"what if we gave each other a night off from the marriage?” (True story)

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"what if we gave each other a night off from the marriage?” (True story)

Unread post by aesthete » Sat Sep 03, 2016 12:01 pm

Greetings all, I am new to the forum and this is my first post.

I find myself writing down my thought and sharing them here not because I am active in the lifestyle or necessarily looking to go down that road but rather because of experiences I’ve had over the last 25 years that have left me with conflicted thoughts and indelible impressions that I have shared with virtually no one over these many years.

I find myself at the age of 50 still haunted by things that happened half a lifetime ago. At the time I was married to my first wife. We started dating when she was 14 and I 17. We ended up getting married when I was 21 and half way through college. Fast forward a few years and we had gone to see the movie “indecent proposal” with Robert Redford, Demi Moore and Woody Harrelson. For those not familiar with the movie the plot revolves around a married couple who are down on their luck and looking to win enough in the casinos of las vegas to get out from under their financial troubles. An older, wealthy business man, played by Redford, takes an interest in the wife played by Moore and offers to pay them enough money to make all their troubles go away just to spend one night with her. The couple talk it over and decide to go through with the arrangement. I will leave it there incase any who have not seen it and might want to watch it with out knowing the plot development ahead of time.

After the movie we went to dinner and over the course of the meal talked about the movie, the acting, the soundtrack and cinematography as we usually did but that night the conversation detoured slightly when the subject of wether we would or would not be inclined to take a similar proposal if we found ourselves in the same situation. Honestly it has been so many years I do not know which of us brought the subject up. I do know that I indulged the conversation partly because I believed it was just a theoretical discussion like we’d always done and partly because I was slightly titillated and intrigued by what might be revealed. I started out from the point of view that it wasn’t worth it because all the money and power Redford’s character had he was still willing to pay a large some of money just for one night with another man’s wife. My Ex though, argued that it was a large some of money to them but to a really wealthy man it was probably a sum he wouldn’t think twice about wagering on a friendly bet. She went farther and said as long as the marriage was strong nothing would change between them and all their financial worries would be gone in one day.

I will admit her argument was logical and if you divorce yourself (pun intended) from the emotional aspect of the proposal it did seem that she had a good argument to make. We debated this for a while but the further we took the conversation the father down a rabbit hole we traveled. We eventually ended up conceding that no one would ever really know the answer unless they were confronted with it for real. That is when the conversation went in a direction I’d never really thought about or anticipated. My ex said "what if we gave each other a night off from the marriage?” As I remember it the room went silent as I pondered what to say. My first reaction was she is just trying to one up the conversation and win the argument but there was something in her tone and demeanor that told me this was not a jest. A pregnant pause had now materialized in what had been a spirited back and forth conversation. I felt panicky for some reason like not having an immediate answer to that question would some how penalize me and the wrong answer would put me in the dog house. I honestly didn’t know what to say. That thought had never entered my mind, I was in love with my wife and happy to be together but she had obviously thought about this before that night and I had no clue what the right answer was.

So, I went with honesty and told her I’d never really thought about it before and asked if she was serious. She wavered a little bit when answering but eventually said she’d had thought about it a few times. We were so young when we met and I had at least been with someone sexually before I’d met her. I was the only man she’d ever been with intimately. I had too many conflicting thoughts and emotions going on so I suggested we pay the bill and continue the conversation when we got home. (To be continued)
Last edited by aesthete on Sat Sep 03, 2016 3:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: "what if we gave each other a night off from the marriage?”

Unread post by allengt » Sat Sep 03, 2016 1:15 pm

Welcome to the forum.
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Re: "what if we gave each other a night off from the marriage?” (True story)

Unread post by zorro » Sat Sep 03, 2016 3:54 pm

Great, plausible start. Waiting for the next installment.
Sharing your partner is a very loving act. Double her pleasure; double your fun.
Kevin Foster, The Three Marriage Enigmas: ". . . sex with a man other than her husband is simply the most erotic sex possible for a woman."


Re: "what if we gave each other a night off from the marriage?” (True story)

Unread post by Wistful » Sat Sep 03, 2016 4:35 pm

I am intrigued, as well.

