progress story

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Re: progress story

Post by Calendar1435 » Tue Jun 26, 2018 7:55 pm

Hey Breaker, long time reader here.

I noticed your post from the other day:
Surprisingly enough I lasted, it may have been from just being so tired and it being so late, but I came right after she was done. She laid there for a moment bragging about how great that was.
I've noticed over the past year or 2, whenever my wife and I have sex late in the evening (her preferred time) and I'm dead tired... and not usually interested, that I can last as long as I want to... 30mins, 60mins however long she wants to go for. Sometimes after fucking her to orgasm over 30mins or more, I don't even cum, I'll stay hard for a while, then we drift off to sleep. We've done plenty of orgasm denial over the past couple of years, so I don't always have a pressing NEED to orgasm during/after sex.

I'm not sure if it's a general trend that applies to most males (ie last a long time late at night/tired), but when you mentioned it, I figured I'd share my experience.

On the flip side, if I'm super aroused before we start... chances are not good that I'm going to last a long time, so I tend to spend a lot of time with fingers in her pussy/on her clit/ass and licking her, vibrator(s) etc, to get her close to cumming before I enter her.

Another item I was going to mention last month but didn't get around to, was the possibility of using a 'couples' vibrator with your wife. That way it's not an either/or decision... you or the vibrator. She can have both at the same time. My wife LOVES our Wevibe, we've been using them for about 8 years. (One end goes in her vagina, the other sits over her clitoris.) Gives her a LOT of extra stimulation when I'm inside her, and gets her to orgasm quicker. It's also good to massage on her pussy/clit with my hand (plus can rub her ass at the same time), feels great for her, moving her a long way towards orgasm before I enter... or if she prefers, take her to orgasm that way.


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Re: progress story

Post by Breaker445 » Wed Jun 27, 2018 11:26 am

Sorry it's been awhile since I posted. marriedsex - Thanks for sharing your experience! I find that to be similar to be, later and the more tired I am the longer I can last.

We both have been pretty busy as of late, and for whatever reason I haven't been horny at all therefore my overly excitement on this fantasy just hasn't been there. Seems like terrible timing with Vegas coming up, but I am hoping I get out of this rut by the time we go, which I should. Over the years I'll go into these funks where I am just not in 'the mood' for whatever reason.

Even though I am not in the mood, I've noticed she still takes care of herself. Maybe the most exciting thing I have to give for an update is last night I found she used her dildo. She usually ever uses her vibrator, so seeing she actually used the dildo was a hot thing to find out. So far for the this month her toys have gotten much more action than I have, which again is pretty hot to know.

I'll add this here: Funny timing as last night she seemed to get me out of my rut. We sat around and she brought up that I haven't been in the mood lately. I told her I knew and I thought the combination of being busy and the really hot weather contributes to me not being horny. She replied with telling me she likes me being naughty and horny all the time. "You need to obsess over me and give me your attention." I perked up and said I liked being in that mood too. It was nice hearing her say she prefers me to be in naughty moods. So I told her she shouldn't take my horniness toward her for granted. She wasn't about to let me try and take control of the situation so she reminded me with full seriousness, "You know how many guys give me attention on a daily basis?" She added, "If they only knew my husband wasn't giving me what I needed." I was now fully aroused and said under my breath, "Oh my..." I looked at her and a flush feeling fell upon my face. She saw my reaction and I suggested to her we go have sex now. She gave me this 'yeah right' face and said, "You haven't given me anything lately and I've used options to take care of myself." I'm assuming she was meaning her toys, but I begged her to tell me more. She gave me a little chuckle and said all I needed to know was she was taken care of herself even without me.

Not long after our conversation we did end up having sex, which was vanilla but very hot. Of course my sub mind was thinking just last night she used a dildo to get off and our conversation earlier in the night was on my mind. Somehow I lasted and when it was my turn I almost thought she was going to go for a second orgasm herself, but I ended after she told me I needed to worship her as she said sternly, "You need to worship me." We cleaned up and after getting back into bed she teased if I was ready for round 2. I perked up and told her I could easily go again which she laughed and grabbed my crotch to see if I was capable, and I was. She patted me and said it was time to go to sleep.

