"Not Really"

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by NewtonBlade » Mon Feb 19, 2024 9:22 am

Wow! Thanks Ray-Man.

The Energizer Bunny would've needed redbull to keep up with your wife that Xmas season!

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by joel68 » Mon Feb 19, 2024 7:08 pm


Didn’t think Marc would last. He reverted to his true colors. Didn’t take too long either. You guys are way better off without him in your lives.

It could get awkward if you run into him at the gym. But I am sure you both can handle it.

Good luck going forward.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Shauncuckold » Mon Feb 19, 2024 7:44 pm

Great update. I really enjoy your adventures. You guys are such a sexy couple.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by octavian » Mon Feb 19, 2024 11:57 pm

Marc gone
Rob gone
Tory going?
Maybe Brett might show up again.
Great account.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by 54321 » Wed Feb 21, 2024 2:50 am

Thank you, Ray-Man for another wonderful update. Frankly, I was going cold turkey!
This story of you and the wonderful Jen is quite addictive. :D


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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Wed Feb 21, 2024 5:23 am


Back to work on Monday of the first full week of February. Jen and Brittany were comparing notes of their sex lives. Jen had kept Brittany up to speed on what had been going on. Brittany’s sex life was still predominately monogamous with her husband with the occasional threesome with their regular friend. Brittany was envious of Jen’s adventures as always.

Jen texted Tory and basically begged him to come the following weekend. He could not commit though and it was giving her fits. We were having sex every day now so she was not being denied in any way. But she craved being used by Tory.

Rob was off the map. He was enjoying his newly discovered sexuality, hooking up with guys.

Tuesday Jen went for drinks with Brittany and a few co-workers. Brittany and Jen ended up staying after the other co-workers departed. They wanted to talk about their secrets. While at the bar three guys came in and sat adjacent to them. Two hot chicks sitting at a bar. What’s not to like for three young guys. It wasn’t long before they were hitting on the girls. And the girls flirted back playfully.

Brittany had her wedding ring on. Jen does not wear hers. So maybe because of the absence of the ring Jen got more of the attention. Neither Brittany or Jen let on that Jen was married. The flirting crossed over the line from light to heavy. Jen said that they were all good looking, mid 20’s. And before it was done Jen had given her number to one of them.

I got the full story when she got home and of course she was horny so I did what any loving husband would do and fucked her! Her panties were soaked when I took them off.

Tory got back to Jen on Wednesday and told her that he could come out for the day on Sunday. Not exactly what she had hoped but better than nothing. I suspected he had some pussy he was chasing back east.

Thursday Jen got a text from the guy she gave her number to at the bar. He wanted to take her out on Friday night. A Date! She asked what I thought? It was an avenue we had never gone down before. For her to actually go on a date. It seemed like it would be interesting, maybe exciting. I gave her my approval and so she accepted.

I asked her how she was going to handle the “I am married talk?” She really didn’t know. I asked her if she had any expectations? She really didn’t. It did excite her that she was going on a “date” though. I was actually a bit into it as well.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Wed Feb 21, 2024 5:23 am

Date night…

When Jen woke up Friday morning all she could talk about was her impending date that night. The level of anticipation was high. After work she came home to get ready. All showered and fresh she dressed in jeans and a button down western style shirt. We played with the buttons to try and figure out what was the appropriate level of breast reveal. She looked awesome, sexy.

Off she went and I had to say I had a touch of jealousy. Or anxiety. It was different than having the guys just come by to fuck her. She was being pursued and she liked that dynamic. And I was completely uninvolved so that was somewhat different as well. She texted me the dinner location so I could keep track of her location.

We had agreed before she left that to be safe, safer than we had been in the past, that she would not do anything sexual with him until we vetted him. I was starting to feel we had been too lucky in the past and had taken too many risks.

They met at 7:00 at a restaurant 30 minutes from our home. She texted me once early on that he was polite and nice. Other than that I heard nothing for 4 hours. At 11:00 I got a text that she was on her way home.

When she walked through the door it was very obvious to me that nothing sexual had occurred. She said that they had dinner then went to a bar and just talked. She said he was a gentleman the entire time, was interesting to talk to and definitely seemed to be looking for a girlfriend. I asked if she explained the situation, that she is married. She did not.