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Re: "what if we gave each other a night off from the marriage?” (True story)

Unread post by norbertrichard » Sat Sep 03, 2016 6:39 pm

Thanks for the intro, young women today, even when you were in your 20's were so full of romantic ideas , gageing lovers performances, and today with all the "Cosmo" type advice queens, a young man on the dating scene is faced with unsurmountable challenges in the bedroom. Your wife, probably questioned what she might be missing. Please continue.

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Re: "what if we gave each other a night off from the marriage?” (True story)

Unread post by aesthete » Sat Sep 03, 2016 7:19 pm

Thanks for the encouragement,

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Re: "what if we gave each other a night off from the marriage?” (True story)

Unread post by aesthete » Sat Sep 03, 2016 7:22 pm

zorro wrote:Great, plausible start. Waiting for the next installment.
On the way home we made small talk and I did my best to steer clear of the topic that most weighed on my mind. I still was in a state of shock and as much as my mind would work on sorting out my thoughts and emotions it kept being interrupted by disbelief who kept asking if I was sure that conversation really happened. Reality abruptly reappeared when I found myself on the sofa in our living room looking at my wife and hoping there would be an answer written on her face. There was none and I just began by telling her that I loved her more than anything and that I did feel that we had a relationship and a bond of love strong enough to deal with a night off if that’s what she wanted. She immediately said that it would be a night off for both of us and not just her. She looked at me intently and smiled. “there’s no one you’ve thought about being with?” she asked. And I thought about it for a minute and realized since we’d been together there really wasn’t anyone I’d ever seriously thought I’d like to be with. I’m human of course so I’m not saying I hadn't fantasized about sex with someone different but up until that point never thought about it as an actuality just a mindless diversion.

She seemed to be disappointed by my response. I felt guilty because she seemed excited about the prospect and I too had an initial charge of sexual tension that I enjoyed. While she shifted uncomfortably in her chair I said I just never really thought about it and wouldn’t even know who I’d even consider being with, what about you? Well she said, "my boss’ friend jerry comes by the office a lot to go out to lunch with my boss and he hangs around and kids around with us and I’ve felt that there’s something there I’d like to explore.” I was totally floored by that admission. Not only had she thought about it but she’d already thought about a with whom. I asked if she’d discussed it with him and she said no, never, but they’ve kidded around and he flirts with her a lot so she was pretty sure he’d be into it. Now I started to feel anxiety because I was hoping that this might all have been an elaborate way to see if I would fool around but now I knew this was for real and she was not backing away from it. Somewhere in my irrational mind I’d secretly hoped that being willing to give her the night off would have been enough. Now I’d basically agreed to a night off from the marriage that I was not really interested in taking for myself and now suddenly excited by the thought of her having sex with someone else I’d never met and frightened that this was the first step towards losing her. I told her she had her night off but that I doubted I’d take mine but asked if I could hold it as a rain check. She smiled and let a short laugh escape as she said sure.

When she got home from work the next day I asked if she’d talked to Jerry yet but he’d not been in that day. the following day however she met him for lunch and they talked. She told me that he was apprehensive because of the work situation and his friend being her boss and was also worried I would not be OK with it. She assured him I was good with the arrangement and that I had my own night off to explore. Since this was something that needed to stay between the 3 of us it was difficult for her to find an opportunity to meet up with him. A friend of mine was having a party at his apartment the following weekend and he lived about 10 blocks from Jerry’s apartment. My friends parties were usually packed with lots of friends and business acquaintances who most often didn’t know each other so we figured we could both show up and say hi to everyone and she could excuse herself and go to the bathroom and make a hasty exit. She could go to meet Jerry for their rendezvous and then come back and not be noticed having been gone. When the moment came she excused herself and I did my best to distract everyone and move away from where we were standing and move from group to group making small talk but secretly wondering about what was now underway. I was incredibly excited by it but again this strange feeling of fear washed over me a few times. Even though I was in the midst of a party I felt completely lost and alone in my thoughts. My friend must have noticed and he and his girlfriend cam over to talk. When my ex came back I was surprised that she looked the same to me as when she left. I suppose I was expecting a smile or a radiant glow or some outward tell that would give away what she’d been up to. When I saw nothing I mistakenly assumed that she got cold feet and that’s why she didn’t look happy. It was loud and hard to talk and we didn’t want anyone we knew to overhear our conversation so I just whispered in her ear and asked if she’d met up. She whispered back she had. She asked if we could leave and I made our excuses and said goodbye.

