Ponytail: A Bull's Story

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by SamWarrens » Fri Jul 14, 2017 6:34 am

Take your time. Best to get it right
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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by knight4princess » Fri Jul 14, 2017 8:37 pm

Very much looking forward to it but as SamWarrens said, take your time as a writer.

This, of course, could be a big moment but then, MAYBE NOT! Maybe that's the twist next somehow. That is to say I have no preconceived notions of where this story is headed!

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by butch42mn » Sat Jul 29, 2017 9:47 am

:up: :up: Outstanding, thanks!! :D :D

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by SamWarrens » Sun Aug 13, 2017 2:29 pm

So, are you going to finish this tale? I know it can be hard - I'm having my own issues with my story.
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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by Joatster » Fri Sep 01, 2017 9:05 am

Yep - I think I finally figured out the next steps. But a vacation and working for a living have reduced my writing time some. I'm cranking to finish. Once it all gets going in my head I can produce a lot, but when it jams up and doesn't feel right production drops to nil. I think I'll have a few chapters before the end of the month.

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by SamWarrens » Fri Sep 01, 2017 9:09 am

Boy, do I understand that. Same thing happens to me. Very frustrating.
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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by MrsPrissy » Fri Sep 15, 2017 4:55 am


I just wanted to take a sec and let you know again how Much I LOVE this story. I very much enjoy how Dan is taking the time and being thoughtful of his impact on Lou and Jeffs life and where he would like to take them from here. The development of the different relationships is delicious. I am on pins and needles awaiting your next chapter Sir .

Yours in breathless anticipation,
Mrs Prissy

PS: Spanking for reward, very nice, very nice, indeed. ;)
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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by Joatster » Mon Sep 18, 2017 8:33 am

I finally figured out where to go next. I wrote this chapter at least three different times and tossed each of them into the virtual trash can. It really took some work to finally get to a chapter that worked. FAIR WARNING - if you are looking for a blow-by-blow description of the carnality of the party, it isn't here. That went into the trash as it didn't move the story forward. The events at the party will come out, just not in this chapter. This isn't a story about Dan and Lou. It is about Dan, Lou, and Jeff...

Chapter 22

I glanced over at Lou as I pulled into my drive. She had slept most of the trip home. She was dressed like a typical housewife that you would expect to see at any garden club or PTA meeting. You would never suspect she was capable of any of what happened at the party last night.

“Hey sleepyhead, we are here.”


“C’mon, let’s go.”

Lou yawned and stretched. “Why…we’re at your place. Why are we here?”

“I called Jeff a little while ago. He is going to pick you up here.”


I carried her bag in while she used the restroom. When she came out, I looked her over. Pastel Bermuda shorts, with a white blouse that had trim matching the color of the shorts. With her blonde hair pulled into her usual perky ponytail, she looked great. I wanted to drag her down the hall and defile her right then. However, it wasn’t time for that. Not quite yet, anyway.

“I know the last day has been…a lot for you.”

Lou blushed. “You could say that.”

“But you should remember this has been a lot for Jeff, too.”

Her eyes drifted as she considered that. “I guess so.”

“I think we should reward him for being so generous.”

“Reward him?”

“We can share some of last night with him.”

“You mean tell him what I did?”


I could see her thinking about it. “Okay, I guess.”

“What had you thought you’d tell him – that it was a wonderful dinner party and that’s it?”

“No. Well...I don’t know. I guess I thought I’d share little bits of it over time.”

“We can save some of it for him. Maybe we can just give him an outline of the activities and you can flesh out the details over time, so to speak. How’s that sound, my pet?”

“That sounds good.”

I snagged a beer for myself and some southern sweet iced tea for her. I had just handed her the tea when my doorbell rang. After telling Lou to wait in my living room, I opened my front door to find Jeff standing there.

He was a sight. His hair was uncombed. Or, rather, it looked like he had combed it with his hand and then tugged at the sides. Strands were kind of sticking out here and there. His eyes looked jumpy as he stood there trying to peek over my shoulder to see his wife. There were dark circles under them. I’m sure he had less sleep than either Lou or me.

“Jeff, good to see you buddy.” I held out a hand to shake.

He just stood there.

“You okay there?” I asked him, drawing his attention by moving just a little.

“Uhm, oh, yeah.”

