A slippery slope?

For cuckoldresses and the men who serve them.
SoCal Bosun
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Re: A slippery slope?

Unread post by SoCal Bosun » Tue Feb 21, 2023 9:00 am

Jujube wrote:
Sun Feb 19, 2023 12:44 pm
You need to eat that cum-filled pussy!
This is an easy one. It makes me tremble and shake when she comes home and slowly peels down her panties. Her glistening swollen pussy directly in front of me. The taste of their sex. Salty, delicious. I’m like a shaking desperate little animal. Her hand in my hair as I devour her sex. Tasting them both. I’m almost cumming as their wetness spreads over my face, and their combined sent goes into the back of my head. I can’t get enough. So I do.

SoCal Bosun
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Re: A slippery slope?

Unread post by SoCal Bosun » Tue Feb 21, 2023 9:16 am

David52 wrote:
Sat Feb 18, 2023 11:08 am
Thank you SoCal for your introspection and insightful posts. I've just finished the thread and am blown away at how far and fast you have come. Please indulge a few questions and comments.

It seems you have moved to a D/s relationship with Becka. You have mentioned chastity, pegging, feminization; the whole femdom thing. While domination preceded Mike, how has Becka's new relationship affected this part of your relationship with Becka?

Mike seems is probably a very nice vanilla guy. He is talking to his family about Becka and I'm sure they are putting pressure on him to meet her. Adding family to the mix will make things unstable and very complicated. All the family members, and especially yours, will have wildly different responses and abilities to understand and accept your three person relationships.

Becka seems to be preparing you for taking things to another level emotionally with Mike...love. Mike is probably already there as well. You might look at the language and literature of the poly community. IMO they have better strategies for dealing with jealousy and fear of replacement. You mentioned that Becka's previous boyfriend was still in contact. Do you think he is coaching Becka? Becka also has Mike to confide in. You are on your own. I fear her ex and Mike do not have your best interests at heart. Have you thought about finding a therapist or counselor for yourself to help you with your anxious? You and Becka could search together for the right person.

Is it really fair that Becka keeps throwing your cuck angst back at you.."I'm only doing what your asked for"? But cuck angst is like a narcotic. It feels great under the influence; not so great when you come down; and the more you take, the more you need. We're rooting for you. I hope you can enjoy the ride and that it takes you and Becka to safe and exciting places.
David I love your post. So much. When you say I don’t have anyone to talk to you are wrong. Because you have read and understand everything that is going on. And the details. I don’t have masses of time right now but I want to talk about so much you have asked.

We have definitely moved into a D/s style relationship. And while you quite rightly noticed that while this existed before Mike it has definitely changed. We have actually talked about this as just this morning we were talking about how I’m always so arroused. I told her it’s her. She has a crazy sexual aura that is growing. She is oozing sexuality. I see men look at her all the time. She has a confidence. It’s incredible. She is working out hard at the gym. Takes time dressing that oh so sexy hot way. She used to be a dancer so her form is incredible. She walks with her beautiful posture, so confidently, her ass swaying in usually a tight set of yoga pants or jeans. Men, and women look at her. She attracts attention. And because she looks so sexy and classy. She is an Audrey Hepburn type woman. If that paints a better picture.
She tells me, that since she has been with Mike, she sees how infatuated he is with her. How he looks at her. How he can’t keep his hands off her. How easy he tries to please her. How if she mentions the slightest desire or wish he jumps and does it. Even silly things like she wanted him to go out this weekend and do his favorite old activity. That he hasn’t done for so long. He texted her this weekend with videos of him doing it (protecting his identity). She was so happy. And he was so happy. He did it because she asked him too. He lets her blindfold him. Ties his hands. Tease his magnificent cock. So what this has made her realize is that she is powerful, and sexy. And it’s not just her cuck. That when this only goes on at home it could be just role playing. This has made her realize it’s not role play. That she is powerful, gently dominant and men, at least us, seem to fall at her feet and are eager (for different reasons) to please her.

So that is how her dominance has evolved since meeting Mike. She tells me it is very different with him and I. And that I’m her cuck. He is her lover. She just enjoys and can’t help being gently leading. Coupled with her natural sensitive loving demeanor. She has developed her own style of dominance.

I want to touch on what else you mentioned David. And I will be back later to continue.

Hope I’m not boring. Sitting her in panties typing this. As per her orders. Heading out now with the family for a fun day.


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Re: A slippery slope?

