Helping out some friends

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Helping out some friends

Unread post by Crza96 » Fri Nov 13, 2020 12:01 am

This is a true story from my younger years. Like any good story to get invested into, I need to create the setting for you, to paint the picture in your brain's eyes. The story gets prettttty great, so hang in there ;)

Years ago in my single days, I lived with a buddy and his girlfriend, renting a room in their house. During our transitional days of going job to job, trying to find something to stick, we met a dude named Ryan. Ryan was a bit...odd...he did and said some awkward things, like making weird jokes in a quiet voice, but bless his heart, he had a good sense of humor. Ryan was a tall and thin dude, but in excellent shape. He was one of those guys that exercised like crazy, and scientifically knew how much food to take in at specific time intervals to keep his metabolism up and running. My roomate ended up telling me that he had a SUPER hot girlfriend, so I was intrigued and asked him about her. Her name was Sabrina and she was, indeed, very attractive. Only had a picture of her face, but she a brunette with very elegant blue eyes. She gave off an elegant vibe, very classy.

We eventually became actual friends, and one day we went to his place to hang out. I finally ended up meeting Sabrina. She was short; probably around 5'2 ish? I don't know, I'm guessing what short for women is if I can be honest. Her body was prettttty incredible though. She had been a gymnast and competed in national levels in high school, and it showed. She had a reallllly nice gymnast ass, and was thicc but athletic. No skinny twig arms, and strong voluptious thighs, with the classic small gymnast bust. As we came to know each other better, we actually would butt heads because we both have masculine, opinionated personalities. She was very strict in her disciplines, and always made sure whatever she was doing was the "best way" to do it with maximum efficiency. But we were amicable, of course.

By some twist of fate, they ended up finding a better apartment around the corner from us. After that point we hung out semi regularly. I had come to learn just how well they were disciplined in how they lived. The fitness didn't end with just exercise and diet, they didn't even own a couch because "why sit around and watch TV and do nothing when you can just have exercise bikes instead and pedal while you watch TV?" I don't think the concept of relaxing was something they were familiar with lol.

At this point I was in my early 20's, and they were in the mid-to late 20's, so our lifestyles were different at that time. I was waiting tables and playing video games, and they were being actual adults, getting ready for actual careers. He would study to be a bio-chemist (iirc) in the morning, and then at night take a night shift at Best Buy. She would work a morning job (can't for the life of me remember what it was, something health related I bet) and then study to be a Physical Therapist at night. We would throw parties and find excuses to hang out, like most young people.

One day, Ryan and I were both on our World of Warcraft server, grinding and shooting the shit. We did this semi constantly, but today I noticed something was different. His replies to me were short and far apart. I wondered if he was distracted by something.
He started messaging me in game:

R - Hey...I 've got something kind of serious to talk about. Can you keep what I'm going to say to yourself? It's really important.
Me - Oh, yeah dude no problem. Is everything OK?
R - Yes and no. So Sabrina and I have been trying to conceive and have a child. We've been working on it for a while, actually, and it's not been going well.
Me - Oh damn man...I'm really sorry to hear that. What's going wrong for you guys?
R - I don't really want to talk about it on WoW to be honest...
Me - Oh dude, do you want me to drop by so we can talk?
R - Yeah, actually, if you're not busy.
Me - Welp, when you put it that way, I don't know. I mean, how else am I going to farm these dragon eggs? Lol be right there.

I dropped in to his place and he greeted me in, no Sabrina in sight. We didn't plop down, (because like I said, they're bizarre and only owned exercise bikes) in the living room and he anxiously and nervously explained to me their complications.
See, gymnasts tend to have trouble getting pregnant. I'm no doctor, but I've heard of that outside of this instance. So not only that, but his sperm count tested pretty low. I sympathized with him and did what any friend would do and just made sure he felt he was being heard.

So here's the thing about me, I'm pretty much always in a state of arousal. My sex drive is pretty high most of the time (as of writing this I've had sex with my wife twice today and and jerked off once, and plan to do it again after finishing this post) so of course my lizard brain started jumping to ("Heh, I wonder if she needs a hand...hehehe")

You can then imagine the collision of fantasy and reality in my brain when he asked me to impregnate his wife.

To be continued (OF COURSE)...

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Re: Helping out some friends

Unread post by R_and_B » Sun Nov 15, 2020 5:17 am

Wow - a fav subject - please continue.

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Re: Helping out some friends

Unread post by Crza96 » Mon Nov 16, 2020 8:48 am

Apologies if the story has a slow start for some readers. As much as I'm writing this out for you all, I also take a lot of pleasure reliving the memories and want to try to recall it slowly to build up...

Where was I? Oh yes...
To circle back a little bit, Ryan gave me a little insight into what was going on. They had been trying for months with no luck.

R - The doctor told us that our chances to get pregnant are really low. Apparently my sperm count is kinda low, and her body is going to be harder than normal to become inseminated.
Me - Fuck you guys just do it as much as you can during the right times and cross your fingers?
R - Yep. It hasn't been good. We haven't even had a false positive yet.
Me - Fuuuuck man...(I'm a fairly simple man, and I say the word fuck in 100 different ways to express myself at any given time lol)
Me - Well what are your options? You guys thinking of adopting or trying some procedures?
R - Sabrina doesn't want to adopt, and I'm not sure either. She really wants to have that experience of being pregnant and giving birth.
Me - That's understandable. Anything the doctors can do? Oh what about that invitro thing?
R - Yeah...we could do that, but it's really expensive so we'd like to try all our avenues out before we blow through our savings. (Another friend of mine did it, cost her 25k per procedure >_>)

So remember how I mentioned that they are disciplined? They had a substantial amount in savings, but were really hesitant on spending it. That would disrupt their plans to buy a house and be a huge setback. Can't say I blame them, given how expensive housing is out here in CA.
Later in the conversation...

R - So one of the things we have been thinking about is getting a sperm donor, but we're worried about a stranger's DNA. What do you think?
Me - Hey man, I say whatever gets you the family you guys want. That's the important part, right? But yeah, I see how a random person would feel pretty iffy.
R - Cool we had another idea too...but I need you to promise me you'll keep this with you, and you only. I'm being dead serious right now, if you can't then that's fine, we'll just stop here.
Me - Hey man, I never spill anyone's secrets. I respect you opening up to me like this and I wouldn't betray you like that.
(This doesn't count btw OHW =P)
R - *phew*'s good to hear. Ok well...holy shit this is going to be awkward but just listen...
Me - Dude it's fine, relax lol, no judgments here.
R - Ok...
Me - ....(man what the hell is he going to say??)
R - Well, we talked it over and we decided we would ask you if you could discreetly help us out...with getting her pregnant.