His handshake was weak, his palm was sweaty. He was in a state. I led him to the living room where he made a beeline to Lou. I gave them a few moments to reconnect.

I pulled a beer from the fridge for Jeff and then interrupted them. “Hey, Jeff. Come sit down. We have some catching up to do.” I waved the beer at him and guided him to the chair across from the couch. As he sat, I pointed at the couch with my chin to guide Lou there. Once they were both settled, I moved around the coffee table and sat next to Lou and took a sip of my beer. Following my lead, both of them sipped their drinks.

“Jeff, I’m sure the last twenty-four hours has been a wild ride for you, hasn’t it?”

He ran a hand through his hair, straightening and mussing it up at the same time. “Yeah.”

“But, Lou is here all safe and sound. She still loves you and is happy to be your wife. Isn’t that right, Lou?”


“Jeff, you look kind of rough. Did you get any rest last night?”

“No, not really.”

“What did you do all night?”

“I couldn’t sleep, so I tried to watch a show.”

“You tried to watch a show?”

“I couldn’t pay attention.”

“I see.” I paused and let the silence build.

Finally, Jeff broke. “I couldn’t stop thinking about what might be happening.”

“So, you were there in your bed alone just thinking about what Lou might be doing?”


“Were you, by chance, touching yourself while you thought about that?”

Jeff’s pale cheeks mottled with a vibrant blush, but he didn’t answer.

“C’mon Jeff. Answer the question.”

He looked at his lap and quietly admitted, “Yes.”

“Did you make yourself come?”


I kept leading him. “More than once?”

He kept staring down into his lap. “Yes.”

“How many times, Jeff? How many times did you make yourself come while you were imagining Lou doing all kinds of naughty things?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “I…I’m not sure. A lot.”

“I bet your dick is sore from you playing with it last night, isn’t it?”

“Yes. I had to stop because it got kind of sore.”

“You were thinking about all the things Lou could be doing and rubbing yourself raw all night. You got to watch that, man. You don’t want to build callouses.” Lou looked at me and I raised my eyebrows in ‘watch this’ manner. Lou’s look heated. She knew something was coming. “Just look at her, Jeff. Isn’t she just the picture of a wholesome wife? The way she is dressed she could be going to a church picnic today.”

Jeff surprised me with his response, “She wore that to the church picnic last month.”

I laughed. “Did she now? Well, I certainly can see it. I bet you can’t tell by looking at her that she was up to some…let’s call them activities that wouldn’t be acceptable at the church social, can you?”

Jeff licked his lips. “No.”

“I bet the church ladies and the PTA would be shocked to the core to learn that this sweet, innocent appearing woman,” I put a hand on Lou’s thigh, “was a raunchy slut last night.”

Jeff gasped and started, almost spilling his beer.

“Careful there, buddy. Don’t spill the brew.”

Jeff’s eyes were on my hand. “Wha…what happened?”

“You want to hear about what your sweet wife did last night?”

Jeff nodded his head jerkily.

“Hmm…maybe I can accommodate you.” I turned to Lou and, with the hand on her thigh, uncrossed her legs so that she was sitting with her knees spread. As I rubbed her pudendum through her shorts, I asked her, “You think we should tell Jeff all about what you got up to over the last day? Or, maybe, you’d rather not spill all the beans and just let his imagination fill it in.” Her eyes had started to glaze a bit and she started moving her hips in counterpoint to my rubbing.

“Maybe, you…ohhh…can, can tell him.”

I smiled to myself. She was still on fire from the party. All I had to do was touch her and she was juiced up and ready to fuck. I could feel her shorts getting damp. I reached behind her head and grabbed that ponytail. Using it I guided her face to mine for a deep tongue swapping kiss. Then I pushed her down to my crotch. “Maybe if you suck on me while I try to remember some of last night.”

She attacked my zipper and freed my cock and balls. As she took me in her mouth, I held her ponytail so that it didn’t block Jeff’s view. He sat there in disbelief as his soccer mom wife mouthed my cock.

“So, you think you are ready to hear about the party, Jeff?”

Jeff just sat there watching his wife sucking my dick. I snapped my fingers a couple of time. “Hey, earth to Jeff.”

His gaze rose to meet mine. “You want to hear about last night?” He nodded. “I’ll share some of what happened with you. Some we’ll save for Lou here to tell you in the dark of the night in your marital bed. How’s that sound.”

