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My correspondence with her latest lover, who is my friend...

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:22 pm
by cuckyboi23

We've been good friends for years. I trusted you - I never expected you would do what you have done. I found out yesterday that you fucked Julie at the Halloween party last year. I know a few people saw you with her at the party and have seen the notes you've sent each other about what happened and how to explain it to our friends. I know no-on actually saw you fucking but that at least one of her girlfriends saw you kissing.

Here's the part you might not expect. She doesn't know that I found out and I don't plan on confronting her. I've gone through alot of emotions in the past 24 hours. I was heartbroken to find out, especially with you. My jealousy raged in me like a fire but the most surprising part to me (and I am sure to you too) is how much it turned me on. She and I have had the best sex last night and the entire time I was thinking about what she'd done with you.

Jack, I really hope that this letter does not change or end our friendship. I hope that you take this well and can appreciate what I am going to tell you next.

I want you to keep having sex with my girlfriend.

Yes, I know, it's not the expected reaction. I don't even know if that party was the first time or if you have done it again since then, but I would like to tell you that I want you to keep fucking her.

You have always been the guy who goes out and brings the girls home from the clubs, and I know you have a few girls on your speed dial for booty calls. I've always admired this about you and I guess it's part of what I find so exciting about Julie being on that list. I also suspect it's one of the things that she finds interesting in you.

Anyway, I don't want this to make things weird between us, but I would like to know how long it's been going on and to know anytime it happens again. Also, I would like to keep this between us. There is no reason any of our other friends need to know about it and I'd prefer that Julie not find out that I snooped in her email.

Let this soak in for awhile and let's have coffee once you are ready. I think we have a few things to talk about.

Still your friend,



I have to tell you pal, your letter didn't surprise me as much as you might think it did. Oh it surprised me that you found out alright; I thought I'd covered my tracks pretty well. I always manage to with anyone else's girlfriend or wife but then again you've seen how I do that often enough so it probably makes sense that you'd get to the truth about Julie.

The part that doesn't really surprise me is that you're not mad about it. I know very well you've lived part of your own sex life vicariously through knowing about mine. Hasn't bothered me at all; you're a great friend and the perfect person to bounce ideas or thoughts off so I've always been happy sharing stuff like that with you. It's obvious you get plenty out of hearing the stories, meeting the girls, seeing me with them at clubs we hit together. You're a voyeur if ever there was one. You haven't seen me with Julie but it makes total sense that you'd like the idea of watching, or even just knowing, as much as you like the idea of her being faithful to you. You had the predictable knee-jerk reaction of anger when you first found out but the more you thought about it the more you realised what you really want.

I have every intention of continuing to fuck Julie, but not because you think it's ok for me to do so. I'm fucking her because I think it's ok to do so. I'm fucking her because she's a good fuck, she's easy, I like her and she needs to get quality cock somewhere so it may as well be me. I don't intend to be her boyfriend; that's your job. She is crazy about you and you're clearly flipped over her so you two just keep doing the couples thing. I'm not here to break up my friend's most significant relationship. Come to think of it, I might be saving it. She doesn't mind sex with you Dave, but that's about it. Personally I think being ok with me fucking her makes you a better boyfriend, and she'd agree if she knew. One day she will know Dave; I'll tell her, but for now yeah let's let it stay between you and me.

One more condition: you need to fuck her less. Much less. Her need for you has everything to do with love and intimacy but nothing to do with sex, so if you really want to make her happy, step back from the plate. We'll get to the details over coffee but the way I see it there's no reason for you to have her more than once a month if I'm taking her more than once a week. Her emotions are yours Dave, but her body is mine. Play this right and one day you're going to have a great wife there. Talk to you soon.
Still your friend too


I appreciate your reply and thoughts about Julie. It doesn't entirely surprise me that you were planning on continuing your sexual relationship with my girlfriend. I've seen you hit on plenty of married women and I know you fucked most of them. I thought that Julie would be off limits for you, but I can understand your desire to bed her - she is one hot little girl.

As far as your suggestion that I fuck her less so that you can fuck her more, I can't say I am super comfortable with that idea. I mean I know women develop emotional bonds with the guys they are fucking and I don't want her to develop too strong of a bond with you instead of me. Of course, on the other hand I do know you and I know you aren't really a one woman kind of guy.

So I guess I could give it a try just to see how it works out. I just need to know when and where you fuck her each time. I do want details. I know she will not be giving them to me, but I suspect you won't mind it. Have you fucked her since that party?

Also, I hope you guys are using protection and will continue to use it. She is on the pill, but there are other health reasons that I'd prefer you use condoms with her. Not to mention that we plan to be married this spring and start working on children by summer.

Having said all of that, , I want to thank you for being such a good friend to both Julie and I. I know this isn't the most conventional of friendships and I hope that it lasts for many years to come.

Thank you Chris,


Makes sense you wouldn't be "super comfortable" with fucking Julie less, but you weren't super comfortable with me fucking her at all a week ago; now you're jerking off to the thought. I'm not going to let emotional bonds develop too far. Yeah they'll develop, but it will always be related to the sex. I'm not going to take her to the movies, walk through the park with her, buy her flowers, discuss politics... like I said, all that shit is your job. She'll bond sexually with me because I'm where the orgasms come from. She'll also know that you're where everything else comes from.

You fucking her less is just good sensible management of her body. She has told me how much bigger I am where it counts, and a few weeks ago she slept with you only a half a day after I had her, and she told me she could barely feel you. I told her to only bother with your little dick just after her period has ended, because that will be about a week after her last encounter with me. Her pussy will have recovered and the two of you might be able to feel each other. I'm going to get her started on some pelvic floor exercises too; I want her to stay tight for me.

My job dictates that I get medical checkups every 6 months so I know I'm clean, and if Julie's on the pill then you don't have anything to worry about, so relax about protection. I've been down this road before pal, just trust me.

I have fucked her since the party, and yeah you'll get details whenever we meet for coffee; we should make that a regular thing. Suffice to say that her weekly 90 minute pilates class is actually only a 30 minute pilates class, but I guarantee she gets a 90 minute workout. Now you know.

I'm glad you're still liking all this; we're old buddies and this will only enhance that as long as you don't panic about anything and just accept my decisions. When in doubt, just go with what I say and see how it pans out. I'm the one with the experience here and both of you are new to all this so I'll provide the sense and you provide the obedience. See you on thursday after work for coffee. In the meantime, look after my fuck.



Thanks for meeting me for coffee Thursday after work. I really think we worked through alot of the issue that I have with this whole arrangement. I had no idea how long you'd already been fucking my girlfriend Julie. It was amazing to find out the details of your sex life with her. Obviously you are already fucking her alot more often than I am.

It's amazing how quickly she asked me for the extra pilate sessions after our coffee. About two hours after I got home she'd already suggested she switch to three times a week. She said she'd been getting good results from the once a week class wanted to keep getting her body in better shape. So I guess you must have text'd her to go forward with what we'd talked about so that you could start seeing her at least three times a week. The ironic part here is that I am actually paying for her to get her (already hot) body into better shape for you, not for me. She will be going to pilate classes more and fucking you more and I am paying for all of it.

Still though, I find myself strangely supporting this.

As we discussed, you will start telling Julie that you want her to start decreasing the frequency of our sex and I will make it easy for her to accomplish this. Hopefully she will not suspect we've been talking, but I am willing to take a step back and let you establish yourself as her primary sexual partner.

I am not really sure how to deal with all of the emotions I am feeling right now. When I think about it it makes me hate you for taking her body from me. I feel jealous and mad and confused. But at the same time I see in my mind an image of you confidently taking her the way I have seen you take so many women home. That image washes away the jealousy and I feel pride as I think about how she invites your cock into her body and takes you deep inside her. I know you will end up changing her, but I am coming to terms with it.

Chris, I never thought our friendship would include giving you full access to the love of my life, but I must say that at this point I can't see it any other way.

Even now I know she's heading over to your place for a couple of hours. I can wait to see her walk back in the door, freshly fucked and happy as can be. Let me know how it goes!

Your fuckbuddy's boyfriend,


The last few weeks have been cool; this seems to be working smoothly for now. Julie sees me typically 3 times a week, and you and I manage to cross paths at least once a week so I can give you the details while you try to hide your little erection tenting in your pants. It's understandable of course; that's almost the only sex life you have now, listening to me describe your girlfriend in bed. Since we've started this arrangement you've fucked her once and I think I'm into the mid teens. Julie told me about your one night of release, and how quickly the release came. Looks like your sexual contact is already down to about 10 minutes a month.

I know the two of you are going to see relatives over Summer. Don't see that a a break in this arrangement Dave. You'll be with her exclusively for a week and I'll be back here but your next scheduled fuck with your girlfriend is in mid September and you don't touch her until then. You and I both know why this works for the three of us and the denial is part of why it works. Julie is getting the best sex she ever had (so she says), I get a reliable slut 3 times a week, who I also happen to have a connection with via you. You get your rocks off on the fact that you're being controlled, denied. Yes you get hard and agitated when I tell you how I fuck her but it wouldn't be nearly as intense for you if you still had full access and we were simply sharing her body. That's why we're not sharing her body. You get access to Julie's bod when I say so, and that's not for another 3 months.

Julie is looking forward to the wedding Dave; just thought I'd let you know her enthusiasm is genuine. She tells me about it a lot. She is feeling a bit guilty about cheating on you with me but seriously doesn't want to stop. It's not fair to let her bear all that guilt though so we need to tell her before you're married. Up to you when this happens but you might want to start putting the seeds into her head now that you'd be ok with it. Maybe tell her it's a fantasy of yours to know your gf/wife is taken by another man. I think you'll have an even happier bride in Autummn if she knows that she's marrying your mind, your money, your devotion but not your cock.

One last thing: Julie told me that on your birthday she wants to send me a nude shot of her with "Chris's slut" written on her brests, so make yourself scarce for a while on your bday night so she can have the privacy to do that. Happy birthday old friend; see you when you get back.



Yes, the last few weeks have definitely been interesting. I’m sure they have been better for you than for me. I can tell it’s getting harder and harder for Julie to “hide” seeing you. I’ve been making it as easy as possible for her to get away as often as she needs to so you can keep stretching out her cunt with your giant fuck-stick.

It’s been harder than I expected dealing with my emotions around this. I see her come home from a visit with you and she’s all giddy and super happy. I can see in her behavior that she’s on cloud nine, and it’s somewhat excruciating to know it’s because you just got finished screwing her brains out. Her eyes are glowing and she’s smiling from ear to ear and I know you are the one who made her so happy.

I have also noticed her paying alot more attention to her appearance. She’s never leaves the house without making sure she’s very well put together and even mentioned to me that she was thinking about changing her hair color. Julie’s body is getting slimmer and tighter with each visit to the gym.

It’s hard for me, knowing that she is doing all of this for your benefit. She’s keeping herself up for you, not me. She’s dressing sexier for you, she’s changing her appearance for you. You are already changing her.

I know what you will say Chris, that this is all ultimately for my benefit as well. I mean who doesn't want to walk down the aisle and marry the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen, in the best shape of her life? I really should be thanking you for inspiring her to be hotter, sexier, and very well maintained.

Still, it’s hard to know it’s all so that she can share that beautiful body with you. So that you can run your hands across her tight ass. For you to put your hands on her hips and pull her smooth pussy down over your cock. You are enjoying my girlfriend’s body in it’s prime, and it’s changing her.

As far as September... Wow that’s a long time away still. You really don’t want me to fuck her till next autummn? I’ve been doing the math and at this rate I may only be fucking her three more times before our wedding. Jack, I feel like every time we talk you restrict me more and more from access to her body. I know you are really getting off on having her as your fuck buddy, but I want to make sure we don’t take it too far.

I can make sure she has time to send you the pic, but perhaps we can negotiate something in exchange for letting me fuck the love of my life just a little bit more often.

Your friend,

I just got Julie's bday photo in my inbox so I thought I'd write. Well done giving her the time to do that. Only a week and a half now until you get to enjoy her body again. She'll be hanging out for some physical contact as well because by that time she won't have seen me for a couple of weeks either, so enjoy her hunger pal.

I've given some thought to your request for some sort of negotiation to get you having her more often. I'm wary of setting any precedents here Dave; I want you to do a little soul searching and decide exactly what it is you want, and the way I see it you've got three possible futures staring you in the face:

1. This arrangement ends eventually and you become Julie's husband and remain my friend. Julie doesn't have me any more and she becomes the loving but sexually bored wife of my best friend. You two will have a happy but decidedly un-erotic marriage. Nothing necessarily wrong with that; there are millions of marriages like that.

2. This arrangement continues but I cave in to your mood swings, and whenever you're hornier than usual, or Julie looks hotter than usual, or you're feeling left out or like a third wheel or whatever, you'll ask me if you can screw her more often and I'll say yes. Or maybe you won't even ask. The result is essentially option 1 with her getting some good sex from someone else, and no real difference at all for you.

3. This arrangement continues and you obey me. You accept that a big part of what you enjoy about this arrangement is the denial and the control you have to exercise over your sexual self. You understand that I will never assume control over anything else in your lives, and you accept that as long as I'm controlling both your sex lives, your marriage is a lot more fulfilling than it would have been.

I think you're going to choose option 3 Dave, but it's entirely up to you. Maybe I'm wrong about why you wrote to me in the first place and told me to keep fucking Julie. Maybe it's enough for you to get off on the fact that a man who can have any number of women chooses to have yours. Personally though I think your devotion to your fiance goes deeper than that. I think you get a fair bit of pride from knowing that your obedience and self denial is making her much happier.

I have no real interest in being the other guy if you go for option 2 Dave. I told you in the last letter I'm not here to share her body, at least not on someone else's terms. If you just want option 2 then I'll tell her to find another lover out of respect for the friendship I have with you. Either she'll buy that and you'll get what you want, or she'll break up with you so she can still get laid by me. I think she'll still decide to marry you but hey it's her life. If you want me involved in this Dave, you're choosing option 3, and you won't be getting more pussy just because you feel like it. You have a decision to make my friend, and I'll respect it and think no less of you whatever you decide, but once you make a choice you're going to stick to it. See you in the new year.


I want you to know that I completely respect you and have put alot of thought into your email over the past day. I am constantly at odds with my own internal emotions and it does break my heart to realize I have so easily given up my sweet Julie's body to another man so easily and so quickly. At the same time I see how happy she is when she comes back from a session with you and I can't help but smile ear to ear about how good she looks and how happy she is.

Of course I will follow your direction and obey you Jack, I would hate for Julie to wander and find another man, not knowing that I can trust that man like I can trust you. I don't want you to feel unappreciated Jack. I definitely want you to remain in the picture and I apologize for even suggesting that we change our arrangement.

As a matter of fact, I have a question to ask you Jack. I have been thinking about asking you this for some time. It wasn't till I started talking to Julie and heard her opinion and support that I really decided to ask you.

Jack, I would like you to be the best man at my wedding.

I know it may seem a little unorthodox, especially considering our arrangement, but you really have been a great friend to me over the years and I can't think of anyone better suited to stand next to me in front of all my friends and family as I marry my beautiful bride Julie.

What do you think?

Firstly the most important part of your last email: I'd be honored to be your best man, and I feel privileged you've asked it of me. It's also pretty total confirmation thaqt you and I are still cool as friends even with this whole Julie thing.

Glad you went for option 3 pal, for a lot of reasons. This could last years and so far there appear to be no regrets and nothing negative out of it. I'm sure it'll always take work to keep it running smoothly but so far it's worth it for all three of us.

The only issue with the best man thing is Julie; she might be weirded-out more than just a little by me being best man if she remains under the impression that you don't know about her and I. We need her to know before the wedding or this could all fall over Dave. It's far better if you tell her, but if you haven't told her by a week before the big day, I will. She'll need time to process it all and she might go a little left of centre for a few days so she needs that time without a wedding being a day away. Like I said a while ago, tell her it's a fantasy of yours. Make the excuse of the approaching marriage to start a conversation about spicing up your sex lives perhaps. Up to you, but you need to get it done.

Assuming she takes it alright and we all get to continue, there's a lot more in store for you in all this Dave, but we need to bring Julie into the secret next. Let me know how it goes, or what your plan is.

By the way Julie told me that she had some pretty satisfying sex with you the other night. I told you she'd be hungry, but it also looks like your extra hunger is making you a better lover when you get the chance; or maybe she just really needed it after 2 weeks out of town and away from me. I'll tell you about the sex she had with me over coffee.



I'm so glad that you've agreed to be the best man at our wedding! When I told Julie you'd accepted she was very excited to hear it. I do have to admit though, it is getting stranger and stranger hearing Julie talk about you like nothing is going on even though I know you've been burying your cock in her several times a week for quite a long time now.

I've started talking to her about how much hotter our sex is now that we have been having less of it. I have been letting her know how much I have enjoyed holding myself back. How delicious it is when I finally get to enter her perfect body. That I support the reduced frequency of our sex.

It's amazingly transparent to hear her talk about her own support for our limited sex schedule. She rationalizes the decision in long drawn out conversations. I tell her how her sweet pussy is really a gift that I should cherish and enjoy like a rare gem. She explains to me how much she appreciates my attentiveness during my "dry spells". It's very clear to me how much she has come to enjoy our arrangement and how much she has gotten accustomed to your cock as a replacement for mine.

I detect a shift in her overall attitude with me as well. I think she is getting more and more use to calling the shots in our relationship. Each time her pussy swallows down another load of your cum Julie knows she is proving that she can get what she wants, when she wants it, and from whoever she wants.

This is all to say that I think the time to tell her is coming near. I have already started to hint that I hate to see her pilate-fit body deserves more pleasure than I give her once a month. That I am learning to worship her body at regular intervals but that it's a real shame that she doesn't get pleasure more often.

Her cheshire cat grin nearly gives her away when I start talking about her pleasure. She knows she's getting fucked hard and regularly and I am sitting by saving myself, and she loves it.

So Jack I think it's time for me to open up to her and suggest she find an "outlet" for her sexual needs. I'll let her work her way towards letting me know about you two and I'll make sure that I constantly re-enforce my support. You be sure to support her from your side on that decision as well and maybe we can meet in the middle somewhere

The funniest thing about this whole email is the timing of it. She just left to see you about 30 minutes ago so you are probably pounding her little pussy as I am typing this. I can only imagine what that must look like. I know she will be walking back in our door in a little while with a huge smile on her face and a sore pussy between her legs.

I think I might have just helped you along with the whole telling Julie thing. She and I got into a conversation about you suggesting to her that you have sex with her less. She thinks the irony of it is hilarious of course but is relieved that you're actually enjoying this schedule that's working so well for her and I too. She flat out asked me if I knew that this was a fantasy of yours, since you and I have known each other forever. I told her that you used to love the idea of having a wife who screwed around, so you're probably jacking off thinking she's getting laid by her pilates instructor or something. She was surprised but after a while it dawned on her that you always like it when she dresses to kill and you two go out and she gets stared at by every guy in the room.

The weird bit about this is, she gave me the impression that she might even confess this affair to you before you get to tell her you already know. This could be a very interesting week in the saga of Dave and Julie. She loves you and has always felt guilty about this, but that seems to have changed after that conversation. It seemed like a bit of weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

If I were you I'd give her a night or two for her to decide to tell you, and if she doesn't then just tell her you know she's fooling around with someone and you like it. Maybe let her tell you that "someone" is actually me - up to you. Looks like your dream is about to come true Dave; you're just a few steps away from becoming the submissive cucked husband of a seriously well fucked wife.



Wow what an incredible week! I think your comments to Julie really hit the spot because we have had some serious conversations over the past week!

After I got your email I thought about it for a day. It was torturous to think about how to bring it up and what reactions I might get from her good or bad. I was SO NERVOUS but finally brought the subject up with her. We sat up and talked for hours that night. I think we didn't sleep till almost 3AM!

We'd been talking about wedding plans and the honeymoon. She brought up the tradition of not seeing each other the night before the wedding and reminded me of our friends Mary and Jason who abstained from sex entirely for the 5 months leading up to their wedding. The conversation was taking a somewhat natural diversion into sex and the topic of how infrequently we are already having sex came up. Julie was dancing around the subject and I could feel the butterflies were about to burst out of my stomach as I forced myself to say the words "It's true that we haven't been having sex often, but I think I may be the only one abstaining here..."

The moments after I said that seemed to move in slow motion. She sat in silence for what seemed like forever and then held my hand and said "...and what if I am, does that mean you are okay with that?". I couldn't speak so I just nodded and with that I saw a sense of relief wash over Julie and she embraced me, telling me how much she loved me and how bad she had felt keeping things from me. She was am emotional mess for a few minutes, worried about my feelings and trying to reassure me, hugging me and saying "I love you I love you I love you" over and over again.

That started the process of a million questions and answers from the both of us. Constantly reassuring each other and talking about how strong our relationship must be to not only survive her infidelity but to embrace it. She is still reluctant to tell me that you are the one she's been with all this time, I think mainly because she wants the shock of her initial confession to wear off a bit before she reveals who she's been sleeping with.

Once she realized I was really okay with things she felt comfortable telling me how much she wanted to continue seeing you. She told me that she was very afraid that I would want her to stop but that she didn't think she could stop, that sex with you had become a critical part of how she defines herself and what a confidence boost it has been for her.

Julie went on and on about how great the sex has been with you. It's almost like she was talking to one of her girlfriends as she described to me how great you feel inside her, how hot you make her feel, and how she feels like a changed woman after being with you.

We talked about how she'd been extending her Pilate class schedule to see you and we agreed that from now on she doesn't need to plan around that anymore. You guys will have to work out the details, but from now on she's just going to say that she is going to see her "personal trainer" when she wants to see you. That way we can talk about it in front of other people without being too obvious.

We also talked about how inconvenient it is for her to always have to go to your place. I am not sure how good I feel about you guys fucking here at our house but she was very convincing. So I guess she will have to tell me you are the guy she's been fucking soon enough because she wants you to start coming over to our place whenever it's more convenient for the both of you.

Jack, we talked forever about everything under the sun. It was really an amazing night and the past few days have been amazing too. we haven't gone for a day without talking about it extensively. She's gained even more confidence now and I am starting to learn what it really means for her to become the sexual beast you are turning her into.

One more thing that she has been trying to convince me of, that I really am not too happy about but it's something I may have to accept. Julie mentioned that she things we should abstain from sex till our wedding. Meaning, she and I would not have any sex between now and then. She will still keep seeing you of course, but I will be left high and dry for the months between now and the wedding. I am sure you are smiling ear to ear about this, so I guess congratulations are in order for you.

