Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

For hotwives and the men who adore them.

Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by slenderfish » Fri Sep 11, 2020 6:44 am

Hi all I did get a good sleep, at least compared to the prior night. Thanks you for asking. I think it was easier that she was already back in her hotel room, presumably by herself. If that was the case, and I did choose to believe it, then it was easier for me to sleep because the next thing will be hearing from her at some time on Friday with whatever update she chooses to share. Therefore, best to sleep and get my Friday set up properly.

I do hope she had a nice time Thursday night with Mr. S and that it's all going forward on Saturday night as originally planned.


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by slenderfish » Fri Sep 11, 2020 6:47 am

Eiluj57 wrote:
Fri Sep 11, 2020 5:28 am
I lover this story but I am also very jealous for two reasons, one your story writing skills are second to none and two, you have a wife that is willing to to this. Mine was like that a few years back, I never knew what she was going to do when we had friends over. I would be playing music and the next thing, she would be flashing the guys there or dancing with a select few after most have left with her top off. It was some great times but it all kind of stopped for different reasons. I have found a new guy that we have become friends with as she is not very forward until she gets to know them and also has to have a few drinks in her but she always smiles when his name is brought up so maybe there is hope lol..... Best of luck to you both and again, I love this story !!
Thank you for the mention of my writing. I'm trying to balance the volume of output (it's quite a story) against the speed and accuracy. I do have full days with work, and other responsibilities, and am trying to fit this all in prior to Saturday night.

Glad to hear our (true) story resonates with you and the experience with your wife. Perhaps this might provide a bit of clarity for your path. Certainly we will find out how the Slenderwife path progresses.

The back story continues and does get more intense as we move through June, July and into August 2020. I'll post more today.


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by slenderfish » Fri Sep 11, 2020 7:07 am

Mr. B continued (March 2020)

Some additional background on him. He is in the midst of a divorce, not a messy one, and has his own place. Successfully financially. He is perfect for a NSA relationship, and I'd noted this to Slenderwife. She told me he is like a big brother to her (literally BIG, he is like 6'8" tall) and is very comfortable around him, but absolutely does NOT have any sexual attraction to him. I said I am fully aware that "the pussy likes what the pussy likes" and if her pussy isn't into him that way, well that's just the way it is. But privately I still get a big boost out of how relaxed and alive she is when around him, how she gets extra dolled up, how she maintains one-on-one text and telephone conversations, etc. If I didn't know better, it is a perfect hotwife boyfriend situation. Actually, perhaps it is perfect for her in that she gets all the attention from him (and me) but she doesn't have to back it up with sex with him. At least not yet. But I know he's the kind of man who won't hang around forever without some movement.

Her birthday came and went, in early 2020 and we did have a party for her at a local boutique hotel with 30 people and music, etc. Mr. B missed it as he was out of town on business. Slenderwife was disappointed on that point.

This past March, just before the shutdowns, I was all set to go for a boys' ski weekend and I planned to depart around noon on that Friday and return late Sunday. I figured this would be a good test of what she might plan and do in my absence. Based on that schedule, she arranged a dinner that same Friday night with two of her girlfriends, to our favorite local place where there is no corkage fee on the first bottle of wine. I was aware that her reservation was for four guests.

The day of my departure, I didn't leave at noon but my driving buddy said he would rather leave AFTER traffic, around 7:30 p.m. I didn't say anything to Slenderwife at that point about my delay. As it got later in the afternoon, she started lingering around me asking if there was anything wrong with the car or whatever and I said it was not clear when my driving buddy would be coming by to pick me up, that he had work etc. and we were going to be leaving later than originally planned. All true.

Let's remember about the night several weeks before, when they were over at the apartment and I accepted her explanation of "smoke but no fire" and decided to just watch and observe.

As my delayed departure time started to get close to their dinner start time, she casually mentioned that she had also at the last minute invited Mr. B so that he could meet this one girlfriend who was also invited, to see if he might consider offering her a job in his company. She said the original rez was for four people (to include me) and when she found out I would be leaving earlier, had invited him to fill the seat. This was news to me.

But I hadn't yet left. When she went over to the restaurant bar to pre-game with one girlfriend, this friend asked if I was joining as per the original plan. She answered that I was going skiing but actually hadn't left yet. The friend said they should be considerate and call to invite me over, and even if I was going to leave shortly I could at least join for a drink. Kind of painted herself into a corner on this one. I received the invitation and pooh-poohed it, said I had to be ready to go at a moment's notice, that I wasn't dressed properly, etc. but agreed to swing by for a hello.