The way it was left with him was that she would go on another date with him. He had asked. I asked her when she was going to tell him that she was married? She promised on the next date that she would. Her motivation it seemed is she did not want to end it on a single date if he was not into it. I failed to see that logic but I did not pester her anymore on that point.

Saturday we spent doing married couple activities. Her new prospect texted her several times to let her know how much he enjoyed their “date”. She was giddy with the attention. Saturday night we went to our local pub for dinner and then home for some vanilla sex. She was now getting anxious for Tory’s visit the following day.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by isinlarsa » Wed Feb 21, 2024 5:40 am

Even though you are giving Jen lots of good sex, she seems to crave variety, or at least being with a man who uses her body for his pleasure. I understand that -- my wife wanted to be with other men for the variety, too.

You mentioned the man dating Jen is a young man. How young is he compared to Jen?

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by 54321 » Wed Feb 21, 2024 12:05 pm

When she walked through the door it was very obvious to me that nothing sexual had occurred
Not even a kiss?
Her new prospect texted her several times to let her know how much he enjoyed their “date”. She was giddy with the attention.


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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Thu Feb 22, 2024 9:56 am

Sunday fun day…

Tory arrived around 10:00 am. I had made a brunch of sorts timed for his arrival. While we were eating he came clean that he was hooking up with a girl but explained that it was a FWBs situation. He thanked Jen for all the training, it was working out for him with his new side chick. Jen did not seem phased with the revelation at all.

After brunch they headed towards the bedroom, he was there for a purpose after all. They fucked a couple times while I kept myself occupied, listening to her vocally express her pleasure through the door. She came out of the room naked around 1:00 pm and got some water. I pointed out that she had cum on her legs, jokingly. She looked at me dead serious and said “Your right”. “I guess you need to clean up the mess then”.

She got on the kitchen table and spread her legs. Not to deny her and skirt my obligations I pulled up a chair, sat in front of her and started sucking lightly on her clit. “Make sure you get it all” was her only comment. So I started on the inside of her legs, working at it as some of the cum was from round one and dried to her skin. With her legs clean I dove into her hole and dug out what I could with my tongue and cleaned up all the jizz around her mound. I finished with her clit and she squirmed all around the table top in orgasmic bliss.

Tory, whom neither of us saw come into the room, gave us a round of applause. “You two are unreal”. I backed away from her and she got off the table and kneeled directly in front of him, sucking his semi hard cock in front of me. He lifted her off her knees once he was hard and bent her over the table taking her from behind. I never left the chair. I just enjoyed watching his cock disappear in and out of her.

After he released his fertility into her I gave her oral again and she was nearly exhausted from the intensity. Cleaned, she grabbed Tory by the arm and led him to the couch where they laid down and spooned while I surfed the tv looking for something to watch. She soon dozed off and he laid behind her with his arm around her stroking her breasts. Looked like a couple. Keep in mind I was fully dressed for all of this and my never ending boner was straining at the fabric of my pants.

It was a lazy afternoon other than the two more times he fucked her missionary on the couch. 6:00 pm he departed for Boston and I got my turn with her. I never tired of fucking her silky loose pussy after one of her boyfriends used her. And she loved it as well. She said that there was this feeling of contentment when I added my seed to her lover’s deposits. It never got old for either of us.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Thu Feb 22, 2024 9:57 am

Date #2…

Tuesday the 14th I bought my wife flowers and some bath salts for Valentines day. She brought home an enema kit from CVS. That was my V-Day gift, her ass. It was strange. The anticipation while she prepped herself. The lube on my cock and her hole. The very odd sensation of trying to press the head of my penis into her very tight bum hole. It was interesting to try. We got it done. It wasn’t something I would do on the regular. I am just big enough that it was not comfortable for her. I appreciated the thought of the gift.

For me, anal was just not that appealing and she really was not totally into it either.

Wednesday and Thursday, vanilla. Her new prospect initiated another date for Friday so that was the elephant in the room. I had more time to think about the last date and one of the things I was working out in my mind was the change in circumstance around our arrangement. Not since Jon had she really gone on any specific type of date. And even then it was more an invite to a party, not a real date.

