In it for the long haul..

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Clueless hubby
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In it for the long haul..

Post by Clueless hubby » Wed Sep 27, 2017 2:30 pm

I had the biggest crush on Heather when I heard she was quitting the company. I moved here almost a year ago and the highlight of my day had been seeing her. Her long blonde hair splashed over her petite frame. The way the oversized office chair made her seem so small and vulnerable was an illusion. I had seen her confront the grumpiest truck drivers and Bitchiest coworkers with ease. It was still the 90s but she always dressed to impress. No flannels or baggy jeans at work at least. Skirts or tight ass hugging office slacks,short heels, and tight sweaters were her regular attire. Usually somebody was hanging around her desk hitting on her when I came in. They would just ignore me as I took care of my business.
In the time we worked together I never had the courage to ask Heather out. She dated several other people at work. For one reason or another she’d see someone for a month or so then I’d hear they split up. She’s a couple of years older than me and I know now she just liked going out and having fun with different people.It’s hard to believe but most guys in there twenties don’t like that.
I had dated a few girls since Joyce so it wasn’t like I was damaged goods or anything. Heather was different though. She was the first real woman I ever fell for. By woman I mean she had her own car, her own place, and her own identity. She didn’t need anyone else to lean on and I was mesmerized by her. I could go on and on about my future wife but I won’t.
I had been at another location that day and I rushed back to the office in hopes to see her one last time. The office she was in had a few people saying goodbyes as I walked in. Heather was standing with her keys in her hand and box under her arm.right then I made the best decision of my life.
“Let me get this” I said as I grabbed the box for her. I walked right outside not even waiting for a reply. Heather followed me out a second later
“Thanks Shawn. I would have been in there all night if you hadn’t done that. It was like you were throwing me out” She joked catching me off guard.
“No! I just wanted to help is all” I blurted out. She smiled at me easing my anxiety.
“It’s to bad we never talked much being my last day and all” she said as she unlocked her car. There was my opening and I took it
“Well what are you doing tonight? We can celebrate moving on to better things” I felt like a tool right then.
“I can’t. I have date tonight” she said. I will never forget the look she gave me. It was like she’d never seen me before and was sizing me up. She did the strangest thing then. I was parked next to her car. She walked over to my car and in the dirt along the edge of my windshield she wrote her pager number.
“I’m free tomorrow night if you are. Call me when you get off and we’ll get together”
“Cool” I said dumbly witch made her giggle. She jumped in her car and was gone.
I paged her as soon as I got home the next day. I sat there waiting forever for her to call back and she did.
We did the typical dinner and a movie thing. It being Friday we ended back at her place and we talked till the sun came up. Heather told me she had been working three jobs and the part time one offered her full time with more pay so that’s why she quit. Her other job was mostly at night. She worked for a service that you called when you needed a waitress, bartender, or hostess. She would work private parties and some bars on busy nights or if someone called off. She even worked at strip clubs occasionally. When she told me this I could tell she was looking for a reaction.
“Are you ok with that?” She finally asked.
“Why wouldn’t I be? Do you like doing it?” I stated.
“Most of the time I really do like it. You get your bad days like every job but it’s usually kind of fun. I’ve had guys never call me again when I told them I waitress and bartend in strip clubs sometimes. They assume I’m a stripper”
“Are you?” I had to ask, right?
“No. I would but I just don’t have the guts to get naked in front of so many strangers” she sighed. I thought she was fucking with me a little when I replied
“Gotta have goals”
She playfully punched me in the gut and that’s when we kissed. We talked more and made out till dawn.
We went out the next night and we slept together for the first time. I was falling in love already and I think she may have been as well. Every night the rest of the week we stayed together. until the next Friday. She had to work that night at nine so she offered to cook me dinner before hand.
I showed up to her place right after work. She was in shorts and a t-shirt and had dinner waiting. I can’t cook and neither can anyone in my family. When I ate her lasagna that night I wanted to marry her! I know it might sound old fashioned but when some one does something like that for me I’m there’s for life!
We sat around after dinner talking until she got up to get ready for work. She insisted I stay as she went in the bath room to get ready. We talked threw the walls as she did her hair and make up. I sat on the couch waiting as she scooted naked into her bedroom. When Heather came out my jaw hit the floor.
She had on a tight purple tank top cut off at the waste so you could see her belly button. At her hips hung a purple and plaid loose fitting skirt that stopped a few inches from her ass cheeks. Right wear the skirt ended Heather had on flesh colored stay up stockings and Black close-toed heels. She bent to get her purse and I could see the purple thong panties underneath. Heather was the first woman I had ever known who wore thongs all the time. She showed me out and off she went. I sat in my car a second taking this in. I wondered if she was being honest with me. I didn’t care. I was so hard it blurred out anything negative. I was supposed to go out with some friends but I went home instead. I masturbated then just kinda zoned out. What happened with Joyce had really turned me on when I was younger. Over the last few years I had learned I liked the humiliation she caused me. I liked the sense of danger that went with it. Girls I had dated since then didn’t do it for me like that anyways. I felt like I was on the edge of a cliff. This could’ve been all in my head. I wanted to talk to Heather so bad about it but I didn’t want to rock the boat. I found out later that night exactly how this relationship was going to go.

It was three a.m when I heard a knock on my door. I Fell asleep on the couch so I dragged myself to the peephole and saw Heather standing there twirling her hair. I opened the door and she whispered
“Did you miss me?”
Her hair Was messy like she just woke up. I eyed her up and down still half asleep noticing a long run in one of her stockings.
I was standing there in my underwear with a blanket draped over me. She pulled me to her and kissed me deep and long. Rubbing her body against me so she could feel me harden. We kissed and fondled our way to the bedroom with me laying on my back. I reached between her legs and noticed her panties were gone. She was sopping wet as well.
“What happened to your panties” I breathed out heavily. Heather climbed up my body to position herself to sit on my face and replied
“I’ll never tell”
I could taste latex as my tongue touched her lips.

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Re: In it for the long haul..

