Julie's Las Vegas Adventure!

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Julie's Las Vegas Adventure!

Unread post by blue4lu » Wed Jul 14, 2010 3:41 am

(AUTHOR NOTE: This is a fantasy story-no truth whatsoever). (I couldn't be THIS lucky, even in Las Vegas)!

My new bride Julie and I are headed to Las Vegas for our honeymoon! Thinking back now, it might have been a little more romantic had we waited and married out there. But she had friends etc. that wanted to go to our wedding, a small, informal gathering that was held at her best girlfriend's home. But she IS excited about going to Vegas for her first time ever! I had been many times so I kept telling her, "There is no other place in the world like Las Vegas!" Oh sure, there are cities all over the world that have casinos. But Las Vegas is the granddaddy of them all! At least to me it is! So here we are, arriving at McCarran International Airport and, as we taxi towards the terminal, Julie's eyes light up like a kid at Christmas! She can see some of the hotels out her window. "That's the Luxor" I point out to her. "And the Rio and New York New York, naming some more as we still taxi towards the terminal.

I do not have any fears about her and I marrying even though MANY were dead-set against it! Why? Well, many thought Julie was making a big mistake in marrying me, (and some pals I had for a long time also told me that I was "fucking up big-time")! All these concerns were over our "ages" You see, Julie is 34 and I am, well, I'll be 64 this coming October! Yeah, that's a 30 year difference! "Big mistake" everybody told us. But we didn't listen to the nay-sayers and married anyway. What all these "friends of doom" did not know is, Julie and I have more in common than they think. And one important item they do not realize is that we have our difference in our ages worked out completely! We didn't date for 7 months without, as Clint Eastwood says in some of his movies, "A man's got to know his limitations!" By that what I mean is, Julie knows full well that I am, for all practical purposes, impotent! Oh, Julie has been more able than the other women I dated before her as to "get more bang for her buck" out of me!

And that's why I love her so, and am willing to do everything in my power to see that she is happy! She knows what I like and does a fantastic job in seeing to my needs! Needless to say, that involves, (and sometimes for hours), oral sex! I have been with my share of women over the years and I can truly say that, NO ONE can suck a cock like my Julie! NO ONE! Some of her oral talents are so unique and mind-blowing that I can, at times, get an errection good enough to shove into her shaved pussy and, while maybe she doesn't have the "Big O" many women achieve, she lets me know that, "It was good Jim!" "Real good!" So we are well aware of what to expect of each other as we begin new chapters in our lives. And as we are now away from the airport and headed to Caesar's Palace in the shuttle service van, we sit at the very back, a seat that faces forward.

Some seats are parallel to the windows so any passengers in those seats can easily see us as we make our way out of the airport. Julie is wearing a real nice, (and casual), soft yellow sun-type dress that just goes over her knees when standing. The soft yellow dress accentuates her long, blonde hair nicely! As we bounce along the side roads, (these shuttles avoid driving down The Strip), Julie "fluffs" her dress a time or two, to where it is above her knees, showing some good skin of her gorgeous legs! She also parts her legs to where, if someone should look our way, they will see that she has on NO panties! And a couple of married men do try to steal some glances of her pretty shaved pussy! You see, that's why we are ok with our relationship and our age difference AND even any performance problems with me. We are in Vegas for our honeymoon yes. And also to introduce Julie to Las Vegas, (and the world), as a HOT WIFE!

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Re: Julie's Las Vegas Adventure!

Unread post by blue4lu » Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:12 pm


Because we are staying downtown, we are the last couple to be let off. Along the way though two of the married men "stole" quite a few glances at my wife's shaved pussy! Nothing against hair there mind you, but when another man can actually SEE the lips of a pussy, it is much more exciting! We get checked in and go up to our room. We are staying at the Golden Nuggett and one of the main reasons for doing so is, at the pool here, women have the option of going topless! And Julie will certainly be doing that! But first we are in our room and unload our suitcases. Before Julie gives Vegas the "hot wife" treatment however, I get MY treatment first! I help her out of the sun dress she was wearing and she helps me out of my clothes! I can not believe the good fortune, (a nice term for Vegas don't you think), of me meeting Julie! She is way more mature than her thirties show her to be. And to think she is so patient and kind in working with me and my "problem"! We take a quick shower together and dim the room lights slightly, leaving enough light for me to enjoy her lucious body AND, for anyone across the way who was smart enough to pack binoculars, as we also leave the room drapes drawn completely open!

We dry each other off and then she lies on the bed, parting open he legs, her shaved pussy so inviting! "Jim darling!" she coos, "Would you like a little snack before heading down to the casino?" She lightly rubs her fingers across those pussy lips! "I think she needs a honeymoon kiss don't you?" I crawl onto the bed, and bring my face between her legs! There is still a hint of the rose-scented soap she used down there when we showered! I bring my mouth closer to her pussy, trying very hard not to dive in hurriedly, like some randy schoolboy going after it for the first time! Slowly I bring my mouth to her pussy and begin to lick the surface of those lips and then just inside them! Julie begins to squirm just a little and I now use my fingers to open her up so I can lick and suck on her clit! "Mmmmmmm!" she goes, her voice soft and sexy! "That's nice!" I suck on her clit and let one of my fingers lightly feel of her anal opening! "Oooooooooo!" she goes, responding to me inserting a finger in her ass! Not far, just the tip since I have not "lubed" my hand! I lick and suck on her pussy for a good thirty minutes ALMOST bringing her to orgasm a couple of times!