I'll interject that this restaurant is about five minutes away from our house, and just five minutes on the other side of the restaurant is our vacant little one-bedroom apartment.

Slenderwife was dressed super sexy, with short skirt and thigh-high boots, and her body language with him was over the top. We had the drink at the bar and the group was ready to be seated in the booth for four people. Slenderwife thanked me for stopping by and wished me a safe drive. The other girls insisted I join them at the booth and at least have an appetizer, if there was time. Slenderwife said look, there's no room for three adults on this bench seat. Which was true, in that she was sitting next to him and he is a very big guy. The girls said they will squeeze in a bit on their side of the booth and pulled me along. My friend hadn't yet sent me a text about when he was going to pick me up.

So I was across from my wife and Mr. B. As noted, her body language was really pushing my buttons. She was leaning into him, rubbing elbows, super energy, huge smile, etc. I was checking my phone often to be sure I didn't miss the text from my ski buddy. I saw what I thought was handsy stuff under the table, so I even went so far as to feign looking at my phone but actually dropped it under the table to take some images without a flash to see what was happening under there (ultimately it was nothing).

Slenderwife's energy toward me was terrible. I was clearly raining on her party. I was embarrassed for myself and for the girls, whom we've known for quite some time and who see our marriage as exemplary (e.g. Barbie and Ken).

My friend finally called me, and I excused myself from the table and went outside to talk with him. He said he couldn't leave that night after all, and if he was going to go up skiing it would have to be early in the morning. I said I would wait for him, and go in the morning.

I decided that the energy at the table was just too much to ignore, in light of everything recently with Mr. B. I decided to sleep at the little apartment and just not worry about it. I drove over there and saw that Slenderwife had been in there to straighten it up, very unusual. It then struck me that perhaps she had offered the apartment to him for overnight, and that I better be prepared for that possibility.

I watched a bit of television and made a backup reservation at a local inexpensive hotel. At around 10:30 I vacated the apartment and left it as I'd found it, but moved a space heater back and under the stairwell so nobody would trip over it. I went back over to the parking structure by the restaurant, grabbed a bit of food from a place locally so I wouldn't be hungry, and waited to see the dinner party depart and go their various directions. Girlfriend #1 car duly drove off around 11:15. Nothing after that. I checked the parking structure and saw Slenderwife's car still there. I walked past the restaurant and saw that they had moved to the bar for a nightcap. Knowing that this restaurant does last call at 11:30, it was easy to just wait another 15 minutes. Sure enough, the group of three stumbled out of the restaurant and were having a good time. Girlfriend #2 had called an Uber so the three of them walked to the curb to wait. While waiting my wife decided to ask the girlfriend if she would like to try on her thigh-high boots (this girl has the same size feet but much longer legs). So she leaned over (with her short skirt showing thigh even before leaning over) and tried to pull off one of the boots while standing up. Her skirt lifted up and her thong started to show itself, then she lost balance and Mr. B stabilized her as she fell and her skirt was all over the place. She ended up handing the boots to the friend to take home and try on. Now Slenderwife was barefoot and alone with Mr. B close to midnight with nobody around.

They disappeared from view and I waited for her car to exit the parking area but after too much time had passed I gave up and headed for the apartment. If they were there, I'd find out. If not, then it was available for me to use. About two minutes later I got a call from her asking how things were going on my drive, etc. Not sure why she had called, but I asked how the dinner went and what they were up to now. She said she was with her girlfriend and driving home.

I knew she was not with her girlfriend but now it was clear she was in his car and driving somewhere. I stopped heading to the apartment and circled back to the restaurant area to confirm her car was still in the parking structure. Indeed it was, so I waited a bit more to see if she was going to return but she did not. I then drove back to the apartment to check if she was there after all, but it was dark and apparently nobody there. I drove once more back to the restaurant parking and her car was gone. I called her to ask her to avoid driving after having been drinking. She assumed I was on the tail end of my long drive. She said it was probably not smart to drive but she was home safe, feeding the dog, going to bed. I drove past the house and her car was there and the lights were consistent with her doing normal bedtime prep.

I texted her a good night wish and headed over to the hotel, slept and went up skiing early in the morning.

Upon my return and settling back home, I asked again about Friday night just to see what she might say. She said that Mr. B had stayed overnight at the apartment. I asked if they'd gone bar hopping after and she said they just stayed at the restaurant until they got kicked out, that the first girlfriend had gone earlier and the second went home via Uber.