Lots racing through my mind today, which I enjoy. Her little comment of guys giving her attention on a daily basis and her telling me she's been taken care of herself without me. Although she didn't go into detail, I know it is her toys she is referring to, but of course with these hot little comments my mind tries to go back and connect the dots and conjure up ideas of possibilities. For instance, I've noticed on nights she's been using her toys many different style of heels and outfits are scattered around the room, heels that are super sexy like her all silver ones, that she doesn't really ever wear because they are almost so sexy they are for formal occasions and she's told me they are uncomfortable for long walking. Add in just yesterday I caught her twice looking on her phone where I could see the screen from a distance, one time she was looking at herself in an photo she had taken of herself in the mirror in an outfit (Not super sexy outfit) but nonetheless, it was a photo I hadn't seen before. Any maybe even more hot was the second time I caught her looking on her phone, again seeing her screen from a distance she was looking at a photo of a guy, it was a group photo, but she had zoomed in on this one particular guy, when I walked up to her, trying to be nonchalant and casual as if I wasn't paying attention, I noticed she quickly exited out of the picture when she noticed I was walking up close to her. Now my hopeful cuck mind gets curious on who this guy is, and then goes to the hopeful thought of 'hmmm nights she has used her toys, heels and outfits are scattered around, catching her looking at photos of herself that I haven't seen and looking at a photo of another guy, is she chatting and photo exchanging with someone and at the end of their conversations she uses her toys?' Hopeful but doubtful, however, I do think with her comments from yesterday I think she is opening up more to the idea of checking out other guys and noticing them, and acknowledging other guys are attractive and she is attractive and if she wanted to she could get them.

Like I said, that little bit seemed to be enough to get my out of my rut because my mind has been racing all day wondering what could be next as it is very nice to hear her say she prefers me to be my submissive horny self.

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Re: progress story

Post by BallSpanking » Fri Jun 29, 2018 4:38 pm

She was definitely checking out a guy. Since was a group photo, there is a good chance it is someone in her social group, or known to her social group.
It's a good sign. ;)
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Re: progress story

Post by 60dCommon » Sat Jun 30, 2018 1:35 pm

Hey, great update. Glad you were able to quickly work through your funk - seems your wife shook you out of it with almost no effort. Your wife is a natural.

Are you keeping up on your commitments to take care of most of the housework? If not, your wife might have to take corrective action in that area too. Just my opinion, but she deserves better than to have to nag you. Could long-term caging help keep you focused on your role - help smooth out some of the ups and downs? I know your wife doesn't get much out of PIV sex with you, but maybe ask her if she would let you service her orally more often? She seemed to have a great experience when you combined oral with toys, so that could work for her and give you a way to have satisfying physical intimacy with her. I know she usually says she'd rather have you than a toy when you play together, but that just doesn't align with your accounts. I'm sure it's been suggested here before, but locking up and giving her the key might help her relax about having to let you inside her. If she unlocks you, great! you'll know that's what she really wants. If not, that's great too, if maybe not as physically satisfying for you.

I can see some hot evenings in your future, filled with her browsing potential dates on Tinder/OK Cupid/whatever as you rub her feet.

Just something to play with...

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Re: progress story

Post by watchinu » Sun Jul 01, 2018 4:24 pm

Love your story - suggest to her that you stay caged and only give her oral with her toy.. she will enjoy the power over your lack of orgasms... She may learn to enjoy your oral if done with her dildo. Perhaps she will really miss a cock and even tell you she wouldn’t mind a nice playmate in addition to your sub offerings in and outta the bedroom.
She is getting primed for Vegas ;)-!

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Re: progress story

Post by 60dCommon » Wed Jul 04, 2018 2:09 pm

Hey, see you're about to drop off my first screen, so figured I'd check in for an update. Howzit going? Following up on a few things:

- what'd you think of the new hair do? Did she go out afterward?
- any discussion of her choosing to use her toys lately?
- any updates on your wife dressing you? seems like a natural activity pre-Vegas.
- remind us again when you leave for Vegas?
- any updates on your Vegas plans?

