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Cuckold dreaming!

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 3:32 pm
by ChrisCuck
Hey. I'm Chris (not my real name for privacy reasons). I'm new here. I've lurked a little though before joining.

My girlfriend Amanda (that's not her real name either) and I are both 18 years old. We've been a couple since high school. We're both going to the same college now. It's our freshman year. Worst possible time to start college, huh? With all this covid stuff that's going on. College isn't looking to be as fun as I'd hoped. But, I'm trying to make the most of things.

The college Amanda and I go to is close to home. Like 45 minutes to an hour drive. It's a decent enough public college and it's basically where most people in the region end up going. The college gets some folks from other parts of the state too. But, it's mostly us locals. Rural folk. Not like everyone's from a farming family, but we're rural folk all the same. A lot of students live at home and make the drive daily in their pickup trucks. Especially now with covid, there's less students in the dorms than normal. But, Amanda is in the dorms. She shares a room with one person. My buddy Steve and I found a large studio apartment next to the campus. It may be one room, but it's a big room. Bigger than a dorm room for sure. And we have our own private bathroom and kitchen. It's cheaper than a dorm too. Amanda's parents can afford to pay for her dorm. Steve and I only get so much help from our parents, so we're paying for the apartment ourselves with part time work.

Steve is good about being gone when Amanda and I want some alone time. But, between school, work, and not wanting to inconvenience Steve too much, I don't have as much alone time with Amanda as I'd like.

The reality is that I wish Amanda would have some alone time with another guy! It's been a fantasy of mine since high school. But, I've never said a word about it to Amanda. I always choke whenever I feel like I might finally tell her. Amanda has never been with any other guy besides me and hasn't shown any interest either. She'd dated other guys before me, but had always stopped short of anything too much heavier than kissing. She's on the conservative side, like most of the folks around here. Christian upbringing, but not super religious though. Obviously she's okay with premarital sex. I didn't pressure her into it either. And she seems to really enjoy it too! She may not be sexually adventurous, but there's nothing in particular that I feel a burning desire to try out with her. All my fantasies revolve around her being with another guy.

I've promised myself I'm going to finally to come clean with Amanda sometime this semester. Tell her I think she should try out another guy. I'd love to watch and participate, but I'll take whatever I can get. Which may end up being nothing more than her being offended for me suggesting it. But, I still gotta give it a try. No pressuring, no nagging. Just come clean. Besides, it's only exciting if she wants it.

So why am I posting this in the cuckold section? Well, I may never get to live out some of the crazy things I've read on here, but the cuckold stuff really gets my dick hard. I'd love a situation where Amanda is free to fuck any guy she wants, but I have to stay faithful. I like the humiliation side of things too. At least I think I do. I don't mean like turning Amanda into a dominatrix. More like her enjoying sex more with other guys than me. I think I'd really like it if that happened. Also, my dick is below average. Only 5 inches when hard. It's a fantasy of mine that Amanda gets with a big dicked guy who I don't even come close to competing with in that department!

But, first thing's first. I have to work up the nerve to tell her and do it in a way that she's not offended by.

Re: Cuckold dreaming!

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 3:08 pm
by ChrisCuck
I felt like such a pussy after my last post. All these dudes on here who are living the dream, but me too scared to even mention one single word to Amanda about my fantasy. I really thought about what's the worst thing that could happen? Amanda says she's not interested? Maybe gets offended and I have to apologize? Not such a big deal, really.

So I did it! I told her yesterday! We had my apartment to ourselves after we were done with our classes. We had just made love and were cuddling naked in my bed.

You know how sometimes after sex you just wanna pass out, but other times you're just feeling really chatty? Amanda and I were both feeling chatty. Just talking about all sorts of stuff. I was feeling so close to her, like I could tell her just about anything. Maybe this was finally the perfect moment, I thought! I was ready!

"Hey, can I ask you something?"

"You have to ask me first if you can ask me?" Amanda joked with me.

"Okay then, it's just that we don't really talk much about sex. My question is a sex question. So, I was wondering, what's your biggest sexual fantasy? Anything you've really wanted to try, but were too shy to tell me?"

"You really want to know?"

"Yeah, I do!"

My plan was for Amanda to tell me her biggest fantasy, which I expected to be pretty basic, and then I'd tell her mine!

"Okay, but you go first!" Amanda was playing along, she was even smiling.

