The turning point for me

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Clueless hubby
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The turning point for me

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Sun Sep 10, 2017 11:21 am

I've been lurking around for awhile now and figured it was time to share. I'm not much of a writer but must of what I'm gonna say is true. As well as I can remember.. hope you like it.
My name is Shawn. My girlfriend Joyce and I had just graduated high school and were hitting all the grad parties around town over the weekend. By Saturday night everyone in town had gathered at my buddy Clydes for the last of the high school keggers of most of our lives. Almost everyone we new was there from our small town in Indiana and by midnight we had gone threw several Kegs. Joyce was having fun being her flirty self and probably having one to many. She was your typical blond haired blue eyed 18 year old girl that when she focused in on you she could make you forget your name. We had been dating for a couple of years and by the end of our senior year she had come into her own and I knew she was out of my league.
I was the long haired artsy kid who played guitar and had a crappy high school band. I'm not sure she ever would of went out with me if I didn't get to play at a lot of these parties threw my high school career. She loved to flirt and I had come to accept that about her. We never talked about it and it really was quite innocent till tonight.
A few older guys had shown up that Clyde was on the wrestling team with when we were freshman and they were seniors. Clyde new and invited them to come by. Later in the evening I noticed Joyce chatting and flirting with one of them. I walked up to Clyde and asked him about him
"That's Steve, he was captain of the wrestling team when I first joined"
Clyde gave me a side look and said
"I never really liked him. He's kind of a bully and dick. I'd watch out for Joyce around him"
"Thanks man"I muttered as he walked off to his other guests. Just then Joyce came up to me and dragged me off to get another beer with her and I forgot all about Steve
A couple of hours later and the crowd had pretty much all gone home. I lived a block away so Joyce had just planned to crash at my house. No biggy. she had a million times before. The only people left were Clyde, Steve, his buddy Tom, Me and Joyce. We had built a fire in the back and were standing around talking as things wound down. Joyce was back to standing next to Steve smiling and being her flirty self when I seen him reach down and caress her ass over her guess jeans. I was shocked. Everyone noticed as she just smiled up at him and did nothing to stop him. I had to make a choice. Freak the fuck out and drag her out of there. Or pretend nothing happened. So I tried to play it cool.
" hey Joyce, are you ready to head home yet because I think I am"
" I'm having a good time still babe" she replied without even looking at me. I was getting ready to lose it but Clyde kinda pulled me out of it.
"Hey bud come help me get the last of the beer out of the keg" I went over and helped pump the last of the beer into a couple red solo cups. When I returned to the fire Joyce and Steve were gone..
" where did those two go" Clyde asked Tom before I could speak
"He took her to show her something, oh I mean to use the bathroom" Tom said looking me dead in the eye, almost challenging me to react. I was shocked and speechless. I felt powerless. I had to do something but I just stood there with my mouth hanging open.
"Relax dude. Steve's a good guy. He wouldn't do anything your little girlfriend wouldn't want him to do so have another beer and chill out" he said laughing at me.
Clyde started to tell some story about how Steve used to date some girl. I just stopped lisening. Five minutes turned to twenty as Tom and Clyde drank and laughed. I Think they forgot I was even standing there staring at the back door of the house. I couldn't take it anymore. How could she do this to me? So do you know what I did. I walked home.
I sat down on my porch with my head in my hand thinking about the position I was in. I knew deep down I liked that other guys wanted my girl. I even now realized that I liked when she flirted. It was like watching a car run the tracks right before the train. It was probably gonna be fine but just maybe...
Now that the train had hit me I was in shock. How could I look anyone in the eye around town after this? Word would spred fast about how Joyce cheated on me and I took it like a big pussy. I was near tears when I noticed someone walking up the street. It was Joyce
She looked a little worse for wear. Hair a mess, caring her shoes and tears in her eyes.

"Why did you leave me" she sobbed. "You've never just left me like that. I thought you loved me!"
I couldn't believe what she was saying, I mean really!?
"Are you fucking kidding me" I yelled" you disappeared with another guy and I'm the asshole?
"Stop right there Shawn. You saw what was happening and did you say or do anything? No! I'm not stupid. You've been fine with me being me up until now! Fuck you asshole!" She was really crying now and I was speechless. I'm no dummy either. I knew my girlfriend and when she was trying to play me but still. I sat there in silence for what seemed like eternity.
"I'm sorry Joyce. I shouldn't have left you. You are my girl and I promise it will never happen again" I felt like I was hearing someone else speak threw me. I had just handed her my manhood and I knew it. I got up and took Joyce in my arms. She hugged me back.
I could smell him on her and I got hard.
"She kissed me softly and her lips seemed warmer than usual.
Joyce took my hand and led me into my house.
I hope you liked it. I think this was the moment I knew I was a cuckold. Even though I didn't know the term yet.

