she has feelings?

For cuckoldresses and the men who serve them.
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Re: she has feelings?

Unread post by shesmypornstar » Mon Sep 26, 2022 5:44 am

We had some people over again this weekend, nothing formal, just some friends for some drinks and football. I invited her crush over, she took it a step further and sent him a separate text inviting him to join us for dinner. Ultimately that dinner was open to anyone who came over, but he was the only one who got a text inviting him to take the night off from cooking because she made dinner and he should just eat here. The flirting kicked up a bit which i really enjoyed watching and listening to.

I'll be honest, I caught some of the flirting last time he was over but I wasn't looking for it or expecting it at the time. However after last time, she was sure to point out a few things that I had missed so I knew she was putting in effort and would probably be doing it again. It was really fun to see her working to be a good host for him. Asking if he wanted or needed anything, getting him whatever it was, trying to clean up after him and take care of his plate and drink. I got a couple glances of her getting a little touchy when getting something for him or giving him something. You know that pose women make when taking a picture, one arm behind the guy with her hand on his back while she sets her other hand on the guys chest? I saw that a few times on the back and his arms, which isn't a big deal, but its more touching than I've seen them do in the past.

Some playful arguing thrown in the mix between the two of them along with her doing a pretty good job of ignoring me or being snarky or bitchy when acknowledging me.

After everyone left I told her that i really enjoyed watching her flirting with him. She asked if I liked her being bitchy to me as well (I did) but I told her that I didn't think she was too bitchy. Should be interesting to see if she kicks that up next time we're around him. We've got plans to see him in a few weeks so I told her she should plan a sexier outfit to show off and grab his attention. I also told her that I've been thinking about getting her a pair of stilettos that are decorated for the football team they both cheer for. She laughed and said "yea I'm sure you'd like to cum all over those" Well yea, i would, but I'd rather see them on his shoulders while he fucks her in them.

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Re: she has feelings?

Unread post by Brute » Mon Sep 26, 2022 9:15 am

Once again thank you for sharing, it has been wonderful to follow.

A word of warning about her being bitch to you in public, if your friends start to feel your marriage is having trouble they may distance themselves, which by the way is good advice as relationship trouble can be contagious.

I love the way she is doing the low key flirting with him and how it excites you. It is impossible to not to speculate how far she wants this to go, and how far it will go, It could as far and not farther then she wants, or she could get swept up in the emotions with things happening she beyond her intentions.

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Re: she has feelings?

Unread post by shesmypornstar » Thu Sep 29, 2022 12:20 pm

Brute wrote:
Mon Sep 26, 2022 9:15 am
Once again thank you for sharing, it has been wonderful to follow.

A word of warning about her being bitch to you in public, if your friends start to feel your marriage is having trouble they may distance themselves, which by the way is good advice as relationship trouble can be contagious.

I love the way she is doing the low key flirting with him and how it excites you. It is impossible to not to speculate how far she wants this to go, and how far it will go, It could as far and not farther then she wants, or she could get swept up in the emotions with things happening she beyond her intentions.
Fair point about how we interact in public. This is much more of a playful bitchiness. Shes not acting mad at me, rather playful joking that I don't matter or that shes ready to try something or someone new in a relationship. The playful tone does come with some ignoring of me and more attention paid towards him which makes it even better.

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Re: she has feelings?

Unread post by shesmypornstar » Mon Oct 03, 2022 6:44 am

As detailed on another thread, the wife and I had been discussing trying out Loctoberfest for the first time. Neither of us were sure I could make it the entire month so I suggested that I'll be caged for the month, with 1 weekly release at her discretion. She wasn't so sure she wanted me to have a weekly release so we agreed on a little game/wager to determine my fate for the month. If she could come up with a story and make me cum using her hand in under 30 seconds I'll wear the cage for the entire 30 days with no release. If she couldn't make me cum in under 30 seconds I could get the weekly release.

Whats not detailed on another thread is where it gets really interesting. Saturday night I'm rock hard, she gets some lube on her hand and sets a 30 second timer on her phone. She starts the timer and takes a deep breath and says "so honest to god truth" then pauses, struggles to get any words out and 30 seconds later the timer goes off. She stops stroking me and is in shock that 30 seconds is over so fast, while I'm now even more horned up because it seems whatever shes about to say is true, not just some made up story. Obviously I tell her that the attempt didn't count, of course I didn't cum, she didn't even say anything.

