Hotwife, hot life.

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Hotwife, hot life.

Unread post by Baydog » Thu Jan 23, 2020 6:36 am

Hi all. My name is Kyle and the following will be the true story of the journey my wife and I have had into hotwifing. I’m going to start at the very beginning and give everyone a background on me and my marriage to my wife, Marie. This may be boring as the first bit isn’t that sexy...and probably more psychology about myself than most would care to know. Whatever...I’m kind of writing this for myself as well.

I’m not really sure how to classify myself. As you’ll see, cuck doesn’t always fit but neither does stag. Labels aren’t an important thing, but maybe there’s a name I haven’t encountered. I’ve always been a good, confident lover and had my share of girls in high school and college. I’m fairly good looking and average in my equipment size. Marie had only a few experiences but never had a decent lover until me; I was the first man to make her come and we had a frequent and intense sex life.

Marie is beautiful. The best legs you’ll ever see and large breasts, a cute face and large, beautiful eyes. She is an absolute angel inside and I completely love and admire her. We had a connection when we first met that hasn’t gone away. That’s not to say our marriage and sex life has always been so great. We got married a year after college and have been married 20 years. About 5 years or so in, after we had the first of our two kids, I started taking Marie for granted. We became consumed with petty fights over bullshit. We each always had to be right in every argument. I became more interested in poker or porn and we rarely made love. She was never confident as a result of a tough childhood and the lack of interest from me didn’t help. It sucked so decided to try counseling. We began becoming better at communicating but we still argued and still rarely had sex. We continued this and made slow progress until one day fate stepped in and I came across an unusual fetish.

I had heard the term cuckold before, but had never encountered anything that might be considered erotic. One morning, I randomly saw pictures with the cuckold label and gave them a click. I then found a random cuckold story and decided to read. After reading hundreds of short stories at this point in my life, I realize now it was a pretty tame one. At the time though it was so hot! I imagined Marie in the story; my girl being seduced by another man. I actually started jerking a story! I was psyched because there was a whole new genre I could check out in both subject and media ( it was the first erotic story I had ever read). I was hooked and kept reading. Eventually I needed to leave to pick up Marie at work, so I left the stories for another time. I was early so was waiting as Marie walked up to me. I looked at her and life changed for us.

It was kind of like the movie Limitless, where all of a sudden the world becomes clearer and more focused. It was Marie. It was this beautiful, amazing, wonderful creature. She was so sexy...I wanted her so bad!

“What’s up with you Kyle?” she asked

I was lost in my mind, so didn’t really hear. I asked her “what’s up”?

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“I’m not sure what you mean babe”

“You’re looking at me weird. You don’t usually look at me like that.”

She was right. I was absolutely looking at her differently. Something inside me had changed that day. I realized that her happiness was very important to me; much more important than the crap we argued about. She deserved a wonderful life and I was going to make sure it happened. The focus of my life moved away from myself and towards Marie.

Maybe it’s like what xleglover (my favorite author) said in that this cuckold thing is like a sexual orientation. I didn’t know it was a part of me, but apparently it was and I couldn’t get enough! I also started to experience these little butterflies in my gut. Believe me these have grown in intensity over time so that they are now kind of an “emotional orgasm” as I sometimes call it. Angst is maybe what others call it, but if you are like me then you know exactly what I’m talking about and it’s awesome!

I was addicted...I couldn’t stop reading about cuckolding. Our marriage improved instantly. I mean instantly! She didn’t know the reason behind it and I was way too afraid to even mention it, but it was noticed.

Our sex life improved as well as I couldn’t stop thinking about her and desiring her. I’ve always loved to go down on Marie. She’s got a pretty pussy and her juices smell wonderful and are so tasty! But, she didn’t let me do it very often. When ever I did, she would always “return the favor” with a blowjob. I made her a deal: She only would give me head if she really wanted to...there would never be any expectations of reciprocity in regards to oral sex. I’ve gone down on her almost every time since that point. This was also my first touch of submission; something else I later discovered was also part of my psyche.

Things kept getting better, but I still couldn't tell her. How do you tell your wife you fantasize about her with another man? So many moments I wanted to tell her, but just didn’t get the nerve. I did ask her about old boyfriends and to get her to describe any details about encounters before me. I wasn’t much, but I took what I could get. Then fate stepped in again.

It was at a Christmas party in our neighborhood. Big event where everyone got pretty drunk and had lots of fun. We each mingled around and hung out with friends. I played some pool and darts and joked around, not really paying much attention to where Marie was. When I met up with her later she seemed weird. When we got home she started crying.

“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”

“Don’t be mad. Please promise you won’t be mad”, she said through her tears.

“Ok...what’s up?”

“I was talking with a group and gradually everyone left until it was just Alex and me. We were talking and the conversation kind of stopped and we looked at each other. I’m sorry, but there was some sort of connection there. A sexual electricity...Kyle I felt like I wanted to fuck him!”

“ babe that’s pretty crazy”

“I’m so sorry! I feel so guilty! Please know I would never cheat on you, but I feel like you have a right to know. Please forgive me Kyle”

“Marie stop feeling guilty. You didn’t do anything wrong. Plus, it’s actually pretty hot.”


Well, I had done it. I finally said it. After more than 5 years of keeping this secret to myself I had told her.

“Look I think it’s incredibly sexy that you all shared that moment. Did you enjoy it?

“At the moment, yes. It was really exciting! But, then I knew it was wrong and had to get out of there.”

“Well, I don’t have a problem with it and actually like it, so stop feeling guilty and feel free to enjoy any moment like that in the future.”

“Are you serious? You wouldn’t be jealous or angry if I did something with another man?”


“I’m not sure I believe that, but thanks for not being upset”.

This broke the ice. I was then able to ask her which guys she found hot and what turned her on about them. She was willing to share, but always with some bit of trepidation. However, she continued her interactions with Alex. He and his wife are two of our best friends. They’re both very attractive and he actually doesn’t like to hang out with people he doesn’t consider good looking. Alex has this awesome alpha personality and is a blast. Good looking, fun and a huge flirt. And, he has always had a thing for Marie. I watched every interaction when they hung out and gradually Marie, knowing how much I enjoyed it, flirted a bit more. She would give me winks as she was near him, touch his arm when talking, even grabbing his ass on occasion “as a joke”. His wife was fine with his flirty behavior, but Maire was always felt a little guilty about the increasing intensity of her desire. However, I not only allowed it but encouraged it as much as I could. I loved to talk about how hot she thought Alex was and were incorporated fantasies involving him into our sex life.

Their flirting continued until one night we all ended up in their hot tub. We had a great time and Marie sat right next to Alex most of the night. When we got home she had something to tell me.

“Oh my god Kyle he touched my pussy!”


“Yes! We sat next to each other and he sort of casually caressed my leg under the water. Gradually he moved higher until he was on my upper thigh. It felt soooo good and it was sooooo exciting, I kind of just spread my legs a bit. He must have taken this as a hint, because he just started rubbing me. Jesus I can’t believe I just did that.”

“I can’t either! That’s awesome!”

“Please lick me. I need it” she said and she pushed on my shoulders to move my head lower. I love it when she does that! I’d love it if she sat on my face and rode it, but she wasn’t up for that level of dominance.

She was already soaking and came on my face in about five seconds. We then had a couple rounds of amazing sex. I fucked the absolute shit out of her!

She and Alex continued to flirt, though she felt guilty about betraying her friend. Guys beware, there are a myriad things about which your wife will feel guilty when it comes to this lifestyle. I would continue to ask about guys she found hot and say things like “your lover is gonna think those panties are hot” or when she was texting I’d say “are you texting with your boyfriend?” This sort of thing lasted a few years until the next time fate stepped in. Years guys...this has not been a fast process at all.

It’s funny how things work out. We were cleaning the basement out and I came across some love letters from an old flame of Marie’s named Jack. She had told me about him before. It was early in high school and they met on a summer break at the beach. He was her first real crush and the first time she did anything with a guy, though all they did was kiss and touch each other over their clothes. However they did keep in touch for a long time and wrote to each other frequently. I opened one of the letters and started to laugh; it was the typical love letter of a high school boy. Marie hadn’t noticed what I was doing and looked over at me.

“What’s so funny Kyle?”

I started to read the letter: “You are the most beautiful girl in the world. I want to kiss your body and and be together forever. Your kiss stays with me like the dawn of a beautiful day.” Shit like that.

“Give me that” as she took it from my hand. “It’s not funny.”

“Sorry honey, I didn’t realize you’d be upset.”

“I’m fine. They're just personal letters that I value and I’ve actually been looking for them”

She took the letters (maybe a few dozen or so of them) and I had no clue what she did with them. However, this was the first time I encountered what would become a rule: it is not my place to criticize a man she liked. Sounds strange considering I’m her husband, doesn’t it? Though I asked about her time with Jack, she was somewhat reticent to talk about him; maybe because I had kind of acted like an asshole about it all. We continued on after that and planned our upcoming trip to France for our 20th anniversary. This is where our journey into hotwifing truly least from my perspective.

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Re: Hotwife, hot life.

Unread post by hornedhubby » Thu Jan 23, 2020 8:01 am

My compliments on your story. I can't wait to read more of it.

In particular I can relate to your moment of epiphany where you suddenly saw your wife in a new, sexier way while picking her up from work and the ensuing transformation of your relationship.

I had that same experience in 1985 while shopping with my wife for her office's holiday party. She had recently been promoted, had lost a few pounds, and she was thriving as a person. A wave of love, lust and awe came over me that day, along with a desire to submit and a desire to see her have new heights of pleasure worthy of a queen. After that day, I wasn't quite the same. All sense of wanderlust was gone, and I just centered myself on her.

Thanks for sharing and sparking this memory. Best wishes and please continue.

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Re: Hotwife, hot life.

Unread post by jrobb » Thu Jan 23, 2020 1:08 pm

Excellent beginning! Looking forward to more installments of your story.


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Re: Hotwife, hot life.

Unread post by Baydog » Fri Jan 24, 2020 7:32 am

Marie has always been a “good girl”. She’s consistently put together and well dressed. Always makes smart decisions and is always honest. She’s terrible at lying and is therefore not great at keeping secrets. I thought she might be compelled to talk to others about what she did with Alex, but she seemed to be able to keep that secret. Marie has helped thousands of people and is very successful at her job. I’m sorry I can’t be incredibly specific on what she does, but everyone has respect for her character and abilities. Here’s the thing though, she exudes this crazy sexuality. No matter how conservatively she might try to dress, there’s just something about her.

I was so proud to have her on my arm as we headed to Paris. After 20 years of marriage, things were only getting better. We had an amazing place in the center of Paris, and as we toured Notre Dame and went to a service, I told her that she was the most amazing woman I have ever met and that she was an absolute angel. I would marry her again in a heartbeat and truly loved her. It was a magical time.