He was nodding as I spoke. “Yes. Good. That sounds good.”

I lifted Lou from my cock. “My pet, why don’t you go to the bedroom and get out of those clothes. Jeff and I will be along in a moment.” She took off.

I looked at Jeff. “Now we learn about your true nature, Jeff. You get to find out if you can handle living out those fantasies of yours. Real life isn’t the same as fantasy life, Jeff. There are lots of things that are far more gut wrenching to see than they are to daydream about. I’m going to let you in the room with us. Are you ready for that?”

He was staring down the hall where Lou had gone. “Yeah. I think I can.”

“Think about it, now, you will see her arms around me. Your wife will kiss me tenderly. You will see her welcome me between her legs. She will behave very differently with me than she does with you. Are you ready for that?”

He was still looking down the hall. “Yes.”

I’d set the hook. Now to start testing him. “Will you follow my rules?”

“Yes…Wait. What? What rules?” He finally woke up.

“Nothing too complex or hard, Jeff. I just want you to quietly sit in a chair for me. Just sit there with your hands on the armrests. Simple.”

“Oh, okay.”

“And because I’m a good guy who respects your feelings, if you lift an arm from the arm of that chair, then we end it all. You and Lou go home and we end all our playtime. By letting you opt out, you know deep down inside that you are in control. All you have to do is sit there to enjoy things, but lift a hand, and it will all stop. I’ll treat you guys like any other acquaintance I know here in town. Nothing more.”

I could see Jeff thinking it through. I was giving him ultimate control over things, but only on a nuclear basis. There was no slowing down if he was a little uncomfortable. It was all or nothing. I wondered if he also realized that he wouldn’t be able to touch himself while we played. That would be a delicious torture. Jeff had a sheen of sweat on his brow and he was compulsively rubbing his thumb across his fingertips. Yes, indeed. I had him worked up to a full boil. His eyes were jumping around and he had a bulge in his pants where his hard cock was voting for this to happen.

“Uhm…you mean I can watch and listen to you tell me what happened last night, but I have to just sit there while you and Lou…” His voice trailed away.

I helped him out. “Fuck, Jeff. The word is fuck. Yes. Your churchgoing PTA housewife and mother and I will fuck while you sit there unable to move your arms or hands from the arms of the chair. Can you handle that, or should I send you guys on home now? I’m sure about what Lou wants.”

“No…No. It’s okay. I can do that.”

“Good, Jeff. I’m going to the bedroom now. You can put our empties in the recycling bin and put Lou’s glass in the sink before you head back, okay?”

Jeff looked around at the empty bottles and glass sitting on coasters on my coffee table. “Sure. I’ll put them up.”

I headed back to the bedroom where I found Lou stretched out on my bed. She had a very hungry look in her eyes. “Little one, did you not get enough last night?”

“I did last night, but it just makes me want more today.”

“Well, then, let’s see what we can do about that. Jeff will be here in a second. When he gets here I want you to sit on his lap while I begin telling him about what a naughty wife he has. I’ve told him that if he lifts a hand from the arm of the chair, all our play is done, so don’t be upset if he doesn’t grab you. And don’t be grabbing his hand. I’m serious, if his hand comes up, you are just another person I see at the gym sometimes. You don’t want that, do you?” I shook my head as I asked her that, guiding the answer. She was more receptive to non-verbal cues than almost anyone I’d ever been around.”

“No. I…want…” she trailed off.

I began nodding. “You want…more, maybe?”

“Yes, more!”

I heard Jeff coming down the hall. “I think we can have ‘more’ right now, my pet.”

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by SamWarrens » Mon Sep 18, 2017 10:39 am

Keep it cumming! We all want more!
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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by sensual9696 » Mon Sep 18, 2017 2:15 pm

As usual, superb writing... looking forward to more!

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by Jerzeycuckhub » Tue Sep 19, 2017 9:49 am

I must be a lot like Lou, I want more too :cool: :cool:

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by tennesseered » Thu Sep 21, 2017 5:48 pm

Coming along nicely! Exquisite agony for Jeff, and great voyeur fun for the rest of us!

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by Curiousguy99 » Thu Sep 21, 2017 6:27 pm

Great story! Really enjoying your writing style. Please continue.

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by Bovary2012 » Sat Oct 07, 2017 11:12 am

Thanks, Joatster. I'm enjoying your terrific story & I appreciate the time you're putting in on it. It's reminding me a bit of Alcibade's "The Husband"--but thank goodness YOU keep going and I hope you keep on going.

