The Landlord

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Re: The Landlord

Unread post by Johng1953 » Sat Mar 30, 2024 1:50 am

Pity the 'overtime' has finished!
Great story, thanks.

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Re: The Landlord

Unread post by Frenchie » Tue Apr 02, 2024 12:36 am

The first night without Jen was terrible.
Yet she had spent the week reassuring me. Both mentally, by reaffirming her unfailing love on numerous occasions, and sexually, by giving me the kind of treatment we hadn't experienced since the first months of our life together.

But it didn't help a lot. Despite all her good will, I couldn't sleep a wink all night.

No matter how much I binged on TV, chamomile tea and reading, I simply couldn't get the fact out of my mind that my fiancée was sleeping all night with her lover, that they could have sex as they pleased without any time constraints or guilt, since I'd given her absolution.
Several times, I got up with the intention of listening at the ground-floor door. But I always refrained. I knew I wouldn't hear anything, and I'd look like a fool if the other tenants caught me wandering around the building in the middle of the night.

Finally, in the early hours of the morning, sleep overcame me.

The sun was already high in the sky when I emerged.
Jenny was sitting on the bed beside me, smiling tenderly.
"Well! It looks like monsieur sleeps better when he's all alone! It's almost noon!"
I didn't want to admit to her that I hadn't slept all night.
"How did it go?
" - Very well."
With a scrutinizing eye, I searched her for traces of her adulterous night but she was obviously freshly showered and dressed.
"- Aren't you going to tell me?"
"- What do you want me to tell you?"
" - Well, everything. What you did, etc., etc."
" - Well, we talked, we cuddled, we savored the privilege of being able to take our time... Then we ate, he had prepared me a nice meal with beautiful dishes, champagne, candles and everything and everything."

My heart sank. It felt more like a romantic evening than a booty call. I suddenly realized that maybe I'd been wrong to let them do this.
"- And then?"
"- Then we spent a little more time talking, but not too long; We soon went to bed... We made love for the first time, slowly, at length..."
As she said this, I felt her hand slide under the sheets and reach my crotch to check the effect of her tale on my anatomy. She was not disappointed.

"- Afterwards we talked a lot more while cuddling and caressing each other... From caresses to kisses, he reignited me... he made me cum with his fingers and mouth... then we made love again..."
Her hand went up and down, firmly enclosing my virile member. I closed my eyes, concentrating on the delicious sensations nourished by the movie she was telling me.

"- Then I fell asleep in his arms... This morning, I woke him up like this:"
Her warm, wet mouth engulfed my dick. I grunted in contentment as her little head now took over from her hand, sucking my tip as if to squeeze all the juice out of it.

"- And then afterwards, I was the one who rode him after impaling myself on his stinger..."
But she didn't have time to continue the demonstration; I'd just spurt all over her hand.


Even though repetition and habit lead to routine, and even though I was now able to sleep when Jenny spent the night at Delange's, I couldn't say that I was serene every time.

Sure, I was able to put things into perspective and stop worrying - after all, Jennifer came back to me every time, still exuding joie de vivre - and sure, I still often felt aroused at the thought of their gallivanting, whether in my imagination or in Jenny's words, but I still couldn't shake off a mixed feeling about this non-consensual situation, to say the least.

It wasn't so much that my fiancée was having sex with Delange that concerned me - after all, I'd been looking for that - but rather the growing complicity between the two lovers. Spending the night together, sleeping in each other's arms, sharing moments of intimacy from which I was by definition excluded, gave their relationship a whole new dimension.

It was clear that it wasn't just sex that brought them together, but much deeper feelings.
I'd already had occasion to ask Jennifer about the nature of her feelings towards our landlord and, without dodging the question, she hadn't been very clear.

Since their nights together, it was obvious that these feelings had grown stronger.

I didn't feel it was at my expense, but until when?

A few weeks later, my boss signed me up for a refresher course. According to him, this would enable me to broaden my field of expertise and, ultimately, to take off again.
It was an opportunity not to be missed.
The only drawback was that the five-day session took place in Lille. I'd have to go away for a whole week and leave Jennifer on her own.
I was expecting her to face a grim face, but she immediately understood the benefit I could gain from this refresher course. So she encouraged me to go with peace of mind:
"Don't worry: I'm not really on my own since Leo is never far away. What's more, I'll finally be able to honor my college friends' invitation. They've been asking me to go out with them for ages!"

Voila, I could leave serenely, my fiancée would manage.
Once again, the idea of leaving her for a whole week with our landlord (and incidentally her lover) around left me with a strange feeling. But it was no longer time to play the jealous fiancé.

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Re: The Landlord

Unread post by Frenchie » Wed Apr 03, 2024 12:12 am

Between the departure, the journey, the installation and the hours of instruction, the first day of training was grueling. I barely had time to text Jenny to let her know I'd arrived safely.

It wasn't until the evening, after dinner and a welcome shower, that I was finally able to settle down.
Taking advantage of this first rest period, I decided to phone my darling to tell her about my day and check up on hers.
Alas, the phone rang empty. Both her mobile and the one in the apartment.

I repeated the operation half an hour later, then again an hour later, to no avail.
Bewildered, I finally realized that she must have run off to join her friends, as she'd told me. Either she'd forgotten her mobile at the apartment, or it was ringing away in the bottom of her bag without her hearing it, which was just as likely.
After one last unsuccessful attempt around 10 p.m., I gave up.

