I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

For cuckoldresses and the men who serve them.
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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by MaxCargo » Tue May 22, 2018 11:30 am

A big thank you for thr update. Again, I can only agree, you're a very talented writer. It's always exciting to read your thread.

Especially, I agree with you on one point you made in your previous post: You should never refrain of having full-blown sex with Jaimee. Ok, playing the chastity/denial-game for a short period, nothing wrong with that, it can fuel and increase your excitement. But you and Jaimee should never ever abstain from having sex with eachother for a longer term. I doubt it's a "healthy" thing for a marriage. 
Of course, I mainly can only speak from my own experience, but never to have penetrative sex with your beloved spouse or doing it only very rarely, to feel her, to be connected with her in that most intimate way, that's something totally beyond my imagiation. I could never live like that. Like you said, having sex with your life partner isn't only about the "physical gratification", even more it's very essential and important for the emotional bond between husband and wife. However, that's only my opinion. But I assume you feel the same way.

Please, excuse me for getting a little emotional and rambling around here. But I'm curious has Jaimee told, that it's also important for her and your connection as a married couple to have sex with you regularly, to feel you inside of her?

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Tue May 22, 2018 12:53 pm

A sincere thank you to all of you. You guys are awesome! This project I’m on down here is a giant fecal storm, but it giving me a lot of downtime while I wait for others to do their work, so consequently, I’m on here a lot. Seriously, I’ve been outrageously obsessed with cuckolding today.

Kim2233 – I agree with you that the possibility of going to far is one of the things that creates a lot of excitement. A tight rope is a good analogy, too. As far as getting off on Jaimee rubbing my nose in the fact that Wade’s cock is bigger, yeah, no one is more surprised than I am that I’ve found a serious excitement in it. I think deep down I’ve always felt like I leaned more towards the cuck side of the fence rather than the hotwife side. I do feel I’ve been evolving in how I feel about all of this—the same would go for my wife. For better or for worse, we see and feel things differently now than we did when this journey first started. I am starting to feel a very real thrill in the thought of not being able to satisfy my wife anymore, and for her needing to get that physical stimulation from other men. I don’t mind the thought at all about giving her more oral than actual sex, but at the same time, I hope we both continue to feel a need to have sex with each other. Like I mentioned before, I feel like sex is more than just a physical act to stimulate the senses, it’s a spiritual thing too that connects you to your mate. I refuse to give that up for more than just intermittent play now and again. We both feel strongly on this one. And to answer your question about cuckolding in the future. I can see us takin breaks—like we have on a couple of occasions in the last couple of years, but I don’t see us ever giving it up entirely.

Viking53 – I’m amazed at how my wife has evolved in all of this. She is getting scary good at pushing my buttons. As far as sucking cock… I don’t know. That’s a big leap. I don’t know if my pride would let me do it. I’m still a little shaken from the revelation that my wife seems to want to see this. Maybe sending all the dick pics is her way of trying to get me used to the idea. And yes, she’s uploaded a lot more of them since yesterday. I’ve seen way too many close-ups of Wade’s cock. More on this new fetish of hers in a minute.

I got a very tender email from my wife this morning—I still don’t have a cell phone that works here yet. My wife basically said she was feeling a moment of ‘weakness’ and just wanted to let me know that she was doing alright and she hoped everything here was going well. She said she left Wade in bed early this morning so that she could go surfing, which is something she’s doing more and more of. Wade lives fairly close to us, but he lives closer to the beach, so it’s much easier to hit the surf early from his place.

I could tell she was a little stressed from her email, but not from the game. It’s more work related for her. She’s really happy with the new job she has, and her boss (Noah), a guy in his early 50s has been great to her. He’s been a real mentor and is trying to help her be a better closer. A large part of her income is based off her sales. Her ability to cultivate clients and get meetings with them is extremely good, but she’s struggled on closing the deals. She’s under a lot of stress to start closing, so I know she’s worried about it and working her ass off, so I’m glad she took time to go surfing and clear her head. Some of the difficulty she’s having is because of the Me-Too era we’re living in now, she’s says that a lot of the men aren’t certain how to treat her or how to speak with her. They’re nervous about potential problems and so there are always a number of other people in the meetings and she’s not able to have a sincere one-on-one conversation with a man. She feels ganged up on in numbers and it’s intimidating to hold your own.

