Need help with ED.......

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Need help with ED.......

Unread post by LawyerWouldbeCuckold » Sat Apr 27, 2024 8:10 am


I need some help with ED- suggestions, recommendations, even PM's with a link to a physician you trust, etc.

My last relationship (vanilla, although we had discussed the lifestyle, we never got that far) ended about a year ago.

Since then, I've done some dating, and when we get down to the main event, it's been difficult. Viagra has helped somewhat, but it's been hard (no pun intended!) to get and keep an companions have brought me off orally, so at least there is a happy ending.

But I'm concerned about not being able to have PIV sex when I'm with a woman.

Background: Currently taking a huge number of BP and heart meds. Significantly overweight (5'10" and 300 lbs) but even when I was heavy (I started to get heavy after retiring from the military in 2006) I could still get hard in a heartbeat (I would say my ED started about 2-3 years ago).

Any and all thoughts welcomed. For those of you who can PM me, with links to physicians, etc, I will maintain absolute confidentiality.

Thank you in advance.


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Re: Need help with ED.......

Unread post by Teensy1 » Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:26 am

Am on heart meds and can’t have an erection unless I have inject a needle into my soft cock. It does work and you stay hard for a good long time. I discovered that remedy after my wife and I agreed that she should have the option of cuckolding me to get the penetration that I couldn’t provide. By the time I solved my ED problem she had been a hotwife for several months and wanted to stay in the lifestyle.

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Re: Need help with ED.......

Unread post by mundyman » Sat Apr 27, 2024 10:33 am

I think the best ED fix right now would be to lose weight, get in shape, and off those meds.

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Re: Need help with ED.......

Unread post by MartasBoy » Mon Apr 29, 2024 1:26 am

LawyerWouldbeCuckold wrote:
Sat Apr 27, 2024 8:10 am

I need some help with ED- suggestions,....

Background: Currently taking a huge number of BP and heart meds. Significantly overweight (5'10" and 300 lbs) but even when I was heavy (I started to get heavy after retiring from the military in 2006) I could still get hard in a heartbeat.....

Thank you in advance.

That is significantly overweight. And being significantly overweight can cause a significant decrease in testosterone level. Testosterone replacement therapy, and boner pills like viagra, levitra, and cialis, can help, but nothing works as well as losing weight. Boner pills just work by increasing blood flow to the penis. They do not increase testosterone levels. If your testosterone levels are low due to the excess weight, boner pills won't be very effective.

And as you probably know, losing weight requires a significant change in lifestyle. A combination of increased activity, and decreased calorie intake works best.

If you were in the military, you know what they did to get you in shape. You also had your annual fitness test. You have experience in this. You know what you need to do. If you want to get a normal life back, and a normal sex life, you need to summon the motivation to do what you know you must do.

I have had the best success in weight loss, by cutting out all alcohol and sweets, reducing unnecessary carbs and maintaining good low fat protein intake. Grilled boneless chicken breasts and steamed green vegetables can be the best meals for weight loss.

Take brisk walks twice a day. Work up to running when you lose enough weight that you can start doing that. An exercise bike, treadmill, or elliptical machine at home or at the gym can help. You can find lots of used inexpensive exercise bikes online, like fb Marketplace. An excercycle can be a great way to burn calories, without having stress to your knees and other joints.

As you lose weight and get in better physical shape, your testosterone level will increase, and the erection pills can start doing their job.
Good luck.

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Re: Need help with ED.......

Unread post by starlight69 » Mon Apr 29, 2024 2:27 am

Martasboy is spot on. I would give another piece of advice that will indefinitely help. Clearly, when you left the military, where you probably saw and heard traumatic things, you either went onto law school or entered into the profession of law. Ridiculously stressful. My guess is that you stress eat, or at least did. Also, the more weight you gained, the less motivated to do the work to lose it became because it feels overwhelming.

I would suggest getting a therapist. The weight loss is a worthy undertaking, but about a 5 year project of complete life change. Assessing all the things that bring you stress and coming up with new patterns and processes to deal with those things is of paramount importance if you are going to make this work. YOu have to truly decide whether you have the grit for this and then invest accordingly in the project. YOu have already tried the shortcuts. Get a personal trainer to work long term. Invest financially to get the results.

All the best

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Re: Need help with ED.......