It's looking like my honeymoon will be the next time I get to feel my sweet Julie's pussy. It's going to be an interesting ride Jack. you are a good friend and I hope this works out for all of us.


"Personal trainer" huh? I love it. Seriously, congratulations on navigating through what was always going to be a tumultuous conversation. I'm nearly as relieved as you must be that this is going to be good for your relationship. That's the biggest hurdle jumped now; I bet you feel better. I have a feeling coffee on Thursday might run a bit longer than usual.

I agree with Julie about me coming over to your place to use her. Again it just makes sense. Less travel, more privacy. It's good that the three of us will soon be open with each other about all this but having the people in your neighborhood possibly seeing Julie leaving pilates with me a few times a week can't be helpful. If this is going to go any further than the three of us, we'll control it rather than leave it to fate and circumstance. Obviously Julie knows you're going to "find out" it's me or she wouldn't have been so insistent about going to your place. I'll wait until I see her again (tomorrow afternoon) and if she tells me about this chat the two of you have, I'll tell it to leave it to me to tell you that I'm the one. She's had her huge confession for the week; I'll take that pressure off her. You can come home from coffee with me on Thursday and tell her you know, and you're happy about it. From that moment there need be no more pretense at all.

I'll talk to you in detail later but when I'm at your place with Julie, at least initially, you should make yourself scarce. The ideal destination here is that she is happy to just be with me right in front of you if I want it that way, but again we'll get her there in baby steps just in case that's necessary. I'll suggest to Julie that she makes you useful by giving you shopping duties. You can go and get the groceries while I'm in your bed with your wife. Try not to get your little hard-on stuck in the trolley.

You're right about the abstaining until the wedding idea; I'm smiling. The news for you is actually a little worse than that though Dave. The date of the wedding is about 2 weeks before your scheduled one night per month with your wife, so there will be no action for you on the honeymoon. I've already cleared my schedule and I'm going to book a room in your hotel. I'm sure you can pencil in the rest pal but one thing is certain; Julie is going to marry you, but consummate her marriage with me. Before you write back screaming blue murder my friend just ask yourself... are you turned on right now?



I really don’t know how to react to that last declaration. I am shocked, upset, and angry that you don’t want to allow my own wife to be with me on our honeymoon. When I read that my blood really started to boil. I know that we’ve been through alot already with this, but seriously Jack - who the fuck do you think you are? Who do you think I am? I thought we were friends?

Unfortunately though, I am coming to the conclusion that you know more about who you and I both are than I do. It pains me to admit it, but I did have a hard as steel erection reading your email and imagining you and Julie together on our wedding night.

Seriously Jack - what the hell is wrong with me that I could imagine something like that and get so turned on? I am filled with rage and jealousy towards you but at the same time soooo turned on that you are fucking my fiance. I want to kill you but at the same time I watch to watch you spreading Julie’s legs before you and driving into her.

I’m so conflicted about the loss of control to you Jack, but at the same time there is some comfort in knowing that it’s you making the calls and taking control of the situation. If it were someone else I am not sure what would happen. For that I should thank you Jack, but I am still so unsure about where this is all heading.

As I am sure you know by now, Julie seems ready to reveal that you are the guy she’s been fucking on the side. It was a little out of character for her to invite you over for dinner and to watch the game with us tonight, but clearly she’s ready for me to know. I guess she’s waiting for you to tell me, because she hasn’t said anything special yet about you.

I still feel uneasy about the whole honeymoon situation, but this is going to have to happen sooner or later so I am prepared for what is going to happen tonight. I made sure that we only have 3 beers left in the fridge so I can go on a beer run at some point. Jack, I have to look to you to lead us into this tonight. I am starting to recognise the order of things and know that I need to start letting you take the lead sometimes.

I look forward to seeing you tonight and I really hope everything goes well....


Dear Anon,

Yeah I figured you wouldn't be too happy about the whole honeymoon thing but hey I didn't set the date. The deal is once a month for you, and any time at all for me. You know when your time comes along, and I will not deny you your opportunity when it comes around; I'm going to remain true to my word here. The holiday you took with Julie didn't change that schedule, and I wasn't even there. I'll be at the wedding; I'm the best man. There is nothing going on that requires a change in schedule other than the romantic notion of consummating the wedding. Given that you and her have been sexually active for maybe 18 months by now, I don't think the Earth is going to move and 1000 violins will play simply because you just got hitched.