Back to my wife’s desire to see me suck a cock. I feel like once she gets an idea in her head, she doesn’t let it go easily—if ever. She brought up the cage idea a while ago, but I still haven’t been roped into wearing it. But as I’m thinking about it now, I’m seeing that this isn’t trending favorably for me. She’s making some serious inroads in getting what she wants. Where I was going with this is just to say that I can see some advantage in the cock cage in that it doesn’t let you get that release so easily. I’m like most guys in that when I’m caught up in that sexual haze in the heat of the moment, there is almost nothing I wouldn’t do or try. But, once I’ve cum, I’m the first to say, “fuck it, I’m done.” With a cage extending that period out, well, anything’s possible. Kind of a sobering thought that.

Someone asked me the other day if I’ve noticed little changes in my wife from her spending time with a lover, and it got me thinking. She really hasn’t spent an extended period with him, at least not like she’s going to be spending, so I can’t think of anything obvious, but I am going to make sure I’m paying attention to see if I notice anything changes now.

I’ve started to write more on a different thread, which I’ll try to post later tonight or tomorrow morning. It’s got a little more detail stuff in general. I just wanted to write a little bit because I’m horny as hell and I’m surrounded by a bunch of dudes in hardhats, and I can’t stop thinking that in a mater of hours, my wife will be headed to her lover’s place after work and not to our house. I’m really feeling the weight of it right now.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by ballextender3209 » Tue May 22, 2018 2:19 pm

I’ve started to write more on a different thread, which I’ll try to post later tonight or tomorrow morning. It’s got a little more detail stuff in general. I just wanted to write a little bit because I’m horny as hell and I’m surrounded by a bunch of dudes in hardhats, and I can’t stop thinking that in a mater of hours, my wife will be headed to her lover’s place after work and not to our house. I’m really feeling the weight of it right now.[/quote]

Hey Ky,
Any chance you would be willing to share that other thread link? DM me the info if you don’t want to post it here.

Thank you again for sharing your feelings with us and bringing us along on this journey.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Tue May 22, 2018 9:51 pm

My Spanish is really rusty

It’s very green here, weather’s not too bad. Everything is made out of concrete blocks. Lots of tile floors and no carpet. I have yet to find any food that I really like. I worked on a project in Mexico for a couple of years after college, so being here isn’t too much of a culture shock, but it does make me grateful for all that I have. Oh yeah, and the project is a nightmare. They are so much farther behind than what we were led to believe, and I’m stuck here until we get this thing going. Time to roll up the sleeves and go to work.

Because this project is such a mess, I have a lot of down time to think about my wife’s ever loosening pussy. I’d like to be seeing a lot more pictures of her pussy, but she seems content to send me nothing but pictures of cock—but at least her face is in most of those, so I get something nice to look at. Despite changing the chip in my phone, it’s still not working properly, so wasn’t been able to communication with Jaimee until late. I scarfed down some potato dish that was less than tasty and opened up my laptop to Skype my wife. Luckily the internet connection at the hotel isn’t bad. It’s spotty sometimes. It goes in and out and sometimes crashes altogether, but it works more than it doesn’t, so I’ll call that a win.

The Skype tone sounded over and over and over and finally cut me off. I tried back several more times before my wife finally answered. I was sitting on the edge of the bed and waiting for the connection to finalize when I finally saw my wife’s face fill the screen. I could see perspiration on her brow and under her eyes, and she was breathing hard. Her hair was tussled and I thought I saw a flash of what looked like cum mixed in some of the strands near her cheek.

“It’s about time, Ky,” she said admonishingly. I was about to apologize when the camera on her end suddenly shifted, giving me a good look at the inside of Wade’s bedroom. It was nice, clean, organized—of course. It clicked in my head that Wade was actually the one holding the computer’s camera. He adjusted the angle until I got a complete picture of my wife lying naked on his bed. I only got to see her for a brief moment though because the camera moved again so that only her face and her upper shoulders were in view. She was lying on her back, her head slightly propped up by a pillow. She bit her lower lip and I saw her eyes close for the quickest second.

WAIT! I told myself. I know that look. That’s the look she gives when Wade’s plunging his giant cock into her pussy. He was holding the camera while he was fucking her.

“Sorry about letting you see me starkers,” my wife said, her breath hitching and her words spoken with a slight staccato. “I didn’t mean to tempt you with naughty thoughts, but don’t worry, it won’t happen again.” It was difficult for her to speak. Her head started to bob up and down more forcefully now and in rhythm to her cadenced words.

“What do you mean?” I asked, not quite understanding, “you’re don’t want me to see you naked?” My chest was tightening just at the thought of being denied seeing my wife’s naked body.

