My Wife's First Extra-marital Cheating Experience

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My Wife's First Extra-marital Cheating Experience

Unread post by jw_kk » Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:28 am

This is the recounting of my wife’s first extra-marital cheating experience. For context, we had been married for almost seven years at this point. Two children, a career, and graduate school were factors in our lives, along with a compounding issue. I had developed an infatuation, and initiated an affair with a young woman, a colleague and collaborator, who was also attending the same accelerated advanced degree program. The affair was on-again, off-again, as we were both married, and had the combined issues of family, the master’s program and work to contend with. It was logistically difficult.

Mostly driven by stress, available time, and the degree to which I was becoming attached to my affair partner, along with significant guilt, I broke off the affair. It was difficult for both of us, because we collaborated professionally, and still carpooled to classes at night and on the weekends, so we were still in constant, unavoidable contact. Despite that, I tried to hold to not seeing her in the intimate, or sexual context, and instead focused on work, school, and family. In the end, the priority of those things, with 20/20 hindsight were wrong. My wife had also become suspicious, and very jealous of my affair partner. She was constantly accusing me of fucking around, even though at that point I was not, and she had no proof that I’d been fucking around.

One night, I came home very late from a business meeting. My wife had been frustrated with the amount of time I was spending on work, and that frustration had been building up over time. When I got home, KK wasn’t there. I wasn’t aware of any plans she had, there was no note, and we hadn’t communicated about her being gone that evening. It was during summer break, and our kids were out of town, staying with my in-laws. The house was eerily empty.

I was concerned, and after an hour or so, I called her cell phone, which went immediately to voice mail. I called again, a while later, the voicemail picked up, and I left another message.

My mind was racing, and I searched the house for signs of what might be going on - had she left me? I remembered that I’d forgotten to check the garage, which I immediately did, and I found her car was gone. I went back to the bedroom to see if her things were still there, and found relief that there was nothing obviously gone, her clothes, shoes, and other items were still in place. I found a damp towel on the rack, and some of her make-up items were out of place on her dressing table, but otherwise things were “normal.” I checked the storage closet where we kept luggage, and all the bags appeared to be in place, undisturbed. I checked my own voice mail, both personal, and at the office to make sure I hadn’t missed any messages. Nothing… it just wasn’t like my wife to disappear like this.

For a while, I was growing increasingly worried, and made myself a drink to try and relax. I gulped that first one down, and made another. I was also exhausted from work, and the exhaustion combined with the alcohol led me to fall asleep.

At about 3:00am, I woke up to the sound of a door opening and closing. I figured it must be my wife. I decided to feign sleep to see what KK might do. I caught glimpses of my wife, wearing a mid-thigh, black leather skirt, stockings, her stiletto heel pumps, and a white silk blouse. She appeared slightly disheveled, the skirt twisted on her hips slightly, and the blouse wrinkled up, with what looked like a button missing. Her hair was also a mess.

She got some water from the kitchen, and passed through the den on her way to the master bedroom, leaving me apparently asleep in the chair, without a word or acknowledging my presence.

I waited for a bit, and eventually heard the shower running, so I got up and went to the bedroom. Her clothing was over the back of a chair, and the master bath door was closed - there were no panties, just a bra, her thigh-highs, the blouse, and skirt, with her shoes kicked slightly under the chair.

I examined the items of clothing, and noticed distinct stains on the stockings, blouse and skirt, and even on the toe of one of her shoes that appeared to be dried cum!

My cock was hard as steel, and I felt slightly sick to my stomach, a twinge of nausea as I pondered the situation. My heart was pounding so hard I could hear it, and feel it in my ears.

I heard the shower stop running, and quickly returned to the den, to see what might happen next. A short while later, KK, standing in front of me, “awakened” me, saying, “Come to bed - its’ very late.” She was nude, which for her was unusual, as she almost always wore a robe or pajamas of some sort. I got up, and we went to bed.

After a short while, KK rolled over toward me, and started to fondle and stroke my cock, again, unusual as I almost always initiated any sexual contact in those days. I was instantly hard, and within a few minutes, she was sucking and licking me.

I tried to touch her, but she closed her legs, denying me access to her pussy. I was frustrated by her denial, and simultaneously aroused. It for some reason made me feel harder, and the sensations of her lips and tongue on my erect cock more intense. It occurred to me that there must be some reason she wouldn’t let me touch her pussy.

While my wife sucked and licking my cock, twirling her tongue on my cock-head, I was thinking about the outfit - the stains, the dried droplet of what was almost certainly cum on the toe of her stiletto… my cock felt outrageously hard, and I was knitting together pieces of things that may, or may not have been true. The signs added up to the possibility that my wife had been out fucking around!

KK sucked me to orgasm, and let me cum in her mouth, again unusual in those days, and she swallowed every drop, then gave me a cum-breath goodnight kiss, and rolled over and went to sleep. I tried to sneak a touch, a probe of her pussy, but every time my fingers went there, she sort of violently clamped her thighs together and rolled away from me.

The next day, we went about our routine, with no mention of the event, and I never challenged her about that night. I’m fairly certain, within 99% that she was out fucking around.

Years later, she confessed the event to me. She had decided that I was lying about working late, and had gone to my office to check up on me. The business meeting I was attending was a cocktail social, not at my office - so when she went by to verify my whereabouts, the office was empty, locked, and my car was not in the parking lot. In a fit of rage, she decided that I was off somewhere with Laura, my affair partner - she’d actually dressed in the outfit she was wearing, to look her best, when confronting “the other woman.” My wife told me that she drove all over town, to the places where she though I might be found with Laura, ready to kick her ass.

She was increasingly frustrated, as she wasn’t able to find me in any of the expected places, and ended up at a dance club that we, and many of our acquaintances frequented. She went in, and of course got hit on by many, many men, and ended up letting one pick her up, where they went back to his apartment, and spent the next few hours fucking. Then she left, in part due to guilt, in part due to anger, and came back home. At that point in our lives, she was still fertile, and took the risk of having unprotected sex with a strange man - she was so angry that it didn’t seem to matter to her. She told me all the details she could remember, which got me rock-hard, and then we fucked like teenagers.

There is one other cheating episode I’m explicitly aware of, that happened after this event, and at least two other events I’m suspicious of, which she’s never confessed.

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Re: My Wife's First Extra-marital Cheating Experience

Unread post by john726 » Tue Sep 05, 2017 7:48 am

Smoking hot!

Posts: 101
Joined: Wed Sep 13, 2023 6:24 am

Re: My Wife's First Extra-marital Cheating Experience

Unread post by lanceHarden25 » Sun Dec 17, 2023 1:17 am

I know this is an old post, but damn this is hot. It seems like this is what opened the floodgates for both of you.

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Re: My Wife's First Extra-marital Cheating Experience

Unread post by Phallen » Sun Dec 17, 2023 2:20 pm

I would totally be asking her for incredible details, in fact, having her take pictures for me of all the positions as she did for this guy. Fucking hot. I would want her to tell me how turned on she was and how she enjoyed being fucked and until next week.
San Diego Grey Fox

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