A little introduction

For hotwives and the men who adore them.
Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Wed Apr 05, 2017 6:52 am

Continued Repost.

I want to take a side step to tell of a couple of other issues we had.
My wife did not feel that I had her back. I often made 'fun' of her in front of friends and family. I saw it as harmless fun, just picking on her. That is how I justified it. She saw it as demeaning coming from the one person from which she expected support. It was something I had learned and saw most guys I knew doing the same thing with their wives or girlfriends.
Sadly I still see too many men do these hurtful things. Our wives need to be able to trust us above anyone else. They need to know we have their back.
On her side things weren't great either. She was her daddy's daughter, while her sister was her mother's favorite. Her dad passed away while we were young marrieds. Her and her mother had a love/hate relationship. Her mother despised me and often went out of her to let know and feel it. My MIL is a mean, hateful woman. When her husband was alive she worked constantly to drive a wedge between him and his family.
My wife would not stand up to her mother when she at every chance attacked me and belittled me. MIL always did it in an offhand way so she could say I just took it wrong. All to often, my wife would just say when I complained, "Don't overreact, she didn't mean it that way". It was real to me. I knew my wife did not have my back.
It will be 10 years in the future before my wife finally stands up and protects me. Many fights and heartaches are yet to come because of this. In a marriage, each Has to have the other's back. There has to be that basic trust, all other trust builds on that trust.
These underlying issues will be with us for a long time. We did not communicate about them, we argued about them.

On to Coach D,
My wife had asked if I wanted Coach D. I knew that my wife did not at all like me to be with other women and I reminded her of that. She said, "After what I did, it would make me feel better. Even out things a little for my affair". She has ever since referred to that time as "her affair".
I said that my other concern was the Coach D's husband was a very good acquaintance and one I did business with. My wife said, "If you want to have her, she surely wants you, I'll seduce her husband. I'll make sure he is content and not worrying about her".
Coach D was exciting no doubt, she wanted to try all there was to do. Too much too fast, really. There were a few red flags but, you know, thinking with the little head. Things were mostly ok but, after almost two years, it became too clear that she was getting too clingy. She wanted too much of a connection. I started to slowly back away and let her thankfully move to another guy.
In a year she had moved through two other guys and then found a woman that she left the area with. She left her husband and two kids, not returning to our area for about 8 years. Her husband raised his kids and didn't remarry. We still do business with each other and have long since become friends. He still enjoys my wife's attention a few times a year.
Things rocked along pretty much ok for some time. We still had the average marriage, fighting about things under penned by our underlying issues. Often with the arguements being quite nasty.
I hired a new secretary, she was 13 years younger than me and recently married to her second husband. We became close and began to stay late after work several times aweek. Her husband was really submissive to her and to my knowledge never complained about what she was doing. She pretty much ruled him with an iron hand.
Last edited by Her number1 on Wed Apr 05, 2017 7:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Wed Apr 05, 2017 6:57 am

Continued repost.

My secretary was 4 years older than her husband but, the big thing was that he was really immature socially. Maybe that is why she ruled over him so. The part that bothered me was that she treated him with almost no respect. I often went to bat for him with her.
She had her own quirks, we all do but,hers struck me as odd. She was pretty conservative and very religious. She did not see oral as sex, neither did she see anal as sex. Sex, to her was penis in vagina. That and kissing on the lips were reserved for her husband, to do otherwise would be cheating.
The real odd thing was that she saw giving me oral as part of her duty. Probably because of me being older and being her boss, she was very submissive to me. Whenever I would turn her down, she took it like I had told her that her work was lacking. She had some odd quirks. ;)
As for being a secretary, she was very very good and I have never met anyone else as loyal as her. We developed a frienship that has lasted.
She got a strong desire to try anal and after trying , loved it. Almost to the point of craving it. I asked if she taught her husband the joys of anal, she looked at me with a little shock and said, "He can not see me like that".
Her and I continued our staying late after work for about three more years. My wife saw her as no threat because the girl just couldn't cheat on her husband.
One day in December of I think 2001, my secretary came up and hugged me, kisse me on the cheek and said that she needed for us "to stop the too close part of our friendship. I'm pregnant and want to devote all my extra time to my child so it has the perfect home".
I told her that I fully understood. We continued a very great working relationship and our friendship remained strong. Nothing 'sexual' was ever said between us again until a few years later,I got ready to take early retirement. My last day she hugged me, kissed me on the lips and said, "I came close to falling in love with you for a time".
When I told my wife that, she said, "I don't want you to be involved with another woman any more".
The last 'other' woman I was involved with was my secretary and that involvement ended when she told me that she was pregnant. I have honored my wife's wishes and still always tell her about when other women flirt and what is said. There is very much still that trust and honesty thing.