So what was working through my mind while my wife was on cloud 9 with anticipation is that basically any guy whom fancied her now just had to get her number, wine and dine her, and….? My wife was going on a DATE. How odd was that? I had been spoiled. Her extra activities had mostly been in front of me lately. With the exception of the overnights at Tory’s housing.

Friday afternoon she was trying on different outfits and asking my opinion. Too sexy, not sexy enough? She was aroused, I was aroused. But I was also in a new funky zone of confusion over my feelings. I shouldn’t have been as this was really the original intent when we started this. For her to date and have some experiences.

She kissed me goodbye and agreed to text me when she arrived at her destination.

I got the “All set” and a pin drop of where she was.

She came through the door at 10:30 looking a little sad. She said that they were having a great time and getting flirty at dinner. After, they went to a bar again for a cocktail. She kissed him in public. He moved around the high top to her side of the table and they started to really get close to one another. They kissed again, in public.

After, they went to his car to “talk”. They started to make out and things were getting heavy. Thats when my little voice in her ear started to prevail. She decided to come clean before things got too far along. So she explained everything to him. About me, having permission to date, etc. He was blank faced and just listened.

When he finally spoke he said that he wished she was honest with him from the beginning. He stated that the situation was not something he desired or was willing to invest time in. He really liked their two dates but it was a big let down for him. He was a bit upset. She apologised and tried to assure him that it would be ok to continue but he interrupted and made himself clear that he was looking for something more long term and traditional. He was not looking for a fuck buddy.

And that was it. Their date ended there and he blocked her on his phone. Jen was not used to this sort of rejection. Her pursuits were not usually denied and this was an ego hit for her. A good lesson though. If she ever pursued a date again she needed to be upfront at the beginning.

That night I gave her consolation sex.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by 54321 » Thu Feb 22, 2024 1:29 pm

I backed away from her and she got off the table and kneeled directly in front of him, sucking his semi hard cock in front of me. He lifted her off her knees once he was hard and bent her over the table taking her from behind.
Cleaned, she grabbed Tory by the arm and led him to the couch where they laid down and spooned while I surfed the tv looking for something to watch. She soon dozed off and he laid behind her with his arm around her stroking her breasts. Looked like a couple.
Oh Wow!
I never tired of fucking her silky loose pussy after one of her boyfriends used her. And she loved it as well. She said that there was this feeling of contentment when I added my seed to her lover’s deposits. It never got old for either of us.


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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Tue Feb 27, 2024 5:35 am

Date 2.0…

Saturday morning Jen was texting Tory to try and get him to come out for some fun. He was busy. She offered to come to him. No, he was busy, hint, hint. While in her last attempts to get him to some kind of compromise she got a text from an unknown number.

“Sorry your date with MJ did not work out. He is a bit of a traditional type guy”. She responded “Who is this?” A text came back “Ryan, one of the guys you met with MJ.” So it seemed that MJ told his buddies about his date with Jen and the outcome. Ryan resumed with his text thread, “He is a really nice guy but he is not up with modern times”. Jen responded “He is a really nice guy and I am sure he will find what he is looking for.”

Tory was now an after thought. A new guy was giving her attention.

He continued “He will. But we think he is being a little foolish. Any guy would jump at the opportunity to date you no matter what your situation is”. Bingo, he cast the shiny lurer and she was already chasing it. He rehabilitated her ego with that one comment. Smooth.

From there it escalated to compliments and accolades. By the time they were done he had a date with her that night before I even knew what was happening. I was on a roller coaster of emotions. It seemed suitors were coming out of every corner for a chance with her. She was so happy, it was truly transformative. It was hot for me to think so many guys wanted her and she felt so desired as well. It was turning into a game.

But now I realized that this guy knew what was up before he even took her on a date. She was a possible fuck to him. Why else would you go on a date with a professed married women. We had no rules but I was asking for some reassurance for safety. She promised.

So for the second night in a row I gave my fashion advice on her sexy attire. Which I might add was sexier than the previous night. And so I saw her off, maybe to be in the arms of another guy again. It was all unknown. She left with an air of confidence. She did not even know which one of the the other guys it was. They were all acceptably handsome so I guess it really didn’t matter. She was going on a date, that’s what mattered at the moment.