She composes herself a bit, hits start on the timer and proceeds to tell me that while I was out of town last Spring she knew the neighbor was outside so she got dressed up a bit, went on a walk past his house, struck up a conversation and they ended up kissing. I came somewhere around 15 seconds in when she was describing how she moved the conversation inside, but before she detailed the kiss. I was horned up and it was hot, but now I'm caged for the rest of the month with no releases in sight.

Its 2 days later, I'm not stressed or overthinking her story too much, but if you've followed this thread you won't be surprised by what happened after the story. Of course immediately after I asked for details like what happened after the kiss, what was his response, etc. Seems like I got a legit answer, but when I asked if this story was real or made up she tells me it was fake. Then she asks me what I think, is it real or made up? I tell her I could see it being real or fake, but her hesitation at the beginning, her deep breath, saying "honest to god truth" all leads me to think it really happened. She responds by saying "yea i shouldn't have said honest to god truth"

So as I said, I'm not dwelling on it too much, it was fun, credit to her for acting a bit to sell it, but I wish I could get a straight honest answer because she has flip flopped her answers over the past 2 days. I've heard that "it was real", "it was fake", "you already know" And now that I'm typing this I've come to the realization that maybe it was more, maybe they fucked or she went down on him, something more than a kiss and maybe she was just unsure what to really tell me. I'm obviously not sure, but wanted to share.


Re: she has feelings?

Unread post by FNQLivin » Mon Oct 03, 2022 10:30 am

I don’t know, she clearly has a way of getting you going. Are you not worried though? She’s told you she can’t seperate love and sex and seems to imply a future with him doesn’t include you.

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Re: she has feelings?

Unread post by shesmypornstar » Mon Oct 03, 2022 8:07 pm

I think there's a sense of worry yes. However, right now it feels like shes found some kind of balance in flirting with him and enjoying him being around, but also being happy here in our relationship. Lets assume that she did kiss him or perhaps did something more with him a few months back. IF thats the case I'd say shes done a great job not getting carried away. It was a possibly one time thing, there was plenty of time away from him over the past few months, and now hes back and shes flirting, etc, shes obviously still happy here in our relationship.

If we assume that she hasn't kissed him or crossed any physical lines, then I'd say there are more unknowns. Right now shes enjoying the time she gets to see him, shes flirting with him, teasing me, and seemingly happy. But then the question is, what happens if they were to cross the line.

Right now all I can say is that if they've crossed a line, shes having no issues staying and being happy here. If they haven't, shes at least able to participate in some teasing and flirting and probably isn't seriously thinking about taking the next step with him.


Re: she has feelings?

Unread post by FNQLivin » Mon Oct 03, 2022 8:21 pm

The unknown and the risk is half the allure I think. If she's seen him, has she kissed him or more? If she hasn't, does she want to? If she does, what does that mean for the relationship. All my cuckold senses (seeing as I am a third party here!) are firing off and it's very exciting. I can't imagine what it would be like for you.

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Re: she has feelings?

Unread post by shesmypornstar » Mon Oct 03, 2022 8:32 pm

Yes its definitely exciting. I'll say I've definitely calmed down a bit. I was quite nervous and apprehensive a while back, but for whatever reason I feel good and confident in where we stand. I know that without a doubt she wants to kiss him and more, beyond that I know nothing.

We've come up with quite the list of games to play to keep things fresh. Me being caged when hes around is one of them but considering I'll be caged for the rest of the month I guess his presence won't have much to do with my status.

Another game we discussed was her wearing an anklet when out with girls or out with me on a date. Something that tells her girls and any guys she might meet at the bar that shes available to play. Also something that gives hints that I'm her cuck if shes wearing it while we're out together. It would be very very interesting to see her wear an anklet next time we see him.

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Re: she has feelings?

Unread post by Brute » Wed Nov 09, 2022 5:49 pm

Any updates?

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Re: she has feelings?

