Unwilling Cuckold - A Twisted Story

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Unwilling Cuckold - A Twisted Story

Unread post by AlmostDoneIt » Sun Apr 14, 2024 2:37 pm


This story isn't happening to me, but someone close to me.
I may occasionally write portions of this in the 1st person or quote characters, but this is just to spice up the story a bit. Again, I'm not personally involved in this situation.

So, James is a young man (18 YO for the sake of this story), and has been dating his girlfriend, Rose (18), for a few years now.

James met Rose a number of years back when her family moved in next door. He was enamoured by her from the 1st time he saw her. Fortunately for him, she felt the same. He was surprised one day when, hanging out in their backyards as they often did, SHE asked him to be her boyfriend. He obviously accepted, but regretted that he was too scared to ask her out himself. What a coward he was!

They quickly became inseparable. They became a well known couple in their very small town. Childhood sweethearts as they were, many parents found them a cute couple, and wished them well.

Unfortunately for them both, they were governed by strict conservative parents. Curfews were enforced, and a watchful eye was kept on youngsters by parents, school teachers, church leaders, etc. This, coupled with their Christian background, prevented them from having sex. They remained virgins, at least until marriage.

But was marriage in their future?

Unfortunately, no!

Both James and Rose's families were torn apart by affairs.
James' dad and Rose's mom both left to pursue their new affair partners.

Everything was thrown into disarray.
It's surprising the shock a divorce can have on the kids.
The fact that both of these divorced happened simultaneously gave James and Rose the ability to empathize with each other, and lean on each other through it all.

After it all, James was left with his mother and sister.

Rose, her father, brother, and sister.

They persevered though, and all became stronger because of the hardship they faced.

One day, a few years later, everything came crashing down.

James and Rose had just walked home from school. Each separated and went their separate ways to their respective houses.
When James entered the house, his mother, Carol, met him. She was ecstatic.

"Jimmy! I'm so glad you're home, I have great news, and a little bad news too..." she said.

"Uhh, okay, what's going on mom?" James replied.

"I'm getting MARRIED!" She said, excited, and held out her hand to show James her engagement ring. It was too big and gaudy, but she obviously thought different.

"Wow, congrats mom! I didn't even know you were seeing anyone, who is it?' James asked.

"That brings me to the bad news..." she said, preparing James. "I know you're not going to want to hear this, but you're just going to have to deal with it."

James was getting scared now, it must be bad!

"I'm getting married to Dale, your girlfriends dad!" she said, with a giddy tone.

"Uhhmm, okay, that's a bit weird, but what's so bad about that?" James said in reply.

"Well, nothing bad for me, but for you...." she said, cryptic, but obviously trying to hint at something.

"What about me?" James asked, oblivious.

"Do i have to spell it out for you? James, Rose is going to be your SISTER, you two cant be together anymore!" she said, matter-of-factly.

"WHAT?" James replied in shock. "No, just because you're getting married to her dad doesn't mean we can't still be together!" he said, raising his voice.

"Yes it does, Rose will be your sister, and you CAN'T DATE YOUR SISTER!" she said.


"Because it's wrong and disgusting, not to mention ILLEGAL!" she said, getting angry.

"No, I DON'T ACCEPT THIS!" James declared. "I'm going to keep seeing Rose whether you like it or not!" James started to storm off to his room.

"YOU HOLD IT RIGHT THERE MISTER!" Carol demanded. "You and Rose are siblings from now on and THAT'S FINAL. If I see any semblance of a kiss or hand hold, I'm going straight to the sheriff! Just so you know, we'll be moving in with Dale after our wedding, and I will NOT have my kids committing INCEST under my roof!" she said, with a tone of finality.

Unfortunately, James had little choice. Carol ruled her family with an iron fist, and besides, James didn't have the ability to move out anytime soon. He hadn't finished High School yet, let alone college.

Down the street, a similar conversation happened in Rose's house.
Rose was a good christian girl, so she acquiesce to her fathers demands. Of course, Rose understood the implications of incest.
From now on, James and Rose were siblings.

End Part 1

There's a lot to tell in this story, it will probably take me a few posts, but hopefully I can get those written and get you all up-to-date with where the real-life James and Rose are here in the next few weeks.

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Re: Unwilling Cuckold - A Twisted Story

Unread post by gesdell » Sun Apr 14, 2024 10:02 pm

It is not incest if they are not blood relatives. If James and Rose get married before Carol and Dale, does that prevent Dale and Carol from getting married because it would be incest between them, no it does not. Your premise is not making any sense.

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Re: Unwilling Cuckold - A Twisted Story

Unread post by hairyhead » Mon Apr 15, 2024 2:51 am

What a total load of cr4p!!!

Move on, no story here.

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Re: Unwilling Cuckold - A Twisted Story

Unread post by john jasson » Mon Apr 15, 2024 4:12 am

Leave the man alone to write his story! I thought this was supposed to be a tolerant forum.
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Re: Unwilling Cuckold - A Twisted Story

Unread post by Cuck_Steve » Tue Apr 16, 2024 9:15 pm

Although James and Rose would be allowed to be together, as they’re not siblings, I’m interested to see where this goes.

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Re: Unwilling Cuckold - A Twisted Story

Unread post by SimpleEnigma » Wed Apr 24, 2024 8:43 pm

Wow, this isn't Lit. Shouldn't we be a bit more tolerant on this forum? As an author, I know just how much time and effort it takes in putting together a story. While folks are entitled to their opinion, FREE literature is a gift, not a right, regardless of length or quality. Not everyone is Shakespeare. I know Lauren and I aren't even close. If you don't like a story, don't read it. Did I mention it was FREE?

We should be encouraging writers and giving them positive critical feedback, thankful that they are giving us a piece of themselves - oh yeah, for FREE. "Move on, no story here" is anything but.

@AlmostDoneIt: please keep writing. In the end, the only critic that matters is yourself.
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Re: Unwilling Cuckold - A Twisted Story

Unread post by NSEW1 » Sun May 05, 2024 4:21 am

Sounds like an interesting story. Hypocritical parents supposedly all religious but having affairs and getting divorced while imposing strict rules on the kids.

But the real selfishness was to break up an existing romance under the pretense of incest. The two youngsters are adults so legally entitled to make their own decisions.

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