Vixen Unleashed

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Johng1953 » Sun Jul 24, 2022 12:26 pm

I am really loving this. Great story told with great writing skills.
Thank you.

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by ckryan » Mon Jul 25, 2022 10:18 am

That was a hot chapter! Wow, hun!

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Neo_indra » Tue Jul 26, 2022 12:02 pm

Thank you so much!! I'm having a really great time writing it.

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Neo_indra » Tue Jul 26, 2022 12:04 pm

It’s My Party and I’ll Sulk if I Want to.


A silent curse went through my head as I scanned the party in front of me. It was a stunning success. The champagne was chilled, the horderves were hot, and my guests were all mingling in the small, polite groups that ensured a good company morale. So why was I standing here, alone, getting more and more irritated by the second?

Oh, yes, because our newest partner and his bewitching bride hadn’t shown yet. Jack was late. I glanced down at my overpriced and slightly obnoxious watch again. Sneering at the timepiece, I wasn’t sure if I was more aggravated by the couples tardiness or at the sheer tackiness of the stupid watch. Once more I debated throwing it away. But Shelly, my third wife and my most recent ex-wife, had given it to me. She’d wanted it back in the divorce. It was the only thing she’d wanted. Well, other than my goddamned lawyer.

I shook my head as I slipped the sleeve of my tailored dress shirt back over the monstrosity. Knowing my wearing it brought Shelly some measure of grief tickled a petty spirit in me. One of these days, however, when this game lost its fun, I would relish breaking the fucking thing and mailing it to her and her new husband. My goddamned ex-lawyer.

The motion of the door opening caught my attention and pulled my focus back to my party. And my truant guests. Who were sweeping in as if they weren’t a half hour late. My gaze ran over Jack before it took in Jewel. The woman who had offered to fuck me, once, in exchange for something. My smile twisted at the memory. Just like all three of my wives.

Except, the something she wanted was for somebody else, a small voice at the back of my head whispered. I rolled my eyes at the distinction. No. I don’t think any of my ex-wives would’ve lifted a fucking finger to help me, but a wife trying to help the person who keeps a roof over their head and food on their table is hardly altruistic.

With a quick motion, I downed the rest of the scotch in my glass before making my way toward them. It would be rude for me, the host, to not greet my guests. Even if they are late.

“Jack.” I held my hand out, but barely acknowledged his grasp as he shook it. Turning to face his wife, I repeated the gesture. Only, as I finally looked at her, I forgot what I was about to say. Her eyes were wide, her hair wild. She ran a hand down the length of her locks as if reading my mind before straightening her obviously skewed dress. Fuck. I knew that look. They’d just had sex. In the car. Either on the way over or in my own driveway. Maybe they weren’t late. I chuckled at the thought as I made a mental note to check the security cameras after everybody left.

“Jewel,” she said, as she took my hand.

Shit. Yes. That’s what I was going to say. Her fucking name. “Of course. Sorry. I was just taken aback by your appearance.” I watched the blush spread over her cheeks as she glanced up at Jack. “I was beginning to think maybe you hadn’t gotten the invitation.” I looked pointedly at my ugly watch once more.

Her expression melted into one of apology. “Oh, yes. Our late appearance,” she said. “I’m so sorry. We had some…” she looked up at Jack again, this time her blush was for her husband alone, “car issues on the way over. I am really sorry.”

Car trouble? Really? That’s what she was going to go with? Everybody knew Jack kept his cars regularly serviced. Not as regularly as his wife apparently, but the man didn’t have car problems. “Oh, that’s too bad. The Mercedes or the BMW?”

Jack’s smile stiffened. “Look at us. Monopolizing your time. Over a silly flat tire. I’m sure there are other people you’d much rather be talking to.”

“Even if not,” Jewel added, “I’m sure there are a lot of people who would love to have a moment of your time.”

Just not her. I heard the words clearly even if she didn’t say them. Yes, a flat tire was a more believable story. Those did tend to happen rather randomly. Not that I was buying their excuses. But at least Jack had put some thought into his version of events. As to the bit about other people I would rather be talking to or would rather be talking to me? Yes, actually. There were several. “As a matter of fact.” I had barely taken a step away from them when I heard someone call Jewel’s name. “And it looks like I’m not the only one.”

Of course not, everybody loved Jewel. I sneered as I made my way to the bar. I needed another drink. And maybe a moment alone to collect myself. What was it about that damned woman that bothered me so much? She was pretty. Sure. But I’d had drop dead gorgeous women throw themselves at me.

