I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by solstice » Thu Dec 20, 2018 2:53 am

Dear Carrie, there are Many little gems in your writing that I found stimulated me erotically, the Biker incident was one and your telling of it, the unplanned nature of it, and how you both responded in tune with each other. Mike telling you to take off your shoes and panties put your feet on the dashboard as you touched your clit, I imagined you getting off, as other drivers may have noticed your feet and legs during that pursuit? the little plan you hatched between you about the napkin would have made a good script for of a porn movie!
How quickly you made contact speaks loudly of your attractiveness and personality: that you struck up a conversation with him showed how turned on you were, sadly the realization that he was a was a weekend biker ended that adventure for you.
your description of the incident was pure Carrie with the thrill in the juicy detail.
So many little nuggets from you experiences, and that was one of the best, even if it ended in your disappointment.
I know my writing and grammar is not great, I left school at 15, but your story is so compelling and is the only one I respond to, but wonder if you both get weary by me repeating myself. Added to that I worry about your safety as if you were family, which you likely don't want to hear.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by solstice » Thu Dec 20, 2018 3:10 am

Anthony discussing in detail his desire for you, and his hopes and plans is a breath of fresh air, which makes the decision of how far you take this up to you and Mike, his desire to pass you around is another big commitment for you both, and I imagine will be discussed long and hard, thank you for the very detailed way you have covered this "date".

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Thu Dec 20, 2018 5:56 am

P.S. Mike reminded me that Anthony said, "you look exactly like a reporter I've seen on TV."

Mike said, "MSNBC Natashia Bertrand?"

"Yes, that's her name!" he replied.

OK, OK I look like Natashia Bertrand! I get it, I get it already! I still don't think she is anything special.


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by solstice » Thu Dec 20, 2018 6:12 am

OK, OK I look like Natashia Bertrand!

And I thought she looked rather comely, Although I can see the constant reference can be a bit grating

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Thu Dec 20, 2018 9:17 am

solstice wrote:
OK, OK I look like Natashia Bertrand!

And I thought she looked rather comely, Although I can see the constant reference can be a bit grating
She is just OK not comely. Maybe cute? I am kind of tired hearing it, but can't deny the resemblance.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Thu Dec 20, 2018 11:12 am

Good Afternoon,

I wrote all the important detail on the evening with Anthony but he gave us a lot of interesting information that isn't really consequential to us. There was so much he talked about and so far I have given you the most relevant to us. The rest is just fascinating. This is why I said that our journey would make a great HW book. Some of what has happened is almost unbelievable but true.

He said that men (Mostly men anyway) who are older and have traveled a lot over the years have tried to find ways to satisfy their Kinky desires in cities and countries far from where they live. Over the years they make contact with other men with the same Kink. That's how Aaron and his group formed their alliance. He is loosely connected to that group through Aaron himself. His criteria for the ideal sex partner is exactly what Aaron and friends like.

He has made similar alliances with men from South Florida at various Foot Night functions. Not just the one held here, but all over the country and not only that organization. There are others around the country that plan Foot Parties. Vegas is a great place for men to enjoy their favorite kinks but almost every major city has opportunities for Foot Lovers that aren't advertised much.

Most, if not all the men are successful in some kind of business or industry and have the money to indulge their fantasies. They are also mostly older 45 - 70. He said it is very common, but not widely known by the general public. Any kink you can think of has loosely organized groups of men like that.

There are more Foot groups than his and Aaron's around the country. But they tend to morph into specific women to be involved with. Aaron's group preys on couples into the Hot Wife Lifestyle. The reason is that husbands and boyfriends often accompany the girls to these functions although usually secretly. They think they appear to be just other men into feet, but in reality guys like Aaron can spot them easily. Those are the guys they approach not so much the girls. I remember Aaron and a couple others approached Mike knew before I knew what was going on.