I didn't want to go first though! Fuck it, I thought.

"This may sound crazy, but I feel bad that I'm the only guy you've ever been with. I started really thinking about it and how unfair that is. After thinking about it, I realized that the idea of you being with another guy didn't make me jealous. It actually turned out to be kind of a turn on imagining you with another dude. So I looked it up online and found out it's actually pretty normal for some men to imagine their girlfriends with other guys. And it wouldn't be a bad thing if you had a little bit of experience other than being with just me. It's an exciting idea actually. It's even become my biggest fantasy. Oh wow! I'm kind of embarrassed though telling you all of this. Okay! Your turn! What's your biggest fantasy?"

I was praying I hadn't offended Amanda and that the conversation would just keep going on like I hadn't laid some huge bombshell.

"My biggest, and probably only fantasy, is the same thing. Being with another guy."

What the fuck just happened? That wasn't supposed to be Amanda's answer! I'd mostly expected her to be weirded out and maybe even to tell me off!

"For real?" I asked her, making sure she wasn't joking or being sarcastic.

"Well, yeah. Of course I'm curious. I won't say that I regret not having any experiences before you, because I wasn't ready to back then. But, now that I'm comfortable with sex, of course I wonder what it would be like to have it with someone else. It's too bad it can't happen though."

"Why can't it? If I was okay with it, then why couldn't it? We could we maybe have a threesome with somebody?"

"There's lots of reasons. For one, I don't want a threesome. It would be weird to have you there. No offense. Plus, I'd have to be really comfortable with the guy. Go on a few dates with him first. Then let it happen naturally. Not force it. Not invite some friend of yours over and tell him to just go ahead and stick it in me while you watch and then he watches while you take your turn. And then your friend turns around and tells people and ruins my reputation over a threesome I didn't really want in the first place! College is supposed to be getting away from high school and being an adult, but it's just mostly the same people we went to high school with. Same gossip. Same pressures."

"It doesn't have to be a threesome. If you want to try being non-exclusive and see what it's like dating other people, I'd be okay with that."

"Sure you would. You'd get to have other women and not have your reputation ruined because you're a guy. I'd be labeled a slut. Do you know how mean women can be to each other, Chris? You remember Brenda? Of course you do, because you had sex with her before you and I were a couple. Brenda had a reputation. Us girls were so mean to her because of that. I was mean to her too. Brenda's going to school on the other side of the state to get away from us bitches. I feel terrible about it now, of course. I even apologized to her face this past summer and we both cried about it and made up. But, no one else apologized. I can't afford to get a reputation like Brenda did. To be ostracized. And if you think word wouldn't get to my parents that you and I are in an open relationship and that I'm sleeping around, when they live so close by, you're kidding yourself."

The conversation had turned sour.

"Hey, I didn't mean to upset you. For what it's worth, I wasn't even thinking about me seeing anyone else. I only wanted for you to be able to experience being with another guy. And now that I know that you want it too, I guess I just feel like we could probably come up with a good solution."

"Like what?" Amanda asked skeptically.

I suddenly had an idea!

"What if we pretend to break up? Tell everyone that we're no longer a couple! I mean everyone! Our friends, our families, change our social media statuses! We'd also make a big show of how we've decided to still be friends, best friends who still like to hang out! No one would be suspicious of us spending time together if we did this right way. No kissing or holding hands in public. Only ever behaving as friends whenever anyone else was around."

"What about Steve? You couldn't ask him to stay away from the apartment anymore just because I'm over. Otherwise he's going to know."

"We'll only have sex when we 100% for sure know Steve's in class or at work. We'll be careful to cover our tracks. Never leave any evidence of sex behind! Never be affectionate in front of him. If we can convince Steve that we've broken up and are just friends, then for sure everyone else will be convinced!"

"And you really won't see anybody else while we're pretending to be broken up?"

"I promise!" I replied. "The rules are that I stay 100% faithful to you, but you get to date around."

"You're still missing the point," Amanda replied. "I don't want to date around. Of course I'd go out on dates to get to know guys. That's what single girls do. But, my goal would be finding a guy who I like and who I'm comfortable with and then dating only him. Like a boyfriend. My reputation would be intact. But, it's not just my reputation. I'm genuinely not comfortable with casual sex. I want romance. I need to be romantically involved in order to have sex with a guy. Would you be okay with that? Giving me space to experience that, but not to see anyone else yourself while I take time to see what it's like to be with another guy?"

