What Could Have Happened

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What Could Have Happened

Unread post by yahoonick » Fri Dec 09, 2022 8:23 pm

Although none of this is true, it’s how it could have played out, if we had stayed together in my head. So most of this will play out as if it was really happening. Thinking about my ex cucking me still is the quickest way to get myself turned on, even though we’ve been divorced for 3 years and even though I was the one that left! That’s what’s compelled me to write out what I imagine could have happened if we stayed together.
But first a background on us and what actually did happen. So below is the backstory that the fantasy plays off of.
We were married almost ten years. Both of us had been married before. I had a really quick first marriage(married at 22 for about a year) but she had been married before for about 6 years. We both were kind of religious, but I wasn’t exactly a very faithful person. I had my church life, and my private life. But she was all in on church life. We dated and quickly became close, fell fast and hard.
The roots of my cucking desires started early on with her. When we would talk about the past and who we had dated, I would get sooooo turned on by that. By who she had made out with, or the one guy she had sex with before her first marriage. I had never had a relationship where that had ever crossed my mind. But suddenly, with her the thought of her with other men was the biggest turn on. I would always find ways to bring it up, just about things that she has done, but she thought that was weird I wanted to know so much, so I stopped. Even though, I read some of her journal, or letters she had written guys and would jack off. Even after we got married, I think I did that a few times.
Fast forward to a few years into being married. We had the most vanilla sex life. She wasn’t kinky or into anything beyond regular sex. I could tell during the honeymoon there was going to be issues. We had zero sexual chemistry, and it was obvious she didn’t care that much about sex.
After having kids, our sex life just got worse and worse. At times it was a chore, and at times it was like torture. She had body issues after having kids, and just overall had a low sex drive. Mix that with a religious upbringing, and you have a woman that isn’t interested in sex.
I don’t know when I started thinking about her cucking me was. It was sometime after our last kid was born, and we were discussing our abysmal sex life. It had been a point of contention for a while, so this one time we had a real in-depth discussion about our sex life. And that was the first time I talked about being turned on by the thought of her cucking me. I don’t know if I actually used that word or not, but here is what I do remember about that night.
We were trying to come up with ways to make our sex life better. I finally said I had something I wanted to tell her, that was a fantasy but something that was the biggest turn on; her having sex with another man.
She thought I was crazy, like a sex deviant. I told her how I imagine her talking to other men, like online, or some old friend. And the absolute biggest turn on, was if she really cheated on me. Catching her. Knowing she was being secretive and naughty. And how taboo it was….her having an affair and me not knowing. How badly that turned me on. She couldn’t understand it. She had all the typical issues. Was this so I could have sex with women, what if she fell for this guy…etc. Although nothing came of it that time, that was the first seed that was planted.
But when we weren’t having sex (which devolved to about once a week) I was slowly building on my cuck fantasies. I started reading about it, going to forums, and obviously watching cuck porn.
The next time I brought it up, was when our youngest was still a baby, and the schedules were crazy, I was sleeping on the couch, and we hadn’t had sex in weeks, and I brought up how hot it would be if she started chatting with men online. Her and I would chat here or there, just life stuff, but never sexy. I tried. It went nowhere.
She wasn’t into the idea still, and we ended up having sex, I think because she wanted to divert my mind away from that. From time to time I would drop hints, like if she was going on a work trip, for her to let me know if any men flirted with her, or even co-workers. She never let on about anything, it was more me trying to get her open to the idea.
The next big time we talked about it was a few years after that when we went on a weekend trip, while her parents watched the kids.
We again were talking about how we could make our sex life better. But she didn’t have any ideas. When something isn’t a passion, you’re way less creative. But I came back to the idea of her being a hot wife and me being a cuckold. By this point, I had read all about the lifestyle, so I could talk in depth. Straight up, I wanted her to fuck other men. I loved the idea of her going on dates. When we were dating she was so outgoing and bubbly, and I knew guys liked that. That’s one thing that really attracted her to me. But all that went away after we got married. So in my mind, this was a way to get back to her being fun and bubbly.
She asked a lot of questions that night. And I think if she wasn’t religious at that point, she would have pursued it. But she always went back to the morality of it all and that’s what kept her from doing anything. And as always, I think she tried to quickly have sex so that I’d forget about it. But the one positive was how much we had talked about it that night in the hotel room. She never said she’d think about it, but this was the first time I thought that she actually was thinking about it. The one maybe I got was her thinking about chatting online, but even that her conflict was why she would want to expend that kind of energy on someone else instead of me. Obviously, we weren’t spending any sexual energy on each other, so it was a way to sort of prime the pump, so the water would get flowing between us.