Unread post by johntigger1469 » Mon Apr 29, 2024 2:28 am

The vast majority of ED cases are caused by atherosclerotic plaque build up in your arteries. Arteries running to your penis are about 1mm in diameter...heart and brain, 4-5 mm. Your ED is an early warning sign of heart disease and stroke risk. Eventually, you won't be able to medicate your way out of this...your lifelong solution is a permanent change to your dietary pattern.

Now, at 44, I now follow a WFPB dietary pattern (have for 8 months now). Legumes, whole grains, fruits, vegetable, seeds, nuts, tubers, mushrooms...this is me, and at 5'7, I tip the scale at 119 (I've been 200 twice in my life as a former standard American eater). My BP, cholesterol, bodyfat %, and A1C are perfect, and my energy levels are through the roof. I don't smoke, I only now occasionally drink, and my flag can be raised with the snap of my fingers.

Depending on where you live, I'd recommend finding a lifestyle medicine doctor who can incorporate proper nutrition into your treatment pattern. Good luck.

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Re: Need help with ED.......

Unread post by coastalover » Mon Apr 29, 2024 4:39 am

I have previously written much of what has been said in this post. I am 11 years into this journey and will turn 80 at the end o the year. In addition to having the problems of weight, stress,"poor diet", and lazy lifestyle, I have severe pulmonary fibrosis. This past year I managed penetration on two occasions with my current girlfriend who is going to be 77. That should give some of you youngsters a little hope.
Back in the day no one knew what we now have access to worldwide in the privacy of our home. The best path isn't always easy and you have to be careful who you listen to.
Trying to get you body as good as you can is a start. What surprised me was the number of basic hormones, and chemical functions that decrease when you age. Some of that is the abuse we heap on our own body. Testosterone is the most talked about decline, NO (nitric oxide) is hardly mentioned and controls more funtions because it singles every cell to do what it needs to at the right time, and it dissipates due to the destruction of the endotheleum because of dietary abuse
Sugar continues to show up as number one abuser and that means carbs and even some vegetables. Understanding your metabolic processes is key. It will help you spot the scams. A good functional medicine doctor is helpful.
If the pandemic taught you anything it is believe half of what you read and less what you hear.Check the source. The government is probably the worst source of information because it always has an agenda. It always did.

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Re: Need help with ED.......

Unread post by luvymayfly2 » Mon Apr 29, 2024 3:40 pm

I'd highly recommend going on semaglutide. Learn portion control. If you want to take things further then look at Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn. That will get your arteries in the best shape possible. Work with a trainer. See an endocrinologist. They are the best at treating hypertension and hormone issues. Age and weight are battles. I'm there too. Good luck.

If you go on Cialis or Viagra then get it from Mark Cuban's discount pharmacy. The pills run about $6 for 30. Much, much cheaper than anywhere else.

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Re: Need help with ED.......

Unread post by FloridaFriend4u » Mon Apr 29, 2024 9:04 pm

Hi LWBC,  
I'm dealing with the same problem. My ED is diabetes related. I've been borderline for some time.  Recently I went way over the line along with my A1C. My doctor put me on metformin and ozempic and I test my blood sugar every day. My A1C has come down. I went to nutrition classes, and physician assistants checked on me all the time. I've also joined Planet Fitness trying to get rid of at least 15 pounds of belly fat. Exercise, Diet and hopefully getting off all those meds are my primary focus.

Needless to say erections had disappeared. 10 years ago I started taking 25mg of Viagra and it worked wonders. A few years later, it was 50mg, then 100mg, and today, it's not enough for penetration. My primary had me switch from Sildenafil (Viagra) to Vardenafil (Levitra). She said it would provide stronger erections and it did. I also started using a penis pump in combo with Vardenafil, which made penetration possible, not perfect, but better. I almost forgot I started taking testosterone to boost my low levels.

I found a number of articles on-line about using sildenafil with vacuum erection device therapy, as they refer to it. Here's one of them.

The most difficult part was having a heart to heart talk with my gf. Luckily for me, she always preferred oral sex over penetration and I happily obliged. She said oral sex gave her the strongest orgasms. But, I couldn't hide the truth about my condition forever. Having read the forum for sometime, I knew the story of 2inUPMichigan and her husband's medical issue. I thought about it long and hard, before making a similar offer to my gf. I knew she had an ex-bf before me who still emails her from time to time, and would date her in a heartbeat, even though she rarely responds to him. Her reaction to my offer was not shock but rather, a deeply saddened look in her eyes. She said she could never do that. She asked if I could really deal with her leaving me to spend an evening with someone else. I looked at her silently for what seemed like forever, before finally saying no. We hugged and kissed and cried. She said we'll get some toys, and have some fun. So, not every story ends with the birth of a hotwife, or cuckoldress. Our love for each other has only grown stronger and we are having a lot of fun in and out of bed.