Really hoping your wife gets the sex she deserves sometime soon. Pulling for you too. Hope you can go with the flow for those first few months as she figures out how she's feeling about everything and how she wants to play it. Can't tell you how otherworldly it feels the first time your wife spreads her legs and pushes your mouth onto her used pussy. I was lucky enough to be greeted by a huge creamy load - hoping you're lucky too.

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Re: progress story

Post by Breaker445 » Thu Jul 05, 2018 11:15 am

Sorry it's been awhile, again been busy and really besides that one night getting out of my rut, I just haven't been all that into being naughty, probably again due to being really busy and the heat. But I have some really interesting things to post.

60d - Her new hair do looked great although she wasn't all for it at first anyways. She didn't end up going out afterward and instead I spent most of the evening reassuring her her new haircut looked great and that I liked it. No discussion on her choosing toys, just again because of the busy schedule and me not really in the mood. No talk yet on her dressing me, but with Vegas coming up shortly I for sure expecting she will choose my outfits the few that I will take compared to her. And we will be in Vegas next week, which is really exciting, yet I am hoping some momentum gets going again since things have really seemed to slow down, mostly on my part anyways.

So going back to the interesting things that happened this past week. So my wife got a spotaneous invite to go on a little quick getaway trip with Jennifer and a couple of Jennifer's really close friends. One of which I have heard stories from both my wife and Jennifer about how wild she is. Anyways, I of course encouraged her to go and the plan was she was going to ride with the girls and I was going to come and stay on the 4th and pick her up. So she went for just two nights by herself with Jennifer and Jennifer's friends all awhile I was very busy here. I was hoping since it was relatively fresh off our conversation about she likes me being naughty and sub toward her, that her being away she would send me teasing texts or naughty texts. Unfortunately I was met with nothing, in fact hardly at text messages at all other than me texting her one night good night and her texting back that she was a bit tipsy. But pretty much the two full days and nights she was gone I got no communication from her. I just figured she was probably too busy relaxing and hanging out with her girlfriends.

So the day comes where I go and pick her up, the plan is for me to stay the night one night and we would drive back home the next day. Thinking since we hadn't seen each other for 2 days she would be very chatty and very including of me, I was surprised when it was the complete opposite. She spent most of her time on her phone, sort of away from the group, while I chatted with her friends. I was thinking in my head, a little dissapointedly, that if she's been on her phone this entire time, why didn't I ever get a text? Anyways, we all started drinking early and drank all afternoon, into the evening and into the night, so lots of drinking going on. By night time we are all sitting around the table playing some card game, and by this time I would say everyone was drunk. Well still having some drinks, in the middle of the game my wife says to the group, "Wish Grant was still here." And she added to that some comment about his skills playing the card game we were playing, but to be honest I was many drinks in at this point that I didn't really remember. Jennifer replied, "Oh, he'd be so drunk by now." One of the other girls name dropped another guy and said he'd probably be passed out. Again, many drinks into the night already I just figured, since my wife was so open about it to the group, that these guys were Jennifer and the other girls friends who stopped by one of the nights for the Holiday weekend. So I did think it was an odd comment she said what she said, but at the same time I thought that they were probably friends of the other girls who stopped by for drinks and obviously played the game we were playing.

