I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

For cuckoldresses and the men who serve them.
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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by sabya167 » Mon Nov 26, 2018 10:10 am

Ky_Da wrote:
sabya167 wrote:Only you are privy to all the information,Ky, so,you are the best judge of whats going on.Do we have reasons to worry about your marriage or is it all in good fun? I have the feeling that you are still in control but loosening the ropes to accommodate Jaimee's happiness.
I think it's healthy that we all worry about our marriages a little. I think it's trouble when we start to take them for granted. In our case, what's going on is meant to be fun and fulfill each other's fantasies, but line between fantasy and reality in the cuck-kink is blurred at best. The feelings grow to be real, the desire and expectations are real, and most of all the danger is very real. We're both having to learn to give up some degree of control and 'loosen the ropes' in order to make this all work. But we seem to be in a good place right now.
. Beautifully said.You are too good with words.That's the correct analysis.

Posts: 170
Joined: Thu Oct 30, 2014 11:28 am

Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by sabya167 » Wed Nov 28, 2018 4:47 am

What happened to the rest of the update,Ky. Please understand, every second is a torture.So, get on to your keyboard,NOW.

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Joined: Tue Aug 07, 2018 9:46 am

Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Mrbigbull » Thu Nov 29, 2018 1:59 am

Ky_Da wrote:These last few days have been just what I needed. Just me and the wife, dinner with my family, eating way more than I should, and no thoughts about work. My parents live far enough away that it’s easier to stay the night. My mom and my wife have been non-stop talk about baby stuff. I have some older siblings that have all beaten me to the punch in producing grandkids, but it doesn’t seem to diminish my mom’s excitement. Visiting family throws my reality a little out of focus these days. It’s so weird to be visiting my parents like everything is normal. If they only knew half of the stuff we’ve gotten up to this last year, I think their heads would explode. They see my wife as such a perfect example of a chaste and virtuous woman. They hold her on such a pedestal. They have no idea of the cock-hungry slut she truly is.

Thanksgiving evening was perfect. Stretched out on the couch, holding onto my wife, near the fire, it was great. Life was good.

I caught my wife looking at herself in the full-length mirror on the closet door. She still works out, but maybe not quite at the same intensity. Her arms, legs, ass, etc. still look in-fucking-credible, but she’s lost some of the definition she was just starting to get in her core. A month ago, you could still see slight lines of abdominal muscles, but not anymore. Her breasts are larger, her bra looks almost too tight. She still wears the nipple rings, but she’s said a few times now that she may need to take them out soon because her nipples are too sore.

We hadn’t talked much about Ryann over the holiday. It wasn’t that either of us wanted to avoid the subject, it’s just that it’s been nice to step away from everything for a few days and only think about us and the baby. Now with the holiday behind us, however, we were both itching to discuss it more.

“You’ll meet with her then, yeah?” asked my wife as she slid naked into bed under the covers. She pushed my boxers down and touched my dick. I wasn’t really thinking about sex at all during the day, and we’d had some great sex the couple of previous nights, so I was soft when she touched me. I hate it when I’m not at least a little hard because my dick is way too small otherwise. I hate it when she touches me when I’m completely soft… it’s humiliating. But I know by now I should be comfortable with it. After all, she knows me, right. She was kind of rolling my dick in her fingers, trying to get some life into it, but I wasn’t responding. Which of course just adds to the pressure and makes it even harder to get it up.

I nodded at her question, resisting the temptation to push her hand away. I didn’t want her to stop, but not much was happening down there. “She already knows about us, so I guess it can’t hurt to answer a few questions,” I said.

“What are you going to tell her?” she asked, still continuing her ministrations.

I shrugged, “Depends on the question.”

I could tell she was thinking for a moment. She then asked, “What would you tell her if she asks you why you let your wife have a boyfriend?”

This time I thought for a minute. What would I say? I’ve got a thousand reasons, but what would I tell Ryann? “I guess I’d simply say that it turns me on.”

My wife shook her head slowly, “She won’t be satisfied with that answer I’m sure. She’s going to want more detail than that. She’s going to want to know why it turns you on… What specifically turns you on?”

“What do you think I should tell her,” I asked, truly interested to know what my wife might say.

“You’re asking me?” she said a little surprised. I nodded, and she thought for a moment before answering, “I think seeing a real man’s cock makes you randy,” she said with a smirk. Before I could rebut, she said, “Think about it. Your little guy here gets rock hard every time you see my boyfriend’s cock come out.”

I laughed a little at that, “You’re incorrigible,” I said, “of course you would spin it that way.”

“You asked,” she said wryly.

We were quiet for a minute and then I answered more sincerely, “I would tell her that I don’t think I could give my wife as much pleasure as her boyfriend can, and it turns me on to see my wife moaning and crying out in pleasure. I love my wife having sexual freedom and allowing herself to have these experiences.”

I saw my wife’s skin flush as she heard my answer. Just thinking about it was enough to make her horny, too. She smiled and closed her eyes in thought, “Yes, I like that, too cuck-boy.”

“I would say that I find some peace in it as well. I usually get all the sex I want, but you want a lot more than I do. Having multiple lovers lets you have as much sex as you want, but I don’t have to stress about my own performance all the time. I can make love to you when it feels right and not because there’s an expectation of a certain number of times we’re supposed to have sex each week.”

I then asked her what she would tell Ryann and she reminded me that she’s already told her pretty much everything, but she indulged me in retelling it again.

“I told her that I’ve found the experience very empowering. I can keep my mind open when I talk to other guys, and I don’t have to think about sending the wrong or right signals to a guy. If I feel like chatting a bloke up, then I can chat him up. But I did tell her that Wade is the only guy I’m going to be with for a while, so I’m not looking to pull any random guy at the moment.”

“Was she worried you might try to get with Bennett again?” I asked.

She shook her head, “Not now, she said that she trusts both of us now that we won’t be sleeping together while they’re together.”

“So, their back together?” I said, I wasn’t really sure from the last conversation I’d had about those two.

My wife shrugged, “I’m not sure, but I think it will work out, yeah.”

“Will you miss not being with Bennett.”