There's nothing at all wrong with you Dave. Trust me; there are lots of husbands out there that would enjoy being in your shoes, and you are enjoying being in your shoes too. We all have different buttons we like having pushed, even if we'd rather not see it in ourselves. Years ago I was more than a little weirded out by the fact that I got such a rise from taking a married woman rather than a single one. Now I just accept it; it's one of my buttons. I like controlling people, dominating sexual situations. It just works for me, and I'd like to think that I've always been considerate enough to make sure it worked for the others as well. Your buttons are submission, service and humiliation. You like the fact that Julie is becoming more of the leader in your relationship and you're pleased knowing that your gesture here is making her happy and that you're putting the most effort into it. I think humiliation is going to end up being your biggest button though Dave. Every time you hear something from me which you know should enrage you, anything that highlights that sexually you're just not good enough to keep your wife faithful, you almost cream your pants.

The good thing about this particular humiliation is that it's coming from your fiancee and me. You know your fiancee's love is genuine and deep, and you know I'm not going to take a single step without making sure your relationship with her is sound. You also know that the humiliation doesn't transfer into our friendship beyond this Julie connection. When you and I are fishing together or playing pool or whatever, we're equals. We'll just always know that in the sack we're very unequal, but we both knew that years ago.

I like the beer run idea for tonight. When you're gone, I'll tell her that I've already told you it's me, and that you were relieved. I'll say I only told you earlier today so she doesn't think you've been hiding what you know for a week or something. This should be interesting; see you after work at your place.


What do you all think, want to hear more........?

Re: My correspondence with her latest lover, who is my friend...

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:55 am
by sirenseeker
Awesome post! Do continue - and here's hoping Jack exercises his rights and inseminates your lovely bride on her wedding night!

Re: My correspondence with her latest lover, who is my friend...

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:48 am
by jrandmustang
Interesting concept, well-executed. I'll be tracking this one ... now that you've set it up, of course, you can parcel out the individual messages one at a time, and make us wait for them ... like Dave has to wait for his next pre-scheduled encounter with his wife ...

Re: My correspondence with her latest lover, who is my friend...

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:12 am
by Paul_Pines
If this is fiction, it's very well written. I, too, like the concept.

IF it's real, then congratulations on your upcoming wedding... and very special honeymoon.

In either case, thanks for sharing - fun!


Cuckold Paul

Re: My correspondence with her latest lover, who is my friend...

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:04 am
by Sinach
Good story, bit of name changed part way but its well written.

Re: My correspondence with her latest lover, who is my friend...

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:27 am
by Cuck4Life
Great story, keep it up.

Re: My correspondence with her latest lover, who is my friend...

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 4:50 am
by cuckyboi23

Wow, I don’t know where to start about everything that happened last night! I woke up this morning thinking maybe it was just a dream. A dream made up of my worst nightmare and wettest dream all twisted up into one...

Everything was all strangely normal when you got there. Really, it was as if nothing was going on with you and Julie at all. I noticed you stealing lingering glances at her here and there, but it was a remarkably normal visit... at first.

I knew you were serious about moving things along when you opened all three beers and handed them to each of us. You wasted no time in joking with me that a good host would have been more prepared with drinks. Things started getting a little less normal when I could tell Julie was having a hard time holding her tongue when I suggested making the beer run.

I don’t know what came over me at that moment, but I almost didn’t go on the beer run at all. For some reason, even after all the conversations we’ve had, and all that has already happened, at that moment the idea of leaving Julie alone in my own home with you for the half hour it would take me to go get beer seemed terribly unappetizing.

I’m not sure you could tell, but when I walked outside and got in the car, it took me 5 more minutes to muster the courage to actually drive off and leave you and Julie there alone. The drive to the store was one of the hardest things I think I have ever done. Wondering what was happening back at my house. Not knowing if you were already discussing everything with Julie, if you were kissing her. Not knowing if her clothes were even still on.

But all those questions were answered as I walked down the aisle of the beer store and heard the ding ding of your text. There I was, surrounded by other people in a public place, unable to react, standing in front of the beer refrigerators when I looked at my phone. At that moment, while I was running a meaningless errand, you were in my living room sliding your hack cock into my bride to be with.

Sent from Julie’s phone, the text said simply “It’s Jack”. You could not have sent a more clear message to me, but it was very difficult to see it and know I was still at least 20 minutes from home. At least, I assume it was your idea to send it. The accompanying photo is really what hit home for me. My beautiful Julie, nude and staring into the camera, straddling your cock. even with the lower quality of a text photo, I don’t think I have ever seen Julie look more glowing with sexuality than she did in that photo. I could tell from the background that you hadn’t left the living room.

My future sank in last night while I was stuck on that beer run and Julie was back in our home riding your cock like a rock star. Jack - the timing of that text was uncanny, and the emotions of helplessness and jealousy I went through on the way home were unbearable. It took everything I had not to call the house and freak out on your both - to beg you to stop and to put an end to all of this.