Jamiee shook her head, “No, not while I’m living with my boyfriend,” slap, slap, slap, sounded skin against skin. Her eyes suddenly widened and she cried out in a loud moan. A moment passed as she caught her breath… “Since I’m living at his house, my lover decided that I needed to obey his rules. One of those is not letting you see me naked.” The rhythm of the penetrations slowed, but her head still visibly moved as Wade fucked her.

“And the others?” I croaked out, my mouth dry and feeling like it was full of sand.

“We can only talk like this—when his cock is in my cunt.”

“You mean we’re not going to have a normal conversation for a month?” I was dumbfounded. I knew I was tired, but my brain was having a seriously hard time keeping up.

She started to speak, but the first word suddenly caught in her throat and then transformed into a low-pitched moan. I watched in anxious amazement as I saw her expression change to that look of pure ecstasy that only Wade has ever been able to give her. Every muscle in her body looked like it was tensed. I could only imagine how tightly her pussy was gripping Wade’s massive member. When I can, I love watching his cock pull out of her pussy because it looks like her pussy is desperately trying to grip him and not let him pull his cock free. Despite how tired I was, I had a raging hardon.

“You have to understand, cucky. I’m Wade’s girlfriend, and I’m living in his house. I have to respect his rules. My body belongs to him right now Not for you.”

I almost came right then, and I probably would have if I hadn’t been interrupted by Wade grunting out his own orgasm. The camera work turned to shit, but I caught a quick glimpse of his cum shooting up and painting my wife’s face before she could get his cock into her mouth and swallow the rest which, once the camera was steady again, she did quickly. I watched as she then wiped her face with her finger, pushing the remining globs into her mouth and swallowing those too. She looked like she was enjoying the most expensive piece of chocolate the way she was oohing and awing. The camera was jostled around and I couldn’t see anything for a few seconds. The next shot was still taken from Wade, only this time he was holding the camera so I could see my wife cleaning off his cock He had the camera such that, once again, I could only see her face and hands as she orally cleaned his cock.

Next, I hear Wade’s voice, “She’s going to be busy for a little while, Ky. How’s Guatemala?” I couldn’t think of anything to say. Wade groaned and mumbled, “fuck she’s gotten good at this.” The camera angle went wide and I caught flashes of more of his bedroom. The camera continued to move shakily, but then something happened and it stopped. From the angle, it looked like it’d been dropped onto the floor. I heard my wife’s quiet moans and slurping sounds as she serviced his manhood, this went on for a long, long, long time. Then more sex until they both came again. Despite seeing only brown carpet on the screen, I could hear almost everything, and it was almost more intense that way. They eventually stopped and I heard whispered chatting for another 15 minutes before I heard more rustling, the sound of water, what sounded like clothes being found, etc. The room darkened and it sounded to me like they were now getting ready to go to sleep. I truly thought my wife had forgotten about me, but just as I was about to power down my laptop, the camera moved again and the next thing I know I’m looking at my wife again. She’s wearing that same shirt of Wade’s she’d worn in our bed a couple of nights ago. She’s also tucked protectively into him as the little spoon. She looks exhausted, and well, freshly fucked. I watched as Wade bent his head down and kissed her on the back of her neck at the shoulder—that spot I thought only I knew. She lithely squirms in his embrace and giggles. FUCK! The intensity level just went up a thousand percent. Wade pulled a sheet and a light blanket over them. They looked cozy, snug, and very happy.

She began to ask me about work but then stopped herself. She leaned up and whispered something to Wade. He quickly got out of bed but returned a moment later. I couldn’t see very well from the camera angle, but I could tell that Wade had moved her onto her stomach. I heard movement of clothes, a squirt, and then a low and long moan from my wife which then ended with her catching her breath and swearing in a whispered tone. They quickly then got back into their spooning position and set the camera where I could again see my wife tucked protectively into Wade’s chest.

“Wade compromised for you,” my wife told me, “we can chat as long as I have a plug in my arse… fuck, it’s been a long time since I felt this full… it’s going to take some getting used to.”

I hear Wade whisper something that I couldn’t make out. My wife craned her head to look at him. She giggled and said, “Sorry love,” she then looked back at the camera, “not my arse—my fuck hole.” She fucking called him love. I muted my end and let out a growl. My wife was not pushing my buttons, she was playing whack-a-mole with them!