"Not yet!" I tell her as she grabs my head and holds it tightly to her pussy! "You can't cum just yet my sweetness!" I say to her.

"Oh yes I can!" she says to me. At that moment Julie locks he legs around my head keeping me from withdrawing! "Now suck that pussy!" she demands. I dart my tongue in and out and alternately lick and suck the clit! "Ooooooooooooooooo Yessssssssssssssssssss!" Julie moans as I am suddenly awash in a sea of her love juices! Her legs squeeze my head so hard I feel as if I am in a huge fleshy vise! But the moment is awesome! When she relaxes her legs I continue to lick her very wet pussy! She reaches down and rubs the top and sides of my head. "I didn't hurt you did I?" she asks. See? How can you NOT love a woman like that? Yeah, she got an "O" but is still concerned about how hard she squeezed me with her legs!

"I'm fine!" I told her. "Real fine! as a matter of fact!" "Ok" she goes, "Now you get on your back and let ME get you off!" She pushes me onto my back and begins to fondle my limp dick with her soft hands! Working slowly and gently, Julie massages and plays with my cock! Slowly it responds, gaining a little stiffness and also beginning to leak some pre-cum from the pee-hole! "Ooooo!" she goes. Looks like Little Jimmy likes mommy!" Julie is now between my legs and puts her tongue to the head, smoothing the pre-cum all over the head! Then she quickly goes down on my cock, her lips pressed against my groin! She holds it in her mouth for a long time and when she comes up and it plops out of her mouth, he is a lot bigger! She gives him some more good, long sucks and pronounces him "Fit for duty!" she says and quickly lies on her back, ready for me to jump in! And I do hurry, in case "he" trys to run and hide again! But she HAS gotten me hard enough to penetrate inside her still very wet pussy! I suck on her breasts as I drive my cock in and out of her sweet pussy!

"Cum in me! she begs. "I want to feel your hot semen flood inside me!" I do feel the pressure building up and I say to her, "Here it cums!" Now Julie throws her legs around my back, locking me to her once again! "Ooooooooooo!" I go as I feel my cock empty inside her! "Mmmmmmmm!" Julie goes. "You got some hot stuff tonight baby!" she tells me. We lie there for awhile, me content to know that I did satisfy here to some degree and her, well, Julie knows that I am going to let her have whatever her heart desires EVEN if it includes letting other men see her assets and possibly her having other men's assets inside her! "What time do you want to hit the casino?" I ask her.

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Re: Julie's Las Vegas Adventure!

Unread post by Scotch98 » Thu Jul 15, 2010 1:59 am

Wow, Very Hot description of your play time......

Posts: 190
Joined: Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:05 pm

Re: Julie's Las Vegas Adventure!

Unread post by blue4lu » Sat Jul 17, 2010 4:05 am


We shower once again and dress as close to the open window in case someone can see our room from across they way. I have my binoculars and on previous trips, have seen a few naked couples in their rooms, their drapes open also. When people come to Vegas, shyness goes out the window! A few years back, my second wife and I witnessed a woman giving her husband, (or boyfriend), a blow job on the shuttle back to the airport! Obviously they had a very early return flight just like we did, (5:30 AM departure), as we were the only four people on that shuttle. Plus the driver of course! A driver that kept his eyes on his rear view mirror most of the way because this couple did not mind our watching at all. I asked my, (then), wife if she didn't want to do what they were doing but just got the usual cold stare. Don't have that problem with Julie though. She is VERY adventureous! Now dressed, we finally head down to the casino. By the way, this is no "trophy wife" issue here. She's not some bauble where my desire is for other men to see what an old dude like me can shag. Instead she is like the opulent hotels that spring forth from this barren desert, each one shining in its own beauty. Julie is like that! Every part of her glows like sunlight on early morning dew! Her skin, her lightly tanned skin, more beautiful to look at than any piece of art in the best museum in the world! And holding and touching that skin is akin to finding buried treasure! But with all that physical beauty, she is as unpretensious as an old school marm, not wanting to show off in any way. That is, until we want to "heat" things up a bit and let her live out her fantasies of being somewhat of an exhibitionist! And I am more than happy to be a part of those fantasies!

And while I prefer the table games, Blackjack, Let It Ride etc., the best way for her to begin to "show her stuff" is for us to sit at the slot machines, her at one group of machines and me at another. This way, when she wants to holler at me to show me what she hit, she does so by swiveling around on the stool in my direction, thus giving many of the men players in the area, (and any men that happen to be walking/wandering in the area), a glimpse up her skirt! She catches quite a few men's eyes during the hour or so we are at the machines, especially when she "accidently" lets the small pocketbook she carries, fall from her lap! There wasn't a time when some guy didn't jump from his seat and pick it up for her! And it always fell in front of her where, while they were picking it off the floor, they got a closer, (and longer), look at her shaved pussy! The last person to pick it for her however was a woman! As I saw this I noticed that Julie and this woman had a bit of a lengthy conversation. I was beginning to think that this woman may have been undercover hotel security. That woman left however and after she did Julie came over to my machine.

"What did you and that gal talk so long about?" I asked.

"Darling" she starts out, "That woman said she knew what I was doing!" "She said I was playing one of the oldest games in town but she did not care because she thinks I have a hot body and she wants her and I to go up to her room and make out!"

