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Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 4:18 am
by cuckoldqc
Amazing story rypmar7! Can't wait to read more.

Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2016 11:17 am
by rypmar7
cuckoldqc wrote:Amazing story rypmar7! Can't wait to read more.

Glad you like it. ;) I hope to have time to continue the story soon.

Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 9:32 am
by rypmar7
Back to the story:

After the boat ride fuck in early November, there was a turning point in the Carlos and Lynda relationship and really in the relationship of all three of us. After the torrid day on the boat, both Lynda and Carlos were bugging me to set up the next encounter. I was at work one day the next week and it was very busy. Lynda started calling me wanting me to call Carlos. I finally called him, but he had to call back. I was too busy and it was turning into a pain to coordinate three schedules, so when Carlos called back, I told him just to call Lynda directly and set something up. He was stunned, but I insisted and gave him her cell phone number. I told him just to let me know when and where and I would be there. I then called Lynda and told her what I had told Carlos and she was very quiet. I think she could tell we were crossing a line and there was no going back. She asked me again and again if I was sure that I was okay with her and Carlos making their plans without me and I told her to just let me know when and where. Just then she said she was getting another call and then giggled and said it was Carlos and she had to go and hung up. I had a pain in my stomach, but a growing erection in my pants.

I sat there thinking about my friend and my wife chatting while I worked and I got so hard I had to close my door and jerk off. After cumming quickly, I assumed one of them would call me soon to let me know what they had planned. When no call came, I started to get a little concerned. I eventually called Lynda and asked her what she worked out with Carlos. She was very bubbly and said they must have talked for a half hour. I then asked again what they had planned and she said Carlos was coming over late Thursday afternoon. When I asked her why she didn't call me to tell me, she said she was just going to tell me when I got home, since it was two days away. For some reason I was annoyed, but did my best to hide it. I got off the phone and furiously jacked off again. :oops:

Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 6:07 pm
by rypmar7
When Thursday afternoon came, so did I, not to mention Carlos and Lynda! :mrgreen: It was more fantastic sex for them and more furious jerking off for me. They were a third of the way through the month and had fucked twice, but quickly picked up the pace and had six more sex sessions before the month was over. I figure they fucked two or three times every time they were together, which means that Carlos fucked my wife twenty times during the month of November. :cool: They were talking on the phone almost every day according to Lynda and I was never hearing from Carlos since he was calling Lynda directly. We did another boat ride where I watched them fuck all day and Carlos dropped by our house several times. It got to the point that it was difficult for me to make it to so many sessions and they had no problem starting without me. Still, I was present every time they fucked, but the dynamic was definitely changing to be more about them than me.

Lynda was one happy camper and just raved about how good Carlos was at oral sex and how he was obsessed with ass fucking her. Lynda and I still had sex regularly, but it was usually fueled by talking about her sex life with Carlos. Due to holiday schedules, they were only able to have three sessions during the month of December and none after the 20th because Carlos was out of town the rest of the year. I remember on New Year's day Lynda got up and said her resolution was to have sex with Carlos more than ever during 2006 and I have to say that is one resolution that was kept. :whip: More to cum...

Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 6:19 pm
by CuckPride
Now I understand what you meant by things becoming more intense.

Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 7:54 am
by rypmar7
CuckPride wrote:Now I understand what you meant by things becoming more intense.

Watching them fuck like newlyweds eleven times between about Nov. 5 and Dec. 20 was quite intense. :cool: That works out to be one session about every four days and I know Lynda wanted even more of Carlos.

Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 8:10 am
by rypmar7
In January, 2006, Carlos returned to town with a big appetite for fucking Lynda and boy was she ever ready. After two weeks apart they were insatiable and got together eight times in about a three and a half week period. Again, they talked almost daily and made their plans and I was completely out of the loop. Carlos came to our house (and came some more :mrgreen: ) each time. I was there to witness the first four times, but it seemed like I was getting less and less notice about their plans. If I showed up late, they sure did not wait for me any more. Another turning point occurred on their fifth tryst of the month.

I got home from work one night and Lynda asked what happened to me. I told her I did not know what she was talking about and finally got out of her that Carlos had been there for three hours that afternoon and they wondered what happened to me. I told her no one had told me about it and she claimed she thought Carlos had talked to me because they had just planned it that morning. I was annoyed and told her that neither of them had bothered and that if he was there for three hours, they had plenty of time to give me a call. Lynda looked real funny and finally admitted that they had not told me on purpose because they wanted to have one time when it was just the two of them alone together. I pointed out to her that what they had done was cheating not hotwifing and she was very tearful and apologetic. I told her that if they wanted to be alone, we could have arranged that, but that they need to be honest with me. She agreed and said they would not do that again.

The next day I called Carlos to make sure he was good with those rules and he apologized profusely saying that Lynda told him that she told me and I said that I couldn't be there, but for them to go ahead without me. When I explained to him what she had said, it really was another subtle turning point because we both realized that Lynda had lied to me in order to be alone with Carlos. He now saw how attracted to him she truly was and how far she was willing to go and I think he liked what he saw. When I got home I had it out with Lynda and she confessed to lying to me and Carlos and assured me it was all her and none of his doing. I was really not happy about this, but it may have been another turning point for me because I found myself incredibly aroused that my wife had lied to me in order to fuck my best friend on her terms, rather than mine. It guess it was another step down the cuckold path for me. :|

Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 10:02 am
by CuckPride
Perhaps Lynda knew you were a cuck even before you did.

Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 10:48 am
by rypmar7
CuckPride wrote:Perhaps Lynda knew you were a cuck even before you did.

Could be. Women have an intuition about certain things and she is very good at figuring guys out.

Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 11:03 am
by rypmar7
After the first time that I was not there for a Lynda/Carlos fuck, they both made sure I was there the next time. It had a strange feeling for me though, almost like I was the kid who got left out and was not invited to a party and now everyone is being nice to make up for it. It could have been my imagination, but things were definitely changing. That next time was hot as always, but was nothing I had not seen regularly for the past year.

The next one they set up they again gave me plenty of notice, but this time something actually came up at work where I knew I was going to be late, so I told them about it and encouraged them to feel free to start without me. As it got later and later, I realized that I was not going to make it before Carlos had to hurry home, so I did not worry about it. Lynda called me right after Carlos left to make sure everything was okay - and I was okay. I told her I just couldn't get away, but told her it was no big deal since there would plenty of other times. She told me how Carlos could not stick around long, so they couldn't wait and I told her that was fine. I asked her how it went and she said it was great as always, but I had the feeling that she was a little on edge about my not being there and how I would react. I convinced that everything was fine and that I was glad they had a good time.

When I got home, Lynda was more talkative than usual about Carlos' visit and telling me in more detail than she normally does about encounters with others. She acted like it was all just okay and that I did not miss anything, but I think she was just trying to make me feel better. We had a good conversation where I guess I moved things further down the line with their permissions. I told her that it was not so much not getting to see them together as it was being left out and not even told it was going to happen. I told her that it looked like she and Carlos were going to be seeing a lot of each other and I knew that I could never be there every time and that was okay. I told her that I did not want to hold them back because of my schedule, but just wanted to be considered and included in the planning. It seems that Lynda took this as blanket permission to see Carlos whenever she wanted to as long as I had notice and it did not matter if it ever worked for my schedule. It was not exactly what I intended, but she saw it as my blessing for their relationship and the green light for them to take it to the next level. Of course, I did not know this at the time, but found out in the long run.

More to cum...

Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 11:28 am
by rypmar7
Carlos and Lynda hooked up for the eighth and final time for the month in late January. Again, Carlos came over to our house and Lynda was there waiting for him. I knew the time and had no conflict at work that prevented me from being there, but for some strange reason, I hesitated to go. I called Lynda and told her I might be late, but not to worry about me. I told her to go ahead and fun with Carlos and I would just slip in without disturbing them if they were already underway. Lynda assured me she would have a great time with my good friend and that Carlos said he had plenty of time that day. I got off the phone, closed my office door, unzipped my pants and freed my rock hard cock. I jacked off furiously while thinking about how my close friend had truly become my wife's number one lover and how he would be ass fucking her soon. I wondered why I was sitting there stroking when I could be watching or fucking the real thing, but it just made me want to insure that they fucked even more often. I really could not explain it or understand it, but I came really hard and was still horny.

Still, I did not drive home, but instead continued just to piss around at the office for no good reason. When I finally did leave for home, I knew they would have been going at it for an hour by the time I walked in. When I rounded the corner and saw Carlos' car sitting in our driveway, it really hit me as to how hot this was. There was nothing secretive about it. My friend pulled up whenever he wanted and walked inside and fucked my wife for as long as he wanted and I wanted it to continue. I knew there was nothing I could do to stop their relationship now if I tried and that turned me on enormously. The more I thought about it, I realized I would be the last person to ever try to stop their relationship and I had to admit to myself that not only did I want it to continue, but I also wanted their relationship to grow and to flourish. I was so hard I could barely walk inside the house.

I decided to try to sneak up on them and catch them unaware, so I could really see how they were together when they did not know they had an audience. I walked around the house trying to see if I could get a glimpse of where they were and what they were up to. I did not see them in either our family room or kitchen, both of which are easy to see into. I walked around to our master bedroom and the blinds were closed, so I guessed they were in bed, which is where I had expected to find them. I went around to the back door and opened it and slipped inside as quietly as possible. I expected to hear loud cries of Lynda cumming, but all was quiet. I took off my shoes and slowly made my way down the hallway toward our bedroom. As I got close, I could hear them talking in low, almost hushed tones. I stopped and tried to listen to what they were saying, but I really could not make out much of it. It just sounded like they were definitely not having sex at the moment. After a minute, I quietly retreated back down the hallway to decide what I wanted to do.

After standing there for a minute or two, I heard Lynda giggle and decided to go investigate. This time they were a little louder and I froze as I heard my wife say, "Oh Carlos. Mmm... I love you so much!" I heard Carlos say "I love you, too" and then the sound of some wet kisses. I crept to the doorway and peeked around the corner. Carlos was sitting on the far side of the bed facing the closet and appeared to be naked. Lynda was wearing a tee shirt only and was draped over his back hugging him and kissing his neck. She was looking mostly away from the door, so I ducked back, but then would steal another look. They were clearly in the afterglow of some great sex and Lynda was getting very affectionate with him. The mood was warm and the closeness between them was obvious. I wanted to walk in, but I also did not want to kill the mood. I again withdrew down the hallway to the kitchen to decide what to do.

More to cum...

Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 11:44 am
by CuckPride
The sex was undoubtedly hot, but the affection afterwards was even hotter.

Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 11:54 am
by rypmar7
Once back in the kitchen, all I could think about was that was the first time I heard Lynda tell Carlos she loved him and also the first time I had heard him tell her the same. I wondered if it was true or just pillow talk. Should I feel panic that I was in danger of losing my wife to another man, or just brush it off and walk in and announce that I was here to watch them fuck? I thought a little longer and then crept back down the hall. Still, it did not seem like they were fucking, but instead just holding each other and talking softly. I decided that if they really were falling in love with each other that there was nothing I could do to stop it. I also thought how hot that was - the thought of my wife falling in love with another man while I watched. I decided that I was definitely sick in the head, but was still incredibly hard. I decided that I would slip out of the house and let the two lovers have more quiet time together. I quickly got out of the house and into my car and drove away.

Once in my car, I called the house to see how things were going. Lynda answered and sounded really sweet and asked if I was almost home. I told her that I had been delayed and then ran into a buddy as I was leaving and that we went for a drink, since I knew she was in good hands. She giggled and said that she thought I wanted to be there and I said I do, but I'm sure she is having a good time with Carlos, so I'm going to stay for another drink, unless she wants me to come home right now. Again, she giggled and said that was up to me, but I was going to miss out. I told her that I just wanted them to relax and have a good time together without having to worry about me. Lynda was very happy to hear that and could not have been sweeter to me. I told her to tell Carlos to take his time and for them to enjoy themselves. She acted like she couldn't believe it, but told me not to rush and to have a good time and then she was gone.

I really could not believe what I had said or done, but was deliriously happy and felt an amazing rush of adrenaline. I decided I now actually had to go have a few drinks and kill some time. I called a couple of friends, but could not find anyone available for a drink right then. Instead, I drove back downtown to a bar not far from my office where I usually run into someone I know through work. I vowed to myself that If I met anyone I knew I was going to tell them my wife was home with a lover and I was giving them space until he left. I nearly came in my pants from thinking about doing that. For some reason, I desperately wanted the world to know my wife had a serious lover with my permission and encouragement. I walked into the bar, but was disappointed not to see any familiar faces. I circled the place and saw maybe one or two people I had seen around, but did not know. I sat down at the bar and started drinking, but not even the bartender seemed interested in talking.

I kept checking the time and trying to decide how long I should stay away from home. Finally, I finished another drink and carefully headed for home. I drove by the house again and Carlos' car was still there to my surprise. For some reason, I wanted Carlos to be gone before I came home, almost so as not to break the mood of the afternoon by bringing him back to reality. Instead, I drove to a nearby restaurant and hung out in that bar for a short time. My phone rang and it was Lynda laughing and asking if I was ever coming home. I told her I was on my way and she said good because Carlos had just left. I then raced home to hear about her time with her lover.

More to cum...

Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 12:10 pm
by CuckPride
That was definitely a turning point. It was probably for the best that you didn't spot a familiar face at the bar. ;)

Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 1:10 pm
by rypmar7
Once I got home, Lynda was horny as usual and told me they really had a good time and felt bad that I couldn't be there. I again assured her that I was fine with it and that I wanted them not to have to worry about me. I think now that she was afraid that I was losing interest in the lifestyle, but she never really said that at the time. She acted like she had a good time with Carlos, but that it was nothing out of the ordinary and not that much to talk about. She kept going back to what was so important about having a few drinks when we already had these plans. I told her it was just something that happened to come up and said again that I thought it might be nice for her and Carlos to have some private time together for once and that it was all no big deal.

Throughout the weekend Lynda would tell me little things and news that Carlos had told her in conversation (nothing sexual, just talk), but then add that I would already know that if I had been here on Friday afternoon/evening. Finally, I told her that we needed to sit down and discuss everything to make sure we were on the same page. Over a bottle of wine on Saturday night, Lynda said that she did not understand what I got out of her seeing Carlos if I wasn't there to watch the show. I told her once again that I do want to be there, but I thought they might like some time for just the two of them. Lynda said that would be the case for a romantic relationship, but said that she and Carlos are just very close long time friends who enjoy some amazing sex together and nothing more. She reminded me that they are both married, so what do you expect. I asked her about her feelings for Carlos and she insisted that he was just a good friend and fuck buddy and seemed concerned why I would ask. I did not want to admit that I had overheard her tell him that she loved him, so I was evasive and said I was just wondering.

I then asked her how she thought Carlos felt about her and she had an "a-ha!" moment and said that's where this is coming from. I told her that it just looked like he had developed some strong feelings for her and I wondered what she thought. She said that Carlos is hooked on kinky sex with her, but nothing more. She laughed and said that he just likes fucking her ass because no one else has ever let him do that, that's all. I told her that everybody knows his marriage is failing and that there are rumors that he has a lover, so maybe she is his life raft and he's falling for her. Lynda then got very interested and started asking me what Carlos had told me. I told her he had not said anything, but she didn't believe it and kept asking me. I could tell she was getting horny at the thought that Carlos and I had been talking about her and she knew it would only be good things we were saying. I started getting very turned on by the conversation and eventually she goaded me into telling her something. In reality Carlos had not admitted anything to me, but I thought I knew how he really felt about Lynda. I ended up telling her what I thought he felt, but kind of made it sound more like that he had told me these things.

I said I thought that Carlos was missing the closeness of a good relationship with a sexy woman and that he was getting hooked on Lynda, and not just the sexual part. I told her that I think he wishes he had someone like her as a girlfriend or wife, but knows she is off limits, since she is already his friend's wife and he would never want to screw that up. I said I was pretty sure he and his wife would split up soon and then what. He will be lonelier than ever. I added that I know he thinks she is the hottest woman he has ever been with and wants more and more of her. Lynda was eating this up and kept asking me exactly what he said - flattery works wonders with her. I said in another life that Carlos would want to be her sexual companion and her life companion. She got really affectionate and asked me if I thought Carlos was really falling for her. I told her that he had already fallen for her and was in love with her. Next thing you know, we were fucking while she teased me that my best friend is in love with my wife. :mrgreen:

More to cum...

Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 1:10 pm
by rypmar7
CuckPride wrote:That was definitely a turning point. It was probably for the best that you didn't spot a familiar face at the bar. ;)

yes, I agree. They would have thought I had lost my mind. :oops:

Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 1:26 pm
by CuckPride
It's amazing what a man will contemplate when he's horny. None of us are immune.

Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 1:48 pm
by rypmar7
Late Sunday afternoon Lynda was smoking a joint while we drank some more good wine, when she suddenly blurted out, "Okay, so where are with going with this?" and giggled. I asked her what she meant and she said all this stuff with Carlos and asked me where we were going with that. I told her that we were going wherever she wanted to go. She said do you mean if I just decide to run off with Carlos you're okay with that and I told her of course not, but I don't mind her playing with Carlos. She kept asking if I really thought Carlos had fallen in love with her and I assured her that he had. She seemed very pleased to know this and I think she knew more about Carlos felt than she was letting on. I said that Carlos wishes her were free to openly date her and have her be his girlfriend. She absolutely loved hearing that and asked me if she should date Carlos and be a real girlfriend to him. She was teasing me and expecting me to say no, but I was getting hard, so the other head took over the thinking. "Should I go on real dates with Carlos and be his girlfriend?" "Of course, if that's what you want." She was absolutely stunned and said she could not believe I said that. I said that is if that is what she wants, then it's okay with me, but don't do it on my account. She asked me bluntly if I wanted her to step up her relationship with Carlos from fuck buddies to boyfriend/girlfriend. I told her no that I did not want that, but it was okay with me if that was what she wanted.

Lynda said she couldn't believe that her husband wanted her to have a boyfriend. I told her it's not that I want that to happen, but rather that I am okay with it, if that's what she wants to happen. I reminded her that I am very used to sharing her and she laughed about that. She just said it's never going to happen, so put those fantasies out of your head. I gain told her that they were not my fantasies, but Carlos's and as long as they continued fucking, his feelings for her were going to keep growing stronger. She said she knew Carlos too well for this to go anywhere and it was more like my brother fucking her than someone she ever considered to date. We let it drop for a while, but I could tell she was turned on about the whole conversation and the ideas we talked about.

Later, she asked me how this would work. When I asked her how what would work, she said her dating Carlos. Not that she was considering doing it or anything, but how would that work with him being married and so many people knowing all of us. I said that right now they are just fucking in private. Dating usually involves going out in public and doing something other than having sex and then going home to fuck. I said that would be hard to keep secret, but plenty of people are having affairs every day. She asked me what would be the point of them actually dating because it makes them more likely to get caught and gives them less time for play in bed. I reminded her of the differences in a relationship where there are some romantic feelings and just being a fuck buddy, such as certain shared experiences, intimacies and the joy of just spending time together. She laughed and said it sounded like I was trying to pass off my wife on another man and I just reminded her that I was telling her that a real romantic relationship is where Carlos wants to go with this and I was merely asking if that's what she wants too. She shot back that I said that's what I want and I insisted that I did not want that, but if she did, I was okay with it. She said that she did not know what she wants any more, that she is confused, and that she will have to give this a lot of thought.

More to cum...

Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 4:31 pm
by CuckPride
Lynda was both excited and frightened at the prospect of having a husband and a boyfriend.

Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 1:51 pm
by rypmar7
CuckPride wrote:Lynda was both excited and frightened at the prospect of having a husband and a boyfriend.

Could be. I never knew exactly what she was feeling on this one. :?:

Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 7:14 am
by JustOneLook
Wow. Absolutely wow. You have captured so many feelings and perspectives that I have experienced but I cannot put to words. Excellent writing. Thank you for putting down these experiences!! What an amazing story so far.

Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 7:46 am
by lkh96
Amazing story.......can't wait for you to finish narrarting it.
Hope you n lynda have a happy ending !!

Are you n lynda still married ?? How long has it been ???

Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 12:26 pm
by rypmar7
Dicktwat wrote:Amazing story.......can't wait for you to finish narrarting it.
Hope you n lynda have a happy ending !!

Are you n lynda still married ?? How long has it been ???

Yes, we are still married and doing better than ever. :cool: This all started in 2005 and heated up in 2006 and ended in 2007, so still a long way to go on the story. ;)

Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 12:27 pm
by rypmar7
JustOneLook wrote:Wow. Absolutely wow. You have captured so many feelings and perspectives that I have experienced but I cannot put to words. Excellent writing. Thank you for putting down these experiences!! What an amazing story so far.

Thanks. I am glad you like it and can identify with it. Sometimes, it gets embarrassing to put down the truth, but I try. ;)

Re: The Hotwife Lynda & Carlos Affair

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 12:32 pm
by lkh96
rypmar7 wrote:
Dicktwat wrote:Amazing story.......can't wait for you to finish narrarting it.
Hope you n lynda have a happy ending !!

Are you n lynda still married ?? How long has it been ???

Yes, we are still married and doing better than ever. :cool: This all started in 2005 and heated up in 2006 and ended in 2007, so still a long way to go on the story. ;)
A long way to go you say ??? :D
Sign me up........
I expect some heartburn along the way....

Bdw how old are you guys now ?? Do you still play ??