Lying in bed, I watched TV, but the inconsistency of the program combined with the day's fatigue to knock me out in a matter of minutes.

The next morning, I tried again to contact Jenny before classes started, but I had no more luck than the day before.
It wasn't until about 11 o'clock that I received a text message:
"Sorry for missed calls. Forgot my phone at home".
I smiled inwardly. I'd been right, the airhead had struck again!
"Girlfriend's night out?
"No, I spent the night at Leo's."
My heart raced. This wasn't part of the plan.
"Not planned, that."
"No, it wasn't. I asked him if I could spend Friday night with you. For your return. He said okay but in exchange for last night. Not angry?"
Angry, no. But a little relieved to know that it was to welcome me back. That was a nice touch.
"No-no. Not at all."
"Good. Have fun then ;-) Love you."
"Love you too."


The second day was even more intense than the first. I couldn't spare a moment to phone Jen. It was only in the evening that I was able to call her.
This time, she picked up on the second ring:
"Hello, love, how are you?
" Well, I'm a bit tired, but it's tiring sitting on your chair all day listening to someone talk. I'm not used to it anymore."
"Ah! You see what I put up with all year round! Now you understand why I sometimes come home exhausted in the evening. "
" - Oh yes, I do! I promise I won't tease you about it anymore."
" - That's the spirit! "
" - And how was your day? "
" - Well, the usual. "
" - Except that this morning, you were on the spot for your hour of cleaning at Delange's. "
" - Ah yes, that's right. " She laughed.
" - What's it like to go from mistress to housekeeper just by moving from one room to another? "
"- Well, you know, it's not much different from the days when I get up in the morning to do your laundry or the dishes from the night before. Except that he pays me for it."

And bang in the teeth!

"-Ok! One point for you. And otherwise, how was your evening and night?"
"- Bah, like a Friday evening and night except that it was Monday. Do you really want to know the details?"
" - Uh, no, actually. You're not here to relieve me if things get a little too hot..."
"At the same time, you've still got your ten fingers. You should be able to cope."


"My ! You're in great mood tonight! Did you eat any lion?"
"Yeah. And some old lion, if you must know. "
"Ah yes, right. I know what you mean... When was it? This morning?"
" - Yes. But I thought you didn't want any details. "
" - It's not my fault, you're the one bringing it up! "
" - Of course! "
" - Say, is it me, or do you seem a bit agitated right now? "
" - That is, while I'm talking to you, I'm getting ready for tonight: I'm getting dressed, doing my hair and make-up... all chick stuff, you wouldn't understand. "
"- Ah? Is tonight your girls' night out?"
" - No, it's Thursday. No, tonight Leo's taking me to the theater. He told me he'd been wanting to go for a long time, but until now he hadn't wanted to ask me. He thought I'd be embarrassed to go out with him and leave you up there on your own. So since this week you're not here, it's different, you understand?"

Yes, I especially understood that their complicity was going to go up another notch with this social outing as a couple.
But I didn't want to spoil the fun for her:
"- Okay, no worries. What are you going to see?"
"I don't know. Leo's surprising me.
" - And afterwards, you'll sleep at his place? "
" - No, that's not on the agenda. "

At least that was that.

"Well, I'll leave you to it. I've got to finish getting ready, he'll be picking me up soon and you know how punctual he is."
" - Ok Kisses. Love you. Have fun."
" - I love you too. "

That evening, the TV program once again had a hard time distracting me from the idea that my partner was going out with her lover;
Sure, it wasn't about sex for once, but was it any better?

I had to face the facts. At first, I was genuinely excited to see my fiancée in such gallant company, but I was increasingly unhappy at being excluded from their "little affairs". And on a night like this, alone and far from them, I felt totally powerless.

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Re: The Landlord

Unread post by Frenchie » Wed Apr 10, 2024 4:23 am

I suffered a restless sleep that night. So much so that in the morning, I woke up tired and late.

So I didn't take the time to call Jen and planned to hear from her by text at the 10 o'clock break:
"How was the evening?"
"The play?"
"Great! Very funny!!!"
" Restaurant? "
" Yes, after. Very classy, very good too."
"Good big sleep afterwards too, then."
" Almost. Finally, I slept at Léo's."
"Yes, we thought it was ridiculous to sleep separately when you weren't expecting me."
"Ah. Okay."
"So, no sleeping immediately. Lol. ;-)"
"Not mad? "
"Kisses then. Love you."
"Love you too. At + "

I liked that she was worried about my reaction. I also appreciated that she told me the truth up front. After all, she could have been bullshitting me, I wasn't there to check.

However, I had the unpleasant sensation of being the cat in whose absence the mice were dancing happily.
And they could dance for another two long nights...

Fortunately, the courses and the good atmosphere of the training course helped me to keep my head down during the day.
Still, it was with some trepidation that I called on Wednesday evening. Was I going to break my nose on the answering machine again? Would a lack of response tell me that my darling had gone to join her lover for the third night in a row?
No! This time, she answered! Not immediately, but it was her warm, sensual voice that said "allo" in a tone that was almost already enticing.
"- Hello my love, am I disturbing you?"
" - No-no. Hello, my darling."
" - No plans to go out this evening?" I asked, tempting the devil.
She giggled:
" - No... In fact, I'm already in bed. "
" - At 9 o'clock!? "
" - Yes, but you must understand, the last two nights haven't been very restful. "
" - Oh yeah, I see. "
She giggled again. She seemed to be having fun teasing me about it. Rather than play offended, I decided to play along:
"- How was the last two nights?"
" - Hmm! Oh good ! Yes..."
" - Did he make you come?"
" - Hmm! Oh that yes!"
" - How many times?"
" - Hmm... I don't remember... I didn't count... lots!"