"WHAT?" I said, knowing that Julie could care less about girl/girl situations! "What did you tell her?"

"I told her that the ONLY WAY that was going to take place was if she took care of you first!" I am looking at Julie in amazement. Julie knows I am a sucker for a certain type of woman, (other than Julie of course), and that woman is: late 50's to mid-70's in age, (you know, mature women), heavily tanned, (as in a deep bronze look), and long, dark black hair! A woman like that gets me going like nobody's business! "What did she say to that?"

"She said, come on up to room 711, (how appropriate is that for Vegas?), and we can have some drinks and then some fun!" Julie then tells me, "Hey, this trip out here isn't just about me!" (What a gal) We go up to room 711 and knock on the door. This woman, Sandra we discover later to be her name, fits every detail of my likes! That plus when she opens the door she is nude! Like in, completely nude!

"Come on in!" she says. "Let's get to know one another better!"

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Re: Julie's Las Vegas Adventure!

Unread post by blue4lu » Sun Jul 18, 2010 4:49 am


Julie and I enter the room. It is nicer than the other rooms in this hotel. A lot nicer! And larger too! Sandra see that we are comparing her room to the one we have. "Security has it's perks!" she says. She holds up her glass and asks, "What'll y'all have?"

"Vodka Collins for me thanks." I turn to Julie. Funny, in the time I have known her I'm lost as to what her favorite drink is. "I'll have gin and tonic" she says to our host. Our NUDE host! And what a body this woman has! Her tan is so deep-golden and there is no doubt that, wherever she is when in the sun, she is totally nude because there are no tan lines anywhere! And of course, she would be shaved! And her breasts are of a good size and I'm amazed they don't "hang down" because she appears to have not had any breast implants. "I don't mean to be forward" she says. "But would y'all mind undressing?" Julie and I both look at her, wondering if she is always so direct. "I hate clothes!" she says as we slowly disrobe in front of a woman we just met moments ago. She sits down on her sofa adding, "Hell, I wouldn't even wear them downstairs but I think the bosses would have a fit!" Julie and I are both nude now and Sandra, sitting in the middle of the sofa, pats both places beside her. "Y'all come and sit down." So Julie sits on one side and I the other.

The conversation begins with small talk. How do we like Vegas, is it our first time here, have we been to any shows yet, just general stuff. She tells us how she landed the security job here. "Head of security!" "And I had to give a lot of head to get it!" she says laughing loudly! "And this is why I brought y'all up here" she says. "This game your little chickee is playing will get you bounced out of every casino in Vegas!"

"Why?" we ask.

"Because dearie" she says while placing her hand on Julie's thigh! Now lightly rubbing Julie's inner thigh she continues with, "Look, I have an idea what she is doing but the men up there", she is pointing to the ceiling. Her ceiling does not have them of course. At least, none that I can see. Rather she is talking about those little "bubble eyes" that dot the ceilings throughout the casino. "The men up there, they think she and you are using her pocketbook dropping so you can snatch a John's winnings from his machine!"

"Oooooooo!" I go. That thought never entered my mind. But I have read where a woman and a man will work such a distraction in casinos. "That does look like what we are doing doesn't it?" I ask her.

"You bet your sweet ass it does honey!" "That's why I brought y'all up here." "You gotta find another way to show off your girl's pussy here ok?" "And hell, I knew what y'all were doing!" "But the guys manning the cameras, they see that in a whole different light!" "Now", she continues with, "If y'all will stay up here with me, in my room here, I'll teach the lady here how to pull of this flashing bit and not worry the security people ok?" Sandra's hand has now traveled further up Julie's leg, almost to her pussy! I can tell this isn't sitting to well with her!

"Why do you want us here, staying in your room?" I asked.

"Because I sense y'all are here for some FUN and I happen to know where the real fun is!" Julie then tells her, "I'm sorry but women aren't my bag!" "I don't mean to offend you it's just that women don't do a thing for me!" "And besides, you said you were going to take care of my husband!"

"And I will sweetie, I will!" "Would you like for me to start right now?" She doesn't wait for Julie to answer. "Stand up!" she tells me. I stand up and Sandra says to Julie, "You gotta help me with this ok?" Both women are on the floor and Sandra tells Julie to, "Hold out his cock for me!" Julie takes hold of my cock and Sandra's mouth quickly engulfs it! Julie removes her hand and rubs my butt with one hand and cups my balls with the other! Sandra, for all her brash attitude, does not suck wildly like I would have figured. Instead she is using long, slow gentle sucks, working my cock as an artist would begin a picture, slow deliberate strokes! And I have no trouble at all getting a big, (for me), hard-on inside her lucious, wet mouth! Moaning now, Sandra picks up the tempo! Even hard I am about average in size to most men and Sandra has no trouble at all deep-throating me! When she comes off my cock she holds it out, offering it to Julie! But Sandra's lips are still near the head and when Julie's mouth gets close to my cock Sandra says to Julie, "Let's you and I kiss and suck on the head together!" Their mouths now work the head of my cock, kissing and licking it all over! Then Sandra turns her head slightly, planting a kiss on Julie's lips!

Oh-oh I thought. This might put a stop to my getting blown in a hurry! Julie did pull away, surprised like. But then she gave Sandra a big, long kiss back, both of them locking lips with the head of my cock against both sets of lips! But that was it. Julie just gave her the one quick one and they both went back to sucking on me!

Sandra then said, "Let's go and get on my bed!" So we went into her, very lavish, bedroom and Sandra laid on her back, opening up her tanned, shaved pussy to me! "Fuck me!" she said. I crawled on top of her and pushed my cock deep inside her pussy!

"Ooooooooooooooo!' she went as I began driving in and out of her pussy! Julie is watching and, for the moment, seems at a loss as to what to do here. "You know" I said to her, "If you sit on her face I can play with your tits and we can kiss!"

"You know I don't care for women!" she responded.

"C'mon, just this one time!" "You never know, you just MIGHT like it!" Reluctently Julie lowers her shaved pussy to Sandra's waiting mouth! I know this is something Sandra wanted and I sure don't want Sandra to cut me off now! As Sandra's tongue gently probes inside her pussy Julie reaches down and massages Sandra's breasts! Hmmmm, maybe women aren't so bad after all Julie! I am thinking. Julie doing this for me! I've got to come up with something EXTRA good for her later!

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Re: Julie's Las Vegas Adventure!

Unread post by blue4lu » Mon Jul 19, 2010 2:31 pm


I squeeze and mash on Julie's tits as Sandra's tongue probes deeper and deeper inside Julie's pussy! I have never actually seen a woman cum before! Not where you can see her cum like we see men when they cum. It would be awesome to see Julie cum all over Sandra's face! I am still massaging and squeezing on Julie's tits when we begin to probe inside each other's mouths, our tongues lapping against each other! I feel as if my cock will explode any minute as I pound Sandra's pussy like I have never pounded before! Oh, Julie and I have had some pretty good fuck sessions, considering my limited ability at times. But Sandra's age and experience remind me of things women do after YEARS of fucking experience! One being, when I would pause for a moment, my cock in as deep as possible and holding it deep, Sandra would use that pause to tighten and relax her vagina muscles, my cock inside her getting a sucking-like feeling! That's one Julie hasn't tried yet! And a couple of times Sandra would reach down, grab my cock and pull it out and rub the head against her pussy lips and then plunge it back in again! When I am "in" Julie, she wants me to KEEP it in until I go off!

"Can I cum in you?" I ask Sandra.

"By all means!" she moans. "Let's see what you got!" I then get ready to spray it all in her as my cock-head gets that feeling that says, I'M READY! I send forth a gusher too! As my hot cum explodes inside Sandra's pussy I feel as if her and I have become one person! This woman, for her age, has one, fine pussy let me tell you! As I was cumming she had Julie get up.

"I want to watch your face!" she said to me. "I can tell by your face if you liked what you got!" As I lay on top of her, my cock dispensing its last few drops of cum inside her I said, "You don't worry about any facial expressions, I know what good pussy is!" She then gave me a big, wet kiss and wrapped those bronze legs around me and told me, "You know, I've had bigger cocks!" "I've had some damn long cocks!" "But I honestly don't know if I've had a BETTER one than what you just gave me!"

"Oh go on" I said to her. "You can't shit an old bull-shitter!"

"No really" she said, "There was just something special about your fucking that made me, well, tingle!" "Nobody's ever made me TINGLE!" she said.

"Maybe it was my little tinkle!" I told her.

"Don't be so damn funny, I know what I like and me and you are gonna fuck plenty while y'all are here!"

Julie, hearing all this, says, "Hey-what about me?" "I need something too you know!"

Sandra goes over to her and pats her on the butt. "You are going to get your fun tonight girlie!"

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Re: Julie's Las Vegas Adventure!

Unread post by blue4lu » Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:50 am


After some more discussion with Sandra about some "activities" she can line up for us, "Nobody knows the swinging places in Vegas better than me!" she tells us, Julie and I depart from her room and go on to our room, freshen up a bit and go downstairs. It is 1 o'clock and we have a good seven hours of gambling time before we meet up with Sandra again. But since what Sandra told us about Julie's "game", (and the security issues thereof), trying to get men to see her without panties, we are lost until I can come up with a better plan. So, for now anyway, we just enjoy Vegas in the regular way, playing some slots, going in and out of the many gift shops etc. Then it hit me! "Julie my love, I forgot all about the topless pools they have here!" "Let's get back to the room and get in our swimsuits and see what we can stir up there!" Julie's eyes light up and she agrees so we head up to our room. Julie has brought her sexiest, skimpiest bikini swim suit for our trip out here and has it on under her clothes and we head to the pool.

These pools, no matter the casino/hotel they are in, try to keep the women who choose to go topless, (European bathing they call it), away from gawkers, and any family-types that use other areas of the pool. So this escapade will expose her breasts at least, just not in a "surprising" moment to an unsuspecting male. Finally in the "European" area, there are already quite a few women partaking of these liberal rules. And surprisingly, not all the women are of the super-model, exotic dancer-type bodies that are wearing bottoms only! A few women going topless here could be your next door neighbor or your grocery store cashier or your child's fifth grade math teacher. Just everyday, average women who really believe the slogan, "What Happens In Vegas, Stays In Vegas". Many of the women in the pool and lounging around have husbands/boyfriends here with them. I am wondering, I bet these guys are getting a kick, their wives parading around in front of other men here, their breasts exposed for their viewing pleasure! And there are more men in here than women. Single men are allowed in the topless areas, they just pay more for the privilege.

But Julie's bikini is a little different from the others here. Oh, most of the women have short, skimpy ones alright. And quite a few are of the "thong" variety, string bikini, whatever you want to call the ones that expose the ass entirely! But Julie may be asked to leave this area because her 'thong" part is flesh-colored and, when wet, see-thru! Julie removes her top and we get in the water. It doesn't take long for a couple of guys, the hunk-type variety, to come over and make conversation with us. We stand in the shallow end so Julie's breasts can be easily seen! The guys are making sly hints at where we could find them later in the evening if need be. Julie is not interested in these kind of meetings and is finding this type of "flashing" is not very exciting. "We can skinny-dip back home she tells me!"

Sensing that Julie is ready for some serious flashing I get out and call Sandra who, so nicely, has given me her cell number. "Julie is bored to tears Sandra!" I tell her. "I need to get her where she can get her kicks by exposing herself to men but not this, this is tame to her!"

"Meet me back at my room in an hour." she tells me. I go back to the pool and see that Julie is talking to a middle-age looking couple. In the water now, I wade up to them. "Look honey" Julie begins, "These people live only one hour from us back in Texas!" I exchange pleasantries with them and Julie tells me the man, a paunchy, balding man, about 65 I'd say, "He owns a chain of adult book stores!"

"Really!" I say. His wife, also topless of course, has obviously spent many hours in the sun nude as her breasts are golden brown! And rather large! For a woman to be, oh, about 60 herself, she looks pretty damn sexy here in this pool!

"He gave me one of his cards and wants us to visit him at his main store when we get back home!" Julie says. I think they have cooked something up while I was on the phone with Sandra. I tell Julie that we must get out of the pool. "We need to meet up with Sandra in an hour!" "She's getting you fixed up where you can do your own thing and not have security run us out of here!"

"Oooooo, then let's go!" she says. As Julie emerges from the water the couple easily see Julie's pussy, the flesh-colored piece of material VERY transparent!

"Nice bottom!" the man says, looking straight at her pussy! His wife then adds, "He'd like to see more of it later, if you have the time!"

We promise to meet up with this couple from the pool when we return to Texas and go to our room to get ready to meet Sandra. "Put on your sexiest outfit Julie! That's what Sandra told me to tell you!

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Joined: Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:05 pm

Re: Julie's Las Vegas Adventure!

Unread post by blue4lu » Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:14 am


Back in Sandra's room she tells us that, "Because of high-rollers that come here with big wads of money, security keeps a very careful eye on these guys while they are in town!" "They don't want anyone pulling any funny stuff on their best customers." Sandra lets out a hearty laugh, "If they're gonna get rolled while here you can bet your sweet ass it will be the casinos that do it!" "Only legally!" "But", she continues, "I've got the perfect set up for you! "Go back to your room and bring back that bikini you had on at the pool a moment ago." We head towards the door when Sandra says, "She can go get it Jim." "You can wait here with me while she does." Julie gives me a strange look but heads to our room. The door is barely shut when Sandra begins removing her clothes! "Let's me and you take advantage of a few minutes here!" I have no idea whatsoever why I fascinate this woman but we are both nude and on her bed in a matter of seconds! I am flat on my back and she is circling my nipples with her tongue! But knowing time is short before Julie returns she has quickly moved to my cock and has it in her mouth!

"Mmmmmm!" she goes as she drools some of her own saliva onto the head! Now sucking furiously, this unexpected blow job has me already about to cum! She takes it from her mouth, spits on it again and begins to jack on it rapidly! "C'mon baby!" she says to it. "Cum for mommy!" She then throws her mouth back on it, sucking like a woman possessed!

"Ooooooooooo!" I go as I feel semen pulse from my cock and into her hot, wet mouth!

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!" she goes, holding my cock deep in her throat, swallowing every drop my old cock can produce! As I quickly lose any hardness I had, Sandra licks me clean, VERY clean! "Wow! she goes, "I needed that!" I am still puzzled why she is treating me like some young stud from one of the shows here! We are dressed and look as if nothing happened in the 10 minutes it took Julie to get her bikini! "Looks like y'all behaved yourselves while I was gone!" she said.

"Put your bikini back on" Sandra says, "And throw this on over it." Sandra has handed her a sun-type dress to wear over her bikini. As we exit her room Sandra says, "Where did you ever get your thong bikini?" "I have seen a many of them but never one that, once wet, looked like there was nothing there!" "I made it my self." Julie answered. "That explains it." Sandra replied. "By the way" Sandra begins to tell us, "For you to flash the Johns around here WITHOUT drawing the ire of security, you have to do it at one of the high-rollers PRIVATE gambling sessions!" We have now gone to the top floor and the entire top floor is a special suite for one of their best high-roller customers. Sandra has Julie remove the sun dress just prior to the door opening! As the door opens the three of us enter the spacious living room area, Julie wearing nothing but the thong bikini! "Hello boys!" Sandra says. "Here is your waitress for the evening!" Sandra then tells Julie that she is to be at their beck and call, delivering whatever they ask for while they continue their card game!

"That's it, just serve `em drinks, fruits, whatever their rich hearts desire!" "Think you can handle that?" Julie, not knowing what to expect on the way up here seems excited about parading around in front of these six men of various ages and shapes. "Be nice to `em. Sandra tells her and she then says, "Jim and I will be nearby if you need us." We then leave Julie there and Sandra and I head back to her room. Again in her room she suggests that we get nude and "Enjoy the show!"