So the night went on and the place they stayed was rather small and the rooms were very small and very close to each other. I didn't think I was getting any that night because of the close proximity and lack of privacy of the rooms and that my wife snuck me off briefly to give me a hot kiss and told me we had to be naughty when we got home. But bedtime came and we crashed in one of the beds, again the lack of privacy in the bedrooms was very clear, you could hear anything and everything. I gave my wife a goodnight kiss, again thinking I would have to wait until we got home to enjoy anything, but she grabbed my crotch and started rubbing me. Surprised I started fingering her and her breathing got really heavy. I knew at this point there was no teasing going on and she was wanting to finish. However, I was just thinking it would be a hand job from her and me fingering her, but again with a surprise she pulled my dick through the window of my breifs and with confidence stuck me inside her. With the paper thin walls, and the old creeky bed, you could tell she was trying to be quiet with what we were doing, but at the same time I dont think she cared because she NEEDED it. I was somewhat shy about it because of the lack of privacy and not wanting her friends to know what was up. I whispered to her that I could lick her instead and she responded with a stern whisper of "NO!" She orgasmed in minutes and luckily I ended at the same time she did. When we were finished she laid there satisfied, but i think satisfied that she got action and asked me if I was done. I told her I was and she asked, "You came??" I told her I did and she asked, "In me?" Again telling her yes I did she said, "Oh, I didn't even feel it." No idea if she was intending on the slight jab or not, but it was rather sexy to hear her ask that. The whole thing though felt like she was using me to get something she was needing, which again was hot because I was like a toy to her, but thankfully a toy that was able to perform.

So again, did I mention there was a lot of drinking that day and night? So today on our way home I remembered her comment about this Grant guy and of course replaying that comment in my head got me excited. I asked her if Jennifer had any other friends over who visited. My wife a little quick to answer said, "No." she added, "Nope. Just....." and she named off the three other women. I asked, "Really?" And she said back, "Yeah, why?" I just played it off as no big deal and said I had thought she had other friends over too. She just said, "Nope, just them."

We got home and she told me she was going to run out and do some shopping she wanted to get for Vegas. She got changed and changed into super short jean shorts in which she let me know she knew they were short because she asked, "Are these too short?" I of course told her no and they were fine. "I feel like these are too short." I reassured her they were fine and after some contemplation she decided to stick with the short shorts and a t-shirt that to my cuck mind is maybe the most openly cucky t-shirt my wife will wear. It's a shirt that says, "Meet me at the Beach" Of course it may not mean anything, but to me and my cuck mind that's a super hot tshirt for her to wear out. So while she was gone I texted her if she was looking for things to get for Vegas, to look for an anklet she could wear. She replied, "I'll look haha!"

So an interesting few days, her comment last night and the denial today is a bit strange. Do I think anything happened if there were guys there? No, only because of how badly she wanted me that night it was like she hadn't gotten it in forever, but it definitely made me think that night the guys were there may have gotten her in the mood, because again how badly she wanted it. Of course my cuck mind goes back to her being on her phone most of the time when I got there and thinking were numbers exchanged? new social media messages exchanged? Now I hope she comes back with an anklet as that would be very exciting and I am fairly certain she knows what the meaning behind a wife wearing an anklet is.

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Re: progress story

Post by jps18 » Thu Jul 05, 2018 11:55 am

Something is up with her . She commented that she wished Grant was there . Another girl commented on another guy being there too . She out right lied to you later that there were only the girls there . I think Grant was her guy for the previous two days . Did anything happen with him ? It's possible if she was drunk enough to at least fool around with him . You will never know unless you ask someone . Do any of the girls know what you two have been talking about , your wife finding a lover ? You can let your wife know that no matter what happened in those two days you would be ok with . You know there were guys there , and if she had a little fun with Grant that would turn you on and set up a great Vegas trip . She needs called out on this one . If something is or has happened with another guy , she should share it with you .
Any choice made by you on what she she suggested about any thing you want her to do yet ?


Re: progress story

Post by FNQLivin » Thu Jul 05, 2018 12:16 pm

This is a great slow burn.