Not that she’d actually thrown herself, that stupid little voice in my head whispered. “Scotch, neat.” The bartender stopped pouring the glass of champagne he was currently working on to fill my order. Smart man. I made a mental note to book them for all future engagements.

“Here, sir.” The man said with a slight nod of respect. Reaching into the breast pocket of my suit jacket, I pulled out a twenty.

“Thanks.” His eyes took in the tip, but he didn’t comment on it. That would be tacky. I was liking this guy more and more. “Leave your business card on the bar at the end of the night.” It was past time for me to start making some changes in the house staff. Shelly hadn’t taken any of them with her when she’d left and I had a sneaking suspicion that they were where her and her lawyer got some of the dirt they used against me in the divorce. Yes. Time for a little house cleaning of my own. A man’s valet had to be trusted, afterall.

With my drink in hand, I made my way to my study. It was my party. I could disappear for a second or two if I wanted. Hell, even if it wasn’t my party, nobody was going to tell me where I could or couldn’t go. I had worked my ass off and sacrificed three marriages on the altar of this damn career for the privilege.

As I made my way across the room, I smiled and nodded to my party goers. I brushed off whatever advances they made to rope me into some inane conversation. A minute. That was all I needed. Of course, the fates were never that kind to me. Just as I was breaking free of the soiree, one last glance was enough to bring me to a halt.

There was Jewel. With her fucking hand on Mike’s arm. They could’ve been talking about anything but my mind instantly went to her asking the asshole if he worked out. I shook the thought out of my head. Of course, it was in that moment that she glanced up and our gazes locked. The lovely smile on her face fell. Because, of course it did. Her smile wasn’t for me. Not unless she got something from me for it.

Before I could say or do anything to embarrass myself, I turned and stormed out of the room. My study, however, wasn’t the retreat I thought it would be. As soon as I closed the door behind me, I could feel the walls closing in on me. Too many books lined them. Books I never had any intention of reading. Books I’d bought and put on display to make me look like I was smarter than I am. I contemplated sitting, but the rich leather upholster seemed arrogant tonight. Why did I need to buy the expensive leather? Nobody ever came in here. Just me. So I’d bought it simply to make myself feel better. In an attempt to convince myself that I deserved expensive things simply because I could afford them. Which was kind of sad when viewed in that light.

I jumped as the door creaked open behind me. Spinning, I was only partially surprised to find Jewel standing in the doorway. “Come in or leave,” I said. My mood must have carried over into the words as she jumped. “Come. In. Or. Leave,” I repeated.

After one more second of indecision, she straightened her shoulders and entered the room. I hated to admit how relieved I was that she’d made that choice. “I think we should talk.”

Lifting my eyebrow, I asked, “About what?”

“That afternoon in your office.”

Did I not say that we were going to pretend that didn’t happen? I could’ve sworn I did. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about, Jewel.” I used her name just to prove I still could. My insides might twist with irrational anger when I did, but I could. “Sorry, Mrs. Gear.”

“The afternoon I propositioned you. In hopes of Jack getting a promotion.” Her cheeks turned a light pink as she spoke. The first sign she might be rattled around me. Not that I could believe she was as off kilter as I. She was too poised for that. She, after all, hadn’t run to a hideout to drink and sulk by herself. No, she’d sought me out to have a proper discussion. There was no way she felt the inner turmoil I did. But she felt something.

I snapped my fingers. “Oh, yes. The day you offered to whore yourself out to me in order to benefit your household coffers.” I forced a smile. “Now I remember.”

She took a step back as if I’d struck her. Maybe I had. When she opened her mouth to speak, no words came out. She just stood there staring at me as if in shock.

“Is that the afternoon you are speaking of?” I should leave it alone. I’d gotten my reaction. I’d put her in her place. But I found I just couldn’t. “Is that what you were discussing with Mike out there? How he could pay you for a night in your bed.” It wasn’t until that moment that I realized that it was that aspect of the day that had gotten under my skin. Not that she’d propositioned me. But that one of my best employees thought they had to send their wife in to fucking offer herself up for a fucking promotion they had earned three times over. One I would’ve given them had they just asked.

Yes, it could be argued that employees shouldn’t have to ask for things they’d already earned. A good boss would stay on top of those matters. But, shit, I’m only human. Between the divorce and preventing the attempted hostile takeover which, thanks to me, none of them even knew about, I kind of had my hands fucking full.

She snapped her jaw closed and nodded. A jerking movement that looked out of place given her body’s naturally graceful lines. “I see. Yes. That afternoon.” She turned to the door but paused with her hand on the doorknob. “I’m sorry to have offended you. Thank you for not taking it out on Jack. He had no idea.” She sucked in a breath as if she’d just give away some secret.