Unread post by Timburkey » Tue Feb 21, 2023 6:38 pm

If the people posting here were warning alarms on an airplane, then I would say that 8 out of every 10 alarms are bursting loud here. We sense that a crash is imminent!

Obviously you post just 5% of your life here and we assume it's everything. You know better.

But then from my example, me being an ex-cuck now. My wife when out with us a family, and her pussy not drooling with juices, would frequently be messaging her FB. That annoyed me a lot, made me feel that my kids and me were not important for her.

So how is it with you, how does your wife treat you and kids when she is with you out on weekends? Please give us a better picture else we are assuming wrong things.

Your thread could be a model one here which could lay a pattern for any newbie cuckold

SoCal Bosun
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Re: A slippery slope?

Unread post by SoCal Bosun » Wed Feb 22, 2023 3:16 pm

David52 wrote:
Sat Feb 18, 2023 11:08 am
Thank you SoCal for your introspection and insightful posts. I've just finished the thread and am blown away at how far and fast you have come. Please indulge a few questions and comments.

It seems you have moved to a D/s relationship with Becka. You have mentioned chastity, pegging, feminization; the whole femdom thing. While domination preceded Mike, how has Becka's new relationship affected this part of your relationship with Becka?

Mike seems is probably a very nice vanilla guy. He is talking to his family about Becka and I'm sure they are putting pressure on him to meet her. Adding family to the mix will make things unstable and very complicated. All the family members, and especially yours, will have wildly different responses and abilities to understand and accept your three person relationships.

Becka seems to be preparing you for taking things to another level emotionally with Mike...love. Mike is probably already there as well. You might look at the language and literature of the poly community. IMO they have better strategies for dealing with jealousy and fear of replacement. You mentioned that Becka's previous boyfriend was still in contact. Do you think he is coaching Becka? Becka also has Mike to confide in. You are on your own. I fear her ex and Mike do not have your best interests at heart. Have you thought about finding a therapist or counselor for yourself to help you with your anxious? You and Becka could search together for the right person.

Is it really fair that Becka keeps throwing your cuck angst back at you.."I'm only doing what your asked for"? But cuck angst is like a narcotic. It feels great under the influence; not so great when you come down; and the more you take, the more you need. We're rooting for you. I hope you can enjoy the ride and that it takes you and Becka to safe and exciting places.
I wanted to comment a little bit more on this David.

Yes. Mike does seem like a really nice and vanilla guy. I’ve been trying as I’ve mentioned to gauge his intentions. Honestly I may read too much into them. I’m not sure. He is besotted with Becka, loves to see her but never pressures her to come over. As soon as she says she is going to he is so happy and can’t wait to see her. She’s even one asked him if he’d like her to stop having intercourse with me and keep herself just for him. I may of mentioned this previously but his reply was whatever you would like. Ha ha. He had a golden opportunity right there but thankfully for me didn’t take it.

Anyhow. Yes he has told his family about Becka, but she told me she thinks it’s best not to meet them. That that would take things to a whole new level and it’s not for the best. She sees this situation lasting as long as it doesn’t all get too serious. So that’s reassuring for me.

She is very clever and really wants for this situation to continue. She says how much she loves spending time with him, and they just have very hot sexual chemistry together. She tells me she is happy the way things are right now so doesn’t want to do anything to jeopardize that.

I’m not sure if she is preparing me for the next step? If she is maybe she is doing it without realizing. Who knows. All I can do is take everyday as it comes. And I do agree with you about the poly thing. You are right and there is a good amount of support there and experience in handling three way relationships. Jealousy. Etc. It is kind of poly now. But with a heavy dose of cuckolding and femdom.

Her old boyfriend B that is a whole other story. He is definitely encouraging her. To enjoy her hung boyfriend and to cuck me. And to treat me a certain way. They don’t chat much. I chat with him a little. He is a really nice guy and as I mentioned married now. He was very instrumental in our first steps into this world of cuckolding, feminization and femdom. With him everything was new. What started out as a three way fun evolved into me being a cuck, taught to suck him while he slept with my wife. As I said it all got too much for me and I couldn’t handle her seeing him without me there. So it all ended. Then he got married. I regretted it very much and it stopped Becka from doing it anymore. Until now. As you know. I’ve mentioned this too.

So from that experience we both know to continue and to deal with all of this together.

Is it fair for her to throw my angst back at me? I actually think yes. A little. It’s ok for me to experience it and communicate to her. And she does show me love and understanding. But if I continue to spiral and try to I suppose get control of the situation she gives me a reality check. And i think this is important.