I asked about that, because she had called me not long after that time and said she was in the car with her girlfriend. She corrected herself and said that after waiting on the curb for the Uber, she and Mr. B walked along the street to his car, and he drove her down into the parking structure to her car then she drove home. I didn't push it. Makes sense, she didn't at the time tell me about the boots, but if she was barefoot she would go to the closest car to avoid walking in a dirty parking structure.

A day or so later, without thinking, she asked me about a missing space heater at the apartment. I told her that I had taken nothing from the apartment and that it was almost certainly there. She insisted it was missing and mentioned it again some days later.

The point here is that she said Mr. B stayed at the apartment and she went home. I know she went home. But how did she come to believe the space heater was not there (note I'd moved it under the stairs to be safer) if she was not over there? This small point remains unresolved today. Also it is clear to me based on the apartment that nobody slept there that night. She said she has no idea if Mr. B slept there or not, but that he had said it was his expressed plan when she left him that night.

I also later asked her about the elapsed time from when she called me from his car and when I called her about 45 min later and she said she had just arrived home. She said when they walked to his car he had offered to drive her to her car but instead they drove around (??) and/or sat and talked.

The one explanation that makes the most sense to me in looking back is that they left the restaurant in his car, him driving to the apartment with her in his car, with his plan to stay (overnight? and retrieve her car in the morning. They got to the apartment and went up the stairs, and she went to turn on the space heater but couldn't find it. I know she doesn't like the apartment and finds it very uncomfortable, both the bed and the temperature control (or lack of temperature control). Then she remembered the dog needed attention and asked Mr. B to drive her back to her car, at which point she drove home and just assumed he went back to the apartment. I am pretty sure he didn't go back to our house with her, it certainly didn't appear that way when I drove past there as a last check before heading to the hotel. I also think he didn't go back to the apartment. Probably just drove to his home.


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by kaskap79 » Fri Sep 11, 2020 7:25 am

It seems like your wife is ready, but just need to take the small step and make it happen.

Hopefully she takes the last step on this trip and everything comes out perfect.

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by KyGrappler80 » Fri Sep 11, 2020 7:28 am

I'm intrigued by your sleuthing. I wonder if she picks up on it more than you realize.


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by slenderfish » Fri Sep 11, 2020 9:17 am

KyGrappler80 wrote:
Fri Sep 11, 2020 7:28 am
I'm intrigued by your sleuthing. I wonder if she picks up on it more than you realize.
She knows I'm interested in any of her hotwife-leaning activity, and that I do have some computer and technical skills, etc. She does keep her phone locked and messages private, which she does based on my direction for security purposes (I do the same). We've discussed all these shenanigans in great detail over the past few months and so she is fully aware.

The bigger point is that she knows I do approve and encourage hotwife activity, but over these months with Mr. B she has elected to keep much of it to herself. Her rationale is that she holds back because she "doesn't want me to get upset" if I knew some of what she's doing. But I always remind her I only tend to be upset and disappointed if she hides stuff that any normal marriage would consider wildly inappropriate, because that falls within the cheating bucket. A lot more on this point comes up as the narrative with Mr. B continues to present date.

At some level I think there is a bit of a cat-and-mouse game going on here, even if subconsciously on her side. There is a theme developing that seems to support her desire to have some of her own fun and keep it to herself. But this desire was never present, or at least never acted on, until after I gave her the Hotwife green light.

I chalk it up to newness and transition, at this point.

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by 36DDwife » Fri Sep 11, 2020 9:50 am

slenderfish wrote:
Fri Sep 11, 2020 9:17 am
The bigger point is that she knows I do approve and encourage hotwife activity, but over these months with Mr. B she has elected to keep much of it to herself. Her rationale is that she holds back because she "doesn't want me to get upset" if I knew some of what she's doing. But I always remind her I only tend to be upset and disappointed if she hides stuff that any normal marriage would consider wildly inappropriate, because that falls within the cheating bucket. A lot more on this point comes up as the narrative with Mr. B continues to present date.
I’m looking forward to hearing the saga because I have never been able to figure out this rationale some women have of “I don’t want to upset you” when it was our effing idea to begin with! And I agree that hiding information would be edging over into cheating. As one of my mentors in this told me, “If you cheat in the lifestyle, you’re a moron!”

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by BallSpanking » Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:26 am

slenderfish wrote:
Fri Sep 11, 2020 9:17 am
At some level I think there is a bit of a cat-and-mouse game going on here, even if subconsciously on her side. There is a theme developing that seems to support her desire to have some of her own fun and keep it to herself. But this desire was never present, or at least never acted on, until after I gave her the Hotwife green light. I chalk it up to newness and transition, at this point.
I think you nailed it. ;)
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by Dharmadude » Fri Sep 11, 2020 1:15 pm

Enjoying this thread. I keep checking in hoping for another update, lol. These first time stories are so hot as the woman begins to see how this LS can be for them.