Post by pwsub » Wed Sep 27, 2017 5:35 pm

This is shaping up to be one of the best stories for a long long time, I am captivated and cannot wait for the next instalment, thank you :)

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Re: In it for the long haul..

Post by SamWarrens » Wed Sep 27, 2017 5:59 pm

Go man Go! Give us more!
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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Re: In it for the long haul..

Post by Open2it » Thu Sep 28, 2017 1:36 am

Heather sounds insanely hot!

Clueless hubby
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Re: In it for the long haul..

Post by Clueless hubby » Thu Sep 28, 2017 6:01 pm

I attacked her that night. My lips touched every inch of her body. I left bite marks, pulled hair, and tried to break threw the condom. When I finished she seemed to be even more worked up. Heather ran her fingers between her legs and asked me “Are you glad I came by? I hope I wasn’t to forward. I just needed some attention”
“I’m so glad you did! I love giving you what you need” I said trying to sound tough.
Heather noticed I was getting hard again watching her. She stopped touching herself and ran a finger along my shaft.
“I need a lot of attention sometimes. I just can’t control myself. I hope that’s ok.”
“Oh yes it is” I moaned
“Like tonight I needed it. I’m glad you gave me some of the attention I needed”
Heather ran her fingers around my cock making it twitch. I started to strain in the direction of her hand but she stopped.
She got up and started to get dressed. I really wanted her and I begged her to stay the night.
“we’ve only been dating for a couple of weeks baby. I can’t stay all night yet. Call me tomarrow and we’ll get together”
She kissed me on the cheek and left. I sat there staring at the ceiling wondering about the whole situation. I didn’t want this to stop but I was so not in control. I barley slept that night.
I talked to Heather the next afternoon and we met for a late lunch. We sat down and talked about what we wanted to do for the day
“You know it’s been awhile since someone really wanted me to stay all night. It freaked me out a little. It won’t next time”
Heather was looking me in the eyes as she spoke. I could hear the sincerity in her voice.
“I want you to stay every night” I said back to her. That made her smile
“You left a hickey on my thigh. I don’t want you leaving marks like that.”
I asked her to show me where and she pointed to a spot on the inside of her thigh. It was almost at her crotch.
“I don’t want to take the chance of someone else seeing it” she said with all seriousness.
She changed the subject and asked if I could drive by her last boyfriends house later to pick up some things. I still had my van and I guess he had given her a dresser. I said sure.
Later that day I followed her over to her ex’s house. He lived up above his mom and dads place. In hind sight I think one of the reasons Heather was so into me was because I was so independent.anyways..
I followed her up the back steps eyes glued to her ass in cut offs. I knew Rich from work so there wasn’t a lot of weirdness as I carried the dresser down to my van with him. Heather came up and told me she’d meet me at her place. She wanted to look around and make sure she got everything. I sat there in my Van for about ten minutes but she didn’t come down. I heard someone yell and looked up to Rich’s window. He was making a shewing motion with his hand. Almost immediately I saw Heather grab him by the shirt pulling him back in. They both were laughing about it. So I did what anyone would do. I drove to Heathers and sat in her driveway until she showed.
I waited over an hour before she pulled up. I even managed to get the dresser on the porch by myself.
“Thanks baby!” She said walking up and giving me a kiss. She smelled and tasted cigarettes. Heather doesn’t smoke but Rich does.
We got the dresser in the bedroom and she playfully tackled me onto her bed.
“Sorry I took so long but Rich just didn’t want me to go. I think he’s jealous of you” She was so teasing me.
“He just wanted to really say goodbye. I mean we don’t work together and I’m with you now and all”
Heather was on her back now and I managed to get her shirt off. I kissed my way around her tiny belly and asked her
“Are you going to go to every former coworkers home to say goodbye” I was just teasing her back. She grabbed me by the head and made me look up at her
“What if I did? Would we have a problem?”
I was so worked up. Thoughts of my past relationships washed up and made me hesitate.
“I want what you want. I like what you like”
The lamest response ever! She relaxed and let go of my hair. I kissed farther down and started to remove her shorts
“Rich noticed your hickey you know. He wasn’t happy about it”
This made me feel better in a weird way. “That’s to bad for him” I replied all cocky and kissed down farther. Heather yanked her shorts and panties off so I could get to her sex better. I could see the hickey I gave her on her leg but there was something else. She had another hickey on the other thigh. It was twice as large and stopped right at her box.
I started to pull away in shock. She grabbed my head though and smashed my face into her.
“Be gentle baby. My pussy has been through a lot the last couple of days” Heather coed.
I was so turned on I couldn’t control myself. Rubbing my penis on her bed as I gently tongued her I came. I tried to play it off but she could tell I lost some enthusiasm. She gently pulled me up to the top of the bed. Wrapping my arms around her we spooned and fell asleep.

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Re: In it for the long haul..

Post by pwsub » Thu Sep 28, 2017 9:00 pm

It just gets better, what a catch you found

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Re: In it for the long haul..

Post by pwsub » Sun Oct 01, 2017 9:47 pm

This really is a great story, keep checking for your next update, thanks!

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Re: In it for the long haul..

Post by inNC » Mon Oct 02, 2017 4:46 am

I do so enjoy a sexy woman already knowing what we want & need & what she wants from submit to it, to agree to be completely sexually aroused by her actions
The ever evolving sexual aspect of our life together:

My desirers for my wife & ME...Pics & captions that will make Cucks WANT to CUM tumblr:

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Re: In it for the long haul..

Post by jmontagn » Mon Oct 02, 2017 4:51 am

Can't wait for the next installment. Heather sounds like she will be the perfect wife for a cuckold.

Clueless hubby
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Re: In it for the long haul..

Post by Clueless hubby » Mon Oct 02, 2017 6:05 pm

Thanks for the support it means a lot. Any questions or comments are appreciated
Last edited by Clueless hubby on Tue Oct 03, 2017 5:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

Clueless hubby
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Re: In it for the long haul..