Advice for new cucks or wannabes. It is a narcotic. It’s not going to always be easy. The highs though are massive and if you can trully give in and be lead I believe it will be a very big positive in your relationship. But if you have cracks or problems it may bring those to the surface. That’s only why cuckolding fail. When other problems exist. It’s like driving a car fast on the track when it’s used to just around town. Any problems will quickly become big ones.

With regard to her texting him when we are together. Yes. It does happen sometimes. Like we text our friends. It’s not too much though and when it happens it’s ok. She is allowed that. And it’s not any reflection on us.

Oh. One last thing. This morning she made me cage mysejf. Then showed me the valentine card he gave to her. I read it. Hot. OMG. To see a valentine card that another man gave to my wife. While I’m caged.

Cuckolding is crazy. It’s a mind fuck! And that’s swearing. Ha ha.

She is seeing him next next Tuesday. She said right now she wants me reset so is keeping it at every two weeks. I really want her to see him more. But I’m an idiot like that. So I’m careful to say it to her. I’m letting her do what she thinks is right. For all of us. I Know shd would see him way more if she felt she could. But she is being sensitive to me. And to the longevity of this three way relationship.

avid fan
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Re: A slippery slope?

Unread post by avid fan » Thu Feb 23, 2023 4:57 am

Her old boyfriend B that is a whole other story. He is definitely encouraging her. To enjoy her hung boyfriend and to cuck me. And to treat me a certain way. They don’t chat much. I chat with him a little. He is a really nice guy and as I mentioned married now. He was very instrumental in our first steps into this world of cuckolding, feminization and femdom. With him everything was new. What started out as a three way fun evolved into me being a cuck, taught to suck him while he slept with my wife.

That sounds intense... don't think you've given details of this previous relationship... can you recall any specifics?? Certainly sounds pretty major in terms of your evolution into a cuckold and would love to know how you reached that place.

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Re: A slippery slope?

Unread post by David52 » Tue Feb 28, 2023 5:37 am

SoCal: Today is the day? She leaves this morning and comes back tomorrow afternoon? Your post suggests that both of you are in a "reset" mode where she has stepped back from the intensity with Mike. Will that last or is that just setting the stage for an even closer relationship with Mike? If we are to be your sounding board, let us know how you are doing tonight. Best, David

SoCal Bosun
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Re: A slippery slope?

Unread post by SoCal Bosun » Tue Feb 28, 2023 10:49 am

Hello David. Yes. You obviously pay attention to my posts. She does seem to be in a little if a reset mode but also keeping up our dynamic. And yes. Today is the day. She has left for work and I won’t see her now until tomorrow evening. She will be spending the evening and night together with him.

SoCal Bosun
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Re: A slippery slope?

Unread post by SoCal Bosun » Tue Feb 28, 2023 10:46 pm

Hi everyone. The life of a cuck. Off to sleep now with Becka at her boyfriends. Before she left she was thinking of me though. This morning she made me pull down my pants and sit on the couch. She then sucked my cock till I was throbbing then straddled me and fucked me. I sat there as she pushed her breasts into my face and ground herself on me. She got my cock Exactky where it felt good and said even though I’m smaller she can get it where she wants it. She fucked me like this. I had to use some deep breathing to try and hold back. Luckily she came just as it was all too much for me. She then stood up and as I flipped out of her i was covered in our cum. She looked down at me and said she wanted to do that so I didn’t feel left out. Because tonight she was going to be with her boyfriend. Ugh. She’s so hot and I just look at her and go along with it now. It seems to be the new normal.

So now I’ll see her tomorrow.

Long Lurker 34
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Re: A slippery slope?

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Wed Mar 01, 2023 7:02 am

SoCal Bosun wrote:
Tue Feb 28, 2023 10:46 pm
Hi everyone. The life of a cuck. Off to sleep now with Becka at her boyfriends. Before she left she was thinking of me though. This morning she made me pull down my pants and sit on the couch. She then sucked my cock till I was throbbing then straddled me and fucked me. I sat there as she pushed her breasts into my face and ground herself on me. She got my cock Exactky where it felt good and said even though I’m smaller she can get it where she wants it. She fucked me like this. I had to use some deep breathing to try and hold back. Luckily she came just as it was all too much for me. She then stood up and as I flipped out of her i was covered in our cum. She looked down at me and said she wanted to do that so I didn’t feel left out. Because tonight she was going to be with her boyfriend. Ugh. She’s so hot and I just look at her and go along with it now. It seems to be the new normal.