Anthony's group is small and only includes 5 guys. 3 other Black guys and two White. They, like Aaron's group share certain women that are special and fit the specific criteria. Obviously the girl that is being shared with Anthony was found by one of the black men in the group. She is a Hot Girlfriend. Most involve money because in many cases, not ours, beside the kink of HW, money is a huge motivator for a lot of them. In the case of the girl that has been shared with him, money is involved but Anthony is just a "Prop" as he puts it. He contributes no money.

That is the guy he'd like to eventually share me with. That will take a lot of conversation between Mike and I before we get into something like that again. He said it wasn't a Deal Breaker so hopefully there will be no pressure.

Another interesting bit of information is about the guys he invests with. It is more for fun than anything. All of them played football for or were alumni of Notre Dame. Some of their profits from investing pay for the expensive weekends when they get together. Anthony played Tight End for Notre Dame. I thought he looked like a Football Player. He is so muscular for his age, which is 57. He doesn't look 57. More like 47 but he does have some gray/silver hair.

Part of the unofficial competition between the single guys is "Who brings the prettiest/sexiest girl." That's why he wants me to accompany him sometime. He said the places they go are so exclusive that being recognized by someone we know is 1 in 1,000. Everything they do is in private dinner parties or at the usually small resort. He said there is little contact with strangers outside the group. Again, this will take a lot of careful consideration. He assured us it was not necessarily a Deal Breaker.

Hopefully we can have fun and not feel pressure or fear.

Almost done with the evening with Anthony. That's one reason it took so long to post everything. There was so much!

Anthony is away until after Christmas, but will be back before New Years. We have no specific plans yet, but he is going to call when he gets back.

Also not sure I mentioned, the firm I work for is officially closed until after New Years but the office is available for us to come in and do work if we can't get it done at home. I've gone in for a few hours. I am able to write and post whenever I want. Mike's company closes tomorrow and is not open until after New Years as well. He has done some work from home.

More tomorrow. Through this Mike has come up with some issues he wants to deal with. I know about some of them, but like me he has kept some of it to himself. He may do the posting on that if he gets the nerve to make it public or he may have me write it or he may choose to keep it between us.



Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by JeffBingham » Thu Dec 20, 2018 12:21 pm

Please encourage Mike to share his issues here with the group. As much as some guys are looking for spank material, there are a great many others who want to hear about the emotional journey, baggage and all. Guys who are brave enough to write the unvarnished truth are to be commended, and I know I value that insight as much as anything else on this board.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by Mr1SexyGILF » Thu Dec 20, 2018 12:41 pm

solstice wrote:
OK, OK I look like Natashia Bertrand!

And I thought she looked rather comely, Although I can see the constant reference can be a bit grating
I would not have given Natasha Bertrand a second look before Mike pointed out the amazing likeness.

Now that she is the go too image for you, I drool every time I see her.

My point is, she is not extraordinarily beautiful, but she is famous. Fame means absolutely nothing to me.

You are equally beautiful, but your sexuality, as you have so kindly shared it with us, is beyond extraordinary.

Hope this makes sense, Mr GILF
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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by SutterKane » Thu Dec 20, 2018 1:53 pm

YES! Please do encourage Mike to let go of his reluctance to share. I've always enjoyed Mike giving his take on what this has meant for him, the things that he struggles with and the things that set him on fire. I've found this forum to be very cathartic for me. I can let out my concerns, joys, fears and lust out here.It's shown me that I ain't the first to feel these things so strongly, nor will I be the last. The advice has been very helpful and even the criticism has opened my eyes more that a few times!