Now, my secretary and her husband did later divorce. I always told her that she needed to show him some respect and at least allow him to feel like a man. He and I would visit, we even hunted together, he never was bothered by his wife and I seeing each other because 'she was not cheating'. It was killing him though that she gave him no respect, even in public. I cautioned her so many times but she would not listen. I told her to be easy on him inpublic and to let him feel like a man at least sometimes. She told me on more than one occasion, "he is where he needs to be".
Traveling for his job, he met a slightly younger woman that he was submissive to but, she gave him respect and made him feel good about himself. She made him pround of his submission to her. He married her and they have been very happy.

Life carried on for my wife and I with my wife's dominance continueing to grow. I loved for her to be sexually dominant but, we still argued over control in the other areas.
By now, my wife was not interested in any other man that would not defer to her. She wanted alpha men but, they had to realise she was in charge. Men that flirted and tried to show dominance or be macho, she would just laugh and walk away. Her confidence was truly getting strong, she knew who she was and what she wanted
Last edited by Her number1 on Wed Apr 05, 2017 7:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Wed Apr 05, 2017 6:59 am

Continued Repost.

My secretary was interesting but, had her own emotional baggage. Too much of it really and that is what affected her relationship with her husband I believe. She was and is a very kind and caring person, her past just kept her from being that to her husband for some reason.
She now lives across the state from us. Her and I still keep in contact on the bigger things happening in our lives.
Last edited by Her number1 on Wed Apr 05, 2017 7:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Wed Apr 05, 2017 7:02 am

Continued repost.

Time line wise, we are up to around 2004. I have not talked about all the different relationships, just the ones where there were problems and issues.
Hopefully someone or couple can gleen some understanding or help from how this played out and some of the causes.

As I've said many times, my wife kept wanting more control, her natural dominance was growing. I don't at all see or believe her wanting more control was wrong or selfish. I was just trying to hold on to the 'society view of being a man'.
We had a pretty big and nasty argument over guess what, sex. The sex wasn't the real thing, it was the underlying isues we had. She stormed out of the house and left me standing there in mid sentence. I knew things had to change, we risked not staying together or if we did, it was always going to be like this. I wanted better and I know she did too.
I said, "God, we need help". Unknown to me, she had said the same thing while she was gone. Later she told me she had prayed about it.
A couple of hours later, she returned. She came into the house, both of us unsure if the fight was to continue or not.
She spoke first, "Do you want me to be in charge with sex? I think you do, if that is what you want then I am going to be in charge of us. Think about it, this is not working, it never has. One of us has to be the one in charge, I want to be it."
I said, Ok. We need to do something.
I had no real idea of how to implement this, what was next. I turned to the internet looking for information on the wife being in charge. Of course, most sites were fantasy femom. I was looking for real, everyday. Finally after discarding so much junk, I found a few good sites, they linked to more good ones.
I have a real profectionist streak and read and learned all I could, determined to make this work.
It was slow at first. I had trouble making the new ways habits. There was always the easy thing to just relapse to my old self. She, on the otherhand, did not trust that this was the new me. She didn't see me really changing, thought it would just be a flash in the pan.
I kept on determined to not fail. Things really got better between us, we were like new people. She began to really truly trust and I felt that trust.
This was like the snowball analogy in a good way, we were now feeing off of each other an heading in the right direction.
Last edited by Her number1 on Wed Apr 05, 2017 7:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Wed Apr 05, 2017 7:06 am

Continued repost.