“I find it hard to believe he didn’t know. He’s been shooting me glares for the past two weeks and won’t be in the same room alone with me. Even after I gave him the fucking promotion.”

Turning, she faced me again, her back braced against the door as if she were acting as some sort of barricade. “He knew I was there to fuck you. He didn’t know that I was offering to…” she looked away, “....whore myself out for his benefit. As you so eloquently put it.”

“Interesting tidbit of information.” She had given me something. A bit of information her own husband didn’t even have. That had some merit. I went to my liquor cabinet and picked a wine glass for her before filling it with my best red. The one I kept only in my private study for a visitor such as her. “Doesn’t seem like it’s in your best interest to share it with me, however. Aren’t you worried I’ll share it with others? Especially given my assholic comments of the night.” Even I realized how much of a jerk I was. Then again, I was being a jerk on purpose so that was to be expected.

Much to my relief, she took the glass from me before taking a small sip of the wine. “Mmm….. This is good.” The words spread over my injured ego like a balm. She’d taken my peace offering. Sure, she might not know that was what it was. Still, she’d taken it. “And, though your words were assholic, they were also true. As was my gratitude that you didn’t take my slight out on Jack. He really does enjoy his job. He probably would’ve stayed with his old title even with the other companies scouting him.”

Yet another interesting tidbit. Jack was being actively scouted. I ran my fingers through my hair. Someone was trying to pouche my best partner. Associate, I corrected. That’s what he’d been just three weeks ago. I took a drink of my scotch. He hadn’t, however, left. And he hadn’t sent his pretty wife in to sweeten the pot for him. His standing went up in my opinion. He was loyal and honest. Determined to get ahead on his own merit. I appreciated that. Of course, the realization only made me feel worse about having forgotten to acknowledge that merit.

“Jack is a good guy. And a damned good employee. To be honest, I should’ve given him that promotion over a year ago. I’ve just been…” fuck, was I really going to have to admit this to her, “...too busy with my own personal shit to realize it. So, for that, I am grateful for you. Had you not given me such a…creative proposition,” I owed her enough to soften how I was categorizing that afternoon, “I’m not sure how long it would’ve taken for me to get my head out of my ass. I hate to admit it, but it might have been too late to keep Jack from walking.” When she opened her mouth to argue, I shook my head to silence her. “Loyalty is a two way street and I wasn’t doing my part. So. Thank you. In all sincerity.”

“As to Mike—”

I stopped her again. “That’s between you and Jack. You certainly don’t owe me an explanation. Who you flirt with is your business.”

She rolled her eyes at me. Rolled. Her. Eyes. “Please, if I was flirting with Mike, we’d be the ones in a private room right now. I was just congratulating him. His wife is pregnant. They’ve been trying for forever.”

How had I not known that? “Really?”

“Yes. She had to go through IVF and her family is a bit religiously fanatic. They aren’t talking to her right now because of the embryos that will have to be destroyed now that the treatment was successful.” She gave me a sad smile. “I just thought they could use a friendly face and a bit of sincere happiness and support. They’re having a baby for Pete’s sake. This should be a joyful time for them.”

“That’s…” I paused, “sweet of you.”

Her laugh filled the room around me. “For a whore and all, I guess it is. For any mere human, it is considered basic consideration.”

Damn. I was going to have to make this up to her. I wondered if she had any need for a godawful, but expensive, watch. Probably not.

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Chrislydi » Tue Jul 26, 2022 12:43 pm

Thank you very much,

I'm not only enjoying this intriguingly intricate little tale but also the quality of the prose. Some great subplots with Connor and Aaron being left dangling for next time. No real cliff hangers as such but plenty left unresolved to make me want to return for the next installment.


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment


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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Johng1953 » Tue Jul 26, 2022 2:07 pm

Chrislydi wrote:
Tue Jul 26, 2022 12:43 pm
Thank you very much,

I'm not only enjoying this intriguingly intricate little tale but also the quality of the prose. Some great subplots with Connor and Aaron being left dangling for next time. No real cliff hangers as such but plenty left unresolved to make me want to return for the next installment.

Couldn't agree more! Loving it.

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Neo_indra » Sun Aug 07, 2022 1:59 pm

Thanks. I'm glad you are liking it. I'm really enjoying writing it.

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Neo_indra » Sun Aug 07, 2022 1:59 pm

Peace Offerings


“There’s a conference coming up in a couple of months.” His voice stopped me as I grabbed the doorknob.

Try as I might, I couldn’t make the words fit into any relevant context. “Okay.” Not looking back, I turned the knob.