Wade affectionately tucked a loose hair behind her ear. It was so intimate that I nearly screamed my safeword. This was a lot harder than I’d anticipated. They kissed passionately, slowly for several minutes before Wade finally laid his head down and looked to be going to sleep. My wife eventually did ask about my day, and I answered her questions the best I could, trying not to show my wife some unintentional emotion that would make her think I wasn’t into this. But what was I feeling. I couldn’t process it all. I felt dazed as the words came out of my mouth and I told her about the shity project. She was sympathetic, but I could tell she was barely hanging onto consciousness, she was extremely tired—hell, so was I—so I told her to get some sleep. She looked at me and raised her pinky finger—ahhh, there is was. The mutually agreed upon sign that meant, “all is well”.

Before leaving, we agreed on having a quick little sign we could give to each other that meant ‘we’re still good’. It’s probably silly, and even goes against the ideals of the game in some degree because it’s kind of like breaking the fourth wall. But as deep as we were diving into the pool this time, we both felt like we needed a little assurance. And the raised pinky was just that. I raised my pinky and we looked at each other for a long moment before she placed the camera on the night stand next to the bed at an angle that only showed me mostly a darkened room. She didn’t kill the connection—maybe that was unintentional—maybe not. I sat and listened to the familiar sound of my wife’s breathing as she fell asleep in the arms of her lover.

I masturbated three times but I found no relief—no real sense of satisfaction—just the most profound depths of angst, sexual frustration, and deep love—what a fucking game this is going to be. I left the computer on for another hour, until the power in the entire hotel I was in went out. Welcome to Guatemala, I thought as I stared blankly at the ceiling, my dick hardening yet again at the mental images of my wife falling asleep in Wade’s arms.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Open2it » Wed May 23, 2018 1:18 am

If this is any indication of how things will unfold, Jaime and Wade have both done their homework on how to tease and sexually excite a willing cuckold. I hope you have a lot of good lube because you’re going to need it while she’s getting resized for him and his toys! :whip:

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by browneye653 » Wed May 23, 2018 8:17 am

WOW......are you sure u can manage one month.....that is intense.


Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by hotwifelover31 » Wed May 23, 2018 8:43 am

Ky, hope this doesn’t escalate into a be careful what you wish for. But my gut tells me on reflection you’ll affirm it’s precisely what your inner cuck wanted, needs and craves. Jaimee definitely was a born cuckoldress, which you clearly recognized when you ventured down this path. Her happiness, contentment and sexual ecstasy are your greatest source of marital bliss. And she obviously loves being Wade’s girlfriend, sextoy, cumslut and cockwhore. Hope life away from home doesn’t make this newest adventure harder on you than it should be.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by sabya167 » Wed May 23, 2018 9:29 am

I can't find ky-da's initial posts wher he describes the "derrick episode". Could someone please help with a link? Thanx.


Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by wannabecUKold » Wed May 23, 2018 9:53 am

sabya167 wrote:I can't find ky-da's initial posts wher he describes the "derrick episode". Could someone please help with a link? Thanx.
Derrick is a former lover of Jaimee – got too close, so got dumped.
Here's the link: https://www.ourhotwives.org/forum/viewt ... 68#p829776

Here is a list of the main participants that I posted a while back:

mid to late 30s

Ky_Da’s wife: mid 20s English girl.
Has four brothers in England of which youngest is Jason.

former lover of Jaimee – got too close, so got dumped.

Jaimee’s new lover, built like a brick shithouse. late 30s.

Wade's CrossFit buddy. 28. Has fucked Jaimee.

Melanie from next door
Pretty hot milf in her late 40s
Jaimee gave her an orgasm.

Jaimee’s Scottish school friend, who she had a lesbian relationship with.

Brooke is in love with Emilia.

Greg is a man Jaimee met through work. Greg and his wife have an open marriage. Jaimee had a one-night stand with him.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Bnc63 » Wed May 23, 2018 10:42 am

Ky your story is sooo amazingly erotic for us cuck-oholics. I find myself daydreaming throughout the day when there’s a pause in the hustle and bustle of every day life wondering what’s going on in both your lives. Enjoy what a lot of us wish we were experiencing in our own lives!

Thanks so much for sharing with all of us!!!!

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Wed May 23, 2018 11:29 am

Thanks as always for the comments. Even if it’s just a quick note to say “hey”, it’s appreciated. I’ve got little else to do this week during the lulls in work, so I’m checking the forum about a thousand times a day to check for comments. Thanks to WannabecUKold, too. His summary is pretty accurate. The summary made me think, though. We’re still such babes in the woods with all of this. I wonder sometimes if I shouldn’t be more terrified, and it’s precisely because my wife and I don’t have a lot of experience with this lifestyle that I think all is good. There is no teacher like experience though, and we’ve had a few of those.