On the way home I asked her lots of questions she seemed uncomfortable answering but told me in a matter of fact way about getting to his place having a glass of wine and then quickly moving to the bedroom where they kissed and he tried to pull up what he thought was her shirt but in reality was a body stocking so she had to get up an take off her jeans and that they made love and he came very quickly. She told she just felt like the whole encounter was too rushed and trying to get back to the party before people started to notice she was gone caused a lot of anxiety for her. I had been extremely aroused by all the new and different thoughts that ran through my mind the whole time I was at the party and I really needed to share that with her in a physical and sexual way. When she took off her clothes and was standing beside the bed in just her panties I saw that she was quite wet and I so wanted to go down on her but the thought of having my face in close proximity to where another mans penis had just been put an end to those thoughts. I felt very excited to be with her that night and just as I was basking in the afterglow of our lovemaking she turned to me and said “tonight was not what I'd envisioned and felt too pressured to get there and get back and I'd like a do over." My heart sank, as exciting as it had all been it had created equal amounts of uncertainty jealousy and self doubt that I was happy to have behind me, or so I thought.

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Re: "what if we gave each other a night off from the marriage?” (True story)

Unread post by trexxx » Sat Sep 03, 2016 7:38 pm

So far so good, please keep writing about your experiences and Thanks for posting it.

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Re: "what if we gave each other a night off from the marriage?” (True story)

Unread post by aesthete » Sun Sep 04, 2016 7:12 am

I don’t remember much now of what we talked about after she had said she wanted a do over. I know I was not at all in favor of that and felt that We’d talked about “A night off” nothing more and this definitely felt different than the conversation in the restaurant after the movie. There was something more honest and open about that conversation and this felt heavy and labored. For the first time I felt like we were really in disagreement about something significant in our relationship. I again felt conflicted because something seemed to be going on that I couldn’t quite figure out and as much as this all felt wrong at the core there was also the thought that we had always talked openly and freely about everything. The thought of there not being trust between us seemed unthinkable. I wanted to be supportive of her need to indulge but there was an unshakable feeling this was wrong. There was also an intense curiosity in “this is wrong”. I also wanted to make her happy and for some reason it seemed that letting her have this would and being big enough to give it to her would somehow make things ok. Looking back on it now it wasn’t so difficult to see but in the context of the early 90’s before social media and the internet and the wide spread acceptance of alternative lifestyles there was "normal" and "not normal" and no one really wanted to be seen as or thought of as not normal. Granted our normal was pretty close to the edge as things went back then since I was an artist and we had lots of friends in art and music fields. But honestly it would be many years and the internet that clued me into the hot wife concept and other lifestyles.

The worst part for me back then was that there was no one I felt comfortable telling about the situation or confiding in. The only person I was able to talk to about any of this was my ex and I didn’t want to admit that there was a part of me that was turned on by the thought of her being with another man. I didn’t want to seem like I was encouraging this "do over." With out me making a stronger case against it her arguments that she was looking for a night off experience not just a hall pass for a quickie won out in the end. She told me what she really wanted was a day off to spend with him so that whatever happened between them was relaxed and natural and not rushed and chaotic like their last interlude. She made plans to stay with him the following Saturday at his apartment. The usual emotional rollercoaster ride was my norm for that week. When Saturday came and I watched her fussing over clothes and underwear and lipstick I wondered if she had acted like this when we first met. I knew what I was feeling while watching her prepare herself like a present for him and I wondered what he would be feeling when he unwrapped her. I felt like a vulture hanging around the bedroom and watching her so I went back to the living room and sat pensively waiting for her to appear. I still remember watching her come down the stairs that day. She was wearing black pumps, black stockings a tight spandex miniskirt a white linen blouse that flattered her. Her hair done with two thin braids on both sides of her head pulled back so it formed a delicate crown of braids. the rest of her long auburn hair was neatly falling about her shoulders and framing the upper part of her bust.