We then went to the south of France, staying in a quaint little town. On that fateful night, we had an amazing dinner with equally amazing wine. After, we went to another small cafe to drink a few more glasses...we had a nice buzz going on. I saw a few nice looking French guys and pointed them out to Marie and she rolled her eyes.

“Do you think he’s hot?” I asked.

“Come on Kyle, is that all you think about?” she said with a smirk.
“You’re all I think about. What do you think, should we see if there are any good looking guys around here that want to show you their baguette?”

“Oh you’re a funny guy, aren't you? Seriously though, I doubt you could handle it if it happened.”

“I think I could babe.”

“You really think that if I had sex with another man that you would be ok with that?”

“Yes Maire, I do. I fantasize about it all the time. I’m positive I could handle it.”

I thought this was some great progress, until I saw Marie looking at me. Her big dark eyes staring at me as tears began to well.

“Marie what’s wrong!” I was really confused. I had talked about the fantasy for years and she had never cried about it.

A tear went down her cheek. “Oh my god Kyle, “ she sobbed. “I’m not an angel. I’m not a good wife. I’ve done something terrible.”

What the fuck was happening? What was she talking about?

“Babe tell me,'' I said.

She tried to catch her breath. She said “I need a moment; I’ll be right back” and she left to the restroom. Holy shit that was the longest five minutes of my life. The obvious thought would be that she had done something with another guy, but it seemed unlikely that Marie could have kept a secret like that. On the other hand, what could it be? My stomach turned as I waited.

She walked back to me and sat down. She had trouble making eye contact with me.

“I had sex with another man.”

Mind blown. Holy shit she was serious! “Who? Alex?”

“No, it was Jack”

“Like high school crush Jack?” I asked. “Yes” she said.

This was going to continue to be emotional, so I asked if we could pause and go back to our place and she agreed. When we got there she started seriously weeping.

“I’m so sorry! I love you! I’m a cheater just like my mom. Please don’t leave me! Please, please don’t leave me! I did something stupid and never wanted to hurt you. I’ll be the best wife you can imagine; just please stay with me. You’re my whole world!”

Her mom had cheated on her dad and they divorced over it. Marie was so distraught and self-loathing. It was heartbreaking. She had kept this secret somehow and I imagine the guilt was overwhelming. I knew this moment was important. I had to check out how I felt, because we never know how we’ll react in a new situation. It wasn’t a sexy situation or titillating in any way...but I certainly wasn’t upset about it. All I knew was that I loved her deeply and she needed to know what I was feeling.

I looked into her eyes. “Sweetheart understand that I love you. I will never, ever leave you. I will be by your side forever Marie. You are my wife! You are my world! Don’t be scared of me leaving you because it isn’t going to happen.”

I could tell she wanted to believe me, but just couldn’t. She held me tight and wouldn’t let me go; afraid I might be gone when she woke up. We didn’t talk much after that as we were both exhausted from the long day, alcohol and intense emotions. We went to sleep with her arms around me and woke up pretty much the same way.

“You’re still here” she said softly, waking me up.

I smiled. “I told you we’re together forever”

“Where do we go from here, Kyle?”

“Well, I’d like to know more about it”

“What do you want to know?” she said.

“How about everything?”

She spent a couple seconds looking at me. “You aren’t mad?”

“No. Not at all. I actually feel intense love for you. But, I’m obviously curious about how all this happened. I’d like you to tell me everything, but I understand if you don’t feel comfortable telling me all of it right now; we have time.”

“Kyle, today I’m going to tell you everything you want to know. I hope you’ll still love me once you know. I expect some things will hurt you and that isn’t and has never been my intention.”

We got ready after that as we were taking a tour of some local towns. Nicely enough, it was just us in the van, so we sat in the back and talked for most of the day.

“So tell me how it started”, I asked

“Ok babe. Honestly, I’ve thought of Jack many times over the years. I wished I could go back to my high school days and open up more than I did. I would have really loved to explore things a lot more with him. We had such an intense connection over that summer and we kept it up through our letters for years after though we never saw each other again. Once I went to college we kind of just lost touch. Then about a year or so ago he followed me on Twitter and then I began to chat with him a little. Then you found his letters and this, combined with all your talk of me being with another man, sort of made me feel like this was fate. We started texting each other a bit, which became more frequent until we were chatting several times a day. He’d text me in the morning to ask what panties I was wearing. He’d tell me how beautiful and sexy I was and how much he missed me. It made me feel so good!”

“Holy shit! I was totally clueless” I said

She said “It’s funny that you always asked if I was texting my boyfriend. I know you were joking, but I actually was texting another man! And, keeping this secret was kind of a thrill.”

Then she caught herself, saying “ I’m sorry, it wasn’t appropriate to keep it from you, but it really was exciting”

I thought about it. I didn’t mind at all. I actually was psyched that she had this secret and that she had a lot of fun keeping it. The emotional aspects were really doing it for me.

“That’s great Marie. Seriously, don’t worry about keeping a secret. I want you to have this kind of excitement.”

She continued. “We had started talking in maybe September and by the end of the year we were having phone sex. Not all the time, but I loved it! One time we finished just as you came home. I thought for sure you’d know something was up, but you had no clue. I felt so naughty. Around that time we started talking about getting together. Remember last February when I had that conference in Boston? There actually wasn’t a conference; I went to see him.”

“Holy shit” I exclaimed. “You took a plane all the way to Boston without me knowing! I can’t believe you could keep that secret!”

“I know I surprised myself there,'' she said with a grin.

“Babe, I gotta say that although that’s exciting, going so far away and not having anyone know where you are is pretty dangerous.”

“Yeah, I know. I knew someone had to know so I told Jenny. She actually has known everything since the beginning.”

“Does she know about my hotwife fantasy?”

“Oh yeah, her and Alan both. In fact when I described it, Alan said it was called cuckolding and said it was fairly normal.”

“Holy shit Marie, we’ve had dinner with them once a month for a long time. You’re saying they both knew you were texting with Jack the whole time? They knew you had traveled to have sex with him?”

I was the classic cuckold where everyone knew about my wife but me. Though unexpected, I had to admit it was kind of thrilling that Marie’s best friend and her husband knew. Plus, I was really glad Marie was responsible enough to have a friend know what she was up to.

She continued telling the story. “Yes they both knew. I was so nervous when I left for Boston. I feel like I was shaking the whole time. When I got to the hotel I texted him that I was there. Unfortunately, Jack was really paranoid about his wife finding out, so it took awhile for him to show up. I was waiting in the lobby when he arrived. Amazing to see him again after all these years. Once we got into the elevator, we began kissing passionately. It was amazing! I was so wet and so excited! After all this time it was going to happen!”

“What were you wearing?” I asked.

“Actually, I was wearing ordinary clothes. I felt it was important for him to see me as I am, so that is what I wore.. not sexy, but me. Jeans and white blouse that doesn’t flaunt my figure but actually kind of hides it. I don’t really know why it was so important that he saw me as I really am, but it was. Anyway we got in the bed and kissed for awhile. Then I pulled down his sweatpants...”


“Yeah he was in sweatpants and an Under Armor t-shirt” she said

This bothered me. My wife is a goddess who deserves better. I mean, who shows up for a date with a hot woman in workout clothes. Funny how fucking my wife was ok, but this wasn’t.

“Go on”, I said.

“So I got his pants down and got the first look at his cock. Are you sure you want to hear this?”

“Definitely! Was he big?” I asked, hoping she said yes.

“Unfortunately, no. He was a lot smaller than you, but did have a nice upward bend on it. When I got to his cock he kind of shrugged and said ‘sorry’. However, he was super easy to blow. I didn’t gag or anything like that, since he could fit entirely in my mouth.”

I lost my breath for a moment, picturing her actually sucking another man’s cock. Still, I was disappointed with the ‘sorry’ shit. I wanted a strong, take-charge kind of guy not someone insecure about his small cock. She deserved to be taken to the heights of sexual pleasure and the fulfillment of a fantasy, not be with someone apologizing during foreplay.

“Then we had sex. To be honest, it really wasn’t so great. It was exciting because it was new, but he wasn’t very good. And honestly, missionary was about the only thing to do as he slipped out a lot in other positions.”

“Did you come?” I asked

“No, definitely not. It didn’t last long and then he kind of left. I wasn’t sure what to feel, so I got a bottle of wine and sat in my room. I went to his house the next day and we hung out, talked and had sex. It wasn’t great then either. He came over the final evening and we did it one more time. I told myself I wasn’t coming all this way and not get off, so I got on top of him and rode like crazy. I had to be careful so he didn’t slip out, but I was able to use the curve of his cock and make myself come. He kind of freaked out when I did and honestly ruined it for me. Maybe he’d never made a woman come before...even though this was more me making myself come than any of his doing. Anyway when he left I cried. A lot. In fact I was crying from the hotel to the plane and back home. I was so overwhelmed with guilt and disappointment. I mean, it had all been for nothing really and I realized all I have with you and how I had probably thrown it away.”

“That’s a shame Marie. I can only imagine the guilt you must have faced. Does it make you feel any better now that I know?

Marire replied “Oh my god yes! You have no idea how much this has weighed me down these past months. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.”

“I’m sorry it wasn’t great, but thanks for fulfilling my fantasy.”

Marie looked at me with a strange sort of expression. “Kyle, I'm not sure how you’ll take this, but I want to be completely honest with you. I didn’t do this to fulfill your fantasy. I don’t know if I would have done anything without you bringing up your desires so often, but I did this for me, not you.”

“What do you mean?”

“I wanted to see what I missed. I had this fantasy of him for so long. You and I became very close when we were so young, and though I always thought our life was great, but I wondered if I missed out on something. That maybe there was an emotional or sexual aspect I was missing that I could have had with him. I don’t mean I was looking to leave you, but I feel like you need to know that I didn’t do this for you.”

Wow, this was some serious honesty. She could have told me what I wanted to hear, but instead gave me the straight up truth.

I told her “I appreciate your honesty and I get it. Strangely enough I feel even more confident in us. I mean, what could you do in the future that would make me want to leave? And I feel like if you can tell me something like this, you won’t be keeping any secrets. I also understand why you didn’t tell me; it was a private thing with you and the buzz from the secret was part of the fun.”

“You’re totally right! I feel like this was kind of the ultimate test for our marriage, and even though I cheated on you, I feel closer to you than ever!”

“Me too!” I told her.

As we talked, she showed me the texts and emails they sent. I could see how she found the seduction sexy. There were things that bothered me. He was a little shitty in regards to me (which I could see she stopped immediately) and they exchanged a couple of texts that included “love you”, which of course was a little disconcerting. Marie told me that she only said it back to him because she felt weird not saying anything when he said it. I saw in the texts this was true, but to be honest I wasn’t too distraught about it. However, I was taken aback at the abrupt change in his attitude after she went to see him. He was fairly rude and condescending, like now that he had her he didn’t need to try and romance her. Made me pretty upset. It’s funny that even though I want to share Marie, at the same time I am very protective. Hurting her feelings is a big problem for me, so I didn’t appreciate what he had to say. Marie didn’t like it either, so his behavior caused her to stop communicating with him. Plus, as Marie told me, he didn’t really offer anything her sexually or emotionally.