"But, you and I would still be together secretly, right?"

"Yeah. You'd be my secret boyfriend. But, as far as everyone else is concerned, I'd be the other guy's girl. And then when the relationship with the other guy runs its course, you and I can officially get back together and go back to being a couple in public. That's the only way I could see myself doing this. I want to experience a real romantic relationship."

"Well, if that's the only way, then that's the only way!" I said confidently, as though I was 100% sure. I was ready to agree to any conditions, whatever it took to get Amanda to be with another guy!

Amanda noticed my erection had come back already so soon after sex.

"You're horny again real quick! Want to have another round? I'm definitely in the mood! This conversation is making me wet all over again!"

I slid my cock back inside Amanda and had the best sex of my life! Of course I was thinking about her having sex with another guy. Not a specific guy. Just some unknown guy with a big dick who Amanda had yet to meet!

Amanda and I talked some more after our second round of sex.

"So are we really going through with this?" Amanda asked me as I held her.

"Yeah, I think we are."

"There are a lot of what ifs we should be prepared for."

"Like what?"

"What if I like sex better with the other guy? What if it gets serious? What if I fall in love? What if this causes you and I to break up for real?"

"I don't want to break up for real."

"Me neither. I'm just saying it could happen. Either one of us might decide we don't want things to go back to normal. But it's worth the risk, I think. I don't know if you think about the future, like if someday you want us to get married. I think about stuff like that and I don't want to get married without ever having experienced another relationship. It just seems like a recipe for second thoughts. Do you know what I mean?"

"I do. I can definitely see us being married one day. But, when we're both ready. If the only way you'll be ready is to see what it's like being in a relationship with another guy, then that tells me that we should definitely do this. The only other option is to break up for real and we both just agreed that neither of us wants that."

"True. Wow! I guess we're really doing this! So when should we pretend to break up? Should we wait a week or two? Think about this and talk about it some more?"

If I hadn't just had sex with Amanda twice in a row, I'd have had another raging hard on! I didn't want to wait! I didn't want Amanda to change her mind!

"What's there to think about?" I asked. "We pretty much talked it all through. Are you scared?"

"A little bit."

"Don't be. I'll still be your boyfriend, just secretly. Nothing's going to change between us in private. At least for now. Plus, who knows how long it'll be before you even meet someone you want to pursue a relationship with? There's no guarantee that you'll even meet someone you like. But, the sooner you put yourself out there as being single, the more opportunity you'll have. You'll have the next four years to just go at your own pace."

"Yeah. So, now what? Just start telling people right away that we're broken up?"

"Grab your phone. Let's change our statuses to single."

Amanda and I updated our statuses.

"Now let's post something. I think you should be the one to post the announcement and tag me in it."

"What should I say?" Amanda wondered.

"Want me to type it? And you edit it before posting?"


So here's what we came up with:

"I'm posting this because I'd rather you hear it from me first than to find out second hand. Chris and I have just broken up. It's nothing bad. We just realized our high school romance had run its course. We're in college now and becoming more mature and we basically have to face that we were meant to be friends and not boyfriend and girlfriend. I consider Chris my best friend. And I know he feels the same about me. He and I are both on the same page about this. Neither one of us wronged the other, so please don't gossip or take sides. I can't imagine not spending time with Chris. So expect to see him and I hanging out like normal, but as friends instead of as a couple. Honestly, we've already been closer to being just friends than being a couple for a while now. Now we're just making it official."

Amanda posted her status and I clicked the like button on my phone.

The comments are still coming today. But, all of them are kind and supportive.

I saw Amanda on campus today and we grabbed some food in the cafeteria.

We ended up sitting with friends, so we couldn't talk freely. But, when we had a moment of privacy, I smiled and commented, "so far, so good!"

"So far, so good, my secret boyfriend," was her reply.

After I post this, I'm going to go masturbate. Probably more than once!

It's just a matter of time now before Amanda has sex with another guy. All I gotta do is sit back and be patient! I hope she gets asked out soon though. Just the idea of her on a date with another guy, even if there is no sex, is exciting!

Thanks to the guys whose real life stories gave me the courage to tell Amanda my fantasy. I know I lucked out at how easy it was once I started the conversation. I hope everything else goes as easy!

Re: Cuckold dreaming!