“Of course,” she replied quickly, giving my dick a squeeze, “His cock isn’t as amazing as Wade’s but it’s still a lot more than I have to work with here.” She looked me in the eye as she said it, then said, “Don’t take that to mean you’re less of a man, Ky. Just take it for the truth that it is. Your dick is a lot smaller. You can’t satisfy me like they can, but you’re comfortable with the man you are and the truth doesn’t demean you. You just accept the truth for what it is and enjoy the feelings it brings.”

“Okay,” I agreed. “I’ve been thinking a lot about this, and I’m ready to trust you.”

She was about to say something, but I could tell she changed her mind as she shook her head. Finally, she just said, “It’s about bloody time.”

“So, what’s this mean,” I asked.

My wife waggled her eyebrows at me and then jumped out of bed. I watched her rummage through her overnight bag until she found what she was searching for. The cage. Of course, the cage. She quickly got back into bed and buried herself under the covers. She hates the cold. I didn’t resist as she locked me up and then set the key on the nightstand. I was still dressed in a tee-shirt and boxers, while my wife was naked and lying next to me.

“You’ll be wearing this,” she reached and grasped the chastity device, “a little more often. Not for months at a time, but between the times when you and I have sex.” I was going to object when she threw a question at me. “Did you have a wank today?”

I had to nod my head, “Yeah, once, this morning,” I confessed.

She gripped the cage more tightly in her hand, “And now I’m more likely to start a fire by rubbing your dick than I am of having sex tonight—you have no self-control, Ky. This will help with that,” she tugged on the cage.

She snuggled in closer to me and I ran my fingers over hear breasts, over her stomach and up and down her arms. It was a different experience wearing the cage. Knowing I’m not going to get laid, but still wanting to feel sexual pleasure, I find it heightens desire just to be near her, just to touch her. “I could just promise not to masturbate,” I said, “wouldn’t that basically be the same thing?”

She shook her head, “No, I don’t you could resist, and besides, trusting me will mean the occasional denial of my pussy, but only so I can build up the anticipation. Ky, I will deny you at times, but overall you’ll be having more sex.”

“How does that math work?” I asked, “You’re going to deny me sex but I’ll be getting more?”

“Yes, because it will be more with me and less with your hand.”

Ah, okay, now I get where she’s going with this. “Anything else?” I asked, referring back to me trusting her more.

She inhaled deeply and let out a sigh, “It definitely means that you’ll be gagging on Wade’s cock.” I swear she nearly orgasmed as she said that.

She gripped my wrist and guided my hand down to her pussy, and with her hand over mine, used my fingers to bring herself to orgasm. She fell asleep quickly after that, but I didn’t. My dick was finally deciding that he wanted to participate. ‘A little late buddy.’

We drove home the following day. My wife wore a very conservative, long dress with a wide leather belt that hugged her waist. She looked very beautiful. A flurry of texts were sent in the early part of our trip, but then we had the time to ourselves and enjoyed the ride. As we neared our house, I noticed her start to fidget and squirm in her seat. I thought she was just getting restless from the long drive, but then I saw her boyfriend’s car in front of our house and it clicked why she was having a hard time sitting still. She gave me a meaningful kiss as soon as I stopped the car. The kiss felt sincere and her focus was only on me, but I could tell that focus had changed as soon as we broke apart.

We greeted each other at the door and entered together. As soon as we were inside, Wade picked her up and they were kissing deeply and passionately. I went back outside and collected the mail and grabbed our luggage. The front door was still open. I closed it as I passed the threshold and was greeted by an extremely erotic site. My wife was bent over the arm of the couch, laying on her stomach. Her dress was pulled up enough so that Wade could enter her from behind. With one hand, Wade was holding onto her belt, using it as leverage to pull her back with additional force. My wife’s moans turned to screams of passion. Her feet came off the floor and were kicking in mid-air as Wade continued with his onslaught. For the first time I worried the neighbors might actually hear her.

It never ceases to amaze me how easily she can take Wade’s cock now. It enters her like the cliché hot-knife-through-butter. Wade slowed slightly and slapped her hard on her ass. I looked down expecting to find her panties, but they were nowhere to be found. Was she not wearing any this whole time? Wade then ran his fingers into the hair on top of her head, where it’s still long, the sides and back are still cut very short. Pulling her hair and forcing her head up, Wade leaned forward, “It’s time you start growing your hair out again cunt,” he let her hair go and used that hand to slap her ass again. “Did you hear me bitch?” he said forcefully. My wife whimpered but nodded.

Wade then turned her over so that her shoulders were supported by the couches arm, her head tilted toward him at an angle and at the perfect height to suck his cock. Her lover hadn’t cum yet, so he was still hard. He inserted the tip of his cock between her lips and pressed forward. I watched as her lips stretched and thinned as he pressed himself into her. Her eyes widened when she realized he wasn’t pulling back out. He only had a few inches of his cock in her mouth, but it didn’t look like anymore would fit. However, her boyfriend seemed to think she was capable of more. He held himself here for several long seconds while my wife breathed heavily through her nose. Wade them pressed himself in deeper. My wife made a noise, but didn’t stop him. He was now at the top of her throat. Be pulled out an inch or so and she breathed in again through her nose. Her mouth was open as far as it possibly could be. Wade pressed forward again, only this time with more force. He stopped when half his cock was passed her lips, far more than I’ve ever seen before. He pulled out and I saw another first. My wife’s throat had moved. I concentrated on her throat as her boyfriend pushed his cock in yet again, and sure enough, it bulged out as the man’s cock was forcing its way in.

Fucking incredible. I’ve never seen anything like that except in a couple of pornos I’ve watched online. My wife’s hands were seeking purchase on anything they could grab. Her fingers found and gripped the couch cushions. Her body was a taut wire and every muscle was tensed. Finally Wade shot his load, and he did so while almost three-quarters of his cock was buried in her throat. She couldn’t have tasted a thing because that load went straight into her belly. He pulled out and my wife gasped for air. Long stings of sperm and saliva ran between the end of his cock and her lips.