We got back to the room after the exhausting, yet thrilling day. We laid on the bed just hangin out and having some wine. I looked next to Marie and traced my finger along that sensitive place on the inside of her hip bone. She moaned with pleasure at my touch, so I slowly caressed her leg and stomach, then worked my way up to her magnificent breasts. She was really responding, so I moved my mouth lower to taste her wonderful pussy. She was dripping and responded strongly to every move of my tongue. She came quickly and strongly, wrapping her legs around my head (something I really love). I eased off for a second then went back to licking and she came again. As I released her and moved up she said “let me come on top.” Now, her being on top is the best as I love to look at and touch her naked body. However, this time something came over me. I got a rush of blood to the head and stopped was all emotion. I looked at Marie and with lust and pushed her back down on the bed. I spread her legs apart and started pounding. I couldn’t stop. It was a combination of lust and jealousy. She was mine! She was taken from me, now she was back, and I was going to make her mine again! I fucked her with everything I had. When I came, I roared and continued to pound her for what seemed like forever. I couldn’t remember ever coming so hard. It wasn’t just a physical release, but an emotional one as well. As the orgasm ended and the emotion left my body I started to cry. So weird. I wasn’t sad or mad or anything like that; it was just an overwhelming feeling that I can’t really explain. It only lasted a minute and then we held each other tightly.

“Wow that was something” Marie said as she caught her breath.

“I know” I said. “I’m not sure I have had sex that was more emotional.”

“After you went down on me, you had this look in your eyes. It was like you had no control and you were going to fuck the crap out of me no matter what. And wow, you really went hard; I loved it!” she said with a big smile on her face.

She was right, something came over me and it was amazing.

“Thank you for everything Kyle. You’ve been amazing and I’m so relieved that you aren’t angry and in fact are happy about it. And I’m sorry for the secrets from you.”

I stroked her blond hair, saying “I told you it’s ok. The biggest issue I have is that it wasn’t good. I wish he could have given you an amazing romantic and sexual experience.”

“Yeah that’s kind of strange Kyle. But look, I tried this my way and it turned out to be a bust. So I guess we can go ahead and try it your way.”

Did I really just hear her right? Did she just tell me that she wanted to try hotwifing?

“Seriously?”, I asked. “You really want to try it?”

“Sure, why not? You’ve been awesome and it doesn’t seem to have hurt our marriage, so if that’s what you really want then I’m willing to try. I just don’t have any idea of how to get started”

It was so surreal. After years of fantasizing we were actually going to do it! In the span of a little more than a day I went from a fantasy that would never happen to actual reality. In fact, she had already crossed the boundary of having sex with another man, so it was one less hurdle. Wow, what a crazy life and what an amazing wife!

As we continued our trip, we had this incredible connection. It was as if our marriage went through the ultimate test and now we knew for certain that we were rock solid and always would be. And, I was so into Marie! We actually blew off the tours we had planned and spent half the day in a huge French lingerie store. I watched my sexy wife try on so many amazing pieces; she was so hot! At the end, when she couldn’t decide what to get, I said fuck it and we bought it all. There was one piece that she had tried on when I had left to get coffee that I didn’t get to see.

We got to the hotel room and she gushed “that was so awesome! I had such a great time trying on all that lingerie. I felt so sexy and you clearly loved it so much!”

“You are sexy as hell babe! I love that you felt that way.”

“Wait until I try on that piece you missed. It’s my favorite and you’re gonna love it!”

I thought about it for a second and asked her “what if I asked you not to wear it for me?”

“Why would you want to do that, Kyle?”

“Hear me out. What if you kept it from me and only wear it for your future lover? Something saved for him that I’m not allowed to see.”

She thought for a few seconds. “Sure babe, I get it.”

“You get it?” I laughed, “heck babe I barely get it”

Marie laughed too. “You want to think about what I’m going to be doing. Maybe feel a little jealous that he’ll be getting something you aren’t? How about I keep it in the bag and hang the bag up in our closet? That way you’ll know it’s there and see it everyday, but won’t be able to see what it is.”

Holy shit she did get it. What a tease and what an amazing woman!

“So Kyle, how do we start all this?”

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Re: Hotwife, hot life.

Unread post by SamWarrens » Fri Jan 24, 2020 9:06 am

Keep it coming! Awesome story!
Would love to see her get pregnant! Or at least a pregnancy scare
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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Re: Hotwife, hot life.

Unread post by Baydog » Fri Jan 24, 2020 9:21 am

Thanks Sam. I appreciate the feedback and glad you like it. This story is absolutely true, so while the pregnancy thing certainly pushes the cuckold buttons we are definitely done having any more kids! Plus, as I’ll go into later, Marie has serious STD fears. I forgot to mention she made him wear a rubber.


Re: Hotwife, hot life.

Unread post by bubbajack » Fri Jan 24, 2020 10:33 am

As long as she fucked him ... right? :mrgreen:


Re: Hotwife, hot life.

Unread post by rypmar7 » Fri Jan 24, 2020 12:55 pm

This is a great story. :up: Please continue.

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Re: Hotwife, hot life.

Unread post by Baydog » Sat Jan 25, 2020 2:21 pm

This isn’t a sexy post, but I have to include it. She was willing, now we had to find the right man. Should be easy, right? I love ourhotwives. It’s a great site; one much safer from judgement than anywhere. There is a long-time member who is a bull on the site who has always had good advice. Great body, big cock and self-proclaimed to be great at introducing couples to the lifestyle. And, importantly, he was our age and lived nearby. So, while still in France, I wrote him and gave him the basics of who we were and what we were looking for. He wrote back and we seemed to be on the same page. By the time our vacation ended, we were speaking fairly regularly and we were ready for Marie to start chatting with him.

Now, we were totally naive at this point, using our actual emails and names. He was able to share with us how this was typically a bad idea at the beginning, which of course is obvious now. He did a great job putting Marie at ease as they emailed back and forth. I could tell she was excited about the emails and was constantly checking her phone for a reply. Heck, I was really excited too! They developed a rapport over a few weeks and things were progressing nicely. One thing he said was “what are you missing in your sex life now?” Kind of assuming that Marie was the one driving all this. He wouldn’t be the first man to ask this, but kind of took her back as she felt this wasn’t about finding something missing, but rather expanding an already great sex life.

Soon Marie was ready to meet him and we set a date. I’ll say that the idea of her dating someone was actually just as exciting as the idea of sex with someone else. I certainly wanted her to experience amazing sex, but the emotions of it all really got me going. I wanted her to be romanced. To be seduced. To be excited about a date and able to go out. Marie said she wanted me to come with her, which sounded great to me. Unfortunately he had to cancel the day before the date as a family emergency came up, then a work project for the next try, then another excuse, then no more responses. Marie thought it was her. That maybe she wasn’t attractive enough (they had shared a few G-rated pictures) or something like that. Really messed with her confidence. What the fuck? I wanted this to make her feel more sexy and desirable, but this schmuck was causing the opposite. Fine, I started over.

I contacted another bull from ourhotwives who was also our age, in our area and into “dating” a married woman. Sounded great of course. He and Marie started chatting online and to my surprise, he showed her a dick pic right away! I thought that this was one more way of turning her off, but surprisingly it didn’t. Though she thought it was kind of a ridiculous thing to send, the guy did have something to be proud of and was able to get Marie thinking of what it might feel like inside of her. They chatted for a few weeks and Marie liked him. So, like before, we asked if he wanted to meet. He was reticent about meeting right away, and wanted us all to get to know each other better. Fine.

At some point soon after he asked Marie to send him some intimate pictures, which she was definitely not ready to do. That was it...the end...ghosted. He never sent or replied to another message. Another setback that led Marie to feel down on herself and think that maybe she wasn’t what guys were looking for and we should just leave it all to fantasy. Obviously not true as she’s hot as hell and a devoted wife, but as much as I hoped this would boost her confidence and sexuality it was actually having the opposite effect.

Guys look, finding a good bull is not easy. These two guys were not the last of these type of men we would’s just unfortunate we encountered them at the beginning. I have no clue what their fucking game is. Maybe they just want the thrill of an online seduction and acting all alpha, but in actuality are cowards who are all talk. Fake bulls, please stop trying to sell your bullshit in order to accomplish whatever it is you think you’re doing. Help all of us who want this to work in our marriage, don’t just selfishly sabotage us. And don’t do it on ourhotwives. I guess I consider this to be a place where everyone kind of “gets it.” These two actually almost put a stop to the whole thing...almost.

However, I wasn’t going to let men like that stop us, so I branched out over to Reddit to see if there might be better luck. The place is insanity, but I figured it couldn’t be worse than what I was getting so far. That’s how we met Jay.

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Re: Hotwife, hot life.

Unread post by Baydog » Sun Jan 26, 2020 6:50 am

His ad caught my attention on Reddit as he was traveling to our area on business and would be in town for a week. This seemed like a good idea as he lived across the country. His ad didn’t focus on his dick or amazing body, but rather how he had the skills to seduce the wife into wanting him. He wanted to give her a long massage before anything. He considered himself a gentleman who would treat her with respect and make her feel beautiful. I mentioned it to Maire.

“So there’s a guy on Reddit that I think might be interesting”

Marie replied “I’m not sure about that, Kyle. I don’t think I’m hotwife material as fun as the fantasy might be.”

“I know you’re discouraged from those guys, but from what I read a significant number of online guys who call themselves bulls are full of it. I’d really like to try again, but I understand if you’re put off about it.”

She thought for a minute. “It’s ok Kyle I think I may need a little time. Why don’t you tell me about it?”

“He’s a little younger than us.”

“Not too young? I’m not into teaching a young guy how to have sex; I want someone who knows what he’s doing.”

“God I love it when you talk about what you want,” I told Marie with a huge smile on my face.

“No, he’s not young. In his late 30s, so just a few years younger than us. Seems like a man who would treat you well and I think we both like the seduction aspect.”

“You’re right. I want him to seduce me. Where does he live?”

“That’s the thing,” I told Marie, “he’s from out of town; across the country in fact. He’ll arrive in about 3 weeks and will be here for a week. Staying at a nice hotel in the city.”

She looked at me in horror. “I am not going to go to some random guy’s hotel room for sex! I’m not some sort of slut!”

Yikes, that wasn’t the response I was hoping for.

“Wait Marie, I don’t think we’re talking about something like that. More like he wants to wine and dine you and make you want him. It’s not like you knock on the door, fuck and then that’s it.”

“I’m sorry Kyle I have to say ‘no’ on that one. It makes me feel uncomfortable”

“Ok then,'' I said a little despondently. “I want you to know that I would never want you to feel forced or pressured. By me or anyone else. Please don’t ever do anything with anyone unless you really want to. This is about you and the decisions are are never under any kind of obligation to do anything.”

“Thanks for that Kyle. I know you really want me to do this.”

