From my dream to a reality!

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From my dream to a reality!

Unread post by PnGForgeD » Sat Jun 21, 2014 3:38 am

I have enjoyed reading stories about cuckolding. For several years I have been trying to figure out why I got excited thinking about wives cheating, and then thinking about how i would feel if mine cheated. I came to the conclusion that I wanted other men's dicks in my wife.

In 2011 I started to introduce my wife to my thoughts of other men fucking her. At first she would always brush the thought away and change subject. I was out of the country for a year and we would often web cam when we could and masterbate. When she was horny, I would talk about how it might feel good to get fucked by several dicks and she would get extremely horny over that thought. Once we finished, those thoughts she had would disappear and like normal, she drew away from that kind of talk when I would bring it up again.

When we were engaged and I was out of the state, she ended up spending the night sleeping with an old boyfriend she wished she had in 2009. No sex, just cuddling. Regardless, she told me with tears. I know she loves me very very much. When she told me, I was glad she told me (I later was told by someone else who found out about it, and they more or less was tried to warn me away from marrying her by telling me we were young to be engaged, yet alone get married. We were both around 19 to 20 at this point). I thought about it and deep down I had a feeling of wanting her to fuck him. Unsure of the feeling I kind of brushed it to the side and only entertained the thought when I would think about it. Years later I would find myself watching porn and wishing my wife was on the receiving end of that fucking. I would just go nuts thinking about it.

When we got married in 2009 my wife's sex drive was almost annoying. She went in birth control and the sex drive vanished. I knew she still loved me, but I would have to pry sex out of her and she would make comments like you just use me for sex. It was rough. At that point we had been married for a year, but I was away for 9 months of it. It was rough so I ended up just avoiding her for the most part. Then I found out I had to leave for 12 months. We got on better terms and decided she should get off birth control. Ofc she was off it for a week before I left and got pregnant. Oh well.

Now back to 2011 I felt bad. I was gone most of the year and I wanted my wife to feel good. So I entertained thoughts of her being pleased by others and found it arousing. When we were finally back together in early 2012 our sex life was sad, about once a week if that. Granted, we did have kid now, but we used to have it 1-3 times a day. Even off of birth control there was no sex drive by her. She gets turned on by light bondage but I didn't care for it to much. Still I would get bondage toys and other sex toys. Each new thing added a slight sex spree but it would return to "normal".

End of 2013, the fact that I wanted to wife to fuck other men was becoming unbearable. I started attaching a dildo to my dick and fucking her pussy with both. Omg I loved it. May be a little bi, but I enjoyed the feeling of the dildo pressed against my dick and the fact that my wife would get these facial expressions of pure enjoyment. Finally I had something to work with. The problem was, she loved dildos, but she would take a dick over it, regardless if mine was smaller, thinner, and not vibrating. I don't have a big dick, just 6 inches, and my wife is 5 foot. So when I would fuck her with the dildo and my cock, I would whisper in he ear about how much better two real cocks would feel. Sex for both of us became more enjoyable, but still lacked the drive. We were up to 3 a week.

2014 came and each time I would talk about other men fucking her in sex she realized that I would get much harder and my erection would last longer intensifying the sex.

2012 was soo dull. Sex was a boring task. I could not get her to orgasam in sex and I couldn't keep erect for more than 5 minutes. I thought maybe I had a problem with sex, but I felt healthy and I hadn't had problems before. I tried to imagine other people fucking her in my head, and it would help, but I do all the work in sex. She lays there, and to be honest I love it, but having to keep that mental imagine while physically exhausting myself, and knowing that she only wanted me was hard. I tried to get her to role play another guy fucking her by having her say another name instead of mine, like fuck me Alex, but she straight out refused and said she only wanted me. As time went on I kept encouraging her, I'd say I bet other dicks feel as good as mine, if not better, but it really picked up in 2014.

Part of me feels bad that I am driving her to have sex with someone else, but I step back and look at the outcome. So far it has only been good. In February. My wife asked me if the reason I wanted her to have sex with other men was because I cheated on here while I was out if the country. I kinda did ish. 2 different times I got drunk with friends while I was out of the country and we ended up picking up prostitutes. Each time i went to fuck one, my hard on would just vanish because I knew that I only wanted sex with my wife. Needless to say I couldn't have sex, my dick would not stay hard. I love my wife. I just can't believe I did that... Twice. Each time I was drunk as shit and more or less pressured by friends. It happened. Yeah Yeah.