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 4:38 am
by pixwellguy
Welcome Chris - as you'll find by reading here, you're not alone in your desires or in your questions. There are many men who would like their wives/GF's to see other men, but don't know how to move in that direction. I will say you may be younger than most who want this, but there's nothing wrong with that.

Role playing or MFM porn watching is one way to get the conversation started. See if she'll fantasize about being with someone very un-real to start with...favorite actor/singer, whatever. Show her that excites you and you like the idea. Move on from there, but slowly...remember, what you're asking of her is probably a huge "no way" in her mind. It will take time and lots of communication. Good Luck!

Re: Cuckold dreaming!

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2020 5:14 am
by 2inUPMichigan
Welcome to OHW ChrisCuck

Re: Cuckold dreaming!

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 11:16 am
by ChrisCuck
pixwellguy wrote:
Wed Sep 16, 2020 4:38 am
Welcome Chris - as you'll find by reading here, you're not alone in your desires or in your questions. There are many men who would like their wives/GF's to see other men, but don't know how to move in that direction. I will say you may be younger than most who want this, but there's nothing wrong with that.

Role playing or MFM porn watching is one way to get the conversation started. See if she'll fantasize about being with someone very un-real to start with...favorite actor/singer, whatever. Show her that excites you and you like the idea. Move on from there, but slowly...remember, what you're asking of her is probably a huge "no way" in her mind. It will take time and lots of communication. Good Luck!
It looks like our posts crossed while the moderators were still in the process of approving mine. Do they do that for every post? Or just for posts by newbies? Anyhow, thanks for the advice! Luckily, I ended up just telling her and she went for it! She hasn't had sex with anyone else yet, but we're on our way! Not like I expected though. We're pretending to be broken up so she can date openly. Maybe not exactly the ideal way to do it, I admit. But, it seemed like the only solution to deal with Amanda's concerns.
2inUPMichigan wrote:
Thu Sep 17, 2020 5:14 am
Welcome to OHW ChrisCuck

So, Amanda and I finally had sex for the first time since becoming a secret couple!

The fact that Amanda and I were now a secret couple made the sex even better! Like we were doing something naughy! It had to be timed perfectly around mine, Amanda, and Steve's schedules. I no longer had the luxury of asking Steve to stay out a little longer if needed. It was exciting! I appreciated Amanda more too! Her slender body, with her above average, but firm breasts! Her snug, but accommodating pussy! Her perfect ass that is so fun to grab during sex! Some other guy would be enjoying all of this at some point! A very lucky guy!

After sex Amanda and I talked and cuddled. No one had asked her out yet, but it was still way too early to expect anything. Besides, Amanda said it would look bad to immediately be seen on a date with another guy just a few days after publicly breaking up with me. On the upside, there are some guys in some of her classes who might be prospects. It's just a matter of being patient.

"I gotta warn you," I told Amanda with a smile.

"What about?"

"Odds are that any of those guys have a bigger dick than me. I nevet mentioned this before, but my dick is actually below average in size."

Amanda burst out laughing!

"I'm just saying," I continued. "All you've ever had was mine. I just want you to be prepared. So you don't get scared when you're suddenly faced with a much bigger one."

"Well, thank you!" Amanda was still laughing. "Don't worry. I already figured you were smaller than normal down there. Just because I don't have firsthand experience with other guys, doesn't mean I don't know things. So, wanna go for another round, my little-dicked secret boyfriend?"

Amanda had never once teased me like that before! I didn't know what got into her! In hindsight, I was obviously egging her on and she just went along with it. But, in that moment, being referred to as her "little-dicked secret boyfriend" was both shocking and the best possible thing that Amanda could have called me. Better than honey or sweetie or anything like that!

We had another round of sex and it was great!

I'm feeling pretty good about everything so far! Hopefully there will be more to report soon. Maybe one of these guys from her classes will ask her out soon! I sure hope so!

Re: Cuckold dreaming!

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 4:36 pm
This is an interesting read please continue.
Could you describe Amanda

Re: Cuckold dreaming!

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 10:28 pm
by memo5_bebo
So hot post and great writing, i wish to be in your situation

Re: Cuckold dreaming!

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 1:44 pm
by ChrisCuck
OZCPL wrote:
Sat Sep 19, 2020 4:36 pm
This is an interesting read please continue.
Could you describe Amanda
Do you know who Emma Roberts is? Amanda reminds me of her, but brunette instead of blonde and also bigger boobs.
memo5_bebo wrote:
Sat Sep 19, 2020 10:28 pm
So hot post and great writing, i wish to be in your situation
Thanks. I am feeling pretty lucky. I just need to be patient. It's only a matter of time before Amanda finally experiences another guy.