She seemed to drift down from the ceiling rather than descend the staircase. Each part of her teasingly revealed as it came into my sight, each provocative new element adding to her seductive persona. My jaw must have been on the floor. She had always been self conscious about her figure and her looks. When I first met her she always wore baggie jeans and loose pullovers. She’d been teased about her knees when she was a girl and carried that with her for a long time. When we were first dating she’d never let me pull her pants down below her knees. I remember the first time I actually got to see her knees I kept wondering what she was so worried about they looked normal and attractive. I had never seen my wife look so desirable and sexy. I wanted to throw her down and make love to her right then and there. I told her how stunning and sexy she looked but that seemed to make her uncomfortable. She smiled and thanked me as if I were saying it in an offhand way instead of sincerely. I think she was probably feeling insecure and uncomfortable being dressed up like that because it was out of the norm and was also dressing to impress. I guess she might also have been uncomfortable having me see her dressing so seductively for another man.

I drove her into the city to meet him and remember the ever present desire to blurt out “Don’t do this, I’m not OK with it” but I never found the right way or time. My opportunity to change the events about to happen slipped into the void as I pulled over and she prepared to leave the car. I looked at her again as if she were a completely different woman than the wife and the woman I’d been with for the past 5 years. She looked for the first time to me like a very sexy and desirable object and not the ardent feminist she’d always professed to being. She said I love you, we kissed goodbye and I watched the sexy woman that just left my car disappear into a building lobby and I wondered what now? All the way home I had pictures in my head of her in various states of dress and undress in his apartment. I really wished at that moment I were a fly on the wall rather than a confused husband driving home after dropping his wife off at another mans apartment for for sex.


Re: "what if we gave each other a night off from the marriage?” (True story)

Unread post by Wistful » Sun Sep 04, 2016 11:26 am

Her predilection bothered you 25 years ago, and seems to bother you to this day. But if she was wired that way and you were not, was there ever real hope of equanimity? Seems to me you were doing as best you could . . .

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Re: "what if we gave each other a night off from the marriage?” (True story)

Unread post by aesthete » Sun Sep 04, 2016 12:58 pm

Wistful wrote:Her predilection bothered you 25 years ago, and seems to bother you to this day. But if she was wired that way and you were not, was there ever real hope of equanimity? Seems to me you were doing as best you could . . .
Thanks for sharing that insight. I would tend to agree with your thoughts if I were only going on what I'd written so far. Having the full story brought me to other conclusions over the course of the years that have passed and insights learned along the way. I am not bothered by it today I'm just trying to share my experience and recollection of that time and those events as best I can now because I've never really shared them in a way where I didn't feel like I need to make excuses or pretend things weren't as they were.

She only slept with him a few times but it was the first step towards our separation and eventual divorce. She changed jobs after that and started hanging out with friends she'd made at the new job and eventual said she just wasn't sure she was in love with me any more and wanted to separate and try and sort things out. We separate for a year got back together and ended up separating for good a year after that. years later her father lost a year long battle with lung cancer and she asked me to come to the wake. Her family always liked me and after we broke up they blamed her for everything so she had been distant with them. She told me that night that dealing with her father's cancer had given her a lot of time to reflect on things and she apologized for all the hurt and pain she had caused me. She confessed that she had done the same thing with the guy she was dating and living with after we split up and then had her heart broken by two subsequent relationships she really wanted to work so she knew how much what she'd done must have hurt me. She confessed that sleeping with Jerry was one of the biggest mistakes and regrets that she had. For several years after we'd split up I'd always hoped I would hear those words but at the time they came I'd already made peace with what was and moved on with my life. I think we were both to young and naive to have dabbled in what we did and with out any sense of boundaries or realistic limits and expectations we were both playing with fire.

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Re: "what if we gave each other a night off from the marriage?” (True story)

Unread post by jackson1954 » Tue Sep 06, 2016 3:10 pm

I enjoyed your story and would love to hear more of it. In some ways similar to my own but this is your thread and I won't interject here. One key thing you said though... "because of experiences I’ve had over the last 25 years that have left me with conflicted thoughts and indelible impressions that I have shared with virtually no one over these many years. " Mine has been over 40 years now. And with the internet I have shared some of those thought a few times now. Talked them through. It helps.