Unread post by shesmypornstar » Mon Nov 14, 2022 8:54 am

Nothing in terms of her progressing towards actually cucking me. She does continue to tease me about her interest in him and she has relaxed a bit with her request that I don't get to bring him up in conversation. We've seen him a couple times, the usual flirting on her end and teasing me about it after the fact.

An interesting comment from her last night after sex was that she needs to find a way to be more into me or want it more from me. She says its nothing besides the fact that we've been together for 15 years and obviously things get stale from time to time, or just over time. I get what shes saying, part of my interest in her cucking me came at a time when I was getting bored with her. Nonetheless, this kind of comment has been a trend from her over the past year or so. Even when sex is good shes made comments about wondering what it'd be like with someone else, but always coming back to the idea that she doesn't really want that. I do know that these comments are 100% genuine and have nothing to do with her teasing me about him or anyone else for that matter. We'll just have to see whether or not her boredom and curiosity ever get the best of her.

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Re: she has feelings?

Unread post by Tryagain » Mon Nov 14, 2022 11:28 am

As long as you keep your cool - and she keeps hers - the best way to reignite things between you is for you to give her the complete green light to fuck him.

She will feel renewed sexually and she will become the ever more sexy lady you want her to be. That will in turn ignite you to a reinvigorated interest in her. A mutual synergy will emerge.

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Re: she has feelings?

Unread post by shesmypornstar » Sun Dec 11, 2022 10:11 am

So the past couple days shes been complaining about not getting enough attention from me. Admittedly, I've been preoccupied in my own head and haven't been present minded even when I'm physically present. There was an event the other day that we usually attend, but I couldn't this year because of a conflict. So she tells me shes going to text him to see if he wanted to meet up and go together, though they wouldn't be alone because kids would be involved. I told her to go ahead, didn't bother me and she acted kinda upset that I wasn't jealous and that I don't get jealous. I told her that of course I get jealous, but that if she wanted to text him she could. The reality for me is that part of me thinks it could happen, part of me thinks it won't happen, and part of me obviously wants it to happen.

Anyway, not long after she tells me that she did text him and invited him but that he couldn't. Again, I wasn't phased by it which kinda irritate her more, but I'm trying to give her all the space she needs to make her own decision. I'm definitely going to try and get her phone to see exactly what she said to him. Did she mention that I wouldn't be there, were there flirty emojis, did she ask for a raincheck?

Anyways, any advice on how to approach this jealousy/non jealousy issues. I've obviously shown her that I do care and do get jealous, but thats usually also at the time when I'm thinking we shouldn't do this. Now that I'm not jealous and am giving her the ok, she wants me to be jealous.

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Re: she has feelings?

Unread post by troilusand » Sun Dec 11, 2022 1:55 pm

The reality for me is that part of me thinks it could happen, part of me thinks it won't happen, and part of me obviously wants it to happen.
Is there still a part of you that DOESN'T want it to happen? I know you were conflicted earlier; have you gotten over that?

You know, whether she did flirt in their texts or not, this cuckold situation is now a part of your marriage...even if it never happens. From what you've written, this teasing and power and exchange seems to me like a dominant part of your relationship now. If you want my advice, you two should sit down with all cards face up on the table and figure this out before you two get angry about this. And of course, take or leave that advice. But it sure doesn't sound like fun for either of you anymore. Again, this is based on the way I read your thread.

I hope things work out well whatever you decide, and I'll still be reading any updates.


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Re: she has feelings?

Unread post by Brute » Mon Dec 26, 2022 6:12 am

How did the cage thing go, did you make it for the entire month of Locktober?

shesmypornstar wrote:
Sun Dec 11, 2022 10:11 am
So the past couple days shes been complaining about not getting enough attention from me. Admittedly, I've been preoccupied in my own head and haven't been present minded even when I'm physically present. There was an event the other day that we usually attend, but I couldn't this year because of a conflict. So she tells me shes going to text him to see if he wanted to meet up and go together, though they wouldn't be alone because kids would be involved. I told her to go ahead, didn't bother me and she acted kinda upset that I wasn't jealous and that I don't get jealous. I told her that of course I get jealous, but that if she wanted to text him she could. The reality for me is that part of me thinks it could happen, part of me thinks it won't happen, and part of me obviously wants it to happen.

Anyway, not long after she tells me that she did text him and invited him but that he couldn't. Again, I wasn't phased by it which kinda irritate her more, but I'm trying to give her all the space she needs to make her own decision. I'm definitely going to try and get her phone to see exactly what she said to him. Did she mention that I wouldn't be there, were there flirty emojis, did she ask for a raincheck?

Anyways, any advice on how to approach this jealousy/non jealousy issues. I've obviously shown her that I do care and do get jealous, but thats usually also at the time when I'm thinking we shouldn't do this. Now that I'm not jealous and am giving her the ok, she wants me to be jealous.
It seems that part of why she is flirting with him is to make you happy, I think she could live without it. So here she is offering some sexual tension, mild jealousy, and emotional excitement, and you respond like a cold fish. I bet her feelings were hurt, she put it out their and instead of playing along you made her feel like she shouldn't have risked it.

Replies like: "So going to make daddy jealous", "I'm going to regret having responsibilities", "So reminding me I need to keep you satisfied"... said to her in joking but turned on way.

Then follow it up with a more serious tone letting her know that you would like it. "I would feel better about you and the kids if he was there. I don't like having to miss the event."

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Re: she has feelings?

Unread post by shesmypornstar » Tue Jan 17, 2023 9:59 am

A hot little update from the other night. Friday she came home for lunch and noticed that he was also at his home. After having lunch with me and getting in the car to return to work, she texted me saying that he was home and she was going to stop by to see him first before going back to finish her day. Of course that wasn't true but it was a nice little tease.

We had planned on having sex Friday night and as she climbed in bed she looked at me and said "so, I wanna tell you something". She proceeds to tell me about another couple we know who recently got divorced and the now ex-wife is dating their old neighbor. That got my wife daydreaming a bit about the day she might be able to date our neighbor after a potential split between us. While thinking about that she thought to herself that she can't wait that long, she wants to have sex with someone other than me now. Her knowing that he probably won't have sex with her while shes with me, she shifted her daydream to fantasize about hooking up with a random guy and that thought just didn't work for her so she brought it back to our neighbor. In her daydream she decided to tell him that we were separated or were going to get separated so that he'd let his guard down and be open to the idea and she could finally fuck him. At this point in the very short conversation/story, it kinda sounded like she was telling me more about her plan rather than her daydream. I said to her "so you're going to tell him that we're thinking about getting separated and then fuck him?" Her response was "no, I'd want to actually get separated so that I can fuck him"

At this point I'm beyond turned on and I can tell that she is too. I've also come to the conclusion that I love the idea of her and him way more than I dislike it, and that I should accept any feelings of regret or second thoughts because they're very temporary and I always return to wanting her to do it. So, after telling me that she'd want to get separated to fuck him I said "Ok, i like the idea I think you should do it" She immediately climbs on top of me, absolutely soaking wet, and we both cum within 45 seconds.

In the aftermath, I don't remember what I said other than something supportive and her response in a joking tone was "yea lets just throw it all away, the house, our family, everything just so we can live this fantasy" So certainly something sarcastic, but she wasn't mad, and realistically of course I wouldn't want to throw any of this away either. All in all it was an extremely hot and fun 3 minutes haha.

Interesting note from the next day is that she again mentioned wanting to have sex with other people. It was in a joking manner, and although I again gave my approval she made another joke about me having no idea whether or not she was serious about any of this. As someone said earlier, she certainly knows how to push my buttons.

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Re: she has feelings?

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Tue Jan 17, 2023 11:22 am

shesmypornstar wrote:
Tue Jan 17, 2023 9:59 am
A hot little update from the other night. Friday she came home for lunch and noticed that he was also at his home. After having lunch with me and getting in the car to return to work, she texted me saying that he was home and she was going to stop by to see him first before going back to finish her day. Of course that wasn't true but it was a nice little tease.

We had planned on having sex Friday night and as she climbed in bed she looked at me and said "so, I wanna tell you something". She proceeds to tell me about another couple we know who recently got divorced and the now ex-wife is dating their old neighbor. That got my wife daydreaming a bit about the day she might be able to date our neighbor after a potential split between us. While thinking about that she thought to herself that she can't wait that long, she wants to have sex with someone other than me now. Her knowing that he probably won't have sex with her while shes with me, she shifted her daydream to fantasize about hooking up with a random guy and that thought just didn't work for her so she brought it back to our neighbor. In her daydream she decided to tell him that we were separated or were going to get separated so that he'd let his guard down and be open to the idea and she could finally fuck him. At this point in the very short conversation/story, it kinda sounded like she was telling me more about her plan rather than her daydream. I said to her "so you're going to tell him that we're thinking about getting separated and then fuck him?" Her response was "no, I'd want to actually get separated so that I can fuck him"

At this point I'm beyond turned on and I can tell that she is too. I've also come to the conclusion that I love the idea of her and him way more than I dislike it, and that I should accept any feelings of regret or second thoughts because they're very temporary and I always return to wanting her to do it. So, after telling me that she'd want to get separated to fuck him I said "Ok, i like the idea I think you should do it" She immediately climbs on top of me, absolutely soaking wet, and we both cum within 45 seconds.

In the aftermath, I don't remember what I said other than something supportive and her response in a joking tone was "yea lets just throw it all away, the house, our family, everything just so we can live this fantasy" So certainly something sarcastic, but she wasn't mad, and realistically of course I wouldn't want to throw any of this away either. All in all it was an extremely hot and fun 3 minutes haha.

Interesting note from the next day is that she again mentioned wanting to have sex with other people. It was in a joking manner, and although I again gave my approval she made another joke about me having no idea whether or not she was serious about any of this. As someone said earlier, she certainly knows how to push my buttons.
SMPS - You should make up and print off an official HW hall pass for her. :shock: :lol:

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Re: she has feelings?

Unread post by Brute » Wed Jan 18, 2023 6:45 pm

Doesn’t have to be a legal separation, if work sends you out of town it could be a trial separation. Take the kids to see the grandparents, and leave her at home; because she needs to feel out life on her own.

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Re: she has feelings?

Unread post by shesmypornstar » Thu Jan 19, 2023 8:32 am

Brute wrote:
Wed Jan 18, 2023 6:45 pm
Doesn’t have to be a legal separation, if work sends you out of town it could be a trial separation. Take the kids to see the grandparents, and leave her at home; because she needs to feel out life on her own.
I was thinking something along those lines. Maybe something more like committing to a month long separation in which we completely do our own thing outside of what we already have on the schedule with our kids. Outside of that, 30 straight days where she doesn't have to take me into consideration at all when making plans of her own.

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Re: she has feelings?

Unread post by michael8401 » Thu Jan 19, 2023 9:24 am

Would this be an actual separation or just playing at one so she could fuck him?

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Re: she has feelings?

Unread post by shesmypornstar » Thu Jan 19, 2023 9:34 am

michael8401 wrote:
Thu Jan 19, 2023 9:24 am
Would this be an actual separation or just playing at one so she could fuck him?
Based on what she said the other night it sounded more like a real separation in the fact that she specifically said she wasn't just going to lie to him and say that we were separated when we actually aren't. And granted this was probably just her having some fun in bed, but to what extent she would want to separate i don't know. Some people do separate and live in the same house, some completely split and find a new place to live. My gut tells me she would physically want to live together but mentally split from me.

She came home for lunch today and asked me if i wondered why our pineapple was sitting on the counter upside down. I knew it had something to do with a swinging lifestyle but she went ahead and confirmed it for me. Her teasing me with the pineapple isn't something new so when she went back to work i sent her a pic of the pineapple and told her she needed to come up with a new symbol or way to tell me that she was serious about cucking me without her actually having to say the words.


Re: she has feelings?

Unread post by FNQLivin » Thu Jan 19, 2023 10:25 am

This is where I get confused. You can’t be separated and know you’ll be getting back together. Otherwise you’re not seperated and she’d still be lying to him.

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Re: she has feelings?