My wife reached up and gripped his cock in both her small hands, “god I love this thing,” she said as she panted for air. Slumped into the couch and Wade sat down next to her. She still wore her dress, but she now wore that defiled freshly-fucked look. Her lips were red and puffy, I knew her pussy had been wrecked in the same way.

My wife looked at me, a happy smile on her face. “Do you trust me?” she asked. I inhaled deeply and then nodded. Her smile grew. “then get my lover’s cock hard again. Just use your hand this time. I need to teach you how to suck a proper cock before I let you try that again.”

I hesitated as I looked at Wade’s cock. It was still slick from my wife’s pussy. A small dribble of cum was oozing from the tip as his cock laid limp across his thigh.

“Just do it, Ky. She’s been relentlessly busting my balls about this, too. Trust me, we’ll both be better off if we keep her happy.”

I heard my wife giggle in pure joy. She turned her body and sat up so that she could see us clearly. I closed my eyes for a brief moment. At least it was only a hand job. My arm felt like a lead weight; heavy and almost non-responsive. I reached out and tentatively wrapped my hand around his shaft. Wade leaned his head back against the couch so that his gaze was looking up upward now. That made it easier that he wasn’t watching me debase and emasculate myself. His cock did feel very different than I would have imagined. It was soft, yet firm. Deciding it was better just to get this over with, I began to move my hand up and down his length, using the remaining juices and cum residue as lubricant. Slowly, I felt his cock begin to swell and stiffen under my grip.

“Very good, cuck-boy,” my wife complimented. “Now grip him a little tighter, he likes a little more pressure than that,” she coached.

His cock continued to grow, making it easier to stroke. I had a flash of my bending down and sucking on it. Whoa! Where the fuck did that come from. My wife’s dam mind games are starting to get to me. Jaimee was still laying on the couch, her feet at Wade’s side, she shoulders propped up by the arm of the couch. She pulled up the front of her dress and spread her legs. I was right, her pussy was also red and puffy, and slightly agape.

“Now guide him into me cuck-boy,” she directed. And I did. Keeping my hand on his cock, Wade moved into position. I aligned the tip of his cock wither her pussy and he pressed himself forward, burying it again in one smooth motion. My wife sighed heavily in satisfaction. “You see, cuck-boy,” she said, directing her gaze to me, her features filled with erotic pleasure, “You could have had my pussy last night, but you didn’t want it. You only wanted to touch my body… But my boyfriend’s cock likes my pussy. That’s why my pussy belongs to him and not you.”

Hi Ky,

Reading back I do realize I ramble a lot. I hope you will get what I'm trying to say.
I hope you can manage to read it in full, do not let the negativity fool you, it is not meant as to be negative or hurtful in any way or to anyone.

Well, it is still some story you tell and experiencing.
I do not react a lot in this thread of yours, mainly because I think you are doing fine and living your dream. I reacted a while ago to reflect the beach video, which got me a litte worried for you.
This time I do it because I want to reflect some things that are happening with you right now against my long time experience as a bull.
What you do with it is up to you, I just give you my thoughts and experience.

What I discovered being a bull to couples is that there is sort of pattern, well at least most of the time. Unfortunately that pattern lead to divorce/breaking up most of the time.
My expirience is that 90% + of the couples I've been with are divorced/split up. I was a little shocked when other bulls confirmed this number through their experience.
That is the reason I'm typing my reflection now, because I'm seeing that pattern develop with you two.

To go short, what I see is you are getting more and more submissive, Jaimee is getting you to do things you actually do not want to do and it looks like you are getting at least sexually replaced.
It is maybe a lot to take in if you put in one line like this, but what it is missing is the factor time. And people always forget the time factor in this lifestyle, while in time people can change, or their opinions change.

The firt two go hand in hand. You are getting submissive to Jaimee, this one is easy to see, at first you do not wanted to be caged, but yet you are, at first you do not want to suck cock, but you are getting close to do so.
The last one is already happening little by little. You mentioned she is not getting of real good when you fuck her, now she playing with a little denial and caging, and she determines how and when you get released, I'll bet it will be less and less penetration.
Also her last remark in your post “You could have had my pussy last night, but you didn’t want it. You only wanted to touch my body… But my boyfriend’s cock likes my pussy. That’s why my pussy belongs to him and not you.” kind of confirms the last point.
I know it will be translated as "But that is just to push your cuck buttons", that could be true for now, but I've seen it become reality with a lot of couples I've been with.

So, now some reflection with what you are experiencing now, and my experience with other couples.
First the cock sucking part. Well your first reaction was that you did not want to do it. Your first reaction is most of the time the right one. This is so with a lot of things, the first reaction is mostly the right one.
So you do not want to suck cock, then just don't do it. You know it will not do anything for you sexually, you will not get of doing it.
Jaimee mentioned to you that she will not see you as less of a man. Well, that could be true, but...... a lot of people (unfortunately) think different about that, specially when they know your wife made you suck cock.
Why is this important, well what if you and Jaimee do split up (I surely do not hope so), and the word gets out somehow, then it could bug you in your normal life. The reflection in this is that it happened to a few husbands, well ex husbands.
One of them was a manager, but had to quit his job there, people were not taking him seriously anymore and he could not look them in the eye anymore because he knew what they were thinking. I know, this is a extreme case, but it is also reality.
And this is not even the most important reason why you should not do it. The most important one is because you do not want to.
Jaimee has to respect that, but truth is, she does not, she keeps on pushing you to do it, all together with caging and denial.
What if you would mention to her that you would love to see her fuck a streetbum bareback who hasn't washed himself for two years and his teeth never seen a toothbrush while she must be french kissing him. You think she would do that for you? I already know the answer (and it is the correct answer.... no).
I know it is a bit strange compare, but the bottom line is exactly the same, asking something you know the other party does not want to do.
She is pushing you to do something you actually do not want to do. So do not do it.
In one of your last posts she said she was really wet for you, I think you could also say she was really wet because she imagined she had won and imagined you with Wades cock in your mouth, that has nothing to do with you, but with her victory, that gets her wet.