My wife has a problem with communication. She will not tell me what she is thinking. I have to pry it out of her! Very annoying. I speak my mind to her with no filter. I love her and trust her with my life. But for the love of god she does not communicate. She says she is intimidated by me. That is what she says. FYI I have never laid a hand on her. So it's rather puzzling. That was and is a problem of our marriage. She will not open up to me unless she is raging mad. Sadly, I have to intentionally provoke her into telling me what the problem she has against me. After she asked me if I cheated on her, I told her no. We were in a moment were we were both 100% honest. It was the first time I have ever lied in that kind of moment. Tbh I don't know if the whole hooker thing counted as cheating. I didn't have sex in my mind but I did penetrate. I lost the erection in moment (less than 5 minutes). I guess technically well it was cheating. In my heart I feel I did not, but with the guilt that I got myself in that position and betrayed the trust of my wife. Trust is key. It was rough when I told her no, I did not cheat. She then asked me if she did have sex with someone else, how would I know she wouldn't fall in love with them. I'd bet my life on it that she wouldn't. I feel as if she would follow me to the end of the world as long as I would allow her to. I told her it was because I knew her and she wouldn't. To my shock and utmost disbelief she said she WOULD FUCK ANOTHER MAN as long as she got to pick. He had to have the right height, athletic, and a larger dick than mine. The thought of it all was just so much.

Out of nowhere the affection between us intensified. Much more enjoyable to hold her, talk to her and yeah it was good. One weekend the parents took our child, and we were able to look for a suitor. We spent hours trying to find one. Finally got one and he backed out. It was crushing. It was fun tho. We sat on our bed teasing each other the entire day. First time in years we were able to be next to each other and truly enjoyed the companionship.

I woke up early the next day and was off doing my own things when I realized that my wife was still looking for someone to fuck her without me. Jealousy, anger, annoyance and fear set in. I told her I changed my mind. Omg I felt so mad that it was I that said it. And felt so bad because my wife was mad she couldn't fuck someone else after I had been talking about it so much. After that the sex was still good. She had more passion and so did i. It was fun. I didn't use the dildo any more. I didn't need it. The fact that my wife said yes to another was just so much fuel for me.

My wife told me that because I changed my mind we would not get an opportunity for a while to even attempt it again and that I would regret my choice. It turned out that was so true. I thought about it every day for two weeks. Then told her I was ready again. She threw a wtf curveball at me. She said she wanted a friend with benefits. Not some one night stand. A friend who could fuck her. Wow I felt so against it but I wanted her to be fucked by another so badly it overruled any objections I had. It felt as if I was being replaced because she wanted to date the other men before sex. Oh god to my surprise that was a turn on too.

I work a graveyard shift and sleep during the afternoon. I work a 10 hour day, 4 days a week. She wanted another man to cuddle in bed with her because we no longer sleep at the same time. That drives me crazy thinking about it. Yes yes I know many of you if not all are throwing red flags. She doesn't want it every night just like 3 times a month. If I could explain my wife's personality and my own. I am sure many of you could understand better but I can't soo yeah.

She is currently set up on a dating site and talks a to people who maybe willing to be a fwb. Ofc I have access to those accounts and can read all messages and emails. I enjoy reading them and she knows it. For the past week now she has been at it non stop. From the time she gets up to the time she goes to bed. She responds to their messages. Omg. All I want to do is be with my wife. She is so much happier. So enjoyable to be around. She has already started meeting people in person. She does it when I sleep, but still i love to talk about it and tell her she should have brought him home for sex. Tho she hasn't met anyone she wants to be friends with yet. There are some she really looks forward to meet. As of right now our marriage is at an all time high. We have been having sex 1-3 times a day, if our child permits the lack of attention for 10 minutes. Child is 2. And hopefully my wife can find her a good friend and get a good fuck.

I am not looking for suitors to fuck my wife. She is doing it.

Many of you have to understand my wife and I love each other to death. I have to say this over and over because in my heart it is true. I would bet my life that it is the same way with my wife.

Sorry I typed on iPhone

Hi guys, I wrote this in March and never posted it. I had it saved on my iPhone and just never got around to posting it, so enjoy. A lot has happened since then, and I am more than willing to share it if anyone is interested. I would have to type it up, though it wouldn't be too long.
Last edited by PnGForgeD on Mon Jun 23, 2014 9:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: From my dream to a reality!