The little fool! With just a few well-chosen words, she already had me hard as a donkey!

"I'm looking forward to Friday night.
" - Hmm... I can't wait for you to come too... Hmmm! "
" - But! My word, I'm dreaming where you're caressing yourself right now!"
She giggled again without answering me.
"You know that if you do that, I'm going to have to do the same. I'm not going to be able to stay like this without relieving myself!"
" - Yes, go ahead!"
I immediately made good on my threat. I pulled down my pants and grabbed my outstretched shaft.
"- There, I've got it out, are you happy?"
" - Yes! I want it! Put your big cock in me!"

Wow! I'd rarely heard her talk like that. She was obviously already well into her delirium.
I decided to continue playing the game:
"- Here! Take it!"
" - Ohhh yesss !!!!! "
"Can you feel it?
" - Ahh yes!! I can feel it! Especially your big head !!! Ahhhhh!!!!"
Now she was embellishing a little. But then again, I didn't mind it either. I was frantically polishing myself.
On the other side, all I could hear was her jerky breathing and moaning. I could almost make out the lapping of her fingers on her soggy little pussy.
It was already almost too much for me...
"- Rhaa! I feel like I'm going to come!"
" - Yes! Come! Come inside me! Yes !! Ahhh YESSSS!!!!"

Separated by a few hundred kilometers, we had, I think, a synchronous orgasm.

We said almost nothing afterwards, just "I love you" and "Good night my love". Neither of us wanted to prolong the awkward silence. It was our first experience of dirty-phone-sex, but what an experience!


The next morning, Jennifer's text message read:
"Don't call me tonight: Girls' night out. Remember?"
"Ah yes. That's right."
"So, no smut on the phone tonight. Lol"
" Too bad. Lol. Have fun though and look after yourself: There's some funny guys at these parties sometimes."
"Bah. That's kind of the point of the game, isn't it? Don't you want me to take a little youngster home?"
"Why? Aren't old people enough for you anymore?"
"Oh yes! I was only joking. Kisses my love. Love you!"
"Love you too."

In the end, the evening was just right, as our group had also planned to celebrate the end of the course at a local pub.
It was a very pleasant evening, and I have to admit that I didn't think too much about Jenny. She must have been having a good time anyway.
The bar was an Irish pub. Every Thursday, a different band would "perform" to the delight of the patrons.
Needless to say, the beer and other amber spirits flowed freely that evening, and the Celtic music got us all more or less wiggling between the tables, despite the obvious lack of space.

Although I'm not a confirmed party-goer, I was not outdone by the alcohol, especially with Marjolaine.
"Marjo" was a small, sexy brunette with an ample bust who had caught my eye from the start of the week.
As she'd sat next to me, we'd hit it off quite quickly, and it was only natural that we'd find ourselves side by side in the pub.
Over the last few days, I'd noticed from the way she'd been with me that she was obviously not insensitive to my charms and, to be perfectly honest, the reciprocal was true.
So we sat down together in the noisy pub and started a little unpretentious flirtation.
I knew she wasn't free and neither was I, but it felt good. After all, Jenny had done much worse.
So I think if she'd invited me to end the evening in her room, I probably wouldn't have said no. But she didn't offer, and I didn't dare cross the Rubicon either.

Let's face it: I had neither the stature nor the boldness of a Delange.

I walked her to her bedroom door and we parted with a chaste kiss.
I searched her eyes for envy, regret or even an invitation, but all I found was a hint of amusement tinged with a slight intoxication.

Perhaps it was for the best.

In any case, I knew someone who was going to take for two when I got back!

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Re: The Landlord

Unread post by starshapedmark » Wed Apr 10, 2024 7:33 am

Glad to see you are back! I've been following and enjoying this story since I found it anticipating each new post. Keep it up! I'm sure I am not the only captive reader here. :D

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Re: The Landlord

Unread post by Johng1953 » Wed Apr 10, 2024 10:04 pm

Love this story. I find myself wondering though whether she was actually alone on the night of their phone sex.

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Re: The Landlord

Unread post by Frenchie » Thu Apr 11, 2024 1:28 pm

Ah Ah !!!

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Re: The Landlord

Unread post by Frenchie » Fri Apr 12, 2024 4:00 am

I tried to call Jenny first thing in the morning but she didn't answer.
I smiled to myself: her evening must have been even more wild than mine and she must still be out of it.

I didn't get any text messages in the morning, and it wasn't until around 3 p.m., when the last few hours were up, that I sent her one:
"It's over! I'm free! I'm on my way! At last... in 3 hours..."
"Waiting for you!" She replied laconically.

She was indeed waiting for me, half-reclining on the sofa, reading a book. In her liquette and panties, as usual...

I dropped my luggage at the entrance and pounced on her. I snatched her mouth as my hands slipped under the shirt to feather her two hot little breasts.
"- God, I've missed all this!"
She giggled:
"- Hey! Take it easy, you fat vulture! You'll crease my pages!"

I didn't give a damn about her pages. What I wanted was to take her. Right now!