A pit in my stomach formed, my eyes grew to 3 times their size, and my cock did some sort of latin dance in my jeans. Am I in a porno? More likely, if I say yes, are a bunch of people going to jump out of the bedroom door and say "GOTCHA LOLOLOL"?
To spare some more dialogue, I asked him if he was serious and he assured me they were. We are actually very similar in height, hair color, and other things. While he is in great shape, I'm lucky enough to be able to have some meat on my but still appear athletic, while just being a gamer and a waiter (at the time). All of those things made sense. They were also confident that I wouldn't do anything stupid, and they were right, because I'm an extremely empathetic person, and I just want them to be happy.
To contrast that, we also weren't "close" friends. I talked to my coworkers and knew more about them than Ryan and Sabrina. That's just their nature though, they're private people, and really only needed a few friends and kept it all casual. This helps because it wasn't a huge thing they were asking "family" or someone close who's going to see them on a daily basis, making it less awkward for them.

So this was in 2010ish? Cucking, hotwifing, etc was not anywhere near the mainstream of porn, so Ryan wanted to be as hands off as possible. He laid out some ground rules, mainly focusing around how he would basically pretend it wasn't happening. We would meet up at their place, I would make sure to cover my tracks, it would be at the gap in time where he was at work, I would be respectful and only be there to "do the job" and leave afterward, and after she got pregnant we would never acknowledge it ever happened. All of this made sense to me, at that time I definitely wouldn't want to picture my girlfriend having sex with someone else (although now it would be nice to have a break FROM thinking about my wife doing that constantly lol).
I told him I could try it if that's what they really wanted. I assured them I would keep their secret and didn't want any involvement after (I was barely 21, no problem here lol), and that at any point if they got nervous or scared we could call it.

R - Alright then...well...this was a weird day. *nervous laughter* I'll talk to Sabrina and make sure she wants to go through with it, and we'll confirm it.
Me - Yeah lol, this was definitely not how I was expecting my Tuesday to go. For sure though, just text me when you guys decide.

And with that I left and headed back home. I fell into my computer chair in a daze, still a little bit of that stomach pit still there. I thought about what had just transpired, and wondered how hard it must've been for them to decided to ask me this. At the very least, she thinks I'm fuckable, right? That's cool.
At that point I navigated to my porn folder on my PC and got some excitement out. Surprise surprise, it took me all of 2 minutes to erupt all over myself. While it's amusing in an alpha "look at all my cum har har" kind of way, it's never fun to clean up.
I highlighted the World of Warcraft icon on my desktop, and then realized he might be online at that time too, and thought that might be a little awkward right now so I turned on my PS3 instead. I made it about all of 5 minutes of my game before I gave into my urge to jerk off again. Ok, now I might be able to calm down.
When I hit the hay, I found myself being restless. Usually this means I need to get off again to put my brain in the "stfu and go to sleep" mode. I went to work on my cock for the nth time, and since there was no PC on for me to find material for, I closed my eyes and made a room in the hotel of my imagination. It's nice to do that every now and again, it's like a thinking exercise for the eternally perverted.
Well, I'll give you all 1 guess who my brain started to focus on.
I ran through all of the different positions, thinking about how her body would feel inside and out, how her mouth tastes, how her pussy tastes, hell how her asshole tastes. I was just about there when I felt a vibration and looked over at my phone, perched next to me on my bed.

A text preview flashed on my screen, illuminating my dark room, with the text reading out "Ok, she said yes. Here's her number so you guys can figure things out. Thanks again."

At that moment I blew my 4th or 5th load of the day all over my chest. I moaned out her name while I shot a surprisingly large load. I wiped myself off while I gasped as if I had just finished having sex myself, wondering what was in store for me.

To be continued (Obviously)...

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Re: Helping out some friends

Unread post by Crza96 » Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:12 pm

Sorry if these updates are far between - I don't get a lot of alone time and when I do, I have to decide how to spend it.

A couple normal days went by, no communication yet. I wanted her to be the one to text first, because I didn't want to come off as eager to have sex for the wrong reasons.
Sabrina finally texted me after a few days to set things up. She was annoyingly strict in how she communicated, per usual (she annoyed me on a constant basis, chick had very little chill, very OCD).

S - So you know, my fertile window is a 5 day period. So we have 5 days total to try to do this. It starts in a few days. Does that work for you?
Me - 5 days? Oh wow that's more than I thought.
S - Sperm can live in my system for days, so we can start before my egg drops and it could possibly get fertilized by those in waiting.
Me - Oh, that's terrifying for me lol. I better insist on wearing condoms from now on. But yeah, I don't have anything else going on then. When should up I guess?
S - Ryan works at 1pm, so I can text you around then. I don't feel comfortable saying this to you, but I have to say, please don't masturbate until we meet. I need your sperm count to be high.
Me - Oh no worries, I completely understand. Don't worry, I'm taking this seriously.
S - Please do, and thank you.

With that a few of the longest days of my life passed. I had had sex with a handful of girls at that time before, and a couple girlfriends, and they were within the same attraction range as Sabrina. This circumstance though was wild. I remember thinking that I'm going to show up to their house, and they were going to trick me into getting naked and walking out to see my entire family laughing at me.
BUT - If it meant a shot at getting a girl pregnant (huge turn on) and especially getting to fuck THAT ass, it would be worth the risk. One final sleep left for me, and I think I clocked in 3 hours of restless napping.

I woke up early, more restless than I've ever been. I wanted to make sure I had some energy so I looked to make myself a young bachelor's healthy breakfast of cereal and Tampico (Tampico is a juice drink that is popular in hispanic communities, it's like Mexican Sunny D). I took a shower and scrubbed every crevace, trimmed my pubes and nervously sat at my computer.
Before the first vibration could even finish of my phone's notification, I grabbed it like it was Hot Potato and saw the message, "Ok, I'm ready over here, you can come over now." To which I immediately responded with a simple "omw".

I power walked around the block and knocked on the door. She greeted me with a meek "hi" and ushered me in, as if we were international spies being watched.
In my lizard brain, I imagined her in a negligee, or a thong. Reality came back to me though, and she was in what I assumed to be workout clothes. A normal tank top and some running shorts. "Oh yeah," I thought, "this is a transaction and not a steamy passionate meet up like in a porno".

S - Ok so the bedroom is this way-, oh did you need anything? Water or a snack or something?
Me - Nope, I'm all good.
S - Ok well follow me and I'll set some ground rules.
Me - Oh, sure (fuck).

She let me in the room first, with the purpose of being seeing where I sat down at (the bed) so she could start off farther away.

S - So it goes without saying that I don't want to have sex with you. I just want your sperm to get pregnant. You get that right?
Me - Oh uh, yeah, I get it. (-10 to ego)
S - Ok so what I want you to do is just get yourself as ready as possible, right up to the point, and then you can stick it in and...cum inside me.
Me - Oh...
S - Something wrong?
Me - Well...kinda? I mean, I'll give it my best shot, but I'm generally not able to turn myself on to that I can just cum on command, you know?
S - I see. I understand. Then what I'll do is I'll strip down and bend over for you, and that should work. You can then just tell me when you're ready and I'll flip over.
Me - You need to flip over?
S - Yes, that's the best position to get inseminated. I use gravity to help with it.
Me - Oh, duh, of course. I guess that'll work?
S - Ok, are you ready?
Me - As I'll ever be, I guess.

I stood up and she claimed her space at the bed. She ungraciously pulled her shorts and underwear down in one quick swipe. She then grabbed her phone and bent over, seemingly to kill time while I 'jerked around'.