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Re: "what if we gave each other a night off from the marriage?” (True story)

Unread post by norbertrichard » Tue Sep 06, 2016 7:29 pm

That was a sad, tragic story, but in todays climate, probably a poster child for young marrieds divorces. No truer words were ever said :We are our own worst enemy"

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Re: "what if we gave each other a night off from the marriage?” (True story)

Unread post by aesthete » Thu Sep 08, 2016 8:15 am

norbertrichard wrote:That was a sad, tragic story, but in todays climate, probably a poster child for young marrieds divorces. No truer words were ever said :We are our own worst enemy"
It is sad and was difficult to live through and get over but I did and it made me aware of things I'd not known about myself and helped me to become who I am today. We may be our own worst enemies but "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."

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Re: "what if we gave each other a night off from the marriage?” (True story)

Unread post by aesthete » Thu Sep 08, 2016 3:42 pm

Finally, after a day that seemed to drag on forever I finally got a call from her around 10 asking me to pick her up at 11. I was so happy to hear her voice, the whole day with out knowing where she was or what she was up to drove me crazy with a mixture of concern, jealousy and sexual tension. I could not get the image of how sexy she looked out of my head and was excited to pick her up and listen to what had transpired all day and allow my sexual urges that had been suppressed all day to freely flow and release me from the torment of the day. I drove through the well traveled streets and roadways over the bridge and down 2nd avenue to where I’d dropped her off earlier that day. Again this was in the age before cell phones so I pulled up infant of the doorman building and waited for her to appear. Shortly there after I saw the doorman open the door and she emerged with a strident gate I’d recognize anywhere. Again I was still dazzled by her appearance and very happy to have her headed my way. I opened the door for her and she got in. With a kiss and a simple “hi” all seemed as normal as if nothing had happened. Maybe it didn’t, she started to ask me about what I’d been up to all day. I recounted a boring day filled with things to keep me busy hoping the day would go by as quickly as possible. I expected that this was a prelude to her revealing how her day had been spent and perhaps share some of the juicy details. Instead I was left to inquire which I was hoping not to have to do. She seemed tense and uncomfortable revealing even the mundane aspects of her day. They had spent the whole day in his apartment while he dealt with some work phone calls. She said she was bored a lot of the time while he was working and they shared wine and cheese in the afternoon and made love several times. There were no details revealed and she complained that they did not want to venture out for a nice dinner out because they didn’t want to risk seeing someone that knew them and who’d be asking where I was. I felt there was no point pressing the issue further and hoped that she would open up more as she relaxed.

We got home and settled in and she immediately started getting out of her new sexy clothing much to my disappointment. I had been dreaming about unwrapping her like a present as I’d imagined Jerry would when she arrived earlier that day. She said she wanted to make love but it seemed more for my benefit then her looking or acting turned on and when I started to kiss her on her neck and breasts I never made it past her abdomen because I smelled the heavy scent of his cologne on her skin and the sexual desire just turned to anger and jealousy. I went from rock hard to flaccid pretty quickly. I know we talked after that and she tried to reassure me that nothing had changed but I was of a different mind. I don’t remember wether we made love or not that night. The thought of her being intimately involved with someone else was an intellectual endeavor that turned me on but the actuality did nothing for our sex life. It kind of had the opposite effect. Since she was not very forthcoming with the details of her rendezvous or how she felt and what the experience was like for her it didn’t feel like something we were doing together. I’m not sure how things would have progressed had she been more open or suggested that I be part of it. Our sex life was nothing fantastic before this, we were so young when we met what prior experiences could we have brought to the table. Never the less she slept with Jerry a few more times and finally told me that she just wasn't sure anymore if she was in love with me anymore. I reminder how crushing those words were to me. It must have shown on my face because she immediately said I'll always love you but being in love and having love for you are different and I'm just not sure if I'm in love. I asked her if she was in love with Jerry and she said no not at all but it's hard to explain.