Post by Clueless hubby » Mon Oct 02, 2017 6:06 pm

Heather and I started to get even more serous in our relationship. Over the next few months there wasn’t a night that we didn’t wake up next to each other. So we started to talk about moving in together.
There was a small glitch in all of this. Heather had an ex who wouldn’t leave her alone. She would tell me about how he was kind of crazy and carried a gun. She made me promise to never confront him if he showed up out of fear for what might happen.
“Im really falling for you Shawn. I don’t want anything to fuck that up. Especially not him. He’s just not worth your time” she would say to me.
So I agreed to not make a scene if he ever came around or anything. Well, he did show up. Heather had finally gotten a phone(thanks to me) a couple of days before. It was around 9 at night when he called.
When it rang I could tell she didn’t want to answer but she did
I could hear a man ask her if she was gonna be home awhile since I was sitting right next to her
“Ya I am but I’m kinda busy”
Laughing first I heard him respond
“He’s there isn’t he? Whatever. I’m coming over so do what you got to do”
“Um, Shawn that was Kevin. He’s coming by” she told me nervously.
“Ok” I said and just sat there watching tv.
Heather started to pace the floors and checking the windows. I couldn’t believe how nervous she was acting right then.
“Do you want me to split?” I asked.
No I don’t it’s just that, well maybe you should. I don’t know what will happen between us Shawn and well” she stopped in mid sentence. A car pulled up in the drive.
“Shit, shit, shit. Shawn go in the bedroom please! And close and lock the door” she looked desperate so I did as she asked. I was kinda getting pissed. I mean come on! Have some faith in me. I reluctantly went into her bedroom but I didn’t lock the door. I don’t know why but I still had some balls you know?
I heard Heather open the door for him then some muffled talking. I couldn’t make out much but it sounded like two friends talking. I even heard Heather laughing at times. I was was wondering why she gave her ex her number in the first place!
After awhile it got really quiet. I was pressing my ear against the door at this point. I thought I heard Kevin moan. Then I definitely heard Heather. I couldn’t see them but there was no doubt he was fucking her and by the sounds she was making Heather was loving it. She was getting loader and loader. At what point she yelled out “god I’ve missed this!”
They went at it for what seemed like an hour. Heather was shouting the roof down when I assume he finally came. All was quiet. There was a few minutes of silence. Someone went to the bathroom. After I heard the toilet flush was when Heather gave me a heart attack saying loudly. “no babe, let’s stay out here. My bedrooms a mess”
I scrambled into the closet. I tried to be quiet but I don’t think I was successful. Heather was a 24 year old single woman. There wasn’t much room in that closet. I couldn’t even get the door closed.
Heather came in first. She was completely nude except for little White Sox on her feet. She scanned the room and looked at the closet as she got in the bed. She turned around so she was on her stomach facing me in the closet. The closet was on the same wall as the door.
I could hear Kevin urinating in the bathroom. Heather kept staring at the closet blankly. I didn’t think she could see me but I really wasn’t sure what she was thinking.
Kevin walked in the bedroom then looking at Heather and smiling. He was a big guy. Six foot two and about 200 pounds. You could tell he worked construction for a living. There was very little if any fat on this man. His long blonde hair came past his shoulders matching with a goatee on his rough face. When he turned to face the closet I could see his thick nine inch cock almost at eye level
He was looking right at me when he spoke..
“Dude, what the fuck are you doing?”
He started laughing then. Heather still had that same blank look as she watched me climb out of her closet. She rolled her eyes then and said
“Shawn, just go home. I’ll call you later”
Yah, go on now” Kevin said with contempt. I was numb as I found my keys and walked out of her house.
As soon as I got home I played with myself. I was beside myself. It was the hottest thing ever but also the must fucking humiliating. I was sure we were over. How could she respect me now after the way I just slinked out of there.
I tried to eat something and watch tv but I just got hard again. It’s was around midnight when someone knocked on my door. It was Heather.
She was wearing sweats and a t-shirt. Her hair was in a pony tail as she rushed in and wrapped her arms around me. She held me tightly for long moments not saying a word. She looked up to kiss me and I kissed her back. Our tongues explored each other’s mouths with passion. Her lips were warm and soft but her body felt cold. Probably from being naked for the last couple of hours.
Our cloths came off as we headed to the bedroom not letting each other go. I went to go down on her. She tried to stop me but I wouldn’t have it. I could taste him inside her. My first couple of tastes were cold and flaky but I soon found her soft insides. Her lips were swollen and as I forced my tongue into her she came. The last of him came out into my mouth then.
Heather pulled me up to her and we made love. She was so swollen and tight down there. I slowly worked in and out of her until we both came and collapsed. We fell asleep almost immediately. The big talk would half to wait until tomarrow.

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Re: In it for the long haul..

Post by pwsub » Mon Oct 02, 2017 9:07 pm

Heather sure is a catch, looking forward to hearing how 'the big talk' went, thanks

Clueless hubby
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Re: In it for the long haul..