I snatched the book out of her hands, impatiently ripped open her shirt, knocking off a couple of fragile buttons... Her panties would have suffered the same fate if she hadn't stopped me to remove them herself. Which gave me time to strip off my pants in a hurry...
The conquering penetration drew a fleeting grimace from her, quickly replaced by a sigh of contentment:
"- Oh yes: that's good!"
That, to be good, was damn good. A little too good, in fact... I didn't last more than two minutes before I let out a dull roar. Jenny probably hadn't had her fill of pleasure, but I hoped to start again as soon as possible.

"- Wow! Now that's what you call a burning desire, isn't it?" She joked, still out of breath from the short but intense cavalcade.
"I couldn't wait any longer! Between what you told me about your start to the week, our naughty conversation on the phone on Wednesday and what happened last night, I really had to..."
"- How's that with what happened last night?"

Holy cow! She'd been quick off the mark !

I told her straight out about my evening the night before and my temptations towards the pretty Marjo.
This made her smile. She even acted offended:
"So, Môssieur is taking advantage of the first opportunity he gets to flirt with a pretty brunette? Well, that's neat!
"- Hey, you're a real swell!" I replied in the same tone, "Who's the one who took advantage of her man's absence to spend two whole nights with her lover, eh?"
As I said this, my hand crept towards her crotch, still moist from our first effusions, in the undisguised hope of using this pseudo-vindictive joust as foreplay before a second round that had already begun.

However, she calmed my ardor by placing her hand on my wrist:
"Easy, Mr. Impatient! One manly assault is all right, but two in a row, I'm not sure my little kitty can take. She's rather irritated after her adventures this week..."
"Adventures? Because there was something other than Monday and Tuesday with Delange?" I asked, a little worried. Already, that double night had seemed like a lot. What else could there have been?
"- Well... last night... the party got pretty drunk... and I overindulged a bit... and you know me: I can't hold my liquor very well... so... "
" - You fucked another guy?! "
" - Of course not! Big words coming right up! No, it's just that I was too tipsy to go home on my own and I didn't want to ask my girlfriends. It wasn't really their way and most of them weren't really any better than me... so I had the idea of phoning Leo and asking him to take me home... "
"- You were right." I said reassuringly. "And did he agree?
"Yes! I told you he was a charming man. Only..."
" - What? "
" - Well, I fell asleep in his car, barely emerged to get out and this morning... I woke up in his bed... and I think he took advantage of me... " She said, looking down at me with her little smirk.

As if it had all been done without her knowledge!

I played along a little, "Ah? You didn't notice anything?"
" - No... well, not really... but it's true that at some moments, it was difficult to continue playing the sleeping beauty... " She said as her smile widened. She had straightened up on her elbow, facing me, and was absent-mindedly letting her nails run over my penis, which was gradually losing its suppleness...

"Little bitch! I understand better why you're irritated: You spent three nights out of four with your lover!!!"
She stopped her gesture momentarily and looked down at me again. This time, I saw her blush:
"- Well, actually... it's not three but four..."
"- Huh?! But that's impossible. I talked to you on the phone on Wednesday. You even told me you'd already gone to bed!
" - Well yes, I was in bed... but not alone... "
Oh my!
It took me a while to get over that one. Not only because she'd slept four nights in a row with her lover, but also and above all because of the implications of this last confession.
"- That... does that mean that when you were talking to me, he was there with you?"
She opined with a cheeky little smile.
"- Was he caressing you?"
" - Yes."
" - Does that mean that when you said "I can't wait for you to come" to me, you were talking to him?"
"-To him and to you. I couldn't wait for you to come back, but at that moment, I couldn't wait for him to come inside me either."

Oh dear! Her fingers continued to play on my sex, which had regained all of its stiffness.

"- Does that mean that while I was stroking myself imagining dirty things, you were actually experiencing them?"
She nodded again and, without losing her smile, brought her mouth close to my glans. With the tip of her tongue, she grazed it... I shuddered.
"- And when you said 'put your big cock in me', were you asking him?"
For all answer, she swallowed me. A contented moan escaped my lips.
"- And then, it was his cock you were feeling, it was for him you were moaning."
Mouth full, she merely approved with a greedy grunt.
"- And it was him who made you come, there, in our bed, while I was on the other end of the phone!?"
Another nod... I ejaculated on the spot.

After pumping every last drop out of me, she straightened up with a satisfied look while wiping her mouth with the back of her hand:
"- I think that was the biggest orgasm I've ever had. You have no idea how exciting it was to make love to him while hearing you jerk off on the other end without you knowing what was really going on here. I know it's a bit shitty of me, but I didn't premeditate it at all, it was you who called me while Leo was there and we were already in bed... the rest just flowed... I knew in advance that the story of this 'improvisation' would have an effect on you;" she said, pointing with her chin at my newly softened curler.

I was still staring at her, half aghast. She didn't seem to feel the slightest bit of remorse, despite, if not the lie, at least the formidable imposture. And what about the transgression of a taboo we'd never even talked about, because it seemed so obvious to me: Sleeping with her lover in our bed, our marital bed (even though we weren't married yet), our sanctuary!
I had the impression that this point hadn't even occurred to her, whereas it was blowing my mind.

And yet, the most disconcerting thing about all this was that she was right about one thing: the speed with which I'd come was proof of the excitement her story had aroused me to, and the notion of transgression may well have played a part in speeding up my surrender.