Of course, I don’t know your wife so I can only view this as it relates to my wife, but a couple of things stood out to me.

You’ve done a great job detailing her earlier dealings with Mr. B. I agree with the previous poster that appears there is something more to that, though I’m not saying she fucked him. Just that there seems to be more. After she crosses that HW threshold, she may feel more comfortable sharing that with you. My HW told me three after the fact that she fucked a guy she had been after for months. I have written about this before on this forum, but I was confusing at that time, flipping back and forth. We weren’t married at the time but definitely were long term. She just went ahead and did it.

Second is the first get together on her trip. Maybe something else happened that night and they didn’t wait until Saturday’s date. My HW did this too. She was supposed to just be getting used to flashing men without me around. She ended up fucking one of them. So proud of her. Anyway, maybe your wife did this too as the moment was right and she is just waiting for the right time to share with you.


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by afagehi7 » Fri Sep 11, 2020 1:31 pm

Something is going on with Mr. B. I'm not sure what but something she's not revealing. There had been multiple instances of something... I'm not saying she's fucking him.. yet.

She likes him more than she's confessing. Perhaps she is saying she's not into him sexually because she is and doesn't want to start some suspicion. If he was fucking her then I doubt he would have openly fucked that other chick.

You're correct. If the pussy or mouth isn't soon available he's going to lose interest. What hot successful guy wants to put the effort into a woman who isn't putting out? Let her hubby boost her ego and be interested in her mumble chatter or let her find a gay friend.

Of course this isn't universal but I'd suggest more than 95% of the time it's a sexual interest on the man's part that keeps him in his current role. He's on the hunt but if it becomes apparent there is no chance he'll move on.


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by bubbajack » Fri Sep 11, 2020 3:05 pm

I'm having a brief moment of clarity - which prompts me to point out the - er - rather unusual circumstance :???: that unnumbered hotwifing fans are obsessively checking these slenderfish threads to find out if some unknown guy's unknown pretty blonde wife has gotten fucked on a trip out of town by someone other than her husband yet. :roll:

Just saying. :cool:

Now, back to my own obsessive checking! :twisted: :mrgreen: :whip: :whip:


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by slenderfish » Fri Sep 11, 2020 4:02 pm

HI all. Glad to see the interest! We are certainly in the realm of the "money shot" of hotwifing, the proverbial breaking of the Hotwife cherry. I've been in the observer/cheerleader seat for many of these very-hot leadups, and was always wondering a) what it would be like for me if/when the time comes and b) how I might present it for my OHW comrades to balance between hotness, solicitation of advice, plenty of detail without too much of it, and laying the foundation as to the hottie, the background, etc. so I may learn about myself and my wife and our relationship, and those following may glean insights into their own paths.

I will commit here and now to not be a comet. For better or worse, I know the term and its meaning. No matter how this goes, I'll post to expand the knowledge and reference base for all who come after.


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by slenderfish » Fri Sep 11, 2020 4:10 pm


[something different, I try to detach myself sometimes and take a look from broader perspective, it's just my way]

A bit of analysis here. I continue to be reminded of this recurring situation where I've been consistent and clear with her that I support and encourage her taking a boyfriend or a one-nighter with a man of her choice. This has been my mantra for some years now. I understood from the outset that she would/could be uncertain of actually trusting this, since it is so unusual. Not trusting this might be the reason she would foray a bit into the territory but then retreat and try to cover her tracks, as opposed to being straightforward with herself and with me. To trust herself and to trust me.

This is why, after most recent grand cycle of Mr. B, I challenged her to take the trust up a level, to trust me with her honesty, to trust that I will be honest with her, to trust when I assure her I will love and adore her even more if she decides to take the Hotwife plunge, etc. It was this conversation that spurred her to finally assert she is ready to give it a try and that has been converted into the present trip and starting up with Mr. S.

I also have to reflect that there was something unusual about her that attracted me so powerfully to her at the outset, and which became stronger over the following years. I do believe at some deep level I saw a potential Hotwife in her, based on so many different aspects of her looks, her personality, how she carries herself, how she catches the attention of men, etc. She can at some times be quite submissive, and I believe at some level she wishes to be submissive, but her normal mode is dominant (although subtle on both of these). I've been with her long enough to have observed and confirmed these in my mind. She of course wishes I was more dominant, more of the time, but I'm really more comfortable in the laid back role, letting and having her take the lead and the control. It does express in our sex; I'd prefer her to be on top but she'd prefer me to be on top.