Suchen Zucher has a great point. If Jaimee really want to see a man sucking cock, why not Wade sucking yours, or earlier Bennet sucking Wades or Wade sucking Bennets. No, she wants to see you suck cock. Why?
Well that is the submission part. It could be that she will see it as you also submitting to Wade. Then you would be submissive to her and Wade. Maybe she has plans of letting Wade live with you for a few days/weeks/months as the master of the house.
That is also not really uncommon, and yes I've also seen this happen (although I was not the live-in bull, they also had another bull who was up for that, I was not).
Or she will move to your next hard line, Wade fucking you. You know she did not respect your refusal to suck cock, why should she respect this hard line.

When I read back, it looks like I'm telling Jaimee is a bad person, but she is not. Let me get clear on that, it is not about Jaimee being a bad person, really not at all.
It is about people changing over time, Jaimee is changing, al due to the game and time. It could be that in later stadium other opinions change as well.

Then the cage thing. You know that when you said you could refrain yourself from masturbating, that it would have the same effect, that you were absolutely right.
It is very boring, but it is just a biological thing, when you just refraining yourself from release, then you get equaly attentative to Jaimee, and you would have an equaly lust for release as with a cage. The cage adds really nothing.
The only thing it does is to have Jaimee control over when you have your release, and that is another submissive thing, you surrendering to her will. She can use it to force you to suck cock, or do other stuff.
The remark "After a week in the cage you really wanted to fuck my pussy" is not completely true. Also another biological thing, after a week in the cage you wanted release, it really doesn't matter who's pussy it is, could also be Ryann's or neighbour Melanies.
Don't get yourself fooled with that kind of remarks. Yes you wanted pussy, but sorry to say, I think it did not really matter who's. You wanted release, just a biological thing.
So the cage is purely to get you more submissive, and that is where I think a potential small danger lies. I think you are not really a submissive guy. Real submissive guys like to be caged, real submissive guys like to be denied, but reading your post I do not think you are that guy.
So it could be fun, but do not let Jaimee decide how you get released every time, you also must have a say in this. Also she has to respect if you want out of the cage, there should be no discussion, if you ask, she must handover the key.

Jaimee is really good at manipulating you. You can tell, because you are doing things you really do not want to do.
Remember the (black) guy on the beach she met when walking the dog? Well, she told you that he wanted a date with her, or that she had a date with him. Turned out she was making that up, she did not have a date.
What does it tell you? That she would make up things just to get you do things, to get you in a certain state where you would do things you actually do not want to.
It tells you that she would tell you things you like to hear.
She asked you "Do you trust me", well with this example you actually know you cannot trust her in the game.
So you can ask yourself if it is true that you would get more sex when using the cage, you can ask yourself if you really get mind-blowing orgasms if you follow her lead, could something she says because you want to hear that.
I cannot see why you could get mind-blowing orgasms when you suck Wades cock. She will get mind-blowing orgasms, that is for sure.

I'm just rambling on, maybe it is more clear if I put down the pattern I've seen with other couples.

- In the beginning the wife tells her husband is everything, a great guy who giver her the freedom to fuck other guys.
- The husband and wife are very happy, she is getting great sex, husband gets to watch the best porn live.
- Wife and husband have less sex, at least less penetration. Wife does not get of real good with husband.

Now there is a split, some turn into more "exploring" some are developing with no additional fetishes.

No fetishes
- Wife gets a bit frustrated with husbands penetrative performance, she doesn't get of and husband gets a bit frustrated as well.
- Wife and husband do not have penetrative sex anymore.
- Bull can get wife bareback, because no sex with husband.
- Wife sees bull more often without husband
- Wife starts to bond with the bull biologically (no sperm from the husband anymore, only the bull's sperm, so the wife bonds with the bull)
- Wife starts to doubt if she should be married to her husband.
- Wife doubts more and more, why stay, if I leave for a bull I can have good sex all the time. No more appointments, just when I want.
- Wife files for divorce.

With fetish
- Wife want to spice things more, wants to see husband turn into submissive male.
- Starts slowly, getting drinks, undress wife.
- More and more is asked, undressing bull, get wife ready (licking).
- One step further, guiding bulls cock in pussy, doing most of the cleaning in house
- One step further, eating creampie from pussy
- Wife wants husband to start sucking bulls cock
- Husband is now completely submissive, sucks bull's cock and maybe even fucked by bull or wife with strapon.
- In this period of time wife sees husband al less of a man.
- Wife sees her husband not as the man she married.
- Wife doubt if she wants to be married to such a man
- Wife files for divorce.

These are the main flows, of course there are a lot of variations, but this is the basis.
Don't get me wrong, there are also marriages where this works just fine, but those are only 10%, the most fail. Sorry to put it this blunt, but it is just the reality I lived with.
For those marriages that worked out fine with the man sucking cock, those man had bi tendensies anyway. Or with those that worked where the man is really submissive, then the man was already submissive.
Point is, your first reaction was that you did not want to suck cock. Then just don't.

I think my main point is, you started this because you would love to see your wife fucked by another guy. Well stick to that, that is what gets you of.
I know Jaimee will tell you that she helped you to fulfill your fantasy, now you should fulfill hers. But sorry to say, that is not really a good argument.
She is really having fun and really likes to fulfill yours. Even better, she likes fucking Wade much more then fucking you. Point is, she really likes fulfilling your fantasy.
But you do not like sucking cock, you will get no pleasure of it whatsoever. So you would be doing you really do not like doing to fulfill her fantasy.
That is a real, very big difference comparing to her fulfilling yours.

What if your fantasy would change into fucking other woman. What if your fantasy changed to fucking other woman and want to live with another woman for a month (like Jaimee and Wade did). Would she still be eager to let you fulfill your fantasy?

Again, it looks like I'm telling Jaimee is a bad person, she is really not. She is changing, and gets carried away by the game. She is a master at manipulating you and does not see the potential dangers arising now.
She has an obsession now of you sucking cock, and wants to break you with that. She doesn't see that you really do not want to do it. It is just not in you. She should respect that.

I really hope you get what I'm trying to tell.
I'm just reflecting on what I've experienced as a bull for many couples, and unfortunately seen a lot of marriages break due to this lifestyle.
For me it was just letting you know how I see things with a non-cuck mind. I know a lot of cucks will disagree with me, but they do not have the experience I have.