I woke up this morning when I heard my cell phone beep. I got a loaner last night for while I’m here since my phone wasn’t working. I recognized Wade’s number as I raised it and looked at his text. It read, “Sincerely sorry about this, but Jills (apparently Jills is Wade’s new nickname for my wife) made me promise to send you a dick pic every morning. I don’t know what’s gotten into her (except me of course, haha) but she’s up to something, and she promised me something back if I send them to you, so, well, whatever, here it is.”

Wade’s a good guy, but he’s got a shit sense of humor sometimes. So, my wife had promised something to Wade if he’d send me dick pics every day, but from Wade’s text, I was fairly certain he didn’t know what she was scheming. I fucking know what she’s up to, but she hadn’t told him yet, or at least I don’t think so.

The next text I got was from my wife. It said a few nice things I’ll keep to myself, but then said she wanted to me to text Wade back to say thank you for the dick pic and pay him a compliment about his cock. The texting conversation went something like this:

Jaimee: Tell my lover something nice about his cock.

Me: Fuck that. It’s bad enough I’ve received a hundred dick pics in the last 24 hours. This is getting too homosexual for me.

Jaimee: Not for me, not even close. Please. I lost another sale yesterday, so I need something to pick me up.

Me: I’m sorry about that. You’ve had a rough go of it—I keep thinking one of these will go your way. What do I get out of it if I send him that text?

Jaimee: A happy wife?

Me: What else you got?

She sent me a picture of her flipping me the bird.

Jaimee: What do you want?

I had to think quick. Wade was getting something out of the deal, so here was my chance. Then it came to me.

Me: I want you to fuck Melanie and send me video and pictures.

Melanie is our neighbor whose marriage has been on the rocks for years. She and my wife have developed a very good friendship, and there was an episode between them last year that was quick and never happened again. I think I said this a while ago, but Melanie looks like the wife of Tony Soprano. She’s older, but still pretty hot. My phone was silent for a long time. Long enough that I thought maybe the battery died or something, but then it beeped.

Jaimee: Fine. When?

Me: Soon. Within two weeks.

Jaimee: Bloody tosser. Fine. But you have to text both of us and be sincere in your compliment, you have to say thank you, and you can’t say that your wife made you do it.

Shit. That messed up my plans. That cunning little slut!

Me: Fine. I’ll get to it later today.

Jaimee: No. It has to be now or no deal.

This time is was me that paused for a long time. Finally,

Me: Bloody slag. Fine.

She sent me a few laughing memes and lols, but that was the end of it. Now I fucking had to reply back to Wade. I’ll spare everyone the agonizing 10 minutes I spent trying to craft something witty to say.

First, I sent Wade a text that said: Coercion!

Then, to Wade (and Jaimee): Thank you for sending me all the pictures of your cock. It’s amazing and makes my wife very happy.

Wade to me: Haha, I get it. No worries bro. BTW, got an invite from an old friend to spend the memorial weekend in Vegas. He’s a high-roller VIP type there, wants to throw a weekend party, and owes me some favors. You good with it?

Fucking Vegas. My wife could really lose her head there if she wasn’t careful. The whole, “what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” mantra came to mind. We wanted to play hard this month, and this could provide a hell of an opportunity to escalate the game…

Me: Sounds fun, just keep her safe. And I want vids and pics!

I need to find out how much these texts are going to cost me. Ha, a thought just occurred to me that the actual cost of the text might be insignificant compared to the total ‘cost of the text’. It’s only been a couple of days and the intensity is already so much more than I was anticipating. I’m trying to avoid the temptation to start counting the days. I’m also going to have to find some self-control and not masturbate nearly as much—this is getting ridiculous.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by lionbrand » Wed May 23, 2018 11:59 am

Thank you Ky for sharing your amazingly hot story. I have a lot of respect for you for bravely exploring the lifestyle. It must have been so hot to see your wife get fucked and it is so hot you cannot see her naked s long as she is with Wade. Go Ky!!