Two things here:
1) Her ass was everything I had hoped for. It reminded me of Vida Guerra, except she was very caucasian. Her profile looked like the a capital P. No sag, nice and tight. It had a lot of surface area. I wanted to just bury my face into it. I wanted to have her mount my face and grind into it, so I could eat her pussy and feel it with my hands and face.
2) As horny as I get, I'm a bit more tempermental than most guys in bed. I need the mood to be set right, and I want to know my partner is into what's going on, so we can enjoy and share the experience (and orgasm) together. I didn't foresee how transactional this really was going to be. I don't get forced into sex, and I don't like being told how and when to be turned on. This was going to be a problem.

I dropped my pants to the floor and grabbed my dick. I noticed she didn't take her top off, so why should I? I stroked and I stroked while staring at one of god's ass masterpieces, but to no avail. I think I got halfway up at best. My urges were wrestling with my annoyances. "She's not even going to look at my dick? She's not curious how big it is or what it looks like?? I don't even get to touch her? Should I be more GRATEFUL that she dropped her almighty panties for me?"

After about 10 minutes of trying, she checked in, without looking up from her phone.
S - Are you almost ready?
Me - Um, actually no I'm not.
S - How much longer do you think you'll need?
Me - Honestly, I'm not sure if this will work.
She then annoyedly pushed her phone down into the bed and finally turned around to look at me.
S - Well what's wrong? Are you too nervous to get it up?
Me - No, not really that nervous.
S - Well then what? What do you need to do then?

(What do I need to do?? Oh let me show you)

I flung my shirt over my head and to the ground I stomped over there before she had time to react. I grabbed her by the back of her knees and flipped her back onto the bed and spread her legs. I looked at my prize and was not going to waste any time taking it. I grabbed my hard, throbbing cock and pushed it inside. It was hard to hear her, as she was a distant background noise in my brain, but her 'Wait!'s turned into exclamations to god pretty quickly. I put my right hand under her ass, while I held her left thigh in place, and pumped HARD into her pussy. Her moans quickly turned into just inaudible reactions to her pussy being filled and violated by my huge cock. The wetness started from a trickle, to a flow, to a gush, and I could feel a steady stream of her juices running down my balls and all the way down my leg. She let out one big "OH MY GOD" as I filled her pussy up to the brim. I looked down to see my cum leaking out of her, into her bedding and onto the floor.

RIght then, I snapped out of the vivid fantasy that had played in my head and refocused my look to her, crossing her arms next to the bed.

S - Hey! I said what do you need to do?

I walked over to the bed, sat down on it next to her and said, "Sabrina, let's have a chat about this. Come sit down and let's figure this out."

To be continued...
(Sorry about the tease, but I wanted to have a little fun while I set the scene)
Last edited by Crza96 on Mon Nov 23, 2020 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Helping out some friends

Unread post by Crza96 » Mon Nov 23, 2020 10:01 am

Trying to remember the basics of the dialogue from that long ago is proving to be difficult. These take a loooong time to write for me lol. I'm trying to use the color thing to make the dialogue easier to read, so apologies for the inconsistency in the coloring, I'm way too lazy to care.

So there I was, half naked in my friend's bedroom, sitting next to his wife. It was (and is still) the weirdest moment of my life I felt like this was some kind of puzzle that I had to figure out. She was clearly resistant to bedding with another man, but it's supposed to be ok! I'm supposed to be doing this as a noble gesture to help them start their family, but god damn if this wasn't going to be a standout moment in my life that I intended to take full advantage of! Wouldn't you?

Sabrina sat down on the bed next to me, yet as far away as someone could be while simultaneously being adjacent to them.

Me - Look Sabrina, this is weird. This is super weird, we can acknowledge it, it's fine.
S - Yes this is a very weird situation.
Me - I want you to understand that I don't want to take advantage of you or this situation. With that said, this kind of...thing just isn't going to work for me. We have to take a different approach.
S - I figured you were going to say something like that. I love Ryan, ok? I don't want to use this as an excuse to cheat on him. We're supposed to be conceiving a baby, not having sex.
Me - I understand that. But here's the thing; I can't just order my dick to get hard, and I definitely can't force it to ejaculate. Just like most people, I need to be turned on. For me, I mirror the feelings my partner is having. If she's not into it, I fall out pretty hard.
S - So what, you're saying you can't get off unless I get off?
Me - Well I don't know about you having to necessarily finish, but I don't think I can get off with someone who's not enjoying it.

She looked at me and nodded. We actually talked for quite a bit about this. I reasoned with her that Ryan was in on our agreement, and that she wasn't betraying him in any sense. The goal was to have a kid, but there was no reason both of us couldn't enjoy the orgasm that came with it. The more into it we both were, the easier it would be to not only conceive, but to make this less arduous and go faster.
After what was probably 20 - 30ish minutes of talking, she let out a big sigh and relented. She was willing to have sex with me now, but just as long as we started things slowly, and respectfully towards her relationship.
She still seemed pretty stiff, so I asked her if she had any liquid courage. She said they had some vodka from the last party, so we went to go take a shot. As she went to pick her shorts back up, I grabbed her wrist and stopped her, told her it would be fun and a good way to help loosen up. She looked at me like someone who remembered halfway through that they were supposed to be having fun, so she said ok after a few seconds. We took a big shot of vodka with a water chaser. To my surprise she offered another! She really needed to get rid of the anxiety. I obliged and took another hit back.
Before heading back downstairs to their bedroom, we decided to just chat a minute and let the alcohol "develop". I asked her how their schooling was going, and made fun of them for not owning a couch and she responded, and eventually smiled for the first time that day. That was the point I felt we could go from. I asked her if she was ready to try again, to which she sighed deeply and nervously and said "sure". As we neared the stairs, I grabbed her hand to hold it as we went down. She shot a reactionary look at me of concern, so I reassured her to just trust me, as it was about the lightest way to get started touching someone.

We got back to their bedroom and I did a big goofy jump onto their bed, laying out where I assume Ryan does. She still looked a little nervous, so I asked if she had a vibrator, and we can mutually masturbate next to each other for a while. She reached into her night stand and pulled out a cute curved purple vibrator, with one of those little clit things to stimulate while the main part of the dildo was inserted. I complimented her on her cute toy, she nervously laughed out a "thanks"and got into bed next to me.

S - So ummm, do I just do it and you do you?
Me - Hehe, that's the plan. Oh, can I watch you put it in?
S - I guess...

I jumped down to the foot of the bed and watched her slowly inch my new purple friend closer and closer to her soft lips. She hit the power switch and the toy started humming it's tune. She sat it there for about 10 seconds or so, I guess to rev up her engines. She pushed it in slowly, very little reaction from her, as if she was not trying to admit defeat. I got great enjoyment from watching her get penetrated, and watched for a couple minutes as she moved the little guy in and out. I felt this was a good time to positively reinforce what was happening;

Me - Wow, that is so fucking sexy.
S - Mmmm-hmm.
Me - I could watch this all day...