Do with it whatever you want. You can even tell me that it really doesn't make any sense to you.

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or want me to explain things in more detail to you.

Have fun.


Posts: 115
Joined: Wed Feb 21, 2018 5:14 pm

Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by offendedgame » Thu Nov 29, 2018 3:00 am

Mrbigbull wrote:
Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or want me to explain things in more detail to you.

well, if he did, i'd prefer if it was public.

well written post, sir.

just some extra points, he actually did suck Bennett's cock
i remember him wrote that Jamiee told him "one step at a time" when he asked if she's planning to get him fucked by Wade.

Also, I remember he wrote that Jamiee said to him to not let her get carried away if things get crazy.
just saying..

Posts: 142
Joined: Tue Aug 07, 2018 9:46 am

Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Mrbigbull » Thu Nov 29, 2018 4:28 am

offendedgame wrote:
Mrbigbull wrote:
Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or want me to explain things in more detail to you.

well, if he did, i'd prefer if it was public.

well written post, sir.

just some extra points, he actually did suck Bennett's cock
i remember him wrote that Jamiee told him "one step at a time" when he asked if she's planning to get him fucked by Wade.

Also, I remember he wrote that Jamiee said to him to not let her get carried away if things get crazy.
just saying..

Hi offendedgame,

If Ky wants to ask in public, it is fine by me, his choice.

I know he did it, well tried, not actually did it.
In my opinion he hated it. That is another reason not to pursue this road.

And that was one of my points also, Jaimee already has a plan in her head, which she doesn't share with Ky.
I really do think it is her plan to let Wade fuck Ky, like she said, one step at a time.

Well, your last comment is really the problem with cucks. And I do not mean that with any disrespect.
They will never tell when their woman get carried away, at least most of them do not.
With Ky it is the same, he just won't tell her, even if he feels she is.
Maybe again a strange compare, but compare it to a drugs addict or an alcohol addict.
They will tell you they do not have a problem, but in the end it is destroying their lives.
Strange thing is, they know drugs or alcohol are bad for you, that it can kill you, but yet they still use and drink.
It is the addiction. I think Ky is afraid that if he puts on a real hard line, that Jaimee will stop it all, or doesn't allow Ky to watch when she is fucking Wade. I think he is afraid to lose the rush.
So what do you do? You just give in, no matter how much you do not want to do it, you just give in. And that is also very destructive, just as giving in to the drugs or alcohol.
And Jaimee is way to deep in all this, she doesn't see how much Ky doesn't want to do it. Specially when he is already giving in little by little. She just ignores him saying no.
Almost like when a wife defends a husband who is abusive, who beats her down. Those wifes are in to deep to see the problem, to see it is wrong what happens, they just don't see it until someone from the outside wakes them up.

I would really hate to see them breaking up. For me they seem to be a very nice couple.
That why I post my vision reflecting what I've witnessed a lot of times.


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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by sabya167 » Thu Nov 29, 2018 4:59 am

Mrbigbull has valid points.Maybe it's time to step back, pause,reflect,reconnect,restore the missing communication,use the safe word. Time to stop Jaimee from sliding more and more under Wade's pull and spell.Time to transform it back to a Ky -and-Jaimee led game from this Wade-and-Jaimee led game.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by tfx » Thu Nov 29, 2018 5:18 am

Hey guys... you're missing one big caveat. IMHO and i'm guessing... Ky is pretty well to do, professional... you know the type, and i'm guessing Wade not so much. If i know women and i don't cause i'm a guy but entertain me for a moment. You think she's going to drop a comfy lifestyle for a big dick that she can't stand being around after 2 weeks... No offense to Wade but this sounds like a major lifestyle down grade. Trade in the Mercedes for the used 1984 corolla and besides... I don't think Wade would have her either... he likes hitting it cause he can with no strings attached.... and if i know alpha guys... thats just how they like it... who needs a bossy girl telling them to pickup their shit off the floor, and clean the house.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Mrbigbull » Thu Nov 29, 2018 5:57 am

tfx wrote:Hey guys... you're missing one big caveat. IMHO and i'm guessing... Ky is pretty well to do, professional... you know the type, and i'm guessing Wade not so much. If i know women and i don't cause i'm a guy but entertain me for a moment. You think she's going to drop a comfy lifestyle for a big dick that she can't stand being around after 2 weeks... No offense to Wade but this sounds like a major lifestyle down grade. Trade in the Mercedes for the used 1984 corolla and besides... I don't think Wade would have her either... he likes hitting it cause he can with no strings attached.... and if i know alpha guys... thats just how they like it... who needs a bossy girl telling them to pickup their shit off the floor, and clean the house.
Hi tfx,

I do get your point. And it sounds also very logical, but unfortunately it doesn't really work that way.
Besides, people do change over time, also their opinions change over time. So if we talk about Wade, he has no interest in living with Jaimee......now. But his opinion can change, just like Jaimee's can.
Also it doesn't have to be Wade, could also be another guy they maybe find in the future.
Your point with 'downgrading' really doesn't apply, a lot of woman do not see it that way. A lot of woman left a good life for a less comfortable life, but with great sex.
Just as I thought children would keep the couples together, well, I could erase that from my mind as well.

But my point was not thinking Jaimee running of with Wade (although there is still a slight possibility over time, based on previous experience with another guy and the beach video), but pushing Ky into doing stuff he doesn't want to do.
Both are to far in the game realizing that. And it could turn into a disaster over time. Like I said, I've seen it happen to many times, I just don't want it happen to them. But if he says he's fine and just wants to continue, then who am I to stop it, I'm just reflecting on my personal experience.


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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by subtoall » Thu Nov 29, 2018 10:21 am

It never ceases to amaze me how many people on this website seem to project so much of their own baggage into other people's relationships. For me, this thread describes a very loving, respectful and playful relationship laid out with a great deal of nuance. Ky is one of the most articulate chroniclers on this website, and he has bared his soul here quite deeply, showing how a couple can play while deepening their love and respect for each other. Their mutual love and respect are shown repeatedly in countless ways in his posts. Do they have their ups and downs? Sure they do. Are we privvy to enough of their relationship to draw conclusions such that we should warn a man about his own wife, whom we don't know except through his writings as he works through his own conflicts, growing before our very eyes? Hell no.