Unread post by allengt » Sat Jun 21, 2014 3:53 am

Welcome to the forum.
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Re: From my dream to a reality!

Unread post by dana007 » Sat Jun 21, 2014 8:08 am

yes would like to hear more.


Re: From my dream to a reality!

Unread post by viking53 » Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:59 am

Definitely interested in hearing the continuation

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Re: From my dream to a reality!

Unread post by go2guy » Sat Jun 21, 2014 11:36 am

please share more

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Re: From my dream to a reality!

Unread post by OZCPL » Sun Jun 22, 2014 4:18 pm

I hope things work out for you but be careful. Young men sometimes regard their wives a perfect little gods and ignore the obvious.
If she will not open up to you then chances are she is hiding something and she has private things on her mind.
She slept with an old BF but did not have sex. Sometimes women can do that once, sometimes. Don't believe twice or more.
Your were married 12 months and away for 9 of those months. That is when she would have found a fuck buddy and kept fucking him after you returned, which is why you would not have been getting any sex.
Of course the stories she tells you, about what she is doing, do not align with the above but if you want to stay married to her there has to be open honesty and you have to be prepared to take a real look at what is going on in her life. Otherwise you become less and less a part of her life until you are not in it at all.
Being cucked can be hot, good for your wife and very exciting for her and you but be careful. Make sure she is willing to open up to you.

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Re: From my dream to a reality!

Unread post by PnGForgeD » Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:41 am

My wife and I never found someone to fuck her. It was sad, but it was putting an emotional drain on my wife. She had been stood up a few times and even walked out on once. (She had our kid with her) We decided to put an end to it. I accepted that my fantasy would remain that way, and had no hard feelings. My wife wanted to try another dick, but things didn't work out. We accepted it, and moved on. One Sunday night I woke up and my wife was like you will never believe what happened today I got a phone call on my way home.

Out of nowhere, one of her old friends called her last week. She use to have a major crush on him, but he was dating someone at the time. Odd as it was, he was actually living with her family. Over the years she would tell me stories about it. How he use to drive her crazy and vise versa. They broke off their friendship when my wife and I started getting serious and have not spoken much over the past few years. My wife was on her way home when they ended up talking on the phone. Out of nowhere he said to her, if you guys ever decide to swing, let me know. My wife didn't reply and kinda brushed it off in a joking manner. She told me about it when I woke up to go to work that night. Oh God, I had all kinds of feelings shooting around. But I am sure everyone who ventures down this path has, especially when its someone you or your wife knows. Though, deep down I knew my wife wouldn't go through with it. She had turned everything down before so I felt secure in the knowledge that she would not, but at the same time stoked that it could be real! I only felt it could be real, because she was rather passionate, in the sense of being VERY careful what she said about him. I could tell she still had something for him. She almost lost her virginity to him before we were together, but decided that his dick was too big for her and never actually had sex. I can't remember if I said that before, but anyways. Like I said before, she only recently told me about the time she was with him and his gf in bed. I found it hard to believe she didn't have sex, but she still stands on the fact she didn't. Anyhow. I told her she could fuck him if she wanted and she told me it was a maybe, but she'd probably just visit and make sure it wasn't awkward or anything.

I love to know what my wife is thinking, everything. She had and still has a hard time communicating with me. She knows that, so we decided that I could see all her conversations with possible mates. It was fun reading the things people would say to my wife and how she would respond. Gave me a little flashback to when we were dating. Reminded me of how I should still act and treat her. It has really been helping our relationship because some things I had forgotten or turned a blind eye to I now realize are things I need to do to keep things strong. So sometimes I take her phone and read her text messages without her knowing and act as if I don't know. She would let me with no hesitation if I ask, but still I like to know things she said or was said before she tells me. So when she was talking to her friend, he basically asked for me to be out of the house when he came over and my wife agreed. 24 hours later, she hadn't even brought that subject up. Simple things like that are a common occurrence, I am still not sure why she didn't tell me. I suggested to her that if he did come over, I would take our daughter out so he would feel more comfortable, she agreed it was a good idea, and the little problem of her not telling me was fixed.