At that point I could hear her breathing pick up. No longer dead silence, but heavier, deep breaths that she was letting out, signaling to me that things were loosening up.
I jumped back up next to her and grabbed my cock, now fully erect. I started stroking it alongside her. I watched her breathing pick up more, her mouth staying open just a little bit (check my pictures link, I posted a pic of my wife's open mouth while she was bating too!).

Me - This is much better. Do you want to see what you're doing to me?
No response. Let's be a little more forceful.
Me - Sabrina, look at how hard you make my cock.

She slowly turned her head towards me and caught a peak at her prize. Her mouth went full gape for a couple seconds as she locked her gaze onto it. I have a girthy 7"+ dick. No BBC, but I've gotten nothing but praise about how good it feels inside my partners.
I could tell that this wouldn't take much longer, so I decided to go for it and slide my fingertips up from above her knee, to her inner thigh. I watched the electric shock convulse in her body, like jumping into an ice cold swimming pool. She let out a very audible moan and shut her eyes. I tactfully glided my fingers up and down, around her right thigh, and pulled her leg into me. She could now feel my throbbing cock up against her leg.

I continued to grind and caress her for another 10 seconds or so before she quickly ramped up and had her first orgasm with me. You never really forget your first =) She grabbed the sheets with one hand, arched her back a bit, and cocked her head back. Out followed a series of "Oh"s, in a series of different lengths and intensities. It was a restrained orgasm though, like someone who didn't want to be heard by their neighbors, and was fighting the feeling inside to let it out.

Near the end of her orgasm, that's when I saw it. I will never forget this look for the rest of my life.
Midway through her cumming on her toy, she perked her eyes open, and snapped her eyes back onto my dick, and then scanned my body, locking onto my eyes. It was that kind of look for her to say "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?", all with her eyes.
I love that look. I really fucking love that look. It's a dangerous fucking look. It's that look that makes people fall in love, or in deep deep lust. My dick was freaking out on me for that short bit, and i had to take my hand off of it, just in case. It took every bit of willpower I had, and I'm guessing her too, to not grab her by the back of the head and stick my tongue down as far as I could go. I wanted it bad.

That look was about 10 seconds or so, but it was enough. Enough for me to know that I could mold this clay into something VERY fun. I couldn't stop grinning with satisfaction.

She composed herself shortly after she finished, breathing slowing back down to normal. She stared at the ceiling and asked me, "Was that good for you?
I smiled and replied, "Let's find out"

And found out, we did...


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Re: Helping out some friends

Unread post by jrobb » Mon Nov 23, 2020 2:56 pm

Mmmmmm. Sounds like the fun has begun!


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Re: Helping out some friends

Unread post by wmraim » Fri Nov 27, 2020 4:54 am

Good writing.
Let's find out.

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Joined: Sat May 10, 2014 1:00 am

Re: Helping out some friends

Unread post by Crza96 » Fri Nov 27, 2020 11:34 pm

Sorry friends, Thanksgiving stuff has set me back a bit. I'll try to get to where we want to be on Thursday =)

Posts: 101
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Re: Helping out some friends

Unread post by Crza96 » Fri Dec 04, 2020 11:23 am

Sorry to keep you waiting friends. I think you've waited long enough. Feel free to drop your pants now.

I watched her catch her breath as she came down from her orgasm. I wondered how hard of an orgasm that was for her, and how hard she had to try to restrain herself? As someone who is so strict and reserved, I wanted to believe that that was harder than a normal orgasm for her because I was starting to have an effect.
I looked up and down her smooth, curvy, body. I deeply enjoy watching a woman having an orgasm, or experiencing deep pleasure. I like to see if they twitch, arch back, and see their eyes glaze over. For a short time, it looked like Sabrina had just dove into a pool of pleasure and sensation; how long could she stay down underwater before she regained herself and came back up to the surface?

I tactfully dragged my fingertips away from her inner thigh, back to her knee, and off of her completely, as she " came back to earth". I wanted the lust to slowly do it's job internally, and not have the appearance of it being perpetrated by me.

Me - Alright, I'm ready for you if you are!

S - Ummm, I guess so.
Me - Are you ok?
S - Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just getting mentally ready.
Me - Ok. Do you want me to just get on top, missionary?
(She stopped to think and look around for a couple seconds)
S - Why don't you stand at the edge of the bed and I'll pull myself to you.
Me - Sure thing. Oh...before we start. My dick is still dry...what should we do about that?
(I said that very suggestively, let's see if we can get her lips around my cock as an appetizer =)
S - Heh, nice try. You can use your own saliva.
Me - Haha, will do.

Have you ever had one of those moments where you've been anticipating it for so long? And then it just...happens? I don't know what I was expecting at the time. Maybe a cinematic score leading up to a crescendo? A holy ray of light shining from the heavens? I didn't get either of those, but I was pretty happy with what I got instead.

I made my way to the edge of the bed, as requested, and she maneuvered her way to me. As we started to line ourselves up, I decided to give her a little height and put a pillow under her hips. I grabbed her and pushed her up while I slid a pillow under her hips. You already know I took the opportunity to grab her by her fantastic ass and give it a nice squeeze. That was something I had been waiting to do since I had seen her, and it did not disappoint.
She then slowly and almost reluctantly spread her legs out in front of me, with her heels resting near my shoulders. I pulled my hips away from her, spit in my hand, and applied to homemade lubricant to my throbbing, anxious cock. I made sure to do it slowly while she watched. I took some extra strokes, hoping that visual would get her turned on more.
I lined up my cock to her mound. She had a nicely trimmed head of pubic hair, which is just what i like. I lowered it to her opening and lightly rubbed the tip into her slit, and moved it up and down to coat her pussy with my saliva, and have her clit and my cock kiss, like lovers on a first date.

I started to push my cock into her anxious, hungry pussy. She grabbed the sheets on her bed tight with both hands as I pushed my head more into her love canal. I made sure to go at a snail's pace so she could get used to me. I got about 3/4 of the way in, and I could see she was having a little trouble. Rather than ask her if she's ok or wanted to stop, I decided to talk her through it (King Arthur wasn't going to pull me out of her at this point.)

Me (softly) - Try to relax...deep breaths in and out. Control your breathing to go with the motion.
She did not reply or show a sign of acknowledgement, but she did start doing what I suggested. Better capitalize on this in the moment!
Me - Good, good. That's better. Good girl...

With her matching my movements, I managed to get almost all of the way inside. However I knew I couldn't go in all the way, as it might hurt her.
It was time to start the show.

I shifted her legs and started going for full, soft thrusts. I felt the warmth of her body inside and out; the confirmation that Sabrina and I were having sex. I was inside my friend's girlfriend, and I was going to cum in her pussy and get her pregnant. She was going to have my baby.
I took it in slow and allowed the warmth to bathe me, like a warm waterfall. I looked at Sabrina's face; her eyes and lips were closed tight, and had the look of someone who was trying to keep something under their control. Every time I thrust in, she pushed air from her nose, almost like I was causing a direct reaction. After 30 seconds of slowly moving my rock hard dick into her increasingly less resistive pussy, I decided to pick up the pace, ever so slowly.
Those exhales from her nose picked up and intensified to match. Eventually, that wasn't going to do enough for her, so her mouth slowly opened and took over the same job. Her mouth was barely agape, and looked like it was subtley trying to get rid of excess pleasure.