It's absolutely stunning to read a commenter's presumptuous, doom-filled post that must have taken hours to compose but that seems to widely miss the mark in understanding Ky and his wife.

Know thyself.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Mrbigbull » Thu Nov 29, 2018 11:17 am

subtoall wrote:It never ceases to amaze me how many people on this website seem to project so much of their own baggage into other people's relationships. For me, this thread describes a very loving, respectful and playful relationship laid out with a great deal of nuance. Ky is one of the most articulate chroniclers on this website, and he has bared his soul here quite deeply, showing how a couple can play while deepening their love and respect for each other. Their mutual love and respect are shown repeatedly in countless ways in his posts. Do they have their ups and downs? Sure they do. Are we privvy to enough of their relationship to draw conclusions such that we should warn a man about his own wife, whom we don't know except through his writings as he works through his own conflicts, growing before our very eyes? Hell no.

It's absolutely stunning to read a commenter's presumptuous, doom-filled post that must have taken hours to compose but that seems to widely miss the mark in understanding Ky and his wife.

Know thyself.

I could be wrong, but I think you are a cuck or a sub. Nothing wrong with that.
But is does mean you do not have the experience of a bull.
And it is funny as you mention it is my baggage, by saying that you completely miss the point. I'm not the one who's got divorced, it is 90% of the couples I've been with. So it did not effect me in anyway, other then I felt sorry for them.
I am very curious what you define as respect. Is it respectful if someone says no, you will keep on pushing until you have what you want? I, and I think the rest of the world doesn't think so. If someone says no, then you respect that answer.
Then you mention that drawing conclusions. I do not draw conclusions, I'm reflecting whats happening against my experience. I've mentioned more than one time he should do with it what he wants.
I've also mentioned more than one time that it is not meant in any negative way, and that I do not see Jaimee as a bad person.

So It's absolutely stunning to read a reaction that misses every point, that classifies it as doom-filled while everything was meant to see it through a pair non-cuck eyes and reflect it against a lot of experience.
For your information, that number of 90% is not only coming from me, from other bulls as well.

One more thing, you think I spent hours on that? My advice, don't gamble or do predictions, your not good at it.


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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Mycall » Thu Nov 29, 2018 11:34 am

I don’t think Ky is being “pushed” into sucking cock. Encouraged definitely, I think he needs encouragement and reassurance from his wife otherwise he would be to scared to do it..

It might take him a few attempts to really let loose and leave his inhibitions behind but once he does he is going to love it. He is going to love the feeling of making that big cock hard in his mouth and the satisfaction and power of knowing he can make it cum just like his wife can.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Mrbigbull » Thu Nov 29, 2018 11:57 am

Mycall wrote:I don’t think Ky is being “pushed” into sucking cock. Encouraged definitely, I think he needs encouragement and reassurance from his wife otherwise he would be to scared to do it..

It might take him a few attempts to really let loose and leave his inhibitions behind but once he does he is going to love it. He is going to love the feeling of making that big cock hard in his mouth and the satisfaction and power of knowing he can make it cum just like his wife can.
So if Ky would say "I would really like you to fuck that streetbum". It is okay, if you do it I'll let you cage me for two weeks, or we will let Wade live with us for a whole week.
Or "Please do it for me, or else I will need to limit your time with Wade to only twice a year".
That is encouraging and not pushing? That would be great, then he can "encourage" Jamiee to let him sleep with every woman he wants.

I do wonder why you think he will love it. As far as I know his first answer was no. His first reaction with Bennet was not positive either.
Maybe you like it, that is fine, it is in you. But I really think it is not in Ky.

Don't get me wrong, if he wants to continue this path then it is all fine by me, his choice.


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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by sabya167 » Thu Nov 29, 2018 12:44 pm

I have the feeling that after the semi-final with the hand-job, maybe Jaimee has taken Ky thru' the finals.Maybe thats why he is taking his time.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Mrbigbull » Thu Nov 29, 2018 12:56 pm

sabya167 wrote:I have the feeling that after the semi-final with the hand-job, maybe Jaimee has taken Ky thru' the finals.Maybe thats why he is taking his time.
You could be right. Lets just wait for his reaction.

If he needs to process it all, then I do hope he comes to the conclusion that he likes it.
But to be honest, if you need to process what you did, then it is not a good sign, then you did what you did not want to do, or really do not like it.
Like when someone wants you to taste something and it looks bad. Finally you do it, but you do not like it, then you need to process what you just did. You will be wondering why on earth did I do that.
On the other hand if you like what you tasted, then you would have no hesitation to taste more of it.
Strange compare, but in human psycho the same effect.

So let us just all wait.



Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by JeffBingham » Thu Nov 29, 2018 1:02 pm

I have followed Ky's 2 threads on here from the start, although I don't think I've ever commented before (could be wrong). He is an intelligent, thoughtful guy. Can he lose himself in this game? yeah, at times. But both he and Jaimee also talk a lot about the future and have acknowledged the danger it poses. Also knowing that Jaimee reads this thread is a good thing too. I suspect that they will take BigBull's comments in the spirit in which they were intended - caring and supportive of their marriage. And I have little doubt that they will discuss it thoroughly and come to their own conclusions.

The main point of BigBull's post was that time can change things. It's very much like the frog sitting in a pot of cool water. When you turn on the gas on the burner, it heats progressively until it's too late to do anything about it, without ever realizing how you got there. None of us can know what the future holds, but some recounting of real life experience can shed some light on things that may help them recognize if things get too dangerous. I have a great admiration for Ky for his honesty and candor with us and for him as a person. I love that he speaks openly about the emotions he goes through in all of this. And I wish him and Jaimee all the happiness and love in the world. I get the sense that MrBB feels the same way.

I hope I'm right about how Ky and Jaimee will take this. But it's just my opinion and it's their feelings that count.