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Sun Oct 08, 2017 8:11 am


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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by il2sw » Sun Oct 08, 2017 8:31 am

Great story! Since I read this, every time I go to the gym, I notice some blonde woman with a ponytail swinging from side to side as she runs on the treadmill or the elliptical, and I wonder if she’d be a good candidate for another ponytail project :D
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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by SamWarrens » Sun Oct 08, 2017 10:13 am

New chapter soon? I'm in almost as much agony as Jeff.
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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by SamWarrens » Fri Oct 27, 2017 6:53 am

Please! Post a new chapter soon!
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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by Rex-Lex » Sat Oct 28, 2017 2:02 pm

This really is the most excellent tale of debauchery, providing a delicious mix of anticipation (for Jeff), full-on carnality (for Lou) and masterful direction from their oh-so-in-control Master.

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by SamWarrens » Fri Nov 03, 2017 6:37 am

Hope you don't abandon this story at its point. We all have to know what took place at the Atlanta party and how much of this emotional torture Jeff can stand before he cracks.
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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by jmontagn » Fri Nov 03, 2017 7:05 am

SamWarrens wrote:Hope you don't abandon this story at its point. We all have to know what took place at the Atlanta party and how much of this emotional torture Jeff can stand before he cracks.
Nevermind Jeff. Think of the emotional torture we readers are all suffering waiting to find out.

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by potato barn » Sun Nov 05, 2017 2:15 pm

Every time a new chapter is added, my wifes pussy drips.

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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by SamWarrens » Fri Nov 10, 2017 6:44 pm

Joatster, Joatster - it's been two months. This addict is coming unglued! I need my ponytail fix! I know it is hard, I have the same problems and health issues that get in the way of my writing.
Just don't leave us hanging much longer. Please!
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Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by Joatster » Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:08 am

Chapter 23

Jeff entered the room to find me standing beside the bed caressing Lou’s breasts. “Hi, Jeff. You can sit right over there.” I pointed to a chair in a sitting area by the fireplace.

As Jeff sat, he surprised me. “I’d like to discuss the terms you set out in the other room.”

Lawyers. Here was evidence of how warped their twisty little minds get. I’m not sure if it is law school that does it or the actual practice of law. Here he was with a hard cock from seeing his wife’s lover caressing her and he wanted to negotiate. “What is it, Jeff?”

“Rather than keeping my hands on the chair’s arms, what if I just keep my hands above my waist. That way if I sneeze, cough, or my nose itches, I won’t inadvertently bring things to a premature end.”

I pulled Lou up from the bed and held her naked body to mine. He had a point. I wasn’t trying to bind him up. At the same time, I had to get something back rather than just concede to his request. “I can work with that, Jeff. But until I climb in the bed, your hands stay on the arms.” I guided Lou over and sat her on his lap, where she nuzzled his neck and squirmed her butt against him.

As I unbuttoned my shirt, I said. “You know, Jeff. You are not the first fully dressed man to have a naked Lou sitting on his lap in the last twenty-four hours. In fact, you are not the first fully dressed man other than me to have a naked Lou sitting on his lap in the last twenty-four hours.” Jeff closed his eyes and shivered. Lou caressed his cheek and rubbed her body against his. “That man’s hands, though, weren’t metaphorically tied to the arms of the chair. His hands were free to explore your wife’s tight little body. Something he did quite thoroughly.” I paused a second, taking in the sight as I hung my shirt on the valet. “It was really something, Lou appeared to enjoy quite a bit, didn’t you little one?”

Lou froze in place a moment, then she nodded.

“Why don’t you come here and sit on my lap a moment, Lou.”

I sat in the chair near Jeff’s. The two chairs and a small table sat in front of the fireplace in the sitting area. Lou came to me and I appreciated the grace with which she moved. She was moving like a gymnast, all grace and power.

As she climbed into my lap facing her husband, I said. “No, sit on me like you did with Marc after dinner last night.” She spread her legs so that they were outside of mine. “Good. Now take my hand and show your husband where and how Marc touched you while you were sitting with him.”

Lou was trembling slightly as she took my right hand and drew my palm across her belly just below her belly button. Jeff’s eyes were locked on that hand. Lou’s hips rocked as she drew my hand down across the inside of her right thigh. Looking over her shoulder, I could see her pussy lips were spread and wet.