Re: Cuckold dreaming!

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 5:39 pm
by Anders86
Hey Chris any updates?

Re: Cuckold dreaming!

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:48 am
by ChrisCuck
Anders86 wrote:
Wed Oct 07, 2020 5:39 pm
Hey Chris any updates?

Amanda and I have kept sneaking around without any problem. As far as we can tell, everyone has accepted the idea that we're just friends now. We've been extra careful not to show the slightest bit of physical affection in public and we've left no signs of sex behind for my roommate Steve to find. As long as Steve is convinced that Amanda and I are broken up, we know our plan of being a secret couple is working.

And now there's finally a new development!

Amanda has finally been asked out on a date! The guy's name is Matt. He's in two of Amanda's classes.

It was the best news ever when Amanda told me back at my apartment a couple days ago!

"So Matt asked me out!" she bragged with a huge smile.

"Matt from class, right? That's great! Did you say yes?"

"Of course I said yes! He's way hot and I've been crushing on him since college started!"

"Is he hotter than me?" I asked, making sure not to sound the least bit threatened. "Be honest. After going to the trouble to pretend to be broken up so you can date other guys, I'm really hoping you think Matt is either as good looking or better looking than me."

"Don't worry, he is!" Amanda said, laughing.

"So which is it?" I asked, teasing. "Equal to, or better looking?"

"You're so weird. You really want me to admit that I think Matt is hotter than you?"

"Only if he really is." I answered with a grin.

"Fine, I'll admit it! Matt is definitely hotter than you! I still think you're pretty hot though, Chris."

"I know you do," I said, appreciating Amanda's assurance, but glad to know Matt already had points over me physically. Actually, I already knew that Matt was hotter because I'd already seen what Matt looks like. I'm in one of those two classes that he shares with Amanda. Matt is taller, more built, and better looking than me. But, it's one thing to know it and have it be unspoken. It was a whole other thing to have Amanda admit that she finds Matt more attractive than me!

"So what are you doing for your date?"

"What is there to do these days? Grab some food at one of the restaurants that's actually open? Maybe even just do cafeteria food? Go for a walk?"

"Not everything in town is closed. Bowling is an option, so long as you can get a lane with the every other lane policy the alley has now. The pool hall is also open. There's some other stuff too."

"Yeah, maybe."

"Well, I hope you have a great date! When are you doing it?"


"Great! It's happening soon then!"

"Geez! You're more excited than I am! I can even tell you've got an erection under your jeans!"

"I think we should do something about that in a moment!"

"Yes, we should!" Amanda agreed.

"But, first tell me more about Matt. He's not a local, right?"

"Right. He'd never even been to the area before starting college."

"Is he in a dorm? Or does he have a place off campus?"


"Any roommates?"

"Just one. They're not doing more than two roommates per room anymore, remember? Pandemic, duh!"

"Oh, yeah. Well, if the two of you hit it off, it shouldn't be too hard for Matt to arrange for some privacy whenever it gets to that point."

"We haven't even had our first date yet!" Amanda was laughing. "You're ready for me to have sex with Matt even before I know if I am! How did I end up with such a perv?"

"Got lucky, I guess," I joked.

"Yeah, I am pretty lucky. I mean, you've agreed to be faithful while I date around. That really is very lucky of me."

"It's nice to be appreciated!" I said, feeling good that Amanda was happy with me and my cuckold disposition.

"How about I give that little dick of yours some appreciation now?" Amanda asked. Amanda had been enjoying teasing me about my penis size ever since my last post. It's become a regular thing now! And I love it!

After we got naked and I was finally inside of her, Amanda decided to tease me some more.

"It's in all the way, right?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"Okay. It's so tiny, I wasn't sure."

And that just made me want to fuck Amanda even more intensely, which she really enjoyed!

"I love when you fuck me like that!" Amanda said afterward. "Ever since we became a secret couple, sex between us is so much better!"

"I feel the same. Having to sneak around, knowing you're fair game now for other guys. It's such a turn-on for me! I can't wait to hear about your first date with Matt! I really do hope you have a great time!"