P.S. I'd love for Jaimee to chime in every once in a while with her take on things.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Mycall » Thu Nov 29, 2018 2:26 pm

Mrbigbull wrote:
Mycall wrote:I don’t think Ky is being “pushed” into sucking cock. Encouraged definitely, I think he needs encouragement and reassurance from his wife otherwise he would be to scared to do it..

It might take him a few attempts to really let loose and leave his inhibitions behind but once he does he is going to love it. He is going to love the feeling of making that big cock hard in his mouth and the satisfaction and power of knowing he can make it cum just like his wife can.
So if Ky would say "I would really like you to fuck that streetbum". It is okay, if you do it I'll let you cage me for two weeks, or we will let Wade live with us for a whole week.
Or "Please do it for me, or else I will need to limit your time with Wade to only twice a year".
That is encouraging and not pushing? That would be great, then he can "encourage" Jamiee to let him sleep with every woman he wants.

I do wonder why you think he will love it. As far as I know his first answer was no. His first reaction with Bennet was not positive either.
Maybe you like it, that is fine, it is in you. But I really think it is not in Ky.

Don't get me wrong, if he wants to continue this path then it is all fine by me, his choice.


Is it possible this sentence gives a hint “I had a flash of my bending down and sucking on it. Whoa! Where the fuck did that come from.” In one way or another Ky has been fantasising about Wades cock for a long time. Now he has just taken it in his hand and didn’t seem to have a problem with it.

Ky has been worried about the social stigma and people’s perception of him more than the actual act itself. If he puts that anxiety behind him he will probably enjoy the situation.

Personally I would rather somebody gives me oral than giving it myself, this is true for both women and men.

Being the experimental person that I am I have tried both and despite what people assume the difference between going down on a girl and a guy is very minimal. If you are open minded enough to try and really enjoy one you will very likely enjoy the other.

At the end of the day it is just giving someone pleasure, and Ky likes giving that kind of pleasure.

It’s not a big deal apart from in people’s heads and most of those people have no idea what they are talking about as they are to scared to try anything that could bring their sexuality into question.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by trdd » Thu Nov 29, 2018 5:08 pm

MrBigBull has just given Ky, and anyone who might be reading this, something to think about. I appreciate the thoughtful posts and him sharing his set of experiences in the Forum. It seems to be a bit of a dirty little secret underlying The Forum here; by that I mean the fact that many cuckold relationships either fail or eventually take a turn for the worse.

I wish there was more data on just what percentage of these relationships can be sustained over time and actually improve the marriage. My guess is that the 90% failing that mr. Big bull cites from his own experience is a bit of a high number. I am not saying that it isn't his experience I am just saying that perhaps in a larger population you would see a better success rate than 10%. But I do think that there is quite a bit of face validity if someone claims that the majority, meaning over 50%, of cuckold relationships may actually not turn out well. It makes sense for a number of reasons and many of those are mentioned by mr. Big bull. The average woman wants their husband to be strong and masculine. That is a no-brainer and I can't see how someone could argue against that. Now some women are dominant and may really enjoy having a submissive man in their lives. But I think that even women who enjoy some degree of dominance also want their man to be strong and masculine most of the time. In fact I would say that the majority of women are turned on by men who can at times be dominant in the bedroom with them.

So if you play the game in an extreme fashion day by day and week by week there has to be some risk. A woman who may enjoy dominating someone occasionally but finds herself always doing it May well come to miss the strong man in the bedroom. But with cuckolding she is always receiving the strong masculine component from a lover or boyfriend. This is what mr. Big bull is essentially stating. Many women have an innate desire to either consistently or at least occasionally be " taken " by a lover in the bedroom.... when the husband only plays the opposite role of the submissive I can really see where he is replaced, nearly completely, in the bedroom part of the relationship.

Now if the woman is just dominant and loves that I don't see a problem with it. If she doesn't want a man to be Alpha in the bedroom and so she dominates her husband and gets all of her needs met from that submission then all is good... as long as the husband is in agreement. But when her inner craving is to have a strong man take her to bed and her husband never does that at all, while someone else is doing it multiple times a week, every week.... well now you have a recipe for potential trouble.

None of us have ever met Ky and Jamiee but I'm sure most of you are just like me, and that means you like them. Ky is easy to like based upon his excellent writing. None of us want something bad to happen to their relationship. But I do think mr. Big Bull has a point when he says you're playing with fire here and fires can get out of control quickly. The story in this thread is highly erotic. But I have cautioned Ky multiple times about having both the intensity with Wade combined with the frequency Wade and Jamiee get together. It is really the frequency that concerns me. She sees him multiple times a week every week as far as I can tell. I know they don't always have sex but they spend a lot of time together and a whole bunch of people actually think they are a couple. And both Ky and Jamie like that experience. I have no idea if danger lurks ahead but it isn't hard to imagine that there could be a real possibility of the story evolving into what mr. Big bull is describing.

I personally don't think it is definitely headed that way. But I do think the risk is there. Unlike mr. Big bull, I don't have any experience with cuckolding. Neither as a bull nor as a cuckold. But I do have a whole bunch of life experience and I have read a lot about these relationships and anyone who argues there's no risk here I believe is avoiding the issue. Ky himself knows there is some risk and he has written about it multiple times. Cautionary advice from mr. Big bull will hopefully only serve to have Ky reflect and protect his marriage as much as he can.

( this post was mostly written with voice recognition software on my phone. So it really didn't take all that long to put these thoughts down, LOL.)

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by sabya167 » Thu Nov 29, 2018 6:09 pm

Alrighty then, time to hear from Ky.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Mycall » Thu Nov 29, 2018 11:11 pm


This comment you made “the word gets out somehow, then it could bug you in your normal life. The reflection in this is that it happened to a few husbands, well ex husbands.
One of them was a manager, but had to quit his job there, people were not taking him seriously anymore and he could not look them in the eye anymore because he knew what they were thinking. I know, this is a extreme case, but it is also reality.”

I don’t think that is especially relevant to having a seme sex experience but do think it could easily relate to being submissive. I was in charge of a group of 13 or so unruly lads and admitted to being bisexual, not one of them ridiculed me. You know why?