Unread post by shesmypornstar » Thu Jan 19, 2023 10:40 am

FNQLivin wrote:
Thu Jan 19, 2023 10:25 am
This is where I get confused. You can’t be separated and know you’ll be getting back together. Otherwise you’re not seperated and she’d still be lying to him.
I understand what you mean. This is probably the reality of the situation.... I think that first month is approached like a trial separation. We're both free to live our lives without taking into consideration the other person, and lets see how we feel about everything when the month ends.

On one hand she could fuck him and decide she wants to continue with a true separation, on the other hand she could fuck him and decide she wants to stay together with me. What that does to them if she makes that decision I'm not sure. Completely opposite of that, they may not get to the point of fucking during that month, but she decides that she either does or does not like her new found freedom and either wants to stay with me or continue with a separation.

I don't think she'd approach it as a month long hall pass knowing we're staying together. I think she'd give real consideration to whether or not she wants to stay married or explore single life...or even a new relationship.


Re: she has feelings?

Unread post by FNQLivin » Thu Jan 19, 2023 10:54 am

shesmypornstar wrote:
Thu Jan 19, 2023 10:40 am
FNQLivin wrote:
Thu Jan 19, 2023 10:25 am
This is where I get confused. You can’t be separated and know you’ll be getting back together. Otherwise you’re not seperated and she’d still be lying to him.
I understand what you mean. This is probably the reality of the situation.... I think that first month is approached like a trial separation. We're both free to live our lives without taking into consideration the other person, and lets see how we feel about everything when the month ends.

On one hand she could fuck him and decide she wants to continue with a true separation, on the other hand she could fuck him and decide she wants to stay together with me. What that does to them if she makes that decision I'm not sure. Completely opposite of that, they may not get to the point of fucking during that month, but she decides that she either does or does not like her new found freedom and either wants to stay with me or continue with a separation.

I don't think she'd approach it as a month long hall pass knowing we're staying together. I think she'd give real consideration to whether or not she wants to stay married or explore single life...or even a new relationship.
That means leaving your wife, shared parenting, new place to live. Your kids would have a new daddy. Your (ex) wife would only need to communicate with you to arrange visits with the kids. All for a kink?

The other man won’t be in on this and will have his own feelings and agenda.

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Re: she has feelings?

Unread post by shesmypornstar » Thu Jan 19, 2023 5:33 pm

[/quote] That means leaving your wife, shared parenting, new place to live. Your kids would have a new daddy. Your (ex) wife would only need to communicate with you to arrange visits with the kids. All for a kink?

The other man won’t be in on this and will have his own feelings and agenda.

I don't want to sound like I'm too carefree about what this all means, trust me I get it, and none of that sounds good. Certainly not worth trading all that in to explore a kink. There are a lot of ways you can approach this lifestyle, requirements or criteria that either party needs to have met before jumping in. I know she has said that if she found herself in another relationship she wouldn't need to keep me around. Is that true, I don't know but that is a risk we all take when we explore this kink whether she says it out loud or not.

Now she says that if shes going to do it she'd want to be separated. Maybe she says that in an effort to get me to cool off on the idea, but truth be told most of this has been driven by her over the past year or so. Maybe she doesn't need the separation to move herself forward, rather she thinks that he wouldn't move forward unless she was separated.

'On the other hand, if she feels so strongly that she wants to explore something, whether it be freedom to be herself or freedom to explore with someone else, that she needs a separation, I feel like thats something that needs to be respected and talked out in great great detail. I don't think she wants a separation just to go have some fun with someone else. So if thats where we're at or where we end up there is much more going on then us just exploring a kink.


Re: she has feelings?

Unread post by FNQLivin » Thu Jan 19, 2023 5:43 pm

You do you, but if my partner said that she would leave me for someone else, I’d take that as a serious warning. If she’s saying ‘hey, you know I only ever want to be in a relationship with one person, so if I were to see x, then I can’t be in a relationship with you’ that’s a different conversation and hurdle and still a serious situation. She’s basically saying, I find him attractive enough as a person to consider leaving you for him and if you want me to, I can and I will. At the same time, she obviously still finds you attractive as she made love to you the other night. You don’t do that with someone you want to leave.

It sounds to me that she’s warning you that if she were to have a relationship with him, it would be more than sexual and she only wants to be with one person at a time.

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