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Re: "what if we gave each other a night off from the marriage?” (True story)

Unread post by iwantabadgirl » Fri Sep 09, 2016 9:14 am

I am glad you shared this. Of course there had to be a lot going on with her that you had no clue about. That is normal in a marriage. So is it normal for women to have feelings that don't make sense to men. Like men, women have fantasies, and it seems like your wife had the feeling that she had missed out, that she wasn't fully liberated. I wonder what would have happened to your marriage if you have been able to have access to this kind of a forum. I am not sure that we are meant for total monogamy, and I am sure we are meant to forgive and let things go. You should be grateful that she was authentic with you instead of just cheating. You did a great job of adjusting to her. At the same time, you also were tied to traditional ideas of monogamy and faithfulness. They are not going to work for everyone. I am tied to those ideas, but honestly would have loved my wife to have come to me with your wife's response to "indecent proposal." That did not endear me to my wife. I am anxious to learn more of what you learned from the experience. I wonder how she feels, now having been intimate with a dozen or more men. You mentioned that she appreciates more about you, but I wonder what else she learned. I know for certain that my inexperienced wife would have benefited from experiencing other men when she was young. I look forward to hearing the rest of the story.

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Re: "what if we gave each other a night off from the marriage?” (True story)

Unread post by aesthete » Fri Sep 09, 2016 10:15 am

iwantabadgirl wrote:I am glad you shared this. Of course there had to be a lot going on with her that you had no clue about. That is normal in a marriage. So is it normal for women to have feelings that don't make sense to men. Like men, women have fantasies, and it seems like your wife had the feeling that she had missed out, that she wasn't fully liberated. I wonder what would have happened to your marriage if you have been able to have access to this kind of a forum. I am not sure that we are meant for total monogamy, and I am sure we are meant to forgive and let things go. You should be grateful that she was authentic with you instead of just cheating. You did a great job of adjusting to her. At the same time, you also were tied to traditional ideas of monogamy and faithfulness. They are not going to work for everyone. I am tied to those ideas, but honestly would have loved my wife to have come to me with your wife's response to "indecent proposal." That did not endear me to my wife. I am anxious to learn more of what you learned from the experience. I wonder how she feels, now having been intimate with a dozen or more men. You mentioned that she appreciates more about you, but I wonder what else she learned. I know for certain that my inexperienced wife would have benefited from experiencing other men when she was young. I look forward to hearing the rest of the story.
Thanks for your thoughts on my story. I am very grateful that she was as honest as she was and perhaps things might have been different had this forum existed back then but I tend to think not. Just from my perspective I know I had never given any thought to my ex being with other men as a turn on before that night we saw the movie. Demi Moore was always a woman I had fantasies about so my mind and libido were ripe for the suggestive conversation that came up afterwards over dinner. I really do not remember how it came up or which of us initiated the conversation that night but knowing myself and the fact that she had the night off suggestion and an immediate candidate for it makes me think that it was probably she who brought it up. I was definitely influenced by traditional concepts of marriage but growing up in the city in the late 60's early 70's and being in the art and creative field I was familiar with swinging and some of the more outlandish fetishes but had no idea that there was such a thing as a hot wife or that there were husbands who initiated it. I don't think she did either, if she did she did not share that with me. I really do think she wanted to explore her sexuality with out guilt and hoped that I wanted to do the same with someone else. When I didn't act on my night off I believe it caused her to feel guilty even though I had agreed to it with out her coercing me into it. When I wanted her to share the experience I think it put her in an awkward position. This was something she was doing for her self and didn't want to share the intimate details or thoughts. That left me feeling hurt and left out and that probably made her feel worse. Once I felt like a distance was starting to form between us the more my thoughts focused on her and what was happening to us instead of saying well I have a night off let me go explore with on my own.

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Re: "what if we gave each other a night off from the marriage?” (True story)

Unread post by norbertrichard » Sat Sep 10, 2016 6:00 pm

I think that you agreed to something that you felt she thought she wanted, and needed for your marriage too move forward on an even keel. As you refused to indulge in your free pass, you gave her the confidence that you would be there, regardless of her transgressions, and as such, she lost some respect for you as a husband, and for the marriage. Some people need to be kept off balance to stay secure in their marriage.