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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by pwsub » Sun Sep 10, 2017 1:43 pm

A great start, thanks, I for one am sure looking forward to how this develops

Clueless hubby
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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Mon Sep 11, 2017 6:19 am

Thanks for the feed back. I'll write some more about my high school sweetheart Joyce. We did some pretty crazy things thinking back on it now.

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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Tue Sep 12, 2017 8:00 am

We went downstairs where my parents let me keep all my band stuff and a couple of couches to hang out on. When Joyce would sleep over we kept up the pretense she slept on one couch and me on the other so my mom wouldn't have a heart attack. This was the early 90s before cell phones. I think we just got voice mail on the house phone. As soon as we got down stairs Joyce shut the light off and pulled me to her. Cloths flew off as we tried to keep kissing the entire time. As I had mentioned earlier I could smell him on every inch of her. I pushed her down on the couch and forced my head between her Naked thighs. Joyce normally wouldn't let me go down on her but there was no stopping me tonight. I had to know what happened. I had to smell and taste her. It's was so primal I couldn't stop myself. I reached for her chest but she stopped me.
"He was pretty rough with me there babe, my nipples are really sore"
When she said that it made me harder than I'd ever been! I returned my attention back between her legs. I could smell a mixture of his sweat and her perfume as I kissed between her thighs. I dove my face into her sex and all I could taste was latex. Her pussy was warm and felt swollen on my tongue.He had used a condom but it still proved they had fucked. She grabbed the back of my head and forced my face in deeper. I came all over the couch. I couldn't help it. It was just to much to fast. I had the sense to keep licking but after a minute she could tell I had lost something. To much booze for both of us.
I woke up with my legs hanging off the couch. My head was killing me as I tried to figure out what had happened. I could hear the washer running so I knew it was sometime the next day. The laundry room was separate from the rest of the basement and I always locked the door to this side. My parents weren't trying to catch me up at this point anyways so no worries there. Joyce had moved to the other couch and grabbed a blanket.
I was just laying there trying to figure out how I was supposed to deal with all this now. I've read plenty of cuckold stories where everyone knew exactly how they felt and what they wanted but this was not the case for me. I was torn right down the middle. I wanted to drag Joyce off that couch and kick her out. I think the only thing stopping me was the fact I could hear my family moving around up stairs. So I just laid there thinking about last night. The funny thing was the more I thought about it things started to swing the other way. I was getting hard again. I started to masturbate thinking of Steve and Joyce. Tearing each other's clothes off. Kissing and panting into each others mouths. Her taking mis member out and rolling a condom on. I came harder than I did the night before.
"Shawn, me and dad are going to the store. Get up it's past noon!" My mom yelled down the stairs scaring the shit out of me. I heard the back door close and I jumped up and hit the bathroom. I took a long shower to help clear my head. While I was drying off I heard the phone ring a couple of times then stop witch was odd. I found some aspirin and even grabbed a couple for Joyce.
I got dressed and went out to the kitchen. Joyce was up and had the phone up to her ear. She had reheated some pancakes my mom had left out for us and was getting out some stuff from the fridge.
My mom always made breakfast on Sunday. I would tease Joyce sometimes telling her in front of the family that that was why she stayed over on Saturdays. She would giggle and tell them I was right.
She noticed me finally.
"Look I can't. I got to go" and hung up the phone.
She rushed up to me and hugged me like I had been gone for a year. I hugged her just as hard back.
I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. She repeated over and over into my chest with her face pressed against me. I finally replied that it was ok and we'd talk later. We sat down and started to eat when there was a honk from outside. We got up and from the front window we could see there was a car in the drive. It was Steve.
"What the fuck!" I shouted
Joyce stepped in front of me and started to plead "please just let me go out there and deal with him. That was him on the phone and I told him to leave me alone. I guess I half to say it to his face too."
He must of gotten my number from Clyde witch confirmed that there was probably a lot of talk after I left. I couldn't beat Steve up. He had a good five inchs on me and was built like a proverbial brick shit house. He'd definitly kick my ass. One shot to his fat face though would feel awful good. I looked down at Joyce and I relented. She was still my girl and I trusted her.
"Ok" I croaked out. She slowly backed to the door then stepped out. I watched from the window a little bit back so it wasn't to obvious.
She walked over to his car window and started to sternly tell him to leave. I could see her face over the top of the car and him facing her as they talked. He was saying something and at first she was shaking her head and telling him no. He glanced over at the house and when he looked back at her she looked at the house right were I was standing in the window. She kind of rolled her eyes and I could tell she said yes to his question. He said something else and it made her smile.
I know now that I'm a true blue subbisive but then it felt like the world was falling out from under me. I was paralyze where I stood. Worst of all I felt myself getting hard.
Joyce slowly but surly got that flirty look I had come to know so well. Touching her hair. Cocked on one foot looking like whatever he was saying was all that mattered in the world to her. I seen him reach his hand out and put his finger threw her belt loop. She pulled away slightly. Just enough so he had to hold her in place. I thought I was going to burst just watching this. I mean the nerve of him! Of both of them. They chatted for another minute and I heard her tell him to wait a second. She started to head back in the house.
As she opened the front door I was trying to tuck my raging hard on into my waist band. She definitly noticed and gave me an amused, slightly disgusted look. She ran past me and down stairs. She came right back up caring her over night bag she normally brought with her.
Joyce couldn't look me in the eye as she said. "Um, I'm gonna just get a ride home with Steve if that's ok. He said it's the least he could do for me after last night and he would leave me alone after that. He promised"
She reached her head up and kissed me on the mouth. Her tongue poked out and we kissed like high schoolers do for second. I didn't say a word as she walk out and drove off with him.