Post by Clueless hubby » Tue Oct 03, 2017 11:43 am

I woke up the next morning staring at the woman next to me. I felt like someone was playing a joke on me. How was this happening to me again? Heather obviously needed other men than me sexually but I felt like she loved me too. Was I like giving off a vibe she picked up on? A date me and I’ll let you fuck other guys vibe?
I got out of bed and decided to go get breakfast. This little restaurant by my place had the best beacon and egg sandwiches witch we both loved. I picked them up along with some other groceries I needed. when I got back Heather was still sound asleep.
I climbed back into bed rubbing her back and shoulders until she stirred. Heather stretched and let out a little squeak when she smelled the food. We got up, ate, jumped in the shower washing each other then went in the bedroom.
Heather grabbed one of my t-shirts and pulled it on. Her hair was still wet while she combed it out. I stood there just taking her in. She was so perfect! I couldn’t of dreamt up a more beautiful woman. She noticed me looking and put the brush down. I was suddenly painfully aware I hadn’t gotten dressed yet.
I watched Heather eye me head to toe. She had a smirk on her pretty face and I remembered seeing Kevin’s cock. I know she was comparing us and I wasn’t even close to what that man had. On my best day I’m five and a half inches long. She was obviously sizing me up and it was making me self conscious.
I reached for some clothes and she stopped me. Taking my hand she lead me to the bed. I was still naked and Heather in my t-shirt. She slowly started to play with my penis then.
“That was something last night huh? I’m sorry about that Shawn. I don’t know why I do things like that”
She was playing with my balls as she spoke. In between sentences she kissed my chest.
“I love you so much. I hope you can forgive me when this happens”
She was pulling on my sack now. I reached for her but with her free hand she rebuffed me. I moaned out
“That was so hot babe, I loved listening to you two”
She continued to play with my balls but refused to touch my shaft.
“What was your favorite part? “ she panted
“The way you moaned” I grunted
She was working my sack harder now
“Did I groan? Why would I do that?”
Heather had a tease to her voice and I didn’t reply right away. She slowed her
pace and I squirmed.
“Because Kevin was fucking you!” I blurted out
She started up again
“I can’t tell him no Shawn. He just has that affect on me. It’s just he’s so, you know?”
“Big” I finished for her. That made her giggle
“Well, I was gonna say good. Mmm, I forgot about your close up view when he caught you in my closet”
I wanted her to touch my cock so bad but she wouldn’t. I was getting flustered when all of a sudden I felt it. She was going to make me cum like this.
“After you left he was like an animal Shawn. He won and he knew it, he made me say things,,,”
I was so worked up I begged her to tell me
“ he made me tell him I wanted him more than you. I told him he fucked me better. I told him you didn’t even compare. He made me cum by promising my pussy was his. I didn’t mean it baby. But god he’s so fucking good”
My dick was twitching and leaking precum. She continued to tug on my balls
“You really like this don’t you?”
“Yes” I whispered.
“So your ok with me. You know occasionally seeing friends like that?”
“I want you too” I whispered again
She smiled then looking me in the eyes. I was close and she could tell.
“You know why I’m not letting you touch me right? I promised Kevin. A promise is a promise babe. I won’t even touch your penis because he said no”
I started to cum but the build up took forever. I opened my mouth moaning.
“Thank you” I gasped as I finally came.
We cuddled in bed and Heather actually apologized for what she said. She could tell I liked it so she went with it. I then spilled my guts about the relationship I had with Joyce back in the day. How she cheated on me right in front of me and how I liked it. She listened and didn’t say a word. We kissed and snuggled before we went about our day. I felt so close to her and I know she felt the same way.
We moved in together soon after. We found a place we both loved and I couldn’t have been happier. I learned a few things about Heather over the next couple of months. One thing I figured out was why she wore certain things to work. When she went to most places she wore slacks and sweaters. Almost like an office job. When she worked at a seedier place she wore short pleated skirt’s and stockings. Tight tops, heels and matching bra and panties. Heather told me it was for the tips and it might have been but the thing was bars closed at 2 am around us. Heather wouldn’t get home until dawn sometimes. There were many mornings I went to work before she even got home. She quit her nine to five job around this time so the night job was her main gig.
Heather didn’t necessarily hide things from me. She would come home after a wild night and climb on my face or my shaft. It was obvious what she got up to that night.
One day Kevin called the house and I answered. At this point I had caller ID so knew it was him. I answered anyways. Now I know why I did. I get off on moments like that. Any chance of a little humiliation and I throw myself in feet first.
“Hey dude. Tell your girl to call me when she gets in” he said with contempt.
“Ok, anything else?” I drawled out.
“Don’t worry yourself. I’ve got a car and it’s still in her name. I need her to go change the title with me.”
I’m starting to think this guy doesn’t have very good phone manners. That’s the second time he hung up without a goodbye. Douche bag.
Heather got home and I gave her the message. She Immediately went upstairs to call Kevin. About twenty minutes later she came down and let me know what was up.
“I guess we had a car in both our names that I don’t remember at all. He wants me to sign it over so it’s only in his name. He got a ticket on it so we half to go down to the police station together. I need to explain that the car is not mine so I don’t get charged for it.”
She paused to see my reaction and when I didn’t respond she continued.
“The court date is Tuesday so I’m gonna pick him up and take care of it”
“Why do you half to pick him up?” I asked her.
“Do you want him to pick me up?”She asked a little surprised.
I was thinking more like just meet him there but that’s not what I said.
“Well, that’s the least he could do with all this”
“Oh, ok. I’ll tell him” she said kind of shocked.
I had to work that day so I wasn’t home when they left our home. I couldn’t think straight at work. I knew Heather and Kevin had to be at the court house by 9. I waited until 1030 before I paged Heather.
She called me at work around 11 from a pay phone
“Hey babe. What’s up?” She sounded distracted
“Just wondering how it went and what your plans are today”
“Well, Kevin offered to buy me lunch. He said it was the least he could do so we’re headed over to eat at RAYS”
“Oh, then you headed home” I asked.
She sounded annoyed when she replied
“Shawn I don’t know! Look I gotta go. I’ll see you when I get home. Love ya bye”
I went in the other office and told them I had to leave for the day.
I knew where RAYS was and I drove straight there. I sat in a parking lot across the street and watched. I also knew what kind of car Kevin drove. I saw it that night I left heather’s place and it was in the parking lot.
They came out together about twenty minutes later. They were smiling and joking and when they got to his car he opened the door for my girl.
He kissed her before she climbed in. I couldn’t help it and I followed them. They went to a house about a mile away and walked in together.
I went home and waited for Heather. It was 11 at night when I saw a car pull in the drive. I looked out the window in time to see them kissing goodbye. Heather walked in a second later. She looked at me but seemed a little upset.
“We seen you when we came out of RAYS Shawn. I mean what the fuck? Your following me?”
It hit me then and I got pissed. Really pissed. I liked her for her but I wasn’t going to be walked on. I needed to be apart of things and I think I was feeling left out ya know? I started to shout
“What the fuck! Are you serious! Of course I did Heather! Are we a couple or not? I need a partner. Not just part time but full time! Don’t get me wrong. I absolutely love who you are Heather. I’m trying to trust you but you can’t keep secrets from me. If you don’t like that about me then I guess this isn’t gonna work!”
She stood there speechless
“So thats it then? You can’t trust me even though I’ve been nothing but straight with you?” She yelled back
I don’t stay mad for long. I was already calming down. I spoke calmly when I said
“Do you like it when I get turned on by you fucking other men? If you don’t then maybe we are done”
She sat down and stared at me. I caught her off guard with that question so I continued
“I mean I don’t get turned on some of the time you do. I do all of the time. I can obsess over it and I love it. The problem is I don’t think you always want to tell me everything. It’s got to be all or nothing. I can’t do it any other way. I’m sorry if that bothers you. I don’t want to tell you who to be. I want to be apart of who you are”
We were both quiet then. I was staring at the ground afraid to look her in the face. When I finally did she was looking at me with tears in her eyes. She came over to me and held me and kissed me like her life depended on it.
“I love you so much Shawn. I think I understand now. Come on”
She led me to the bathroom and we showered together making love after we cleaned each other.
We never saw Kevin again. Heather told him to leave her alone. After the third time he got the hint.
Our fun wasn’t over though. The holidays were fast approaching so we planned a trip to my favorite city for New Years, Chicago.