“It’s in Paris.”

What was he getting at? “Okay,” I repeated. “I’m not sure what you want me to do with that information.” My attention was still focused on the closed door in front of me.

“Would you like to go?” The question was soft. If I hadn’t been straining to hear over the racing beat of my heart, I probably would’ve missed it.

Pushing against the wood, I waited for the door to click shut again before turning to face him. “I take it that this is an industry conference?” An industry I wasn’t part of. At his nod, I continued, “Then I’m not sure how my being there would do you any good.”

“It wouldn’t, but having Jack there would be beneficial. And I think it would do you a world of good to go with him. Think about it, a week's vacation in Paris. The city of lights. All expenses paid.”

Fuck. The implications had me leaning back in search of the support provided by the cold wood. We’d never had our honeymoon. We were too busy and broke. But, if we had, I wanted it to be Paris. Still… There were some definite drawbacks to Aaron’s proposal. “So I would what? Tour the city and do all the romantic touristy things while Jack sits through panels and workshops?” At second thought, it didn’t sound all that great after all. “Thanks but no thanks. We’ll go when we can both have a vacation.”

“He won’t have to sit through any panels or workshops that he didn’t want to.”

I took a step toward him. “And how would that work? The board will want some accounting of the money spent.” As profitable as the company was, there was always someone looking to audit business expenses. “If Jack goes and doesn’t make any contacts, doesn’t learn anything, doesn’t network there will be red flags.”

Crossing his arms, one of his eyebrows lifted. “Astute observation.”

“MBA,” I said in answer. “There’s more than a pretty skirt standing in front of you right now.”

“Trust me, I see you.” He ran his fingers through his short, dark hair. “I know I handled our last interaction wrong and I’m doing what I can to say that I’m sorry.”

I shook my head. “Really, we’re all good. Any misunderstanding was on my part. You don’t owe me anything.”

He held his hands up. “I feel like I do. And I can do this.” He took a step towards me. “Please. Let me do this.” Before I could argue, he continued. “I’ll go as well. I’ll sit through all the networking parties and the panels. Except the ones Jack really wants to sit through.”

With a cock of my head, I took another step towards him. He would go with us? That thought made my stomach do funny things. The same things it did when Connor touched me. I shook the thought out of my head. He’d already rejected me once. This wasn’t a proposition, it was a peace offering. “Doesn’t sound like much fun for you.”

“I’m the boss. I don’t get to have fun,” he said with a shrug.

If he were big enough to hold out an olive branch, I could be big enough to take it. “Okay.” A genuinely surprised expression washed over his features before he nodded. “Thank you.”

“My pleasure.” He rested a hand on the small of my back as he spun me so I faced the door again. “I am really sorry I neglected Jack and I’m sorry I was so harsh with you. I’m glad we can put this behind us.”

The quick change of personality left me a little light headed. “No. I’m sorry. I was out of line.”

“Please. It’s business. I get it.” His thumb rubbed my bare back as he walked me to the door. “I didn’t get to where I am by always playing by the rules and being a good guy. Jack should be thankful he’s got such a great partner in his corner.”

I stumbled as we reached the door. “Thank you.” The words sounded every bit as confused as I was. Hadn’t he just accused me of whoring myself out? My head hurt as I tried to make it reproduce his exact words. Unfortunately, too much had happened in too short of a time. Our encounter, as odd as it was, kind of blurred together into a surreal experience that refused to be parsed out in any logical manner.

“No. Thank you. I’m glad you sought me out and set the record straight. That was brave of you.” His hand was on the door knob. He was two seconds from dismissing me. And I still hadn’t figured out what had changed.

My brain clung to the bit about setting the record straight. The only thing I’d corrected was his belief that Jack had put me up to the proposition. Was that the missing piece to his change in attitude? “So when you thought Jack was behind my offer that was bad?”

“Not great,” he admitted as he opened the door. With a firm hand on my back, he guided me back toward the party. “What would it say about me as a boss if my employees felt they had to bribe me to get promotions?” He shook his head. “Not great things.”

“But since it was my idea, it was just business?”

“You were offering a service, yes, but Jack wasn’t judging my competency as a boss.” Was his proximity frying what was left of my ability to think straight or was he actually starting to make some sense? “That was the important part. Jack’s opinion was the only one that mattered. As far as he was concerned, he thought I would enjoy fucking his wife. Can’t blame him for that. Under different circumstances, I probably would have.” His hand slipped to cup my ass and, without thought, I slowed to lean into the touch. “Hope to see you in Paris,” he whispered into my ear as he squeezed my cheek. Heat flooded me at the intimate touch. “If not before.” With a wink, he pushed me toward the party.