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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by inNC » Tue Sep 12, 2017 9:10 am

yes...similar to how it all starts for most of us & then the feelings grow, come to be SO strong they can't be ignored & you don't want them to be!
The ever evolving sexual aspect of our life together:

My desirers for my wife & ME...Pics & captions that will make Cucks WANT to CUM tumblr:

Clueless hubby
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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Tue Sep 12, 2017 1:26 pm

Oh yes they do. I figured I would start from the beginning before I get to my hotwife of twenty years. I can't wait to tell those stories as well. Thanks for sharing and encouraging.

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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Wed Sep 13, 2017 1:25 pm

Joyce lived ten minutes away so with every once of restraint I waited fifteen minutes to call her house. Her brother answered the phone.
" She ain't home " click.
He was almost thirty and a biker so he was always gruff like that. Now what was I supposed to do? I couldn't call back. especially with her brother home. At the time I kinda looked up to him and that just would be cool calling over and over again. I just kinda sat there for awhile thinking about all of this. I'm sure I masturbated. Imagining Steve taking my girl somewhere and Joyce throwing herself at him.
I really can't remember what I did the rest of the day. I just remember coming home around dinner time and telling me Joyce had called. I grabbed the wireless and called her back. She picked up on the first ring.
"Hey, I called after you left here. What took you so long to get home."
"Wow! Worry much" she replied in a sacarstic tone. "What did you call like five seconds after I left? Steve said you would but I told him you weren't the jeolous type. I guess I was wrong."
"You talked about me with him?" I replied my voice cracking.
"Not really. I might as well just tell you. I went to breakfast with him. There were some people we know there so I figured I might as well just tell you now. Nothing happened. I was home an hour after I left your house"
There was a long silence on the phone. She new I was upset. She wanted me to scream and yell and dump her but I didn't say anything. Again I did nothing.
"I'm sorry I called so fast after you left. I do trust you. I'm just a little torn up right now"
In a soothing voice Joyce replied" nothing happened baby. We just ate and talked about stuff. I kissed him when he dropped me off but after what we did I didn't see the harm"
"Did you use your tongue"
After some silence she softly replied"yes"
How long did you kiss I asked.
"Just a few minutes. We were in front of my house and I didn't want anyone to see"
"I'm coming over" I said and hung up the phone. I grabbed my keys and jumped in my van.
I pulled up to her place and she was waiting for me on the porch. I hadn't seen her all day but I still remember what she had on. Her long blond hair had a bouncy curl to it and her make up was perfect. She had on a guns and roses t shirt that she cut the sleeves off. A couple of necklaces I had bought her were showing down the rip she'd put in It. She wore a pair of skin tight black long underwear covering her long skinny 18 year old legs. Doc martins topped off the outfit. The t shirt covered over half her tight ass. I new this look. She wore this when she wanted something or we were going to a concert in the city.
She jumped in and we drove to a little park. We sat there with the radio playing for a few minutes before she spoke
"You know I love you don't you? I'm not trying to hurt you it's just .."
"Just what?" I said a little confrontational. I took a deep breath "I mean you've always been flirty and I never get angry or jealous. To be honest I like it when guys want you. But this might be to much for me Joyce"
She started to say
"I know it does something for your" I inturupted her.
"Actually it's the opposite"I blurted out.
She was looking at me with a blank look on her face. Like she was lost. I was really scared to say to much because I wasn't sure myself.
"i fantasize that your really looking for someone better than me. All they half to do is play it right and you'll give them a shot. When you actually did though it was the best and worst thing that's ever happened to me. I know it's strange but there it is. I feel like I'm not good enough for you and it turns me on when I think you do to.
She just stared at me blankly. Joyce definitly had a mean girl side to her. I thought she'd be more understanding and in a teen girl way she was.
"Take me back to my house" she finally said. "If you would have stayed on the phone I would have told you not to come by because I have plans tonight"
It was Sunday night and I had Monday off and she new that.
"What?" I asked accusingly.
I pulled up in front and she got out and walked over to my side.
"Steves going back to school for some summer classes at the end of the week. He asked me to come by tonight and I told him I would. He'll be here in about twenty minutes. Me and you can talk more tomarrow. She then reached in and kissed me lightly on the cheek. I watched her walk in the house.