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by mundyman » Wed May 23, 2018 12:13 pm

Hey Ky, I remember your early story, while your wife was in college I believe. Also went to England to visit family and brought her hot girlfriend back I believe.
This episode is so fucking hot and I'm even feeling some of the angst through you. I don't know how you're doing it but stay focused on the positive side and not the negative side.
Now if you really wanted to fuck with your lovely wife, you could unbeknownst to your wife, give Wade some ideas, some really naughty and dirty ideas, of what he could have your wife do in Vegas. While she thinks she's in control, you could be pulling some strings yourself. Of course you would promise Wade to secrecy, unless he wants you to pull the safe word.
You could present them as things she's always said she's wanted to do or try. Act flirty and slutty at a topless pool in the tiniest g-string bikini bottom. Wear a short booty dress out to the clubs with no panties and get on the dance floor showing her bits, much like that one dude on this site with the hot Asian slutty girlfriend and the way she goes out dressed to the clubs. Getting into a make out session with a random girl or two on the dance floor. Hasn't she always wanted to be the center of attention for a group of guys out for a bachelor party? You get the idea. Hasn't she always wanted to give head at the top of the stratosphere..... Perhaps being the life of the party in a wild sex romp back at the party.
If Wade's buddy is as VIP as he lets on, I'm sure there will be access to the VIP sections and possible celebrities. Hasn't your wife always wanted to hookup with a celebrity, maybe a semi public sexcapade with another younger, much younger woman/women in the VIP.
On another note, to really twist the angst blade in your gut, you could suggest to Wade or your wife that she change her hair color or hair style while she is Wade's. Something to change the look that makes her totally Wade's. Jet black hair in a page boy cut, red head in a shorter style and highly defines eyebrows platinum blonde in a porn star style.
Speaking of which, suggest to him that he has her style and color her hair, do her brows, maybe even makeup as his favorite porn star, with or without your knowledge. Who knows, the change in look won't only get Wade's rocks off, your angst meter through the roof, but the sex appeal will probably help her close the deal.
Like I said, maybe this is a way for you to help 'direct' your wife's activities without her knowledge.
Thanks for sharing and good luck. Stay safe down there.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Wed May 23, 2018 1:01 pm

mundyman wrote:Hey Ky, I remember your early story, while your wife was in college I believe. Also went to England to visit family and brought her hot girlfriend back I believe.
This episode is so fucking hot and I'm even feeling some of the angst through you. I don't know how you're doing it but stay focused on the positive side and not the negative side.
Now if you really wanted to fuck with your lovely wife, you could unbeknownst to your wife, give Wade some ideas, some really naughty and dirty ideas, of what he could have your wife do in Vegas. While she thinks she's in control, you could be pulling some strings yourself. Of course you would promise Wade to secrecy, unless he wants you to pull the safe word.
You could present them as things she's always said she's wanted to do or try. Act flirty and slutty at a topless pool in the tiniest g-string bikini bottom. Wear a short booty dress out to the clubs with no panties and get on the dance floor showing her bits, much like that one dude on this site with the hot Asian slutty girlfriend and the way she goes out dressed to the clubs. Getting into a make out session with a random girl or two on the dance floor. Hasn't she always wanted to be the center of attention for a group of guys out for a bachelor party? You get the idea. Hasn't she always wanted to give head at the top of the stratosphere..... Perhaps being the life of the party in a wild sex romp back at the party.
If Wade's buddy is as VIP as he lets on, I'm sure there will be access to the VIP sections and possible celebrities. Hasn't your wife always wanted to hookup with a celebrity, maybe a semi public sexcapade with another younger, much younger woman/women in the VIP.
On another note, to really twist the angst blade in your gut, you could suggest to Wade or your wife that she change her hair color or hair style while she is Wade's. Something to change the look that makes her totally Wade's. Jet black hair in a page boy cut, red head in a shorter style and highly defines eyebrows platinum blonde in a porn star style.
Speaking of which, suggest to him that he has her style and color her hair, do her brows, maybe even makeup as his favorite porn star, with or without your knowledge. Who knows, the change in look won't only get Wade's rocks off, your angst meter through the roof, but the sex appeal will probably help her close the deal.
Like I said, maybe this is a way for you to help 'direct' your wife's activities without her knowledge.
Thanks for sharing and good luck. Stay safe down there.
Mundyman – You are an evil genius/bastard. One of those ideas popped into my head as soon as I saw Wade’s text about Vegas, and that was imagining my wife at a topless pool, walking around showing off her nipple rings for all to see. I don’t know this VIP guy Wade’s referring to, but despite Wade’s carefree attitude toward most things in life, he’s a very gifted networker. I don’t doubt he’s telling the truth.