From that point, till we separated I would drop hints here and there, meanwhile getting off just dreaming about the day she would.
Eventually, I took a job out of state, and the original plan was for her and the kids to follow pretty soon after. But we had trouble selling the house and the kids started a new school year, so it was delayed. So I was living in a different state, coming back every couple of weekends to see them.
This probably could have been a really good time to start getting her to be a hot wife. So in the next post, I’ll start from this fantasy (while I was living out of state).
But here is the ending of what actually happened. We grew more and more apart, and since we already weren’t on a good foundation, we didn’t make any attempts to fix the marriage and we eventually split.
But here is also the closest we got to living the lifestyle. In a last ditch effort to save the relationship, she actually brought up some of the ideas I had before. We both had started dating, while the divorce was finalizing. And she sought my opinion on her dating app profile and even used a pic I had taken while we were still together. I helped her out, telling her things she should say, which pics, and told her I knew guys would be into her. She wasn’t going to have any issues attracting attention. She has the most amazing tits (still one of the things I miss most). She said that maybe this could lead to fulfilling the cuckold fantasy I always had, since we were still technically married. I was so shocked. It was the thing I had been wanting for years and it was finally happening, but while we were getting divorced! The cruel irony of it all!!!
I kept a level head, always reminding myself that we’re splitting for real reasons and I couldn’t let this make me make foolish decisions. But at the same time I was loving it.
We made an OKCupid profile for her, so that both of us could see all the messages and make matches. And I could follow along. At first it was bland, she didn’t really know how to get back into it. She hadn’t openly flirted in almost a decade! But eventually she got back into the groove. It was so hot seeing her match up with guys and seeing how many guys were into her, and wanted to fuck her. I made a lot of matches for her too, and at one point she said “you keeping matching me with a lot of black men, you really want that to happen.” I totally loved the idea of black men being into her. The thought of her fucking a BBC was such a turn on.
At this point, I don’t think she had too many dates, but she was talking to guys. And we were sexting each other a lot. She was getting turned on by how much it was turning me on. We made plans to have sex when I was back visiting the kids. (I would stay in her spare basement bedroom when I came up at this point). The first night we fucked for the first time in months. It was nice, normal regular sex.
The second night, though, I said we should do something different. So I had her get on a chat app (Omegle) and start chatting with random guys. I was laying next to her as she did it, edging the whole time. She started getting really flirty with a guy who was close by(which added to the hotness that he was close enough that she could actually meet this guy). Eventually they moved over to KIK, and started sending pics. He sent a dick pic (nothing to write home about, but it was hot she crossed that line). He wanted to see her boobs, and asked me what she should do. I said that if she wanted to, she should send a pic back with her boobs. And then she did!!!! It was surreal! My semi-religious wife who hadn’t done anything naughty was sending her tits to some random guy online.
I couldn’t take it anymore and I fucked her doggy, cumming very fast. I couldn’t hold it. I unloaded into her pussy. It was the hottest thing that has happened in so long.
After that, she started to have one concern. What happens when she starts to like a guy, would she stop telling me everything? I didn’t know. She felt bad for any guy that got close, if she was doing something wrong telling me all their sexual secrets. Eventually that’s why it stopped.
But I do remember one guy that she got hot with and it was such a turn on. Her sister was living with her, so she had babysitting when she needed it. She was talking a lot with one guy, who apparently had a big cock. (Another huge turn on). He came over one week night and she snuck out and made out with him at the school parking lot down the street. He felt her up, and she felt his hard cock in his pants and knee it was large. He pulled it out and she loved seeing it. She said he was so much bigger than me. I think I came first time I read that text. He was longer and thicker than me. I loved reading that, and that became my new fetish (knowing she was going to be getting cock that really fit her pussy better than mine did). She went on a few dates with him, she sent me a pic once of them holding hands on the train. That was hot because it wasn’t sexual. It was almost cute. My wife on a date with another man. I was in a state of bliss. They eventually had sex, but I don’t remember the details. That was the last guy she shared real details about. She started dating some new guy, and they got more serious and that was the end of that. No more details. Seeing her with the new guy wasn’t a turn on. I think because they fit into a real relationship and life went back to normal. Also I was dating someone who I was very into, so life moved on.