As to the Natashia Bertrand thing. She's cute. Not gorgeous, not WOW hot, but cute. She has this smirky smile that tips the scale more in her favor. I had no idea what you looked like when I started reading your post. I didn't develop a kind of a crush from some picture I saw of you. I fell for your writing...hard! Still hooked like some Marlin except I'm not trying to get away, I want more of your words!
I know that you still feel in the shadow of your mothers beauty. That somehow you just don't measure up. So what? So you aren't her equal in the looks department. From what you say, her beauty was largely skin deep. I bet you beauty radiates out from the inside, like a Ruby or an Emerald. I bet Mike could tell us all about your beauty. I've known beautiful women that were beautiful inside and out. But I've known more "Beautiful" women that were like those hollow chocolate Easter bunnies, desirable and shiny, that look so good in the box but you quickly find out they're easily cracked and not worth the cost. There's nothing to them. I'd take smart, cute and loving over beautiful and empty, any day of my life.
I married a cute girl 36 years ago tomorrow the 21st, that is still cute, sexy, loving and the focus of my being. I wouldn't trade her cute for any "HOT" woman. Her smile and her face, I hope and pray are the last thing I see in this life. As she has threatened to kill me more times than I care to remember, I might get my wish! So I give a big shout out for all the "Just Cute" girls! Long may they wave!
Your clumsy with words biker fan,
I mentioned this line of a poem on another thread, and I think it applies to you.
"I met a lady in the meads,
Full beautiful—a faery’s child,
Her hair was long, her foot was light,
And her eyes were wild."
But you are most certainly not a
La Belle Dame sans Merci
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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by solstice » Thu Dec 20, 2018 2:03 pm

Some of what has happened is almost unbelievable but true.

Thank you for giving us an insight of your conversations with Anthony.
That last narrative on Anthony was brilliant, economical and specific, I don't know how you do it, but am in awe of your memory for detail. even when you are not talking sex you grab my full attention.
There is a whole way of life going on out there that few know about. I had thought Anthony would be just a few years older than you and Mike.
Hope Mike feels comfortable enough to talk of some of his thoughts on Friday night.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by shall54 » Thu Dec 20, 2018 9:33 pm

Wow, sounds like you and Mike have a lot to think about in regards to Anthony and his desires. If and when Anthony shares you, he is getting something from the people he shares you with, (e.g., influence, perks, etc...). What are you and Mike getting? You don't know if these men can perform and more than likely are not going to be like Anthony. Just be careful you don't go down the same rabbit hole you went through before. Regardless, I do hope you and Mike continue to have an amazing time with this adventure!

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by wagonmaker1 » Fri Dec 21, 2018 5:09 am

i'm still curious, did Mike watch as u sucked Anthony's cock, & did Mike watch as Anthony was fucking u. if not he still doesn't know the biggest thrill of all, watching as u give yourself totally to another man.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by couple_uk » Fri Dec 21, 2018 6:50 am

willingtoo wrote: I'd love it if I got more detail from you guys as to why you enjoyed certain things I write for you. Nothing really long but specific. Comments on my writing style, the things that are done to me or I do for the men I have sex with. Maybe just a couple things that you like reading.

It could be a pm if you don't want to post on the main thread. I really need more of that to stay motivated writing in detail. I need to know that it is erotic and how much it turns you on. I truly work hard to make my posts as interesting and sexy as I can and a person like me can only write with enthusiasm and passion knowing there are people that look forward to and enjoy what I write.

I hope it isn't asking too much, but I thought it was time since so many showed a preference for my writing over the videos and I was going to do more of that.

I've PM'd you. Your writing is sexy and wonderful.
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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by couple_uk » Fri Dec 21, 2018 7:01 am

PS As a man, I would love to know and understand more about a woman's experience of sex - of being fucked. What is it really like to experience a cock entering and then moving inside one. I'd love to know about the anticipation of that and the experience of it, specially with a guy who is new to you. Some of it we've seen from you. I'd love to hear more of the "inside story".
Sex is like Bridge - if you don't have a good partner, you need a good hand.


Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by wannabecUKold » Fri Dec 21, 2018 7:29 am

couple_uk wrote:PS As a man, I would love to know and understand more about a woman's experience of sex - of being fucked. What is it really like to experience a cock entering and then moving inside one. I'd love to know about the anticipation of that and the experience of it, specially with a guy who is new to you. Some of it we've seen from you. I'd love to hear more of the "inside story".
I agree with couple_uk: It is certainly helpful for men to get inside women's minds.

Each woman is different, but it would be good to hear how turned on you felt about doing it; how much you wrestled with lust vs morality; what was your greatest anxiety; what was the deciding factor to make you go ahead; what the anticipation was like when you had decided to go ahead; and of course the mind-blowing feelings you had when he came through the door and you knew you were about to be fucked.