Where I was a bit hesitant on Friday night I was more aroused that night. Not sure why. Maybe I sensed that she was going to get laid, maybe?

Before she left I asked for updates during their date. I got the first one when she arrived, that was expected. Then I got one later that he was “cool” and he was the “tall one”. This last comment had no meaning for me as I never met any of them. I took it that she was pleased that it was the “tall” one that reached out. The next text I got was “He is tested”. That was it. No further explanation offered. Now I was preoccupied with the possibility that they may have sex. It was obvious that it was disclosed in discussion and that is not the typical information conveyed on a traditional first date.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Tue Feb 27, 2024 5:36 am


Thats the street number to his place that she texted me along with his address. That was the next text I got after a long period of silence. It was 10:00pm, roughly. There was no more guessing at what was going to happen. If she was going to his place she would be spreading her legs for him, no doubt. And he is “tested” so I was sure that she would let him fertilize her womb.

I was right, but there was more to it.

They left their date site and ended up in his car. Heavy make out and petting session ensues. He then convinces her to go to his place. She said that she just could not control her urges and agreed.

I guess guys in their mid twenties all have roommates? It seemed that way in our recent experiences. However, his roommates were the two guys she met at the bar, including MJ. He was a little shocked when she walked into their place with Ryan. Some awkward pleasantries and MJ excused himself to his space.

From there things escalated quickly. Jen went with Ryan to his room where they resumed making out and began peeling off layers of clothing. She explained to me later that Ryan was 6’2” tall and a “sleeper”. What she meant by that was he wore loose clothing that hid a ripped physique. He also had a “big” one. Big balls as well, the biggest she’d ever seen. He also had big fingers, which felt like Tory inside her.

For two hours she got to feel and explore a new body. She got fucked really hard. She got stretched. And she took 2 very large loads of semen inside her womb. And she was not quiet. She is sure the other roommates had to put ear pods in. Ryan was good at everything. Fucking, eating pussy, dirty talk. She felt like a total slut to him. It was easy. She was easy. She was there for one thing and they both understood that.

It brought back memories of LeBron at Yale. Ryans cock was on par with his and the feeling was the same.

She was telling me all these details when she arrived home at 1:00 pm. I was jealous. Not of Ryan but of her. She looked like she was fucked hard. She was high on it. And I had to see. I had to see the condition of her pussy. I had to taste it. I had to feel what it was like to be inside her after she was owned by this new guy. I was rock hard.

And so I interrupted her recounting of the evening and dragged her to bed. When I finally peeled back her panties there it was. A swollen mound showing pink between her labia and dressed with the remnants of his sperm. The scent of sex was almost overpowering. There was pure masculinity in his smell mixed with hers. I ate her like I never had before. I don’t know why it was so different that night but I wanted to be down there badly.

She came so hard. Begging me to not stop. But I had to feel her. Doggy was my choice. That way I could see her exposed and I could watch my cock slip into her. She was so loose. It just amazed me that her tight pussy could transform into this wet slimy cavern. I loved the feeling. The queefing started right off. I was not getting any kind of seal, the air was escaping from her as I was pumping it in. She started laughing hysterically. So did I. It stopped when I unloaded my sticky sealant into her.

We lay together and she retold her story. Just so I did not miss anything I presume. I got hard again and we proceeded to make some more orchestral vaginal flatulence. When we were done with round two I cold not help myself and I had to feel her insides one more time with my fingers. As I was doing so she lamented on how much she loved me and how fortunate she was to have me as her life partner.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by octavian » Tue Feb 27, 2024 5:52 am

Very arousing, as usual. Thanks yet again.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Tue Feb 27, 2024 6:15 am

isinlarsa wrote:
Wed Feb 21, 2024 5:40 am
Even though you are giving Jen lots of good sex, she seems to crave variety, or at least being with a man who uses her body for his pleasure. I understand that -- my wife wanted to be with other men for the variety, too.