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Re: In it for the long haul..

Post by pwsub » Tue Oct 03, 2017 6:10 pm

Yet another great update, thank you, Heather sure knows what she needs

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Re: In it for the long haul..

Post by Bovary2012 » Sat Oct 07, 2017 6:36 am

Hot, frustrating, worrying, excited-like-your-head-is-gonna-blow off--thanks, Shawn!

Clueless hubby
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Re: In it for the long haul..

Post by Clueless hubby » Sat Oct 07, 2017 8:04 am

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I’ll post more soon!

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Re: In it for the long haul..

Post by pwsub » Mon Oct 09, 2017 8:57 pm

I keep checking for your next post, this is one of the best stories on here right now!

Clueless hubby
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Re: In it for the long haul..

Post by Clueless hubby » Wed Oct 11, 2017 1:31 pm

New Years get away part 1. ............... “Go for a walk baby. I want what I’m wearing tonight to be a surprise”Heather was opening her suit case as she said this. I watched as she pulled out a pair of High heeled ankle boots that zipped up the side. She noticed me just sitting there watching like I hadn’t heard her.A wicked little smile came over her face then. “I forgot to get something before we left. Maybe you could get them while I get dressed? “
“Sure babe, anything” I said putting my arms around her. We had driven the five hours back to my home town and rented a room at a local hotel. I was super exited to see some old friends and to show Heather off tonight. We had been planning our first trip together for a couple of weeks and I could tell she was exited as well.
“I forgot condoms hun. Run up and get the kind I like please.” Heather purred. We hadn’t used condoms for awhile now since she was on the pill so this threw me big time. I had on sweats still and she noticed me getting hard and giggled
“You’re so predictable Shawn. Now shew”
I grabbed my coat and keys and headed out. I wasn’t sure if she was serious or not so I went to a drug store we passed and bought a 12 pack of life styles.I took my time and got back to the hotel room about a half hour later.
Heather looked stunning. She had her blonde highlighted hair down with bouncy curls framing her face. She smiled at me as I became lost in her eyes. Heather had on a short black cocktail dress. The hem came down to just below the heavy nude stockings covering her Shapley legs. The cut of the dress hugged her thighs and ass. When she moved around you could see glimpses of her stocking tops.
She noticed the condoms and I started to tease me
“God Shawn! A whole dozen? You must think I’m a real whore!” She said in mock horror.
“I was just fuckin with you about getting these babe. You’re all I need. You know that right!” She kissed me softly then she whispered in my ear.
“Unless you want me too?”
I tried to pull her to me but was rebuffed. She told me to get dressed. It only took me about twenty minutes to throw on my shirt and dress pants. I knew we were over dressed for This party but if Heather wanted to dress up I was game. As we headed out the door she took two condoms out and put then in her hand bag giving me that knowing smile.