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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by pwsub » Wed Sep 13, 2017 1:59 pm

I can only imagine the hurt and excitement you were going through, I keep checking back for updates!

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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Wed Sep 13, 2017 3:51 pm

Thank u so much for the encouragement. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by pwsub » Wed Sep 13, 2017 5:03 pm

Well not wanting to jump ahead and ruin the story, did Joyce become your wife? Can't wait to read your Monday catch up with her after Sunday night with Steve

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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by 4herpleasure89 » Thu Sep 14, 2017 2:16 am

Fascinating story. I'm looking forward to where this goes.

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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Thu Sep 14, 2017 8:10 am

I woke up the next morning to my mom shaking me"wake up Shawn. Joyce is on the phone and she said it's urgent "
I was a little disoriented after getting almost zero sleep. I noticed it was around 7:30 in the morning as I picked up the phone.
"Hello" I croaked out.
"Hey,I need you. I need you to come and get me"
I asked her "from where?" But I already knew. I could hear someone talking to her in the back ground.
In a soft voice she said "steves house"
I'm on my way I replied immediately. I got dressed and jumped in the van.
I wasn't a friend of Steve's. I didn't even know who he was until the other night but the following night I did something I wasn't proud of. Joyce lives in a cul-de-sac. After I dropped her off I parked on the street behind her house and waited for Steve to pick her up. I seen him drive up and her run out of the house with a huge smile on her face. She jumped in and I followed them to his house. Needless to say I cruised by there more than once that night. That's how I knew where he lived.
I pulled up in his drive behind his car witch made me wonder why he didn't take her home. I honked and waited. The door opened and Steve waved to me. Dick. I waved back though completely humiliated. A few seconds later Joice came out. She walked out to my van in the same clothes from the night before but she was carrying her boots. Her hair was wet like she just jumped out of the shower. She climbed in with her head down not looking at me and I started to pull out. Steve came running out with a plastic bag in his hands.
"You forgot this" he's said handing the bag to Joyce.
"Thanks, call me later" she said smiling up at him.
"You know I will" he replied and squeezed her hand. At least he didn't try to kiss her in front of me right?
I pulled away and drove to our park I mentioned in a previous post. I know she just wanted me to take her home but I needed some answers first.
"Why the fuck couldn't your new boyfriend take you home?" I angrily asked.
"First off. He's not my boyfriend you are Shawn. Second, how would it look if I came home with someone other than you again? The other day when he dropped me it was the middle of the afternoon and know one noticed. Steve had to work this morning so I had to leave. I didn't mean to sleep at his place it kinda just happened. Thank you for coming to get me"
"So what. You two are just friends hanging out. Don't bullshit me Joyce"
A stern look came over her face when she replied "He's only going to be home till Saturday. You damn well knowwe are doing more than watching TV. You seemed cool about this last night! Anyways, are we still going to the beech today. You promised me and Mishelle you'd take us?"
"Will you explain all this better while we're there?" I mumbled.
"Yes. I promise I will. Can you take me home now. I need to call Mishelle so she's at my house when you come back to get us"
I drove her home and she kissed me goodbye like it was any other day. I pulled away and noticed she had forgotten the bag Steve had brought out. Inside I found the necklaces and other jewelry she had been wearing. I also found her balled up moist panties. I pocketed them and put the bag back on the seat for her to grab later.

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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by inNC » Thu Sep 14, 2017 9:21 am

...those panties, wondering if she had wet them knowing she was going to get fucked or had she even in-fact put them back on before her shower and maybe some of his cum was mixed in there with hers. U couldn't wait to smell them. Pantie Addiction starting
The ever evolving sexual aspect of our life together:

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Clueless hubby
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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Thu Sep 14, 2017 1:08 pm

I had the panties for years. I lost them when I moved one time. I think in hind sight she left them for him to keep. Thanks for reading everyone

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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Thu Sep 14, 2017 1:08 pm

I had the panties for years. I lost them when I moved one time. I think in hind sight she left them for him to keep. Thanks for reading everyone

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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by 4herpleasure89 » Thu Sep 14, 2017 6:46 pm

Thanks for sharing CH. Fantastic cuck story!

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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by Alfiemoon » Thu Sep 14, 2017 10:29 pm

great story,thanks for sharing and i cant wait to hear what happened next.

