Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Trickydicky69 » Sat Sep 30, 2023 2:30 am

Well, moving on from this pothole, John knows we’re keen to carry on, when he has time and inclination to continue.
So until he does, particularly the regular posters here, will just have to be patient and be grateful for what we’ve had so far.
Apart from the enthralling events, it’s also been educational in the myriad interpretations we’ve all had, all equally possible, in an alternative universe. 👏👏

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by eater » Sat Sep 30, 2023 9:19 am

if I may suggest that "user" seems to enjoy distracting this thread from its intended purpose so not being baited into responding to him might keep the thread on track.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by eater » Sat Sep 30, 2023 9:19 am

btw john janson, I very much enjoy your retelling of your experiences

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Asterix42 » Sat Sep 30, 2023 10:21 am

Good to see the end of that. Regardless of what anyone thinks or says, bottom line is that members like John post their stories for free. They don’t get paid and don’t get any material advantage from doing this. I belief that readers should always respect this simple fact and be thankful for what they get.

Thanks once again John. Appreciate your posts.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Pompeii_76 » Sun Oct 01, 2023 1:08 pm

Can I add my appreciation to John for a wonderful account of his cuckolding. One of the best ever on this site.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Lensman2000 » Sun Oct 01, 2023 8:30 pm

Like most followers of this thread I'm avidly interested in reading about the conclusion of the Geoff period of your lives, and beyond. I also own a business that, on occasion, consumes 100% of my energy and attention. And, like most here, I have a life with other interests/responsibilities that may keep me from this site for weeks at a time.

The quantity and quality of your fascinating posts surely required many, many hours to produce. Recounting your conversations with Sherrie (and Sherrie-Geoff) must have been a highly emotional experience, as well. We (your readers) aren't entitled to demand anything more from you. But we'll sure be bummed if you don't check back in when time allows.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by daveandjan » Mon Oct 02, 2023 2:05 am

user322 wrote:
Sat Sep 30, 2023 1:33 am
You clearly know nothing about how this works. It can take hours to write a chapter of the narrative which often runs into many thousands of words. It doesn't just happen. It can also take a lot of time to digest sometimes searching comments and give considered responses. There isn’t always the opportunity to devote the necessary attention, particularly when more important things are on the agenda in the big world outside, and it can’t be rushed. Conversely, it takes only a few minutes to pen an appropriate riposte to some no-mark with a surfeit of entitlement, so don’t flatter yourself.

You talk about respect. Well, my friend, respect has to be earned before it is banked, and you’re currently running a big overdraft around here. Why would I respect somebody who, as I pointed out earlier, rocks up 51 pages in, having contributed absolutely nothing to the thread, and comes over indignant about “why it’s taking so long?”, and “are you doing this on purpose?” Tell me, where is the respect in your approach to the writer, asshat?

I owe you nothing, "user", and if you don’t like it the solution is in your hands.
Sorry, I insist: you are getting carried away much more than necessary, and you are focusing on my behavior without at any time changing your own behavior, which is a big mistake it seems to me.

It would seem from your response that it was my remark "you made it on purpose" that upset you, ok, and besides that? What did I write that was insulting? The phrase “why is it taking so long?” is a question.... we can't ask you a question??

You said it well at the beginning of your sentence: "I don't know how writing works. Although your texts are well written, I don't at all expect it to take hours to complete. put memories into text...... to invent a story I imagine it takes time, but to write memories I did not think .....and what's more you are the only one I have read on this site who takes so long to write..... but hey, it seems that I was wrong, for you it seems to take a lot of time, it was enough to say it.....

You say that it takes time to respond to comments, and first of all I wasn't talking about the comments but about the story itself. Secondly, since you are talking about the comments, if you take the time to choose your words carefully you should also take the time to answer to a critical, because here you are going way too far in your response by calling me a " asshat", while for my part, once again, I did not disrespect you in my previous post.....and after that it is me that you want to give lessons.....I do not I'm not perfect, but apparently neither are you.....

Finally to answer the fact that I did not participate in the conversation, it is because firstly for a long time I came to this site without having an account, secondly I only participate when it is necessary to give advice to a person who is living a story in real time, but your story has already happened, so I didn't see the point in intervening.

