DarrenZ's xleglover (Pete Andrews) interview

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DarrenZ's xleglover (Pete Andrews) interview

Unread post by xleglover » Sun Dec 24, 2023 9:49 am

DarrenZ is a long-time reader and a big supporter, which I greatly appreciate. He's on Literotica and Medium and is an author himself. He contacted me and asked if I would answer a few questions, so here's my interview with DarrenZ:

Q: First “xleglover”, your old handle on Literotica and OurHotWives is obviously "crossed legs lover", a reference to your love of hose covered legs, correct?

That’s right. And before xleglover, I wrote as Flash of Stocking. I actually can’t remember why I switched from Flash to xleglover. And now I write as Pete Andrews.

I have published the short stories I wrote as Flash of Stocking in 2 short story collections.

Q: Obviously, you are yourself a fan of the genre. You've mentioned (often within your works but also in posts) stories in the genre and authors that inspired you. Can you share some here for your fans who might be interested?

Some of my favorites, in no particular order (with some of the books I like), are:

• KT Morrison (Maggie, Losing His Wife)
• Max Sebastian (Madeleine)
• Kirsten McCurran (Hot Dates)
• Arnica Butler (Zoe)
• Kenny Wright (Training)

And an honorable mention to David McManus. I hope someday he finishes his series.

I like series the best (rather than 1-book stories) as they can really get into the characters and plot. That’s why I write mostly series, and why all the books mentioned above by other authors are series.

Q: What came first, some of your shorter stories like “Aroused by Cheating” and “Opening Pandora’s Box” or what folks refer to as “Timeline Alpha”, the first Mike & Jen saga that started with “He Fucked My Girl”?

The short stories came first. I have since published those shorts on Kindle in Wife Watching Game and Other Stories, and Wife Dates Another Man and Other Stories. And I re-wrote Opening Pandora’s Box as a 5-book series on Kindle and Smashwords.

You mentioned the series that began with He Fucked My Girl. That was never intended to be a series. But I read David McManus’s 2 books, and it was such a mindfuck, it inspired me to write the sequel to HFMG, All In My Head. That book was my attempt at an angsty mindfuck, where the husband is imagining things about his wife (or maybe not imagining). And then the series just kept going after that book. I plan to publish an updated version of that series eventually. And the sequel, Anna and Peter’s Story.

Q: Some of those shorter stories had much harsher endings for the fated couple. Do you still like them? Will we see them again in an anthology or shorter releases?

Yes, many have dark endings. A few of the darkest are in the second Flash of Stocking collection, Wife Dates Another Man and Other Stories.

With a short story you have more freedom to have an unhappy or crazy ending, because as a writer I’m not as invested in the characters. With a long series, the characters become alive, so I want the characters to have a happy ending too.

But not all my stories have happy endings. And books I read that don’t have happy endings tend to stick in my head the longest. Like, KT Morrison’s Maggie series did not end the way I was hoping. But because of that it had more of an impact on me. My goal is to try to write an ending that’s emotionally consistent with the rest of the story.

Q: What was the story inspiration for "He Fucked My Girl"?

He Fucked My Girl was inspired by something that happened my freshman year in college. Not to me. But to people I knew. The 2 guys were roommates. One guy had sex with a girl in their dorm room while his roommate was in his bed. The roommate told me about it. So that memory eventually inspired the beginning of HFMG.

And Jen’s lover in HFMG and the sequels – Ricky – is based on that guy who had sex with the girl. So, in real life, the alpha guy (Ricky) was Jen’s actual lover, and the shy guy (Mike) was the one in the other bed. In real life, Mike didn’t have sex with Jen. He just listened as Ricky fucked Jen twice.

By the way, the Allie in many of my stories is based on the real Jen’s best friend. The real Jen (my wife) is blonde and her BFF is brunette – brown with reddish highlights (like Allie).

Q: I still re-read HFMG 4 on a frequent basis. Wedding night cuckolding is a particularly favorite fetish for me and you’ve written at least one other wedding night tale. What makes wedding night cuckolding so good in your opinion?