After that, she told him that they should meet up and they agreed. He arrived, and of course it was awkward at first. Nothing like seeing the guy who might possibly fuck your wife. He was hungry, so he and my wife went out to eat while I got our daughter ready to go out for a few hours. After I got her ready I had quite some time to kill. I have always wanted to see the face of my wife when she takes a cock, a big one. So I asked my wife, if she did fuck him, where would it happen, and she said "the couch, but I highly doubt we will, I just want to catch up." My computer is in our living room with the couch across from it on the other wall, its a small living room with no TV, but I quite like it. If they did have sex, I wanted to watch, but you can't when you are not there. I looked for my video camera so I could set it up, but I just didn't have enough time to charge it and make sure there was enough space on the camera, so I had to abandon the idea :(.

I told me wife to text me when she was about to come home so I could be out of the house when she got back, just in case there was some sort of flare or spark that made them just wanna get down and dirty. But I mean come on, this is the real world, not some porno. She texted me and said, we're almost home and I have to use the bathroom really bad. Turns out, she didn't want to use the one at the restaurant and rushed home. How exciting right? Lame. I was wanting her to like freshen up or something.

When we were dating, my wife would shave her pussy and that was hot. I loved it, but she would express how uncomfortable it was rather frequently. She also used to wear make-up all the time. I love her, and regardless what she does or looks like I still love her. Over the years she only puts make-up on when we go out, and shaves her pussy when she is going to be wearing a bathing suit, and that is it. She wont shave even when I ask :( Oh well, that's what I get for constantly telling her I love her regardless. She told me if i love her with or with out, why put forth so much effort. Funny, cause that's the way I think, and she turned it against me. But at the start of the month, we went to a beach so she was shaved with about a week or two of growth. Life goes on.

So my wife is home from the lunch, and we both spend a few minutes talking to her old friend, the guy she had a huge crush on for a bit until my daughter and I were finally able to leave. I told my wife we would be out for 2-2.5 hours before it would be my bed time(since I work night shift) and nap time for the child. I was texting my wife frequently, and often times she just doesn't always get around to responding to it right away or doesn't see it. When my wife gets a text, I have a tendency to ask her what it's about. For a while it annoyed her cause I seemed so nosy, but it was just my way of getting information since she doesn't communicate. She has long since accepted that and now is in the habit of just telling me without thinking. She understands and now just verbally expresses what is texted to her if I'm interested in the text.

So I was out, just finished lunch with my daughter and was about to text my wife to let her know, when I got a message from her. It said "Don't come home i'm fucking him" My jaw dropped. It was just the most unexpected thing I could be reading. We talked before when we were looking for someone and I said I wanted to see her face when she took another dick or even record the whole ordeal. If the stud wanted to solo my wife on the first encounter, I wanted to record it if he allowed, if not, just the look of her face when she took it. Well, we never got that far and something that kind of slipped away. The price we pay...