Clueless hubby
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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Sat Sep 16, 2017 8:00 am

Joyce called me a couple hours later and told me they were ready to go. I grabbed a blanket, towel and went to pick them up. Like usual Joyce and Mishelle were waiting on the porch. Both of them had on a long white t shirt that covered there asses and flip flops. Standard early 90s sunglasses and red lip stick. Mishelle was curvier than Joyce. Her brunette hair was long and straight. She was just as fine as her bestie just a little more of the girl next store type. She really had a way of putting people at ease. Over the time I knew her she broke a lot of hearts. She never seemed to really fall for anyone the way they fell for her.
Joyce jumped in the front and Mishelle in the back. I had big captains chairs in the front and back of my van. They were non stop talking and once we got going Joyce jumped in the back with her friend. Eventually they were whispering and giggling. It didn't take much of an imagination to figure out what they were saying.
We got to the beach and I pack muled all the towels and bags. Those two yanked off there t shirts and tossed them in the van. They strutted along in front of me while my eyes were glued to there assses. Joyce wore a pink swade bikini and Mishelle had on a black one. They were the same style and I'm sure they bought them together.
Being Monday morning the beech was almost empty. We picked a spot half way to the water. I layed out a big blanket as they put sun tan lotion on. Mishelle offered to put lotion on my back and I let her. Every chance she could she would do stuff like that in front of Joyce. Usually she'd get jealous and Mishelle thought that was the funniest thing ever.
I couldn't wait to talk to Joyce. As they lay there sun tanning I was a ball of emotions. Jealousy, hurt, anger, but most of all I was excited. Laying on my stomach with a hard on just wanting to know more about Steve. Eventually Mishelle went to use the rest room and Joyce just started spilling her guts.
"When we were freshman I had a huge crush on him. It was way before us and I would see him around school. I thought he was so mature and strong. I loved the way most people moved out of his way in the halls. By the end of the year I got him to notice me. He started talking to me if he seen me and I was head over heels for him. Then freshman year ended. I started dating you over the summer and tried to forget all about him"
I couldn't believe how calm she was telling me this. She was on her back and with the sunglasses I couldn't tell what she was thinking. I remember this moment like it was yesterday as she continued.
"The other night at the party he remembered me! Not only that but he told me he thought about me sometimes. He said I was even prettier now. We talked and flirted and by the end of the night I would of done anything for him. When I went to use the bathroom and he followed me in I practically jumped him.I couldnt help it. He has a power over me. I'm telling you this so you understand.
She pulled off her glasses and looked right at me. Tears were in her eyes.
"I love you so much but I want to see him too. He has a girl back at school so I know it won't last.At least for the next week while I figure this out. I'm going out with him again tonight and I hope I do all week. I'm sorry if it hurts you but that's how it is"
Mishelle was headed back and Joyce jumped up and headed towards her. She walked by her headed to the bathroom and Mishelle looked at her with concern on her face.
Mishelle layed down next to me and asked "are you ok?"
There's know doubt she new exactly what was going on but I think she really was concerned. She started running her hand threw my hair waiting for me to reply.
" I'm gonna dump her as soon as we get back. I'm not putting up with this and I'm gonna beat Steves ass!" I fronted because, well you know why.
She just continued to run her hands threw my hair. After a few minutes in that soothing voice Mishelle said
"No your not. What's he supposed to do. We both know if Joyce wants something she gets it. Can you blame him? Who cares anyways? Every one in this town has messed around with everyone it seems. In a month it will all be forgotten" she smiled at me and turned her back to me. I rubbed her shoulders for her as she continued
"You love her. I know you'll take her back so why go threw the drama. Just let it play out"
I know she saw my hard on. They were so manipulative! I was really upset though. I got up and started packing up. Joyce returned from the restroom and I made them leave. We road in silence back and I dropped Mishelle off and then took Joyce home. No one was home at her house and we went inside. She had a large mirror in the entry and she stopped and stared at us in it. I stood behind her and pulled the t-shirt back off her. She loved to look at herself while I ran my hands over her body. We had done this a dozen times before. Me kissing her neck from behind as I groped her. She reached her hand behind and grabbed my erection.
"Pull your trunks down babe" she whispered heavily. I did and she giggled. She started to squirm under my touch as she reached back and played with my penis.
Just then the phone rang. She walked over and answered leaving me standing there.
"Hello, oh hey" she said as she smiled.
"I just got home and Shawn's over. Getting ready to take a shower."
She had a strange look on her face as she listened and stared at me with my pants still down.
"Steve says high" she giggled. I pulled my trunks up so quick she started to laugh.
"He says hello back" she lied. Joyce wandered into the bathroom talking as she turned the shower on. She stuck her head out and said. "You should get going. I need to get ready. I'll call you"
I did what any sub would do. I left.
I had to work the rest of the week. At the time my dad was giving me a lot of work so I could save some cash up. I would call Joyce every night but she was never home. I would drive by her house and Steve's looking for her. I don't know why. I wasn't going to do anything. I didn't hear from her for almost two weeks. Things had changed between us.