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Re: progress story

Post by Breaker445 » Thu Jul 05, 2018 12:18 pm

jps - yeah it was an odd thing to happen, and I have been looking around on one of her social media accounts and her friends accounts to see who Grant is and if anyone with the name Grant has any mentioning of being where they were or even has the looks to be my wifes type. But I haven't found anyone, but at the same time I only can see one of my wifes social media accounts as the other ones she is on I don't have an account with. I don't think her friends know what my wishes are, only because and I forgot to mention this, while we were hanging out playing the game I got my wife another drink and brought it to her. She says aloud in front of everyone when I brought her her drink, "You're like my...." She paused gave a slight giggle, almost at the awkward silence as everyone was listening to what she had to say, then she said, "I don't know?" I sat down and sent her a text and told her, "I know what I'm like but good catch ;-)" She texted back, "Hahaha what?" And I texted back, "I'm like your slave ;)" I saw her grin when she looked at the text.

I dont think there was any fooling around, at least in a physical way, because I don't think she would have been so wanting of me that night I was there and since I dont think Jennifer knows what my fetish is i dont think my wife would have done anything with others there. I do however think whoever it was my wife had a peaked attractiveness to since she made that comment and then was so wanting of me when I got there, I think whoever it was and whatever happened, or really 'didn't' happen turned her on that she used me to get off on whatever that attraction was. I dont want to ask Jennifer, since she of the two ther women there is the only person I really know, because i dont want that question to get back to my wife, and she also may find that a very odd question for me to ask. No one else had any sort of sense of awkwardness when I was there, and I would imagine had they know their friend just fooled around on their husband there would be a sense of awkwardness from the others. The only interesting behavior was my wife when I got there and she was deeply into her phone.

So she just got back and she walks in and says very sexy, "Look what I found" and she presented her right foot forward. To my surprise she was wearing a gold anklet! I immediately expressed how hot it looked and gave her compliments. She smiled and said she would probably wear it to the pool since it matches her swimsuit. She left and I was left fully aroused. I thought she would have gone and taken it off, but so far she has kept it on since she has gotten home! What an immediate "whoa" moment and immediately go into sub mode just seeing it. Hoping the reason she has kept it on is because she likes it and ends up wearing it more often than just the pool.

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Re: progress story

Post by 60dCommon » Thu Jul 05, 2018 2:42 pm

Hey, as always, thanks for the update - hot as usual!

I agree with JPS - it's probably a good idea to talk to your wife about Grant and the other guy(s). I also agree that some fun was had. She probably didn't get laid, but I'd be very surprised if she didn't at least spend some time in Grant's lap, which means he had an arm around her waist and a hand conveniently placed for some casual stroking. Also means she felt his cock pressing against her ass - maybe even her pussy. So, yeah, no surprise she was missing him and that she needed you inside her.

Fun and interesting that you two are taking the FLR stuff out of the house. I always loved bringing a woman a drink - feels chivalrous, if submissive. Serving my wife's friends was sexier for me than I imagine they ever guessed. Same with her taking the lead in bed. Lots of men would have more or less just fucked their wives without questioning it after several days separation, but it was your wife who just took what she needed. Great stuff.

Question: Did you ever give her your list of naughty treats?

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Re: progress story

Post by Breaker445 » Thu Jul 05, 2018 3:14 pm

60d - Oh man, reading that has my heart pounding! I wish that were the case, my thought has been there was playful flirting and she grew an attraction to him but nothing was acted on. Jennifer is a couple years younger than my wife and so are her friends, so my guess is these guys were the same age as them. Crazy to think some 24-26 year old guy may be thinking back on the night thinking he has a chance with my wife. Even crazier to think my wife my be sending him messages! Wow the thought is wild and arousing.

She put on her swimsuit for Vegas to show me how her anklet looks with it. It matches perfectly like she said, and I gave great approval and excitement. I am hoping we have some drinks tonight and maybe she will get talking about what happened over the two days she was gone. There is no way she doesn't know what wearing an anklet means. She has read enough hotwife articles I've sent her and the way she presented the one she bought to me she has to know what it means. The exciting part is how she has paraded round the place flaunting it and keeping it on.

She has given me the list of things I could choose from, I posted about them, but I haven't really chosen one of the options yet. The last one was we try something new, my choice. I was thinking of bringing that up in Vegas and choosing that option. But I haven't officially told her what my choice is.