This all led to us implementing a female led relationship, or FLR.
We built our FLR as a real life, everyday way to live. Not one built on kink or fantasy femdom. An analogy we often use is how a Knight serves a Queen. A strong man serving and deferring to a strong woman.
It almost goes without saying that we have a little 'kink' or we might not fit in here. ;) Some might feel that hotwifing is the natural flow of things from FLR. I know many couples in FLRs that have no desire towards hotwife or cuckold.
For us, it almost eliminated any and all arguements. With the both of us knowing which one is in charge, it makes all the difference. When starting down this path, I agreed and in essence gave my word, that is very important to me and binding as I believe. So, I don't argue or talk back. She 'reigns' quitely and confidently with love.
The one real thing still bothering me, actually eating at me at times, was I still did not believe she had my back when it came to her mother.
My wife's sister lived out of state, when she came to visit and for a couple of weeks after she left, I knew it was going to be unpleasant. My MIL would be especially tacty and border on hateful to my wife and to me. She never missed a chance to disparage me.
With all these years having put up with this and now having a Queen, I wanted it stopped. It was eating at me, I expected and deserved the full support of my wife.
I did not get mad or argue. Communication had become good enough that I calmly explained how I felt.
I told my wife that I felt that I did not have her support and therefore did not really have her love. I had been allowed to be disparaged and disrespected. I knew that my wife, my Queen, the woman I loved, did not have my back. It not a fight but, was intense and emotional for the both of us.
I thought, if nothing else, it was a cleansing thing. It had to be said. Over 35 years of marriage was long enough to put up with it.
To my slight shock, the next day my wife went to her mother's and had what we would call a "come to Jesus meeting". To say I was proud and finally felt truly loved would be a vast understatement. The next time her sister was in, the meeting was repeated.
I have never been disrepected by her mother or sister since. Another good side was that this seemed to cement my wife's confidence and her dominance. She is the alpha female in our whole family now.
With that old problem finally killed and buried, we are where we should have been all along. We both made mistakes, some bad ones. Anything can be worked out and made stronger it the two really want it.
Her being a hotwife endured through all of this though it was put on hold at different times while we worked on us. After we fixed 'us', the hotwifing has become even better. Not more often but, better! I no longer have any angst at all about it. It is a hobby she has that we both love. It is the sprinkles on the icing of a really great cake, our marriage.
I hope after all of this longwinded posts, that some couple may be able to pull out some of the important points to help them.
We wasted a lot of years getting to where we should have been.
Again, if anyone has questions just post or PM.

This concludes the series of reposts. It was made to get our story on one thread.

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by truther » Wed Apr 05, 2017 9:01 am

Her number1 wrote:Hello to all. My wife is 60 and I 61. We started playing when she was 37. As time went on her dominant side grew and we began having a full female led marriage ( Not that I objected ). Slowly she wanted me to stop playing and to concentrate on her, so after several years we evolved into a dominant hotwife marriage. She says her hobby is fucking other men and I have enjoyed her hobby almost as much as she has. I am very alpha with all but her and her biggest thrill is dominating alpha males. She really likes to control and teach younger ones the last few years. She sees herself as helping younger men to learn to put the woman's pleasure first, making better husbands.
Just wanted to say Hi and give a condensed story of us.
What you two have and share sounds great. If both spouses are enjoying it, what could be more natural and erotic than a wife discovering and growing the confidence to assert herself and fulfill her desires, taking the sexual lead to places that suit both her and her man? it sounds like a righteous path you've been on.
Cuckolded in our relationship, but not yet in our marriage. The recognition and acceptance are full...I feel like it's just who I am now, and the way I see.

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Thu Apr 06, 2017 6:40 am

Thanks truther,
We think we have it pretty great.

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Thu Apr 13, 2017 3:53 pm

A potential new hotwife maybe.
Towards the end of last summer I was at the local lumberyard. A young woman that I watched grow up was working there on break from school. She is 23 and is a daughter of close friends and I have known her since she was two years old.
She was working behind the counter and greeted me as soon as she saw me and came around to offer assistance. She asked what I was looking for and I told her I needed a plug for a 220v 20amp receptacle.
She asked what part was the receptacle and what was the plug. ( I'm sure she knew) I told her the plug was the male half and the receptacle was the female half. She then asked, "Why were they called male and female". I explained that the male plug had prongs that went into the female receptacle kinda like a male pipe screws into a female pipe fitting.
She then said, "So , you have a plug and I have a receptacle". This was really starting to heat me up, talking to a girl I have watched grow into a woman and she is flirting like this!
Her dad would die if he knew, he is very uptight about anything to do with sex.
I told her, Yes. She replied smiling, "I like being a receptacle, I bet your wife likes being one too".
Instantly, I started to wonder if she knew about my wife's hobby, had she heard or seen something. After all we live in a small town. All kinds of things go through your mind at a time like that. It was more than arousing!
Just then another customer approached and asked for assistance so, she said, "I'll see you at church, Wednesday". I said, Thanks, see you there.
When I got home I told Farmgirl about all she had said and what we talked about. I thought Farmgirl would be skeptical but, was not at all. Kinda shocked me when she said, "Julie has potential, you know she just got engaged".
I asked if she had by chance been giving Julie any pointers on the role of a wife in the marriage. she just winked.