So, today is the big day! This evening, while I'm at work, my secret girlfriend Amanda will be on her date with Matt!

By the way. I feel like my posts are pretty long. And if I keep posting more updates, then this thread will read more like a story than just a regular thread. Is that okay? Should I be in the library part of the website or does it not matter?

Re: Cuckold dreaming!

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 12:28 pm
by Anders86
Great update. Hope we’ll get a new shortly to hear about Amanda’s date.
And the length is good, you write so good it doesn’t feel that long when I read it.

Re: Cuckold dreaming!

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 1:15 pm
by afagehi7
If it's a true story then keep it here. If it's a fantasy thread go to the library. If you want to post pictures go-to the hotties.

Re: Cuckold dreaming!

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 5:51 pm
by lonelyhubby
Definitely appreciate more detail than less, so feel free to give us long updates. Any thoughts of posting some Amanda pics with her face blurred or blacked out in the hotties section?

Re: Cuckold dreaming!

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 10:21 am
by Fred_Garvin
I can't wait to hear how Amanda's date went.

This may become my new favorite thread.

Re: Cuckold dreaming!

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 11:18 am
by ChrisCuck
While I was at work yesterday evening, I couldn't stop thinking about Amanda's date!

I promised myself I wouldn't bother Amanda by sending her any texts while she was out on her date. Not that I should be texting at work anyhow (though my boss is fine with occasional texting as long as I don't overdo it).

But, Amanda texted me instead!

"Hey. I can't really text you updates because I don't want to be rude to Matt by paying attention to my phone instead of to him. But, I just want you to know it's going really well so far. I promise to message you after the date."

It felt so good knowing that Amanda's date was going well! But, at the same time, I was jealous. I knew that I might feel that way, so I'd prepared myself for it by expecting to feel jealous. I know it sounds weird. Like why would I want my girl to go out with another guy if I was expecting to be jealous about it? But, expecting to feel jealous ahead of time actually helped a lot. When that feeling came, it was as if everything was going according to plan. I was jealous just like I'd planned to be. And that made the feeling okay. I could then focus on the excitement of Amanda's date instead of having to be distracted by dealing with the surprise of unplanned jealousy.

Amanda's date ended around the time I was wrapping up my shift at work.

Amanda messaged me: "My date's over. I'm back at my dorm. Matt and I ended up going to the diner. We really clicked and were having such a great time that we wanted to keep the date going. We tried the bowling alley, but the lanes were all booked. We stuck around the alley for a little bit and played some pinball. Then Matt walked me back to my dorm. We took our time getting back. He kissed me as we were saying goodbye. I kissed him back and it turned into making out. But, nothing too crazy cause I didn't want to put on a show for anyone who might be coming or going. I felt his erection press against me while we were making out. He didn't do it on purpose. I was the one who pulled him in closer when we had our arms around each other. I can't tell you exactly how big he is down there just from that. But, he's definitely bigger than you! That much I'm sure of. Lol."

"Most guys are. Lol." I messaged back. "I'm glad you had a nice time. Are you going to see him again?"

"Isn't that obvious? Lol. Of course I am!"


"Anyway, I'm tired. I'm going to go to bed. Good night, my little dicked secret boyfriend. I love you!"

"I love you too!"

When I got back to my apartment, I locked myself in the bathroom and jerked off. Jerking off had never felt so good before! I did start to feel jealous again after jerking off, but I just reminded myself again that it was all a part of the plan. I then went to bed.

Re: Cuckold dreaming!

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 11:41 am
by aniceguy77
Awesome update to your story and congratulations!

I remember that jealousy and how fiercely it can burn. It sounds like you handled it amazingly and you should be very proud!

It is so cool that she is a part of your SPH and knew to show the guy the proper attention during her date. You guys are quite the match! :up: :up:

Re: Cuckold dreaming!

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 2:51 pm
by SailorGuy
This reminds me of when my wife was first with her lover. We never really expected my fantasy to become a reality, so when it actually happened and then continued into a relationship were both pleased and surprised. Her lover was ( and still is ) a neighbor and a longtime casual friend who had recently divorced. Since he knew us a bit he naturally wondered if my wife was suddenly having sex with him because we were having marital troubles.
My wife told me he asked her about this; back then we didn't yet know about "hotwifing" and "cuckolding". But we did know the term "open marriage", and so she told him just that: we had an open marriage. And, at first, she told him I didn't know about their affair.
This was racy hot for me. Whenever he and his wife and kid came over for dinner ( the two though divorced were on reasonable terms with each other for their kid's sake ) along with a few other neighbors he would look at me with a certain " I'm fucking your wife " look, while I played innocent and just reveled in this "secrecy". He's an Alpha kind of guy, physically superior in every way to me. No doubt he thought he was superior to me, but he didn't know I was loving this.