“You’re right, I do. And, I know I get kind of worked up and excited about the subject, but please try not to see that as pressure. I’m worried that my desires will feel like pressure, so tell me if I’m getting out of line. Never forget the choices are always yours.”

Marie took my hand. “Thanks for understanding. It doesn’t mean that we aren’t going to do this. I just don’t feel comfortable about this situation with a dude in a hotel.”

I told her “I understand, babe.”

I totally got where she was coming from, but there was something about him. A feeling I had that wouldn’t go away. I decided to contact him. I would tell Maire what I did later on, but I decided to just go with my gut on it. If I didn’t like what I was getting from him, then that would be it and no harm done.

I have to admit, Jay was a great communicator right from the start. He did want a PG picture of her just to see if there was interest. Every other time throughout all of this I have always asked Marie for permission to share a picture, just not this one instance. After he saw her he definitely was interested!

Throughout the day I talked with him. I really liked the guy. As Marie and I sat on the couch, she saw me chatting on kik.

“What’s that app you’re using?” she asked.

“It’s a messaging app called kik that some people use. Allows for somewhat anonymous communication.”

“So why do you have it? Who are you talking to?”

I took a breath. “Marie it’s the hotel room guy. I had a good feeling about him. All I’m doing is chatting with him and feeling him out.”

“What has he said?” she asked with interest.

And there it was. The first inkling of real interest in Jay.

“He totally understands your trepidation about meeting a man in his hotel room. He says that there’s time before he comes, so you can get to know him better if you’d like. I actually think he’s a pretty cool guy Marie and I think you will too if you decide to chat with him. No obligations on anything of course.”

At the same time as I was talking with Marie, Jay asked me what she was up to. I told him she was sitting right beside me and we were talking about him. He asked if she seemed more open to the whole idea and I told him that she seemed intrigued and wasn’t stopping the conversation. So, he asked if they could chat.

“Would you like to talk with him Marie?”

“I don’t think so. I mean I wouldn’t know what to say.”

“Don’t worry about that. Let him do the talking. He’s wants to seduce you babe, so the ball is in his court to make you comfortable. If you don’t like chatting with him then that’ll be it.”

“Let me think about it, ok?”

“Sure babe. How about I show you how to contact him and you can make the decision to say hello or not.”

Marie replied, “All I need to say is ‘hello’?”

“Of course”

“Alright, show me how to contact him and I’ll say hello. But please don’t be all disappointed if I think he’s creepy.”

She contacted him while she sat next to me. Right away he had her. He was charming, funny and made her feel at ease quickly. He asked me lots of questions about Marie and honestly put in a ton of time into the relationships. It was soon after we all started texting that Jay and I had this exchange:

J: Kyle I’m going to fuck Marie while you watch. Is that clear enough?

Me: Holy shit!

J: I want you to open her legs when I enter her her for the first time and make her my slut and your hotwife.

J: Understand? I’m not joking.

Me: I understand

J: Good

Me: That’s intense dude

J: Yes it is. Your cock twitching?

Me: It’s a strange sensation. Kind of whole body gut wrenching.

J: I want you to take her panties off for me.

Me: Fuck yes

J: You’ll do whatever I ask that night. You’ll hold her hand while I fuck her pussy.

Me: You’ve got me figured out. I can’t wait to see what you discover about my wife.

I had to admit the conversation was really intense. A man actually telling me he was going to fuck my wife. Like she was already his. Really fun! I wish I would have saved more of our conversations but I didn’t realize kik erased old messages until too late. But I’m telling you we talked a lot. He talked to Marie a lot and, as I said, put in the time. He’d text her in the mornings and make her feel sexy and then throughout the day. She loved it! I think she’s always enjoyed the attention of men but now it was something that could really happen! I could tell whenever she was talking with him. She has this smirk. Wow, the smirk. There is something so incredibly sexy about it and she only gets it when she’s talking with another man.

And she was happy. She was having lots of fun and was feeling sexy. A hot moment was when I walked into our room and saw a bunch of her panties in the trash.

“What’s up babe? Doing a purge?”

Marie said “I’m getting rid of my old underwear. From now on nothing but sexy panties.”

She lifted her dress up and off her body and smiled. “See?”

She had on one of the French lace panties. Black ones with a matching bra. She was sexy! And this change to ‘only sexy panties’ was fantastic! Exactly the sort of response to all of this that I hoped she would have.

She twirled and her fantastic ass came into view. Something so sexy about the hidden treasure. Knowing beneath those sexy panties was something even more beautiful.

“Want to take them off? She asked.

My actions were my answer as I rushed to her feet and sank to my knees. I softly grabbed the top of her panties and stroked my finger just at the edge. I passed her stomach and she flinched and giggled.

“That tickles!”

I moved my hands down close to her clit, still covered by the lace, and lightly moved over it. She stopped giggling and let out a moan.

“Oh my god!”

“You like that babe?”

“Of course” she whispered. “Take them off”

I slowly eased them down her thighs until they fell at her ankles. Her legs are exquisite. No fat just smooth beautiful skin with shape to them. Muscular without being ripped. Some of the best ever I kid you not. As I revealed her pussy I saw what she had done.

“You got it waxed? Mmm looks great!!”

“I thought you might like that” she said as she looked down at me with a devilish smile. “It’s sooo smooth and soo sensitive. Why don’t you take a closer look?”

She spread her knees apart a little and put her hands behind my head and gently pulled me towards her. She was wet, clearly enjoying teasing me. I touched my tongue just barely on the outer lips and she responded.

“Oooh that feels sooo good.”

My mouth was busy so I kind of hummed a response. The vibrations took her pleasure up a notch.

“Yeessss...more” she pleaded

I drew my tongue from her opening to her clit, slowly going over every tiny bit and savoring the delicious taste. She pulled at the back of my head a little harder as she began to move her smooth, slick pussy over my face. I was in heaven! I could tell she was getting close as her actions became more frantic. She let out a scream as she came, stopping her moments and holding my face tight on her pussy. She then released her hands and pushed my head away as we both caught our breath..

“Oh my god! Oh my god!”

I started to get up but she put her hand on my shoulder. “

“Wait. Shhhhh. Just wait…. one…. second.”

I was inches from her, she could still feel my breath on her. She grabbed the back of my head and pulled me back her her clit. I think she was coming before I even got there. She kept coming, holding my face against her crying out in pleasure. Finally, her whole body relaxed and she released me once again.

I looked up at her beautiful body and then into her beautiful eyes. I loved being in such a submissive position to her. Serving her. Giving her pleasure. It’s what I wanted most in the world. God she was so beautiful!

“That was wonderful Kyle”

“I aim to please”

“Let me tell you that your aim was on target. Wow that was spectacular”

She then smiled at me, turned around, bent down slowly and pulled the French panties slowly up her legs. I savored the view. She grabbed her dress and put it back on. She turned around and looked down at me.

“I love you Kyle”


Re: Hotwife, hot life.

Unread post by afagehi7 » Sun Jan 26, 2020 10:31 am

Baydawg, excellent build up. Perhaps include some of the ways Mr perfect charms her on Kik. The Convo between him and hubby was very intense and very alpha of Mr perfect

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Re: Hotwife, hot life.

Unread post by Baydog » Tue Feb 04, 2020 7:56 am

I’m glad you asked about the conversations between the two of them. Most were private. She shared a ton with me all the time, but only as she saw fit to do so. I told her she was welcome to look at the texts between me and Jay whenever she wanted. She told me I could do the same, but honestly I didn’t think it was appropriate for me to do it without permission. We definitely had a 3-way dynamic going on, but they also had their own thing. That’s what I wanted.

I know it’s strange, but the intimacy between them got me the most. The smirk, the giggles and just knowing she was thinking about him. That’s what gives me that fantastic gut-wrenching feeling. Imagining Marie getting banged by a bunch of big-cocked studs doesn’t do it for me. Ok, well maybe that’s a bit of a lie, but given the choice I’d prefer her to be with one man with whom she has an emotional connection. And, that’s definitely what Marie prefers.

As we got closer to the date of his arrival, Marie and I got more and more excited. As it approached, she asked “are you really sure you want to do this?”, which of course was a wholehearted “yes!” Though sure I wanted it to happen, I still wouldn’t know how I felt about reality until it actually happened. Fantasy and reality can be pretty different things.

The plan was originally to meet him at some point during the week and then get to the action on Friday night. Over time, however, that changed. Marie wanted to first meet him alone on Wednesday. That was fine, of course, as I liked the idea of them getting to know each other without me as a third wheel and then, possibly, be alone together Thursday night. As it approached, Jay and I discussed what would happen.

Jay: Tell me what your fantasies are. What would you like to happen?

Me: Her pleasure gets me the most. Fantasizing about her getting pleasure gets me the most.

Jay: I’ll certainly have that covered,

Me: I also think some jealousy and denial can be fun. I think I’ll be a wreck when you two are together. A good wreck though. I’d say three different scenarios get me. One is being without her and the jealousy I’ll experience. Then there’s Friday where I’ll be watching, though I have no clue how me playing the submissive role will go.

Jay: It’s easy. You’ll do whatever I say.

Me. Yes, of course. I also would love to do a threesome with her, fucking her together with another man.

Jay: I’ll talk to her about the third thing. I’ll let you know if your wife wants to fuck you.

Me: Jesus that’s hot!

Jay: And I’ll be the one deciding if she gets to fuck you.

Me. I understand. Though there are some things I don’t want.

Jay: What are they?

Me: I don’t mind dominant, but I’m not into emasculating or demeaning shit. I’m also not interested in feminization either.

Jay: I’m gonna make you wear panties.

Me: Right, safe word on that one.

Jay: Ha! Don’t worry cuck, I’m not interested in that, however when I fuck her, I may tell her to get vocal. So she can tell you how much she likes it.

Me: Fuck yeah that’s great!

Jay: And count on me telling you to leave at some point. Maybe I’ll make you sit in the bathroom with the door shut so you can hear her scream in pleasure as I make her come.

Me: That’s totally hot Jay. That all gets me jealous and excited! Look, even if it’s something I’m not really into, I promise I’m not going to cause problems. Even if I don’t like it, I'll go with the flow.

Jay: Good. You need to understand that in part, that’s how it’s going to be. I don’t need to call you names to be dominant, but you will listen to what I tell you to do.

Me: Understood.

Jay: Is she excited?

Me: Oh my god yes. She’s talking about you all the time. What she’ll wear for you, what kind of kisser you will be, Whether you’ll think she’s sexy. Says she has constant butterflies.

Jay: I already know she’s sexy. Don’t you worry, I’m going to take good care of her. And one more thing: That week is my week, so I don’t want you two fucking while I’m in town. Understand?

We all had a blast chatting and Marie was loving it. It was a time where I got to discover things about myself. There are so many variations on the hotwife theme. Stag doesn’t work. I don’t control Marie. I don’t want to control her. I love being submissive to her. Unfortunately a lot more than she likes to be dominant to me, but hey, I’m doing pretty well in the sexual fantasy fulfillment area.

I have always known Marie wanted to be dominated to some degree. I could fuck her hard, which she loved, but I simply can’t call her names or spank her or anything like that. One time I grabbed her hair while fucking her from behind and she was like “Ouch, watch it Kyle you’re pulling my hair!” Me being dominant just doesn’t work for either of us. I’m not passive in sex by any means, just more submissive.

Does cuck work to describe me? I mean, I want my wife to have a relationship with another man. The thing is, I don’t have the fantasy of being submissive to other men. I have no need to dominate them or be dominated by them; it’s just not part of my fantasy. I also don’t have any bisexual urges. I don’t feel repulsed by a guy’s body but I also don’t want to sexually please a man. It’s just not me. I know it’s a big thing in the community and definitely nothing wrong with it, but I’m into Marie. I don’t want any other woman or any other man, just her.

Jay, however, was obviously really into the sexually dominating me aspect. So, I went with it. I mean we all have fantasies and Jay did too so I wasn’t going to throw a wrench into any of it. Whenever there was the “you’ll lick my balls” sort of talk, I tried to steer the conversation in a different direction. He was pretty good at reading emotions, so didn’t push that way, he just initially kind of assumed cucks are all alike in cucky ways.

He was funny and cool, so playing around like that was easy. He was honestly a likable guy. When the time came, would I be able to handle another man telling me what to do? I mean honestly, could I handle watching a man fuck her in front of me?

Another thing Jay liked was calling Marie names. He asked me if she liked to be called names during sex, and of course I had no clue. So he called her slut and whore and stuff like that. For me, Marie is a goddess, so I didn’t like the name calling, or at least in a mean kind of way...slut was ok, but whore got under my skin. Plus, Marie would not like it if I disrespected her like that. Again I understand that it’s a big part of this fantasy, but I discovered it wasn’t for me. I went with it though as Marie, surprisingly, seemed to be fine with it. The goal was to discover Marie’s desires and fantasies, so I wasn’t going to dictate what she was going to be like. If she liked being called names by a dominant guy then that was great; a new discovery. I just didn’t get off on it when he called her names. However, it was a small price to pay for the fun and sexy times leading up to his arrival. Jay would help me find out that Marie liked a lot of things I never would have imagined.

Soon it was time to begin one of the most exciting and gut-wrenching weeks of my life!

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Re: Hotwife, hot life.

Unread post by dickhurtz472 » Tue Feb 04, 2020 12:39 pm

i really like the conversation you had with jay. It's nice for everyone to be on the same page to insure your wife enjoys the experience.
you & I are a lot alike. I'm an alpha in the real world & i would be a sub. in the bedroom. however, my wife could never be able to pull that off. It just isn't her. she is, actually, more submissive than i am.

disclaimer; The "Wife", to whom i refer is my x-wife. we reconnected a year after hubby 2 died in '16. We rekindled & view ourselves as still married. she passed on 2/1/21
Questions or comments;

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Re: Hotwife, hot life.

Unread post by Baydog » Fri Feb 07, 2020 8:08 am

As I said, the plan was for Marie to go grab a drink with Jay on Wednesday, to see if the connection they were feeling was real. If she felt he was creepy or that he just simply wasn’t the one, she could leave and that would be it. We both thought of nothing else as Wednesday approached. Marie got her pussy waxed and ready...she loves the feeling of being freshly waxed and she wanted it to look pretty for Jay. I watched her get ready for the date. It is amazingly sexy to watch her preparing herself for another man. I watched her shower, do her nails and make up and then select what to wear. I always like her to wear dresses or shorts, so that her amazing legs are on display. However, Marie said “I’m going to wear jeans tonight, so if you don’t like that you’re going to have to deal with it.” God I love it when she talks to me like that.

Finally it was time for her to go. I was a nervous wreck. I kissed her goodbye as she got in the car so she could travel to meet another man. As I watched her pull away, my heart was in the pit of my stomach. We share locations on our phones, so I checked her location constantly. I watched as she inexorably made her way towards the restaurant, which was fairly close to his hotel, so she decided to park there and they would meet in the lobby to walk the short distance to the restaurant. She sent me a text as she arrived.

Marie: Ok babe, I’m here. I’m so freaking nervous!

Me: I know me too! I hope you like him.

Marie: Me too. I’m entering the lobby wish me luck!

Me: Good luck babe. I love you.

After about 5 minutes she wrote:

Marie: He isn’t here and isn’t responding to texts. Is he going to ghost me???

Obviously I was pretty distraught. I wasn’t sure what to even say. However, she texted me a minute later.

Marie: I got ahold of him. I’m at the wrong hotel.

Unfortunately there were two hotels with the same name and about 15 minutes apart. Not sure why the company couldn’t have been a little creative with the names, but whatever. So, I watched as her car made it’s way over to the other hotel. Just the universe messing with us.

She texted from the hotel to say she’d arrived...and that was it. I didn’t get another text from her until several hours later, only saying she was on her way home. I figured that was really good news, as she wouldn’t have stayed for dinner and drinks for a few hours if they weren’t getting along. As she was driving, Jay texted me.

Jay: She’s on her way home.

Me: How’d it go?

Jay: It went great! I’ll let her tell you what her thoughts are, then we can chat after.

Me: What did you think of her? She’s beautiful isn’t she?

Jay: I think she’s fucking sexy! Did you do what I asked and take pictures of her getting ready for me?

Me: Definitely

Jay: Ok, send them to me now.

Me: Think she’ll still want to come stay with you tomorrow?

Jay: Talk to her. See what she thinks.

So I just waited, watching her slowly make her way home. Finally she arrived. Finally!!! I gave her a kiss as she arrived, relishing in the happiness that came with being reunited with my beautiful girl. I was dying to know how it went.

“So tell me, did it go well?” I asked.

“Yes, it went very well”, she said with a big smile

“Awesome babe. Can I hear about it?”

“Let’s go up to our room and I’ll tell you about it”.

We walked into the room and she turned at me with a mischievous grin on her face and said “Notice anything?”

Besides the smile and the flush on her cheeks, I couldn’t figure out what she was talking about. Then, I saw them.

“Holy shit your nipples are hard as rocks!”

She smiled even wider.

“He must have turned you on!” I said.

“Oh yes he certainly did. Aren’t you wondering why you can see my hard nipples?”

“You’re not wearing a bra!”

“Yep” she said. “He kept it”

“What! How the heck did he get your bra?”

“He took it off when we were up in his room.”

“You went to his room!” I could barely contain my emotions. My head was spinning. Marie had gone up to his room!

She laughed as I freaked out, knowing the effect she was having on me.

“He was charming and funny. I liked him. So, when he invited me up I said yes.”

“Oh my god Marie. Tell me more”

She continued, “We sat on the couch together and he asked if he could kiss me. I said ‘are you really asking me or are you going to kiss me?’” So, he leaned over and kissed me. He is a really good kisser. Like really good. We kissed a lot. He also pulled my hair as we kissed” and then got this embarrassed little smile and said “I liked it”

“Marie, that's so hot. I love picturing you two kissing”

“Our kissing became more intense and I moved to straddle his lap as we made out. At some point he lifted me up and carried me towards the bed. I love that he had the strength to just pick me up and carry me where he wanted. I was so wet and wanted to go a little farther, but it was getting way too late so I had to come back”

“Wow that was really intense. You two weren’t messing around!” I said, “So, do you think you’ll go back tomorrow night and sleep with him?”

She looked at me like I was crazy. “I am definitely going back tomorrow night and I am definitely gonna fuck him!”

So there it was. It was going to happen tomorrow. I was breathless; I could not stop staring at her. My beautiful hotwife.

Many weeks later, Jay wrote a post on Reddit about his experience on the first night. Though there’s a lot of redundancy in regards to what I already wrote, I think the bull’s perspective is kind of unique. So here it is:


Hello all,

I thought I’d share my experince with a rookie hotwife and her hubby as I always appreciate reading about successful meets. Apologies for the long story, but I know some enjoy it and it can help out those doing this for the first time. We didn’t take any in-room pictures, but maybe I’ll post some pictures of her sexy self in the future.

So, a business trip took me across the country recently, so I made a post a few weeks out stating that I was looking to host a couple in my hotel room while I was there. I received a PM from a guy who said his wife wanted to try being a hotwife and they were looking for her first lover. He said they had a couple misses with others and he couldn’t guarantee anything since the choices were hers. I replied and we soon connected on kik.

I began chatting with the wife and we got to know each other over the couple of weeks. A lot of small talk, chatting about our days and lighthearted banter. What was intriguing is that while her husband said she was very sexual, they were college sweethearts and this sort of thing was nothing she ever dreamed of doing. That knowledge added a level of naughtiness to the whole thing.

Throughout the messaging, I discovered that she was curious about experiencing a more dominant man than her hubby and of course I told her I could oblige. I had already been displaying some of it towards her, all in a gentlemanly sort of way. She was receptive to it, enjoyed it, and most importantly, was obedient! :) This went on for 3 weeks before my arrival.

Wednesday came around and we had plans to meet at my hotel lobby and then grab a bite so we could meet and allay any big concerns she might have. There was a bit of comedy that ensued when she messaged that she was in the lobby and I couldn’t find her. Turns out she was at the wrong hotel! When she got to the lobby we said our hellos. She told me she was going to come dressed casual, but she was beautiful and stunning nonetheless. We alked over to grab a bite and chatted for about an hour. After, I asked if she wanted to come check out my room and she agreed.

Once in the room, we sat on the couch and chatted for about 10 minutes about how this entire experience was so foreign and new to her. My goal over the past weeks had been to help her get comfortable and I know I succeeded because here she was. It was about 10 pm or so and we both had to work the next day, so we decided it was time to get going. Before that though, I asked her if I could kiss her and she responded with “are you really going to ask?” With that said, nobody had to tell me twice, so I leaned in on the kiss and we began to make out. While making out, she was pushing down on my crotch, able to feel the hardness of my cock that had developed. I picked her up and carried her to the bed where we kept making out. I lifted her blouse and slowly licked right at the bottom of her bra and she started almost shivering, which clued me into the fact that she was very sensitive to touch. I flipped her over and kissed the back of her neck and her ears, while undoing her bra. I flipped her back over and told her to take her blouse off. She did, unveiling a beautiful pair of deceptively large breasts (34DD)! I teased her again by licking the bottom of her breasts. I then teased her nipples and areola before sucking on her tits.

After a few minutes of this, I stopped and said she should get going before it’s too late. She didn’t want to go, but said ok. I told her she was leaving her bra with me. She smiled and agreed. I told her she now knew where we would be, was she interested in coming the next night and maybe stay the night. Her husband had said before there was “no way” she would do something like that, but she replied “oh I think I will be staying the night tomorrow. Before leaving, we kissed again and I sucked on her
breasts through her blouse, leaving a nice big wet spot which allowed her nipples to poke through beautifully as we walked through the lobby to the garage. I kissed one last time as she got in her car and then watched her drive away, knowing she would come again tomorrow night

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Re: Hotwife, hot life.