But Still "Dont come home im fucking him" That was all I could think of. She was doing it! So unexpected and I just couldn't think straight. Knowing that the deed was in progress, I took a second to reflect on how I was feeling, and it was no different then the fact that I wanted her to be fucked good and hard. My heart pounded, my thoughts racing to how it went from not awkward to fucking. I just was dying to hear my wife tell me the story of the days events. Sadly, her now lover was going to remain at the house quite some time after I went to bed. I was just hoping they got down and did it again to add to the days story. My heart was pounding, I was so turned on. I waited another 30 minutes before returning home. They were done by that time. I walked in the door and there he was, hardest thing to make eye contact for both of us. My wife was exuberant. I knew if I ever wanted this to continue I would have to be able to look him in the eyes and hold a conversation. And so we did. My wife took our child for a diaper change and to get ready for a nap. I stayed out in the living room with him and we talked about this and that. By this time I had been up for 18 hours and was ready to fall asleep. The night before I had little sleep, so had had a few coffees and a java monster. All the caffeine combined with all the excitement that my wife might have sex left me exhausted. I decided to turn in. Well, rather I tried to turn in. My mind was racing over the ordeal. They were all good thoughts, I had 0 negative thoughts and just made for an amazing day. I kept finding myself thirsty, so I kept walking in and out of the bedroom to get water. Finally, on my last time getting a glass of water, I was out there with them and was able to say to him that I was okay with him having sex with her, and that he was more than welcome to stop by any time. He lives an hour away and has a girlfriend who he isnt very fond of. I feel guilty for that but this is just too fucking hot to turn down cause of a girlfriend. (this was kinda a rule my wife and I made when we started looking. we didnt want drama. No1 cheating.) After drinking like 3 glasses of water, I said those words and my mouth was cotton mouth. But I said it, and went and laid down. I had now been up for 20 hours. Fortunately I didn't work that night. I laid there. Thinking and thinking of the whole days events, and thinking of my dirty little secret... (to be revealed at the end). I texted my wife after laying in bed for 30 minutes "I'm sure our daughter will be up at 5. I am sure round 2 is a possibility [before then]." She answered with "Lol!!! Okay ill probably take you up on that". They were in the living room playing X-Box on my computer screen that I had set up before I went to bed. They were playing a game and I could hear it. Several minutes after I sent that text the sound of the game went away, and I crept up to the door like a creeper and listened. I could hear some whispers and my wife making light moaning sounds. They were doing it, they were fucking again! And this time I could hear it! Oh wow, I would prefer to go out there, but I better not, so I stood there for a minute and got a text, "Get out here" "Fucking him again" "I wanna suck your cock" Jesus, what kind of porno is this! It was real. like wtf, so I went out. I only had underwear on, cause I was trying to sleep. To my dismay, they were both still dressed! My wife had her skirt up and she was mounted on his cock, couldn't see any of it cause of the clothes, but I hesitated. I was wondering if I should go back and get a shirt or something, but was like fuck it, its sex, and we will have to be naked around her for sex in the future, might as well try and get comfortable. I cant even describe the look on my wife's face. Closest I can get is, Pure Pleasure. I stood in-front of her and she sucked my dick OMG. I do not get blow jobs from her, mainly cause she never did it before marriage, and why a BJ when the actual sex is better? Yeah yeah, those are my thoughts. I have never had a good BJ, cause only she has ever sucked my cock. But it felt, soo soo soo good. Even though she was riding him, she never once managed to put a tooth on me. I then understood why people said BJs are amazing. My heart was pounding soo soo much, it had been like that for about 18 hours and I just couldn't keep hard. My wife tired out and bent over the couch and I watched her get fucked from behind. it was soo good. She was moaning like crazy. I watched her have 2 orgasms in 30 seconds. I have only achieved that with penetration once in a blue moon. Her lover said, wouldn't it be better if your husband sits down and you suck his dick? I quickly positioned myself and she had her mouth around me while she was getting pounded. She had another 5 orgasms in the next few minutes. She couldn't stand any more. She was basically done standing. I said I think she had enough, not meaning for him to stop, but I think that is how he took it. And he was done, he didn't get to finish. I feeel sooo sooo bad. Oh well. I only said that as an excuse for me to be done and go to bed to let them finish. My hard-on was gone and I couldn't for the life of me get it back. It was hard all day and soo much caffeine and sugar that my heart felt like it would explode if I even tried to continue. Or so I tell myself that, I dont know. Possible I felt incapable for matching his sexual capacity. I will have to find out on another date.

I went to bed and laid down, so overwhelmed with what happened. I got up again, 30 minutes later, and her lover had just left. I picked up my naked wife (she took her clothes off at some point because she was so hot) and brought her back to the room. She was still shaking from the intensity of her orgasms. I couldn't resist, I went down on her. She was so wet and she had another two orgasms so easily. I got on top of her and just slowly fucked her for while. She was recounting the days events while I was in her. It was so wet and felt so good. I had to finish when she said she was starting to get sore. Last time she got sore meant no sex for like a week, so I finished up really quickly after she said that. ha ha.

I had a fantasy that a pussy feels so good after it had been fucked by a dick, and it turns out soo true. I feel like a creep, I am so attracted to it now. Past few days, I find myself playing with it, and getting down on her. I hadn't been down on her in over a year cause she hadn't shaved. It was just soo magical XD

When I finally got up, she got in bed, we had another round of sex and we laid there. She asked me what I would be doing that night now that my dreams had been fulfilled, I said sheepishly, promise not to tell your lover? She agreed and asked again. I said well uhm, don't be mad, but (here comes the big secret) I recorded it. She hit me. Not hard, but still just out of shock. She blushed. I asked her, I wont watch it if you don't want me to. If you said anything you do not want me to hear, I will not listen to it. She said no, you can watch it, but I want to watch it with you! She doesn't like porn, let alone watching porn with me. She said asked, when did you record it? the second time? I said, no I recorded both times.