In sex she wants to be enveloped by the man, and missionary position is her favorite for that. The man is on top, covering just about all of her body, and she disappears under him while he is inside of her, he becomes part of her, the protective outer shell. She is in the warm and safe cocoon.


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by slenderfish » Fri Sep 11, 2020 4:50 pm

Update present time and activity as communicated to me by Slenderwife:

Basically radio silence since she arrived Wed afternoon, just a text that she landed safely. I gave it an hour and then let her know we were fine at home, me and the dog. Then I texted her that a couple we know had broken up, which was a surprise. I figured that merited communication. She texted back that the man in that couple is a goofball, that I need not continue friendship. I had to reply that he was going with me and two others out for boys' night, that he was pre-invited by someone else. I also knew that the venue we were headed is her favorite so she would have FOMO. She met her mother for dinner.

Radio silence until 1 p.m. (her time) on Thursday. No voice call yet. I needed to get a hold of her sister who is traveling with her daughter (Slenderwife's niece) not far from me this weekend. I have some connections where they are and wanted to hook them up. I called her but no answer. I then texted her. She texted back that she was at lunch with her (their) mother and that I should call them directly. I worked out something nice for sis and niece (and their other mother/daughter travel companions) and let Slenderwife know so that I could get points. She gave a thumb's up.

I had broken the logjam on three major items that she had been anticipating and were giving her anxiety the past month or two. I texted her that these were all now resolved. She texted back "Thanks Hon".

By this point she was getting hair styled for meeting up later with Mr. S so I knew she was generally available via text while under the hair dryer.

I then tempted her with the photo of the woman Mr. B was pursuing in June 2019, to settle an unanswered question and to rile her up a little. She took the bait and replied, and this was at 7 p.m. her time.

I then texted "Ok you go back to you now. Over and out!" I was implying that she has a social commitment (with Mr. S) and I was aware of it and moving out of the virtual field of vision. She replied with Ok and two hearts at 7:08 p.m. her time.

Silence until 11:44 p.m. her time, she said back in her hotel room readying for bed, tired, etc.

No commentary or even acknowledgement about meeting up with Mr. S (or not).

Today radio silence until 1 p.m. she noted she was at a breakfast place people watching (the local fashion parade of the women in the area). Mentioned her plan to see her other niece for lunch and then Mr. S for a drink this evening at her hotel.

She also mentioned an uneasy stomach (referencing her similar comment before she traveled, which was to say that her nervousness about meeting up with Mr. S was causing a sour tummy), and finally that today is 9/11 and that has its own set of strong emotions for her (she was on a subway heading to a job inteview in Lower Manhattan at the time of the attacks and got stuck in the bowels of the subway system until they found a way out, and it was bedlam all around her, etc.). I expressed my empathy and support.

At 6:49 p.m. (her time) I texted her that I'd got a lot done today, mentioned that I had to do some "big dick swinging" to force the hand and performance (payment) of a lot of money due to me from a large international firm based on an agreement from a negotiation in late 2019. I did this because it was yet another item that had been hanging out there fore several weeks and she was getting anxious about it.

I used this time with her gone and with my energy/angst at a higher level to be productive and to also demonstrate that her hotwife efforts reap big rewards, that I get extra motivation from her hotwife energy. I hope she gets this message.

She texted back "Oh geez! I hope yor dick is ok. That's mine!" with a kissy emoji and hearts.

I replied "I've been exercising it a lot this week so it was warmed up to the task. A bit sore. Thanks!"

Her: "Haha! I bet."

Me: "it is on time out today, a recovery day."

Me: "Muse"

The above was a half hour ago. It's now 7:44 where she is so I bet she is finishing getting ready for Mr. S and making him wait a bit at the bar. She will go down to meet him in the next 30 minutes, if I am guessing correctly.


1) I haven't spoken with her since Wed morning when I dropped her at the airport. She is communicating exclusively via text.

2) She never mentioned whether she actually met up with Mr. S last night (Thursday) or where, etc. But she was having breakfast at 1 p.m. at a place close to her hotel.

3) She did mention she is meeting up with him tonight (Friday) which was not in her original plan. I think that's a good development. Even more so, it's in the fashionable bar of the fashionable hotel where she is staying, where she actively changed the room from two queen beds to one king bed in advance.



Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by tunafish » Fri Sep 11, 2020 5:21 pm

KyGrappler80 wrote:
Thu Sep 10, 2020 11:29 am
Ok, I was thinking about this, and the slight disconnect many couples have around this. Some hubbies want a lot of control over what happens and some wives like to be naughty and have a secret. While similar, the fantasies are slightly divergent. Wives can resent hubbies exerting control, if this is the dynamic desired by each. Not saying that is your situation, and communication seems strong. But curious to know whether you think she likes the idea of some of this being secret from you. So, for example, do you know what panties or lingerie she brought along for the trip? Or whether she might buy some there. It seems she is quite the clothes horse. I think it's hot to let her do her thing. And see where the Venn diagrams of desire overlap.

You are so right - Briefly - been married 41 years - told wife of my "wiring" soon after we were married about how I fantasize repeatedly about her having sex with others - she was blown away - over time we moved forward bit by bit = she had an opportunity to explore whether it would work for her or not- I had one idea she had a totally different one - I wasn't smart enough wise enough etc to get it - its taken another 10 years to move past my f up - learned the hard way - she's in a great place now as am I =- she told me today ( and she said don't laugh ) that we have a friend going though a sad divorce and she would like to give him a "mercy fuck" - we were having coffee and ice cream with him this week ( he's a retired vet and a cool guy ) that his brother told him he needs "sympathy intercourse" and my wife laughed and blurted out you mean a mercy fuck - he'd never heard of either expression - today my wife and I were having a planned date for some afternoon sex and she said "don't laugh" thats when she told me she wants to give our buddy a mercy fuck - I learned when the wife is honest and open which is often hard do not laugh or sneer or make fun in any way - I didn't = she may do it and I'd be very supportive of it - in conclusion - you never know how long its going to take or how it may come out but with time and loving and tenderness and openness it may very well work out great and be a win / win

Good luck -

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by BallSpanking » Fri Sep 11, 2020 7:14 pm

slenderfish wrote:
Fri Sep 11, 2020 4:50 pm
She did mention she is meeting up with him tonight (Friday) which was not in her original plan. I think that's a good development. Even more so, it's in the fashionable bar of the fashionable hotel where she is staying, where she actively changed the room from two queen beds to one king bed in advance.
If she arrived on Wednesday, and you were not coming, why would she proactively ask for a larger'ing sized' bed. Has she ever expressed to you that a double is cramped for her? And she did this on arrival on Wednesday?

I think there is a very good chance she will return as an acknowledged HW next week. I hope you will resist your need to know until she communicates with you, so she can focus on what she wants, and finds her space with Mr S to formally lose her HW cherry. I would not be a bit surprised if on return, she should turn her HW interests toward Mr B. I guess it may depend on the level of support and acceptance you exhibit, and your willingness to allow her the space she needs to have intimacy with her Bulls.
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by slenderfish » Fri Sep 11, 2020 7:26 pm

BallSpanking wrote:
Fri Sep 11, 2020 7:14 pm
slenderfish wrote:
Fri Sep 11, 2020 4:50 pm
She did mention she is meeting up with him tonight (Friday) which was not in her original plan. I think that's a good development. Even more so, it's in the fashionable bar of the fashionable hotel where she is staying, where she actively changed the room from two queen beds to one king bed in advance.
If she arrived on Wednesday, and you were not coming, why would she proactively ask for a larger'ing sized' bed. Has she ever expressed to you that a double is cramped for her? And she did this on arrival on Wednesday?

I think there is a very good chance she will return as an acknowledged HW next week. I hope you will resist your need to know until she communicates with you, so she can focus on what she wants, and finds her space with Mr S to formally lose her HW cherry. I would not be a bit surprised if on return, she should turn her HW interests toward Mr B. I guess it may depend on the level of support and acceptance you exhibit, and your willingness to allow her the space she needs to have intimacy with her Bulls.
You have moved ahead of the story but I am 100% with you and am 100% trying to play the proper role of maximum support and acceptance.

Yes, I deliberately booked her two queens even though a king was the same class and price. As her travel got closer and her plans started getting more practical, she did as I'd hoped, she asked if king bed version was not available or something? I said I had not paid attention and that it is my understanding that a king bed is the same and she is free to call the hotel and swap out. And she did!