In any case, for my part, I probably had some clumsy expressions, but you are certain that you got carried away too far, and that you showed a good lack of respect in your answers, and I must admit that you are right: I have the solution, so Goodbye, this is the last time I come to this post
Thank you. Adios.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by user322 » Tue Oct 03, 2023 2:24 am

if I may suggest that "user" seems to enjoy distracting this thread from its intended purpose so not being baited into responding to him might keep the thread on track.
no no dude, I don't have the hobby of coming to hijack this discussion, you're just paranoid :lol:
Sorry I saw your kind message because someone did not follow your advice and mentioned me below so I looked at this page, and your message made me laugh so much that I had to give a little response lol
Thank you. Adios.
thank you, Adios you too ! :up:

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by BDJ » Wed Oct 04, 2023 3:50 pm

Good reply to user322. It's not just getting the facts down, it's organizing the narrative to take into account all that has come before AND what you plan on revealing in future segments. I love the story, love the way you've presented your goddess Sherrie, and really appreciate a well turned phrase. You're the master at this and personally I am willing to wait as long as needed for you to add a segment. I know you take pride in how the whole thing is presented as well as the storyline.

Jade's Awakening: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=68192
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Nfhw » Thu Oct 05, 2023 4:35 am

Like he said!!!

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Mon Oct 09, 2023 10:00 am

Thanks to all who have dropped by and commented, particularly some first time commenters, I note. Your support is greatly appreciated, as always. I do understand that it's been a while, for reasons beyond my control, and I know it can be frustrating. I don't mind at all that folks are keen to know what happened next. In fact, it's a positive that people are so engaged and a compliment. I only object to someone who approaches with no respect whatever, demands respect from me, and thinks I owe him some kind of schedule. Ah well. Takes all sorts, I guess. :)

Sherrie keeps her promise to Geoff, spending a three night weekend at his, incommunicado from the world, giving him her full attention. It’s tough on me, but not as tough as when she was in that terrible dark place she’d built in her own mind. I fit in some long walks and even a little work. I can cope with things far more easily if I know she’s having her fun, fulfilling her needs and in good order mentally.

She comes home late on Sunday afternoon, and walks into my waiting arms beaming, full of the experience. Like she’s walking two feet off the ground as she always seems to afterwards.

J: Someone’s had fun! Hi Sweetheart.

S: I’ve missed you so much, babe.

J: Hah. Don’t tell fucking lies!

I’m laughing, but she protests that it’s true. I just complete our hug and sit her down.

J: You eaten?

S: Not much!!! Only bare rations he gave me. I told him when we left the pool that it’s much better when he’s mean to me. I know where I am with that. He does mean much better than he does nice anyway. I’m pretty sure he took it as a challenge!

J: I don’t expect a blow by blow account of the whole three days, but give me the flavour.

S: Where to start! Maybe with some wine and some nibbles? He hasn’t allowed me a drink other than water all weekend, and I’m pretty hungry.

I set up the glasses on a tray, open a bottle and grab some bites. I suggest we go to the bedroom and get cosy. We lie on the bed clothed, snacking, drinking. She’s wearing the white dress she left home in Thursday evening.

J: Like I say. Just the flavour will be fine, sweets.

S: He confronted me at his front door on Thursday after swimming.

G: Strip, bitch. Be ready to pay for your wrongdoing.

S(to G): Yes, Master. Of course I must.

S(to me): It was more aggressive than the usual “girl”. I just took everything off right there in the hall and handed them to him. My heart was already pounding. In fact it had been since I was on the road driving there. I didn’t see most of my clothes again until ten minutes before I left. Then he put a leather collar on me. Each night he took me in his bed. Took no prisoners; quite brutal in his force, then when we’d finished he made me sleep on the floor naked at the foot of it, chained by the leather collar to the frame. He’d turned the heating off and it was really chilly. He doubled up all my gym exercises on Friday morning, to warm me up, he said, and made me run 10km around his forest each afternoon in my frumpy knickers and sports bra.

J: A lot of actual hard standard sports training then?

S: Yes. But like I said, mostly doubled up difficulty in the gym and double usual distance on the runs. It really stretched my limits of endurance. But the sting in the tail – literally. He gave me 3 strokes of the cane in his gym store for not being quick enough each daily run. I was quick though, so it was unfair, but he always does unfair to me. He obviously wanted to cane me anyway to make a point reasserting who’s boss in this arrangement. I know I still have the marks, and they’re quite angry because he laid it on good. I know that he was channelling my turning him down into every stroke. Ten across my bum, because he gave me an extra one this morning and it still burns like fire. He did oil them all afterwards though. He hosed the mud off me with cold water in his back garden before he’d let me back in the house after each run, and then he made me take two enemas each day in my submission ritual, and had me squat over him and take him up my arse. That never gets any easier with his thickness, and its fucking tough when you’ve just been caned. You should try that sometime!

J: You got off on all of this though? Just like you always do?

She still blushes whenever she’s made to confront this awful truth about her dark desires.