Unread post by Baydog » Sun Feb 09, 2020 4:44 am

Thursday came; the night Marie was going to go to his hotel and stay the night. My god it was real! She was going to fuck him! There was no doubt in our minds that this was going to happen. I was a wreck the whole day; living in some sort of surreal state. I thought of nothing else as my gut twisted in knots. As the evening approached, I once again watched her get ready. She took a long bath and I helped get her nice and clean, lusting after her beautiful smooth skin. However, it wasn’t for me tonight. She got into her lingerie with the door shut, depriving me of the ability to see her in the lingerie we had purchased during our trip to France...the one set I had never been allowed to see. Once dressed, she came back out and looked stunning. So hot! My stomach was churning. She grabbed her overnight bag and gave me a last kiss.

“I love you Kyle”

“I love you too Marie. This is your night. I want you to enjoy it without guilt. Let me know once you get there, but then don’t think about me after that. You’re his tonight.”

She nodded her head and was off. I watched her location as she drove to the hotel. I saw her arrive and, for the rest of night, her location would remain the same. Moments later she texted “I’m here” and that was the last I heard from her.

I won’t pretend it was an easy night. I felt queasy and lightheaded. Watching TV or going online was pointless as I couldn't think of anything else but my wife in Jay’s arms. But to be honest, I didn’t want to think of anything else. My fantasy of so many years was coming true and I savored the delicious torture. I had a fitful sleep and was in a daze as I drove to work the next morning. Finally, around 8 am, Marie texted me.

Marie: Morning baby

Me: OMG good morning! Are you ok?

Marie: Yes, I’m good. Are you ok?

Me: I’m not gonna lie, it was kind of tough. I am sooooo glad to hear from you! Picturing you now makes things a lot better.

Marie: Ok, I’m sorry.

Me: Don't be sorry baby! What are you up to?

Marie: Just lying in bed.

Me: So you’re lying in bed with him. That’s so intimate, which makes it so intense. Kiss him.

Marie: Done. I have to head to work.

She had planned to take the day off, but an emergency called her in.

Me: That sucks! Are we still on for tonight?

Marie: No.

Marie: Just kidding.

Me: You bitch!

Marie: You asked for that.

Me: I know, I CAN’T WAIT to see you.

Marie: I’m a disaster putting on a condom btw.

Me: lol. You’ll get better with practice. Was he good?

Marie: Yes

Me: I can’t wait for you to tell me about it! I’m dying here

Marie: I’ll tell you whatever you decide you want to know.

Me: Ok let me about every last detail?

Marie: Think about that carefully. He seemed to think you might not want EVERY detail.

Me: You agree that I might not want it? Do you mean that I won’t want to hear it so it remains a mystery or because I’d have trouble handling it?

Marie: Trouble handling it.

Me: Holy shit this is messing with my mind so hard! I can’t believe this is real! Hard to breathe hearing you say that.

Marie: It was different.

Me: Better?

Marie: Not better, just different. Look I need to go. Talk to you soon.

The day took forever to pass and Marie spent the entire time at work. When she got home she was exhausted. I felt like I hadn’t seen her in weeks! I was so happy she was back with me! Maybe something about letting her go and then getting her back pushes a button inside of me. She was too tired to tell me about it, but did manage to tell me they fucked once again in the morning and that’s why she had to stop texting.

Then, I had a desire that kind of surprised me: I wanted to smell her pussy. She seemed a little reticent, but said ok. As I’ve said she has a wonderful smelling pussy, but I wanted to smell her after being with another man. So weird, I know. I hoped she didn’t think I was gross for wanting to do something like that. I really couldn’t believe it myself or give a specific reason why, but through all of this I’ve decided to stop trying to analyze why I’m so into all of this and accept the fact that it’s who I am. But oh my god! It was intoxicating! They had used a condom (Marie is very paranoid about STDs), so it wasn’t like his cum was inside her, but still there was a sense of insane submission when I put my face close to her pussy. She made it clear she didn’t want to do anything sexual at the moment. She needed to sleep if we were going tonight. Together. That night I was going to be in the room as Jay took my wife and I couldn’t have been more excited.

I stroked her hair as she began to rise from her nap. “Did last night really happen?”

Marie smiled. “Oh yes. Are you ok that it happened?”

“Absolutely honey. It’s really exciting! Your face, your smile, that glow..and the fact that you obviously loved it!” I said. “I’m not saying it was a piece of cake mentally, but I was never in a bad place”

“Good!” she said.

I asked “are you still good? No regrets?”

“Nope I’m looking forward to tonight!” she said.

“Really? That’s great!”

She got a more serious look on her face. “Though I’m looking forward to being with him again, I’m also super nervous about you being in the room. I don’t know if I’ll like it. I don’t know if you’ll like it either. What if you see me differently after this?”

I replied “I can’t say with complete certainty that I’ll like it, but I really think I will. I actually hope you don’t see me differently...that’s been a worry since the beginning”

She gave me a soft smile. “None of this will ever change my love for you.”

We didn’t talk about much else, as we needed to get ready to go to the night where I was going to be in the room as Jay fucked my wife.ys Before I get to writing about that though, I’ll include the second part of what Jay wrote about Thursday night. It didn’t include anything about them actually having sex for some reason, but rest assured they did.


After the successful meet and greet the night before, the potential hotwife and I message throughout the day in anticipation of meeting later in the evening. A lot of the messaging was to assure her that everything would be ok.. She was now comfortable with the idea of kissing because we’re done at the night before, but now the uncertain part was being comfortable spending the night in my room. I assured her all would be good and she didn’t joy it being a gentleman, I always make sure to make a hotwife feel comfortable while at the same time pushing her boundaries.

Separately, I was also messaging her hubby, the soon to be full-on cuck/stag. He would give me updates on how his Mrs. was preparing. For example she had a spa appointment that day to be super smooth for me. She also went lingerie shopping and got something extra special for me. I did my share of the ensuring the hubby as well that everything would be good and I would take care of his wife. He originally didn’t Think his wife of two decades would have been up for a meeting without him present or staying the night, but I was able to assuage any concerns they may have had with the way the night before went.

One of the ways I involve the hubby beforehand was to have him get a couple of toys that I wanted to use on his wife. He wore what I told him to: a large dildo, a rabbit vibrator, and lube. I told him to pack it into a bag and told his wife to bring a sleep mask and some satin scarves.

We kissed each other hello and sat down to chat on the seating area right at the edge of the bed. I had bought some wine so I poured us both a glass so we could enjoy it while talking. Another thing I had planned was a massage for her so we chatted about that too for a bit.

After finishing our glass of wine, I invited her to lay on the bed so I could begin her massage. She obliged laying down after I removed her heels. I complimented her on how pretty and sexy she looked, while removing her top and jeans in order to get the massage started. I slowly removed her lace bra and panties, which were a beautiful set of French lingerie pieces that she was wearing for the first time! She told me her hubby had never seen her wear them before. I got my bottle of massage oil and proceeded to give her a very thorough and legit massage, from head to toe.

After flipping her over, I mixed in a massage and kissing her all over her neck and chest, which caused her to shudder and moan at every touch of my lips and tongue. She especially loved when I licked and sucked on the back of her ear. Knowing she also wanted to experience a more dominant lover, I mixed in hair grabs from the bottom of her neck. She would wince in pleasure. I slowly moved my attention on her breasts, which were showing just how much she was into what I was doing, as her nipples were rock hard. I teased her areola bumps and flicked at her nipples and swirled them around with my tongue. This made her gasp.

I worked my way down to her pussy, but didn’t kiss it quite yet. Instead, I sensually used my hands to explore all parts of her pussy, pulling apart her pussy lips and running her clit between my fingers slowly, causing her to buck and thrust. I blew softly all over her pussy, switching between hot breaths and cool bursts of air. I pulled back the hood of her clit to expose the cutest little clit that was engorged with excitement. I finally licked her clit and sucked on it, causing her to buck and thrust again. I then put my tongue wide across her pussy and started long licks from bottom to top, finishing each with a suck on her clit. When I can saw she was close to coming, I stuck her finger in her pussy and rubbed her G spot until she was creaming on my face as she came.

After cumming, I laid next to her to cuddle and kiss. She then started returning the favor. Kissing my neck and chest and running her hands all over my body as she slowly made her kisses down to my cock. She took my cock in her mouth and started to kiss and suck it while playing with my balls with her hands and nails. Teasing them. She began to lick my shaft with her tongue as I told her how good it felt. I asked her if she wanted me to take a photo to send to hubby and she said no. She said she didn’t want to think about him. I asked her playfully wasn’t she wondering how he was feeling and she replied, “he’s a big boy”...

While she sucked me, I continued to feel her body up, and pushed her head down my cock so she could take it all down her throat. She was an expert cocksucker. What happen next blew my mind... as I could since I was close to coming, I attempted to adjust and sit up, which should have caused her to detach from my cock. Not only did she not detache, she pushed back into sucking, locking on like a vacuum. I couldn’t take it anymore, and put my hand on her shoulder, indicating to her that she could pull off and finish me by stroking. Instead, she kept sucking harder and harder, stroking me with her mouth. I hadn’t come in about two weeks, so I exploded with About 10 strong burst of come right into her mouth. I expected her to let it all flow out like right out of the damn but she blew my mind and got it all down! I would find out later she told her hubby it was more cum than he had ever produced and made her swallow multiple times. We held each other for a while and relaxed on the bed. She would go on to come a couple more times and finally we fell asleep together at about 2 AM. Her transformation from an innocent and apprehensive beautiful and faithful wife to my sexy hotwife was complete.

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Re: Hotwife, hot life.

Unread post by subtoall » Sun Mar 01, 2020 11:57 am

What a journey. I hope you continue writing about your adventures.

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Re: Hotwife, hot life.

Unread post by Baydog » Thu Mar 12, 2020 8:33 am

Friday arrived. We drove down to meet Jay for dinner. We had gotten a room at the same hotel as Jay, with the plan to meet him for dinner first and then head on to the night’s fun. Unfortunately Jay had to stay and network with people at his conference, so it ended up being just me and Marie. This was really disappointing. I was looking forward to seeing their interaction with each other and just having a fascinating date and conversation with my wife and her lover. We had a great meal together, though Marie looked apprehensive. She told me she was more nervous for tonight than the previous nights. As we left the restaurant, the skies opened up and we got caught in a torrential downpour, which soaked us. So, after getting back to the hotel we had a glass of wine and tried to dry off our clothes. Luckily Marie hadn’t put on her thigh-high stockings when we went to dinner, so only her dress needed drying. Finally Jay sent us the next to meet him in the lobby, so off we went.

He wasn’t there right when we got down, so I grabbed drinks for all of us and sat back in some lounge chairs in the lobby (which was huge and had quite a few people...typical for a hotel devoted to conferences). A few minutes later Marie whispered “there he is.”