I couldn't wait any longer, and started engaging to get into my perfect rhythm. My preferred is around a 4/10 in intensity. It works out great for my cock size; allowing me to feel like I'm fucking but slow enough to be able to savor every part of the movement.
I got there and I started to lose myself to Euphoria. During this whole process she went from surprisingly dry to pleasantly moist. Feeling this was my certificate of doing a good job, which fueled me further. I would close my eyes, and retreat my consciousness into a state of lust and hedonism. I would go in and out of this so I could check on Sabrina.
Sabrina's mouth eventually opened up more and more over time. Relatively quiet exhales became louder and louder until she let loose her first moan. She seemed to have a crisis of faith for a moment, catching herself actually moaning in sexual pleasure, this was certainly not something she had to do for our "transaction". But, just like the best of us, she gave in and let herself moan.

As her moans intensified into "Oh"s, I was nearing my limit. We were up to maybe a few minutes at that point, but I felt like I should be given a medal of courage for lasting that long in the first place. Like the perfect gentleman I am, I let her know.

Me - Oh god...Sabrina I'm gonna cum soon.
S - OK! she said between her moans.
Me - Fuuuuuck. Can I cum deep inside of your pussy Sabrina?
Sabrina twitched when I said that, and took her a second to find herself to answer.
S - Yes, you can.
Me - Yes I can, what?
S - *moan* What?
Me - What can I do? What do you want me to do?
Sabrina took about 5 seconds to deliberate in her head before she delivered a gift to me that I won't forget.
S - You can cum inside of me.
Me - Do you want me to?
S - YES.

I absolutely fucking exploded. When I cum, I momentarily turn into a primal beast, I grunt, roar, bite, and pin down until the feelings subside. Although in our current position I could only dig my fingers into her soft thighs, and plant a long kiss onto her calves instead of a bite. I felt every pulse from my dick like electricity as I felt myself filling up her eager womb. As I calmed down, I found it increasingly difficult to stand, and eventually let her go and just collapsed on the floor. I regret not paying attention to her as I crashed, but there would be more opportunities, surely.

"You ok up there?", I asked between gasps of breath. She replied with a tired sounding "yeah". I nodded and laid my head against the carpet on the floor. I took a couple minutes to catch my breath and stood up. Sabrina had pulled her knees into her chest and was using the pillow to allow gravity to assist my sperm.
"Ok, well I guess I should get going then, yeah?", I asked, to which Sabrina nodded in approval.

As I started getting dressed, I made some conversation.

Me - I hope that wasn't too much for you or anything. You good?
S - Well it was definitely more than Ryan and I had planned...but I guess it's ok.
Me - Yeah dude, don't worry I'm not trying to be greedy or exploit the situation or anything. It's just much easier to get to where we need to be if we're both enjoying it.
S - That's true.
Me - Look, whatever happens in here between us can stay between us. You're doing things for me in good faith so I can help you guys. I know you might want to feel guilty about enjoying it, but you really shouldn't. The more you enjoy it, the easier and quicker this will be.
S - You're probably right. But it's still hard and I can't not decide to feel guilty.
Me - I understand. Just remember this is for a good purpose. Don't let unwarranted guilt demonize the process. Have some fun! You're a faithful girl, you're just eating a steak to get full instead of hamburger, you know what I mean?
S - Hehe, good point.

I finished getting dressed, and stood up at the edge of the bed, with her pussy and ass staring at me. I gave into something maybe I shouldn't have done, but...

"Alright dude, well I guess I'll hear from you tomorrow? Oh and see you soon too"
, as I said that to her, I leaned my head down to her spread pussy, and gave her clit a quick kiss.
To my utter amazement, her reaction wasn't "DON'T DO THAT", but was instead a slight giggle. In the microseconds that followed her reaction, I decided to not bring my head up, but instead, make out with her clit. I dragged my tongue up and down, and flicked it her button.
She gasped and exhaled hard like she had just crossed the finish line of a marathon. She gave me about 4 or 5 seconds before she said "ok, ok, that's enough" and I stopped. I stood back up and smiled at her, "Sorry, I just couldn't resist."

We said goodbye and I went back home. It was quite the experience, and I just sat around with a smile on my face all day, even when I got to work. The shitty customers didn't phase me at all, they were amusing.

And that friends, is the story of how I helped out my friends. What do you think? Did you like it? It was a lot of fun to recall and put down. If you enjoyed the read, check out our pics in my signature! I love getting DM's from people that I can read off to my wife, to let her know there are people online that want to fuck her pussy, male or female. She loves to get off to pics sent as well. Well, it's been fun all, see you on the forums!

(I'm totally kidding the story isn't ANYWHERE NEAR done :twisted: )

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Re: Helping out some friends

Unread post by bladeage10 » Fri Dec 04, 2020 10:11 pm

This is great!!


Re: Helping out some friends

Unread post by afagehi7 » Sat Dec 05, 2020 1:02 am

bladeage10 wrote:
Fri Dec 04, 2020 10:11 pm
This is great!!
Agree. The wife is starting to let herself enjoy. Perhaps a woman orgasming increases the odds of conception. It would make logical sense that's the case. He can convince her anyway.


Re: Helping out some friends

Unread post by SteelRidge » Sat Dec 05, 2020 3:46 am

afagehi7 wrote:
Sat Dec 05, 2020 1:02 am
bladeage10 wrote:
Fri Dec 04, 2020 10:11 pm
This is great!!
Agree. The wife is starting to let herself enjoy. Perhaps a woman orgasming increases the odds of conception. It would make logical sense that's the case. He can convince her anyway.
Actually that's true. First thing I would have told her is simultaneous orgasms improve the odds of conception.

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Re: Helping out some friends

Unread post by Crza96 » Sat Dec 05, 2020 6:53 am

SteelRidge wrote:
Sat Dec 05, 2020 3:46 am
afagehi7 wrote:
Sat Dec 05, 2020 1:02 am
bladeage10 wrote:
Fri Dec 04, 2020 10:11 pm
This is great!!
Agree. The wife is starting to let herself enjoy. Perhaps a woman orgasming increases the odds of conception. It would make logical sense that's the case. He can convince her anyway.
Actually that's true. First thing I would have told her is simultaneous orgasms improve the odds of conception.
Indeed true. My wife and I started using that when we were conceiving our own child. Its hard to remember the exact conversations for everything, I just do my best to give you guys the gist in our own ways of speaking.


Re: Helping out some friends

Unread post by SteelRidge » Sat Dec 05, 2020 6:57 am

Crza96 wrote:
Sat Dec 05, 2020 6:53 am
SteelRidge wrote:
Sat Dec 05, 2020 3:46 am
afagehi7 wrote:
Sat Dec 05, 2020 1:02 am
bladeage10 wrote:
Fri Dec 04, 2020 10:11 pm
This is great!!
Agree. The wife is starting to let herself enjoy. Perhaps a woman orgasming increases the odds of conception. It would make logical sense that's the case. He can convince her anyway.
Actually that's true. First thing I would have told her is simultaneous orgasms improve the odds of conception.
Indeed true. My wife and I started using that when we were conceiving our own child. Its hard to remember the exact conversations for everything, I just do my best to give you guys the gist in our own ways of speaking.

Your story is great. So hot.

Posts: 101
Joined: Sat May 10, 2014 1:00 am

Re: Helping out some friends

Unread post by Crza96 » Fri Dec 11, 2020 12:32 am

I fought off the urge to jerk off again that night...but it wasn't easy. Once again, I deserved the medal of heroism.

I laid awake in bed that night trying to figure out where to go from here. My new mission in life was simple: Corrupt Sabrina. I had no desire for her outside of fucking her. I did not want to steal her away, nor did I want to actually cheat in any capacity. I wanted to take that cold, rigid, calculated girl, and make her becomes submissive to me. I wanted her to drown in pleasure like those ahegao girls in hentai. This was a fun game for me that I would see if I could beat.
But how? She's a smart girl so I had to play off of those expectations and be one step ahead of what she thinks I'm doing. To contrast that though, I believed she was repressing her urges. If I could work her down, little by little, she might actually admit to enjoying me cumming inside of her. I would have to be methodical.

The next morning my phone goes off with a text. Let's test the waters.

S - Ryan just left, so you can come over. How long will you be?
Me - I can head out in a minute or two, is that ok?
S - Yes, that's fine.
Me - You know what though, I was just thinking about last time. How it took us a bit to get warmed up. What if we tried to hit the ground running to speed it up?
S - I'm not sure what you mean though. What do you want to do?
Me - I won't ask you to do anything weird or anything you're uncomfortable with; but it would be pretty hot if you answered the door in your underwear...
(Let's see her reaction now...)
S - Fine. But I'm not coming outside, I don't want my neighbors to see me.
Me - Oh of course dude. I'm looking forward to seeing you =)
Me - Oh, and make sure you're wearing a thong ;)

S - You're pushing it. Just get over here.

And with that I threw my phone in my pocket and headed over, with a smug ass look on my face.
I forgot to think about that she would probably have to change, so when I knocked on the door, I heard her shout from the other side to hold on. Eventually the door slowly opened, as if it was autonomous, and I saw her huddled behind the door as I entered. She shut the door quickly as I just barely managed to get out of it's way. Let's see what we have...
She had on a classic black lace bra and panty set. It was a great day to be me. I told her that she looked great, and asked her to get in the middle of the hallway to 'present herself'. She moved in place and stood there with her hands at her sides, seemingly waiting for instructions on what to do next. I started laughing when I noticed her hair was still in a ponytail. I asked her to let her hair down and she obliged. She shook her hair loose and I got pretty turned on by what I was seeing; she looked so effortlessly pretty in that moment.

"Alright give me a spin so I can see the back!", I requested. She let out a small sigh, signaling she knew what I was after. She did a full 360, giving me a glimpse of her bubble butt for just a moment. I laughed and decided to push being direct to see where that would get me.
"Haha, ok dude. How about instead of literally spinning, you turn around and let me see your what your ass looks like in your thong."
She sighed again before turning around. God that ass was fantastic. It was reminiscent of Mia Malkova. Gymnast asses are the best.
"Wow your butt is so sexy. Holy shit this is really doing it for me. Ooh, let's do this. Grab the handrail right there, bend over, and really push it out at me."
"Can we just get down to business already?", she retorted.
"Oh come on, it'll be really quick and it'll get me going. Then we can go right to it."

She shook her head a little bit and then did as she was asked. As I watched her pop her ass up I knew I had to get behind it. I showered her with compliments and let her know how hot I was getting as I slowly moved my body into touching hers. My dick was begging to jump up through my jeans and was pressing against her leg, and I watched her back arch a bit when I put my hands on her ass cheeks.

No response.
That was surprising to me. I was waiting for the reprimand, but it didn't come. I was ready to fuck her at this point, so I decided to go for broke on the warmup before the next step.

Me - Man, I wonder what would happen if I just fucked you right here.
S - ...what?
Me - I wonder how hot it would be. I'm asking you how hot it would be if I pulled your panties down and fucked you from behind at your front door.
She let out a very low moan that she tried to disguise as her starting to reply.
S - We can't do that here, that's not good for getting pregnant.
Me - Yeah, you're right. It would be fun though, wouldn't it?
S - I guess so.

With that she stood back up and then I followed her to the bedroom. We both undressed and got back into our spots on her bed from last time. She asked me if I was good to go and I affirmed her. "How about you?", I asked, as I moved my hand down to her pussy. "I should be good" she replied through a deep breath.
Her pussy was wet already. Clearly the playing had turned her on, all good signs. "Nah let's get a little more, I don't want it to be painful for you." A pitiful excuse, but if she wanted it, she would let me do it. "...ok", she said with closed eyes.

I took my middle finger and rubbed her slit up and down. I then took two fingers and began to make circles on her clit. I enjoyed massaging her pussy for a bit, and then asked her to help me while guiding her hand to my cock. She gave me no response as she got more and more tense from me playing with her, but she did start to squeeze my cock. The closer I got her, the more she transformed her squeeze into a light, and then fast stroke. "I want you to cum for me", I whispered in her ear as she reached the point of no return. She grabbed the sheet with her free hand and came after a grand total of 2-3 minutes of play, a slightly more intense copy of her last orgasm with me, where she repressed herself. This time though, she cracked and accidentally showed how much she enjoyed it.

I allowed her no time to recover. I moved in between her legs and slid my dick in her pussy. She moaned loudly and grabbed onto my back for dear life. I pumped in and out of her at a medium pace, but trying to be delicate with how my cock moved throughout. I reached under her and squeezed her ass with both hands, and her moans only got louder.

Me - You feel so fucking amazing Sabrina. It feels so fucking good.
She was lost. She was not going to be able to reply. Just her mouth wide open, her eyes closed, and a sexy moan to match my movements.

That went on for a couple of minutes. I would say something dirty, I would get no response except the change in her tone. and volume.
I was deep in it. I was excited by how much progress I thought I was making. I got hasty and decided it was time to finish. But not without one last push.

Me - Oh Sabrina I want to cum inside of you so bad...will you let me cum inside of you?
S - Yes...
Me - Yes what?
S - Yes you can cum inside of me.
Me - Oh I want to, I really do. But I need some encouragement. Tell me how much you like the way I fuck you.
S - ...I like it
Me - That's all?
S - ...I love the way you fuck me.
Me - Tell me how good I'm making you feel right now. Be honest. How is your pussy feeling with my big dick inside of it.
S - I don't want to...
Me - It's ok, just tell me so I can cum. It's just for fun.
Her breathing right here picked up a noticeable bit.
S - ...You make me feel so good. I'm so wet...I want to cum with you, so please cum in me now!

We came together, HARD. She reacted to every hot shot of my cum going deep inside of her, and arched her legs back and forth with it. I wanted to bite her neck like a lion does when they mate, but I held back and just kissed it while I came.
As I pushed myself back up I saw that look again. I was doing it, I was breaking her barriers. It was only a matter of time.