"Show?" "What show?" I ask. Sandra slides back a large wall painting revealing a flat-screen monitor. With a remote she turns it on and the image that comes up is from a camera, one of many, that shows Julie with a drink tray, serving the card playing men! "Got my own system here" she says, "Where we can watch these boys, AND Julie!" And it isn't long before the guys are placing a hand on her ass or pinching her on a breast when she brings them a drink. In the room is also a large hot tub. "Go ahead honey" one of the men says. "Hop in and let us see how you look wet!" Julie does and when she gets another call to bring them something and gets out and strolls to their table the guys eyes fall out! The material, now wet, has once again turned so transparent that she appears to be totally naked! One of the guys had asked her to, "Bring me an apple or banana or something" and Julie is now standing at his side with a banana. He is staring at her neatly trimmed pussy that does show big-time through the transparent thong bottom! "You want me to PEEL this for you sir?" Julie asks seductively. When he looks up at her she is slowly peeling the skin from the banana! The banana now peeled, Julie puts it in her mouth as if it was a cock and begins to lick the end of it! Now all the men's eyes are focused on Julie! She is in her element now and is going to take big advantage of it! Sandra plays with my cock as we watch what happens next!

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Re: Julie's Las Vegas Adventure!

Unread post by blue4lu » Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:20 am


Despite well over $15,000 in the pot on the table, all six men's eyes are focused on my Julie as she slides that banana in her mouth! "Mmmmmm!" she moans as the entire banana is in her mouth!

"Hot damn!" one of the players goes. "Absolutely fantastic!" adds another. "I'm in fucking love!" adds another. Julie has her head tilted back and slowly draws the banana from her mouth. "Which one of you boys called for a banana?" All of the men are speechless as about 5, 6, 7, now 8 inches of that yellow fruit emerges from her mouth! Julie then moves over to a diamond studded leather sofa, sits down and pushes the small patch of chiffon material that is covering her pussy out of the way and begins to push that banana in her pussy! Now just a small piece of that banana is visible and Julie says, "Whoever wanted the banana, come and get it!" All six men approach the sofa where Julie is. One gets down on the floor and begins to eat on the part of banana sticking out of Julie's pussy! The other men quickly undress!

"Wow-look at that!" Sandra says as she strokes faster on my cock! "All of those men got up from that table of money just to be with your wife!"

"Yeah, I see that!" I reply. I now have concerns that so many men with Julie might get a little out of hand. The banana now completely gone that same man is now ravishing Julie's pussy with his tongue and mouth! The little bit of bikini she had on is gone and two guys are sucking on a tit each and two other guys are standing beside her and she is stroking their cocks! That leaves one other man and he is standing behind her, his cock in his hand and has her head turned to where she can suck him!

"This is a damn gang-bang! I exclaimed to Sandra.

"Sure looks like it! Sandra replies. "And it's making me horny as hell!" Sandra than goes down on me, sucking my cock like a wild woman! After a few good quick sucks she pushes me flat on my back and crawls on top of my face! "Lick my pussy Jim!" "Drive your tongue deep inside my pussy!" I couldn't resist her even if I wanted to. Her bronze body and pussy so damn sexy! I try to steal a glance at the monitor to see how Julie is doing but Sandra's gentle rocking of her clit across my lips keep me from getting a good view! So I just concentrate on enjoying her pussy by grabbing Sandra's ass and holding her still while I lick and suck on her clit!

"Oh yeah baby"! she goes. "Oh that's it, right there!" "Don't stop, I'll tell you what is going on with your wife!" Sandra squirms some more and goes on to tell me, "Right now she is sitting over one of the men, his cock is in her pussy!' "But another guy is getting behind her now and pushing her forward!" "He's about to put his cock in her ass!" "And there it goes!" "Your wife now has two cocks in her..................no wait, now another guy just stuck his cock in her mouth!" "She has three cocks in her and is jacking on the other two!" "She is doing alright for herself - you just keep doing what you are doing!" I like Sandra alright. She is one sexy woman! But I'm getting a little tired of her calling the shots so I push her off my face and put her flat on her back!

"What are you doing?" "I was enjoying that!" I quickly crawl on top of her bronzed chest, pushing my cock down her throat! "See if you enjoy this then!" I tell her. The suddeness of my cock in her mouth so quick surprised her but she does not complain, sucking me wildly again! "I'm gonna fuck your face so hard!" I tell her, "That when I cum it will go straight to your intestines!" "Mmmmmmmmmm!" she goes upon hearing that. Not only am enjoying fucking her face, this way I can see Julie! And right now Julie is on the floor and there are cocks galore around her nude body! On her back, one man driving deep inside her it is easy to see that he is cumming! He stops deep inside her, releasing his sperm into her body! Another guy pulls his cock from her mouth and lets his load shoot onto her face! While he is doing that another man sticks his cock in her pussy and begins to fuck her! And another guy now shoots onto her mouth and lips! Cum now covers my wife's face as the guy now fucking her pulls out and brings his cock to her mouth, depositing his load there also! As the white semen flows Julie tries her best to lick her lips, even sucking the head of his cock as cum still oozes from it! Even the men that shot off on her face now put their dicks in her pussy!