Because I was confident in it, I would jokingly threaten to bend them over and fuck them in front of there wives. I had the power in the situation. Had I said I wore a cock cage and submitted to guys fucking my girlfriend then they would have laughed at me and made life difficult.

No one wants a leader who can be easily led irrespective of their sexuality. This attitude goes back thousands of years and is simply human psychology. Don’t believe me? Look at roman and Greek laws on the subject. It was ok for a man to submit to his superior but the other way around was considered a disgrace.

I think for Ky that submissive bridge was crossed some time ago and for now he may as well enjoy the rest of the journey.



Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by sadie » Fri Nov 30, 2018 10:21 am

Mrbigbull wrote: What I discovered being a bull to couples is that there is sort of pattern, well at least most of the time. Unfortunately that pattern lead to divorce/breaking up most of the time.
My expirience is that 90% + of the couples I've been with are divorced/split up. I was a little shocked when other bulls confirmed this number through their experience.
That is the reason I'm typing my reflection now, because I'm seeing that pattern develop with you two.

To go short, what I see is you are getting more and more submissive, Jaimee is getting you to do things you actually do not want to do and it looks like you are getting at least sexually replaced.
It is maybe a lot to take in if you put in one line like this, but what it is missing is the factor time. And people always forget the time factor in this lifestyle, while in time people can change, or their opinions change.
I don't think your 90% / 10% can be taken to mean much absent any notion of how many couples you've been involved with. 90$ of 10? 100? 1000? (maybe the thing they had in common was being involved with you). I've heard lots of men say exactly what you're saying here however never seen it substantiated, usually these assertions come from guys who never actually write about all these assignations they've experienced.

Right here on OHW lots of guys predict the edgier relationships will crash and burn and pretty uniformly they've been wrong. Contrasting to your experience, mine has been in the mostly larger pool of polyamorous generally and I do in fact have a lot of experience there as well as a real life community built over the course of 20 years.

And that's been that non-monogamous relationships fall out in success / failure a good bit better than the monogamous kind.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Mrbigbull » Fri Nov 30, 2018 11:43 am

sadie wrote:
Mrbigbull wrote: What I discovered being a bull to couples is that there is sort of pattern, well at least most of the time. Unfortunately that pattern lead to divorce/breaking up most of the time.
My expirience is that 90% + of the couples I've been with are divorced/split up. I was a little shocked when other bulls confirmed this number through their experience.
That is the reason I'm typing my reflection now, because I'm seeing that pattern develop with you two.

To go short, what I see is you are getting more and more submissive, Jaimee is getting you to do things you actually do not want to do and it looks like you are getting at least sexually replaced.
It is maybe a lot to take in if you put in one line like this, but what it is missing is the factor time. And people always forget the time factor in this lifestyle, while in time people can change, or their opinions change.
I don't think your 90% / 10% can be taken to mean much absent any notion of how many couples you've been involved with. 90$ of 10? 100? 1000? (maybe the thing they had in common was being involved with you). I've heard lots of men say exactly what you're saying here however never seen it substantiated, usually these assertions come from guys who never actually write about all these assignations they've experienced.

Right here on OHW lots of guys predict the edgier relationships will crash and burn and pretty uniformly they've been wrong. Contrasting to your experience, mine has been in the mostly larger pool of polyamorous generally and I do in fact have a lot of experience there as well as a real life community built over the course of 20 years.

And that's been that non-monogamous relationships fall out in success / failure a good bit better than the monogamous kind.
Well, 90% out of 10 is still a lot. But I've been with way more than 10. Wow, 1000, no way, that would be to much. The number is in the 70.
Yeah, I definitely think it is because of me. They ask me to fuck the wife, on a rather steady basis, and all of a sudden I am the problem. Sure.

If you must know, I do not like to write about those experiences. It is no fun, it is real life, real people got hurt. Real people got into problems of this lifestyle, so no, I will not write about that.
You will also not hear from the cucks those kind of failures, same reason. Or do you think it would be fun to read "Well, we had a cuckold lifestyle, all went well, until my wife wanted me to be submissive. At first I thought it was fun, we had a great time. But then she started to see me as less of a man. She wanted a divorce because she wants to be married to a real man. She told her friends of this as well and showed some photo's, which in turn my friends also got to see".
You think this is made up? Think again.
It is really no fun seeing this happen.

And yes, also "normal" marriages fail, I know that, but this life style works as an accelerator, or opens the door. A lot of couples would still be married if not entering this lifestyle. I say a lot, not all.

And in my opinion non-monogamous relationships is something completely different than a cuckold lifestyle (with or without submissiveness), so I really do not know what you are trying to say with that.


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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by trdd » Fri Nov 30, 2018 2:01 pm

Overall divorce rate is estimated at 25% in the US for 1st marriages, although exact data is difficult to gather.

Many people in this forum claim that the relationships that fail here are rarely reported...people never come back. A few claim to have gotten a glimpse of the women's section and report that some women disparage their husbands there. At least one woman responded to that... Not denying it but saying most of the content their was practical and mundane.
Last edited by trdd on Fri Nov 30, 2018 2:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Fri Nov 30, 2018 2:03 pm

Hey all,

Looks like I've got some catching up to do. We had the doctor's appointment this week and were able to hear the heartbeat. And well, we heard two heartbeats!! Holy shit! We're having twins.

This news blew me away, and candidly, I haven't given a thought about the game at all since the doctor's appointment--neither has the wife. We've just been into each other and not much else. Maybe it was the sound of those fast little heartbeats, but I felt a change I'm not able to describe very well yet. Maybe it's a protective streak in me I didn't know I had, or maybe it's just the weight of responsibility, but things feel different today. Hope everyone is well.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by trdd » Fri Nov 30, 2018 2:09 pm

Congratulations Ky! All the best!

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Xalar11 » Fri Nov 30, 2018 2:18 pm

Wow, twins!!! My congratulation to you and Jaimee. Can I ask how did Jaimee react to the news you both gonna have twins?

You have said that you and Jaimee are very into eachother since the doctor's appointment. Would you tell us a little more about tgis?

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