I drove as fast as I could home, hoping I would be able to handle whatever I find when I arrive. I was shaking when I parked in the garage and walked through the kitchen into the living room. I expected to find you both still in the living room, Julie bent over the arm of the sofa with your cock buried deep inside her, slamming in and out of her pussy from behind. But all I found was a pile of clothing, yours and hers, tossed on the floor by the coffee table.

Standing there by the table, I could hear you in our guestroom. The bed creaking, the moans coming from behind the closed door. You were finally fucking Julie in my home, with my consent. I wanted to burst in and see what was happening. To stop it maybe, or maybe to watch, I wasn’t sure.

I cracked open a beer and sat on the sofa, defeated, and with an inexplicably raging hard cock. It seemed like you guys were in there for another hour before you finally came out. When the door opened, you emerged first, nude and with the biggest smile I have ever seen on your face. You must be very comfortable with yourself walking around in my my house naked like that.

Jack, I’m not gay or anything and I didn’t mean to stare, but you have one of the largest cocks I have seen. It wasn’t totally soft yet and I could still see Julie’s juices on your cock. I know you haven’t been using condoms with her but it really drove the point home to see the wetness of her pussy glistening on your still hard dick.

Then, almost in slow motion I realised you were leading Julie out by her hand behind you. I’m not sure why she had the bedsheet around her, suddenly modest - trying to hide the fact that she was nude and her clothes were in a pile at my feet. She was obviously nervous to see my reaction and a little sheepish about what was happening.

Seeing her there, being led by you out of our guest bedroom, I knew things had changed for all three of us forever. You would be taking sexual liberties with my fiance in our own home now. I had done nothing to stop you and there I sat, watching you holding her hand, supporting her as she revealed her affair to me in the most direct way possible.

I followed Julie up to our master bathroom and after you both gathered your clothing and went off to get cleaned up. She told me how relieved she was to have everything out in the open and how happy she was that I am okay with everything. She wanted to ask me a million questions but there wasn’t time. We kissed and hugged and said I Love You over and over before going back downstairs to find you clothed again and sitting on the sofa.

I’m glad we were all able to talk openly about everything last night. I think the beer helped a little, but I can’t tell you how relieved I am that the secrets are all over now. I can’t wait to see what comes next. Hopefully this will keep going in a positive and healthy direction.

Thank you for fucking my fiancee last night Jack. Thank you so much.


Re: My correspondence with her latest lover, who is my frien

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 3:02 am
by wingman
Did u ever continue this story? If not, would u consider taking it further. I really love the unique perspective from which it's told!! I would love to read about the honeymoon, and Aron's bride going on vacations with her BF.

Re: My correspondence with her latest lover, who is my frien

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 10:31 am
by Tether
Good story. Well written. While it may be a work of fiction, there are definitely some aspects that I'm sure hit home with quite a few people on this forum, including me. The gradual build-up of the cuckolding dynamic is something many of us have probably experienced. We may not all have situations like that, where it turns almost polyamorous, but I can appreciate the feelings associated with loss of control over your own wife/gf's sexual being.

Re: My correspondence with her latest lover, who is my frien

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 2:57 pm
by john jasson
First time I've noticed it. Good work!

Re: My correspondence with her latest lover, who is my frien

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 7:09 am
by Helikeshelikes
What an absolutely awesome story and so finely tuned in from the cucks perspective...Got so turned on whist reading and wishing Julie was my wife - Thanks for posting !!!

Re: My correspondence with her latest lover, who is my frien

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 8:31 pm
Great story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:up: :up:

Any chance to continue it?

Re: My correspondence with her latest lover, who is my friend...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 11:07 am
by hattersfan
This is a masterpiece: a very much under-appreciated if unfinished masterpiece. Thank you very much :up: :up: :roll:

Re: My correspondence with her latest lover, who is my friend...

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2023 7:25 am
by hattersfan
The OP hasn’t been active for over 11 years. Would have loved to have known how the honeymoon went.

Re: My correspondence with her latest lover, who is my friend...

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2023 12:44 pm
by eater
thanks. great story

Re: My correspondence with her latest lover, who is my friend...

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 5:11 am
by hattersfan
:D There must a talented OHW writer who can pick this story up and continue it please?

I would love to know how the honeymoon went and their lives thereafter. Perhaps Jack is a black guy and gets the bride pregnant on the honeymoon :o :D

Re: My correspondence with her latest lover, who is my friend...

Posted: Fri May 10, 2024 3:24 pm
by malachite
I agree