Watching Julie get filled and covered in so much cum has brought me to my own cumming! "Ooooooooooooo!" I go as I feel my first shot travel deep in Sandra's throat! She holds my ass with her hands, not even wanting me to pull out! "Mmmmmmmmmmmmm!" Sandra slurps, more of my hot juices pulsating inside her mouth! When I feel myself go limp I withdraw my cock and rub the head across her lips! Her tongue licks and cleans my cock and she asks, "How's Julie doing?"

"Well, let me put it this way, she has more cum on her and in her than you do!" "And it looks like they are not through!"

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Re: Julie's Las Vegas Adventure!

Unread post by Scotch98 » Thu Jul 22, 2010 6:30 am

Whoa, Hot, Hot, Hot... :twisted: :D :whip: :up: :up: :up: :up:

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Re: Julie's Las Vegas Adventure!

Unread post by sdbuffalo » Thu Jul 22, 2010 8:53 am

(AUTHOR NOTE: This is a fantasy story-no truth whatsoever). (I couldn't be THIS lucky, even in Las Vegas)!
OK, but it's a good story. Please continue!
In my Universe, any question may be asked.... But, answers are always optional.

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Re: Julie's Las Vegas Adventure!

Unread post by onehotwife4u » Thu Jul 22, 2010 9:50 am

Yes! More, please! I can't wait to find out what that slut Julie gets up to next! ;)

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Re: Julie's Las Vegas Adventure!

Unread post by blue4lu » Fri Jul 23, 2010 3:16 am


Sandra and I lie there, watching her private monitor of the guys and Julie in the private suite. My poor Julie has been cummed on and in every imaginable place! And a couple of the guys still ain't through! "That Julie of yours must be one hot bitch!" Sandra says, her hand tugging on my depleated cock!

"She's no bitch!" I politely informed her.

"Don't get your balls in an uproar!" she replied. "That's a compliment in this town!"

"Speaking of balls" "Why don't you crawl down here and suck on mine for awhile!" Sandra then moves down low on me, sucking one then the other of my balls into her mouth! I STILL don't know why this sexy, hot woman, a woman that could command any man in this town, seems content to service me! I watch the monitor as some of the men still ravage Julie! "I think I threw her to the wolves too soon!" I remark as Sandra is now holding my balls up, her tongue tracing the scrotum area beneath them!

"She'll be fine!" is her reply. But I think these guys are getting a little out of hand! Everyone of them is standing around her now, pulling on their cocks, each one waiting his turn in her mouth! One is holding a glass and as the first guy begins to cum, he pulls from her mouth and shoots off in the glass! Sandra, glancing at the monitor from time to time intones, "Oh my, they are making her a sperm cocktail!

"WHAT?" I say, now focusing my attention to the monitor. As I watch each guy cum into the glass, Sandra informs me that a "sperm cocktail" is where men shoot off their loads into a glass and, when they are all done, "She drinks it down!"

"You've got to be kidding!" I reply.

"Nope, no kidding here!" "She's fixing to get a big mouthful of cum!" "And all at once!"

"You've got to stop them!" I beg. "That's, that's...................that's inhumane!" I plead.

"Oh no!" Sandra goes. "It's fucking tasty!" "Delicious actually!" The guys are all done now. The 8 ounce glass is damn near half full of nothing but semen! "Watch Jim" Sandra says, "Let's see if she can down all that cum in one big serving!" But in what amounts to a minor miracle, one of the guys has another suggestion.

"Let's pour it all in her pussy!" he says. They have Julie lie on the floor and one guy gets on each side of her and they stretch her shaved pussy wide open! Then another guy slowly pours the contents of the glass into her pussy!

"Wow!" Sandra goes. "How I'd love to go in there now and drink all that right out of her pussy!" The contents of the glass all gone now, one of the men uses his fingers to "close" her pussy lips, in effect, MAKING all that cum stay inside my wife's beautiful pussy!

"Sure hope she's been fixed!" Sandra says. "`Cause there's got be some strong swimming sperm going crazy in there!"

Julie, now sitting in an upright position says, "I feel so...........SO FULL!"

"The guys, they're done with her now and ready to get back to their game" Sandra informs me. "I'm gonna ring their room and have them send her back to us!"

"Thank you!" I say to her. I am hoping Julie is not put out with me, throwing her to the wolves like that!

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Re: Julie's Las Vegas Adventure!

Unread post by Scotch98 » Fri Jul 23, 2010 6:21 am

Hummmm, I wonder what is in store for Julie when she gets back to the room?????? Who will jump her first? Sandra or her Hubby???? Can't wait to hear. Cheers,

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Re: Julie's Las Vegas Adventure!

Unread post by blue4lu » Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:30 am


Instead of calling down to the guy's suite Sandra grabs a robe from her closet and goes up to the private suite. "She can't come back here with nothing on!" Sandra explains. "Cameras in the hallways you know!" When Sandra and my Julie, a very fucked over Julie, return to Sandra's room Sandra takes the robe off of her and has her lie down on Sandra's bed. "All the way down here I made her keep her hand on her pussy!" Sandra says as she removes her clothes! "Now I'm gonna see if ther's any cum left in there!" Knowing that Julie really doesn't care for women she allows Sandra to crawl onto the bed and begin to lick her bare, but still wet, pussy lips! "Mmmmmmm!" Sandra goes, "There IS still a lot of cum in there!" Julie just lies back and lets Sandra lick whatever cum is left from her pussy! To try to take Julie's mind away from knowing another woman is eating her pussy, I slip off my clothes and crawl up on her chest and she cups her tits around my cock! I then give those titties a good fucking and it is not long until I send a load of my cum in the valley between those lucious tits! As my cock dribbles its last bit I rise up only to hear Sandra's voice say, "Give me that cock!"