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Mr1SexyGILF » Thu Apr 13, 2017 6:15 pm

Her number1 wrote:A potential new hotwife maybe.
Towards the end of last summer I was at the local lumberyard. A young woman that I watched grow up was working there on break from school. She is 23 and is a daughter of close friends and I have known her since she was two years old.
She was working behind the counter and greeted me as soon as she saw me and came around to offer assistance. She asked what I was looking for and I told her I needed a plug for a 220v 20amp receptacle.
She asked what part was the receptacle and what was the plug. ( I'm sure she knew) I told her the plug was the male half and the receptacle was the female half. She then asked, "Why were they called male and female". I explained that the male plug had prongs that went into the female receptacle kinda like a male pipe screws into a female pipe fitting.
She then said, "So , you have a plug and I have a receptacle". This was really starting to heat me up, talking to a girl I have watched grow into a woman and she is flirting like this!
Her dad would die if he knew, he is very uptight about anything to do with sex.
I told her, Yes. She replied smiling, "I like being a receptacle, I bet your wife likes being one too".
Instantly, I started to wonder if she knew about my wife's hobby, had she heard or seen something. After all we live in a small town. All kinds of things go through your mind at a time like that. It was more than arousing!
Just then another customer approached and asked for assistance so, she said, "I'll see you at church, Wednesday". I said, Thanks, see you there.
When I got home I told Farmgirl about all she had said and what we talked about. I thought Farmgirl would be skeptical but, was not at all. Kinda shocked me when she said, "Julie has potential, you know she just got engaged".
I asked if she had by chance been giving Julie any pointers on the role of a wife in the marriage. she just winked.
Very interesting situation. Thank You for sharing.

Please do let us know if you learn any more about the nature of Julie's comments.

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. - Dr. Seuss

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by D_Lited_HubWife » Fri Apr 14, 2017 6:56 am

Interesting indeed!

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Jeff111 » Fri Apr 14, 2017 6:59 am

A bit creepy really

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Fri Apr 14, 2017 7:44 am

Jeff111 wrote:A bit creepy really
You've never had a younger woman flirt with you before or seen one grow to become herself?

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by D_Lited_HubWife » Fri Apr 14, 2017 7:59 am

Her number1 wrote:
Jeff111 wrote:A bit creepy really
You've never had a younger woman flirt with you before or seen one grow to become herself?
I find it kind of funny that Jeff is calling a social interaction between adults as creepy while looking and posting on a hotwifing/cuckolding forum. Nice.

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Jeff111 » Fri Apr 14, 2017 2:42 pm

When I first read it there seemed to be a focus on the relationship aspect of her being a young girl and watching/following her as she was growing up - with a hint of wanting to groom her - however on re reading, there isn't a suggestion of grooming her until she's 23, well and truly an adult. Perhaps that's been skewed a little bit from my perspective and never the intention of the OP. Still it doesn't sit comfortably with me - I didn't realise I wasn't allowed to have a contrary opinion and had to agree with all and every post on this site.

P.S. I'm not suggesting the OP is doing anything wrong legally in the slightest.

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Fri Apr 14, 2017 3:29 pm

Jeff111 wrote:When I first read it there seemed to be a focus on the relationship aspect of her being a young girl and watching/following her as she was growing up - with a hint of wanting to groom her - however on re reading, there isn't a suggestion of grooming her until she's 23, well and truly an adult. Perhaps that's been skewed a little bit from my perspective and never the intention of the OP. Still it doesn't sit comfortably with me - I didn't realise I wasn't allowed to have a contrary opinion and had to agree with all and every post on this site.