We arrived at my buddies house around nine. My friends seemed happy to see me but there wives and girl friends were not. Not At All. You see, we were in our early twenties at this point and most of the people that still lived in town weren’t quite the swinging partiers we used to be. Frankly most of there wives and girl friends had a kid or two by now. They weren’t happy to seem me and especially Heather dressed up while they were in mom mode.
Don’t get me wrong. This is just the way I remember things looking back now. When we finally had some little ones that first few years are rough! Back to the story though.
Heather played it cool. She was her flirty self and I think she liked pissing off the other women. We only stayed maybe an hour before I snuck her out of there.
“What a bust. I’m so sorry” I said to Heather helping her in the car.
She was fine with it though and I had a back up plan. A couple of guys I worked with were going to a club on the north side of the city. It was a good forty minute drive but we should be able to get there well before the ball drops. Heather was all for it so away we went.
We got there just after eleven and the place was jumpin. My friends were glad to see me and made room for us at there table. Heather ordered a drink and I stuck to Pepsi. It was just to much driving to drink ya know?
They introduced us to their girlfriends who were both really drunk. We hadn’t been there ten minutes and one of them rushed off to get sick. That left Jesse and Mark at the table with me and Heather.
I could tell Mark liked Heather. He couldn’t keep his eyes off her and when the girls left he even took the seat on the other side of Her.
Jesse went to check on the girls as Mark sat talking with us. I guess he was on a blind date with the one getting sick. I can’t remember there names for the life of me. It doesn’t matter as Jesse returned a few minutes later to tell us they were leaving.
“You coming back with us?” he asked Mark.
“Aa no, I’m gonna stay. I mean we might not see Shawn ever again dude!”
Jesse was kinda pissed when he mouthed “you’re so full of shit. Fuck it. Shawn it was good seeing ya bud. Heather it was a pleasure.” Then he left.
We ordered another round and Mark and Heather talked mostly while I sat there watching the crowd. I couldn’t really hear what they were talking about over the music. You practically had to talk into each others ear to catch anything.
People were dancing and Heather was bobbing around in her seat. It was around eleven thirty when Mark asked me if he could dance with Heather.
“No buddy, I get first dance” I said grabbing her hand and taking her on the dance floor. We danced to the upbeat number laughing and having a good time. She loved to dance and I didn’t mind dancing but I kinda suck at it. The next song started and and after a few beats Mark cut in and dipped Heather so low her hair almost touched the ground.
“Do you mind Shawn? I was getting bored over there” he shouted as he pulled Heather close. I didn’t say a word. I just smiled and went back to the table.
They looked good together. They would move to the music and every now and then Mark would pull Heather close to him. She’d smile into his eyes as they danced closed for a few beats. She’d spin away and he’d dance at arms length until the music let him pull her in again. By the third chorus he had his hand on her ass. She’d let him lead her threw it then twirled away again. I was squirming in my seat at this point just frozen their watching them.
The next song was a slow one. I got up intending to cut in making my was to the dance floor. Mark was watching for me. He turned Heather so her back was to me and waved me off. When I stopped and went back to sit he smirked at me and whispered something in Heather’s ear. He turned her to look at me and she made a motion to get more drinks.
The line at the bar was kind of long. I could barley see them as they danced together. You could tell they had chemistry. She would laugh when he spoke and rest her head on his shoulder as they moved to the music.
“Buddy, hello! What can I get ya?” The bartender said waving in my face
I apologized and placed my order. At that moment the countdown began. He stopped getting my drinks and grabbed one of the waitresses and wrapped his arms around her as everyone counted down to zero.
I looked out on the dance floor and saw Heather scanning the room for me.
“ happy new year!” Everyone shouted. Mark spun Heather around to face him. Placing a finger under her chin he lifted her face up to him and softly kissed my girlfriend. I could read his lips as he wished her happy new year.
Heather lightly slapped his face but held her hand on his cheek for a moment. His response was to kiss her again. This time long and passionately.They returned to the table and waited for there drinks.
As soon as Heather seen me she kissed me and wished me a happy new year like nothing happened.
There was more drinking and more dancing.I was starting to feel like Heather and Mark were the couple and I was the friend. My chest was hurting but at the same time I was so turned on.Heather was getting pretty tipsy and Mark was taking full advantage. His hands roamed her body as they danced like she belonged to him. Heather was Encouraging him the whole time.
She would catch me watching them and lean into Mark even more as the music played.
It was close to 2 AM when the bouncer called last call. Mark pulled Heather to him so the back of her leaned against him. He draped his arms around her looking at me
“Want to smoke a joint before we get out of here?” He asked me
“ god yes!” Heather squealed pulling away from Mark and grabbing my hand. We got our shit together and headed for Mark’s car.
It was kind of cold that night and there was frost on everyone’s windshields. There was maybe ten cars left in the parking lot and most of those I think were staffs of the club. My car was parked on the other side of the lot.
“Babe go get the car so it’s toasty when we go” Heather asked me.
She let go of my hand and Mark put his arm around her leading her towards his car. I tried to walk as slow as possible. I couldn’t believe what was happening. He had pretty much laid claim to Heather and I was letting him. My hand was shaking as I tried to start the car. I took my time as I cleaned the windshield off. Once I could see a little I drove over by Mark’s car.
Mark was sitting in the drivers side with his feet on the ground outside. Heather was straddling one of his legs as she passed the joint back to him. His hand was running slowly up and down the inside of her thigh starting from her calf and finishing somewhere under her dress.
“Have you ever done a shot gun before?” He asked Heather as she rocked back and forth in front of him.
“Of course I have silly” She coed to him. Heather bent down and clamped her lips around the joint in his mouth still. I could see the smoke trying to escape as she inhaled it into her lungs. She leaned back and I saw Mark reach up and start to caress her pussy under her dress. A moan escaped her lips as he did.
He stood and locked lips with my girl then. His hand never leaving her slit. She ground against his hand as there tongues met in open mouth kisses. Heather slowly exhaled the last of the smoke as they kissed. I felt like I shouldn’t be watching them. These two lovers being so intimate in front of me. Heather finally broke away and looked right at me. She smiled as she pulled herself away from him and came and stood next to me. The three of us just kinda looked at each other not knowing what to say. Finally Mark spoke
“So Heather said you’re gonna be in town for a few days. We should hook up or something Shawn.”
Heather answered for me
“I’ll call you tomarrow if we have some time. Thanks for the great time tonight”
She walked over and kissed him lightly then jumped in the car. I got in the drivers seat without saying a word and sped out of the parking lot.

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Re: In it for the long haul..

Post by pwsub » Thu Oct 12, 2017 12:20 am

I can sure see why you knew Heather was a keeper, thanks for the great update

Clueless hubby
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Re: In it for the long haul..