Wedding night is great because you only have one wedding night. It’s those “it happens only one time” experiences that can really up the tension in a story and are fun to write.

Another one is losing your virginity. My take would be a girlfriend who gives her virginity to a man not her boyfriend. Maybe because the boyfriend is a cuckold and has denial fantasies?

Or a mean (but pretty) girl who takes a rival’s virginity with a strap-on. That’s kind of chilling. Or maybe that girl takes her rival’s boyfriend’s virginity.

That’s the fun part about writing, you’re limited only by your imagination. The hard part is trying to set things up so when the characters do something crazy, the reader goes away thinking, “okay that was freako but I can kinda see why they did that.”

Q: Your "Timeline Alpha" is so elaborate and follows the couple on a lot of ups and downs in the lifestyle, not to mention all sorts of subplots. Literally when I got into it I lost sleep for most of a week reading through it. Exceptional storytelling that I could easily see translated into multiple seasons of a tv series. What was it like writing these stories and where did you get your inspiration for the various lovers and the story points?

I think of this as the Jen and Mike series. But now I’ve used those names in the Faithful Wife series. So, I plan to call them Peter and Gwen (after Spider-Man).

I’ve already mentioned how He Fucked My Girl and All In My Head were inspired. Then I just kept writing. When you write a series the characters become alive and it’s like they’re the ones talking as I type the words. At some point I thought of the title, Life After We. So, the plot kind of crystalized after that. Then after LAW, I realized there was more to the story, so that’s when I wrote Cheating and Rivals.

That series has 6 books that I will eventually update and publish:

1. He Fucked My Girl
2. All In My Head
3. Making It Work
4. Consequences
5. Life After We
6. Cheating and Rivals

Q: In several of your Mike & Jen sagas, the couple actually splits for periods. I thought the choice as an author to have that happen was incredibly brave and yet they always come back together. The elasticity of their relationship is kind of the cornerstone of your work. The fact that they are largely the same two people in the stories reminds me of works like Cloud Atlas or The Fountain. Are Mike and Jen fated to be together and is this type of relationship their destiny in whatever multiverse they’re in?

My wife and I are not in the lifestyle. So, I don’t know how it really works. The emotions, I mean.

But I don’t see how a married couple can be in the lifestyle without problems happening. Especially when part of what the husband loves about it is the angst. And when jealousy amps up the husband’s desire to see his wife with the other man. Especially when it’s not a one-night stand, but a regular fuck buddy where eventually feelings develop.

I read the posts of people on ourhotwives. Of course, we never know when it’s real or not. But I’ve noticed how many of those threads just end all of a sudden. So, I think the hotwife and cuckold lifestyles are bound to have issues between the husband and wife. Maybe I’m wrong – if I am, please email me at peteandrews1701@gmail.com as I’d love to know your story.

So, in my stories, I’m trying to be realistic as I see it. I try to capture the emotions that result from adding another man to a loving marriage. And sometimes those emotions might lead them to separate or even divorce.

Q: You’ve written Mike & Jen through several different timelines and Jen has had a multitude of different lovers. Fans have often debated or just shared their own thoughts on who they have preferred as a lover to Jen. Who is your favorite lover for Jen that you've written and why? Who is your favorite of Jen’s lovers from Mike's perspective? In retrospect, is there any one lover that you could have written more about, explored more with, but cut short for the story's sake?

I don’t know if I have a favorite really. So, since I don’t really have an answer, allow me to change your question. If this was a movie, who would play Jen?

My first choice would be the real-life Jen, my wife. But I doubt she would go for that (LOL!).

My second choice would be a young Susan George. Her movie All Neat In Black Stockings even has a cuckold angle to it. And then of course there is Straw Dogs ….

My third choice would be Sara Suzanne Brown (Killer Looks), although she is too busty to be a realistic Jen.

Q: You've delved into a lot of different aspects of the lifestyle in your stories:
wife sharing; cheating; hotwife; cuckolding; voyeurism; boyfriend; neighbors; in-laws; interracial; gangbangs; domination/submission; size queen; small penis humiliation; chastity; denial; feminization; bisexual wife; coaxed bi for husband; pregnancy risk; cuckold pregnancy; weddings/honeymoons; separations (fake or actual); stripping; prostitution; age gap; tattoos & piercings; rape fantasies. (I'm sure there are some I missed.)
Are there some that appeal to you more than others, maybe some that could be considered favorites?

Probably my favorites are cuckold, cheating, pregnancy risk, condom play, risk of losing wife, dating and humiliation. I’m trying to branch into other things, like cuckquean. I’m writing a story involving a pretty and ambitious young girl, Emma, and the stories have a cuckquean (and cuckold) angle to it. Emma is not like Jen at all.

Age gap adds tension. A couple getting involved with a man they know (like a neighbor or work colleague) adds tension. A husband getting humiliated because he’s a poor lover, especially if friends find out his wife has sex with other men, is always fun to write.

Wedding rings are a favorite topic of mine. On my covers, if the wife’s left hand is showing, I try to show the wedding ring (unless in the story the wife is not wearing her wedding ring).

The wife changing her appearance for her lover is fun to write, especially if permanent like a tattoo.

Q: Were there any sections of your stories where you struggled with where to go with it once you got them into it? Do you plot ahead or go where the story takes you?

I don’t like how Husband’s Fantasy Backfires and Aroused By Cheating ended. I’m planning to re-write them someday. So yes, sometimes I do struggle with where the plot goes.

Q: Faithful Wife’s Fall from Grace, which you are currently adapting into ebooks, took a lot of things you explored in the Timeline Alpha series and amped them up and refined them. In a lot of ways, it is your most measured and focused work so far. What makes that series different for you than the previous or the later ones?

I wrote Faithful Wife after the Timeline Alpha/Mike & Jen series, and the first inspired the second. In Faithful Wife, I wanted to explore a married couple’s cuckold relationship without all the spy/political stuff. So that’s why they probably feel similar.

Also, some of the scenes in FW are inspired by things that happened to me in real life. Like, the wedding scene towards the end of the FW series, with the dancing as the wedding party is introduced, was inspired by what happened at a wedding I attended.

Q: Some felt that the ending to FWFFG was a bit abrupt (DZ additional context: during the release on OHW with the flashforward through the impregnation of Jen by Jamal). Any thoughts to expanding that ending out in the ebook translation or did you feel like it needed that quickly wrapped ending? Do you ever fear not being able to stop?

Do you mean the Opening Pandora’s Box series? Because as I’m writing this, I haven’t released the last book in the Faithful Wife series. (DZ- see clarification above)

I guess it’s a fair comment. Certainly, things are more developed in the FW series and its ending.

I did write the ending in Opening Pandora’s Box so there’s a chance for a sequel. And I was looking through the folder where I keep my stories, and I recently realized I did write a sequel but it’s not complete and I never published it. So, I might be returning to that series eventually.

Q: Tiny Dancer was a radical departure from our typical Mike & Jen in how they started out, although still meeting in college. They felt like very different versions of themselves than in the other stories. What do you think makes this series something your fans still talk about and long for a continuation of? Would you ever consider returning to finish it?

So, the beginning where Jen is with the older man in the car is a real story. It happened to a girlfriend of my wife (the real Jen) when they were teenagers (not the Allie friend, someone else).

In Tiny Dancer, I took that beginning and made Jen an erotic dancer based on an article in a local newspaper about students who make money dancing. I’ll never forget a quote from one of the students. It was something like: “If you’re young and pretty and have a good body, you can make good money dancing, and I need it for college.”

I took that beginning, and then added Mike, who Jen immediately friend zones. Mike is completely in love with Jen of course.

So, the plot of TD – it’ll probably be a 2 or 3 book series when I publish it – is what happens to Mike and Jen with that beginning.

Q: "Be Careful What You Wish For" is your latest Mike & Jen saga with a very different Mike in the beginning and a single lover for Jen. This story has been on pause for a bit and your fans desperately want a continuation. Any plans to do this?