I crawl off of Julie's chest and lie beside Julie as Sandra slurps my cum-soaked cock into her mouth! "Mmmmmmm!" she goes, licking and sucking me clean! Sandra then goes to the cum still between Julie's tits! As she licks the big gobs of semen from between Julie's tits she asks Julie, "You want some of your husband's cum!" Surprisingly Julie reaches up to Sandra, pulling her down. Sandra then lets a long stream of my cum dribble into Julie's open mouth! This is so hot! I have never witnessed such woman-to-woman cum sharing before! I rub Julie's pussy as my cum now flows from Sandra's mouth to Julie's! Now they have locked lips together in a big cum-soaked kiss! Sure wish I had this on tape! Sandra then suggests that we all freshen up and go downstairs and get a bite to eat. Within and hour we are all showered and in a buffet line. "My treat guys! Sandra says to us. Nice gesture I think to myself. But I'm sure it goes on her expense account. After we eat Sandra tells us that she has the rest of the evening free and wants to show us the town. We go to the parking garage and the three of us pile into her Hummer3. A fitting vehicle I think, cosidering that Sandra is quite a "hummer" herself!

We drive up and down The Strip, Sandra pointing out to us casinos where Julie has the best chances of flashing men later. "All have good security" she tells us. "But I know which ones that will cut you a little slack!" Then Sandra comes up with a plan. "Hey!" she shouts out, giving us a scare. "I got a terrific idea!" Sandra goes on to say, "I know where we can go!" "We'll go to the Hummer place where I got this!"

"We're gonna go to a car dealership?" I ask.

"That's right baby!" Sandra seems very excited about this. "Your wife's gonna show the guy that sold me my Hummer so much pussy it'll make his balls burst right there in the showroom!" She goes on to tell us, "The son-of-a-bitch that sold me this screwed me over big-time!" "And that was even after I gave him probably the best blow job he ever had!" "He fucked me on the insurance!" "He fucked me on the extended warranty!" "He just fucked me and now it is payback!" We whip into the dealership where she got her Hummer. "There he is!" Sandra shouted. As she parks and turns off the engine she tells us, "He don't know I am pissed so I'm gonna tell him y'all just won some big bucks and want to buy a Hummer like mine, ok?" "And Julie, you know what to do hon!" "Work his ass over with your pussy!" The sales guy walks toward us as we all get out. Sandra whispers to us, "His name is Lon."

"Well hey Sandra" Lon begins, "Something wrong with your Hummer?" Sandra looks down towards her crotch and touches herself there!

"Nope, feels ok to me!" Lon turns red-faced in front of us as Sandra tells him. "This couple just took my casino for a bunch of bucks and they want to buy a Hummer like mine so I brought them to you big boy!" Lon is already looking Julie over, the wolf that he is.

"And is this pretty lady here gonna be the driver or the old guy?" Now I too think he is a son-of-a-bitch! After that remark I hope Julie does make his balls burst! And without her touching him! We all pile in a demo Hummer and he puts Julie behind the wheel. "Playboy" Lon gets in the other front seat while Sandra and I get in the back. We head out Spring Mountain Road to get away from the traffic. Julie is wearing her favorite type outfit, a sun dress that is short and loose. And it is way up her body as she drives towards the mountains. The further we drive the more Julie tactfully slips it up, like when Lon turns his head to talk to Sandra. In a little while he can ALMOST see the edge of Julie's pussy! He leans forward, as if to show Julie this dash control or that. But he is now getting a good look at Julie's shaved pussy! It is easy to see that he is getting a "boner"! We have driven so far out now that there are no gas stations around. "Lon" Julie says, "I need to pull over somewhere, I got to pee!" "Pull off the road over there and you can go behind that rock!"

We pull over and Julie gets out. "I better go and watch out for snakes." Lon gets out and goes to where Julie is now crouched and peeing! "The only snake Julie needs to watch out for is Lon's!" Sandra says. "Lon!" Julie goes as he watches her. "It's ok" he says, "I gotta pee too!" He then whips out his dick and begins to pee. Lon does have a nice thick cock and Julie says to him, "Can I help you with that?" Julie then crouches down and begins to stroke Lon's cock! "He feels so good in my hand!" she purrs. Lon's cock gets bigger and harder as Julie continues stroking him! Sandra then honks the horn and yells out, "Come on, I've got to get back to work!" Julie then gets up and says, "We better go now" and hurries back to the car. It takes a few minutes for Lon to get his hard-on tucked back in his pants. When he gets back in the car he gives Sandra one hell of a look! "Oh, Lon darling" Sandra goes, "I just called in, somebody else is going to handle my problem for now." "We can continue the test drive." "I think Julie wants to see more!"

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Re: Julie's Las Vegas Adventure!

Unread post by blue4lu » Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:51 pm

Apologies to readers of this story, (and my other one, Wife Posed Nude For A Stranger). I made an un-wise decision to switch internet providers prior to going on vacation. This resulted in two things. (1). A router issue kept me from getting hooked to the internet and (2). This delay has caused the impetus of these two stories to suffer the continuity I desired. I hope to begin another story soon now that all computer issues, (I hope), have been resolved. Thank you for your interest in these stories. jbrad46.

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