Post by Clueless hubby » Thu Oct 12, 2017 1:26 pm

New Year’s Eve part 2
.................................... as soon as we hit the road Heather started to laugh Hysterically. She reached over and grabbed my stubby little hard cock.
“Oh my god Shawn that was so hot! I can’t believe I did all that in front of you! Did it get you hot? It did didn’t it baby!? I can’t believe a guy like Mark is a friend of yours’
She felt my cock twitch while she spoke.
“What do you mean?” I replied sheepishly “He’s just so, aggressive compared to you. As soon as I saw him he was giving me that I’m gonna fuck you vibe. How can a girl resist that?” l hit the express way and Heather pulled out another joint that Mark had given her. She lit it and we each took a couple of hits. She was already pretty worked up and this kicked her into overdrive
“I told him the name of the hotel we’re staying in. If he calls I’m going to fuck him tomorrow Shawn. You know that right?” She was running her hands all over me now. I reached down and started to slide my hand under her dress. She lifted her ass and pulled it up to her waist. Her panties were gone.
“Looks like you missed placed your panties again baby” I said while I slid my fingers between her lips. Heathers pussy was soaking wet.
“No I didn’t. I know right where I left them. Do you want to know Shawn? Do you want to know who your girlfriend gave her sexy little panties to?”
She was bucking against my hand now. Desperately trying to get my fingers in her.
I was all the way into this game as I said
“tell me baby. Tell me who has my girlfriends panties”
“Mark just took them right off of me while we waited for you to warm the car up. I thought for sure he was gonna fuck me right then. I mean my boyfriend just left me with this big strong man all alone in an empty parking lot.” She started talking in this little girl voice. I was so turned on!
“Me in this tiny little dress all alone with that big strong man. He kept rubbing his thingy on me when we danced. It felt so big and scary!”
Heather was really getting into it now. The baby talk was having an affect on us both. I reached over and reclined her seat. She spread her stocking clad legs to give my fingers better access to her sopping wet cunt.
“I felt so dirty baby. He made my kitten all wet saying all those nasty things to me at the table. He told me he was gonna spank me for you. He said I deserved it for being such a naughty girl. That big strong man made me be a bad girl didn’t he?”
Heather let out a low moan as I felt her cum. I doubled down my efforts hearing the sloshing sounds of my fingers plunging in and out of her sex.
I started to goad her on then
“Is that what you want baby? You want me to keep you in line? To make sure your a good girl?”
This line of questioning didn’t have the affect I thought it would. A switch seemed to flip in Heather as she pushed my hand away and pulled her seat up. She reached over and started to play with my cock again. She started to say something but chuckled out
“Maybe I shouldn’t go there” She was rubbing all around my crouch now without touching my penis. I strained for contact as I moaned out “say it. You can say anything”
“Mmm. You think you could’ve stopped Mark tonight? Do you think you could of kept him away from me? Or me away from him?”
Heather started to lightly touch my shaft.
I groaned out “did you want me to stop him?”
That made her giggle.
“I don’t think you could have stopped him baby. He’s a lot bigger than you. He’s a man’s man baby. Mark took me from you and there wasn’t a thing you could do about it”
I was doing under the speed limit trying to keep it together. I wanted to push her so I asked her
“What kind of man am I then”
She started to really rub my cock then and I was so close. I’ll never forget what she said
“ your more like a little boy. Good at pretending but not really a man. You know I need a man sometimes don’t you Shawn?”
“When Mark calls tomarrow I want you to answer. I want you to tell him I talked about him all night and how happy I’m going to be to see him again”
Of course I came right there in my pants. Heather kissed me and softly told me she loved me. She reclined her seat again and stared out the window. I put some music on and we drove on.
Her dress was still bunched up around her waist and I noticed she was starting to play with herself. She had a dreamy look about her.
I was gaining on a semi truck. It must of been the weed but I did something out of character for me. I sped up so the driver could see Heather in all her glory. I stayed even with him for a minute or two while she rubbed herself. The driver blew his air horn and she snapped upright.
“What the fuck!” She squealed.
I sped up a little while she got her bearings. Heather reached for her coat and covered her lap.
“Tell me before you do something like that you dick!” She didn’t sound that upset though. After a minute she leaned over and whispered in my ear sending a chill threw me
“You really get off on other men wanting me don’t you? Well, let him catch up. I’ll see if he’ll toot his horn for me again baby”
I didn’t half to be told twice. I slowed down and got next to this lucky trucker again. Heather still had her coat over her lap. She looked up and waved at him and made the international blow your horn for me truck driver movement with her arm. The driver tooted his horn a couple of times for her.
“I think he likes you” I said
“You think so?” She teased back.
Heather pulled down the top of her dress and brah exposing her breasts for this stranger. She pinched her nipple while looking up at the driver. She then took her hand and motioned like she was taking a cock and sucking it!
She burst out laughing and started to yell “Go!”
I sped way up and soon the truck’s head lights were out of sight.
A few miles down the road we were approaching an oasis. An oasis over 294 in Illinois is like a rest stop accept it has restaurants in it. They’re built over the road and can be accessed from both side of the high way.
Heather needed to use the restroom so I pulled in as she made herself presentable. It was going on 3 in the morning and the place was pretty much deserted.
Once inside Heather headed right for the bathroom. I went myself then I headed over by the restaurants to see if I could get us some munchies. Everything was closed but I did find some vending machines.
With my pockets loaded up with chips,candy, and pop I sat down outside the restrooms on a bench waiting for my girl.
It seemed like a long time had passed and I grew concerned. I went to the women’s restroom and stuck my head in
“Hello, anyone in here?”
No reply. I thought maybe she went back to the car so I went outside to see. No luck there either. I went back to the women’s restroom but this time I went in and checked all the stalls. Still no Heather. It had been a good twenty minutes now and I was really worried. I rushed out of the women’s room and as I came around the corner I practically ran into a guy coming out of the men’s room.
He gave me a sheepish grin while adjusting his member.
“Thats some girl you got there pal” he said walking past me and out the door.
I went into the one place I hadn’t checked yet, the men’s restroom. I found Heather in the last stall. I opened the stall door and couldn’t believe my eyes. She looked at me with a sheepish grin and said
“He called me a little cock tease baby. So I told him I only tease my boyfriend”
Her tits were pulled out again and there was cum running between her cleavage.
“Don’t just stand there Shawn. Get me some paper towel”
I snapped out of it and went to do as she asked. Why was I getting hard again!? All they had were hand dryers and told Heather as much.
She summoned me closer and untucked my dress shirt. She used it to clean up the truckers semen and adjusted her dress. I was speechless as we drove the rest of the way back.
As soon as we got in our room I attacked her. We fucked then made love till dawn. She told me when she came out of the restroom the same trucker she had teased on the road was standing there. He made the remark of her being a tease and when she called his bluff he dragged her into the men’s room. He marched her into the last stall and yanked down her dress. She said she hated to admit it but she loved it. She sucked his cock like her life depended on it.
“What would you have done if you caught us?” She asked as we lay there spent.
“I would have guarded the door for you”
I answered.
Heather snuggled into me then saying softly
“Get some sleep hun. We’ve got a big day tomarrow.”