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Re: progress story

Post by 60dCommon » Thu Jul 05, 2018 4:31 pm

Dunno if you're ready to take this step, but discussing Grant this evening would be a perfect opportunity to tell your wife you're more than OK with her opening up to Jenifer and her circle about her hall pass. She might be way ahead of you on this, but it's a worthwhile topic for discussion. Everything you write just screams that your wife is loving all of this.

Yes, of course, she knows what the anklet means to those in the know. And she knows Vegas is the one place where LOTS of men know. Yeah, maybe time to get down to some specifics about what she wants out of this trip. Have fun tonight!

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Re: progress story

Post by BallSpanking » Thu Jul 05, 2018 5:26 pm

Will she be spending time in the pool lounges?
A great place for her to flirt, pass the time, have some drinks, get friendly with guys. You can watch from afar, or sit at the bar eating a sandwich.

If you really want her to feel "off the leash", go inside and hang in the casino for a few hours. She will text you when she is ready to see you.
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Post by marco333111 » Thu Jul 05, 2018 10:56 pm

Hi Breaker,

Great update as ever.
But..... Am I the only one who sees her telling no one other than the friends were there, as a bit of lying?
Why would she hide that there were also some guys there, she knows you would have liked that.

I know it is not a big deal for you, but if you look at it with cuck-mind turned off, then she just did not tell you the truth.
I think you should bring it up, tell her you know other guys were there (specially Grant), and why she said there weren't.
For this lifestyle you must be able to 100% trust each other.


Edit : Now I've read the previous reply's better I see that I'm not the only one who sees this :D

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Re: progress story

Post by Breaker445 » Fri Jul 06, 2018 10:39 am

BallSpanking - I know she plans on spending a lot of time at the pool, and I probably wont be there all the times she is there. So her wearing an anklet while lounging out at the pool seems like it could be promising for something.

Marco - Thanks, yeah I completely understand where you are coming from. It is odd, and with her flat out denying guys being there makes me wonder was too many drinks into it that I misheard her? Like I said before, I think it would be very awkward to ask Jennifer about it, plus she and I are not on that type of friendship level, me sending her a text would be awkward within itself. The frustrating thing with her is she does know I like this stuff so why would she hide any of it? Even such things as using her toys, she knows I like to know she is, but she never tells me. I am cautious to bring it back up because quiet frankly I don't want to upset her and her think I don't believer her.

Last night we were hanging out, had a drink or two, not too many, but something came up on the TV of a boyfriend finding out his girlfriend made out with someone, and he got mad. My wife goes, "Ohhh you would LOVE to know I made out with some guy." I told her I would and she just shook her head at me. I mean at this point it's obvious I would like to hear that, so it's nothing shocking to admit to. But what I was waiting for, was for her to tell me that maybe she had. Add: I forgot to add, she said to me that she wouldn't find it a big deal if she found out I made out with someone. She said she would be mad, but it wouldn't be a deal breaker. I found this interesting she said something like this since she has always said if I cheated on her it would be a deal breaker. When she says that, I of course say she can on me. She then said, "Although I wouldn't believe you, because at our age who just makes out?"

Later in the night we ended up going to the bedroom and after giving her oral for a long time, I thought I could do her and last, but after a few seconds I could feel the end for me coming on so I had to pull out and go back to oral. She was a little frustrated, but my oral skills have gotten pretty good to where I think she got over the frustration quickly. After a little more time she told me she was going to cum but wanted me inside her. Thinking it wouldn't be long I did as I was told and almost immediately for me I could feel myself ending too. I told her I was going to cum and she kept me inside her. We both came at the same time and afterward she seemed rather disappointed than relaxed and satisfied. She got dressed and as she was checking herself out in the mirror she casually tells me, without any frustration or disappointment in her voice, just casually that I cum too early. I told her I knew and I was sorry and asked her if she came as well. Casually she said she did, but it wasn't good enough. She said she feels rushed and has to force an orgasm because she knows I am ending. She gave a little laugh and said it could have been better. She said it could have been deeper and more powerful. I again apologized and told her the problem is she is too hot. Checking out her ass in the mirror she told me I was like a virgin.