So now I’ll see her tomorrow.
SCB - Seems like she was taking the edge off until she was through the work day. Lucky you. :lol:
How often does she see her BF?

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Re: A slippery slope?

Unread post by ddriver86 » Mon Mar 06, 2023 4:23 am

Hey SCB,

Checking in to see how everything was for you after your wife's stayover with her boyfriend? Anything new or new plans for another get together before two weeks again?

Just giving you a bump.,

Thanks for sharing!

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Re: A slippery slope?

Unread post by hwc » Tue Mar 07, 2023 3:47 pm

Would you consider asking her to stop worrying about your feelings and just ride rough shod over them, by thinking only of her own pleasure and doing exactly as she pleases, with you not complaiming it is too much for you to handle?

SoCal Bosun
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Re: A slippery slope?

Unread post by SoCal Bosun » Thu Mar 09, 2023 8:50 pm

hwc wrote:
Tue Mar 07, 2023 3:47 pm
Would you consider asking her to stop worrying about your feelings and just ride rough shod over them, by thinking only of her own pleasure and doing exactly as she pleases, with you not complaiming it is too much for you to handle?
Hi everyone, sorry I've been quiet lately. Nothing too much to report apart from it seems business as usual. Its seems we are committed down this path and the usual ups and downs that besets a cuck. She did say that she would do every two weeks however she just sprung it on me yesterday that she is seeing him tonight. That's a week. Same reaction from myself. I just stay quiet although when we were in bed last night (she had ordered me into panties the moment she told me about her plans), she started true me through my panties and grip my balls. All the time whispering in my ear about how don't pretend, that I know you secretly love me fucking my boyfriend. You love the thought of your sexy wife in his bed riding that big shaft. Your little cock loves it doesn't it? She asked. At that point it was all over for me and I answered with a whimper into my panties. I peeled them off afterwards and turned off the lights not knowing what to say. She cuddled into my chest and we fell asleep.

So she couldn't wait a week. I quoted your reply above as I don't know, maybe I should just encourage and asking her to not consider my feelings so much. I know she does but maybe its what makes her such a good cuckoldress.

Its given me a chance to reflect and update you all here. He's a lucky guy, and lucky for me seems very mild and vanilla, just can't help himself with Becka. She told me she wish he had a tiny bit more perzazz but again it puts her in control of the situation which I think leads to a good cuckold situation.

Risk is something that seems to get us all off as cuckolds.

She will come home tomorrow night.I'm left here once again in panties writing down my story, or situation.

I never did elaborate on her old old bf that started all of this a few years ago and lead me down my beginning path as a cuck. I know someone asked and I will touch on it in the future.

For now spend me a thought as I toss and turn living the life of a cuckolded man.

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Re: A slippery slope?

Unread post by scarlettscuck » Thu Mar 09, 2023 9:27 pm

SoCal Bosun wrote:
Thu Mar 09, 2023 8:50 pm
hwc wrote:
Tue Mar 07, 2023 3:47 pm
Would you consider asking her to stop worrying about your feelings and just ride rough shod over them, by thinking only of her own pleasure and doing exactly as she pleases, with you not complaiming it is too much for you to handle?
however she just sprung it on me yesterday that she is seeing him tonight.

All the time whispering in my ear about how don't pretend, that I know you secretly love me fucking my boyfriend. You love the thought of your sexy wife in his bed riding that big shaft. Your little cock loves it doesn't it? She asked.

Risk is something that seems to get us all off as cuckolds.

For now spend me a thought as I toss and turn living the life of a cuckolded man.
You got it so right my friend. Words are so powerful and devastating (in a good way). I am an alpha by day, a leader and decision-maker at my company so being a submissive cuck after hours is a HUGE turn on and escape for me. I love it, Scarlett loves it. I get to be someone I’m not alot of the time. It’s crazy. I often find myself fantasizing and obsessed about the most ridiculous things (chastity, denial and pushing sexual boundaries that really make no sense). Lol But that’s the life a cuck lives right? We are in this to live on the edge, take risks that most would think are crazy and “relationship” dangerous. I’m living it tonight. But we can’t stop, we need more and more. A cuck is insatiable when they become addicted to the angst we feel. I’m good with it and keep pushing for more. Bottom line, making Scarlett happy is my #1 obsession. Thanks for sharing.
13th year in the lifestyle
Her pics: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=43375
KiK: ScarlettscuckD
Please say hello!