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Re: "what if we gave each other a night off from the marriage?” (True story)

Unread post by aesthete » Sun Sep 11, 2016 6:04 am

norbertrichard wrote:I think that you agreed to something that you felt she thought she wanted, and needed for your marriage too move forward on an even keel. As you refused to indulge in your free pass, you gave her the confidence that you would be there, regardless of her transgressions, and as such, she lost some respect for you as a husband, and for the marriage. Some people need to be kept off balance to stay secure in their marriage.
Those are very keen insights. I'm not in touch with my ex any longer so will probably never know how she's come to view those events. We remained friends while we were separated and divorced and it's only since I met my current wife that we've lost touch. Even though we remained friends and talked a lot about our personal lives neither one of us really brought up Jerry or the night off till that evening at her father's wake.

as far as needing to be kept off balance to stay secure is your suggestion that she needed me to fully engage and act upon my half of the night off or that I would have steadfastly refused to allow her to indulge in hers? Part of the problem for me back then is it all happened so quickly and I'd not in anyway been prepared for where the conversation lead. If it had come up with out her already having the suggestion of the night off and a person in mind and we'd talked through how we thought we'd feel about it longer than the course of a meal perhaps I'd have made different choices. I was also laboring under the misconception that this was a hypothetical conversation like so many others we'd had together.

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Re: "what if we gave each other a night off from the marriage?” (True story)

Unread post by aesthete » Sun Sep 11, 2016 12:22 pm

After she had told me that she wasn’t sure if she was still in love with me and wanted to separate and try and figure out what she wanted I had one of the first of many odd sexual experiences. I had been looking for work in the art field after graduating from college and having little luck in the recession I graduated into in 1990. I was struggling with freelance illustration work and doing odd jobs and had student loans taking a bite out of each months earnings. I saw a posting on the job board for an artists model and it was paying $25 per hr. My ex and I went to meet the artist at his studio together because I wanted to make sure this was on the up and up and not be there alone. He was an artist who did commission work for wall frescos for churches and restaurants etc. He was trying to put together a body of work on canvas for a show since all his commission work was on a wall. The modeling was nude still life and after filling out the model forms and talking to him about his work and what he was looking for he asked if I was comfortable with posing with other models and if I’d have a problem if from time to time there was a small group of assistants. I was kind of desperate for work and that was good money back then so I said I was fine with it. I figured I could always back out if I felt uncomfortable. I’d never done anything like this but I was in good shape and have always been told that I was good looking so I figured what the hell. He asked if I could stay for 10 or 15 minutes to take a few poses so he could get a feel for my physique and body language. Again I said yes and he told me I could get undressed in the bathroom and with that I was stripping down to my underwear. My wife was sitting at the table when I came out and I gave her a nervous look and walked to the model platform. I stepped up and turned around to the bright light shining on me. He said whenever you're ready and I took a breath and slid my underwear off and tossed them aside. It was a really strange feeling to be naked and the center of attention but also exciting. I kept wondering if my ex was getting aroused and it was also slightly arousing to be so carefully scrutinized by a stranger while my ex was there. After I finished and got dressed and we left my ex started to express an interest in modeling for him. when we got home I called him and told him of my ex’s interest in posing for him. He was interested if we would pose together. He asked us to come back the next day so she could fill out the paperwork. We did and just as he’d asked me to pose for him for a few quick sketches he asked the same of her. She disappeared into the bathroom and emerged shortly wearing nothing but her panties. As I watched her walk from the bathroom to the stand I was supper aroused. I also remember that she was wearing an anklet on her left leg. I’d never seen her wear one before and it jingled like a bell as she walked. as she stepped up onto the platform and turned around as I’d done the day before she slipped out of her panties and stood completely nude in front of me and I looked over as the artist started to sketch her and I was very turned on and felt my erection growing and shift in my seat so it was less uncomfortable and noticeable. He was very happy that we were willing to pose together and said he’d never had a husband and wife team pose for him. this was the start of many strange encounters I’ve had over the years.