P.S. I'm not suggesting the OP is doing anything wrong legally in the slightest.
Thanks for the legal acquittal. ;) I don't see anything morally wrong either.
I guess I don't see how "it doesn't sit comfortably" with you. I'm not saying you don't have a right to an opinion, just trying to understand.
She is a grown woman and she instigated the flirting, I flirted back. She moved to heavy flirting, I followed.
I don't see where I did any "grooming", even after she turned 23.We flirted and talked.
She has been seeking advice from my wife on male/female relationships and marriage since about the time she turned 20 and started serious dating. But, that hardly qualifies as "grooming" IMHO. Is my wife giving her advice and pointers, yes but, she as an adult sought the advice. She has also asked me for advice, but still, no "grooming".

My take on giving advice and input is, if you are successful and good at doing something and someone notices and asks for advice about it to see if it would be for them or help them, you would be morally wrong to withhold the advice.

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by 54321 » Sat Apr 15, 2017 3:44 am

My take on giving advice and input is, if you are successful and good at doing something and someone notices and asks for advice about it to see if it would be for them or help them, you would be morally wrong to withhold the advice.


Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Mon Apr 17, 2017 12:10 pm

The next time Julie and I ran into each other and had a quick chance to talk, she walked over and hugged me saying, "I've been improving my electrical knowledge". I must have looked like I didn't understand and she said, "You know, plugs and receptacles".
I smiled or grinned, really. She said, "I guess you heard that I just got engaged to my guy, I want what you and your wife have". Not sure just what she meant or knew,I said light heartily, Are you sure about that?
She said, "Your marriage works, your wife is extremely happy, it shows. Ms.(Farmgirl) is in control of her marriage and I've seen S. (my daughter in law) take charge of hers. That's why I've been getting advice from Ms.(Farmgirl).
I said, What about your family, what will they think about you having this kind of marriage? She replied with, " My dad loves my mom but, you know he doesn't show her real respect. I have one uncle that has had four different women now and is still not happy. My other uncle is in a sexless marriage. I don't want any of that, I know that there's more and I want more.
She gave me another quick one armed hug and went to talk to S., Farmgirl, and the Pastor's wife

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Sat Apr 22, 2017 2:09 pm

Farmgirl had a little country fun last Saturday.
Three times a year we have a crew on the ranch doing some contract spreading. They are here, spring, summer, and fall for 2-3 days each time. Last year, she got to flirting with one of the drivers, Matt. He is around 48-50.
On Friday they arrived and Matt kept staring at her ankle bracelet. Everytime she would look his way, he was looking at it. As the other drivers got loaded, she bent over in front of Matt and adjusted her ankle bracelet, looking up and smiling at him.
She asked him if they were working the next day, Saturday. He said the others weren't but, that he might. She told him to be at the gate at the barn at 7:30 in the morning and she would meet him and unlock the gate for him.
He said, So you're going to meet me in the morning at 7:30? She said she told him, "Yes, be on time and ready, I'm going to "let you in". Then she smiled and said, "I don't want to have to wait, I have other things to do.

She told me about this conversation later that evening but, would not tell me what if anything she was planning. She would just tease and drop hints, even asking me if I though Matt would like her little married pussy.
Saturday morning while I ate breakfast, she left to meet him in skinny legged capri jeans, leopard flip flops, and snug fitting white t shirt, no bra. When she left, her high beams were on. LOL The rest of Saturday she left me wondering, she kept hinting that she may have been naughty but, stayed vague and highly teasing no matter how much I asked.
I finally decided she was just teasing me.

Sunday morning we headed out to church, me still thinking about it all. Just as we pulled into the parking lot, she said, "Remind me after church to tell you how Matt fucked me in the barn". She said it so matter of fact and added, "I'm such a good wife".

The Sunday school class I was teaching wound up being more about how wonderful a wife can be if the husband puts her first and treats her as she deserves and was intended to be treated.

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Tue Apr 25, 2017 6:29 pm

I have noticed a nice/good/great difference or change in Farmgirl over the last little bit. She is becoming more overtly sexual. It seems she sees something sexual in most things. Now, don't get me wrong, she has been sexual all along. This is just more!
I asked her about it, asking if her sexual creature was having fun. She replied, "She and I used to be partners, now she's the managing partner".
Hard not to love that woman.