Your ideas about Jaimee being the center of attention and just letting loose are certainly erotic enough. God part of me would love to see that, but I’m barely hanging on by my fingers as it is. I know some crazy shit can happen in Vegas, especially over a holiday weekend. I’m sitting here imagining my wife, looking like a porn star, banging a bunch of guys at an exclusive VIP club. Ahhh fuck, that’s an erotic thought. Thinking of her cutting her hair short and coloring it… argh that one cuts me to the core. I love her long hair soooo much, but you’re right, doing something crazy with her hair for her boyfriend would certainly amplify the angst. Damn that's one hell of an erotic thought. It’s fun to think about, but I’ve got to be careful not to ruin a good thing. Thanks for the suggestions, but I’m not wanting things to go quite that far.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by mundyman » Wed May 23, 2018 2:20 pm

Don't you mean "I'm not willing to go quite that far, YET!"
She could always keep the long hair but color it Platinum, style it crazy sexy and go porn star look. A lot of dark eyeliner and eye shadow looks good too.
Thanks for the response. Hang on and stay positive.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by ddriver86 » Wed May 23, 2018 5:48 pm

Hey Ky,

Please keep us updated. AWESOME!

Also, did you and Jaime decide anything about your month in chastity? This may be too much but goes along the theme with Xleg's stories.

Maybe when you get back home after the month, you immediately go into chastity and Jaime stays at Wade's for the month while you stay home.

Think about it. It would probably give me a heart attack but some of Xleg's stories is like getting punched in the gut.

Have fun and hang in there. Again awesome story.

Keep us included.

Thanks again!!!!

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Wed May 23, 2018 6:14 pm

ddriver86 wrote:Hey Ky,

Please keep us updated. AWESOME!

Also, did you and Jaime decide anything about your month in chastity? This may be too much but goes along the theme with Xleg's stories.

Maybe when you get back home after the month, you immediately go into chastity and Jaime stays at Wade's for the month while you stay home.

Think about it. It would probably give me a heart attack but some of Xleg's stories is like getting punched in the gut.

Have fun and hang in there. Again awesome story.

Keep us included.

Thanks again!!!!

I have to confess that Xleg’s stories were the genesis of this whole journey for us. It started when my wife caught me reading his stories, and continues as she’s reading them now. We’ve admittedly gleaned a number of ideas from, or at least taken inspiration from some of the plots in those stories. I actually sometimes have to stop reading a chapter in X’s stories because it’s just too much for me to take. It’s like my insides get all twisted up, but I can’t stop reading them, I always come back to them. I intend to keep updating, It’s honestly therapeutic for me. It takes some effort to really just lay my feelings out there like this, so getting comments is appreciated.

And the whole chastity thing will happen at some point after I get back and we’ve had time to reconnect. I’m having a hard enough time getting through the first week. The thought of two months like this would be excruciating, lol.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by norbertrichard » Wed May 23, 2018 9:47 pm

Your story is intoxicating, but her leaving you without aloving kiss, not knowing if she would ever see you again, tomorrow has no guarantee's, game,or no game god forbid something happens. The risks you take could come back to bite you , or her in the ass.


Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by wannabecUKold » Thu May 24, 2018 12:41 am

norbertrichard wrote:Your story is intoxicating, but her leaving you without aloving kiss, not knowing if she would ever see you again, tomorrow has no guarantee's, game,or no game god forbid something happens. The risks you take could come back to bite you , or her in the ass.
I think it was a very loving refusal of a kiss.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by ejat69 » Thu May 24, 2018 5:45 am

good luck ... im starting to feel that this might not end well.. she stopped the game when her lover went into a relationship ... perhaps she heard he is not into it anymore so she initiated it again ... i hope you are not being manipulated

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Thu May 24, 2018 7:06 am

Today’s actually a little busier, so I can’t go into as much detail as I’d like. I’ll try to get back to this later and add to it. I spent longer looking for something good to eat last night after work than I’d intended, so I was fairly late in calling my wife. She answered. It looked like she was naked, but I could only see her shoulders.

She gave me a sneer and glowered at me, “I know what you did, mister,” she said bluntly. I gave her my best I-don’t-know-what-you’re-talking-about-look, which should have been authentic because I was clueless why she was mad, well, faux mad. I could tell that she wasn’t really pissed off. “I suspected you might try to pull something, so I checked Wade’s phone when I got home and I found the text you sent to ‘only him’, you know, the one that said, “coercion”!

I heard Wade’s voice somewhere close to her but outside of the view of the camera, “Sorry bro, she ambushed me and I didn’t think to erase--,”

“Quiet you,” she scolded as she cut him off. She then turned back to me, “You thought you’d just have a go at your wife—but you forget, I know you, Ky. So now my new lover is going to send you a new picture every morning, and you better give him a sincere compliment. I was only going to do it once, but now you have to do it every day.”