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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by pwsub » Sat Sep 16, 2017 6:49 pm

This is just building up with great interest, can't wait to hear how you guys were after the two weeks

Clueless hubby
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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Sun Sep 17, 2017 8:15 am

By Saturday I stopped calling her. I had enough. She made her choice and I was devistated but I wouldn't beg. That night there was a party I was sure she'd show up to but she didn't. Mishelle was ther but she went out of her way to avoid me. I left early.
Flash ahead to the next Saturday. It was around ten in the morning and I was cleaning out the garage. I looked up and Joyce pulled up in her moms car. She got out wearing a t-shirt, shorts, and white tennis shoes. Her hair was in a pony tail. She looked at the ground as she walked up slowly.
"Hey, you haven't called me all week" she said quietly.
"Well I figured you'd call me when you had time. I know how fucking busy you are. What do you want?" I was upset witch goes without saying.
"Ok, whatever Shawn. I need to grab some stuff I left here. Can I go in and get it?" I showed her into the basement and watched as she grabbed a couple of cheep hair ties and a blow dryer my mom gave her. Stuff that was always here.
"So I think we should at least talk about some stuff don't you? I don't want to just never see you again. Why don't we go do something tonight and afterwards just hangout?" There was a desperation in her voice. I wanted to see her and talk about it just as much so I relented
"Sure, I'll pick you up around six. Call me if you make other plans though '
"Why would I do that?" She seemed to relax. I kissed her and she left. She left the hair ties and dryer sitting on the couch.
The day drug by and I called her around six. She said she was ready to go so I shot over there. She was wearing a tight blouse and a short jean skirt. Not her usual but boy she looked good. We went to a restaurant we liked then bumbed around the mall. Afterwards we went out by the lake and parked. As we walked around the lake she took my hand and held it.we went back to the van and climbed in the back. The back bench seat pulled out into a make shift bead. So we took our usual positions.
"So, do you want to talk about it?" I asked as supportive as I could muster.
"What's there to say really? I mean I'm here with you now right?"
I wasn't gonna let her get off the hook that easily.
"I need to know what's going on. I swear I won't get mad but every once of me needs to know."
She turned to face the ceiling and stared off for a moment.
"All of it?"
Then she just started opening up to me like I was Mishelle instead of her boyfriend.
"Well he left last Saturday and I haven't heard from him since. I even helped him pack Friday night and he hasn't even bothered to call me so it's definitly over"
She was quiet for a minute. I think she was hoping she'd said enough. I started to run my finger up her bare thigh as I guilty asked "what did you guys do all week"
"We had sex Shawn! Is that what you want to hear? He fucked me every night. That's all we did really. We'd go get fast food and rent movies then lay around his house. Why do you want to hear this?" She asked defensively. I had worked my hand up her leg while she was talking and she spread them for me. My finger was now lightly touching her mound and she squirmed a little.
"Who doesn't like to hear about this stuff" I joked. She relaxed a little
"He was really good at getting me horny. His fingers and tongue would get me so hot. I can't tell you this!" She squirmed as I rubbed her pussy threw her panties. "Please tell me baby, I need to know I whispered in her ear.
"He can make me orgasm! I thought I did with you but I was way wrong. The thing is Shawn. He's big. You know, down there."
I was so turned on. I pulled her panties down and pulled up her skirt higher.
"Get a condom" she said. I grabbed one and put it on. My cock slid right in. She was soaking wet.
I started pushing in and out still talking to her
" did he wear a condom?"
"Just the first night. He didn't want to after that. He's not the type of guy you tell what to do" she breathed heavily "that's what was the best part. I couldn't tell him no even if I tried!"
I came right then. I could see the disappointment as I slid out. She started playing with herself.
"I waited so long to call because I was hoping he'd call me. If he had I don't know if I would of come over today"she was upset with my performance and she was letting me know it.
As I watched her I started to get hard again. At 18 it didn't take much to go again. She pushed me away though when I reached for her.
"I'm sorry he didn't call" I said meekly.
She ignored my comment. She stopped playing with herself,found her panties and put them back on.
"That reminds me. Steve said my underwear was in that bag the other day. Are you sure you didn't see them around?"
"Nano" I stuttered
"Whatever" she smirked. "We should get going."
Sitting out by the lake on a Saturday for to long and the cops would come snooping. We drove around for awhile then I took Joyce home. We kissed good night and she asked if we were gonna go see The Cure next week. I bought the tickets a month ago for us and I said absolutely with a smile.
"K, love you and call me tomarrow" she jumped out and walked in the her house.