“My friends welcomed Lou and I along with eight other people to a very nice dinner last night. The conversation at dinner ranged from getting-to-know-you stuff to some very sexy innuendo. Lou was quite a hit. Between looking very sexy in the dress I gave her, and her natural wife-next-door good looks, my friend Marc was quite taken with her.”

Lou brought my hand back up to her belly and then brought it up between her breasts.

After dinner, we retired to the lounge area. It has a wall of windows overlooking the lake. With the lights low, the view of the moonlight shimmering on the water was beautiful.”

Lou moved my hand to her throat, which I grasped gently, feeling her pulse beating. Then she turned my hand and had me run the back of my fingers across her smooth cheek.

“There are a number of couches in the lounge area. People moved to them in little groups of three or four. Lou sat between Marc and I on a couch and shared an after-dinner brandy. We talked about the view, the house, the lake – just general stuff. I got a real kick when I saw Lou notice the activity on the other couches. I think she had almost forgotten that debauchery was for desert.”

Lou took my middle finger into her mouth and began sucking on it. I noticed Jeff licking dry lips.

I think what she noticed was Robert, our host, with Wendy. Robert is in his mid-fifties and carries a little extra weight. Wendy is a young college student that came as the guest of Marc. Robert’s slacks were off, and Wendy was naked. I believe that when Lou noticed them, Wendy was kneeling over Robert’s face receiving oral pleasure from him. Wasn’t she, my pet?”

Lou moaned around my finger. She pulled my hand from her mouth and took hold of both of my hands. She ran them from her hips up until they were beside her breasts. Then she slowly moved my palms gently across her nipples, not quite touching anything but her nipples as she circled my palms to provide continuous stimulation. Jeff’s forehead began to shine with a bit of perspiration.

“That was when I told Lou to show Marc what she was wearing under the dress. You should have seen her when she stood up in front of Marc and I, Jeff. Her face was flushed, but she looked so beautiful. Her hair was pulled back in her usual ponytail. She looked just perfect.”

Lou pressed my hands fully into her small breasts, squeezing and lifting them. I could feel her hard nipples in my palms. Jeff was having trouble sitting still.

“Lou turned and asked me to help. I deferred and let Marc have the honor. He moved the black straps down so slowly. As the dress opened, it revealed nothing but Lou’s white skin glowing in the dim light. Once her arms were free, she turned back around and let the dress slip down and pool at her feet. She was naked, Jeff. Your wife was absolutely naked in front of Marc and me. In front of eleven other people, actually. Her nipples were hard. Her pussy was red and wet. She stood there and let us enjoy the sight of the woman we would be fucking.”

Lou moved my right hand from her breast down her belly, past her belly button, to her pussy. She cupped my fingers and pushed two of them into her wet pussy. I began working them in and around while letting my palm work her clit. Lou’s breathing was labored. Her hips were jerking as she neared an orgasm. Beads of sweat stood on Jeff’s forehead.

“Marc took her hand and sat your naked wife on his lap, Jeff. Just like you saw me do it. You know where his hands went, don’t you?”

Jeff croaked. “Like…like she showed us?”

“Yes, Jeff. Just like what has been happening in front of you. Marc caressed your wife just like she has been showing you. He took her to the very edge of orgasm, as she is right now. Then he stood up.”

I stood and set Lou to the side, where she stood panting. Her moan of disappointment told us how much she didn’t want to stop what had been going on a moment before.

“Marc is a big guy, Jeff. He is quite a physical specimen. He is a professional athlete. A ball player. You have probably seen him on television. He stood there and let your wife undress him. She started slow, but you could see the hunger in her as she fumbled with the cuff links. She wasn’t very familiar with them. You should have seen it. Your naked wife standing in front of this guy. His shirt was pulled off his shoulders behind him, but his arms were stuck in the sleeves as she tried to figure out how to get those cuff links off. The shirt was a bright starched white dress shirt, it contrasted with his black skin even more than your wife’s hands.”

I think this is the point at which Jeff came in his pants. His body jerked and curled as he pulled his knees together. His eyes closed, and he groaned loudly. I motioned Lou to me and told her to finish undressing me. I made sure she carefully placed all the clothes on the valet so that they wouldn’t wrinkle.