I hadn't even asked her under what circumstances Delange had arrived in our bed and how many times they'd done it that night. I imagined that these were details of no real importance.

However, the desecration of the marital bed was not the only major change brought about by my week's absence.
Indeed, Jennifer and our landlord had been able to experiment with going out as a duo, and had discovered some common cultural tastes.
As my presence on the sixth floor no longer seemed an obstacle, they decided to repeat the experience, and in the four weeks that followed, three of their Friday nights were preceded by outings to restaurants, the theater or the opera.

It wasn't so much that my partner shared these moments without me that bothered me.
No, although I would have liked to have been able to share them with her, I understood that they wanted this kind of time together and, in any case, theater and opera weren't really my cup of tea.

What was more annoying, however, was that these outings inevitably involved making their affair official in broad daylight. Even if they avoided overly equivocal public displays, I was keeping my fingers crossed that none of our acquaintances would come across my companion in the arms of this clean-cut sixty-something in an attitude that might leave some wondering about their relationship.

And that wasn't counting the people in the building.
Jennifer's hiring by our shared landlord had been made official, but I knew it was already causing a bit of a stir. So if they were now to be caught walking through the building together, arm in arm, in fancy dress, I couldn't imagine the snide looks and mocking innuendo I'd have to endure.

However, despite my fears, I didn't notice any major changes in the attitude of our neighbors. Either they remained discreet in my presence, or they hadn't noticed anything, and I prayed it would stay that way.

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Re: The Landlord

Unread post by Sergio2701 » Fri Apr 12, 2024 4:19 am

What worries you is that your neighbors knew? From now on your bed will also be his. He'll come when you're not home and eventually make sure you find them fucking.

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Re: The Landlord

Unread post by Seductionrules » Fri Apr 12, 2024 4:20 am

I’m enjoying the story Frenchie
Thank you

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Re: The Landlord

Unread post by Frenchie » Sat Apr 13, 2024 1:50 am

One evening, I came home to find Jenny particularly thoughtful. She was sitting, as usual, on the sofa in the living room, but she seemed miles away. She responded mechanically to my welcoming kiss, and all I got from her in the first few minutes of my presence was a few lackadaisical monosyllables.

So much so that I ended up asking her what was wrong.

She gave me a long look before dropping the 3-megaton bomb:
"- I'm pregnant."
" - Huh?"

She repeated. As if her first sentence hadn't been spoken in proper French.
"- I'm pregnant."

Still groggy, I remained in denial:
"Are you late again? It's no big deal..."

No doubt deeming it unnecessary to repeat the sentence a third time, she handed me a kind of large white plastic pen which she'd been holding in her hands all along but hadn't noticed.
I picked it up gingerly, as if it was going to blow up in my face... In a way, it did.

On the side, there was a tiny lcd screen on which a single word blinked: "pregnant"... hard to be more explicit.

If my first reaction hadn't been the most enlightening, the second wasn't much brighter:
"But... How is that possible? I thought you were on the pill!"

She sighed:
"Yes, I am... But it's not 100% safe... Especially when you forget... And lately... since I've been sleeping at Léo's... I sometimes forget to take it in the morning. I usually think about it later in the day and take it, but it's been pointed out that normally you have to stick to set times. Maybe that's it, the forgetting... the irregular intake... it must have thrown everything out of whack and then... and then that's it."

Remembering the first alert, a few months earlier, and the panic that had accompanied it, I found that this time she was rather Zen, almost fatalistic. Perhaps she didn't realize the full extent of the problem.
Yet the problem was staring me in the face, as big as a six-storey building.

And I couldn't not ask THE question. The question no man ever wants to ask his wife:
"- Whose?"

She shrugged her shoulders and dropped the answer no man wants to receive from his wife:
"- How should I know?!"

This time I sat down next to her and remained silent. The multiple implications of the news fell upon me one after the other.

We must have looked like two frozen statues. No sound could be heard in the apartment, only the sounds of the city coming through the half-open skylights.

"- What are we going to do?" I asked, breaking the deafening silence.
"- Leo says I should keep it."

I suddenly stared at her:
"-Ah? Because he already knows? Before me?"

This time, I couldn't prevent real bitterness from filtering through my question.
Noticing the dryness of my tone, she immediately made a defensive gesture:
"- No-no! It's just that I talked to him about my lateness and we mentioned the possibility of pregnancy, but it was only a hypothesis. I've just taken the real test, and he doesn't know yet."

Despite this clarification, I wasn't much more reassured.
"- And what do we do, then?"
She sighed deeply.
"- I don't know."

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Re: The Landlord

Unread post by soupcan_99 » Sat Apr 13, 2024 8:33 am

Aahh, an heir for the landlord.__

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Re: The Landlord

Unread post by Johng1953 » Sat Apr 13, 2024 11:00 pm

I wasn't expecting that!
I'll bet Leo is thrilled. I wonder now whether he did see the actual test result first. Can't wait for how the story goes from here.

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Re: The Landlord

Unread post by Sergio2701 » Sun Apr 14, 2024 12:50 am

My script: Leo will claim that the child is probably his. Lately he used to "visit" Jennifer when she was alone on the sixth floor. sometimes twice a day. Will be ready to finance the raising of the baby. Even marry her if he is proven to be the father.