Shit. Had I seriously just done that? Had I encouraged Jack’s boss to grope me after just being fingered by a bartender and fucked by my husbad? What was wrong with me tonight. With numb steps, I continued toward my husband. He was, amazingly enough, in the middle of what appeared to be a conversation with one of the other partners.

“Sweetheart,” he said as he wrapped an arm around me. “Lindsey was just telling me about a conference coming up in Paris. He’s certain that this is his year. Isn’t that great?”

No. Not only was it not great because Jack’s voice had that strained tone it got when he’d hit his social threshold but it also wasn’t great because…well…we were going to that fucking conference. I forced myself to smile as I looked up at the tall blond man. “Yes. Fantastic.” I nearly grimaced at the clipped tone of my own voice. By the sideways glance Jack gave me, I wasn’t the only one who had heard it. I glanced over at Jack. “Would you like a drink, dear?” With that question, Jack would know I wasn’t all right. Getting a drink was our escape phrase. If he needed a break he would offer to get me one. I’d never, in all our years of marriage, offered to get him one, however.

“Please,” his voice was soft as he took a longer look at me. “Scotch. Neat.”

I nodded. “Coming right up.”

The party disappeared into the background as I made my way over to the bar. The man standing behind the slab of marble and wood smiled politely and took my order. Still, I was thankful when my traitorous body didn’t respond to him. For a moment I was worried that I was going to be rubbing up against every man I saw from now on. I shook my head to clear the heat that spiraled through my core as the image of rubbing up against Aaron popped into my head.

Nope. Must just be Aaron. As I slipped the bartender’s tip into his jar, my mind started to wander to the other bartender I’d stood in front of this evening. Connor. The fog of desire started to solidify in the pit of my stomach. Okay, Aaron and Connor, I corrected.

Thankfully, when I turned, I almost ran into Jack. “Are you doing okay?” he asked as he took his drink from me.

“Aaron just hit on me.” I rubbed my temple with one hand as I did my best to keep my mind from playing out anymore erotic scenes. The last thing I needed was to start picturing myself between Aaron, his hands on my ass, and Connor, his hands on my breasts. I moaned as the image seared itself into my brain. If this continued, I would need more than a drink to relax. Being fucking in the backseat of a car was fun upon occasion. I didn’t think I would find the second time in one night to be as pleasant, however. “I think. Maybe.”

“Maybe he’s having second thoughts,” Jack said with a soft laugh. “Serves the bastard right.”

“Lindsey isn’t going to Paris,” I continued, ignoring his words. “We are.”

Jack paused, his drink halfway to his lips. “What?”

“You heard me. Jack is sending you to Paris and I’m expected to accompany you.” Taking his drink back from him, I took a sip. The liquid’s warmth chased away the cloud fogging my head as it slid down my throat. “Oh, and he’s going as well.”

To my surprise, his eyes danced with excitement as a bright smile spread over his expression. “Fuck.” Taking back his drink, he took a gulp of the scotch. “That’s fantastic, Jewlie.”

A shiver of hunger swept through me as he used my pet name. The name he most often used when he was about to orgasm inside me. The heat of the scotch began to meld with the desire pumping through me. My breathing became rapid and my pulse throbbed in my ears.

Jack’s smile froze as he stared down into my face. I didn’t have to wonder what he saw. The hunger had consumed too much of me to be contained. “Damn. You’re practically glowing, Jewlie.” A small moan escaped me at the repeated use of the name. He leaned down to ask, “If I felt your pussy now, would you be ready for me?”

I managed a stiff nod as he grabbed my hand. “Wait, I can’t do the car again tonight.” I mean, I probably could if that was the only option. I would just rather not.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got something else in mind.”

Powerless to stop him, I allowed him to lead me through the party. We nodded and said hello as needed but did our best to avoid getting wrapped up in any conversation. Every second he held my hand, he rubbed the rough pad of his thumb along the sensitive skin on the inside of my wrist.

By the time a heavy door clicked behind us, I had lost all ability to think. “Fuck, Jack. I need you.” Turning, I pulled the tight hem of the skirt up. It clung to my body above my hips giving Jack full access. I wanted nothing more than him to slam his cock into me. For him to take me from behind. But he had other thoughts. He dropped to his knees behind me. I barely had time to grab onto the back of a chair and brace myself against the onslaught of his tongue.

Panting, I closed my eyes and buried my face in the soft upholstery of the chair as I leaned over to give Jack better access. “Yes, God.” I ground back against his face. “Right there.” He’d found my clit and was flicking his tongue over the tight bundle of nerves ruthlessly. “More. Please, Jack. I need more.” The words came out in a broken whine. Pleading. I had been reduced to begging for my husband to bring some end to the need devouring me.