Clueless hubby
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Location: South east Michigan

Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Sun Sep 17, 2017 11:40 am

The rest of the week it was like nothing ever happened. Except for one thing. We weren't having sex. She'd get me all hot for her and then come up with a reason to stop. She did it to me almost every night. By Saturday I didn't know if I was coming or going with her.
Joyce loved the Cure. She begged me to get tickets. I could take them or leave them but whatever. The day of the show I pulled up to her house and honked the horn. She never stopped amazing me.
She came out wearing a light grey ripped up t-shirt with word HOT printed in pink across the front. Her hair was up like she was going to prom or something with curls framing her face. Instead of her usual red lipstick her lips were a wet pink. Her legs were incased in white flannel skin tight long johns. I don't know where her and her friends
came up with this look but it was super hot and they dressed that way. She wore her dock martins but replaced the laces with pink ones. No one dresses like this to see the Cure. She stood out like an oasis in the desert that night. She wanted to get noticed that's for sure.
I told her how hot she looked and she smiled.
"Are we gonna get drinks tonight?" She asked with a smile. I knew what she was referring too. We went to a lot of concerts back then. Over that time Joyce would started to get older guys to buy beer for us. She'd flirt a little and it was rare that she got a no. That's why she started dressing sexier and sexier when just me and her went. The last show we saw a guy actually paid for a few rounds for us. This part is something I still talk about when reminiscing with people.
"Absolutely babe" I said kissing her then hitting the road.
The place that they were playing at was a good 45 minutes away with traffic. We'd been to several shows there and they packed you in like sardines on the main floor. You could find a seat in the balcony but we never did.
We got in the block long line as they let everyone in. Joyce really did stand out but she acted oblivious as she chatted with all the other people In line. There were a group of guys in front of us who were a good ten years older. Joyce chatted away with them while I stood there quietly as they all took turns eyeing my girl. Two of them were in the all black Cure get up but the other two were more clean cut types. One of them who's name was Matt was really showing her a lot of attention.
We got threw security and Joyce pointed out Matt and his friends getting there over 21 wrist bands and smiled at me. I handed her some cash and she went over to them leaving me in the t-shirt line. I watched as she first bought two red cups full of sprite. She walked right to the restroom and dumped them out. No one was paying any attention to her as Matt walked up and filled the cups with the beer from two clear plastic cups. It worked every time. I just stood there laughing to myself. She thanked him with a kiss on his cheek and came over to pick out a t-shirt with me. I took one cup from her and bought her the shirt she picked out.We went into the big concert hall and stood to the side as the first band played. Matt and his friends found us and he started to talk to Joyce. After a couple of songs she leaned in asking if I was ready for another one. I finished the rest and handed her the cup. She said he wanted her to go with so I shrugged and off they went. This repeated a few times until right before the Cure went on. She came back for the last time and handed me both beers. She was pretty tipsy at this point. I slammed one and right then the music started. She grabbed my free hand and we rushed towards the stage like everyone else. The Cure played a couple of songs and We swayed and danced to the music.
I noticed Joyce get tense so I turned to see what was happening. Matt was standing right behind her and he had his hand on her ass. Joyce turned around angerly. She looked at first like she was gonna slap him and she did. She realized who it was and it landed playfully on his chest. Joyce was about five foot four and he was six feet three easily. He put his hands up in mock surrender. She smiled up at him and turned back to watch the band. She danced next to me but I kinda felt forgotten. Matt would grind into her as everyone was crowded together and she would lean back into him with her arms raised. The band broke into one of Joyce's favorite songs and she went crazy. Matt bent down asking her something and she nodded her head yes. Clapped her hands and jumped up and down. He bent down and she got on his shoulders. She was so happy. I was a little shocked. The crowd was getting a little rowdy and a I got pushed towards the side by a few people.
Joyce spotted me and from her perch waved. Matt let her down after the song ended and I tried to get back to her but they started to find there way to the back. I completely lost her then.
I was in a panic. I checked the restrooms and around the edges of the crowd with no luck. There was only one way in so I stood by the entrance and waited. The band finished there set and the place emptied out pretty quick but no Joyce. I was freaking the fuck out now. I checked the theatre and there wasn't even a dozen people left in the place. They shuffled the last of us out so I headed back to the van.
Joyce and Matt were sitting there with the door open. I hid the key so I wouldn't lose it during the show she must of unlocked it. Her hair was down now and her boots were off. Matt busted a smirked at me.
" there he is!" He said dismissively. " I gotta go the boys are waiting for me. He gave Jen a long kiss as he looked right at me then he left.
When he was out of sight Joyce slurred. " looked for you so then we came out here. Matt had some booze and he's so nice! He shared and then you know. I'm drunk" she laughed.
I just layed her down in the back and she fell right to sleep. There was an empty condom wrapper on the floor but that would half to wait. I drove the long drive home as she slept.

Posts: 148
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Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by pwsub » Sun Sep 17, 2017 2:57 pm

Joyce is really turning up the temperature now, thanks for the update, can't wait till the next one!

Clueless hubby
Posts: 105
Joined: Fri Jan 20, 2017 2:28 pm
Location: South east Michigan

Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Sun Sep 17, 2017 5:16 pm

Thanks for the comments and support! Any questions I would be happy to answer.