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Re: The Landlord

Unread post by john jasson » Mon Apr 15, 2024 4:14 am

You have a great style of writing, Frenchie. Love the build up.
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

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Re: The Landlord

Unread post by wulfenus » Tue Apr 16, 2024 6:14 am

hey the hubby binges on chamomile tea, good lord...he doesnt have much chance keeping her satisfied after a real man has taken care of her.

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Re: The Landlord

Unread post by Frenchie » Wed Apr 17, 2024 3:45 am

In the end, we decided to give ourselves time to reflect.

After that thermonuclear announcement, we really needed it.

After the first alert, we'd talked a little about the possibility of having a child, because we both wanted to as much as each other.

But now, it was no longer a hypothesis, a vague and somewhat unreal potentiality. Jenny was really expecting a child. We were going to have to make some mega-important decisions, decisions that would perhaps influence our next twenty years.

And if that wasn't complicated enough, there was also the not-insignificant probability that the child wouldn't be mine.
It was enough to give us a lot of brain damage and long sleepless nights ahead.

The very next day, Jennifer informed Delange of the news.
According to her, he too was quite shaken by the announcement.

I don't know why, but I expected a reaction from him.
It wasn't long in coming. Two days later, he invited himself to our place, as in the good old days of rent payments.

I must say, it did something to me to see him in our apartment. I couldn't help thinking that a few weeks earlier he'd already been there but I hadn't, that it was in the bedroom that he'd arrived, that the apartment had resounded with Jenny's moans but that it wasn't me who was causing them...and that perhaps, on that occasion, they'd conceived a child together...


Nevertheless, it had to be said that he wasn't behaving like a dominator arriving in a conquered land. From my point of view, I could even say that rarely had I found him so accessible. He didn't impose his usual charisma.
Likewise, this time, he didn't try to drown the fish. From the outset, he laid his cards on the table:
"I wanted to see you both, following the latest news. I know you're thinking about it, and I'd like to give you a few things to think about so that you can make an informed decision... I'm well aware that the final decision belongs to both of you, and especially to you, Jennifer, but here's the thing: I'd like you to keep this child."

Before we could react, he continued:
"Let me explain: I haven't had the easiest of lives, and in my younger years, my army-related professional activity didn't allow me to settle down romantically or start a family. I don't regret it, that was the deal. So it wasn't until I was well into my 40s that I was finally able to settle down with a woman my own age who, alas, didn't want to take the risk of a late pregnancy... And in the end, it was probably she who was right, because a few years later, as fate would have it, we both contracted cancer within a few weeks of each other...

Yes, capricious fate...

Foolish fate really, because after several months of fighting the disease, I escaped... but not her.

At the time, I had to mourn two things: the loss of the woman I loved and the loss of my paternity, because the treatments used to beat the cancer are supposed to have made me sterile with a degree of certainty of around 98%... without any appeal.
And so, before you arrived, all I wanted was to finish my life quietly in the comfort of my apartment, surrounded by a few friends, my books, my paintings and my cat... And then Jenny came into my life in the way you know... and then Jenny became pregnant... So you can understand that even if the probability of this child being mine is infinitesimal, I don't want you to spoil this last chance for me to pass on my genetic heritage and leave a trace on earth.

I know it's a selfish, extremely vain way of thinking, but I can't help it, it's my generation, my upbringing that wants this. It's a regret I don't want to bear. I've had enough regrets in my life.
Aside from the major implications of having a child, I know that what generally holds young couples back is the financial aspect...
So here's my offer: If you decide to keep this child, I promise to pay for the extra mouth to feed by tripling the allowance I currently give you. I'll also cover his school fees and everything else that goes with it.
Of course, I make no claim on this child in exchange: David will be the official and full father. I won't be asking for custody rights or anything like that, even though I hope you'll stick around so I can watch him grow up...
However, my only demand will be this: David must agree never to have a paternity test carried out on this child."

When I looked puzzled, he clarified his thought:
"You understand, all this rests on the delicate balance of uncertainty linked to the probability, however infinitesimal, that this child is mine. From the moment we become certain that this is not the case, the whole house of cards falls down.
So, of course, this will be a moral commitment on your part, because I don't have the means to prevent you from carrying out this test, and I know you'll be tempted to do it anyway. But even if you say to yourself, I'm doing it and I'm not saying anything to him, I'll still know because I'm sorry to tell you, David, but we read you like an open book. If you do this test behind my back, I'll know it and I'll know the result. Which I want to avoid at all costs.
And besides... honestly, do you really want to be certain that this child is yours by taking the risk (however small) of being certain that it's not yours?"

His speech had turned me upside down. I'd done a lot of thinking since I'd found out about Jennifer's pregnancy, but obviously he had too. And once again, he was one step ahead of me.
But this time he'd played it straight and I could only praise his sincerity. He could very well have kept quiet about his former illness and inflated the odds in his favor by up to 50%.
However, he'd played a very fine game too: by granting me such a high probability of paternity, he'd almost automatically ensured my support for his offer, especially with a financial proposition of this order. And in a way, he wasn't wrong: was I prepared to accept a certainty of non-paternity?

So, for once, I didn't just brush it off and ask for a cooling-off period:
"- As far as I'm concerned, it's okay." I asserted decisively.
"That's the spirit! But what does the main interested party say?" he asked, turning to Jenny.
She shrugged:
"It's my baby anyway... So if my two men agree to put aside all the problems linked to their egos as progenitors, that's fine with me... materially, it won't prevent me from finishing my year and getting my diploma. Behind that, it's just going to delay my job search, but that's another story."