I am fairly certain she may give it a go in Vegas. I don't want to get my hopes up because I feel like I've been waiting for this trip for months and for nothing to happen I don't want to leave the trip disappointed if nothing happens. But the way she's carried herself lately, the outfits she's chosen, actually buying an anklet (I thought I was going to have to buy one for her and then she'd probably never wear it) and this sort of feel when it comes to the cuckold fantasy that isn't that big of a deal to her anymore when it's brought up. Add in did she hang out with guys this past week and find an attraction to one and since then it seems to have spiked her sex drive. Plus with that did it make her realize she can act on those desires if she wants because she has a hall pass from me? So going to Vegas seems like a perfect environment and place for her to test things out.

But like I said, another thing I've noticed is since her getaway couple days her sex drive has been pretty high. Not in the way of being flirty or teasing toward me, or kinky, but the need to have sex seems to be way higher than usual. With last night being a lackluster performance, I am curious if tonight she remains in the mood and brings up in conversation her lack of satisfaction and brings up solutions to the problem.
Last edited by Breaker445 on Fri Jul 06, 2018 11:45 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: progress story

Post by Whosbeensleeping » Fri Jul 06, 2018 11:05 am

There needs to be more openness here to ensure your success in Vegas. I think you need to ask her outright about Grant rather than dancing around things.

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Re: progress story

Post by BallSpanking » Fri Jul 06, 2018 12:59 pm

Her comment about it could have been "deeper and more powerful" clearly refers to the size of your cock and your stamina. A perfect opportunity to reinforce her hall-pass status, reminding her she is very capable of finding what she needs, and enjoying it. ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: progress story

Post by TheHammer » Fri Jul 06, 2018 2:21 pm

You should put the ball in her court in Vegas so to speak. Tell her that you want her to be alone (either at the casino bar or at the pool) and let her be approached by a guy. Leave it up to her to if she wants you nearby or not and she can spend as little or as long as she chooses, do what she wants and can text/signal you if she wants you to come get her. This way, it’s completely up to her how far to take it.

You can either cash it in from your list or use this as a challenge next time she says she could get any guy.

At a minimum, it’s a bit of flirting that will lead to hot talk in bed with you two or could be a lot more..

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Re: progress story

Post by wocka-wocka » Fri Jul 06, 2018 8:32 pm

Breaker445 wrote: But like I said, another thing I've noticed is since her getaway couple days her sex drive has been pretty high. Not in the way of being flirty or teasing toward me, or kinky, but the need to have sex seems to be way higher than usual.
Between this and the plain lies told to you about the prior weekend, my opinion is you guys need to check in with each other and be sure trust and communication is there, and get everything out, honestly, about the weekend. The foundation (trust, respect, honesty) of the marriage comes first.

My opinion is, the way you've written, you seem to enjoy the denial aspects of your wife's lack of communication in some areas of her life. Doing it as a kind of sexy talk is one thing. But, using lies as a kind of uncertainty that makes you horny, is not good for the relationship. You need to talk directly with your wife and get the whole story, beginning to end. It reads like that kind of honesty/intimacy could be a challenge for her.

The other thing here is you are missing out on the whole cycle of distance -> intimacy after the weekend that so many couples seem to enjoy when introducing a third person.

Totally my opinion, but, I think there is way more going on and not in a sexy way.

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Re: progress story

Post by 60dCommon » Sat Jul 07, 2018 5:36 pm

Very hot conversation on the couch and in the bedroom. Seems your wife doesn't really like coming from oral alone? It'd be nice for you two to find a way for her to have satisfying sex with you. She seemed to enjoy facesitting you after you cum in her. And the few times (once?) you've combined oral with a big dildo she seemed to have a really satisfying experience. Dunno how you two get over the focus on conventional PIV sex so you can have fun with the stuff that does work for you.

Agree with 38kewp - everything you write makes me believe your wive will take care of you. She might start by "cheating", but she'll bring you up to speed as she feels you can handle it. At least that's how it looks from here.