Of course one of the first questions I asked my wife after her first time with him was how big his cock was. She told me: at least double the size of mine! Almost 10 inches?? OMG
I told my wife to feel free to tell him how much bigger he was than her husband, how much better in bed, etc. And it was no lie. He IS way bigger and much better in bed than I ever was with her.
After a few months my wife didn't feel comfortable with this storyline; she wanted to tell him the truth. She and he arranged for the two of us to go over to his house for a soak in his outdoor hot tub. I have written about this night several times in this forum; here just let me say with the three of us alone together in that bubbling hot water we cemented our cuckolded dynamic. He let me gaze upon his strong masculine form, including his damn-fine huge cock. I in turn showed him my little thing. My wife watched all this in awe and in silence. Then, apparently satisfied, this Alpha then took my wife's hand and led her out of the water and across the deck and into his house. My wife slid the glass door behind her and locked it. They disappeared into the house, leaving me alone in the tub holding my little 4" erection. A moment later an upstairs light came on; his bedroom. I saw them embracing and kissing. It was all I could do to hastily towel myself off, dress and run back to our house. I quickly stripped and jumped into bed and rubbed my urgent erection to a smoldering orgasm in less than a minute.
No sex with my wife since then, now about 12 years. This man is my wife's exclusive lover, and I couldn't be more thrilled.

Re: Cuckold dreaming!

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 5:46 pm
by hwc
Can't waif for an update on how things are going! What an exciting story so far!

Re: Cuckold dreaming!

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 9:11 pm
by chastityboi
hey ChrisCuck loving this thread. Very interesting dynamic going on here that could head off in any number of different directions. Especially liking the secret relationship element. That is a whole other level of denial you're having to deal with. Sounds like Amanda is also growing into her role in this with the (so far) mild SPH. Looking forward to your next update to see where this adventure leads you.

Re: Cuckold dreaming!

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 8:20 am
by central
Excellent thread Chris!

Very well thought out and well written.
Please update often with all the nice details.

Re: Cuckold dreaming!

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 8:21 am
by central
Excellent thread Chris!

Very well thought out and well written.
Please update often with all the nice details.

Re: Cuckold dreaming!

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 5:46 pm
by hwc
hoping for an update soon!

Re: Cuckold dreaming!

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 3:50 pm
by ChrisCuck
aniceguy77 wrote:
Sun Oct 18, 2020 11:41 am
Awesome update to your story and congratulations!

I remember that jealousy and how fiercely it can burn. It sounds like you handled it amazingly and you should be very proud!

It is so cool that she is a part of your SPH and knew to show the guy the proper attention during her date. You guys are quite the match! :up: :up:
SPH! I had to look that one up. Lol!
SailorGuy wrote:
Sun Oct 18, 2020 2:51 pm
This reminds me of when my wife was first with her lover. We never really expected my fantasy to become a reality, so when it actually happened and then continued into a relationship were both pleased and surprised. Her lover was ( and still is ) a neighbor and a longtime casual friend who had recently divorced. Since he knew us a bit he naturally wondered if my wife was suddenly having sex with him because we were having marital troubles.
My wife told me he asked her about this; back then we didn't yet know about "hotwifing" and "cuckolding". But we did know the term "open marriage", and so she told him just that: we had an open marriage. And, at first, she told him I didn't know about their affair.
This was racy hot for me. Whenever he and his wife and kid came over for dinner ( the two though divorced were on reasonable terms with each other for their kid's sake ) along with a few other neighbors he would look at me with a certain " I'm fucking your wife " look, while I played innocent and just reveled in this "secrecy". He's an Alpha kind of guy, physically superior in every way to me. No doubt he thought he was superior to me, but he didn't know I was loving this.