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by slenderfish » Fri Sep 11, 2020 7:31 pm

Mr B on date nights


After the March "misunderstanding" I decided to just watch and enjoy, to observe the palpable energy between Slenderwife and Mr. B. She invited him just about all the times when we were able to go out as couples, evening up the balance by pairing him up with one of her hot single girlfriends. The deal seemed to be that he would get the warm introduction to the girlfriend and the trade was that he would pay for her dinner, as a "couple" even though not a couple. Slenderwife always positioned him next to her in these situations, with the other woman on the other side. She wanted him to enjoy himself if he was going to be paying extra. He kind of tried to get something started with these women, but it never worked out. I knew in advance it wouldn't work with these, because I knew their situations etc. At some point I came to the conclusion that either Mr. B had nothing better to do, that these women were an indication of his ability to match up in the future once his divorce is completed (note he moved to his own place in late 2019), or that he just liked the overall company. He always responded favorably when Slenderwife asked him to join the group. Seemed that she could ask him anything.

We had a little gathering at our house in June, celebrating a birthday. Mr. B was along, and we had music etc. It was the beginning of a series of little gatherings at our house, each month through the summer. We had masks and face shields, had the guests outside on the rooftop deck, and music. And lots of good wine and tequila. Slenderwife was unusually animated and fun at the first one, probably ready to let off excess energy from the COVID shutdowns. She was by far the hottest one there, and there were many hotties. She wore a short dress, classy looking, that she called the "birthday dress" and it was sheer such that one could almost make out her nipples up top, but it was the booty that led the charge. The sheerness of the fabric was just enough to make out the bottoms of her heart-shaped ass, and also to see the dark line between her cheeks. Very tantalizing! I wish I'd spent more time doting on her and also pictures. But I was co-host and handling the food, etc. which we had brought in from a local restaurant.

She danced with Mr. B and others, and kept everyone going until the wee hours. Mr. B had been offered that apartment if he didn't want to drive home. But when the wee hours came along, and he was the last guy standing, I told him he should stay in our downstairs guestroom, rather than driving. He did sleep there, and slipped out around 7 a.m. before we woke up.

The next one was an Independence Day observation. Even more fun, music, karaoke, warm weather, and Slenderwife was challenged to do lap dances for the guys by her close girlfriend M. She was wearing long fashionable satin trousers that clung to her legs and ass just perfectly. Again, the belle of the ball.

Slenderwife said she has no moves or experience, and M. said she would teach her. So Slenderwife pulled Mr. B from the group and sat him down on a chair and began the lapdancing. I got a lot of great video footage, let me tell you. M. said that we should install a pole for pole dancing the next time. The guys (including me) were all for it. Slenderwife pestered me that night and the following week until I did order and install a pole!

Many of the guests left but the final three were the two of us and Mr. B who again stayed over in the guest room, this time without any discussion. Again slipped out early the next day without fanfare.

Later that next day Slenderwife asked me if it was okay for her to do that, and I said of course it was okay, it was hot! She said she knew I'd rather be watching and taking video vs. being in the chair. She made no conversation as to her choice of Mr. B for the role (versus the other guys).

The next party was in early August for the August birthdays. The pole and karaoke. She was again on fire, the group was fun, etc. etc. she kept everyone going until they could not continue and went home. We ended up three of us, including Mr. B and had final nightcaps, karaoke singing, and then to bed. Mr. B downstairs without any fanfare.

As she was settling in, coming out of her drunk stupor, I slid over and asked her if she had a nice time, and she said "the best" or similar. I whispered in her ear, "Mr. B is just downstairs, he is waiting for you to drop in for a visit" and she quietly responded that he is not interested in her, that he likes the other girls. I said I have observed differently, and that he would go for it if she just gave any indication. She pooh-poohed the idea and said we should sleep.

The next week (still the early part of August) on Wednesday we went out to what we believe is the nicest and most romantic rooftop restaurant in town. I got the best table at the best time, we got there a few minutes early and did sunset pictures and the whole thing. It was Slendercouple, and Mr. B who was with one of the hottie girlfriends who absolutely would not date (or sleep) with Mr. B because of her requirement of a certain religion. He didn't know that. Slenderwife also invited a fifth wheel girlfriend who doesn't go out like that (money reasons) and she said that "the gentlemen will of course take care of the ladies" and it was this fifth wheel's birthday, and that was it. I was wondering how that would play but at the time of the check Mr. B and I looked at each other and he said "is 50/50 the plan?" and I said that sounds about right. I realized at that moment he was doing this for Slenderwife, to score points. There is no other reason.