Yes, I will finish it. I just need a break from it, then I will return to it, and finish it.

By the way, Greg is real. I even used his real name (Greg). The scene in the first chapter where Mike, Jen and Greg are passing around a joint is based on an evening the 3 of us had in real life, when Jen and I were dating (we were not engaged yet) and Greg was hanging out with us in my condo.

Q: You’ve put out a revised Opening Pandora’s Box, a new series Girls Who Belong to Other Men, an anthology of your older short stories, and have begun putting out FWFFG. Where do you think you’re going to next?

As of this moment, below is a list of the books I have published on Kindle, Smashwords and other e-book sites. Moving forward, I’m thinking about a brand new 3-book series called Emma. And a collection of cheating stories and other short story collections.

Books By Pete Andrews:

Faithful Wife's Fall From Grace (8 book series)

Flash of Stocking Collection (2 book series)

Collection 1: Wife Watching Game and Other Stories
Collection 2: Wife Dates Another Man and Other Stories

Girls Who Belong To Other Men (2 book series)

Opening Pandora’s Box (5 book series)

Playing At Work Is Dangerous - A Reluctant Wife Story

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Re: DarrenZ's xleglover (Pete Andrews) interview

Unread post by Rogueuser1 » Tue Dec 26, 2023 5:30 pm

Great interview! Thank you!

Would love to know:
Would you consider yourself as small as Mike in many of your stories?
Did you know of Jen having sex with anyone else after you met but before you started dating/got engaged?
Did you have many lovers before Jenn?
Did Jenn have many lovers before you?
My Tumblr: hopetobecucked.tumblr.com/
My BDSMLR: https://bdsmlr.com/blog/hopetobecucked

Posts: 49
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Re: DarrenZ's xleglover (Pete Andrews) interview

Unread post by couple20uk » Thu Dec 28, 2023 7:20 am

Thank you for posting this DarrenZ.
Great interview and for one, I find it very interesting having read, and purchased Xleg's work over the years.

I would love to also know...
Why did Xleglover find the need to change his handle to Pete Andrews?
Does he miss the feedback from OHW? As I am sure there was an element in it that gave him future story ideas.
I write on Lushstories using the pseudonym wxt55uk

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Re: DarrenZ's xleglover (Pete Andrews) interview

Unread post by hairyhead » Sat Dec 30, 2023 12:56 am

couple20uk wrote:
Thu Dec 28, 2023 7:20 am
Thank you for posting this DarrenZ.
Great interview and for one, I find it very interesting having read, and purchased Xleg's work over the years.

I would love to also know...
Why did Xleglover find the need to change his handle to Pete Andrews?
Does he miss the feedback from OHW? As I am sure there was an element in it that gave him future story ideas.
XL intended to publish on Amazon as Mike Andrews after his character in the Jen and Mike (Andrews) universe however there already is an established author called Mike Andrews on Amazon so he switched to Pete Andrews.

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Re: DarrenZ's xleglover (Pete Andrews) interview

Unread post by couple20uk » Sat Dec 30, 2023 6:54 am

XL intended to publish on Amazon as Mike Andrews after his character in the Jen and Mike (Andrews) universe however there already is an established author called Mike Andrews on Amazon so he switched to Pete Andrews.

Agreed, but why the need to change in the first place?
Couldn't he have stuck with Xleglover? Or maybe it is a requirement to have a real-sounding name.
Just wondered what his thinking was, that is all.
I write on Lushstories using the pseudonym wxt55uk

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Re: DarrenZ's xleglover (Pete Andrews) interview

Unread post by xleglover » Sat Dec 30, 2023 5:40 pm

Rogueuser1 wrote:
Tue Dec 26, 2023 5:30 pm
Great interview! Thank you!