Once I was naked, I pulled Lou to me and exchanged a deep kiss with her as my hands wandered across her tight body. She had such a nice little butt. I could almost palm the whole thing with one hand. I mentioned that to Jeff, adding, “My hands are nowhere near as large a Marcs. When he palmed her naked behind, he palmed the whole thing.”

I eased onto the bed and said, “Now that I’m on the bed, Jeff, I think it is okay for you to move your hands if you want. You know, if you sneeze or something.” I grabbed Lou’s ponytail and guided her mouth to my cock. “In fact, Jeff, I’ll even let you stand up and turn the chair to face the bed so that you don’t have to twist around like that.”

I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the blowjob for a minute. I heard Jeff moving the chair and wondered if he had a wet spot on his slacks.

“So, where were we?” I asked rhetorically. “Ah, yes, your pretty little wife eventually got Marc as naked as she was. He guided her to her knees as he sat on the couch. It didn’t take long before her ponytailed head was bobbing up and down in his lap. Marc and I caught up with each other as she worked his dark colored cock. Marc is big, everywhere, by the way. He is nicely endowed. It was quite a sight to see Lou’s spit shining on that black cock in the dim light of the lounge area.

“That was about when Rosa came over to our couch. She is the wife of Robert our host. Rosa is from Buenos Aires and has the sexiest Spanish accent. She is a beautiful dark-haired sloe-eyed Latina in her forties. She was naked when she came and began undressing me. I’m sorry, Jeff, but I lost track of your wife for a bit. Having sex with Rosa is a consuming endeavor. I did not want to let her down.”

Lou continued to suck my cock. Her left hand was rubbing my balls and her right followed her mouth up and down my shaft. It was very good.

“I do recall seeing Lou suck his cock for a while. Then, I was busy for a bit. The next time I looked over there, Lou was in Marc’s facing him. She was pumping away on his cock, Jeff. She was fucking him.”

I glanced over at Jeff. He was biting a knuckle as I told him about his wife fucking this professional athlete. His hair was mussed, and he looked a mess. I had to smile at his distress. This guy was torn between hating and loving what he was hearing. He wanted to grab his wife and take her away from me, and he wanted to watch her as she sucked my hard cock. He wanted me to shut up and he wanted to hear every sexy detail of what had happened the night before.

“I lost track of things again for a while. Rosa has muscle control you wouldn’t believe, Jeff. I believe that woman could crack a walnut with her pussy. She does this rippley thing that pulls your cock in…it is like nothing I’ve ever come across. Anyway, the next time I noticed your PTA mom wife she was bent over the arm of the couch with Marc behind her. I noticed her because I felt the couch bouncing as he fucked her. Man, he was fucking away like nobody’s business. You could hear a loud pop each time his hard body smacked into her as he thrust away. Lou was making these squeaky grunts each time he thrust into her. Her body was flopping and would have probably collapsed if he hadn’t been holding her hips. I believe the technical term for it is rag-dolling. Ever hear of that, Jeff? Yeah your wife was being ragdolled by the six-foot-six black guy with arms bigger than your legs.”

I pulled Lou up from the blowjob she was giving me and told her to climb on my cock. I was getting close. I put my hands behind my head and enjoyed the sensation as she slid down on my cock.

“Anyway, Marc couldn’t hold on too long like that. I saw him stiffen his body and clutch your wife’s hips, pulling her into him.” I looked at Lou, “You were coming then, too, weren’t you?”

“Yess,” she hissed as she ground her clit into my pelvic bone.

“Yep, Marc did a number on her. He told me later that she was a phenomenal fuck. Believe it when you hear someone like him, a popular professional ball player who has had more than his fair share of women. When he says your sweet wife is a great fuck, he means it.”

As I said that, I felt it. Lou kicked into overdrive on me, bringing us both to a very satisfying orgasm. When I recovered, Lou was still draped across me. She fell asleep quickly. As I eased out of the bed, I said, “Why don’t we go to the other room and let her rest. She had a very busy night after that and is still in recovery mode. Come on and I’ll tell you more.” I grabbed my running shorts, slipped into them, and headed to the great room with Jeff in tow. He did have a sizeable wet spot.

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Joined: Tue Dec 01, 2015 2:40 pm
Location: Buffalo, NY USA

Re: Ponytail: A Bull's Story

Unread post by jmontagn » Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:23 am

Well worth the long wait.

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