That’s the end of the backstory. Feel free to ask any questions before I start part 2.


Re: What Could Have Happened

Unread post by OOAA » Fri Dec 09, 2022 9:28 pm

GREAT story!!!! Thanks a lot for sharing with us!

Please, go on soon 😉

(If possible, in future post, if you could put more spaces between the text, making more paragraphs, with "enters" between them, it could be much easier to read)

2 Bit Whore
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Re: What Could Have Happened

Unread post by early-kink » Tue Dec 20, 2022 12:45 am

Yes - great story!!! Anxious to read part 2. Your story could be MANY of us on here!!

Like you, I think there's a HUGE connection between a marriage or long-term relationship that's dwindling down or faded - and a strong desire to see the wife or S.O. get interested in dating on the side. From years of reading on hotwife / hotGF / cuckold / stag-vixen relationships, most of the women involved say they feel young & sexy again, desired again, and their self-confidence is flying high once more. Their ego's have been boosted, and they feel happier - possibly from the NEW male attention from someone other than their hubbies. Maybe this is PART of the reason so many wives & long-term S.O. / GF's are going "hotwife/hotgf/vixen these days??

I just know that from the husband's viewpoint, it's a MAGNA-HOT thought!!!

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Re: What Could Have Happened

Unread post by yahoonick » Sat Sep 30, 2023 7:20 pm

early-kink wrote:
Tue Dec 20, 2022 12:45 am
Yes - great story!!! Anxious to read part 2. Your story could be MANY of us on here!!

Like you, I think there's a HUGE connection between a marriage or long-term relationship that's dwindling down or faded - and a strong desire to see the wife or S.O. get interested in dating on the side. From years of reading on hotwife / hotGF / cuckold / stag-vixen relationships, most of the women involved say they feel young & sexy again, desired again, and their self-confidence is flying high once more. Their ego's have been boosted, and they feel happier - possibly from the NEW male attention from someone other than their hubbies. Maybe this is PART of the reason so many wives & long-term S.O. / GF's are going "hotwife/hotgf/vixen these days??

I just know that from the husband's viewpoint, it's a MAGNA-HOT thought!!!

That’s actually exactly what did happen. The attention she got from dating again woke her up like never before. She was horny all the time! The problem was that we were splitting.
Part 2 coming shortly.

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Re: What Could Have Happened

Unread post by yahoonick » Sat Sep 30, 2023 7:33 pm

I had moved out of state for a job. An amazing job that I was loving. The plan was for her, I’ll call her Lydia (the pseudo name she came up with when we actually did start to explore during the divorce), anyway…the plan was for Lydia and the kids to move down right after but life got in the way. We couldn’t sell the house and the kids started a new school year, so they moved into a nearby townhouse so our house could be staged for selling. Her sister had been living with us, and she moved into the townhouse next door to them. I was coming back home about every three weeks to see the kids. I had even gotten my own apartment in my new city.

We had settled into a routine. Talking and texting and coming home every few weeks, and having sex one time usually that weekend. Lydia was getting anxious though. Watching kids on her own all the time, not having her husband around for company. It wasn’t even the sex she missed, it was the companionship. She’s an outgoing person, and had been quite the flirt when she was younger, and now it was taking a toll on her being alone so much with the kids.

It was then that I brought up the idea I’d brought up several times over the years…what if she started talking to guys close by and maybe going on a few dates. Just for fun. I didn’t want to scare her by saying she should have sex. It was so she could get out of the house and have some company. She saw through that, though, and knew what I was getting at. She was very uncertain. It seemed wrong to her. But she also knew how much it turned me on. And we had started sexting ourselves, which we had never gotten close to doing when we were living together. The door wasn’t closed anymore. It was slightly ajar. She said she’d think about it. So I left it at that, hoping the seed was planted and maybe something would come of it.