Clueless hubby
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Re: In it for the long haul..

Post by Clueless hubby » Thu Oct 12, 2017 1:30 pm

pwsub wrote:I can sure see why you knew Heather was a keeper, thanks for the great update
Thank you for the encouragement! I’m really enjoying writing this.

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Re: In it for the long haul..

Post by pwsub » Thu Oct 12, 2017 10:08 pm

Hard to find such a total slut that young, you are a lucky guy, took my wife years to get there

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Re: In it for the long haul..

Post by sensual9696 » Thu Oct 12, 2017 11:57 pm

Great stories and well written... keep them coming!

Clueless hubby
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Re: In it for the long haul..

Post by Clueless hubby » Tue Oct 17, 2017 11:11 am

sensual9696 wrote:Great stories and well written... keep them coming!
Thanks, a lot of dialogue in the next post. More to come very soon

Clueless hubby
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Re: In it for the long haul..

Post by Clueless hubby » Tue Oct 17, 2017 11:12 am

I was disoriented when the phone rang the next day. I lifted my head glancing around the hotel room noticing the daylight creeping threw the thick curtains.
Covering my head with the pillow Heather snuggled closer to me. I love the feel of her warm naked body against mine.
Laying there the night before came rushing back into my head. The phone stopped ringing and I wondered if it was Mark. The thought made me hard again. I was glad I didn’t answer.
By this point in my life I knew what a cuckold was even though I hadn’t heard the term yet. I loved to read stories about other men taking married women from there husbands. Strong women who liked strong men. Men unlike there husbands. I also never missed an issue of Leg Show magazine. The Way they pretrade dominant women was so new and exciting to me back then. I get movement thinking about it even now.
I am very submissive at heart. There’s no way I could ever initiate any of the things that happened the night before. If Heather didn’t push nothing would ever have happened. Luckily she likes to push. As a matter of fact she’ll shove if she has too.
Heather turned and we spooned. Her perfect ass rubbed against my hard shaft and she started to stir.
“Mmmm” Heather groaned. “I can’t believe last night really happened”
“Me neither” I replied pushing my little boner between her ass cheeks.
“I have never done anything like that before. I’m so sorry. At least not with my boyfriend there. I think I had a few to many” she said wiggling her ass against me
“I’m glad you’re not to upset I see. Mmm”
I was beginning to leak a lot of pre-cum rubbing between her ass cheeks. It felt amazing but she only let me for a few minutes.
Heather sat up and looking at me with a grin said
“I’ve got to take a bath babe. I just am not feeling fresh right now ya know?”
She got up. Heading to the bathroom she turned to me “You should answer the phone if it rings babe. I mean, what if it’s Mark?” She closed the door behind her.
I laid there naked on the bed. After a few minutes my hard-on started to subside. I didn’t want to jerk off. No second thoughts ya know.
I went in to the bathroom to pee and Heather had me wash her back witch led me to cleaning her whole body.I was finishing drying her off when the phone rang again. She took the towel and looking me in the eye ordered me to answer it.
I was hard again after touching every inch of Heather. So much so when I picked up the receiver I forgot to say hello.
“Hey, anyone there? It’s Mark.”
Heather was standing by the bathroom watching me. I was still naked and I had a drop of pre-cum on the tip of my hard stubby penis. She was staring right at it.
“Oh, hay man what’s up” I croaked out. My heart was pounding in my chest. I thought I was gonna pass out I was so over the edge.
“Not much man. Wondering what you guys were doing today. Having a couple people over for a little hangover party”
Mark replied casually. I could hear voices in the back ground.
“Let me run it by Heather. She really had fun hanging with you last night so I think she’ll be down” I looked at Heather and she was giving me a stern look. I knew what she wanted me to say and it took everything I had to do it.
“She couldn’t stop talking about you as a matter of fact.”
“Oh really, put her on” Mark said smugly.
I motioned Heather over and she smiled and took the receiver from me. Her hand lightly touched my cock as she told me to go take a shower
“Hey, what’s up?” She said into the receiver while pushing me towards the bathroom. The last thing I heard before closing the bathroom door was her saying
“Yah he’s such a goof. But I did have fun last night”
When I came out Heather was off the phone. She was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. Nothing fancy but it didn’t half to be with her. She can wear a burlap sack to dinner party and still outshine anyone in the room.
Once we were all set we went to find some food. There weren’t a lot of places open being New Year’s Day but we did find a Denny’s. Once we were settled down Heather took my hands and looked at me with sincerity
“You know I love you with all my hart. You’re my everything Shawn. I know I went to far last night and I’m really sorry”
I just sat there like a dope so she took that the wrong way.
“I don’t want to go over to Marks today. Let’s just lay around the room and have fun alone” she said smiling.
“Oh, I thought you liked what we did last night?” I blurted out.
Heather started to say “I did it’s just, well, I want to make sure we’re ok ya know?”
I clasped her hand tighter and smiled at her “I’ve never loved anyone the way I love you. If anything I think I feel closer to you”
“Really” She said with a crooked smile. “Ok then, I should tell you what he said on the phone before you get to confident big boy”
“Welp, go ahead.” I said trying to act like I could really care less
“He said he wasn’t very happy going home all worked up. If I come over he’s going to fuck me and lock me in his room till dawn”
“Oh ya, what did you say to him?”
“I don’t remember, but god his cockiness sure is a turn on”
I sat there with my mouth hanging open. She had a blank look as she stared me dead in the eyes. All of a sudden I felt her bare foot press between my legs. Heather burst out laughing
“ I’m just fucking with you Shawn! God You are such a perv! Sitting here thinking about me with another man”
“Oh” I replied dumbly.
“He did say he really wanted us to come over though. So it’s settled. We are going to sexy Marks” she was really cracking her self up now.

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