Finally, I said if none of these steps are sufficient, I would consider shockwave therapy and a penile implant.
Good Luck.

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Re: Need help with ED.......

Unread post by iloanmywife » Tue Apr 30, 2024 5:38 am

All great advice in this thread. You already know that the #1 thing you can do is to focus on your own health, which is so much easier said than done. Exercise and healthy diet can address a host of ills. Not sure if anyone mentioned it, but I assume that you're already talking with your doctor.

For some short term help while you work on yourself, try a cock ring. If you've never used one, a cock ring provides "mechanical" support for achieving and maintaining an erection. A properly fitting ring and a dose of your preferred ED med may do the trick, giving both chemical and mechanical support.

If you're exploring cock rings for the first time, I strongly recommend experimenting with a set of cheap plastic sizing rings that some chastity manufacturers sell. I measured myself dozens of times with the string method or a sewing measuring tape, but it wasn't until I tried wearing a sizing ring for a few hours (then days) at a time that I was able to find the correct size for me. Too small and it's a tourniquet, too large and it's useless. After you confirm fit with a disposable ring you can order a custom ergonomic cock ring. PM me if you want specific shops.

Also, I recommend using GoodRx when shopping meds. GoodRx compares about 70 thousand pharmacies to show you the best deal at any point in time. My doctor recommended it to me and I've found it to be indispensable.
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Re: Need help with ED.......

Unread post by 1999 » Tue Apr 30, 2024 8:38 am

More heart meds here, but I’m not seriously overweight (we could all lose a few pounds, right?) and I’m reasonably active. They meds I’m on mean I can get an erection, but it’s not as hard as it used to be and is hard to sustain - a description I saw online was “it’s like trying to pump up a bicycle tire with a hole in it”.

I think the difference with me is, as backwards as it seems, I find the idea of not being able to sustain an erection, and by extension not being able to satisfy my wife, quite a turn on. In think I subconsciously see it as a reason for her to cuck me. She’s mentioned that she can tell I’m not as hard as I used to be, but I’m not sure there’s an easy way to tell her I WANT her to tell me how bad the sex is now and that she’s going to find someone to do better.

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Re: Need help with ED.......

Unread post by LawyerWouldbeCuckold » Fri May 03, 2024 1:27 pm

I appreciate all of the guidance that I have received both on this thread and privately.

I'm dealing with a few other issues that require I put the ED thing on the back burner, but I will try to incorporate a number of suggestions that people have given me.

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Re: Need help with ED.......

Unread post by MartasBoy » Fri May 03, 2024 8:27 pm

LawyerWouldbeCuckold wrote:
Fri May 03, 2024 1:27 pm
I appreciate all of the guidance that I have received both on this thread and privately.

I'm dealing with a few other issues that require I put the ED thing on the back burner, but I will try to incorporate a number of suggestions that people have given me.
I wish you the best of luck, buddy. All of those things are difficult. Getting older, dealing with weight gain, and trying to do weight loss, and managing medications for things like high blood pressure. I wish you the best.

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Re: Need help with ED.......

Unread post by LawyerWouldbeCuckold » Sun May 05, 2024 8:40 am

MartasBoy wrote:
Fri May 03, 2024 8:27 pm
LawyerWouldbeCuckold wrote:
Fri May 03, 2024 1:27 pm
I appreciate all of the guidance that I have received both on this thread and privately.

I'm dealing with a few other issues that require I put the ED thing on the back burner, but I will try to incorporate a number of suggestions that people have given me.
I wish you the best of luck, buddy. All of those things are difficult. Getting older, dealing with weight gain, and trying to do weight loss, and managing medications for things like high blood pressure. I wish you the best.
Thank you.

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Re: Need help with ED.......

Unread post by Tryagain » Mon May 06, 2024 8:35 am

yeah...the advice here has been good but, unless i missed it by doing a quick scan, no one mentioned a penile implant. For serious cases of ED, that is the ONLY method that actually works all the time. Anything else that may work will eventually stop working. In fact, it works so well it is better than many guys erections when they were young.

Don't be afraid to at least explore this option which is covered by insurance.

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