond flirting and talking, but I think now it's a matter of her feeling the right connection to someone else and wanting to make out or do more. I believe she's conquered the fear of what it would do to your relationship - at least enough to explore - but she's probably going to be slow and deliberate about things. I'd expect her to have more private calls and test the chemistry with more guys she meets until the right situation materializes. But you should encourage her to go out with her girlfriends as much as possible to give her opportunity to get that attention from new men.

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Re: progress story

Post by Breaker445 » Sun Nov 18, 2018 4:37 pm

Thanks everyone! Last evening she got home and she did change out of the outfit she wore to work. For our date she wore jeans with holes in them and brown ankle boots. She looked hot as usual, but I was a little turned on she chose to not wear the thigh high boots out. She knows I absolutely love boots, especially thigh highs so the fact she wore them during the day and not for our date was a subtle hot thing. I don't know if she was aware of that little power trip or not. Dinner started out just normal, nothing really too hot about it and I thought it was going to stay that way until she used the restroom and came back with this giant grin. She leaned in over the table as she went to sit in her chair and she whispered, "Oh my gosh this guy was totally hitting on me." I said completely thrown off, "Huh? Where?" She sat down and head nodded toward the bar area, "By the bar, the restrooms are right by the bar." She said with a blush face. She was talking a little low as to not let the people sitting around us hear. I asked excitedly what happened or how did she know. Her eyes widened with her smile and said, "Well he asked if I wanted a drink." I asked her what she said and she said, "I told him thanks but I was fine." She giggled and told me his reply which was, "Then he said, darn well worth a shot for a girl as stunning as you." I was sitting there in awe, and although my mouth suddenly became dry I clarified, "You didn't take him up on his offer?" She raised her eyebrows and said, "No! Your around, I feel weird about it when you're around. If you weren't here I probably would have with no problem." As she went to take a bite of her food she added, "Although he wasn't that cute." Then she gave a short "Ha!" I sat there stunned taking glances around to see if those sitting near us were over hearing our conversation. She changed the conversation instantly and asked if I wanted to take her to a nearby store after we ate so she could get a new lipstick. I didn't hesitate to agree on those plans. As we got up to leave our table I noticed she took a glance over at the bar one more time before she started to walk.

As planned I took her to this particular make up store she wanted to get lipstick from. She took her time picking out one and I sort of hovered around her occasionally glancing at what she was checking out. Thinking she'd ask me for my opinion, but that didn't come. She held onto one for a minute or two but I could tell she was debating if that was the color she wanted as she continued to look down at the others on display. So I interrupted and asked, "You like that one?" She replied, "Hmmm I think so, maybe, I don't know." Thinking to myself 'oh well naturally next she will ask me what I thought about it' but again it didn't come so I gave my two cents and told her, "It looks hot." She looked at me, slightly tilt her head down and raised her eyebrows as she let me know, "Does it really matter what you think though?" She saw the blow to the gut that little comment was to me and a smile grew on her face as she went back to thinking if the lipstick she had in her hand was the one. She then gave me a little laugh as she probably saw me frozen in the corner of her eye, "Ohhh babe." She shot a look at me still with that sexy grin and asked, "How ya doing?" I whispered back, "Babe..." She ended up picking up a dark red color and she eagerly put it on when we got to the car. "Yeah this looks good." She said as she got a look. For the drive home she took my hand and firmly placed it on one of the open holes in her jeans so I got the lucky pleasure of touching her skin on her leg. She held it there with her hand, but when she needed a break she just crossed her legs sandwiching my hand between her legs.

Of course I thought the night would lead to bedroom fun, but she denied anything. So today again like the other day she asked me how I was doing. I said good and she asked, "You sure?" Making sure I understood correctly I told her, "Yeah why?" She said, "Well the last couple of days, after all our talks, how are you doing?" With excitement I eagerly replied, "Oh! Good!" "Yeah?" She asked making sure she was hearing me correctly. "Yeah! It's been fun and I'm good." We talked briefly about it, our past conversations and she said, "Ok, well I have no problem with it."