She laid there in what I imagine was a combination of pleasure and mental exhaustion. I made a joke about how fun that was, coming off as very casual to reinforce that it was all for fun, and started getting dressed. As I was about to leave, I asked her for a favor. I told her to roll over, and she did so without questions. I gave her right ass cheek a nice stiff smack, and told her I'd see her tomorrow. As I left I heard her shuffling back into position to have my cum stay down in her womb.

What's next? I thought to myself as I walked home. Time to plan the next steps to push her forward.

Hope this chapter wasn't too long! I desperately need to fap now lol.


Re: Helping out some friends

Unread post by afagehi7 » Fri Dec 11, 2020 4:52 am

Excellent! I wonder how hubby would feel if he knew she was enjoying it.

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Re: Helping out some friends

Unread post by curious9632 » Fri Dec 11, 2020 10:23 pm

This is really hot, thanks for posting
My curiosity wanders unleashed.

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Re: Helping out some friends

Unread post by Crza96 » Tue Dec 22, 2020 12:05 am

Just wanted to say I'm not dead =)
Holidays and Covid closures are keeping me busy. I'll update whenever the opportunity arises, but these usually take me over an hour to pull from my memory to text and edit it in a way that's fun to read.

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Re: Helping out some friends

Unread post by wmraim » Thu Dec 24, 2020 5:28 pm

U'r doing a great job, it's super fun to read.

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Re: Helping out some friends

Unread post by insertomit » Sun Dec 27, 2020 7:54 pm

I can vouch for the fertility expenses. My wife and I used ICSI and it cost a lot...

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Re: Helping out some friends

Unread post by Crza96 » Fri Jan 01, 2021 1:49 am

The next step I had decided on was to help lower her inhibitions a bit more. She was now on the slippery slope of letting go of them, she just needed a little liquid lubrication to help. To me, if I were to get her drunk, then I would lose the game and become something wrong, so I didn't want to go that far. I wanted her to get "honest".

The next day was like the others; waiting at home, get the text, go over. No requests from her today, it was just as important to back off and see what she brings to me on her own. I knocked and she opened.

When she opened the door she was just a little bit less shy about it, and this time she was wearing a sexy hot pink thong, and a tank top. To me it was like she was halfway there, getting herself out of her shell.

Me - Very sexy, as usual.
S - Thank you. Did you bring over wine?

Me - Oh, yeah I did. Sorry, work has been super stressful lately and I've got some family drama I'm trying to work out, so I need to loosen up. Can we crack this open and have a drink?
I had gotten a bottle gifted to me from some customers that owned a winery. It wasn't expensive, and I hated wine at the time, so great time to use it.
S - Oh...sure. Do you need to talk about it?
C - Honestly dude I'd rather just not think about that stuff, rather just shoot the shit and relax.
S - Oh ok, I understand.

We walked upstairs to the kitchen and she pulled out a glass and I popped the cork.

C - Sabrina have a glass with me.
S - Eh...
C - Dude I don't want to be the weird drunk. Plus we're going to have sex anyway it's not like I'm going to take advantage of you or something.
S - Ok, I guess you're right.

We poured glasses, talked and drank. We stood at the same corner of the kitchen counter, but on the other sides of the corner. We talked about light hearted stuff; WoW, school, food, etc. When I had finished my glass I poured myself half of another and she agreed to have another half as well.
As the wine started to take effect, I gradually moved in closer and closer, as did she in response. We didn't kiss, but playfully touched each other, kind of like a first date.

At one point she turned away to walk towards her living room, and that's when I caught her, from behind. I grabbed her hips with my left hand, and wrapped my right arm around her and started kissing her neck from behind. She gave me a nice hum of pleasure, letting me know this was good for her and not crossing a boundary.
I whispered things in her ear, dirty things. I told her how bad I wanted her, how I felt like I was going to explode if I didn't get inside of her, and more. She smiled with her eyes closed, absolutely bathing in the attention. She was getting a lovers' passion like you would see in a movie. She began undoing my belt and taking my pants off. I was so excited to see her grab my dick and jerk it, she was going to tell me that she wanted me physically.
But she didn't.
She instead turned around, dropped to her knees, and forcefully put my cock in her mouth and went to TOWN. It was as if her sucking my dick gave her direct pleasure. She kissed it and sucked it like a long lost lover that she couldn't get enough of, and she moaned along with her own motions. I was blown away again. Watching her bob up and down on me was one of the sexiest things I had ever seen.

On a bittersweet note, it didn't last long. After maybe a minute she hopped up and grabbed my hand, gasping for air.

S - We have to go, now.

Me - Fuck yeah we do, holy shit!

She grabbed my hand and tried to lead me back downstairs to the bedroom. I however didn't budge. She looked back at me with a confused and distraught look. I whipped her back to me and quickly stripped her of the tank top and thong, and lowered us both to the ground. She was a little bewildered by what was happening, but she was ready to go with the flow. I put her on her back and spread her legs, and saw how wet her pussy was and then immediately felt it when I pushed it back in.
When I pushed all the way in, she locked her legs around me. We fucked like desperate rabbits; we both were so greedy for the other person's sexual organ that we didn't care about rhythm.

After a couple minutes of buzzed missionary fucking, our sexual desire at peak and inhibitions seemingly vanished, I decided it was time.

Me - Oh Sabrina jesus fucking christ! Are you feeling good right now?
S - Yesyesyesyes. Oh my goddddddddd
Me - Sabrina I want you to be my slut. Will you be a slut for me?
S - Yes I will!
Me - What are you then?
S - I'm yours. I'm your slut.
Me - Louder.
Me - Do you swear it?
S - Yes I swear.
Me - What will you do for me?
S - Anything you want.
Me - As long as I fuck you?
S - Oh god YES.
Me - Good girl. You ready for your first order?
S - Yes I am.
Me - Kiss me while I cum inside of you.

This was it. The make or break part. If she was willing to kiss me, then she was mine.

WIthout any hesitation after I said that she locked onto my mouth like a heat seeking missile and we started to kiss, wildly. Our tongues wrapped circles around each other like we were young teenagers just learning how to kiss. It was sloppy and hot and I loved it. She did too, and I could tell because after a little bit she stopped moving her tongue because she couldn't stop from moaning. That crescendo'd into a huge orgasm that was muffled inside of my mouth. I didn't last much longer either, and came inside of her shortly after.

I rolled off of her and we both caught our breath. After a few minutes of silence we talked about how that was fun, and how we should "play by the rules". I reminded her that I just liked how good it felt and 100% didn't want anything more than just the sex to feel as good as it could. The games we make up are a part of that, and if it creates more sperm and/or makes a better pathway then it's all for the better.
She readily agreed with my notion. Readily? Oh yeah, she was addicted to the lust. Today was definitely a big victory.

I got up to get dressed and asked her if I could bring her a pillow or something (since she wasn't going to move as to help the sperm get there), but she declined and said she was just going to close her eyes and relax. I got my clothes on and before I left, I decided to get down on the floor with her again.
I got up close face to face and we made out again, at my request. Looks like my new slut is an honest one. I grabbed her by the back tuft of her hair and pulled her face a few inches away from my own. I told her to think about me and my big cock and she smiled and said Ok.