I think we posed together for him 2 maybe 3 times before she checked out. The artist turned out to be gay and was working on sketches for a few different pieces he wanted to paint. One was two men standing close together side by side and having one arm each outstretched so that their bodies formed a crucifix and the figure on the left which was my part had left arm extended and right arm behind the back of the other figure.The other figure was reaching down and holding my penis with their left arm and had right arm extended out. We started posing using wooden poles to hold onto with our outstretched arms and I put my right arm around her but she was reluctant to hold my penis in the pose. When we took a break from posing he explained the importance of the erection being held and the erotic overtones because he was trying to express his conflicted relationship with the catholic church and his lifestyle. He said these were only study sketches so it wasn’t imperative but he’d need to do the painting from a fully engaged pose. If we weren’t comfortable with the pose she could just put her hand in front of me articulating her hand as if she were holding my erection. He excused himself to do something in the other room and I told my ex I was down to try the full pose and admitted I felt turned on being up there naked with her. Although I was self conscious about being aroused in front of him and concentrated a lot on not becoming aroused in an outwardly noticeable way so far I said I think I could do the pose. She was not at all turned on by our modeling sessions and didn’t want to do the pose. She agreed to try but wasn’t into it and we moved onto some other poses and called it a day.

She bailed at the last minute for the next modeling session we scheduled and I called him to tell him she couldn’t make it. He told me he could still use me for the session and asked if I would be willing to pose with another model if he could find one on short notice. I told him I would be as long as there was a comfortable vibe about it. When I arrived there was no other model. He said he’d gotten a call back from one of the models who was a stay at home mom who lived nearby and she would come if she could find someone to watch her son. We started gesture poses and made small talk until he got a call saying she was on her way over. A few minutes later the buzzer rang and he went down to let her in. I put my underwear on and threw my shirt on before they got upstairs. Her name was Vicky and she was rather nondescript had an olive complexion and colored hair with crazy highlights that made it impossible to know what her natural color was. She was fit and tone but had a nice soft layering of subcutaneous fat that gave her a very feminine softness to her muscle tone. Her facial features were less than beautiful but there was a sultry and earthy attractiveness to her. We said our hello’s and she went to get undressed as I went back to the modeling stand to wait. When she came in she was completely nude and walked with a confident stride that I liked and made me feel a definite level of arousal. I suddenly became self conscious because this was the first woman besides my ex in a long time to see me naked and I also didn’t want my arousal broadcast to all by getting an erection. We did some poses separately to get us used to being naked together then we went back to the pose I had started with my ex. Again we did everything with out her actually holding my cock but eventually the artist asked if we were both into taking the full pose and we both said yes. I was starting to feel the blood flowing into my erection before she ever touched me but once she did I got rock hard. Standing there motionless with no sound but a fan blowing and the scratching of his pencil to the art pad I was focused on the rhythmic pulse of my erection against her hand clasped around me. I was amazed that I was able to stay hard for the pose because I was so worried about orgasming I tried thinking of anything that would distract my thoughts from what I was doing. She seemed to be very aware of my erection and as soon as it started to soften she made a few slight movements of her hand or articulated her fingers enough that my focus and erection were back at attention. When he finally suggested we call it a day I was relieved because being that aroused with out ejaculating was uncomfortable. She got dressed in the bathroom and I just got dressed in the room where we were modeling. I offered her a ride home but she said she lived near by and would walk. When we were leaving she said I bet you need to release and I can help you out if you’re cool with it. I wasn’t really sure what she was offering so wasn’t sure if I was cool or not so I said maybe. She said "relax and walk me out."

We said good by to the artist and went down the stairs but when we got to the ground floor she grabbed my hand and walked around the stairs away from the front door and down a short hallway that led back to two doors. One under the stairs was unlocked and lead down to the basement. We stepped in and onto the first landing and she pushed me against the wall and grabbed my crotch firmly and smiled and asked again if I needed some help. All I could do was stare into her eyes as she undid my pants and pulled me out and started to move her hand back and forth slowly. She was leaning into me and staring right at me as her right hand pulled back and forth until I felt my body tense and felt myself releasing all of the sexual energy that’d built up inside me. When My eyes opened she was smiling at me and pushed herself upright and said "see ya next time" and winked. With that she was gone and I was left trying to get myself back in my pants and out of there myself.

Posts: 39
Joined: Thu May 31, 2007 4:11 am
Location: Upstate NY

Re: "what if we gave each other a night off from the marriage?” (True story)

Unread post by iwantabadgirl » Thu Mar 15, 2018 12:48 am

Too bad the story stopped here. I would like to hear the rest.

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