So we got up from the table and, prior to leaving, went to the glass at the edge of the rooptop restaurant, to do group pictures in the scenic space. Of course Mr. B positioned himself behind Slenderwife, as did I, him on the right shoulder and me on the left shoulder. Slenderwife was wearing a fabulous summer outfit dress, skirt about to mid-thigh, and I gave in to temptation and slipped my right hand under her dress and caressed her firm right cheek, tracing along the middle and kind of lightly snapping the thong while she smiled and stayed still for the camera. Slenderwife normally elbows me or tells me to stop, but in this case she remained still and let it happen. I didn't think much of it at the time, but did take note that she didn't protest which was very unusual. I later realized that she may have thought it was the hand of Mr. B because it was on the side he was standing. But of course no way to know, and I must acknowledge I do have a predisposition for such thinking.

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by BallSpanking » Fri Sep 11, 2020 7:48 pm

Interesting observation at the end. Would it be usual for you to fondlr her that way in public, and if so, would it be invariable that she would push your hand away?

I think your allowance for a predisposition in your thinking may be valid, but I also think your observations and knowledge of your wife have value as well.
Schwiiiiing ... Thud! (Projectile erection becomes vicious uppercut KO!)


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by slenderfish » Fri Sep 11, 2020 8:08 pm

BallSpanking wrote:
Fri Sep 11, 2020 7:48 pm
Interesting observation at the end. Would it be usual for you to fondlr her that way in public, and if so, would it be invariable that she would push your hand away?

I think your allowance for a predisposition in your thinking may be valid, but I also think your observations and knowledge of your wife have value as well.
I think this is just a thought, a possibility that gains context in the bigger picture of Slenderwife and Mr B. So it merely sits among other observations that, by themselves, seem generally irrelevant.

I also believe that the situation with Mr. B will turn one way or another within the next little while. A lot of that may be influenced by how things go for her during her present adventure.

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by solstice » Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:32 pm

As slenderwife seems to impart her "daring do's" to you on a need to know basis, can you be sure she isn't a hot wife several times over and enjoys keeping you in the dark?


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by slenderfish » Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:36 pm

Quick update. As one might figure, not long after I got myself involved with a project (to keep my hands and mind occupied, I was laying down thinset on a drywall repair project) she texted that she had a very interesting night and she was going to bed alone. She has plans to meet a girlfriend locally late morning. She further thanked me for hooking up her sister and niece (and their two friends) for a super wine tasting in Napa this afternoon.

This was at 11:48 p.m. her time. So I figure they were at the bar until last call, and sat it out until they finished the final drink and were finally pushed out at around 11:40. It was either go up the elevator together or not. Apparently not.

I texted back that I hope the interesting night was also enjoyable, and that her previous plans for Saturday night are remaining in place.

More when I get more. Seems she is going at the speed she originally predicted.


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by slenderfish » Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:44 pm

solstice wrote:
Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:32 pm
As slenderwife seems to impart her "daring do's" to you on a need to know basis, can you be sure she isn't a hot wife several times over and enjoys keeping you in the dark?
This is a fair question. Actually is a question I am hoping to ask all the patient followers of this string, once I have laid out the full back story.

I do really hope she has been naughty, because I think that's a proven path to Hotwife. I mean, in that case she is already a Hotwife, but is also a cheater. If a cheater has guilt and wishes her husband would merely give consent/permission to be shared, then the hotwife conversation is a path to that result. Just have to keep the cheating hidden, or get past it for the sake of the relationship. I do keep hoping she just bluts out that she does want to be a hotwife and she became on with (say) Mr. B. Not happened yet.

The other reason is that she is asking me to trust and believe her even in the face of pretty convincing evidence to the contrary. Kind of a "don't believe your own eyes, just believe me" approach. Am I a dolt for taking this approach? I think time will tell, though must say she is pretty convincing....


Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by kaskap79 » Fri Sep 11, 2020 11:08 pm

Just remember, it is a very big step for her.

She knows she is risking everything if she reads you wrong.

In my mind she test the waters to see how close she can go without doing the actual sex. I also think she is pushing her own limits for what is acceptable and what is not.
Intercourse is not acceptable, but but is touching? kissing? holding his cock? Letting him hold and tast her breast? Fingering her? etc.

Once she realize that you are OK with all of this, she is ready to proceed.

I am sure she knows that you have your suspicions of what happen and as long as you seems happy about it, she knows she is on the right track.

I am sure she will tell you all that happen, but not until after she has become a Hotwife and she trust you are fine with it.

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Re: Her Plan to Dip Toe in Hotwife Water

Unread post by KyGrappler80 » Sat Sep 12, 2020 6:32 am

Loved all these updates and to understand the dynamics better. What comes through is the confidence you both have in yourselves and each other.

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