Forgive me, you have answered many of the above questions, but I'm putting this question out as a general one for all the women here.


Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by wannabecUKold » Fri Dec 21, 2018 10:09 am

willingtoo wrote:
solstice wrote:
OK, OK I look like Natashia Bertrand!

And I thought she looked rather comely, Although I can see the constant reference can be a bit grating
She is just OK not comely. Maybe cute? I am kind of tired hearing it, but can't deny the resemblance.
I think she's rather a nice looking girl. Sort of girl who is well-behaved - she has a bit of the Kate Middleton look about her. You could certainly imagine her being a good mum and wife, doing all the right things expected of those roles.

But you could also imagine her being adult enough to have sex outside marriage and being a right Ferrari. She would turn my head.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by Happyjohnson » Sat Dec 22, 2018 1:10 am

Carrie, your style of writing is hypnotic drawing me into the scene you are setting to the extent that with your last meeting with asshole Aaron. I wanted to get to where you were physically at the time and sort out his brain had I been able to find it!
Your little girl scenario makes me want to protect you, regardless of being aware of your age that you are married and definitely not a little girl, even if you are petite, you draw me in to that extent.
I have not commented much of late on your writing, I feel not being a "foot fetisher", I am not who you are wanting to communicate with, if I am wrong just let me know!
Regardless please continue sharing your experiences with us all, I cannot get enough of you!
Wishing you and Mike a Happy Christmas and a fantastic New Year.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Sat Dec 22, 2018 5:17 am

Happyjohnson wrote:Carrie, your style of writing is hypnotic drawing me into the scene you are setting to the extent that with your last meeting with asshole Aaron. I wanted to get to where you were physically at the time and sort out his brain had I been able to find it!
Your little girl scenario makes me want to protect you, regardless of being aware of your age that you are married and definitely not a little girl, even if you are petite, you draw me in to that extent.
I have not commented much of late on your writing, I feel not being a "foot fetisher", I am not who you are wanting to communicate with, if I am wrong just let me know!
Regardless please continue sharing your experiences with us all, I cannot get enough of you!
Wishing you and Mike a Happy Christmas and a fantastic New Year.
What a sweet message. You wanting to protect me and not getting enough of my writing truly warms my heart. The fact that you aren't into feet is no big deal. There aren't any true foot men that communicate with me but one guy that I am aware of. I wish you and others were into feet and tell me what turns you on about my feet, but Please don't let that stop you from writing to me. I have received some great responses since I mentioned that communication from you guys is important to keep me motivated to write with great detail. I hope you and others continue to tell me your thoughts how my experiences affect you.

I am writing a post right now for later this morning, but I'm going to send you a pm. now.


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by solstice » Sat Dec 22, 2018 9:09 am

One of the things that has struck me, is that the people who are appreciative of your thread have been honest enough not to pretend to love feet ,in order to gain brownie points (Is brownie points a term used in the US?) But I bet a great many of them are leg men, and I'm sure Mike has mentioned that you have a great pair of pins. I have made it known here that I am a breast man and closely followed by legs, I am slightly ashamed to admitting to loving a bit of upskirt, which is unfortunate as a law will soon be going through the UK Parliament to ban it, or at least the deplorable practice of using low held phones to capture a view up the skirt of women.
So If at some future date you decide to post in the hotties section some photos, with of course your identity carefully hidden, of your feet and legs, you would receive roars of applause. from I'm sure more than this pervert.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by solstice » Sat Dec 22, 2018 9:46 am

This is mainly for Mike
I watched a lot and took pictures and a couple videos on my phone.