I watch it for hours and got off soo easily. It was hot. It was 100% real. Neither of them knew there was a camera but the camera was positioned very well and got some good shots. It was just outstanding! Best thing I have ever watched by far. The ending sucked, well kind of, but the whole ordeal is another story.

Just a little teaser for what happened in the video is this...

Her lover was sitting slouched on the couch with his head resting on the top of the cushion. My wife straddling his lap while facing him. His cock buried deep inside her. They had just started fucking. She stopped moving, reached over, grabbed her cell phone and started to text me. "Dont come home...." She starts rotating her hips on his cock moving to feel that pleasure a cock provides. "im fucking him".

If i left some sort of detail out from the story that you must know, ask I will let you know, unless it interferes with the next post. I have yet to write it, but obviously I have an idea, as seen above. Sorry guys I didn't get this done sooner, it just took a lot of time and I did not have it until now. Enjoy!

This is a 100% true story. The timeline might be off due to the fact it happened on Wednesday, and it is now Monday. I typed this once, no review, no editing other than spelling. I wrote this as I thought of it, as I did the first one, but after reading it through, my wife couldn't stand all my spelling and grammar mistakes, so she edited both posts. I would love to read your thoughts, comments, hates, whatever!
Last edited by PnGForgeD on Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: From my dream to a reality!

Unread post by PnGForgeD » Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:52 am

OZCPL wrote:I hope things work out for you but be careful. Young men sometimes regard their wives a perfect little gods and ignore the obvious.
If she will not open up to you then chances are she is hiding something and she has private things on her mind.
She slept with an old BF but did not have sex. Sometimes women can do that once, sometimes. Don't believe twice or more.
Your were married 12 months and away for 9 of those months. That is when she would have found a fuck buddy and kept fucking him after you returned, which is why you would not have been getting any sex.
Of course the stories she tells you, about what she is doing, do not align with the above but if you want to stay married to her there has to be open honesty and you have to be prepared to take a real look at what is going on in her life. Otherwise you become less and less a part of her life until you are not in it at all.
Being cucked can be hot, good for your wife and very exciting for her and you but be careful. Make sure she is willing to open up to you.
Yes I understand. I will a agree with you. Foolish as I maybe, I truly believe I can trust my wife. When we finally decided to do it, I wanted it to be her decision not mine. I would like to think she did make it for herself. I believe that. This is a dangerous game that tinkers with many peoples lives. But all I hope for is trust and I have her complete trust and she has mine. Thank you for your concern. She talks about this very openly and as myself I have changed a lot for the better. I do things now that I did not before this started. Like frequently clean the house. Go out with her shopping. The little things I have forgotten or just never did. I feel as of now it has made me a better husband. I have to compete once again and I'm doing it selflessly. Hard to explain everything, but so far so good. She has been open about it and let's me know everything that is going on. She lets me see her emails, Facebook phone. Through this I know she will be loyal to me. Has I said hard to explain.

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Re: From my dream to a reality!

Unread post by jane » Tue Jun 24, 2014 7:54 am

very hot ....

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Re: From my dream to a reality!

Unread post by sdbuffalo » Thu Jan 10, 2019 8:04 am

Any updates? How is going?
In my Universe, any question may be asked.... But, answers are always optional.

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Re: From my dream to a reality!

Unread post by PnGForgeD » Mon Jan 14, 2019 7:52 am

Forgot this thread existed.

Sum everything up - wife hooked up with him 2 times later over the course of 6 months. Each experience was just bad/imbarassing sex.

While visiting her parents house, she left her phone unlocked and her sister got a hold of it. Her sister user to be a big slut, but non the less confronted my wife and told her other sister. Wife got embarrassed and just lost any drive to keep cuckolding me.

4 years later, thing changed. I believe I started a story on this. She ended up fucking the guy from before, then fucking a client and his wife. She is a massage therapist. She started out of the blue and quit out of the blue. It was really strange, but not complaining. Got to have a 3 some with her and more unprotected sex. Not sure if I did a story on this. Just recently got her into a little humiliation, and a new toy she gets wet over thinking about using it. Soo I’d say she will probably cuckold me again by the end of the year if I can just find someone with a big dick.