Posts: 148
Joined: Fri Nov 15, 2013 2:16 pm
Location: Sydney

Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by pwsub » Sun Sep 17, 2017 6:18 pm

I am just looking forward to how things developed, at what stage were you sure she was the girl for you, knowing she'd never be faithful :)

Clueless hubby
Posts: 105
Joined: Fri Jan 20, 2017 2:28 pm
Location: South east Michigan

Re: The turning point for me

Unread post by Clueless hubby » Mon Sep 18, 2017 6:51 am

We got back to my place well after midnight and the house was quiet. I gently woke Joyce up and helped her down stairs. She went straight into the bathroom and was in there for awhile. I turned on some music stripping down to my boxers. Joyce finally came out wearing the Cure shirt I bought her and just panties. Just seeing her like this and all was forgiven. She lay down facing me and started to rub my chest.
"Thank you for taking me tonight. I had so much fun baby" she was still tipsy but no slurring at least.
"Thank you for getting me this shirt and being the best boyfriend ever. I hope your not upset with me for spending so much time with Matt" she was lightly rubbing my thigh just inches from my penis.
"I couldn't believe it when he put me on his shoulders. It was amazing! I felt like Robert Smith was singing just to me. I think he even pointed at me" her hand continued roaming.
"I lost track of you after he put me down. Matt said it would be a good idea to wait for you at the van.We stopped by his friends car and got some booze. They were smoking so I took a couple of puffs."
That explains a lot. Pot and booze and Joyce leads to one thing. Sex. She rarely smoked. Especially around me because I didn't do it at all.
"Don't be mad but I took a couple of hits when we went to get us
beer too"
"You know that doesn't make me mad. I just wished I'd known. I would of stuck with you more"
That made her giggle. "You couldn't of if you tried" she kissed me long and hard then. I wanted her to touch me so bad but she wouldn't. I was going crazy.
"Do you want to hear something crazy that happened?"Joyce was rubbing her mound on my knee now. I could feel her panties getting wetter as she continued, not waiting for my answer.
"He was grinding his package against me babe. I felt him get hard. Like, it was big and obvious. I was high and it felt like we were alone even with all those sweaty strangers around us. I ground back into him as he reached up to graze my chest when my arms went up to the music." She was panting now but still wouldn't touch me. She was up against me in a way that I couldn't rub my poor struggling penis on her.
"I pulled my arms down to stop him. Like you were standing right there you know? He grabbed my hand though and trapped it between his cock and my ass"
She stopped and kissed my neck and lips for awhile. Her tongue ran in my ear driving me crazy
"I couldn't help but squeeze it. He was so hard! He still had ahold of my wrist. I was so scared you'd catch me Shawn. I tried to pull away after a minute but he wouldn't let go. He took my hand and slowing put it down his pants. I could feel his sweaty,sticky thing. It felt hot and hard and like soft all at once. It made me Feel so dirty feeling a stranger. Right there infront of all those people" she was moaning her words now.
"I didn't notice. I'm sure no one else did. Did you like what he was doing?" I encouraged her to continue.
"I did! I'm the worst girlfriend ever but I did baby! That's when he asked me to get on his shoulders"
She was al little afraid to continue
" I'm sure you seen him kiss me when I got down" she said shyly
I hadn't but I wanted her to continue.
"Is that why you left so fast?"
" I guess so. He grabbed my hand and practically dragged me out the building. I didn't put up much of I fight thow" she was an emotional roller coaster. She was almost in tears telling me this part still a little drunk. She looked down and saw how hard I was.
"You really like hearing about this don't you? I never even heard of a boy who wanted his girl to cheat on him?" Is that what you want for real?"
My dick twitched at her accusations and she noticed.
I don't know why Joyce but I want to hear all of it. It hurts but I kind of like it too. The least you can do is tell me everything." I smiled and tried to play it off. " you owe me that much for ditching me" I half joked.
She finally started to touch my member as she continued
"As soon as we got outside he pinned me against the wall and we started making out. People were commenting as they passed by. Telling us to get a room or for him to give It to me. It made me super horny babe. We did go to his car then. Matt grabbed a joint and a bottle of whisky. I told him about the van and he practically had his pants off before the door closed. I fucked him in you van Shawn but that's not the worst part" she had fished my cock out and was pulling on it with her thumb and two fingers.
" he put a condom on but it broke when he was trying to get all the way in me. He was really thick so it took a minute. Well, after it broke I locked my legs around him when he tried to pull out. I just didn't want him to stop. I was so fucking drunk and high and it felt amazing"
She was really pulling my penis with her thumb and fingers now.
"Then what happened" I croaked
"He locked his hips and came in me! It was so much I felt it flooding out onto you seats. It made me have a super intense orgasm babe. He pulled out and it flooded out everywhere and he was laughing about it. I hate to admit it but so was I babe.
I groaned and came all over my stomach. She kept pulling on me hard until it started to hurt. She climbed off the couch and and almost immediatelyfell asleep on the other couch.
The next morning I was up kind of early. I checked my van and found the broken condom. The floor and seats were still wet from Matt. There's nothing more humiliating than cleaning up after a stranger while your dad is yelling at you to mow the lawn.

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