I enjoyed your description, of Carrie putting on the thigh high's whilst you both watched in your words, slowly and sexily, and telling of your mixed emotions, and of feeling jealously and excited as he took control: this is the other side of the picture that makes both of your story complete.
Carrie's sexy display of imaginary fucking and it's effect on you and Anthony was described so well.
I have watched legs and foot tease you recommended, which was almost as good as your words on Carrie's. "Date"

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Sat Dec 22, 2018 12:01 pm

solstice wrote:One of the things that has struck me, is that the people who are appreciative of your thread have been honest enough not to pretend to love feet ,in order to gain brownie points (Is brownie points a term used in the US?) But I bet a great many of them are leg men, and I'm sure Mike has mentioned that you have a great pair of pins. I have made it known here that I am a breast man and closely followed by legs, I am slightly ashamed to admitting to loving a bit of upskirt, which is unfortunate as a law will soon be going through the UK Parliament to ban it, or at least the deplorable practice of using low held phones to capture a view up the skirt of women.
So If at some future date you decide to post in the hotties section some photos, with of course your identity carefully hidden, of your feet and legs, you would receive roars of applause. from I'm sure more than this pervert.
Thanks solstice, sweet as usual. Mike said it is impossible to fake being into female feet. Some guys try, but the passion for sexy feet just isn't there. I appreciate people not trying to fake it as well.

Love and appreciate your posts. When people post like this it makes you more real. I get a feel for the guys who respond and a little of what they are like. Makes you more real.


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Sat Dec 22, 2018 12:52 pm

Good Afternoon,

I want to apologize for not posting today. I was in the middle of writing and Mike wanted to watch a couple Christmas movies. So we made popcorn, snuggled on the couch with a blanket (cold down here) and pulled the drapes so it was dark and cozy and watched two Christmas movies. One we have watched before, "Christmas Vacation" and the other is old but we loved it and I highly recommend, "Four Christmases" with Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon. Really cute and hilarious!

We are spending Christmas alone. Mom is with her new lover and so is Dad. We are having so much fun. All the Christmas preparation is done and we are just going to enjoy the time together. We have been talking so much. The HW experience has brought us so much closer. Mike is making new insights as well and is sharing with me. Our intimacy has grown so much. He is definitely my Soul Mate.

I will finish my post but won't post it here until tomorrow. We have some sexy ideas for tonight. I want, and so does he want me to be as good as I can be when I see Anthony again. We are going to try out some new things I'll explain later. we are so excited about everything. Especially our growing love and understanding of each other. Mike may be posting soon if I can convince him. This entire HW experience has been amazing.


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by solstice » Sat Dec 22, 2018 2:21 pm

Carrie writes:
I get a feel for the guys who respond and a little of what they are like. Makes you more real.
Thank you for your kind words, I was reading of you making pop corn, something we don't do in the UK: Then watching old films together, you are a dream couple, and it makes me think of those old James Stewart movies, and in those troublesome days, a time we will never see again. contrasting that with your new adventures, that none of your friends would suspect. Good to have a secret life don't you think.
Your next chapter is well worth the wait

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Sat Dec 22, 2018 2:59 pm

solstice wrote:Carrie writes:
I get a feel for the guys who respond and a little of what they are like. Makes you more real.
Thank you for your kind words, I was reading of you making pop corn, something we don't do in the UK: Then watching old films together, you are a dream couple, and it makes me think of those old James Stewart movies, and in those troublesome days, a time we will never see again. contrasting that with your new adventures, that none of your friends would suspect. Good to have a secret life don't you think.
Your next chapter is well worth the wait
Yes, quite a contrast from our other life, nobody would suspect (I hope).

We are going to experiment tonight with some new ideas. I'll explain later. Just things that will be fun for Mike and me plus make it Really Good for Anthony...... I hope. I want to be sooooo good for Mike and Anthony! I am inspired !


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by couple_uk » Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:10 pm

willingtoo wrote: Yes, quite a contrast from our other life, nobody would suspect (I hope).

We are going to experiment tonight with some new ideas. I'll explain later. Just things that will be fun for Mike and me plus make it Really Good for Anthony...... I hope. I want to be sooooo good for Mike and Anthony! I am inspired !Carrie
After all that we've read here, it's hard to imagine how this could be made any better for Anthony. Can't wait.
Sex is like Bridge - if you don't have a good partner, you need a good hand.

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