You mentioned the man dating Jen is a young man. How young is he compared to Jen?
This new guy Ryan was 26. Not sure if MJ was the same age.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by isinlarsa » Tue Feb 27, 2024 6:30 am

Ray-Man wrote:
Tue Feb 27, 2024 6:15 am
isinlarsa wrote:
Wed Feb 21, 2024 5:40 am
Even though you are giving Jen lots of good sex, she seems to crave variety, or at least being with a man who uses her body for his pleasure. I understand that -- my wife wanted to be with other men for the variety, too.

You mentioned the man dating Jen is a young man. How young is he compared to Jen?
This new guy Ryan was 26. Not sure if MJ was the same age.
You said Jen was so loud that MJ and the other roommate must have had to put in ear pods. I'm giving odds that they made a point of listening and jacking off -- especially MJ who could visualize what she looked like when getting fucked. I bet the other roommate wants his turn.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by hairyhead » Tue Feb 27, 2024 6:52 am

Well written and entertaining as well as arousing until the following came into my head

"Walking STI depository"


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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Wed Feb 28, 2024 6:20 am

No turning back…

Periodically I would think that maybe our lifestyle, or more to the point, our sexual lifestyle was too over the top. Were we playing with fire? Would something happen to make it all come crashing down.

But then these experiences happened that took it to another level of excitement. A guy, an unknown person, with a seemingly much bigger dick than me, just rocked my girls world. I could see it in her eyes. She got really fucked good and she really enjoyed it. I could not give her this. I should have been jealous. I should have been threatened.

But I wasn’t. I was extremely aroused. And her affirmation at a moment when I should have been at my most vulnerable, she tells me she loves me and is grateful that I am her “life partner”. These small words reinforced my support of her finding new levels of pleasure. New males that bred her and inseminated her with their fertility. It was fucked up. I started it. I initiated this path. But I was now more comfortable with it than I ever had been.

She just basically fucked a stranger and I was all about it?

When we woke in the morning she needed it bad. So we mated like couples do when they are horny. And I bred her all day long. We were both at peak arousal. And him texting her kept adding gasoline to the fire. He wanted more. She wanted more. And I wanted him to take her again.

And so it was. Sunday evening, after I had been fucking her all day, she left for his place to get some more of his big dick and balls. She told him what we had done and it just made him all the more dominant. By the time she got home she could not even bear the thought of me going down on her. She was done. The white flag had been flown and I would not get to experience their flavor that night.

In the end it was well and good as we were both mentally and physically exhausted. A glass of wine and Netflix. We fell asleep on the couch. Never moved until morning. Nearly was late for work.

They texted all day Monday. He wanted more of her badly. She was on the same page but she needed a break, for at least a day. He was relentless though. When she did not show up for supper I texted to find out where she was. She was just leaving the Mall parking lot. ?

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Wed Feb 28, 2024 6:20 am

She went to get Salami…

That is, he convinced her to meet him in the Mall parking lot. She got in his car and gave him a blowjob. They were in a back corner away from most of the cars. She said it felt so slutty and dangerous. And she got the best view of his cock yet. And her first taste of his cum with a large sampling. She said he was a fountain of pre-cum when she slipped his cock out of his underwear. He was grateful.

He also was a dirty talker so she liked him already. He used the word slut a lot when speaking to her. This drove her arousal. Again, he wanted her sexually and was communicating that his desire was to use her in that fashion. Her ego was on fire. She is my wife but she was a slut to another.

He was satisfied for a day. When she got home she didn’t even want to eat. She needed me inside her. She did not need a break from me, I wasn’t going to hurt her!

Fucking Ryan was all she could think about. Tuesday after work she was at his place getting railed. MJ was outwardly uncomfortable with her coming there. But nothing was said. He did not even want to make eye contact with her. She came home to me thoroughly stretched out and used. She was in a sexual daze to be honest. She was a total toy to him when he was fucking her. She said she totally submitted to him. Not that she hadn’t to others, but with him it seemed more intense.

She told me that when he had her pressed to the bed fucking her from behind she felt like she just gave up. All control gone. Her whole body just relaxed and took the drubbing from him. The orgasms were intense. He was hitting all the right places. He inseminated her at his discretion. And then he sent her on her way to me. When he was done with her sexually there was nothing more to it.