As he slid one finger into my core, the world exploded. Gone was the discomfort, the hunger, the desperate need. In that one brief moment, my body floated in a cloud of contentment. “Yes. Yes. Yes.”

He was on his feet and supporting me from behind just as my knees gave out. “That’s my Jewlie. All better now?”

My eyes still closed, I let out a rumbling sigh of happiness. “Yes. Thank you.”

With a soft kiss on my cheek, he said, “Sorry about the intrusion, Mr. Dickerson. As you could see, it was a kind of an emergency.”

My heart stopped. The moment of bliss dissipated. Mr. Dickerson? Was Jack teasing me? Surely he was. There was no way he would’ve eaten me out in front of his boss. Would he? Taking a fortifying breath, I straightened my shoulders and opened my eyes.

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Johng1953 » Mon Aug 08, 2022 1:17 am

What a great update hinting at future fun and games. And what a tease of an ending! Can't wait for more, really great story, thanks.

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Chrislydi » Mon Aug 08, 2022 2:13 am

Loving every word, thank you


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment


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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by regular3 » Mon Aug 08, 2022 6:12 pm

Deliciously naughty. Loving it.

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by BDJ » Wed Aug 10, 2022 8:22 am

It's taken me awhile to get my head around the story construction but it's been worth it. Jewel will get what she wants, with Jack's urging. It's the getting there where you're displaying your writing skills. Stringing us along, making us connect the dots, it's proving to be a very effective vehicle for writing erotica. Congratulations.
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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Neo_indra » Wed Aug 10, 2022 1:11 pm

BDJ wrote:
Wed Aug 10, 2022 8:22 am
It's taken me awhile to get my head around the story construction but it's been worth it. Jewel will get what she wants, with Jack's urging. It's the getting there where you're displaying your writing skills. Stringing us along, making us connect the dots, it's proving to be a very effective vehicle for writing erotica. Congratulations.
Thank you. I'm so glad you stuck with the story and are enjoying it!

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Neo_indra » Wed Aug 10, 2022 1:12 pm

Johng1953 wrote:
Mon Aug 08, 2022 1:17 am
What a great update hinting at future fun and games. And what a tease of an ending! Can't wait for more, really great story, thanks.
Thank you. I'm so glad you're liking it. Yes. Future fun and games are afoot. Lol.

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Neo_indra » Wed Aug 10, 2022 1:13 pm

regular3 wrote:
Mon Aug 08, 2022 6:12 pm
Deliciously naughty. Loving it.
Mmmmm.... Deliciously naughty. My favorite kind of naughty. So glad you are enjoying the story.

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Neo_indra » Wed Aug 10, 2022 1:14 pm

Chrislydi wrote:
Mon Aug 08, 2022 2:13 am
Loving every word, thank you

Yay. Well, I'm uploading a whole bunch of new words today. Hope you like them as much as you have the previous one :-)

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Neo_indra » Wed Aug 10, 2022 1:15 pm

Sharing is Caring


The moment Jewel’s eyes opened, I could feel her tense. Her whole body stiffened in my arms. Shit. I hadn’t seen Aaron when we’d walked into the room, my attention had been focused on her and how sexy she was. I doubt I would’ve noticed a Mack truck barreling toward me at that moment. It wasn’t until she’d pulled her skirt up to reveal her smooth pussy that I noticed him sitting on the couch drinking his scotch. By then it was too late. I was committed. Fuck him. If he didn’t like the view. He could leave.

“Shhh…” I whispered into her ear reassuringly as she turned her head to the side. She was looking for me. Wanted to use me to shield her. I could feel it in the way she tugged against my hold. “It’s okay.” Releasing my hold on her, I ran my hands down her arms in an attempt to calm the emotions that had to be flooding through her. It would help if my idiot boss said something encouraging as well. But he’d have to have some clue as to where Jewel was to read the moment. He’d already proven he was clueless where she was concerned in my opinion.

Much to my surprise, Aaron cleared his throat as he stood. “Sorry. I should’ve left when you stumbled in.” He smiled as his gaze ran down Jewel’s body. I could easily imagine what he saw when he did. Her hair was wild, her skirt pulled up, and her pussy wet and slightly swollen with desire. My hard cock throbbed against the zipper of my slacks as I pictured the scene in my own mind. “I found I couldn’t walk away from the most erotic and beautiful moment I’d seen in years.” As he walked past us, he ran his hand down her face. “Thank you for that.”