Of course one of the first questions I asked my wife after her first time with him was how big his cock was. She told me: at least double the size of mine! Almost 10 inches?? OMG
I told my wife to feel free to tell him how much bigger he was than her husband, how much better in bed, etc. And it was no lie. He IS way bigger and much better in bed than I ever was with her.
After a few months my wife didn't feel comfortable with this storyline; she wanted to tell him the truth. She and he arranged for the two of us to go over to his house for a soak in his outdoor hot tub. I have written about this night several times in this forum; here just let me say with the three of us alone together in that bubbling hot water we cemented our cuckolded dynamic. He let me gaze upon his strong masculine form, including his damn-fine huge cock. I in turn showed him my little thing. My wife watched all this in awe and in silence. Then, apparently satisfied, this Alpha then took my wife's hand and led her out of the water and across the deck and into his house. My wife slid the glass door behind her and locked it. They disappeared into the house, leaving me alone in the tub holding my little 4" erection. A moment later an upstairs light came on; his bedroom. I saw them embracing and kissing. It was all I could do to hastily towel myself off, dress and run back to our house. I quickly stripped and jumped into bed and rubbed my urgent erection to a smoldering orgasm in less than a minute.
No sex with my wife since then, now about 12 years. This man is my wife's exclusive lover, and I couldn't be more thrilled.
Holy shit! 12 years! So long as everyone's happy! I've read some of the denial stuff on here. I have to admit, it's kind of hot!
hwc wrote:
Mon Oct 19, 2020 5:46 pm
Can't waif for an update on how things are going! What an exciting story so far!
Update time!
chastityboi wrote:
Mon Oct 19, 2020 9:11 pm
hey ChrisCuck loving this thread. Very interesting dynamic going on here that could head off in any number of different directions. Especially liking the secret relationship element. That is a whole other level of denial you're having to deal with. Sounds like Amanda is also growing into her role in this with the (so far) mild SPH. Looking forward to your next update to see where this adventure leads you.
You're the second guy to mention denial. Lol! I think denial is kind if hot, based on some if the stuff I've read. But, I'm not seeing the denial thing happening in my own life. Unless I'm missing it.
central wrote:
Wed Oct 21, 2020 8:21 am
Excellent thread Chris!

Very well thought out and well written.
Please update often with all the nice details.

Sorry, guys. I've been in a shitty mood. A couple days after my last post, part of Amanda's dorm got quarantined. Someone in her suite caught Covid. Amanda had one covid test already that came back negative, but she still has to complete the quarantine and get one more test just to be sure she's in the clear. On top of that, classes have been kind of rough on me. I'm passing everything, but it's just the stress I guess. Plus, after Thanksgiving there aren't even going to be anymore in-person classes for the rest of the semester. Just online. But, some stuff is already online. Have you ever taken an online exam? It's not fun. You're on camera and the littlest thing can get you accused of cheating.

On the plus side, the momentum between Matt and Amanda is far from dead. They're definitely still planning on doing a second date!

Even though I can't see Amanda, she and I chat every day. And she's still been teasing me about my little dick.

"Been jerking off much without me around?" she asked while we were messaging the other day.

"Of course!"

"Is it still called jerking for little dicked dudes?"

"Lol! I don't know if there's a special word."

"Oh, come on! You should know! You've got a little dick, remember? I'm thinking a more delicate word, like, um, I dunno. Patting? Lol."

"Patting??? Patting off?"

"No, not patting off! Lol! Just patting! Like, afterwards, you'd just say that you patted yourself. Not patted off! LMAO!"

"I think patting off sounds funnier. Lol!"

"Maybe. Maybe that's what we should call it from now on! Whenever you talk about it to me, you're not allowed to call it jerking off anymore! You have to call it Patting Off!!!! Omg! You so have to now!!!"

"You really want me to call it patting off from now on???"

"I insist!!! Lol! My little dicked boyfriend pats off his little dickey until it goes squirty squirt! But, not like a big squirt! More like a dribble, dribble!"

"Oh boy."

"Oh, come on! You know you love it! So, question…"


"Do you use your whole hand? Or does it just slip right out because it's so tiny? I'm thinking just the thumb and index and middle fingers! Am I right?"

"Whole hand, thank you very much!"

"Yeah, right!"

"By the way, you're making me horny!"

"Go pat off then! Lololol!

"I think I will!"

Re: Cuckold dreaming!

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 10:26 am
by Triceratops
Very hot. Bring it on

Re: Cuckold dreaming!

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 10:29 am
by desertsub
I love Amanda's sense of humor, and she's becoming a pro at SPH! :up:

Thanks for the update! :mrgreen: