My story, on a journey to a MFM

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My story, on a journey to a MFM

Unread post by Tiburon » Wed Oct 11, 2023 9:57 am

Alright, so I need to get this out of my system as I can not tell anyone that I know or not know without some sort of weird judgement. I have been keeping this close and my wife does not seemingly want to talk about it anymore.Some of what I will explain will be the normal do's and do nots of this board or experience. It is amazing how common it is to go through this experience and share it with others that have gone through it or trying to.

Basic Information:
My wife and I have been married for 13 years, We have been together for 20 years. She is 38 and I am 39 and she is beautiful standing 5'3" and has an amazing body that goes with an exotic look. We are in the states and this fantasy is mine to start with and probably mine to end with as well. I was her first but she was not mine but she has had minor experience, just not the full experience before we got together.

As we started dating, I was the jealous type of person. It is not that I did not trust her, it is because I did not trust the guys trying to hit on her. My wife (then girlfriend) had strong morals that made it easy for me to trust her. She had this thing of if I am with you, I am with you until you mess it up (not verbatim) but explains it well in a short sentence. Some of my "friends" back then did take an interest to her and as far as I know, one "friend" actually tried to seduce her in a a caveman kind of way. I never found out who it as I pried about it for the longest time but she never told me. She stood by it at that time that if I found out, I would make sure he regretted doing so. It sounds like he was a close friend of mine at the time. To this day, I do not know who said it. I have asked as the years passed by, up to until maybe 5+ years ago. At the time I kept a few people close, I assume it was one of them as she did not want to wreck my "friendship" but she distanced herself after that with my social circle. This was maybe a 2-3 years into our relationship. This moment still lingers in the back of mind. Not because she never told me, it was because someone I trusted had crossed me.
Before or after that occurrence, she had met this guy that worked in the same building that she did. If I recall, he was in IT within the building. He was about the same age as us at the time. This guy was a common visitor to her work office and she told me who he was, it was never a secret. At the time I was not working but looking for work. I felt like a bum as I was applying for fast food jobs/construction jobs and big box store jobs. This guy that frequented her work space had a career, nice truck, dressed in a way that was her type. She never said she liked him and at the time denied it, I chalk it up to how I was, real jealous type. One day, I was having a bad day and I went to her work desk to see what she was up to. The guy was there and when I opened the door and walked in, they were genuine laughing hard and when she saw me, her face went straight. I looked at him and somewhat the same but not as obvious. My wife (gf at the time) made small convo enough, he left shortly after and she knew I was bothered but at the point neither of us wanted to address it. We did talk about it later on that day when I picked her up to take her home. I was not happy about it and her response was "a friend", nothing wrong with talking with a friend etc. It was dropped at some point but it did linger for a bit. One day we went out to a club and as it closed and we were leaving and there was this IT guy. He acknowledged my GF and in her drunken state she said "you know he came by the house the other night asking for me". This was said as we got into her truck, and to say this made me mad was an understatement. I went to open the door to go talk to him but she grabbed my shirt and pulled me back and told me to drive off. I was angry on the way home and she knew it and I wanted to know when/why/did she talk to him. She was not home at the time but the vehicle description was not clear either so it was an assumption that he was the one to show up. Typing this out made me realize that I never asked why he knew where she lived (if he did).

Being that alcohol was involved at a club, this should have been in 2005/2006.

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Re: My story, on a journey to a MFM

Unread post by blongbo22 » Wed Oct 11, 2023 10:09 am

Sounds promising please keep going...

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Re: My story, on a journey to a MFM

Unread post by Tiburon » Wed Oct 11, 2023 10:57 am

As of the above happening, I am still the person that is jealous and the type of "no one touches my girl". We get over the above happening and at up until 2009, we are living with her family. In 2006, I start a job that I did not know I would continue on until late 2013 and the job was wildfire. I will get into why this is some what important. For this time frame, I will just refer to my wife as my GF as she was during this time.

So in 2006, this is where my fantasy started and how did it start you might ask? Normally in terms of asking about past experiences/fantasies. She never was a share'er of information regarding that as what is the past and private should be kept as such. Multiple conversations and multiple request were had, each time coming with a little more information. It took me years to get all the information that I could get. I now also believe that some secrets should be kept. I forget exactly how this came up but the gist of the convo at the time was that she and an ex were taking about threesomes and in majority male form, he wanted a threesome with two girls. This was also my fantasy at the time. In hindsight, I do not know if I could have ever kept up with two females as I do not have much for stamina for one only. But I would not have turned down the opportunity if it happened then. Nonetheless, my wife during this convo with her ex said she would like two guys. IIRC, the ex was stunned as was I when she said this but at that time, I was full no way, that is not happening, I am too macho blah blah blah... Little did I know this would plant a seed that would continue on to this day.

I start my job which requires traveling for weeks at a time in 2006 and we were 21/22 during this time. The MFM thought she said kept in my mind, I started looking at some of my co workers and wondering if I could see them with my GF in a sexual way. I was not fully immersed yet, but it was coming along. I was still this protective/semi jealous BF but my guard was starting to drop. It took time and I do not know how long exactly. With me traveling for work, further trust on my end started to build. I do not recall when this part happened, I am not sure if I was working or I was laid off. The talk of a threesome came up during a night out and she said the IT guy had invited her to his place for a party. She was unsure if it was just him or others, the assumption at the time was it was just him. Nothing ever came of the IT guy, at her bringing up a party at his place was as far as it went with him or the idea of a MFM. I think with her invite, I invited myself and that was not the intention. She treated him like a friend and nothing more, but he was a candidate for the MFM fantasy after that invite. He was the only candidate, this guy was attractive, he dressed that was aligned with my wife's taste in dress at the time. She was comfortable as a friend with him and that's why he became a candidate. Around this time I started to drop my jealousy, I was still protective just more open minded and less of a cave man.

-So I should note this before moving on, my wife has a scary level of a calmness in the time of one's emotions jumping off the wall. She has a tendency to play down a lot of her feelings in good and bad situations. I have been with her for 20 years and I still misread her emotions. My sarcasm is her misread to me.
-I am recalling the big items that happened then. I did keep a lot of this in my mind but as time passes on, I got older and I forget the in between.
Last edited by Tiburon on Wed Oct 11, 2023 12:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: My story, on a journey to a MFM

Unread post by Tiburon » Wed Oct 11, 2023 12:30 pm

To provide further back story/definition on this journey, I always brought up the possibility, I put us in situations that I thought we were both on the same page. We were not on the same page as it was my fantasy that I wanted to fulfill. This went from her mentioning that she would like two guys and me wanting two females to the collective what I thought WE wanted, two guys. As I mentioned I always brought this up, I was always scared to bring it up as I did not know how she would respond whenever I did. Also, was there ever a right time outside of being inebriated/turned with having the liquid courage? Not for me but of course that's when I brought it up the most. Jumping ahead, I later found out that she only indulged with me so she could get the talk over with. She never liked to talk about it but since I was in deep with the thought of this fantasy, she just went along it. This stung..... a lot, mainly because I thought we were on the same page, we had the same wants, WE wanted this. Nope, it was just me that wanted this. When she brought up the to guys with her ex, I also later found that she said that as an even thought. If he was okay/wanted two females, it should be okay that my GF wanted two males. This was clarification she provided around this time I started to really talk about it. She never wanted it but she just wanted the ex to know it should be fair either which way.

When I started my job in 2006, I went through a few different branches before I found what I was not looking for, yes not. While at the time I hated that job for reasons that are childish, it helped me out in a bigger picture. Between 2006 and 2009, we talked about it, we went to some clubs and I "tried" to make something happen. It never went past conversation during this time. Also during this time, I started to study more, read more, watched and visualized more. I brought it up more, bringing it up for me went from having a lot of liquid courage to minimal to being sober. Thinking if this is what I wanted AFTER orgasm and then bringing it up shortly after orgasm. We would have sex and I would imagine another guy being there behind or around her or myself wondering if she was thinking about another guy when her eyes were closed. I thought during these times of high emotions of wanting it that yeah I could do it, I could handle it. Then boom, orgasm... It started out with "nope I am fine, I don't need this" to "this isn't a good idea" to "well, maybe I can" to "oh yeah I can". This took me months if not years all the while bringing it up to her like I was all for it. So I vicariously lived through some of these stories, imagined my GF was the girl in the "amateur" threesome video all while further studying the do's and don't's, the in's and the out's. I read a lot of seemingly successful first time stories. I read a lot of tips/coaching on how to bring it up, what questions might arise and how to navigate through responses and answers.

For me, It never was, I brought this up, she was hesitant and the following week she was fucking her first guy with me recording. 2009, I was three years in of my misunderstanding and oblivious that I was the only one into it.

In 2009, while still living with family, I had this epiphany of what am I doing with my life. While still in the profession, I moved to a branch that gave me more work. This was because I asked my GF what she wanted to do because I had to get out of the house. Getting out was my feeling of being a "man" that I needed to grow up and provide for mine. In 2009, She was 25 and I just turned 26, I moved us across the state to a state college so we can go for round 2 for education. By us, I mean she, my mind was on providing, living in our own place, in reality..having all the sex we could for 2-3 minutes (hahah) without being quiet or getting caught. To clarify from 2004-2009, we would drive elsewhere to have our time and if we had money which happened more in 2006, we would get hotel rooms. 2009, we have our own place that was an apartment. She re-enrolled into college and started the fall of 2009.I kept in my profession which kept me out weeks at a time. To put it into further perspective, I only had 20-25 days off in 6-7 months and I spent 7-8 months on call and if not, I was working across the country.

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Re: My story, on a journey to a MFM

Unread post by Tiburon » Wed Oct 11, 2023 12:56 pm

Being away during this time made it easier for me to bring it up through text. I brought it up a lot to the point she was very annoyed by it. Not a cute/cool annoyed but annoyed in a way that she started to hate and then completely hate it. That, I later confirmed through conversation we had. In between 2009-2013, we had two almost experiences.

The first one, this had to be around 2009-early 2010. I brought it up as we were getting ready to go out and she said find someone. I was very surprised and caught off guard thinking she would give me her normal eye roll and skate by the conversation. I jumped onto craigslist and within 30 minutes, I found a guy. He had a fit body, more endowed but hs upper body was not...... attractive. That was the closest we got up until this point.

The second almost - Posted another ad on CL with her approval, made plans to meet the guy at a popular bar that was ironically inside a hotel. We even planned out the hotel cost if it came to that. This was it, I was a bag of emotions that I did not know I had. My GF was cool/calm and collected, remember when I said she has a scary level on calmness but inside she is like me at this point, a mixed bag of emotions. I never knew it, not until way later that she was happy it never happened. This guy ended up ghosting us as we left for the bar, CL amirite?

In between this time period, we got married. I let her know that I wanted this to happen before we were officially married. This was in case something blew up in a negative manner but my main thought was that it seemed easier to do this as BF/GF. It seemed the feelings would be more manageable. We got married and I shut down these thoughts and conversations. Moral issue, respect issues and all the things that come with it. Of course with that said, this is just my thoughts on this during that time.

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Re: My story, on a journey to a MFM

Unread post by Tiburon » Wed Oct 11, 2023 2:39 pm

Sometime in 2011/2012, I surprised my now wife by coming home early. It was never my intention to catch her in whatever scenario someone thinks up. However, did I ever think about it? Yes, yes I did but it wasn't the fore thought. It was something that came to mind every so often because that's just what people dealt with in my profession. I trusted her fully, that's one of many reasons why I asked her to marry me. She was there for me when I was broke and she continued to be there for me when I had my 'ish together.

I had no reason to doubt my trust in her except, now I had a reason. Over the years, I always gave her a heads up when I would be back. She always knew for the most part. Sprinkled in there were a few times where we got back to our duty station early and I never mentioned it but I would always love seeing her face when I surprised her. It genuine love, I never felt more wanted then those times.The reason... one of my surprise arrivals, I was turned on so much after not seeing her for about 3 weeks. She is fresh out of class, I was a couple beers deep by the time she showed up and we get busy. At this point, I have been with here for 8+ years and something feels not right. Not in the emotion or passion, she felt like she got busy before we were about to. She felt like she just had sex. I am sure most you who get to reclaim know the feeling I am talking about. It was off, I thought, should I bring it up? Do I want to know the answer? What if....WHAT IF?? I never brought it up, never did, when I thought what if, I was thinking in terms of cheating. I was not thinking about fulfilling the fantasy. I don't know why to this day and when I type this out, I do not know why I never brought it up. I just never did.

In 2013, I got out of my profession to pursue a more daily, get to go home overnight type of job. From 2009 to 2019, minus the above mentioned, there were lots of me bringing it up, wanting to talk about it, discuss the possibility of this. There were also a lot dead silence in there during this time frame. At one point, I think I went 1.5 years not bringing it up out of hurt AFTER I found out she was not interested, I was the one hurt...weird right?

from 2009-2019, While she was in school, I let her know that she should/could find a prospect. What a better way then in college right? She never tried/looked/entertained anyone, this is what she told me and I knew she was not lying. We were married, her morals were strong and they still are. Speaking of, once we tied the knot, I knew it was going to be more difficult to try and fulfill this fantasy. It has been but I couldn't be mad at that, I was happy that I had someone serious about the marriage. During this 10 year span, I spoke of it a lot. I researched a lot, I did a lot of what is involved of this. Partly because I started to see it slip away, she was not interested in it, I was the only one talking about, we did not put ourselves in a position of opportunity for this to happen. She would also say "never say never", "It might happen, you never know" a lot. Later finding out that she was just indulging me. I started to accept it never happening many times, I was in the deep end of damn near being addicted to the idea. The more she said no, the more I wanted it. Then she asked me the questions I was not prepared for. "Have you thought about..." time slowed down, my heart racing, this was it, she was bringing it up on her own and then I heard the rest.."the bad stuff, the diseases, what if I fall for the person, what if I get pregnant, what if......". Truth be told, nope, this fantasy I have was nothing was going to go wrong, it was going to be all rainbows, the best experience we have ever experienced. There were to be high fives and I was to be told that this was a great idea... Yeah no, I gave it no thought. In this time, I looked for first time experiences and they were all positive ones so that's what it was going to be right???

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Re: My story, on a journey to a MFM

Unread post by Tiburon » Thu Oct 12, 2023 1:38 pm

So, still from 2013 - 2019, nothing major happened that I can recall. As my wife asked me if I thought of all the bad stuff and in truth, I did not. So I started researching and making sure I put "gone wrong" or "went bad". I read a lot and even the stories were they were seemingly fake or embellished. I went through a lot and started ti think, yeah maybe this is not for us or me. It was a rabbit hole of just bad stuff. Though I can appreciate people putting that information out there as this is not all good. From being ghosted to worst case scenario, I looked at it all. I think this is where I went quiet for a year and half because it just seemed if it could go wrong, it would. To this day, I still read bad experiences and never really put any thought into the good experiences.
Also during this time frame, I did a lot of wrong things in trying to make this happen. You name what not to do, I did it thinking she just needed the push. I just needed to put us in an environment where this could happen and it would. NOPE, I pushed her farther away and I made her hate this fantasy. I posted ads to seduce my wife, if some one gave her attention, he was the one to do this with. If she showed interest, that was my cue to deep dive to make something happen. I did a lot of wrong, many times, I can not emphasize this enough, MANY TIMES. I read experiences before doing a lot of wrong to not do this or that. It was there in front of me, and I did not consider that others were showing the way that had a better chance of working.
I talked about this a lot during this time, we went to female strip clubs as that was the only thing around us. We went out to breweries/bars/clubs. Sometimes she indulged me, most times she did not. Every time I was scared how to bring it up, what to say, how to say it.
As with most, this was consistent when she asked "why do you want this", "do you want to cheat or have you cheated and you want a clear conscience", "why do you want another guy to have sex with me", "why...why....why...". Now I am a 6'1" guy, I have been in shape before due to the old job but around this time I was average 230 pounds. To say, I felt small when it came to answering these questions. I had to ask them to myself a lot of times to be sure I wanted this.
At some point, she gave me her preference's on the person we would choose... if it ever came to that. The one that always stuck out to me was "endowed", when I read that through text, I was instantly turned on.

I jumped around during this time frame. In short, I made a lot of mistakes in communication and I pushed to hard for this happen. I also made a lot of mistakes in her trust of me in regards on how I went about putting in us in a situation of occurrence. I did a lot of wrong and I can not stress that enough. During this timeframe, it was learning how to communicate, how to feel the temp of the water so to speak and doing so correctly or close to it.

Then 2019 rolls around.... We have been together 16 years at this point. Things were about to change for the better but mostly for the worst.

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Re: My story, on a journey to a MFM

Unread post by octavian » Sat Oct 14, 2023 12:59 pm

This looks promising. Looking foward to more.

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Re: My story, on a journey to a MFM

Unread post by Tiburon » Mon Oct 16, 2023 11:41 am

Thanks Octavian/Blong, I appreciate your responses.

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Re: My story, on a journey to a MFM

Unread post by Tiburon » Mon Oct 16, 2023 2:07 pm

2019 - Whew..

Alright, throughout the year in 2019, I brought up some conversations. It was not easy, around this time, I had less liquid courage and more so, just straight scared/nervous courage. I found there was never a right time to bring this up. I always waited for the right time but they do not exist. You are having fun, you don't want to shatter the moment. You are sad, obviously do not bring it up then. I brought it up multiple times but I can not gather how many.
Mid 2019, still not putting ourselves in a position of possibilities. One thing I failed to mention was that my wife wanted this to happen naturally, she did not want to plan this. It was to be in the moment if it ever came about. One thing about natural selection is you have to put yourself in a situation. I tried on multiple levels but nothing ever happened. This was my feeling that she just indulged and had no hope of going through with it. So, what does one do to try this out, you go to Vegas. Now I have never been to Las Vegas and for the excitement of just getting out of our state, I said "f it" and planned it all out. We went in November of 2019, it was Thursday through Sunday and man was that fun. As mentioned I have never been and I was drinking shortly before checking in, after checking in and walking the strip. I got one of those slushy flutes as I always wanted one. One thing about Vegas was the male strip clubs. I looked into it as soon as I started thinking about Vegas. Truth be told, my wife always went with me to female clubs (I never got any dances, she did) and to be fair, I wanted to take her to a male club. She has been to thunder down under a couple times but never apart of it from what she told me. So, I looked into male clubs and I did this for two parts, one was for her to go to one and the other was for me to see if I would be okay seeing or imagining my wife in that capacity.
It was actually fun, the guys were respective in talking to me first. She chose who to get a floor dance from but never went into the back room. The one that caught her attention was this African American guy. He was roughly 5'11 or 6'. He was not that much shorter than me. He was the one we hung out with the most. My wife had this lavender dress on with black satin/lace underwear. For the first part of it, he took her up on stage and gave her a stage dance. She was nervous but enjoyed it. As time went on and she had a few more drinks and the dancer was paying attention to her. Around the 3rd dance, he did it in her chair that she was sitting in. She was more loose due to the drinks and this dancer opened her legs up, underwear in full view and I was blown away. Before, she made sure to cross her legs/pull her dress down and was aware of what she did. Now I am not saying she wasn't aware of what happened, she was just more comfortable.
So he dances on her or with her while in the chair she is sitting. He opens her legs and from my view, she is really into the guy and into what he is doing. He is swinging her around, catching her and picking her up and placing her back down. Shoot, I was impressed because this is stuff that I could not do. After the dance, he sits down and grabs her chair and pulls her close. He is sitting to her left but is facing her while she is sitting almost straight but turned left a little. I am to her right and she almost has her back fully to me. I was a little jealous but a lot turned on. He is softly stroking her left thigh as they talk. I catch some glimpses that he is inching closer to her underwear. He underwear is view if I were to get her attention and she slightly turns toward me. This was so hot to see, she was not fighting not showing her underwear, she was not drunk but also not full sober. She is well aware of her surroundings as I found later coming off this high.His right hand was on her right booty cheek, his fingers slightly under her cheek but majority in plain view. He has her attention and I am loving it, she was into it as well.

And that was that, the male side closed early. I did get some acknowledgment from other female group patrons, one bought us a round which was awesome. After that, we went to the female side, enjoyed the rest of our time there and got an uber to the Aria where we stayed. We later had amazing sex with me not lasting too long, amazing for me one could argue haha. While it was fun, I came out of it knowing that I could very well handle seeing my wife with another guy. It almost solidified that this is something I wanted to continue with, almost. As mentioned above, I was nervous and slightly scared of the attention she returned back to him. She later said that she wanted to get into the moment to see if I really could handle it. She was also nervous/scared a little but got into it and was just as much nervous and scared of my reaction throughout this happening. I did not shake those feelings but I also feel like I needed those feelings to keep me grounded. All in all, it helped me a lot in confirming this is the road I wanted to take.

A few months later in early 2020 we decide to go back. Her friend actually brought up the idea and we agreed. Nothing to note happened, even though I wanted it or wanted to go back to the club. She did not ask the friend as her friend (iirc) would not be into that. That, being a male strip club, we know her husband would not have been keen on that idea. So we just hung out and got drunk for 3 days. I did run it by my wife and asking to "sneak off" to go the strip club, she did not want to deal with the questions. So we left this second trip just as a get away to good ol Las Vegas.

As 2020 happens, we all know what happened on the global level. Nothing, nothing with this happens, though I re-live the first Vegas trip through memory as at this point, it's the farthest we have gone up until this point. Late 2020, my job asks me to relocate and I excitedly do so but my wife reluctantly does not want to relocate. This turns out to be the worst mistake for our personal lives. This mistake has nothing to do with the fantasy. It is just that every time I recall this, I kick myself.

Nothing more happens in 2020 in terms of experience, but I do talk about it.

2022, oh man... I set this fantasy back a few steps on a loose hillside.

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Re: My story, on a journey to a MFM

Unread post by Tiburon » Mon Oct 16, 2023 2:29 pm

So at the end of that last post, I skipped over 2021, nothing happened in 2021 as we just did not put ourselves in a position to do more than work and home. Of course I talked about it a lot. I still had a lot of the same responses pertaining to making something happen. We moved into something more stable in terms of housing. The rest of the year, we were just trying to maintain while not going crazy.

2022 - We go back to Vegas.

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Re: My story, on a journey to a MFM

Unread post by Tiburon » Tue Oct 17, 2023 2:09 pm

Re reading that last part helped me remember a lot of what happened then. That was an awesome experience, one that got me excited as I recounted the experience.

So, 2022, two experiences.. one bad and the other good.

My wife's birthday and mine are within the first few months of the year. My wife's is before mine and I asked her what she wanted to do. I should mention that when we went with her friend back in early 2020, it was for her birthday. Some life changes happened around that time which caused her to be exhausted for the most part. She did not do much but tried to not be a downer during that 2020 visit. So in 2022, asking what she wanted to do, she wanted to have a proper Vegas birthday. I planned the trip and was set to be there from Friday to Monday. We arrive to Vegas and skip the small usual stuff and get the shit show. So I started to gamble early in the day Saturday. Friday when we get in, we settle into the room and she decides she wants to do a little bit of shopping and we do so while I get my slushy fix in. We do our thing Friday for the rest of the day which was not long. Saturday I get up, get breakfast and talk my wife into letting me gamble and start drinking. My mistake was drinking, which is pretty much any mistake huh? So after a few hours of playing poker at the Aria and I couldn't tell you how many drinks I had but I was feeling intoxicated. I went back up to the room to get changed. When I arrived to the room, she was already getting ready for the night. This had to be around 8p or so and I do so as well. I jump in the shower and change into my best clothes. After we are done, we head down to the bar while awaiting our ride to the male strip club. Heading to the bar was the second mistake, though I did not drink a lot, I still had 2 vodka red bulls.
We get to the strip club and make our to the seat. There are some dancers (of course) and patrons. We felt prepared this time in know what to expect as far as atmosphere. So no guys catch her attention but there was this one caucasion guy that was persistent. He kept checking on us, would sit and talk for a few. He was never pushy in terms of trying to get money. He seemingly was just enjoying her time and us as we did have some laughs and good conversations. The night goes on and I kept ordering more drinks to the point where I am staggering. There are no other guys that has her attention so we settle on this guy. I say that lightly, he was attractive/fit/spoke well/ and had a brief connection so I thought it was going to be good. We settle on him for a floor dance. He does the right moves but it was definitely not like the first time we experienced there. So the dancer tells her the dances get better in the back. She is hesitant as the guy was not her type but myself being drunk and thinking something will happen, I am in her ear about just doing so. Reluctantly she agrees but I set it up. Meaning that I spoke to the dancer about just being persistent and that was another mistake. So after a few more minutes (more like 30-45) and a couple of drinks, we go to the back. The guy is dancing on her while I am off to the side but my view is more of his back sort of to the left side of him. He is probably 5'10" but stocky, in shape stocky. With that he over shadows her a good amount. I really only see her right arm, right leg for the most part. I can see her body depending on the moves he is doing. He has her legs open and underwear in full view. I am very excited watching this and she grabs and rubs his dick over his shorts. I don't see it fully but the motion is very obvious. At some point he does this move a few times but its dry humping her very fast during this "in the moment" time, I notice her breast came out of her loose shirt and she was not wearing a bra. So, in my excitement, I am thinking "oh shit" and another man has now see my wife's breast. In some weird way, I come out of my stale stupor and grab for her shirt to cover her. I do not know why I did this but I know why I did this. If that makes any sense at all. My wife grabs my wrist and in my opinion, throws my hand away. I am angry and asked her "don't do that" but I said it in a way that she knew I was angry as she later told me. I took this action as her kicking me out of the experience for her to enjoy all her own. I took it as "get away you are messing this up" where I just wanted to be included.

At that point, the vibe we were having died a heavy death. She stood up, the dancer stands up as we all know what mood this is now. He gets in between me and my wife and that angers me more as this is my wife. He talks to me, I talk to him and we come to an understanding that there is no intention for either him or I to become more than a misunderstanding. I go to talk to my wife and she is visibly mad and at this point embarrassed. We argue a little and to be honest I have no idea what further was said. I know we were not yelling but she would listen to me and neither I to her. I get up to leave and go to the female side of the club and buy a drink. Except my wallet is gone, I think she took it from me and I go to find her. Except I do not find her so now I am thinking she bailed on me and I am drunk and I am mad. I had my phone with me, and have uber or Lyft on my phone but my drunken dumbass decided to get a taxi outside of the club. This was about 20-30 minutes trying to look for her and never found her. The male side closed within that 20-30 minutes so getting there was useless. I get a taxi back to the hotel, make it to the room and pass out. I wake up to my wife coming in about 4a angry and she tries to push me off the bed. I just roll over and quietly glad she is back.

The next day, it was quiet, I am stubborn and shut down whenever I am bothered by something. This allows me to not say anything I will regret so I excuse myself to play more poker, drinking to get off my hangover. We don't talk much the rest of the trip and don't talk until a few after we get home. What she thought I was trying to do was take her shirt off. This made sense, since he was still in a humping motion while I was trying to cover her. It seemed like I was pulling at her shirt. I explained that I didn't like her throwing my hand away and it was not my intention to come off the way I did. This was my mistake of misunderstanding. I was bothered that she left me and took my wallet. She did not know she had my wallet. A couple sitting next to us noticed us arguing and grabbed her attention to make sure she was okay. They ended up taking her to a night club. They met up with friends and the friends helped her get back to the hotel. She lost her wallet in the process. As I got back to the hotel, I didn't have my wallet and the taxi told me I could give him my phone temporarily to get some money. I asked people I didn't know if they have 5 bucks and no one wanted to help me. I don't blame them either. So I go back out to the taxi after he lets me go to my room to see if my wife is back and he is gone. My wife was calling my phone not knowing I did not have it. She thought I bailed on her or ignored her throughout her trying to get back to the room.

To talk about this experience is rough for me, I failed as a man and as a husband. I beat myself up everyday I think about this and it is a lot due to it being an experience of the fantasy. Luckily we came out of it with our health and ourselves. Something worse had the high possibility of happening but I am thankful it did not. At the end of this experience, I am embarrassed, I do feel like a failure in making sure my wife was safe no matter what, I put her in a situation that was not safe.

With this experience, I thought "yeah, I am not doing this". I hated myself and shut down this fantasy internally. Until a opportunity came up during my birthday.

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Re: My story, on a journey to a MFM

Unread post by Tiburon » Wed Oct 18, 2023 2:31 pm

So a couple of months pass and my birthday is coming up. To make it up to my wife, I took her to a steak house locally to us and at the time, I was hoping that helped the fixing process. I shut the fantasy down and knowing that I did a lot of wrong leading up to this and this was the cherry on top was what happened during the last experience. So I thought that I needed to get control of myself and quit thinking about this. So I did, I buried it deep down and worked on being a better husband during this time. I really, really hated myself for what happened and I definitely would have felt better if even in that moment that we were both angry and embarrassed, we went back and arrived together at the hotel safe.

Couple months pass, my birthday is coming up, for years I know what I always wanted for my birthday. It should seem easier to make something happen during your birthday right? Oh to live in fantasy land for the most part. She asks me what I want and I say I want to do nothing. Why should I celebrate my birthday when I just messed hers up, that doesn't seem fair. So I want to do nothing but stay home and treat it like another day. My wife, she is not about that life and is persistent about asking what I want to do for about a week. I break and say I want to play some poker at the local casino. I add that I want to be on my time, also have some drinks throughout my time there at the casino. Then later on in the evening, to eat at a steakhouse. So that is the plan and the day comes and I make my way to the casino. I check out my limit from the ATM but only play the minimum as I do well in poker. Few hours pass and I am 3 or 4 coronas deep and having a good time. During this time, I also limited my alcohol intake so I am coasting along in that area. My wife dropped me off at the casino and went home to hang out and later on into the night, change to go to the steakhouse. We end up getting a room near the casino as we live about 45 minutes away from it. She picks me and we head to the room so I can change. In the process the conversation goes to if I want to eat at this place or go elsewhere. I say I am happy for some brewery action, I mean craft beers and bar food. As we leave the hotel, she brings up that she was surprised that I did not mention the strip club.Now, I haven't thought about anything since her birthday and I do not know how I did but the thought of that being a place to hang just never crossed my mind during this time. So, I say "Yeah I am down to go only if it's okay" and it was okay!!

So this local club is females dancers only and it is just me and my wife. We stop and get out of the truck and I order an Lyft because I knew I would be drinking and she would be drinking. Now we are at the club and hanging out. With my new found riches (casino) I get a couple hundred in ones and walk in high class by the bouncer leading us to a nice table that has a view but is still dark in the area surrounding. Backing up, I have gone to strip clubs before with friends, I got dances, I went up to the stage and threw some ones. When my then GF and now wife was there, I never did anything but drink, sit in the chair, turned away dancers. My wife is not into girls, but she has gotten some dances with me watching or she mainly the one going to the stage. This causes some stares and some banter when she at the stage because there are mainly guys up there. I watch them and their eyes follow them back to the chair and once they see me, they turn away.Tonight was no different as we got some drinks in and the acrobatic dancers start hitting the stage, she goes up and throws them dollars. The night is fun, she is going up and having fun and we move closer to the dance area. what happens next was completely unexpected and blows my mind.

As she is throwing bills onto the stage, and this stage is shaped like a uncracked peanut. We are in the shallow or thinnest part of the stage. She is throwing dollars at a dancer she likes because of her moves and attraction and this guy across from her leans over and says "She is nice but I can not take my eyes of you". My wife is surprised but I do not see this interaction. She told me as I came back from the restroom and pointed the guy out to me. I was like cool and she told me it caught her off guard and was amazing to hear that amongst the dancers in view. I sit back down and so does she, I am looking at the guy to get a look of him and she on occasion glances over. I maybe exaggerating that part as he is right in the middle of the stage and it's not hard to not see him when watching a dancer. At some point I excuse myself to the restroom again, not a lie as I needed to go but I was hoping he would get more courage as well. I come back out and he does, he asks my wife name and he tells her his name and he repeats something similar to what he initially said, another compliment. They make small talk and I see the end of this interaction. I think he saw me come out of the restroom as it is in his view from where he is sitting. So feeling "couraged" I go over to talk to him but he is not there or in the area. When I returned, my wife asked why I was over there and I told her that I wanted to talk to him. She said why and I said I wanted to buy him a beer for being polite. Which is entirely true as I had no intentions of anything happening. I can't find him, my wife does not see him and I chalk it up to him leaving after about 30 minutes. Some time passes and I go to the restroom again. When I walk out he is there talking to my wife. My wife is laughing and engaged in the conversation and he sees me first, pauses and then she sees me and she has a look of "oh shit". I introduce myself first, I offer to buy him a beer and he seemingly relaxes and off I go to the bar. I buy us all a round, My wife's fourth, my fourth since we been at the club as I am tracking with my wife in her sipping. As I left, he kept talking to her and she was interested as I could see them from the bar. I continue watching until the drinks come and I pay and this is the first time the idea of the fantasy pops back into my head in full force. I walk back and give every one their drinks and ask him "what's up". He stumbled a little and then answered, I am just enjoying the night, my first night off from work in two weeks and I say cool. My wife is guessing my demeanor and I show calmness. Once she relaxes, she goes back to watching and throwing some dollars. I ask him if he complimented my wife and he gets his guard back up and says yeah I did, you have a beautiful wife. I say thank you and I appreciate that. I do forget most of the conversation but it's small talk with some joking about work and being at the club. The club calls last call and we are all about halfway through our drinks.

I ask her if she would like another round, she says no, I ask him and he says yes so I offer to buy him and I another round. He stops me and says I got this round and walks off. My wife leans into me to give me a hug and asked what I talked with him about. I told her what I mentioned above and she says "that's cool, he is a nice guy isn't he?". I agree and ask her when she wants to leave and she says when I finish my drinks. He comes back and I finish the beer I had and take a big gulp of the one he came back with. I was excited, I was happy that I didn't get jealous and we found ourselves in this place. So I was thinking about the fantasy but I did not bring it up, it was a silent thought. I didn't want to destroy the vibe of just having a good time but I wanted to get my wife to the hotel to have some fun with her and I. So I am about to finish my drink and he asks what our plans are after this, I just say we are going to go back to the hotel to continue the night. I genuinely meant that with no further intentions of anything but my wife and I having some birthday sex. So we start to walk out and he follows us. We step outside and I stop to pull my phone out to order our Lyft and he asks if we need a ride. I say yeah I am ordering a Lyft and he asks if we are close by and I say 2 streets over and he says that he could give us a ride if we like. I look at my wife and she says "okay" and throws her hands up in manner of saying whatever or shoot let's go. I am surprised and say okay and we walk to his truck. We get in the back and I make a couple jokes about him being our uber on the way. As we get on the road, my wife leans into me and rests her head on my shoulder and I direct him to our hotel. Up to this point, I am quietly thinking about something happening, I never mentioned it or insinuated anything.

He parks, we get out and I say "thanks man" and he responds with "you are welcome". As I close his door on his truck, I hear his pop open on his side and he steps out. He is about to light a cigarette up and asks if I want one and I say am good but thanks. My wife stops and just lets out this *sigh* and leans against his truck and I am reading her mind saying she needed a minute. I full stop and now she is arms length from me leaning near the taillight of his truck. He is about arms length from her with his foot on his bumper in a stretch type stance. Small talk is had and he says man is there any place that s still open that sells this late, I say no and my wife blurts out "I am glad we have some drinks in our room". She said this in a manner just to say we are lucky to continue our night and sucks for me. I said "oh yeah, do you want to have a drink?" to him and he accepts nonchalantly. My wife says "shit let's go" and as I go to grab her hand, she steps forward and wasn't prepared for movement she stumbles a little. Enough to stumble but she caught herself and as she does he leans in to grab her waist. It was ill timed like he was trying to help but delayed in doing so as she was already ready to walk. His left hand is on her right part of her waist and he reaches out with his right hand toward her right hand. She naturally reached out to meet his hand as if I was doing that and not him. With doing so she moved into him and he, her. He put his left arm around her waist and kept holding her hand. I was speechless as I see this play out and just frozen. Another man is holding my wife and as I snap to, I reach out for her left hand and she says "no I got it". He then catches what is going and looks at me with an "oh shit" look, I didn't say anything but smile and I turn to walk and I am in front of them a couple steps. I keep looking back as I am talking about something I do not recall. We walk into the hotel and I am leading the away to the elevator as I am still ahead of them. I push the button to go up and by the time they get to me the door is opening. I walk in and so do they, he leads her in and as he stops, he turns in front of her, guiding her to turn around and pulls her into him and his hand is on his stomach on top of the waistband. She backs up into him and give me the most sultry look I have ever seen in an awhile. Nothing was said, no this is going to happen or this is what I/you wanted, it was silence but we all knew what was happening.

We get to our floor, I do nothing different and guide us to our room. I open the door and he is still holding her waist on her left side and we walk in. It was a suite. I leave him to catch the door to close it. I grab myself a drink that I can share with my wife and I offer him one as well and he takes it. I take a drink and she takes a sip. So now I am standing with my back to door leading to the bedroom, she is to my left and he is to my right. I am standing slightly closer to her but not much. It was awkward but I crack a joke and again thank him for the ride. We laugh and he says no problem, thank for the drinks and solely cheers. My wife chimes in and says thank you for the ride and he just quietly cheers his drink to her and looks down after his drinks. As he does this, I look at her and she gives me this look that just seems like she is saying "fuck me". I slap her butt with my left hand and she steps forward and this catches his attention.
Now I should describe what she is wearing. She is wearing a black pleather mini skirt, it's not short but it's above her knees about an inch or so. She has has black heels on and has a silky top that buttons in the front and the bottom is made to be tied for an added affect. She has black panties that is primarily satin and lacey on the sides. I particularly love these ones and she knows it. Then she had one a lace bra that she pulls off amazingly. He has jeans on, a button up flannel shirt and wearing a ball cap. I am wearing jeans and a solid button up shirt.
As she steps forward, she reaches out for me and I grab her waist and pull her in and kiss her. To be honest, I forgot he was there for a short time, until she moves to kiss my neck and I catch a glimpse of him in my peripheral vision and motion him to go to the back of her. As I do so, she looks up to me to kiss me again and I get back into it. I feel his hands touch mine on her waist and I move my hand down to her hips and he starts to feel her stomach and I feel her shirt pull up. I pull back enough to see his hands go over my wife's breast. It was so fucking hot to see this. At this time she sort of leans back into him and turns her head to him and they start kissing. His hands still massaging her breast and she reaches up to undo 2 buttons. From my view, it was so hot to see her lace bra from her open shirt and she kissing him while leaning back toward him. Shortly after he moves around to the front of her and steps to my left side. She looks at me and looks back and sits down opening her legs enough to see her underwear slightly. I lean down to kiss her, I take my right hand and explore the side of her body down to her thigh, then inside her thigh and back up to her panties and start rubbing her. I do not know where he is but I start to kiss her chest and unbutton the rest of her shirt to open it and kiss her breasts on top of her bra. I am licking and kissing my way down and kneel before her and start kissing her left thigh and then right thigh. I get to her cat and kiss over the underwear and then pull them aside and start to finger her while eating her. While I was doing this, I kept looking at her to make sure she was okay or showed any signs of caution and nothing the whole time. The guy then appears from my right side and leans in to kiss her and they kiss. I am going down on her and seeing this happen is just fucking wow! She motions to his belt and I saw that she was rubbing him and trying to get his dick out. He has one knee on the couch and foot on the floor standing. He goes upright and excitedly unbuckles his belt and pants and I hear the zipper and I am still looking and still licking on her. She places her left hand on his right thigh and pulls him in for a BJ and I am just fucking wow and excitement level beyond belief. One thing about this guy is he had a full beard, and when he dropped his pants, the first I noticed was his hairy legs and then his area wasn't trimmed. She gave him a couple of stroke and backed off. I moved back, grabbed his left hand and put it on her 'cat and he started to rub her and then finger her. I stood up, motioned for him to switch with me as he looked at me. As I get into the same stance he was in, I had already dropped my pants and undies. She looks at me with this fucking crazy sexy look and starts to give me a soft/slow lick of the tip than same tempo BJ.
This whole time I hear her moans, the sultry look she has was fucking amazing. I kept an eye on her to make sure she was not scared or not into it or anything that would suggest she was not with it. So I look down and he is going down on her and she is rubbing herself and giving me a BJ. She stops to lean back and moans slightly louder than the rest and then she looks at me. She had this glossed over and I immediately tap the guy. on the shoulder and he looks up and I motion him to get going. My wife leans back into me to give me some head and he leaves. I stop her and pick her up to go to the bed and she asks where he went and I told her I asked him to leave and she asked why. I said that I thought it was time for him to leave and she just said okay. As I lay her down, I take off her skirt and shirt, kiss her some more and then go to the front room to grab my drink. On my way back I use the restroom and when I walk out, she is about to fall asleep and I motion for her to go to sleep. It is about 230 in the morning and I finish my drink while taking a shower and pass out next to her. She wakes up about 430 grabbing me and rubbing me, I fully wake up and give her the best 10 minutes I had and I came hard..we fall back asleep.

We wake up in the morning and she comes to and the first question she asks was "did we have a threesome", I excitedly say almost and she says what do you mean. So I tell her the gist of it and she says "damn". I told her I looked at her and she game me this look that I needed to stop it and she said she appreciated that and glad I stopped it before it went further.

We talk about it that morning and it becomes a story to talk about...sort of... later.

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Re: My story, on a journey to a MFM

Unread post by Wantsomefunto » Thu Oct 19, 2023 5:35 am

Amazing story and journey! I can’t wait to hear more.

Posts: 39
Joined: Sun Oct 19, 2014 3:36 pm

Re: My story, on a journey to a MFM

Unread post by Tiburon » Thu Oct 19, 2023 11:06 am

Thanks Wantssomefunto, I appreciate your response.

So as mentioned, we wake up in the morning and she asks that question. So the glossed over look she gave me was the look of alcohol taking over. I am glad that in my excitement of everything happen as it did, that I was able to stop that when I did. One of my biggest things is that I do ever want her to regret the morning after. I read a lot of stories about aftercare, a lot of bad stories where someone got too drunk and didn't remember a thing, regret set in and it was bad news bears in those stories.

And then she said those words "I don't remember" and my heart sank. It sank for the reason that I did not want her to not remember it. I would rather her have regrets or have a negative feeling toward me and this fantasy then for her to not remember. So we talked in the morning as we got ready to meet up with some family. I had a bad hangover and so did she but not as bad. Since she is a small little thing, it takes less to get her drunk but she gets there pretty quick. I had asked her what she remembered before I said anything to gauge where she was in this. She recalled up to the point we walked out and he offered us a ride. She remembers the drive back, she remembered getting out of the truck and she remembers walking into the hotel. She paused as asked "were you walking ahead of me", I respond with "yes I was" and she then asked if he came up to the room and before I answered, she remembered walking into the elevator. From here she had some blank spots, she doesn't remember getting off the elevator and walking into the room. She remembered us three standing in a triangle. From that, she went to remembering sitting on the couch and trying to give him a BJ and remembers him going down on her. After that, nothing except our sex session. She vaguely remembered me being there with her after walking into the room. So, if you recall my saying she had this glossy look to her before I stopped it. That was about the time the alcohol fully took over. I was thankful I was able to stop it there with my excitement. Also, if you recall my mentioning that my wife has the scary way of putting on a facade that even I sometimes can not recognize. I was able to this time and one could argue just in time and another could say a little too late.

So, now I can't use this experience as something positive to look back on. As I type it out, I got excited recalling the moments as things played out but as I finish it, it is hard to continue being excited. We talked about it for the following months, she asked how I felt about everything and I was surprised of how not jealous I was during. I was so turned on and surprisingly, I did not cum from the experience in itself. I came hard during out early AM sex session though. I recalled her moans that she made, the look she gave me, how she leaned into him when being "caught" and walking along. How I never thought, even though I asked about it so much, that it would ever happen. I asked her, and she just kept saying she didn't remember and is sort of glad she can not. That killed the excitement for me every time after that she said it. One thing not remembering and it's now another that she is glad she can't remember? To this day, when discussing this part of the experience, I always say that it's hard to recall this one as you do not remember fully what happened. She understands but shortly after this, she tried her hardest to recall after walking into the room what was said and her emotions before and during, she just can not.

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Re: My story, on a journey to a MFM

Unread post by Tiburon » Thu Oct 19, 2023 12:11 pm

So as I mentioned there was two experiences in 2022, that was a lie and there was more talking and one more experience before the year ended.

So halfway through the year comes and I do not talk about the experience in March but a couple times and leave it at that. As far as the fantasy in total, I didn't talk about it at all, if I did, I shut that conversation down as soon as I mentioned something. This is because what happened at the start of the year 2022.

Come September, we go to Texas for a baseball game and we are staying right across from the stadium. We could have just watched the game from the hotel pool, a couple floors up was our room that overlooked the pool and the pool overlooked the stadium. The game and the room is not important as nothing physical or of any possibility happened. What happened was that we talked about the fantasy after the game while we were in the room laying down after a shower we had the conversation that would change everything. I forget how it was actually brought up but I talked about my studies up to that point. How pre cum excitement thoughts were there, that I read that make the call if you want to do this post cum as the mind is clearer and has better judgement. I read all the good stuff, what do when this or that happens, how to start it, how I thought we would start it. With that last part, strip poker has always been the way I wanted to start it, she is self conscious about her body and she did not want to be fully naked in front of someone. She asked what I specifically read about in terms of what others have went through, the start of things. She asked all the questions of why I wanted to do this, if I wanted a pass, why another guy and not girl, how I would feel if she liked it, how I would feel if she preferred the guy over me and left with him. She asked everything that other guys has said their S.O. 's have asked. At that moment, it was wild to think. how I read this on forums, heard this in podcast's and she is asking me these questions in real time.

This conversation was different, it was a two way conversation, she was serious in asking any and all questions. If I did not answer it clear enough, she would re ask it in sometimes the same way or in another way that it was clear. I was ready, after all my studying and research, oh was I ready. I gave no fake answers, I told her everything as positively and as clear as I could. Even all the bad stuff one rarely covers in these scenarios. We talked for maybe an hour. Just asking each other clearer questions, more sincere answers, we just laid there in the dark but with enough light from the street lights to light the room just enough we saw each other.

One of things she asked, was with who? Naturally I said maybe a friend of mine BUT as a guy, I have some ugly friends lol and she agreed not the best looking guys and generally a bad idea. A while ago, I hired an African American guy, tall as me, a bit more fit, funny as hell and cool as hell. Not going to lie, when I interviewed him, I thought maybe but that was not the reason why I hired him haha. He is a cool guy, problem is that he is a little too cool for me to see him in that light at that time. She agreed not a good idea. I then asked her if she ever met someone where she thought he could be a good fit. She said no she has not looked or even considered anyone she knew of. She is not the type to jump on the bandwagon of an attractive guy if others are attracted to him. She has always been like this, but why she chose me, I have no clue. Then she started to go through some of the people she worked with, she brought up some stuff they would say. At some point I started to decipher what they were actually saying to her during some conversations they had. She was surprised about this and she brought several other people and their conversations and I deciphered those as well. Then she brought up this guy... a guy that she doesn't directly work with, but a guy that caught the attention of her co workers but not my wife. My wife treated him like a friend, kept him at a friends arm length. Part because we are married and morals, part because she didn't want to be another basic fan of his.

Guys that are reading this wanting this to happen or wanting to travel down that road.. One of the the possibilities of success is the right guy. I am jealous of those who can find someone right away and have a good experience. When I tell you "the right guy has to come along", I didn't believe it, thought yeah right to an extent. The right guy came along for my wife. Without knowing it, she built a friendship, some trust and there was a level of attraction from her to him and him to her. When she said she thought was attractive, my heart started racing and my palms got sweaty...

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Re: My story, on a journey to a MFM

Unread post by Tiburon » Thu Oct 19, 2023 2:04 pm

From here this gets very specific, I doubt the guy would be on here but if you find this, PM me before you come to any conclusions.

To those reading, that statement above will make sense as I continue.

So, we talk about this guy and their interaction, I deciphered pretty much that he was flirting with her. She caught some of it but I thought even someone who has never been flirted would catch that. The bigger/deeper stuff I pretty much mansplained what he was doing. So we spent the rest of the night of her telling me conversation and interactions, I mansplained every bit of it. At the time I knew she was interested to a certain extent. THOUGH this was the first she shown any interest and really talked openly about it. I think she was straight forward with me to test me if I would break and be jealous. I tried to find the line of som jealousy but not to the point of seeing not to care or too jealous. I was just happy she reciprocated the conversation. At the end, I let her know to show some interest and possibly open flirt back and she said she would!!!! I was anxious... it was hard to sleep that night.

To be specific, this convo happened in September. The rest of Sept. I would ask daily, what was said, who said what but she played it cool and went at her pace to be nonchalant about it. October, it was much of the same early in the month but at the end, they started to obvious flirt openly through text. When I tell you everyday I asked, did they talk, what was said, what was your response, what was his. A lot of days, there was silence, business only.. minimal days there was conversation that didn't involve work. I explained his position as she told me what he said, I let her know how to respond or what to respond with. BUT that made it weird for her, so I dialed it back and just tried to explain what he may be referring to with his potential flirting. I got in deep with their convos, then I backed out when told and waited at the imaginary entrance if she needed some insight. November comes, much of the same just more flirting than before. I could imagine on his end, he was surprised by her responses because I was. I could see him think that this might being working for him. In November, my wife and her actual coworkers planned a Friendsgiving at a restaurant. I encouraged her to invite him, she eventually did and I think he agreed but later backed out due to work. This became a topic of conversation between the that he would not show up so what is the point of inviting him. After the F/G in November, they still flirted, around this time it was more obvious. After a conversation about him bailing on F/G he dared my wife to invite him out to another gathering and he would be there. At this time she and her friends had another plan to meet up for a going away party that was to be held in early December. She jokes with him that he would not show. It was more friendly banter rather than calling him out. He said he promised to show up to the next get together, she then invited him and he said he would be there.

December comes... I was not ready for this.

Posts: 39
Joined: Sun Oct 19, 2014 3:36 pm

Re: My story, on a journey to a MFM

Unread post by Tiburon » Thu Nov 16, 2023 2:32 pm

Apology for the delay of continuing. I typed out most of what happened in December and upon submitting, the refresh I lost everything. Then work nonsense happened that just killed my mood. I am barely getting over the work stuff so I should be updating soon.

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