The seed slowly popped its head out of the soil a few days later when she brought it up. She didn’t say yes but she asked me how it would work. I said it would always be up to her what she did or didn’t do. I wouldn’t pressure her, and she shouldn’t let anyone else pressure her. I suggested a few ideas, but the one that seemed the most plausible was just getting on dating apps just to see what was out there. It could be innocent just texting or talking. But what if she saw someone she knew!?! Well…if they were on a dating app, chances are they are single anyway so who cares. And she should be open and honest anyway.

Over the next few days, we sexted a lot. Not even about cuck topics. Just the idea that was planted made her hornier than ever. In that week alone, we sexted more than we had our whole marriage. I sent her dick pics, she sent me boob pics and we were constantly getting off with each other. It was wild. And for the next few weeks it was like that till I made my first trip home.

When we saw each other face to face in the same room it made it all the more real. She wasn’t even thinking about really doing this before that weekend, mostly because we had sexted so much that it was like we didn’t even need to add that excitement into our sex life yet. The first night back we fucked twice. Which is twice as many times as we always did it the whole weekend home! And that was just Friday. We didn’t even bring up her dating. It was the best sex we had had in years. And the first time in years we had sex more than once a night.

The next day life was normal. We spent time as a family and it nice. Then that night she said we should talk. I was instantly hard. Hard as a fucking rock and she hadn’t even said what she wanted to talk about. So after the kids were in bed, we laid down together and finally she said, “do you really want to do this?” I looked her in the eyes and said absolutely! She was very subdued but finally said ok.

2 Bit Whore
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Re: What Could Have Happened

Unread post by aztd » Sat Sep 30, 2023 8:32 pm


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Re: What Could Have Happened

Unread post by yahoonick » Sun Oct 01, 2023 9:57 am

She still didn’t understand what I got out of it. So I told her how I had been fantasizing about it for years. It started growing because since we weren’t having much sex, maybe “you were getting it somewhere else, or…maybe you weren’t satisfied with me so you just didn’t want it.”
She asked, “how often do you fantasize about it?”
“Everyday!?!” she asked quickly.
I told her all about how it was the thing that turned me the most on. I would imagine her start texting and then going on dates with guys. How I’d watch her get ready and walk out the door. See her get into a guy’s car and maybe give him a kiss. The fantasy was about her being able to step away from being a wife and mom and get back to her fun self.

She was finally seeing it. She did assure me, she had never even thought about cheating. She would never. And I never had any hints that she was. It was pure fantasy. So where do we start? A dating app would be a good place to start. What do we say on there? What do we tell guys? Should they know about me? After debating the pros and cons, I finally just said we should tell the truth. It would be the easiest.

We also smartly set some rules. She said that if nothing came of it (like not having sex with a guy) we shouldn’t be disappointed, we should just enjoy whatever happens. Also, it was never to get in the way of Home Life, meaning when I was home she wouldn’t be going out. That was our time. She also wasn’t sure about feelings. What if she or the guy did? Do we cut it off? I went back to the original rule we had talked about, it was always her decision. She could end it at any time with a guy no questions asked.

I expressed how much I really loved her. And really loved that we were doing this. She finally admitted, it really was kind of exciting. I couldn’t believe it. My mostly religious wife was excited about cuckolding me. Oh and that word. We hadn’t really been saying it. We had been talking all about it, but in the conversations we were having, we never gave it a name. We never called me a cuck or the guy a bull. It was like we talked around it, but never
said cuckolding. We did discuss what kind of app we’d use. She didn’t want to be finding cheating men, she preferred single and thought that would be easier. We settled on Bumble because that’s the one where the woman has more control.

This whole night we were talking about it all I was hard the whole time. And occasionally I’d be touching my cock, but just for a second. I knew it would explode quickly if it was anymore than that. Until finally, we opened up an app and it was time to make a profile for her, at that point I couldn’t help myself. As we created her profile I kept rubbing my cock and almost came a few times. I couldn’t believe it! My wife was making a dating profile!! I couldn’t cum yet, I needed to stay focused.

We picked out the pictures she put up. All her details and then we had to write out what to say. What would we say?! We didn’t want to be graphic or say it too much, so we leaned into the open marriage route. I was gone for work, we decided to open the marriage up. I would know but wouldn’t be involved. She was looking for friends first, then see where it goes.

We previewed the profile just to review it.
Seeing my wife’s name over her picture was such a turn on. My wife was about to step out into the dating world. We looked at each other and the she hit Complete. Her profile was now live.

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