Jewel turned into Aaron’s touch. The move seemed to startle her as much as it did Aaron. When she went to retreat, however, he cupped her chin to hold her exactly as she was. “You’re welcome,” she said. The words sounded faint and breathy as she spoke. Still, she stopped struggling against his hold. And, when she did speak, she looked Aaron directly in the eyes. That had to be a good sign.

“If I asked, would you take her dress off?” It took me a moment to realize Aaron was talking to me. He kept his attention focused on Jewel as he asked.

“You would have to ask her,” I said, my voice steady. He’d already rejected her once. I’d spent weeks getting her glow back after that. I wasn’t going to risk a repeat.

Aaron nodded as he moved his hand from her chin to her shoulder. “Would you let Jack take your dress off in front of me if I asked?”

God love her, she laughed. “It depends on how nicely you ask.”

There was the woman I married. The last little bit of her broken ego had just firmly snapped back into place. With that, regardless of what happened next, I would forever be thankful to Aaron. Even if her self-confidence had suffered in the first place because of him.

“Please, Jewel, I would love to see your beautiful body naked. Can Jack take your dress off so that I may?”

I could swear I heard a pleading tone to his voice. Not for the first time, I wondered why he had refused her when she’d offered. I didn’t have time to give the thought proper parsing at that moment, however. With her head free from his hold, she turned to look at me over her shoulder. “Undress me, Jack.”

My breath caught. For one second, I thought I was going to black out. Probably because whatever remaining blood was left in my head went straight to my dick. Fuck. I would never understand why the thought of her with other men turned me on so much. After watching her with Connor earlier in the evening and seeing her stand boldly in front of Aaron, however, I couldn’t deny it. Not that I’d ever really tried. I’d just pushed the kink onto her. If she wanted to be free, who was I to hold her down? In this moment, I felt the full heat and pull of the scene unfolding, however. It was more than her wanting her freedom. This was something I more than enjoyed. It was something I craved. Maybe even more than she did.

Pushing the thought to the back of my head for further examination later, I took a step back from Jewel’s body. The zipper to the dress ran down the entire back of the dress. Or, at least, what little back the dress had. That left me with two options. I could continue with her earlier move and just pull the dress over her head or I could push down her skirt and unzip it. The second seemed to be the sexier option. Even if it did mean I had to cover her luscious pussy for a second or two.

She made a disgruntled sound as I put the tight skirt back to its original position. But, as I pulled the zipper over her tight ass, she wiggled her hips in what appeared to be appreciation. My fingers shook with the longing building inside me. Damn. She was becoming a sex kitten right in front of my eyes. Her poise, confidence, sexual energy made me want to bend her over and take her as she’d offered when we first crossed into this room. It was like I was a schoolboy all over again.

I took a deep breath to steal my control over the hunger feasting on what was left of my will power. This wasn’t about me. Oh, it pushed all the right buttons in me. But this was about her, I reminded myself. She needed this to completely reclaim her confidence. I understood that. Didn’t make the scenario I was participating in any less of a turn on, however. One I was sure I would get to enjoy. First, though, it was my job to make sure her needs were met.

The dress fell off her shoulders with a little encouragement from Aaron. At his touch, she leaned back into my strength and moaned. How far was she going to let this go? How far was I? With Connor, she’d looked toward me for guidance. With Aaron, however, she seemed to be more than happy to take the lead.

As the dress puddled at her feet, she turned to face me. Which had to give Aaron one hell of a view of her backside. “I want him,” she said, her eyes wide and her bottom lip pouting. I pushed her back an inch so her body was trapped between Aaron’s and mine. Much to my relief, Aaron stood his ground. Maybe the guy wasn’t as much of an idiot as I’d originally thought.

“And? Does he want you?” I knew the answer. The bulge in his pants when he’d approached us had been obvious. I’d asked because I wanted her to feel comfortable exploring him. I wanted her to find her own answers.

A soft moan accompanied this wiggle of her hips. “I think he does.”

“Oh, he does,” Aaron said, his hand wrapping around her hip. We were close enough that the move made his fingers brush against my pants. “But not enough to lose one of my best employees. Before this starts, how far is it going to go?”

I smiled at the soft glow that filled me with his question. It wasn’t everyday that one got to tell their boss what they were and weren’t allowed to do. The power switch was a bit heady. Still, this wasn’t my show. I didn’t call the shots. The sooner everyone realized that, the better. “Jewlie? How far is this going to go? Your call.”

“I feel hot.” She stood on the toes of her heels to kiss me. “And achy.” Turning, she kissed Aaron. “And so very empty.”