With Vegas around the corner, maybe it's time for another very direct conversation? If you really want her to hook up, maybe tell her and get into some details - how she'll communicate that she's met someone, that she needs the room, etc.?

Pulling for you two!

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Re: progress story

Post by wocka-wocka » Sun Jul 08, 2018 11:27 am

60dCommon wrote:Very hot conversation on the couch and in the bedroom. Seems your wife doesn't really like coming from oral alone? It'd be nice for you two to find a way for her to have satisfying sex with you. She seemed to enjoy facesitting you after you cum in her. And the few times (once?) you've combined oral with a big dildo she seemed to have a really satisfying experience. Dunno how you two get over the focus on conventional PIV sex so you can have fun with the stuff that does work for you.
100% agree. Making it reality won't be easy, but probably worth the effort as the increased intimacy and mutual experience should improve the relationship.

Breaker445, your wife and you (!) will likely get more out doing something like this than you realize.

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Re: progress story

Post by 60dCommon » Sun Jul 08, 2018 7:18 pm

Thinking about your Vegas trip, you might try an old standby - hand her an envelope containing a literal hall pass (a card you've made), and a selection of condoms from regular to super magnum. You can tell her to have fun at the pool while you're off doing your thing. I bet she'd think it was charming, in a cucky way.

Keep us posted!

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Re: progress story

Post by Breaker445 » Mon Jul 09, 2018 10:31 am

Thanks for the replies, We leave tomorrow for Vegas for a few nights so I am very excited! Like I've said I've been in a little rut as of late, usually being her sub is on my mind all day everyday which makes me excited and occasional shots of adrenaline rushes. But lately for whatever reason that hasn't been the case, until today when the thought of Vegas and the possibilities popped into my head. I am sure once we get there I'll definitely get out of this rut, but while I've been in this rut she is the completely opposite. I think I posted this before, but her sex drive is on overdrive right now. Maybe the highest it has ever been, and I got to think that could be good news perfectly lining up with our trip. She used me for 3 nights already this past week, and then the past two nights one she used her vibrator and last night she used her dildo, both times with me not there. The hot and intriguing thing is she has now used her dildo twice within the last couple weeks and she rarely ever used it, used to be just her vibrator, but it is a thrilling and hot thought to know she is using her dildo more. The thought of her using her vibrator was hot, but the dildo use is even hotter.

Along with her high sex drive of late, she also surprised me with a waxing kit that she is going to use before we leave. My wife has never waxed before, so my mind goes wild thinking why do so on this trip? We've gone on trips before where she did not prepare like this. I thought about talking to her before we left about the chances of cuckolding happening. But I think what I am going to do is wait until we get there. Other than that first day she gave me the list and I hinted at choosing the last option where we try something new, I haven't brought up my choice again. I am thinking I will bring it up again once in Vegas where the mood and environment may be right.

Going back a couple days, she purposefully humiliated me which was hot. I was going on a run and she saw me walking back when I was almost done with my run. Later in the night I made some comment about being tired and she brought up my run. In a very tauntingly way she brought up that when she saw me I was walking and didn't run the entire thing, sexily while taunting me she said, "You're such a pussy." When I looked at her she had this incredible little smirk. Throughout that night while relaxing on the couch she kept shoving her foot toward my mouth so I would kiss her feet. The night eventually lead to the bedroom for the third time that week which exceeded her rule of twice a week. Like I said her sex drive is really high right now.

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Re: progress story

Post by marco333111 » Mon Jul 09, 2018 11:04 am

Hi Breaker,

First off all, have a very great time there. Go and enjoy yourselves.
I know you really want to be cucked, but do not let your mood go down if it doesn't happen in Vegas.
Have some really great quality time with your wife.

And remember, you know what they say............................what happens in Vegas, you need to report to us :-) :-) :-)

Cheers and have an awful lot of fun.


PS.... if you could get me a $5 poker or roulette chip from the Bellagio........ :-) :-) (of course I will pay for it).

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