I’m not sure what I was expecting; I hadn’t seen him until that point. He was a fairly big guy. Not fat nor super muscular, just taller and had a larger frame than me. He also had some bit of hispanic ancestry (Marie had told me his mother was hispanic). Basically tall, dark and handsome. I could see why Marie thought he was attractive. We sat down and had a light conversation. Jay really didn’t direct any conversation my way and was focused on Marie. Marie was laser-focused on Jay with a big smile on her face; hanging on his every word. I loved seeing her so obviously infatuated with him.

We finished our drinks and Jay asked if we wanted to head up. As we walked, I could see people notice that Marie had come with me, but was now taking two men with her in an obviously sexual situation. Was it real or my imagination that people actually noticed what was happening...probably the latter, but it was really hot at the moment!

As we walked toward the room, they walked together and I walked slightly behind, enjoying them being a couple walking together. We got to the room and Jay offered us a drink and I sat on the couch, which was a good 10 feet away from the bed in his large suite. He and Marie were saying something to each other and sat on a small bench at the end of the bed. He leaned in and began kissing her.

Their kissing was the hottest thing I had ever seen. It was so intimate it burned into my soul...I can still see it today. I see a lot of people wanting to try this lifestyle but have a “no kissing” sort of rule. If that’s you, then I’d rethink the fantasy. You must be a secure person, both in yourself and in your marriage. The kissing could have been a point where I freaked out in a bad way, but I didn’t. Not only could I handle it, but I loved it. So amazing!

I watched in amazement as they made out, listening to the smack of their lips and the increasing intensity of the kisses. Soon he and Marie moved off the bench and to the bed. Before laying down, Jay eased her dress over her head, revealing her teddy and thigh-highs. He looked at her with a burning passion and had her lay on the bed while he explored her body with his hands. Marie let out sexy little whimpers as he touched her. Soon his fingers touched her pussy. Another man touching my wife’s most intimate place right in front of my eyes. He began rubbing her pussy as he kissed her, and Marie let out a sigh and said “Oh Jay…”. So amazing hearing her call his name as he pleased her. His rubbing became more intense and then he smacked his hand on her pussy, causing Marie to give a little yelp. I had never done anything like this, but she seemed to respond to it. He then moved his mouth to her pussy. I kind of make a show of things when I go down on Marie, as I want to build and savor it before she comes. Jay went right at it, attacking her clit and making her squirm. After a few minutes she came. It wasn’t a violent orgasm, but more of a release with her softly saying “Jay...Jay...oh my god it feels sooooo good”. She then raised her head to see if I was ok, and I gave her a nod with what was probably a silly grin on my face.

After she had her orgasm, he whispered to her and she let out a small giggle. The whispers, like the kissing, were so intimate that it drove me crazy! She then put her leg over him and passionately kissed him. Jay then took off her teddy and got out some massage oil. He unscrewed the cap and gently poured a little into his hands. He warmed it a bit by rubbing his hands together, then began massaging her legs, ass and back. She moaned with pleasure as he expertly touched her.

Throughout the whole night Jay, surprisingly, was pretty quiet. I had expected him to order me around, talk shit and all that. None of that happened. To be honest, I wouldn't have minded playing that game as it could have been fun. I was worried I might not be able to handle it and now I kind of wished he would have been more dominant with me. Honestly I think it’s because I wasn’t what he was expecting. Marie had remarked long ago, when I asked her to read about hotwifing, that I wasn’t like the typical guys who were into this. Many are bisexual of course, which she already knew I wasn’t into. But most seem to be “beta” guys who are submissive all around. Maybe I should have acted that way. I’m just an outgoing person who loves conversation, dancing and just to be in on the action. I love to have fun at parties and while I have no need to be the center of attention, I’m certainly not a wallflower. I guess Jay may have felt a little uncomfortable with my personality, or he was playing up a big game on text but wasn’t able to follow through when the time came. I don’t know, these are guesses.

So he turned Marie onto her back, exposing her beautiful breasts and waxed pussy. He then looked at me and motioned me over to the bed. Yes! Hey, I enjoyed watching but I foudn that I really wanted to join Jay in pleasing Marie. He knew I had a desire for a threesome, and Jay was going to make that a reality! We were both still dressed with Marie naked on the bed before us. He unscrewed the cap and handed me the oil. I turned the bottle over to put a little in my hand, but then the worst fucking thing happened! The opening to the bottle was large and I fucking poured that entire bottle all over Marie and the bed! Noooooooooo! Marie shot up in response to the large volume of cold oil dumped onto her stomach.

“Holy shit! What the hell?!?” she exclaimed.
“Oh my god. I’m so sorry Marie.”

“Get me a towel Kyle” she said in an understandably annoyed tone. I had really screwed up this moment. A moment I was so excited about happening was gone. As Jay helped her to towel off, he told me to get the rabbit vibrator. I got it for him, but there weren’t batteries in it...I had left them in the car. Jay gave me his room key and told me to go grab them, so I left the room for a quick journey to the car. He made sure to say “don’t disturb us when you come back in”.

It would have been faster had I remembered the keys before making my way to the garage, so went back up our room and got the keys. Went back to the garage and realized I had no fucking clue where we parked. Marie put it in her phone, but I didn’t have that so I walked through the garage until finally finding it. I’m a disaster.

When I got back to the room, I quietly opened the door and saw Jay and Marie making out together on the bed. He was down to his boxers and Marie was running her hands over his body as they kissed. Watching her so intimately caress him was really pushing my buttons, like the kissing and the whispering...much hotter than I expected! My excitement probably contributed to my inability to properly put the batteries in the vibrator, which caused it to heat up so much I thought it would explode. I mean, how many times could I do something stupid in one night?

I needed to get a closer look, so I moved to the bench at the end of the bed. Jay noticed me there and got up off the bed, positioning Marie on her back so that her head was somewhat off the edge of the bed. He then dropped his boxers. This was actually the first time in my life I had seen another man’s erect cock...and he certainly was erect for Marie! He was about the same size as me. He placed his cock on Marie’s face and eased it between her lips. He gradually went deeper and deeper into her throat. When he pulled out, long strings of saliva and precum stretched from his cock to her mouth. As I watched that, mouth agape, Jay looked over and gave me a smug smirk. He looked at me as his cock went back into Marie’s mouth and went back to fucking her throat. I thought she might choke, but to my surprise she reached behind and grabbed his ass, pulling him even deeper! I never would have believed it, but my Marie wanted him deeper in her throat!

He kept at it for awhile then sat on the bed and pulled Marie back up fully on to the bed and onto him so her back was against his chest. I watched as he caressed her body. Marie had her eyes closed and was lost in the sensation of his touch. Her beautiful body was on full display and I wanted so bad to move onto the bed and begin licking her pussy and prepare her for the fucking she was clearly about to receive. It felt right to join in and as I was about to move in, Marie opened her eyes and looked at me. She seductively crawled towards me on the bed and leaned close to whisper in my ear “honey can you go back to our room? I’d like to spend this last bit with just me and Jay.”

Wow, I wasn’t expecting that. I promised Marie (and myself) that I would do whatever she wanted, so here I was having to live up to that promise. I said “ok” and then left the room. As the door clicked shut behind me, leaving my wife alone with him, I felt excited, frustrated and confused. I had wanted a threesome but fucked that up, and now I wouldn’t even see her have sex with Jay. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not upset about it. In fact, reflection has made me realize that it’s kind of hot that Marie made me leave and denied me the opportunity to see them fuck.

I sat in our room lost in my thoughts. About a half hour later Marie entered the room.

“I’m sorry I made you leave Kyle. I just wanted to spend the last little bit alone with him.”

“It’s ok Marie. I’m not gonna lie that I would have liked to have seen you have sex together, but I can handle it if it’s what you want.”

Marie tilted her head down. “Oh my god, you didn’t get to see us have sex. I’m sorry Kyle, I didn’t realize. It wasn’t my intent to not let you see that part.”

I tilted her chin up to me and looked her in the eyes. “I’ve told you since the beginning that it is always what you want. That’s most important. So there’s no need to apologize, ok?”

“Ok” she said. Then I leaned in to kiss her.

My kisses became more passionate as I caressed her back, but Marie stopped me and pulled away.

“Kyle can we wait until morning? I promise we can make love tomorrow morning, but right now I’m tired and worn out physically and emotionally.”

“Of course honey” I said, though I wanted her so badly it hurt. We spooned together and fell asleep.

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Re: Hotwife, hot life.

Unread post by SamWarrens » Thu Mar 12, 2020 9:25 am

More, more!
Keep it going!
Great minds may think alike, but fools seldom differ.

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Re: Hotwife, hot life.

Unread post by Waytoomuchfun » Thu Mar 12, 2020 9:53 am

This is a good story. So hot to hear how your wife is loving it! Glad to hear that you are, too!

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Re: Hotwife, hot life.

Unread post by subtoall » Thu Mar 12, 2020 2:39 pm

I love your story. Your realizations as it goes along are especially great.

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Re: Hotwife, hot life.

Unread post by 36DDwife » Thu Mar 12, 2020 4:32 pm

Marie tilted her head down. “Oh my god, you didn’t get to see us have sex. I’m sorry Kyle, I didn’t realize. It wasn’t my intent to not let you see that part.
Nice story but how did she not know this is?

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Re: Hotwife, hot life.

Unread post by dickhurtz472 » Thu Mar 12, 2020 6:56 pm

36DDwife wrote:
Thu Mar 12, 2020 4:32 pm
Marie tilted her head down. “Oh my god, you didn’t get to see us have sex. I’m sorry Kyle, I didn’t realize. It wasn’t my intent to not let you see that part.
Nice story but how did she not know this is?
"“It’s ok Marie. I’m not gonna lie that I would have liked to have seen you have sex together, but I can handle it if it’s what you want.”

Marie tilted her head down. “Oh my god, you didn’t get to see us have sex. I’m sorry Kyle, I didn’t realize. It wasn’t my intent to not let you see that part.”
disclaimer; The "Wife", to whom i refer is my x-wife. we reconnected a year after hubby 2 died in '16. We rekindled & view ourselves as still married. she passed on 2/1/21
Questions or comments;

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Re: Hotwife, hot life.

Unread post by Baydog » Fri Mar 13, 2020 2:31 am

36DDwife wrote:
Thu Mar 12, 2020 4:32 pm
Marie tilted her head down. “Oh my god, you didn’t get to see us have sex. I’m sorry Kyle, I didn’t realize. It wasn’t my intent to not let you see that part.
Nice story but how did she not know this is?

For now I’ll just say she got caught up in it all. She wanted to be able to spend some time alone. Now, whether she subconsciously didn’t want me to see her have sex might be the case, and is something we considered, but the feeling at the time was she wanted time alone with Jay since this may have been the last time they’d see each other. It wasn't a conscious effort not to stop me from watching. She honestly did feel really bad about it for some time afterwards. Apologized a lot.