He was up front with her. He wanted sex and no drama. She was perfect for this in his eyes. He asked if they could make it a regular thing. 2 to 3 times a week would be ideal. He agreed he would not fuck anyone else so he could keep fucking her bare. She agreed to everything he suggested. No need to negotiate anything. He hated the dating scene and he was not interested in a relationship.

And the only negative, he wanted nothing to do with me. He did not want to meet me. He did not want to hear about me. He did not want me to watch or participate in any way. He just wanted to fuck my wife on a weekly basis. This part was discouraging for me. But I was agreeable as well for her pleasure.

She felt like she had hit the jackpot. A perfect side piece that could get her off well. And so the reign of Ryan began.

Thursday she was back there getting her pussy stuffed and stretched and bringing me a sticky cream pie home to deal with. It was good, great for her. I was definitely bummed that I was not involved with them, even to witness the act of him taking her. I was left to my imagination, her narratives and the evidence he injected into her.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by 54321 » Wed Feb 28, 2024 6:41 am

Woohoo! Jen rides again!


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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Frenchie » Wed Feb 28, 2024 7:10 am

So hot !!

I love this story.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Mack555 » Fri Mar 01, 2024 12:08 pm

Great writing Rey-Man, hope Jen’s and your adventures continue . Glad to know your from mass like me.

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Lensman2000 » Fri Mar 01, 2024 1:33 pm

You and Jen really did hit the jackpot when you found each other. For the most part, your kinks seem to mesh perfectly. That's rare, indeed.

Imagining myself in your position I sometimes find your adventures stomach churning; but always very hot. Many thanks for sharing with us. Have fun!

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Re: "Not Really"

Unread post by Ray-Man » Tue Mar 12, 2024 10:40 am

New Energy…

Friday after work more of the same. Its like going to the gym. Get out of work, go to Ryans, get a workout, come home to me for clean up.

It was clearly different this time. Maybe because she had become accustomed to it? But what was different is she was being used as she liked to be but he clearly had no possessive behavior what so ever. She was a pretty hole to fuck. The objectification this time was complete. She went to him to get laid. Thats all he wanted. He was self centered and knew that he had the right equipment.

In fact he was quit fond of his own dick. He talked about it a lot. He knew she liked it. When he was done fucking her there was nothing more to talk about. Be off girl. There would be no emotional connection. Right from the start it was a sexual engagement only.

Saturday, she was back there again. Early afternoon. She got railed and came home to me for aftercare. Her mood was intense. The energy they were generating was immense.

Sunday she would have gone to him again if not for a UTI that reared it’s ugly presence and de-railed her fun time. She was fortunate not to get these very often. Nor periods for that matter due to the implanted BC. So she was desperate to go see him but she could not. This gave us an opportunity to catch up and get a breath.

We had one of those talks about where have we been and where are we going. I related that I was happy with the new developments concerning Ryan. I did convey my disappointment that I was excluded from all the fun. She admitted that her infatuation with the sex she was having with him had lead to some form of neglect on my needs in this adventure. She was unsure how to rectify that though since Ryan was adamant about not wanting any involvement with me what so ever.

I also brought up that this time seemed different. I pointed out that while she had always been full speed ahead in these new situations, or at least in the past year or so, this time she seemed much more desperate for his attention. She admitted that was true. Her summarization was that if I took all the good parts of her past playmates and put them into one package, that package was Ryan.

And the total emotional disconnect from him was more prevalent. She has felt objectified with some of her other lovers but he was at a different level. He didn’t even want a friendship. She is a total throw away, a convenience for him. He owns her body while he has control of her. But then it is just time for her to leave when he is done with her. She said it is unbelievable how used she feels when leaving his place. Not physically, but mentally. The sex is wholly unencumbered by anything outside of the act.

She is turned on by the feeling of being such a total slut for him.

In previous reflective conversations we had talked about when this experiment might end. Now we were mutually resigned to the fact that there is no end date. The drug of sexual promiscuity is too powerful for the both of us to resist. I was currently left with a want of more involvement but I was ready to settle in the short term for the clean up duties.

If we ever decided to have kids what would that look like? Would we take a break? Our time to make a family if we wanted one would have to become a real milestone soon based on our age. Neither of us though wanted to put a deadline on the subject yet.

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