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Mr1SexyGILF » Wed Apr 26, 2017 6:43 am

Her number1 wrote:I have noticed a nice/good/great difference or change in Farmgirl over the last little bit. She is becoming more overtly sexual. It seems she sees something sexual in most things. Now, don't get me wrong, she has been sexual all along. This is just more!
I asked her about it, asking if her sexual creature was having fun. She replied, "She and I used to be partners, now she's the managing partner".
Hard not to love that woman.
Sounds like she is managing her (and your) sexuality quite nicely. Please do keep us updated.

As a woman who embraces her sexual freedom, I am curious how she identifies with the adjective "slut"?

Seems that some HotWives proudly accept the S word as a compliment while others detest it.

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. - Dr. Seuss

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Wed Apr 26, 2017 8:30 am

Thanks for the comments and interest. I'll pose the question to her and find out later today. It is a term she seldom ever uses,so we shall see.

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Wed Apr 26, 2017 6:15 pm

As a woman who embraces her sexual freedom, I am curious how she identifies with the adjective "slut"?

Seems that some HotWives proudly accept the S word as a compliment while others detest it.

Mr GILF[/quote]

After the kids left, I got a chance to ask her about the word "slut" and how she would identify with it. It went pretty much as I thought it would.

She said, "It is not a word that ever really crosses my mind. Just not one I use or even thing about. Since I have to think about it, I find it a word beneath me to use."

I figured that would be how she saw it as even I don't really use the word. We all have a regular vocabulary of words that we normally use, that is just not one of ours. We're not saying there is anything wrong with it as others use it and we wouldn't disparage anyone who likes to label themselves such, it is just not a word that really ever crosses our minds.

She sees herself as a "hotwife", that is a term she uses and likes.

If I might ask, how does Ms. GILF see it ?

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Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Mr1SexyGILF » Thu Apr 27, 2017 6:52 am

Her number1 wrote: She sees herself as a "hotwife", that is a term she uses and likes.

If I might ask, how does Ms. GILF see it ?
Pretty much the same here. Ms GILF will smile if I make a reference to something "slutty" she said or did, but she would never call herself a "Slut".

To me, It is exciting to watch the Love of your Life fully embrace (own) her sexuality, no matter what terms she does or does not identify with.

Her physical challenges for the past year have pretty much kept our sex life on the back burner, so it's kind of a mute issue for us right now.

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. - Dr. Seuss

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Sat May 13, 2017 6:51 pm

Yesterday we went to a seminar on haying held at a ranch two counties south of us. It was hosted at a ranch headquarters with the fields about a half mile away.
At the point of the equipment demonstrations, my wife stayed at the ranch headquarters while my son and I went to watch the demos. We all had a great day meeting new people and had good food cooked by the ranch.
That night, Farmgirl told me she wanted to be serviced. Just after I entered her, she said, "I was a naughty wife today".
I said, you were ?
"Yes", She replied, "I flirted a little and now have a new texting buddy. I baited the trap and he took the bait."
I asked if that was who she was texting on the ride home.
"Of course, he's in the trap now"!

Today he texted her twice more. She's really enjoying this and where it is headed according to her plan.

Her number1

Re: A little introduction

Unread post by Her number1 » Sat May 27, 2017 9:56 am

I have a few varied updates if I can just find time, hopefully.

About a week ago I saw Julie up town as I was pulling in to the store. She hoped into my truck and wanted to visit.
After getting all the regular stuff out of the way, She said she had a few more personal questions. I told her to go ahead, I would answer what ever she wanted.
She asked if my wife had ever cheated on me. I told her that she had at one time by falling in love with a guy she was seeing. She asked if they were having sex and I told her they were but, it was not the sex that was the problem. We talked about more of Farmgirl's and my marriage.
Julie reminded me of her upcoming wedding and said that she liked the thought of being able to see other guys from time to time and wanted to have a loving marriage like we had.

When she was getting out of my truck she said, "Your help means so much. You may know but, I kinda like older men." I told her that I sorta got that feeling. LOL

Her wedding was just the other day. Her new husband,Brian suits her well. Her vows to him were "to love, honor and cherish". His to her were "to love, honor, and obey". Farmgirl and I though that was very fitting and wondered if anyone else really noticed and paid attention to their words.

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