This was also the first real time i experienced serious denial and discovered it turned me on. There’s more to it though which I’ll get into.

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Re: Hotwife, hot life.

Unread post by Baydog » Fri Mar 13, 2020 1:04 pm

The next morning I woke up and looked over at Marie. She was sleeping peacefully as I stared at her angelic face, loving her more than I thought possible. As if sensing me, she opened her eyes slightly.

She smiled. “Morning Kyle”

“Good morning babe. Are you doing ok?”

She leaned forward and kissed me. Our kisses started to grow more passionate; my cock was rock hard for her. I touched and kissed her all over and made my way down to her pussy. It was so erotic knowing my mouth was on her pussy not long after Jay had been inside her. As I licked her, she started to really get into it and soon grabbed the back of my head and began fucking my face. She was grinding for all she was worth and let out a scream as she came with violent force. Wow! I looked up at her and she had a terrified expression on her face.

“Oh my god what happened?”

“What are you talking about babe? You just had a great orgasm that’s what happened.”

“No, I mean am I bleeding? There’s blood on your face”

I wiped my face and she was right! We then realized it was me, not her. She had fucked my face so hard I got a bloody nose! I laughed and wiped it off; it stopped bleeding very quickly. I love it when she’s dominant like that!

Then, like so long ago in France, I got the uncontrollable need to have her. Beyond logic and reason; it was pure animalistic lust. I grabbed her legs and spread them apart as I entered her. She moaned in satisfaction and I wasted no time in beginning to really go at it hard. There was no stopping me and I bellowed loudly as I came; it was one of the most mind-blowing orgasms of my life. And, like I did before, I shed some tears. Though I’m still not sure why as it definitely wasn’t sadness or anything like that. More of just a release of so much emotion. This “reclamation sex” was an incredible experience.

It was a week I will never forget.


We checked out and got our car and began to head home.

“Want to grab some breakfast babe?” I asked.

“No thanks,” she said. I detected sadness in her voice.

“Are you ok?”

“I’m fine, but I’m a little sad. After all the build up it’s hard to believe it’s all over”

“Want to talk about it?”

“Not right now, Kyle. Can we wait?”

I told her “of course” and let her be. Though the heavy rain had stopped, it was still cloudy with a dreary appearance that matched Marie’s feelings. She stared out the window and I could see the tears in her eyes. My heart went out to her. On the way home, I noticed Jay had sent me a text:

Jay: Kyle, I wanted to quickly reach out and say thank you for sharing your beautiful wife with me. You two should continue to explore and shine light on areas that are mutually enjoyable. Let me know if you ever want insight into future adventures.

Here’s the deal. When we think about hotwifing, the sexy aspects tend to outweigh the emotional ones. I hadn’t anticipated it, but Maire was sad. Really sad. Even though she had only known him for the past month, she had built a relationship with him. She cared about him and she looked forward to the sexy conversations. Now, that was over.

It took a few days, but Marie finally opened up about the experience.

“I know you’ve wanted to talk, Kyle, but I’ve been trying to process all of this.”

“It’s ok, I get it. It was kind of an overwhelming experience. Are you ok?”

“Yes, I think so, “ she said. “I’m just having trouble dealing with the emotions. I don’t like this.”

“This meaning the whole hotwife thing?” I asked.

“I’m not sure. I just know I don’t like the feelings I have right now. I miss him.”

I definitely knew that was true. “Are you glad we did it?”

“I’m not sure. I think I need a little more processing time to know; I feel overwhelmed.”

“Did you have fun?” I asked.

“Yes, of course. Most of it was very enjoyable.”

“That’s good. Does that mean you didn’t like part of it? Besides the current emotions, I mean.”

She gave me a concerned look. “You’ve asked for honesty throughout this, so I’ll tell you. I didn’t like it when you were in the room.”

Well, that sucks. I had hoped she’d find it sexy. “What didn’t you like?”

“It was fun being downstairs with both of you, but when Jay and I were hooking up it felt really weird with you there. I couldn’t let go. I kept worrying about how you were feeling.”

“I totally get it. Hey, I wasn’t sure I’d be ok either. Hopefully you could read me enough to know I was loving it. Though, I have to admit I felt a little awkward just sitting there. I really wanted to join in.”

“I’m glad you didn’t, Kyle”, Marie said. “It was more than just the awkwardness of you sitting there watching. It felt wrong to be with two men in the same room, let alone if you would have joined in. There was something about it that made me feel unsafe and apprehensive.”

I was surprised at that sentiment. “I made you feel unsafe?”

“I don’t mean you specifically. It was the presence of two men. I just didn’t like it. I’m sorry Kyle I know you’re disappointed.”

She was right, I was disappointed. “You feel how you feel Marie. I wish you would have enjoyed it, but I appreciate you being honest with me.”

“My emotions are just raw right now and it’s hard going from talking with Jay every day to it just being over. I felt something for him. It’s hard to believe that he could just drop our relationship so fast. Give me time Kyle.”

So of course I did. It sucked, because the smirk and obvious happiness about the adventure was gone; replaced by melancholy. It got to me. I hated seeing her like this. She also felt guilt. Lots of guilt. She had trouble reconciling what she had done with how she was taught a wife “should” behave.

This is not a thing to be taken lightly, belive me. It was tough for her. More than missing Jay...and I did my best to assure her that she was perfect. I wasn’t prepared for or expecting this reaction, but in hindsight I guess I should have been.

About a month later, Marie got another message from Jay. She was ecstatic! I knew before she told me as I noticed her sexy smirk...the one she only got with Jay. Marie was brought out of her funk and she started to feel better about the whole thing. Was I happy that he texted Marie? Definitely. Was I happy with her reaction? Definitely. Was it a good thing that they started chatting again? No.

The part of hotwifing about which I have the most apprehension is that I have to give up some control over my wife’s emotions. I devote my life to Marie’s happiness. It’s fantastic when a man gets your wife feeling sexy and happy, but very frustrating when she feels sad. There’s nothing I could do except listen; she wasn’t looking for me to solve an issue and certainly not to badmouth Jay.

Don’t get me wrong, Jay could be charming and they had fun chatting. However, he started to mess with Marie’s head. They’d be mid-conversation and he’d just stop texting for a week or more. He’d be evasive about...well...everything. The thing is, it would have been so easy to give Marie what she needed. A quick text here or there to let her know she was still in his thoughts is all that would have been necessary. She was sad he didn’t text on her birthday or on Valentines Day. A quick “thinking of you” on Valentines would have meant a lot to Marie, but apparently too much trouble with Jay like it was too much for Jack (which seemed so long ago). Maybe Marie’s a little high maintenance, but just being a little considerate would have gone a long way.

He did ask her about her future plans with other men and claimed he wanted to help her with the search. Marie didn’t like that at all. Ironically considering our situation, she wanted him to want her, not to want to share her. She had me to find men if she wanted. And believe me, I tried.

Jay also had this thing where he asked Marie about the men we were considering, and he would find all the different reasons they sucked and she shouldn’t meet with them. It got so annoying I broke character and told Jay he needed to partner up and help me, not shoot down every guy I found. He didn’t take that well, and it pretty much ended our relationship.

Through my efforts, I was able to convince Marie to try a date with a new man without Jay’s involvement. Me and the new guy had chatted on kik. He was British, strikingly handsome, a venture capitalist who traveled the world, had a big cock and an amazing body. Sound too good to be true? It was. He made plans with us for dinner, said he was on his way as we sat down at the restaurant...then never showed up. Ghosted again with the same sort of crap. Marie wasn’t happy and neither was I. Once again, thanks asshole bulls! As I said, please do us all a favor and fuck off if you aren’t serious. It may be fun to get a wife riled up and ready to go, but the result is an upset wife. This obviously isn’t the first time we encountered this, but it just didn’t have to be that way.

I then tried contacting a guy a few years older than us, but after getting things started, Marie said she wasn’t interested in him. I kept searching. Marie and Jay had talked about getting together when she went to a conference. He wasn’t sure if he could, but got her excited enough that when he inevitably told he couldn’t do it, she was quite upset. The air was really starting to come out of the hotwifing balloon. However, Jay contacted Marie and told her he would be visiting again! Marie was on top of the world. They were texting each day and she was feeling sexy. I was psyched to get back into it again! As the day approached, Jay said plans had changed and couldn’t come...then proceeded to stop all contact.

That was it. Marie was done.

“I can’t do this anymore, Kyle.”

“Do you mean with Jay?”

“No Kyle, all of it. I don’t like the feeling and the whole thing isn’t for me. I know you want me to be some sort of slut, but that’s not me!”

Ouch! She was really upset. “Honey I don’t think you're a slut, I think you’re a goddess.”

She was getting more worked up, saying “Stop trying to convince me. I tried it for you, but it’s hurting my mental health and your constant pressure is too much! Can’t you just love me the way I am?”

“I do love you. I will love you regardless of whether we ever do this again. I never wanted to pressure you, so I really am sorry.”

She calmed a little bit. “I know Kyle, I’m just hurt. Can we please just drop all of this?”

Of course I agreed. I didn’t want to pressure her and always told her the decisions were hers. This was supposed to be fun and exciting exploration. It was for awhile, but unfortunately the bad outweighed the good. I hoped Marie would eventually look back at all of it with a fond memory once the sting of Jay’s behavior had passed.

It did have an effect on me though. I was sad and frustrated. I loved what all of this had done for me and for Marie. I thought she would really enjoy it, and she did, but unfortunately finding the right guy for Marie was just impossible. The fun and excitement of the future sort of faded away. Not for all of my life of course, but I can’t deny it was something I took great pleasure in. The fact that it was now over was a lot to deal with. I tried to hide it from Marie as I didn’t want her to feel guilty for her decision, but I think she noticed and was kind enough not to give me a hard time. As I looked to the future, I knew we’d have a great life together, with or without hotwifing. I needed time to process going back to normal.

Choosing the right bull makes all the difference, but it’s so difficult. Maybe if Jay would have been a better guy or if we had started with someone else, then it could have worked out. I loved it all though and I think with time Marie would agree that it was an experience we were both glad to have had, even though it ended in sadness.


Re: Hotwife, hot life.

Unread post by bubbajack » Fri Mar 13, 2020 2:54 pm

This is very moving. :|

We are mysteries to each other - which should not be surprising, since we are mysteries to ourselves. :???:

Good for you both for having had the courage to step into a new realm of experiences and for stepping back when it became hurtful. :up:

I have come to believe that in human appetites for sexual experience, (a) the tide comes in and goes out; and (b) every ebb and flow feels different from the last.

You and Marie seem to be lovely, loving people, to whom decency and non-exploitation in your dealings with others are important factors. I am very glad to have read your story. :)

These character strengths can be at odds with the motives of some who make themselves available for extramarital fun, it seems. :roll:

Too bad. I wish when the mood strikes :whip: we could all just fuck each other warmly, cheerfully and pleasantly with no hard feelings and no self-condemnation. :cool:

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