Would try and go into some more detail but I got a headache for whatever reason. Doesn’t help getting hard over the memories.

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Re: From my dream to a reality!

Unread post by SamWarrens » Sat Sep 28, 2019 6:16 am

Don't stop the story now. Keep going with this tale. Did your wife ever get pregnant by her lovers?
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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Re: From my dream to a reality!

Unread post by PnGForgeD » Wed Oct 09, 2019 3:12 pm

Sadly it is pretty much how it ended. She just isn’t into it at all. She didn’t get pregnant and had no plan on ever doing it again. Very depressing for me as I got a taste, great experiences, wife agrees that they were good, but just doesn’t want to do it. Sex has been an extremely low priority for her. I feel it has to do with some extra pounds she has put on over the years and just ashamed of her body. I know a part of her wants to continue but she just dodges any push for it again or just draws the line of do not cross. Sorry, took a while to respond, sad, depressing, not sure what to say.


Re: From my dream to a reality!

Unread post by OOAA » Sun Oct 13, 2019 6:42 am

Very hot fantasy turned into reality! ;)

Good for you ;)

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Re: From my dream to a reality!

Unread post by dickhurtz472 » Sat Dec 28, 2019 2:24 am

i tried the link to this story, but it's no longer here. can you repost it?

disclaimer; The "Wife", to whom i refer is my x-wife. we reconnected a year after hubby 2 died in '16. We rekindled & view ourselves as still married. she passed on 2/1/21
Questions or comments;

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Re: From my dream to a reality!

Unread post by PnGForgeD » Sat Dec 28, 2019 6:37 pm


i will try and dig it up.. can't remember even what it was about. the link stopped working when the forums changed and i just figured it was lost, but then later heard the links changed for some things.

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Re: From my dream to a reality!

Unread post by dickhurtz472 » Sun Dec 29, 2019 3:07 am

Thank You.
disclaimer; The "Wife", to whom i refer is my x-wife. we reconnected a year after hubby 2 died in '16. We rekindled & view ourselves as still married. she passed on 2/1/21
Questions or comments;

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Re: From my dream to a reality!

Unread post by CuriousHusband91941 » Tue Jan 07, 2020 8:53 am

So do you have any pics to go with your experiences? I’d love to picture how your wife looks. I didn’t read any discriptions. Take care man.

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Re: From my dream to a reality!

Unread post by PnGForgeD » Tue Jan 07, 2020 3:04 pm

So they other link appears to have been to the pictures I had from her first time with someone else. I have the movie clips from the event, but I don't really know how to edit out names and blur faces.

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Re: From my dream to a reality!

Unread post by volman61 » Wed Jan 08, 2020 10:52 am

would love for you to figure out how to edit the movie, as all of us on the forum would really like to see it!! Me for sure..

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Re: From my dream to a reality!

Unread post by dickhurtz472 » Wed Jan 08, 2020 11:28 am

volman61 wrote:
Wed Jan 08, 2020 10:52 am
would love for you to figure out how to edit the movie, as all of us on the forum would really like to see it!! Me for sure..
that makes two of us.

disclaimer; The "Wife", to whom i refer is my x-wife. we reconnected a year after hubby 2 died in '16. We rekindled & view ourselves as still married. she passed on 2/1/21
Questions or comments;

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Re: From my dream to a reality!

Unread post by PnGForgeD » Mon Jan 13, 2020 2:36 pm

Maybe one day I will get around to editing it. What I am really hoping for is to get my wife to do it again and film it with sharing in mind. She has been very distant from the whole thing as she says it makes her uncomfortable and other things. I can and have respected that, minus the 1 or 2 quips i throw out there to remind her that I'm still interested in sharing her from time to time. I haven't been pushing, insisting, or ignoring her because she doesn't want to do it. Past few years I have gotten her a few sex toys and she is always ashamed to use them and will only use them if I'm there. Recently I have gotten her to admit that the toy dildo, 8'' and girthy, was far better then my dick. She is finally building the confidence to tell me she would rather the dildo then my dick. I am hoping this will let her open up and change what she views as uncomfortable over time. As all things, time will tell.

And I'd have to start a new thread as I can't or not aloud to add images to this section of the forum. Call me lazy, but I'm too lazy to take snip-its of the clip I treasure so dearly lol. I hate sharing a fraction of a master piece.

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