Good work was done here today.

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Re: Helping out some friends

Unread post by 1hottxcpl4fun » Fri Jan 01, 2021 6:01 am

Bravo! What a great addition to the story to start the New Year! Well done! Can't wait for more!


Re: Helping out some friends

Unread post by afagehi7 » Fri Jan 01, 2021 7:08 am

Slamming hot!!! If she's going to do it she should enjoy it. I wonder if she tells her hubby.


Re: Helping out some friends

Unread post by OOAA » Fri Jan 01, 2021 10:21 pm

Super hot story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT chapter!!!

You are managing the situation in a fantastic way..., let's see what happens next ;)

Posts: 101
Joined: Sat May 10, 2014 1:00 am

Re: Helping out some friends

Unread post by Crza96 » Mon Jan 04, 2021 11:47 pm

I contemplated the day's events in my head. Like I mentioned before, my goal needed me to stay one step ahead of her, and I'm pretty good at reading people and empathizing. I was sure that once her buzz wore off, Sabrina would probably start to feel guilty, because she definitely enjoyed it but she would feel that she was cheating. I thought about how I would have to play it out for the rest of the night.

The next day was to be the last, as her fertility window was closing. She notified me that when she texted me to meet up. I got dressed and head over to her place.
When she opened the door I could tell she was a little more nervous than usual; I could tell the guilt was on her. She also dressed a little more conservatively, choosing her running shorts over the underwear. I acted relax and exchanged casual greetings, and we head to the bedroom. She sat on the bed, giving off closed body signals. I better jump on this before she could go into something.

Me - Hey dude, just wanna say thanks again for the fun time yesterday. It was nice to destress and just get freaky and not think about stuff for a while. I'm really glad we have the understanding that we can have fun with the chore sex.
S - Oh...sure. It did feel a little weird though...
Me - I understand. It was pretty intense, huh? Sorry if I pushed your envelope a bit too far. I just like to get and do exciting shit when I can with sex, so it's cool that I can do that with you and literally have no attachments; just having fun and when I leave, it's like it never happened.
S - It was a bit much, but it's good that you're not...I don't know, growing feelings?
Me - LOL of course not! Like I said, we're taking something that's kind of an awkward chore, and making it more enjoyable, hell WAY more enjoyable than it would be otherwise. I just hope at the end of this, you guys get your baby. The sex is fun and all, but you guys are my friends and I just want to see you be happy.
S - Ok, good. Phew! I'm ok having fun with you then, just don't do anything too crazy.
Me - Oh yeah? What's wrong with crazy? I thought you like the way crazy feels?
I made my way towards her on the bed, slowly pushing her back down on the bed flat. I think she wanted to play off my advance, but either she was stammering or I was too in the zone to care.
I started taking her clothes off slowly, piece by piece until she was exposed to me completely.
Me - So then should I not kiss your body all over? Can I not press my lips into your skin, your tummy, your pussy?
Her protests were a joke at this point. She was barely able to mutter single words in and out of order. "I" "don't" "think" "feels" "maybe". I laughed to myself and continued.

I softly kissed her all over. I started at her hip, then moved up her stomach then to her boob. I pulled her nipple up with my mouth as I came up, followed her chest up to her neck, spent some time there covering everything, then bit her ear lobe. Finally I kissed my way back down her other nipple, following a trail right to her pussy. I kissed her clit softly a couple times, and then lightly painted her slit with my tongue. Her shivers turned to moans. I eventually became more aggressive and deep tongued her, sucked on her clit, and went wild with my tongue drawing some crazy shapes into her. I got signs that I was doing quite the job, by her vulnerable moans, and how she eventually came on my face.

While she recovered I stripped myself and got into bed with her. I got face to face with her as she composed herself, and told her that I wanted her to ride on top of me. She nodded and started to move up, and lifted her leg over mine when I stopped her.

Me - Whoa, whoa. What are you doing?
S - (confused) What?
Me - You think you can just jump on me without asking permission first?
S - You told me to!
Me - Yeah and you're my slut, so you do what I want you to do, and that's to ask for permission to ride my cock.
S - Can I ride your cock? (she asked, giggling)
Me - Please?
At this point she was close enough to my dick that I could tease her by rubbing it against her....which I of course did.
S - Please!
Me - That doesn't sound convincing
She put her face down close to mine and stared at me straight in the eyes.
S - Please put your cock inside of me and let me ride it.
Me - Perfect. Please do.

She guided my cock and lined it up with her hole, and moved down, no lube needed today. Sabrina took a second once we were fully connected, and moved excruciatingly slow. We could feel every nook and cranny, every inch of each other. She was getting super sensual with me, I got the feeling.
Sabrina deepened her breaths and she pushed down and pulled up, her eyes closed tight. She lowered herself closer and closer to me, until her face was just inches away from mine.

Me - Ohhhh Sabrina, you feel soooo good.

And with that, she initiated a french kiss on her own.
And there it was, I had won. I knew that from this point on, she would submit to me, because she was falling in love with our fuck.

She kept the same slow pace as our kissing got hotter and hotter, intensifying her moans to match. After what seemed a lifetime in paradise, she lowered her head into my shoulder and I wanted to test out my new toy.

(The following are all being moaned and uttered between thrusts. I'm too tired to annotate it all lol)
Me - Did you ever think it could feel this good?
S - No, I had no idea it would.
Me - I've been wanting to fuck you for so long. Ever since I met you at Ryan's place. I couldn't keep my eyes off of your body, and I knew Ryan wasn't fucking you the right way.
S - You have?
Me - Hell yeah. I always imagined what it would be like to bend you over in front of him and fuck you from behind so he can watch you cum on me.
S - I...I wanted to fuck you too.
Me - Oh yeah???
S - was just a feeling I had...I just wanted to feel your body press into mine.
Me - That's so fucking sexy. Well here we are, let's enjoy feeling each other.

We grinded like that for a while. It felt like an hour but it was probably 15 or 20 minutes. It was just such a good feeling that neither of us wanted to move. She would pop back up to get a good angle with her pussy, and then pop back down to make out more.
Eventually, I couldn't hold out any longer, and told her I was close. I begged her to come with me and she obliged. She let out her first real, unrestrained orgasm with me. Wide mouthed, gasping in disbelief.

We collapsed into bed together, laughing and gasping for air. As we recovered we would run our hands on each other, feeling the hot skin and the sweat. We talked for a couple minutes and I mentioned that it was sad that this was coming to an end just when it was getting good. As I maneuvered over her, she stopped me with one hand and grabbed my cock with the other, and pulled me in close.

S - Listen, Ryan is going to visit his parents tonight and he won't be back until tomorrow. You should come over tonight...I really want more of this and my window should still be open.

Hearing that got me instantly turned on and back hard again. "Now how could I refuse a request from a lady?", I said as I pushed my cock back into her pussy for more.

S - I'm not a lady, I'm your slut.

To be continued, another day...

(Ok that very last line was something I indulged in lol, but I couldn't resist not making this part end on such a great line. Now if someone would please send me pics of them jerking off to my wife so I can get her horny and fuck her too them, I'd be much obliged ;)

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