Ok, let me pause and throw something out here. I knew she was just clowning around about me texting Wade and basically ruining the compliment. Of course, I was going to try to find a way out of actually having to do it. But still something she said really rocked my world, and I highly doubt that she even realized it. She said, “when I got home”, she referred to Wade’s place as home. Wow, that one hit me right in the cuckold solar plexus.

I smirked back and laughed, which only wound her up further. Then she stepped up her game. My loving cuckoldress pointed the camera to a picture of a huge cock that had been taped to the wall. “Now you can look at this while we finish what you so rudely interrupted.”

Yep, she forced me to look at a cock while I listened to them fuck. Ok, they didn’t so much fuck as the did make love. It sounded slow, sensuous, with light kisses and touches. It was agonizing. I really have to think of something to turn the tables on her. She’s definitely winning this game. There has to be something I can do with her trip to Vegas this weekend, I’ll have to think on it tomorrow.

Finally, they were finished and I heard some whispering back and forth before I heard my wife say loud enough that I could hear it, “Not tonight love.” The camera moved and then there she was, my beautiful wife. She was wearing a Texas A&M sweater of Wade’s but I could see her clearly and she wasn’t fucking Wade.

She began by giving me her safeword, and then, “I hope you don’t mind. I just need to talk to you. Ky, are you alright? Is this too much?”

Relief just flooded through my body like I’ve never felt before. I shook my head, “Of course I don’t mind, if you wouldn’t have called a timeout just now, I would have. I’m good, it’s just been really, really intense. It’s easy to let my insecurities get the best of me.”

“So you’re good to keep going, because I’ll go home straight away if I need to,” she said sincerely.

I nodded, “I’m good—honestly. It’s just been more intense than I thought it would be, and I’ve had a lot of downtime so I’ve got too much time to think. I love the game, I can’t get enough of the game, but I can’t lose you either.”

She rolled her eyes and laughed, her reaction confused me for a moment, “That will never happen, at least not to Wade,” she said, raising her right brow slightly before laughing again, “Wade’s a big loveable teddy bear, but he’s as thick as a stump and his music is shit. He could never replace you.”

I breathed a little easier, “Good to know I’m safe from being replaced, at least outside of the bedroom,” I threw the last in there quickly, curious to know her thoughts.

My wife signed and leaned against the headboard of the bed, “Wade can fuck like nobody’s business, but I need my little pocket rocket, too,” she said as she smiled at me.

This time I laughed, “Pocket rocket, that’s what I am now?”

She nodded, “Girl’s like pocket rockets—it’s a fact. Sometimes it’s nice not to have to get mentally prepared for sex. I mean every time I’m with Wade it feels like he’s going to split me in half. It gets better the longer I’m with him, but even still, he has to start off slowly and work into it.”

“I thought you loved that filled/stretched feeling?” I said.

Again she nodded and a big, slow smile spread across her features, “Oh I do,” she said seductively, “but honestly, I’ll always love my little pocket rocket. You don’t need a ten-inch cock to reach my sensitive parts, you know that.”

We talked for a while, but it got very personal so I’m going to leave that out and pick back up again when she brought up Vegas. Which I’ll try to get to later today. For now, I have to get to work.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Lizardtantrum » Thu May 24, 2018 7:19 am

Thank you for sharing. So glad she took a time out. I love where this is going. You guys are inspiring.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by mundyman » Thu May 24, 2018 8:21 am

Thanks for sharing your latest update about your conversation with your wife. As Hot as your story is, and as amazingly angst driven and intense as it is, every yin needs it’s yang. It’s reassuring to know that SHE used the safe word to touch base and check in with you. It’s good to know that you talked personally and intimately. It gives me the reader, the idea that you are still good as a couple, all the while you write mostly about how she is pulling very hard on your Cuckold chain
Could it all be a ruse, perhaps, but unlikely. Only you could pick up on those vibes as you are the only person with first hand knowledge.
As she spends time with him she will get used to the aggravating and less then desirable traits he has. To a certain extent you will have to romance your wife again, court her again, break her attractions to Wade. You will have to become a couple again and do your own couple things again.
But that is the point of this whole experience wasn’t it? If she is to become his for the duration of your stay she could possibly get really comfortable with him and develop feelings for him, and you would have to win her back.
Unless of course she wishes to pursue a more poly relationship with the three of you.
Thanks for sharing and stay safe.


Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by ambershere » Thu May 24, 2018 8:41 am

NO PM this time just read you last post and i say AWESOME for you both

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by sabya167 » Thu May 24, 2018 9:25 am

Awesome!Thanx so much for sharing.This is a whole new level.So intense.Reading at one breath at the speed of a jet. Searching every 5 minutes for updates.

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