Would love to know:
Would you consider yourself as small as Mike in many of your stories?
Did you know of Jen having sex with anyone else after you met but before you started dating/got engaged?
Did you have many lovers before Jenn?
Did Jenn have many lovers before you?
Yes - her fuck buddy before we met -- she told me after we were married
A few, not many
A few, more than me

$2 Ho
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Re: DarrenZ's xleglover (Pete Andrews) interview

Unread post by xleglover » Sat Dec 30, 2023 5:55 pm

couple20uk wrote:
Thu Dec 28, 2023 7:20 am
Thank you for posting this DarrenZ.
Great interview and for one, I find it very interesting having read, and purchased Xleg's work over the years.

I would love to also know...
Why did Xleglover find the need to change his handle to Pete Andrews?
Does he miss the feedback from OHW? As I am sure there was an element in it that gave him future story ideas.
The real Jen said I should use a "normal" pen name in case I ever want to write non-sex stuff. She said xleglover would confuse those readers.

I do sorta miss the feedback here. But honestly, sometimes it was so negative I would just not read it. And I'm posting some short stories on Literotica under Pete_Andrews_xleglover, and I get so much negative feedback there it satiates any need I have for feedback. (lol!)

I am at the point in my life where a few extra bucks via selling books is useful. It's not enough to live on, but enough to buy fun things every now and then for me and the real Jen. Like, I bought a wood burning pizza oven and that's really fun. Also whenever someone buys a book it's an ego boost.

Sorry to those who miss the threads here. Obviously, I could not sell books while the same stories were available free here and on lit. Some people like DarrenZ saved my old books and I'm okay with that, because for one it's flattering, and I admire people who save stuff (as I'm like that too), and for another I'm posting new books and also heavily edited versions of the old books.

For example, currently I'm writing Tiny Dancer and not only am I editing/adding scenes, but also I'll be finally finishing that story.

My next book, an edited version of Playing At Work Is Dangerous, should be out in a day or two.


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Re: DarrenZ's xleglover (Pete Andrews) interview

Unread post by couple20uk » Sat Dec 30, 2023 11:52 pm

Hi Xleglover, thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, though it does lead me to ask one more.
But before I do that, I would like to boost your ego a little more! (lol).

DarrenZ is not the only fellow author (I consider myself more of a wannabe) who has copies of your original work stored. It was mainly your writing on (OHW) and the pandemic that got me tapping the keyboard. Creativity was never a problem, grammar and everything else that goes with writing was! It has been an interesting journey for me, and I have learned a lot... including something called paraphrasing, which I am sure didn't exist when I went to school!

I should also state I have purchased all your books so far on the Kindle, (so maybe a couple of the logs in your pizza oven are down to me!).

I am fairly certain that, Playing At Work Is Dangerous, was the first story I read of yours. It's a good one and I hope you don't have to edit it too much to get it accepted by Amazon.

Also looking forward to Tiny Dancer. That story has a lot of potential.

Oh, and that final question, other than erotica, what other genre(s) might you look to write in sometime in the future?

Happy New Year!
I write on Lushstories using the pseudonym wxt55uk

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Re: DarrenZ's xleglover (Pete Andrews) interview

Unread post by Rogueuser1 » Fri Jan 05, 2024 3:58 pm

xleglover wrote:
Sat Dec 30, 2023 5:40 pm
Rogueuser1 wrote:
Tue Dec 26, 2023 5:30 pm
Great interview! Thank you!

Would love to know:
Would you consider yourself as small as Mike in many of your stories?
Did you know of Jen having sex with anyone else after you met but before you started dating/got engaged?
Did you have many lovers before Jenn?
Did Jenn have many lovers before you?
Yes - her fuck buddy before we met -- she told me after we were married
A few, not many
A few, more than me
Thanks for the reply... I'd wondered if you had ever had the chance to know her and to want to be dating her... but know she was having sex with someone else.

How long (approximately) have you guys been together now?
How long has she known about your desires to be a cuckold?
I know you haven't featured pegging in many of your stories - is it one of your kinks or did you just include it for all of us who asked for it?
If it is a kink of yours... has she ever actually pegged you or is it just a fantasy too?
My Tumblr: hopetobecucked.tumblr.com/
My BDSMLR: https://bdsmlr.com/blog/hopetobecucked

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