S: Yeah, how can I help it? You know I can’t. He had several other training clients in the gym over the 3 days, so whenever he did, he had me naked, bound, gagged or blindfolded or nipple clamped or with dildos in me. Or combinations of some or all of those things, and just left me alone with the panic button in my hand. I’d be in the storeroom listening to him pushing these guys working out a few metres away from me, near enough to hear them panting. He even left the door open although I knew the position I was in was off to one side and just out of sight. I think one of them was from the Business Forum because I recognised the voice and first name! He’d told me to be good and keep quiet otherwise he’d bring the client in to see my shame! And the bastard fed me on a meagre diet of one meal of boiled fish, potatoes and sprouts every day. He gave it me in a metal dog bowl with no cutlery.

G: Bitches don’t eat with cutlery.

S(to G): Thank you, Master.

S(to me): He knows I hate fish and this was totally tasteless! God knows what it was. I’ve lost four pounds since Thursday because he weighed me before and after. Said he was disappointed because he’d planned on taking 5 pounds off me! I think he probably would have done if it hadn’t been for all the semen he pumped into me.

I can only roll my eyes as she relates her indignities.

J: You’ve no excess weight anywhere to take off anymore! Never did have really.

S: He’ll always find some! Likes to be able to see my ribs clearly, I think! It makes me go faster so long as I get plenty of protein. Anyway, all of that, apart from having clients at close quarters, he’s done before, so no big surprises, but he had something new up his sleeve.

J: Right.

S: Saturday night he got me to do a long, slow, erotic yoga display while he sat fully clothed, drinking a brandy and watched me. Never offered me a drink the whole time, except tap water – gave me a litre every hour and made me drink it. The movement was the open butterfly pose then I develop it by lifting my back off the floor and raising my legs but keeping them spread wide. Just my backside supporting my weight.

J: Yeah. That one’s pretty entertaining from my experience!

S: But he just makes me hold it there for what seems like forever till all my muscles are shaking, and again, it’s not easy with all my weight on a well caned bottom from the past two mornings! In fact, nothing is easy with a well caned bottom!

G: That’s right. Hold that position, shaking like the worthless bitch that you are!

S(to G): I’m sorry I let you down, Master.

G: It’s too late for that, bitch.

J: Christ, I love you, and I love how you love this. You’re just so crazy, but crazy good. I’d hate to have a good girl as my wife.

All of our snacks and the first glasses of wine have disappeared while she’s been describing her weekend, so I pour a second glass for us.

S(to me)(laughs): Don’t ask me why either. It sends me demented if I try to justify it all to myself. I love how you love me for it too. I’d be in a mess if you didn’t, wouldn’t I?

J: I don’t love you just for that, but it certainly helps! Take your dress off!

I’ve decided I want to see what I’ve been missing. What he’s been enjoying. So with a cheeky smirk, she lifts her bum off the bed, pulls the dress up to her waist then sits back down as she pulls it over her head. She’s naked under it.

J: Where are the passion killers?

S: He’s confiscated them. Like he seems to with most of my underwear!

J: Fuck, Sher. Come here!

I pull her to me. We kiss hungrily as I maul her flesh, one hand on her tit and the other squeezing her rump and delving between her legs from behind as we roll over and over together.

S: Ouch! Careful! My arse is still painful. This isn’t fair! He’s had me naked all weekend and now you! You get naked so I can molest you too!

It would be impolite not to, and I obey. As is its habit, my cock keeps finding its way between her legs and she’s pretty wet to my touch, even on the outside.

S: Condom in order, I believe! Time to put his overcoat on, John.

J(winding her key knowing that she’ll wind mine too): I suppose he’s been fucking you bare all weekend. Filling you with his dna.

S: Yeah. Course he has babe. I told you. He pumped me good. I’ve been full of him the whole time. Absorbed into my chemistry and flying around in my brain. Makes me need him so much more, and be so compliant with his wishes. Are you complaining?

She’s giving me her evil look that I’ve invited with my words. I think this moment is always exquisite for both of us as I provoke her and she holds it all over me. I lean over to the drawer for the condoms. I’m not complaining because the night before she left she gave me no clue whether she might start denying me intercourse again. To be honest, I wouldn’t have complained either way. Whatever she did would be hot for me.

S: When he said the word releasing me from the yoga pose, that signaled the something new. He brought out all of this bondage rope and he actually fucking hogtied me. I could hardly credit what was happening to me as he moved me around into position and started to tie my wrists together, then my ankles, then he spread me with a bar at my knees. He’d threatened it before but I always took it as just talk. You know, like a threat held over me that never happens? Like the one about giving me to his friend as a birthday treat. He said ages ago that when he lived in London he met a wild girl at a BDSM club that was up for anything, and he used this restraining position on her. Well now I found out he’s very skilful at it. I kept saying: What the Fuck, couldn’t help myself, but it didn’t deflect him because next he ball gagged me too; then he runs some kind of restraint from the back of the ball gag behind my head right down my back to a rope around my waist near my belly chain then loops it around the knee spreader and down to my ankles. Next he somehow pulled it all tighter, arching my back to its limit, pulling my feet up my back and my head backwards to its extreme. The spreader at my knees was fighting the force drawing my feet towards the back of my head though, so I felt the pull all over my body as he tightened the other end of whatever it was down my back on the ankle restraints. It pulled my head and neck back still further. He blindfolded me too.
He told me he was leaving me there alone to contemplate my fate, so he put the panic button in my hand, and finally he put earplugs in my ears and left me face down with my front on the cold floor tiles. It was intense, I promise you. Powerful because it fed my floating helpless in space fantasy. I was so wet for him I knew it was dribbling out onto the tiles. I tried to channel my yoga zen head to relax against the restraints rather than fight them, but it was gruelling with so many parts of me tied tight and stretched into unnatural and very uncomfortable positions.

J: But you still were excited? Still got off on it?

After all of this she actually blushes like she’s shy! I do love this girl. Did I say so before?

S: Yeah, and I can prove it, although I’m not sure I should tell you what I did next.

J: But obviously you are going to.

S: I dropped the panic button device.

J: What? You fumbled it? It fell out of your hand?

S: No. I dropped it purposely. In the wild moment I didn’t want to have a way out or any control of my situation. It was such a mighty rush of adrenalin.

J: That’s just stupid.

She nods.

S: My heart pounded faster after I’d done it and realised my potential predicament. After what seemed like forever, but must have been about 20 minutes, I felt his hand between my legs, directly on my vagina. The knee spreader bar had kept me open there, so he was manipulating me, fingering me between the lips. To be honest, I was convinced he was going to turn me over and catheterise me too, but he didn’t just then. He left me face down and he masturbated me while I was restrained in that position. So intense to be so completely helpless, unable to move a muscle, as he teased my clitoris by directly rubbing it. I’ve orgasmed in bondage with him many times before, but the immobilisation involved in being hogtied is different level. As I’m coming to the climax, muscles in spasm straining against bonds that won’t yield is pretty all embracing. I can’t scream properly or let go because the ball gag is filling my mouth, and my head is still being pulled backwards by tensioned bonds going all the way to my ankles. I have no panic button. I’m hyperventilating which is nothing new at this point. Obviously, when the floodgates opened and I came, I couldn’t breathe, so he had a new angle there too. He threw icy cold water over me. Jesus, that made me gasp. Couldn’t see and didn’t know it was coming. My heart almost stopped. Then he takes the ear plugs out to mock me:

G: Piss for me, bitch. Lie there and piss on the tiles for me. Imagine you were never potty trained as a child. You have learnt no control at all.

S(to me): I’ve been drinking so much water it’s no problem. I just let go, and I’m lying in it, belly and tits soaked.

G: You’re such a fucking slut. You absolutely love this, don’t you. Soaking my clean tiles with your dirty disgusting cunt hole and your piss. You can’t control yourself, can you, girl? You say you don’t want to submit to me 24/7, but you sure as hell can’t leave it alone, can you? Admit it!

S: All I can do is try to grunt my admission through the ball gag as I drool. Then he’s sliding me along the tiles and rolling me around in my own mess, covering me in it. He can see that I’m almost about to come again from the mindfuck of it all.

G: You’re a dirty, disgusting, hateful little bitch. What are you?

S: I can’t speak so I try to nod slightly although my head is pulled far back, but then he released the back of my head from the bonds and pulled the ball gag out.

S(to G): I’m so sorry Master.

G: That’s right. You should be sorry. I’m going to find your limits, bitch. I’m going to find limits that you haven’t dreamt of, that you will crave above anything else in your life. I will teach you the error of your ways, and a lesson you’ll never forget. Do you understand?

S(to G): Yes Master. Thank you, Master.

J: It’s always so fucking intense, Sher.

S: Muscles spasming, but unable to move. Brain in spasm too, knowing he could do anything to me, but at the same time being secure that he is a responsible dom who won’t harm me. I do still believe that, John. What happened when we split was all down to the craziness of the night, well the whole week. He will never harm me. He used what I said when we split to mess with my head in this session, but it’s all mind games.

J: I’m taking you on trust there, Sher, and hoping your judgment is sound.

S: Don’t worry. It is, babe. Like when he saw I wasn’t holding the panic alarm.

G: How come you’ve dropped the alarm?

S(to me): I’m in the zone, so I won’t lie to him.

S(to G): I wanted to feel helpless, Master. Completely helpless with no escape.

G: Fucking hell. Not only are you a fucking slut, you’re also a fucking dangerous idiot. Never do that again, and that’s an order, do you hear me? Who do you think you are? I’m the one who stretches your limits. You are just nothing. Nothing! You don’t make decisions like that! You have no authority. None!

S(to G): I’m so sorry, Master. I won’t ever do it again.
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Tracey52 » Mon Oct 09, 2023 10:38 am

Pretty heavy

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by foot69loose » Mon Oct 09, 2023 10:38 pm

Thanks John,

Geoff certainly knows how to press her buttons for maximum affect.

It's an amazing story, looking forward to reading more. Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to put it together so well

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Trickydicky69 » Tue Oct 10, 2023 12:33 am

Great writing as always John! Intense, of course but Sherrie wouldn’t want it any other way.
At least it sounds like he’s accepted that he’s only her Dom, not her true love and is going to be the hardest he can be.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by lovethis » Tue Oct 10, 2023 3:24 am

Thank you John. I wasn't a bdsm fan until I started reading this thread. Amazing thread. Dropping the panic button is stupid and shocked you but more so Geoff. And the funny thing is that there was more to come. An expert like Geoff would have pushed the boundaries to the limit. It must have added to your angst knowing that her safety was in the hands of Geoff but now also Sherrie who wanted more by ditching the panic button. When your brain high normal rational decisions don't always happen.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Johng1953 » Tue Oct 10, 2023 3:40 am

Thank you for this John, and glad to see she's not denying you again.

john jasson
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Tue Oct 10, 2023 6:47 am

This is the tail end of the segment I posted yesterday. I hadn't had time to read this bit through.

S(to me): Then all of that was suddenly over. He released me from the rest of the restraint paraphernalia, but he put a thick dildo up my anus. It was still tender there from the enemas and him being up there after the run and the caning earlier on, so it was really a focus point. He carried me out of the gym, helpless in his arms, and we went into the house to bed and had glorious violent sex - again. Me just like a rag doll by then against his strength. A lot to cope with - him in me, and the rubber cock well up my rear end. He still made me sleep on the floor though. I was expecting him to catheterise me again that night, but he didn’t.

J: Had he done that at all?

S: Yeah, briefly. On the Thursday evening after swimming after he gave me that no ceremony greeting at his front door, he catheterised me, and he fucked me doggie from behind while the tube was in. That was a different feeling. Bit of friction in an odd place. He didn’t do it again though, the whole weekend.

J: Maybe he thinks you’re getting to like it too much and he doesn’t want to give you treats when you’re being punished!

S: You could have something there!

She squeezes my dick, just to confirm the inevitable, that this is going down well with me. She likes to be sure! When she feels my huge hard boner, of course she gives me her best ‘cat that’s had the cream’ evil grin. I can’t claim to have hogtied her that night, but I eagerly copy Geoff by bending her over and taking her by force – after I find another condom that is. At the same time, I reach a hand around her to mash her swollen clitoris with my fingers as befits such a dirty wanton slut, and I picture him doing the same while he had her hogtied and spread wide with the bar. The angry red weals across her cheeks from Geoff’s cane are smiling up at me, verifying her tale of his harsh weekend of discipline, so I give her a hard slap across them that makes her squeal very appealingly.

S: When I left him this afternoon it was a bit odd.

J: How do you mean?

S: He got a bit soft and emotional again. Awkward!

G: Thank you for coming back, Sherrie. It’s been absolutely wonderful. I’m sorry about it all.

S(to me): I shut it down. I wasn’t having that conversation.

S(to G): Thank you, Master. Thank you for correcting me.

S(to me): And I turned and walked quickly to the car without looking back. Slut actress mode fully engaged.

Despite what he’s said to her about finding further outer limits in her submissive tendencies, her weekend of reckoning, or of his consolation, turns out to be the apogee of their sub-dom affair. We don’t know it just then. It feels like one more level down the rabbit hole for both excitement and trepidation, but as things turn out, we really have passed the summit at last.

The fortnight from hell, as we came to call it ever after, and the setbacks in our business signal the start of the toughest three years of our lives in many ways. In a sense, if our relationship rupture had to happen at all, the right time for it was at the beginning of this period, because nothing that follows could be anywhere near as desperate as that toxic fortnight, so it made the struggles to come more tolerable. I’m not used to being less than confident in my business and financial prospects, and I’m certainly not accustomed to worrying about where I am with my darling Sherrie.

In truth, from this point on, Sherrie and Geoff are on a downward spiral, although it’s a very long spiral through to the endgame. The final night she spends with him is almost a further two years down the tracks, so it lasts six crazy, outrageous years altogether.

Strangely, although it’s definitely winding down and their times are becoming less frequent, I become much more wary of their assignations. I know now for sure that he harboured the desire of taking her from me, probably still does, and he has shown her something approaching flashes of real affection mixed in with the domming, although she is ambivalent about that. Nonetheless, I raise my concerns with her from time to time about his possibly reviving expectations. She swears she doesn’t seek any attachment from him, and discourages it at every turn. Of course, she now knows beyond doubt anyway that he has fallen for her. She’s on her guard, but can’t help being touched on occasion by his admiration, has cried about it a lot, and I know there’s only the strength of our own bond keeping her from going to him at times, despite us both knowing they aren’t really compatible aside from the explosive sexual and BDSM chemistry. Frankly, if she got with him full time it would be unlikely to last long. He’s the very epitome of controlling and, although she has her apparently uncontrollable submissive side, she’s essentially a free spirit.

I had promised her from the start that this was her show, and I knew that trying to stop her before she was ready could be counterproductive and might just drive her to him and his 24/7 domination despite our history and deep love. I didn’t think it would, I hasten to add, but it was definitely a risk I took into account.

She is her loving and caring self when she’s with me, and she always remained so without fail, apart from during her short meltdown. She gives me no further cause to worry, other than the fact that she’s fucking him and submitting to him as her Master with joyous abandon, which might sound a silly thing to say to anyone outside the HW community, but you will understand what I mean. It’s a major discipline for me leaving her to it and keeping my less enthusiastic wayward thoughts to myself, but I maintain it. It’s difficult to explain how hard that side of it is when the demons haunt me, but I can’t deny the strong continuing exquisite turn on either, so the excitement is still compensation aplenty. When your woman is such a perfect little sweetheart to you, I think it magnifies the angst you feel as she flies free, as well as the thrill.

She also continues to apologise for her out of character flounce on almost a daily basis, despite my telling her to give over because it isn’t necessary. If I’m honest, though, I appreciate the reassurance, and our connection is such that I think she knows it and that’s why she carries on apologising.

Would I want to call a halt if I could? Not for 99% of the time. Only occasionally when I am having a sleepless night driving myself demented about it all, usually when she’s in his bed; or worse still when I’m away travelling and I have no idea whether she’s in his bed or not. It’s an odd thing that it’s more intense when I don’t know what she’s doing while I’m far away – she might well be at home alone in our bed - than it is when I’m the one alone in our bed fully aware of exactly what she’s doing with him. The mind is a weird, weird thing.
Last edited by john jasson on Wed Oct 11, 2023 4:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Pompeii_76 » Tue Oct 10, 2023 10:34 am

What a thoughtful and as ever scintillating update. Thank you.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Tracey52 » Tue Oct 10, 2023 11:50 am

Wow. So just ran its course. Kind of a lame finish to such an intense relationship.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Trickydicky69 » Tue Oct 10, 2023 12:11 pm

So we have the final leg of the journey with Geoff mapped out. Are you essentially saying it just peters out, the sessions dwindling in frequency and probably intensity? More of the same really?
But you did get some angst though that he was still hoping for 24/7 after all.
At least Sherrie could now see through that and your bond even more resilient against him.
I’m still curious to hear how it all ends with the final night but no pressure from me time wise, so long as we do eventually!

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by lovethis » Wed Oct 11, 2023 3:01 am

Wow thanks again for the update. Love hearing your thoughts. As hard as it was you did make the right call to let Sherrie find the ending to what was an addiction to Geoff and the control he had over her weakness. No matter how far down the rabbit hole she got Geoff knew he could not break the bond you two share. Obviously he tried, failed and eventually moved on. But there is 2 more years of angst for you and at this stage you had no idea that it had peaked. Some peak though. Absolutely beautifully told.

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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by Lensman2000 » Tue Oct 17, 2023 7:35 pm

There are two years remaining in the Geoff epoch. Does it end with a bang, a whimper, or both? Then, what's next?

john jasson
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Wed Oct 18, 2023 9:33 am

Almost a further year has gone by. The intensity between Sherrie and Geoff has definitely declined, although by any vanilla standard our marriage remains crazy as our sweet, sweet love continues to play out against the backdrop of her BDSM affair.

More often than not she still stays at his on Thursday nights, but even this is no longer a given. She’s been coming home on occasion after swimming sessions, sometimes well fucked, sometimes not; sometimes well thrashed, sometimes not. There are a lot of conflicting signals. He can still rock her sex brain, and she craves his domination on the one hand, but there are periods when weeks can go by with nothing more than innocent swim and sports training going on. Of course we talk about it, usually in bed, and often after we’ve had sex. No subject is ever off limits between us. It seems to me that they both must be responsible for the diminishing ardour of their affair, but she confides that it’s getting to her now and then. She harbours a sense of loss. One Wednesday night in bed, she whispers to me:

S: I think it’s coming to a natural end with Geoff.

J: You think so?

S: It just feels different now.

Naturally, I spoon her and draw her lovely body to me from behind:

J: I suppose there haven’t been as many nights a month, and the intensity is down for sure. The wild texting all the time, and the sudden commands to go to him. It seems to be fewer and farther between now.

S: Yeah……..

J: You missing it?

She thinks long and hard before answering.

S: I suppose……… I certainly miss the drug of what it was at its height, but… I’m not sure. He still gives me really hard times. Gets me going, drives me nuts when he masters me, and the sex……... But it doesn’t seem as extreme, so it’s not pushing my boundaries the same, you understand? I mean, for example, he hasn’t catheterised me in over 6 months. I know he used to relish having me like that. Taking ever last bit of control off me and making me acknowledge his power over me.

J: And you relished that level of helplessness too.

S: Yeah, I did, but more the state of mind it took me into. I’m not getting that mindfuck the same now. The level of danger has noticeably slackened off. So I think that means I’m not as hyper when I’m there, then that goes across to him and so it’s a vicious circle, I guess. Maybe he doesn’t feel as in control of me now, and that’s not going to help the scene we have, is it?

J: Are you wanting to spice it up again somehow?

S: How could I do that? If it’s run it’s course there isn’t much I can do. I don’t want to finish up just going through the motions with him. I’d want to call it a day myself before that happened. I know it’s stupid to say after all that’s gone down, but to do that and just hang on for the sake of it really would feel cheap and tacky. You know? To indulge the physical without the mindfuck? It’s like, what’s the point?

J: Of course, sweetness, it’s always your show, and you must do what feels right to you. I will always support you.

S: I know. I love you. Don’t mind me, babe, I’m just thinking aloud. I’m still going to be staying over with him tomorrow night. Maybe he’ll hit me with something awesome and change it all again. Who knows?

We keep that thought as we make tender love together, but in the event, she doesn’t stay over with him the following night. The change of plan doesn’t surprise me either, for the whole thing is becoming less and less predictable.

Her swim training is about to go on hold because the pool they use is being forced to close for essential replacement of some ancient pumps, and nobody seems to know when it will start up again. (Ultimately it took nearly a year before they got back to using it.) She’s unhappy about the hiatus, having regained and hugely enhanced her swim fitness over the years under Geoff’s iron rod coaching.

This Thursday happens to be the final night before the closure, and he makes her stay in the pool swimming lengths after the others have gone to get changed. When he knows the place is deserted, he goes to lock the outer doors. Two minutes later he’s back at the poolside:

G: Take your costume off, girl.

S (unsure): What if someone comes in?

G: You know better than to question me, girl. Do it.

She removes her one piece and throws it onto the poolside.

G: OK. Breast stroke. Fast as you can. I’m timing. If you don’t do your best time yet over six lengths, I won’t be fucking you tonight. I’ll cane you instead right here and send you home with a burning rear. One stroke of the cane over the cupboard in the office for every tenth of a second you miss your personal best by.

She doesn’t even know she’s in line for being fucked tonight because he’s already told her as she arrived at the pool that she isn’t staying over at his as she’d expected, and as she told me in bed the previous night.

G: Change of schedule. I have somewhere to be.

She can never ever be sure of anything with him, but she’s as keen on the prospect of fucking him as ever. He always keeps her in suspense, but she sets to speed swimming anyway. She’s also sussed why he wants breast stroke. He’s standing at the end of the pool, and as she swims away from him each outward length in the nude, he’s watching her legs opening and closing and being treated to the full vista of everything in between them as her fit body goes through its strokes.

G: Keep that arse up on the surface where I can see all of your awful female shame!!

When she’s finished.

G: OK, you’ve done well there, girl.

Sherrie is waiting for the barb that usually follows: “for a woman” but it never comes.

G: You’ll be pleased to hear that is a new PB for you. Get out now, get yourself over the cupboard in the changing room office, and I’ll be there in a minute to give you your reward.

As she trots alongside the pool and then in front of him, tits and buttocks jiggling pertly, he throws her costume after her, hitting her bare arse with it. He doesn’t say another word to her before she leaves twenty minutes later having been mightily done doggie by him over the cupboard which has been a regular venue from the beginning. It’s certainly endured a lot of wear and tear from the pair of them fucking over it has that old cupboard.

When she arrives home to me unexpectedly, she’s insanely pleased with herself in spite of missing her night in his bed once more. Pleased at the PB, at his unqualified approval and at the strenuous fucking he gave her as a prize. Her movement around the house as if on that familiar cloud of ecstasy tells me her joy is unconfined. For all of her fears that she and her master are drifting apart, she hasn’t lost this powerful afterglow, and whenever he uses her, she invariably radiates pleasure and satisfaction as she has done right from the start. She hugs me affectionately, and we kiss deeply. As she comes down from the high she is not so happy that it was her last swim training until further notice.