I admit I was a little taken aback to hear her talk about "her two men", but I didn't have time to dwell on it, Delange had one last proposal to make, and not the least:
"I know from talking to you, Jenny, that you'd still prefer to do things in the right order: get married before having a baby. But I also know that you currently don't have the resources to organize the wedding you'd have dreamed of... so to seal our agreement, I propose to organize it for you, this dream wedding. Or at least, to put my means at your disposal to make your wedding as successful as possible."

I saw Jenny's eyes open wide:
"- Do you think it would be possible? Before the baby arrives?"
"Yes. There's plenty of time: in three months, you'll be four months pregnant, we won't see your little baby bump yet, and you'll be able to choose any dress you like."

I didn't have time to prepare myself for my fiancée's spontaneous reaction: in one swift movement, she threw herself into his arms and kissed him.
I looked away in a hurry, but it was too late. I'd seen their mouths weld together in a passionate kiss. My heart rate jumped in my chest.
I didn't know how to react to this.
Fortunately, they didn't stay in each other's arms for too long and, thankfully, they looked as embarrassed as I did when they realized what had just happened.
A little awkwardly, they disengaged and our conversation resumed, almost normally. We laid the first foundations of what we could envisage for the wedding, but it was obvious that we'd have to see each other again for all the details.

Shortly after Delange's departure, an amusing consideration suddenly occurred to me:
"- Say, darling, come to think of it, it's kind of funny that he should be the one to encourage us to keep this baby, even though he didn't want a young couple in his building in the first place, so as not to have the inconvenience of children."
"- Yes, it's quite funny," she said, a little coyly. No doubt she was thinking, as I was, that this was before there was any chance that the child in question was his.

Bouncing on this idea, she resumed, in a contrite tone:
"- I'm sorry about earlier... I wasn't thinking... I'm sorry I put you through that."
I hugged her to reassure her:
"Don't worry. It's not serious... It's true that I was taken unawares, but it wasn't that bad... You know, I'm a big boy, I imagine you do a lot worse when you're both without me... So it's true that I was a little upset to see you two kissing in front of me, but don't worry, I understood that you now had "two men" and that I was just going to have to deal with it."

She held me close:
"I love you."

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Re: The Landlord

Unread post by kaskap79 » Wed Apr 17, 2024 4:59 am

Do Jenny say "I love you" to the landlord as well?

Who be the first man to have Jenny after the wedding?

A lot of questions pop up.

Waiting for the next part.
When you are lying of your death bed, you only regret the things you did not do.

The most beautiful woman in the world is the woman lying naked and sweaty next to me.

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Re: The Landlord

Unread post by stlsharers » Wed Apr 17, 2024 5:31 am

Very well-written essay. I hope at some point in time you're able to find more details about the card party that she "worked" for Leo. Perhaps, from Leo when some alcohol loosens his tongue, or from one of the other participants that attended.

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Re: The Landlord

Unread post by MustBeDenied2 » Wed Apr 17, 2024 10:57 am

I am loving this story and your writing. It does not suffer at all from the translation.

Perhaps, since Leo is so accomplished and our narrator is struggling somewhat, there is an opportunity for the older man to mentor the younger. Especially so, when considering the young man may well be raising the older one’s child, long after he is no longer alive.


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Re: The Landlord

Unread post by Frenchie » Fri Apr 19, 2024 1:13 am

Thank you so much for your kind messages, which reassure and delight me.

I see that some of you are formulating interesting hypotheses.
I think some will be satisfied, others not. ;)

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Re: The Landlord

Unread post by Frenchie » Fri Apr 19, 2024 1:19 am

It's common knowledge that having money, lots of money, opens doors.

This is all the more obvious when it comes to organizing an emergency wedding.

Although we didn't particularly want a big, fancy wedding, just finding a venue and a cook/caterer available at the same time and on such short notice was a real challenge.

Yet Delange succeeded.
In a matter of days, he had managed to poach the best caterer in the area and had found, by some sleight of hand, a magnificent 18th-century manor house whose reception room could accommodate us on the evening of the wedding and the following day.

Simply miraculous.

The main thing was in place; all the rest would be details to be worked out.

Naturally, it was Jennifer who took care of all the details. She had more free time than I did.
In the weeks that followed, she spent a lot of time with Delange, fine-tuning the biggest day of our lives.

Every time, she came back full of enthusiasm, telling me how Delange managed to fulfill her every wish.
She was so happy, so radiant, that I didn't have the heart to spoil her fun by telling her I thought she was spending a bit too much time with him.
In the same way, I didn't point out to her that we had freed ourselves from our parents' guardianship, only to fall under the even more pervasive guardianship of our landlord.
Jenny was happy, and for me, that was all that mattered.

She continued to "work" for him on Tuesday mornings and sleep at his place on Friday nights, but now saw him much more often.
One Wednesday, on my way home from work, I bumped into my Jen coming out of the ground-floor apartment. She looked a little strange and surprised as she greeted me with a hug.
"- I... I was here to see something, for the wedding." She said, a little embarrassed even though I hadn't asked her anything.

We climbed home in silence. I could feel that there was something fishy about her attitude, and the time it took me to climb the stairs enabled me to put my finger on it: she had that look she used to have when she came home on Friday nights, that "freshly fucked female" air that exuded from every pore.
When I got to the apartment, I put her on the spot: "You've just had sex, haven't you?"
She didn't try to deny it:
"- I'd really come down to see with Leo a detail for the wedding... and then I felt like it... and we did." She confessed without really expressing any regret.
"- And it wasn't the first time you'd broken the Tuesday/Friday rule, was it?"
"-No, it wasn't."
" - Since when?"
" - Since two or three weeks ago... "
" - More like two or three? "
" - More like four. "
" - Ok. "
" -Are you okay? You're not mad?"

No, I wasn't mad. I wasn't really.

It's true that my darling had been having cravings for a few weeks.
Not the food cravings of a pregnant woman, no, the sex cravings.
She was always in the mood, to tell the truth. And since I wasn't always around and she had a lover five floors down, I should have known that she wouldn't be able to resist these irrefragable urges for long and give in to the temptation to forget the established rule.

So what difference did it make to me? It didn't.

Especially as I was far from being neglected by my fiancée. These invasive urges brought us together in bed almost every day and sometimes several times a night.
I did a bit of research: it seems to be a fairly common phenomenon, although not widely reported: After the first trimester of pregnancy, during which mothers-to-be struggle with the inconveniences associated with this period (nausea, breast pain...), it's not uncommon for a sudden influx of hormones to boost their libido until the seventh or eighth month, when physical considerations (pain, weight and belly size) once again put the brakes on.
As my darling didn't suffer much from nausea, she'd just got a little ahead of schedule and hadn't waited until the end of the first trimester to give in to her hormonal outbursts.


Preparations for the ceremony were in full swing when the appointment for the first ultrasound arrived.
It was an emotional moment.

Hearing that tiny, barely-formed heart frantically pulsing with life washed away any remaining concerns I might have had: this child was mine, and I would love it more than anything. I would be his father and I would be a very good father.

In the end, the gynecologist estimated the expected date of delivery according to the date of conception.
Thanks to some ingenious calculations, which he didn't go into in detail, he was able to determine the latter quite precisely: it fell within a three-day range, the middle of which corresponded to the Friday I returned from the seminar...

I took a deep breath. A couple of days ahead and I'd be out of the conception period!

Admittedly, this would have avoided a whole host of questions later on, but not really in the way I'd hoped. In the end, it confirmed what Delange had told me: I wasn't particularly keen on having any certainty in the matter. At least for the time being.

This date left the mystery unanswered: if it didn't exclude me, it didn't exclude Delange either, especially considering that spermatozoa can remain active for up to three days after ejaculation. Given the intensity of their sexual activity during my absence, one could even say that in purely quantitative terms, the "Delange" babies were probably far more numerous than the "David" babies when it came to conquering the "Holy Grail". The whole balance of our arrangement lay in the existence and fecundity of the aforementioned creatures.

In any case, we came back refreshed from this first echo. The fetus was developing perfectly normally, and neither of Jennifer's two men had been excluded from the game.

On the way back, she thoughtfully announced:
"- I think I'll ask Leo."
" - What's that?"
"Stop acting so surprised, you know what I'm talking about.
She was right.

For Jennifer, the subject of her father had always been a delicate one.
He had left his wife and child overnight, and had not been heard from again for many years.
While her mother had paradoxically fared well by becoming infatuated with a wealthy lawyer some time later, Jenny had suffered greatly from what she saw as the abandonment of a father she had until then revered. She was six years old at the time and it took her many months to get over it, especially as relations with her new stepfather were not exactly warm.

It doesn't take ten years of psychology to figure out that this childhood wound was probably the deepest reason why she had so easily fallen into the arms of a much older man. The slightest qualified brain-twister could have gargled with envy over this textbook case.
I knew that the unworthy father had resurfaced a few years before I met my sweetheart. He had tried to make amends, but the damage had been done. He had become a stranger in his daughter's eyes, and it's fair to say that he hadn't made much of an effort to revive this extinguished filial love.

As a result, he was obviously not invited to the wedding, so the question arose as to who would fill the traditional role of father of the bride? Who would walk her down the aisle?

Although relations with her father-in-law had normalized somewhat over time, she couldn't see herself granting this favor to a man she'd never considered her father, and rather than entrust this mission to a distant uncle at the risk of offending the others, she had finally opted for a neutral solution that didn't really surprise me.

"- Do you think he's the right choice?"
" - Well, if you look at everything he's done for us, he's the closest thing we've got to a father, isn't he? "
"You're probably right. I agreed, not without thinking in the back of my mind that the man had received compensation that had little to do with a fatherly bond. I could visualize the aforementioned brain-twister rubbing his hands in anticipation of this unprecedented situation.

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Re: The Landlord

Unread post by kaskap79 » Fri Apr 19, 2024 4:36 am

Thanks for another great chapter.

I would be hot if Jenny walks up the isle with Leo's fresh semen running out of her pussy and down her thighs.
When you are lying of your death bed, you only regret the things you did not do.

The most beautiful woman in the world is the woman lying naked and sweaty next to me.

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Re: The Landlord

Unread post by Sergio2701 » Sun Apr 21, 2024 10:59 pm

Leo is not an innocent man. He is planning something. Wild guess: He knew Jenny would be alone for 5 days. He changed the birth control pills before the partner left. He planned to get her pregnant. He invented the cancer story...

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Re: The Landlord

Unread post by Frenchie » Mon Apr 22, 2024 12:46 am

Hey yes ! It's a scene I'm very fond of, and I was tempted to write it.

Let's see what the characters have in store for us

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