She's at the gym now, not only was I intrigued that she picked a tank top and tight bright pink and green spandex I noticed she left her wedding ring as well on the counter. I am pretty excited waiting for her to come home but I am sitting here with a pit in my stomach and my face just flushed. Yet overly excited and aroused at the fact she left her wedding ring behind.

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Re: progress story

Post by marriedky » Sun Nov 18, 2018 4:46 pm

Can't wait to hear an update about tonight! Maybe you'll be able to finally clean her pussy!

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Re: progress story

Post by BallSpanking » Sun Nov 18, 2018 6:20 pm

I think you’ll remember she was talking with Jennifer about this really buffed guy they both know, and he goes to her gym. And the next response to something Jennifer said was a growled ‘yeah’!

Then after she came from the gym the other day she took a conspicuous private call.

It was with a man, the buffed guy from the club.Today she left the ring home. She is telling him she’s available. (though it would be way hotter if she left her wedding ring on).

Good progress, you could get a HW for Christmas. ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Post by wocka-wocka » Sun Nov 18, 2018 7:32 pm

BallSpanking wrote:I think you’ll remember she was talking with Jennifer about this really buffed guy they both know, and he goes to her gym. And the next response to something Jennifer said was a growled ‘yeah’!

Then after she came from the gym the other day she took a conspicuous private call.

It was with a man, the buffed guy from the club.Today she left the ring home. She is telling him she’s available. (though it would be way hotter if she left her wedding ring on).

Good progress, you could get a HW for Christmas. ;)
Don't forget her leaving for a couple of hours and coming back and taking a shower almost immediately.

Now it will be a shared experience. I hope Breaker is ready!

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Re: progress story

Post by tfx » Sun Nov 18, 2018 8:12 pm

I'm dying to see a pic of her. I know i know she'll kill ya so not asking, but it is a progress story and hopefully it progresses to that someday.... not nude... just she sound freaking amazing all dressed up.

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Re: progress story

Post by Bull4Her216 » Mon Nov 19, 2018 7:40 am

Yeah a picture would be great. Just in Her jeans and the ankle boots. No nudes. You should start a post in the Hotties.

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Re: progress story

Post by jps18 » Mon Nov 19, 2018 11:55 am

Sounds like things are coming to a head for you . It shouldn't be long now until your sexy wife takes another man in her bed . I do believe she has done more than she's telling you , but then again , she's not telling you much at all . I hope she lets you know somehow what she's been up to or is going to do and who she's doing it with .

Yes , a pic or two would be nice . Just ask her if she wants other mens opinion on if she is as hot as you say . I think in her current state of mind , she would go for sharing a pic or two , or three ! The best of luck to you two , and soon to be three !

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Re: progress story

Post by ddriver86 » Mon Nov 19, 2018 1:21 pm

Hey Breaker445,

Have you ever been skydiving...because I think your about to leave the plane.

Enjoy the journey!

Please keep sharing. Thanks again!!

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Re: progress story

Post by Breaker445 » Mon Nov 19, 2018 5:05 pm

Thanks everyone, right now like tfx said it is progress so maybe one day.

She got home from the gym last night and she was so fast at it I never saw her pick up her ring. Moments after she got home I just took a peak on the counter to see if her ring was still there and it wasn't. She put that thing on so fast after she got home I never saw her do it. So I brought it up to her, to try and keep it playful I let her know I noticed she left something behind. She laughed and said, "You noticed that huh!?" I chuckled back and said I did and it was hard to not notice. She gave me this big grin so I asked her, "Sooo….?" Asking for more details. She kept her smile and said, "Oh babe, it was nothing, but that's how I'd do it." The range of emotions are so hard to describe, but I couldn't help but think it was something, maybe she meant it was nothing as she didn't do anything, but in a way she did, like it was mentioned above, sending someone a message maybe? Her sexiness in her response lead to some kissing but that was all for the night, as I found she was able to sneak time with her toy for the night.

This morning though it was something I caught her doing that made me think for that she really may be up to something, and it wasn't even that big of a thing. I was in the kitchen and she was sitting in the nearby room. I happened to just look over to her and I saw she was taking selfies of herself, and they weren't just any normal selfie, her facial expressions were certainly flirty. A sexy grin accompanied by a little head tilt and eyebrows slightly raised. My heart started racing frantically as she brought her arms closer to her after they were extended and she intently looked down at her phone. Although I couldn't see her phone, I saw as she kept her head down looking at her phone she had this smile. My curiosity was heightened for the remainder of the day as I thought about that selfie picture.

In the past I felt I would get my hopes up that something was happening only for it to be met with disappointment, but now I really do think something is happening. I am eagerly waiting for more details from her, but also know she is getting comfortable with all this and with her past comments, even with as recent as our date Saturday night, she is trying to navigate through this with me being involved. So I am patiently waiting for her to be ready to give me more details, but already seems she is opening up a bit, with sharing with me about the guy offering to buy her a drink, and not shooting down any ideas I have about cuckolding and obviously our conversations we have had this past week.

With that said, I can hardly contain myself every time she goes out now, even if she tells me she is going to the store. I constantly wonder where she may be going and if she will come back and tell me something happened. I find myself glued to the clock to see how long she's been gone, and as crazy as it seems for me to be typing this, but I think given the huge progress this past month and that flirtatious selfie this morning, she may be talking with someone. If I had any guess right now, and it is just a wild guess, I would say if she is talking with a guy it would be someone from the gym. Again, just a guess.

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Re: progress story

Post by BallSpanking » Mon Nov 19, 2018 5:24 pm

It's the buffed guy she and Jennifer know that works out at her gym.
The way she spoke about him was ... unusual.
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Re: progress story

Post by wocka-wocka » Mon Nov 19, 2018 8:49 pm

BallSpanking wrote:Yup.
It's the buffed guy she and Jennifer know that works out at her gym.
The way she spoke about him was ... unusual.
If it wasn't exactly that guy, it was someone she feels she can sleep with.

Breaker, the New Year is right around the corner. Find a party like Halloween and give her enough time to invite whomever she is hunting.

The ' sky diving ' has already begun!!

Keep bringing up things you notice. It seems like she shares in that scenario.

Best wishes to Breaker and the Mrs.

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Re: progress story

Post by BallSpanking » Mon Nov 19, 2018 9:51 pm

Perhaps it's a good point to tell her she is free to go on dates if she is asked out...
I think she would get a kick out of that. :)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Post by MichaelW » Tue Nov 20, 2018 4:34 am

I admit I do not understand. What to you get out of it when you are not even going to know when it really happens? And it is clear that this snowball is rolling downhill.The lack of communication here makes me fearful for how this is likely to end.
Husband of a hotwife with a preference for interracial.

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Re: progress story

Post by joel68 » Tue Nov 20, 2018 10:46 am

Yeah, MichaelW, I agree. It would be a real shame after all this time that it ended badly. Hope it works out!

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Re: progress story

Post by frenchy » Wed Nov 21, 2018 2:25 pm


Breaker, the New Year is right around the corner. Find a party like Halloween and give her enough time to invite whomever she is hunting.

The ' sky diving ' has already begun!!

Keep bringing up things you notice. It seems like she shares in that scenario.

Best wishes to Breaker and the Mrs.[/quote]

Breaker, this is quite a good suggestion from wocka.

Why don't you hint that she throw a Christmas or NYE party in your home. Suggest that if there is someone she may be interested in to invite him along, or even get Jennifer to bring him. Let things develop from there and who knows what could happen.
This time of year is a perfect opportunity.

I'm really hoping she makes your fanasy a reallity soon.

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Re: progress story

Post by Breaker445 » Wed Nov 21, 2018 3:12 pm

Thanks for the input guys, going to what MichaelW posted I decided we needed to talk more about this and the next steps. At this point the awkwardness and uncertainty of bringing up the topic is gone, we have had so many talks about this within the last week that it's almost a daily topic of discussion. But the other night my mind was filled with questions and the unknown I decided I had to bring it up to her otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to concentrate.

I brought up to her that I understood how she wanted to go about all this, but I would be left with more wonder and questions if we didn't talk about it and she didn't share things, and so I had a few rules like her that needed to be followed. She was open to it and asked for some suggestions. I told her she had to tell me when she was ever on a date or meeting up and with who. She agreed and said she would let me know. I told her if she ends up texting or messaging a guy to let me know and in a nonchalant confident way she said she was good with that. And of course when and if she hooked up with someone I had to know, she said, almost like I was crazy for bringing that up, that of course she would let me know. Which prompted her to remind me how this worked for her. She said admittedly it would be awkward at the start for me to be present and she gave her reasonings as to why it was awkward and it made complete sense to me. And I understood where she was coming from. It lead to a little more talking about moving forward and it was just surreal to be realizing where we were at with this.

I'd love to go to a NYE party but unsure if one will happen. Her girlfriends are still talking about planning a Vegas trip for her birthday. THAT would be incredible, but I am still hesitant to get my hopes up for that plan ever really develop.


Re: progress story

Post by FNQLivin » Wed Nov 21, 2018 3:16 pm

I really look forward to your updates. Thanks for the post.

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Re: progress story

Post by BallSpanking » Wed Nov 21, 2018 6:08 pm

Sounds to me like she is Saggitarius... they can have high libidos.
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Post by shall54 » Thu Nov 22, 2018 12:19 am

I may be wrong, but I think your wife wants hot-wifing to stay as a fantasy...she is enjoying the fantasy and she is enjoying what it is doing to you. She wants to know if you are jealous, that's why she keeps asking you 'how are you doing'. It seems like she's had ample opportunity to have made it happen, hasn't she?

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Re: progress story

Post by Tryn » Thu Nov 22, 2018 7:26 am

Awesome that you finally found the courage to have that conversation! It sounds like your wife wasn’t put off by it at all. That’s fantastic! Hopefully it gives you the courage to ask some questions. For instance, you witnessed her rubbing herself while looking at her phone as you rubbed her feet. What was she looking at? Her private phone call, what was that about? Her night out alone, what happened & where did she go? I’m not saying you should start peppering her with questions but rather bring up various things that got you wondering “maybe” & how hot it was for you. She might tell you on her own accord or you might have to ask. Keep it natural, keep it sexual (like during a foot massage). If she’s been holding details back she should share those with you. If you’ve read too much into things, you should know that. I agree with Shall54 that she’s been feeling you out to see if you can handle it but I also think she’s been experimenting without telling you. Sort of like testing herself at the same time as testing you. Keep the conversation flowing! Your wife is clearly willing to when you start a real conversation, not just a passive comment when you cross your fingers she’ll take the lead.

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Re: progress story

Post by wocka-wocka » Thu Nov 22, 2018 9:33 am

shall54 wrote:I may be wrong, but I think your wife wants hot-wifing to stay as a fantasy...she is enjoying the fantasy and she is enjoying what it is doing to you. She wants to know if you are jealous, that's why she keeps asking you 'how are you doing'. It seems like she's had ample opportunity to have made it happen, hasn't she?
More on "jealous." She doesn't want Breaker's relationship with her to be impacted in any way and she wants to know she's desired by Breaker. If you haven't already Breaker, be sure you show her how much you desire her. Women are wired differently, so it isn't so much more sex, but showing more desire. More time between her thighs isn't a bad thing though..

This is where Breaker is playing with fire because he has to make it clear this is about her sexual satisfaction/freedom, a distant second to the primary relationship between Breaker and Mrs. Breaker. If she decides Breaker isn't committed to her, because she thinks he's given up in the relationship instead of an active partner in introducing the third, it could end badly. I think Breaker is making some progress ensuring she knows he isn't passively quitting the relationship.

I'm so excited for Breaker and Mrs. Breaker. Hopefully both are enjoying the experience and building more intimacy and trust while having more fun.

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