S: I’ve no idea how I’m going to keep my swimming condition. You soon lose it without practice.

She’s even less happy when I notice something missing:

J: Where are your hearts?

The entwined gold hearts pendant and chain I bought her to celebrate our love in the wake of her Paul Trevelyan disappointment years ago isn’t around her neck. It’s been there constantly, worn by her even during her darkest, steepest descents with Geoff and throughout the fortnight from hell. A simple but cherished token of her and me and our bond; always there; bearing witness to everything she did with him, and never, ever missing before.

At first I think it’s some hotwife mindfuck she’s playing on me. Or perhaps he’s made her remove it and keep his submissive’s belly chain on. It certainly wouldn’t surprise me, but it plainly isn’t the case because her hands fly to her neck in horror:

S: Oh no! Please God!

She immediately disintegrates into a maelstrom of weeping and tears. I go to her. Hold her. Try to comfort her, but she is inconsolable. She takes off all of her clothes, shakes them.

S: And this fucking thing’s still here!

She fumbles at the belly chain. She can’t get it off quickly enough which quite surprises me considering the reverence she normally affords this symbol of his domination over her. Not tonight. She casts it venemously to the floor.

She carefully examines each garment again in turn to check if by some miracle her hearts have become lodged in the material. She searches her handbag, her swimming kit three times, but of course it’s no use. The hearts are gone. She’s distraught. Her reaction is predictable between sobs.

S: It’s punishment. Bad karma. It’s all my fault!

She can exasperate me when she gets like this. She’s a brilliant scientist for fuck’s sake! I take the sympathetic line as far as I can.

J: It really isn’t, sweetheart. It’s just bad luck!

S: It must have come unclasped or the chain broke in the baths. I’ll never get them back. Oh God. I loved them so much. You know I did. They’re part of us!

Her eyes are wide and full of pain.

J: Yes, I know you did, love. Ring the baths in the morning. Somebody might have found them.

S: If I hadn’t been with him it wouldn’t have happened.

She spat the word him out with a disdain that shocked me given her level of intoxication with him for so long. Maybe the whole thing really is on the wane, but I suppose it also proves how successfully she compartmentalises her times with him away from the rest of her life. Well, for most of the time!

S: It could even have come loose while we were fucking over that old cupboard. How sordid!! I was too busy getting off with him to know I’d lost something of us that’s so precious to me, to us.

The sobbing goes on, ultimately reaching full on wailing proportions. It takes her a long time to calm down, and even then she remains sad for days on end. She goes down to the baths that are now closed for refurbishment early the next morning before gym training and speaks to the site manager. He lets her look around provided she wears a hard hat. She says he gave her an orange one that he said would match her ginger hair, but she found nothing. The pool itself is already in the process of being drained and she can see no sign of anything in the remaining water, nor in the side office.

She tells me she mentioned it to Geoff when she saw him that morning for training, and he’d laughed like a drain at her tearful sentimentality over my affectionate gift to her in the face of her rampant cheating on me as it appears from his perspective. I suppose I could understand his confusion, but she isn’t impressed. I know my wife, and his amusement at her sadness wouldn’t have endeared him to her at all, I feel sure. That, at least, gives me a warm feeling.

I secretly resolve that I will find the identical piece of jewellery and buy it for her all over again as a replacement. Sadly, the quest has proved more difficult than I envisaged. I have never again seen anything even like it from that day to this, so my poor cherished Sherrie is still without her beloved gold entwined hearts, that glorified our precious love, around her graceful, pretty neck.

I haven’t given up. Almost 20 years later, I still regularly look in jewellers’ windows and online. I so much want to see her face light up when I give them to her, just as it did the first time so long ago. I’ll take her to the same hotel in our old home town in the same dress to celebrate and afterwards we'll make sweet love. I have it all planned.

Up to now, unfortunately, the gods are not co-operating, and the “one only” tag attached to it in the jeweller’s window where she first spotted it has proven stubbornly prophetic.
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

john jasson
2 Bit Whore
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Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by john jasson » Wed Oct 18, 2023 2:22 pm

Housekeeping note: Apologies to anyone who has been confused reading the above segment since it was posted a few hours ago. I made a minor alteration on the editor and on checking back just now, it appears that in doing so I managed to post the whole thing again within my first posting! So no, it isn't the wine you are drinking making you see double. It's probably my clumsy fingers. Hopefully rectified now! :)
Me: You’re probably a better fuck than his wife.
Her: I’m probably a better fuck than most people’s wives.
Our crazy journey: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=65359

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Joined: Fri Mar 10, 2023 2:24 am

Re: Wonderful Life With My Gorgeous Hotwife (revisited)

Unread post by GenerallySpeaking » Wed Oct 18, 2023 7:41 pm

Did Sherry ever wear the body chain again?

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