That was nice to know. Her pleading tone made my hard cock painful. Still, it didn’t answer the question. “What do you want us to do?” I nibbled the top of her ear before adding, “To you.”

She paused for a second, her attention once again focused on me. “I can have anything I want?” Her teasing smile almost made me crumble.

“You can have everything,” Aaron said. “Everything you’ve ever fantasized about.” He started guiding us deeper into the room. With each step, we got closer to the very comfortable couch he’d been lounging on earlier.

With a moan, she started undressing me. “I want one of you in my pussy and the other filling my mouth.”

Aaron cocked his head as he watched her strip me for a second. Apparently, not wanting to be left behind, he started to peel his own clothes off. By the time we reached the couch he and I were equally naked. Only Jewel had anything left on. Her black stilettos. The heels clacked softly against the wood floors with each step she took.

“Do you have a preference of who is where?” I hoped like hell that she did. Being reduced to flipping a fucking coin didn’t sound overly appealing right now.

She glanced from me to Aaron as if deciding before she pushed my boss down on the couch. “Aaron in my cunt you down my throat.” With a wink, she started to straddle the other man.

He put a hand out to stop her. “Wait.” After his hand found her abs, his fingers trailed up her torso. His touch appeared to be feather soft. A hypothesis supported by her delightful shiver when he circled her nipple. “She isn’t a shot to be thrown down in an instant but a fine wine to be savored.” She leaned into his touch with a moan.

“I agree.” I kissed her shoulder as he tweaked her nipple between his thumb and finger.

“Maybe,” she said, her voice ragged. “But she needs to be fucked this instant. Savor later.”

Later? There was going to be a later? That was news to me. Still, if she wanted a later, something told me she was going to get it.

Aaron pulled her to him on the couch. “Okay. Later. But I’m holding you to it.”

“I certainly hope so.” Straddling him, she started to line his hard cock up with the entrance to her pussy. A pussy I knew from experience would be wet, hot, and tight. Still, as much as the sight turned me on, something seemed off about it.

“Condom,” I said forcefully. That was the problem. No way in hell was he going to have sex bareback with my wife. It might not seem like much of a line, but it was apparently mine.

Jewel froze for a moment before glancing over her shoulder at me. “Oops. I almost forgot.”

“End table drawer,” Aaron directed.

Since I was the only one in a position to get it, I grabbed it from the end table before handing it to Jewel. In no time, she had him sheathed and was once again straddling him. Unable to look away, I watched as she took him inch by inch until he was fully seated inside her. This time, everything about what I was watching was perfect.

Aaron’s fingers clutched her hips hard enough that they left little dimples in her skin. She would be wearing his marks for the next week. And damned if that didn’t get me even hotter. “How does my wife feel wrapped around your cock, Aaron?”

As he ran a finger down her torso, I watched her abs contract at the touch. “Like fucking heaven. She’s so fucking hot and so very tight.” He ran his hands up her back to bring her body closer to his. The next minute, he had his face buried in her cleavage.

“And you, Jewlie? How does his cock feel inside you?” I stroked my own cock as I watched her squirm on his lap. She had taken me enough times in that position for me to know exactly what Aaron was feeling.

“Good,” she said around a moan as he took one of her nipples in his mouth. “So good. But I need you.” She looked over her shoulder one more time at me. “Please.”

If ever there was a man who could resist that call, he wasn’t in the room with us this night. As the party continued to drone on in the background, I stepped up to the two of them, and slid my cock into my wife’s waiting mouth.

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by aztd » Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:02 pm


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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Neo_indra » Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:11 pm

aztd wrote:
Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:02 pm
Yay!! I hope you like it :-)

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by aztd » Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:42 pm

Thank you,

Are you a hot wife. Your breast look wonderful, hope you get comfortable to show more.

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Neo_indra » Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:44 pm

aztd wrote:
Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:42 pm
Thank you,

Are you a hot wife. Your breast look wonderful, hope you get comfortable to show more.
A hot wife? Not as of yet. But, as I've said before, I never say never. The universe seems to take it as a challenge when I do. Lol.

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by BDJ » Wed Aug 10, 2022 2:47 pm

You keep us hanging. She is control. Good. Can't wait to see how she likes for her men to please her.
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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by imbootlover » Wed Aug 10, 2022 9:08 pm

Great story and you keep us holding our breath for the next move. Thank you for the exciting developing story.

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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Chrislydi » Thu Aug 11, 2022 1:42 am

This just keeps on getting better, thank you.


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment


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Re: Vixen Unleashed

Unread post by Johng1953 » Thu Aug 11, 2022 2:36 am

The suspense is killing me!

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