SoCal Bosun
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Re: A slippery slope?

Unread post by SoCal Bosun » Thu Mar 09, 2023 10:00 pm

Such kind hot words. Yes. I’m an absolute addict. And the painful erotic submissive angst is somehow intoxicating. It’s a one way path. For sure.

I just got this text from her…

We had some sex. I came and he just came. 😜 I will be off to sleep now my love. Sleep well let that cock stay hard. Sleep with your panties on. I shall touch you tomorrow. You will also get to serve me as I know you love to and so should do. Xx

So that’s what I’ll do. Try to sleep now.

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Re: A slippery slope?

Unread post by nevertoolate » Sun Mar 12, 2023 12:27 pm

What's not to love. You are all living the dream.

SoCal Bosun
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Re: A slippery slope?

Unread post by SoCal Bosun » Wed Mar 22, 2023 1:30 pm

Hi everyone. Not much to update apart from the continuing evolving situation with Becka and her bf. She has unfortunately been very busy recently with work so unable to see him as much as she would like, however painting a once every week or other week frequency. I do have a little update though. It turns out that last time they spent the evening together he told Becka that lucky she is married because if she wasn't she would be in trouble as he would pursue her and make her his. He obviously really likes her. He tells her what they have is special and that she is a light for him.

Now before I knew this, the following day I foolishly texted him, to thank him for spending the night with Becka, telling him that its very much a healthy part of our relationship dynamic that myself and Becka have, and that I can only encourage it. Well. I received no reply from him.

Later that day Becka messaged me from work asking me why had I texted him, that I shouldn't. I told her what I said and she agreed that whilst that was fine I should know he doesn't like it. Becka had asked him that she would love to feel pursued by him, but he replied to her saying that I had contacted him and that its not the dynamic he is accustomed to or desiring. He told her that he is not pursuing her in the way that if she was single, as there wouldn't be any restrictions on the relationship. He said he doesn't want to compete with me that he enjoys having a relationship with her independent of me and the dynamic I desire. He said its a new dynamic for him and he is trying to figure out and respect boundaries.

Its very honorable of him and at first I was frustrated, however now as a typical cuck I find it very arrousing that he wants no contact with me, and that he wants her completely independent of me. I told Becka that I was ok with that, and in fact at least he was being honest, and in actual fact its pretty hot. She agreed.

So that's where we are at. She is going to continue to try and get him to come out of his shell more and realize his position. I told her I respect anything he wants and they are both in control. That I get turned on at my position. She listens very intently.

That is the latest update. She told him she spoke to me and it will never happen again, I won't contact him and there will be no more talk of all meeting. He said he really likes her and the way she makes him feel when he is around her. It's sweet playful and honest. Its hot and sexy.

That is such a turn on for me. I can't help but want this situation to develop more. Time will tell....

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Re: A slippery slope?

Unread post by LawyerWouldbeCuckold » Wed Mar 22, 2023 6:08 pm

SoCal Bosun wrote:
Wed Mar 22, 2023 1:30 pm
Hi everyone. Not much to update apart from the continuing evolving situation with Becka and her bf. She has unfortunately been very busy recently with work so unable to see him as much as she would like, however painting a once every week or other week frequency. I do have a little update though. It turns out that last time they spent the evening together he told Becka that lucky she is married because if she wasn't she would be in trouble as he would pursue her and make her his. He obviously really likes her. He tells her what they have is special and that she is a light for him.

Now before I knew this, the following day I foolishly texted him, to thank him for spending the night with Becka, telling him that its very much a healthy part of our relationship dynamic that myself and Becka have, and that I can only encourage it. Well. I received no reply from him.

Later that day Becka messaged me from work asking me why had I texted him, that I shouldn't. I told her what I said and she agreed that whilst that was fine I should know he doesn't like it. Becka had asked him that she would love to feel pursued by him, but he replied to her saying that I had contacted him and that its not the dynamic he is accustomed to or desiring. He told her that he is not pursuing her in the way that if she was single, as there wouldn't be any restrictions on the relationship. He said he doesn't want to compete with me that he enjoys having a relationship with her independent of me and the dynamic I desire. He said its a new dynamic for him and he is trying to figure out and respect boundaries.

Its very honorable of him and at first I was frustrated, however now as a typical cuck I find it very arrousing that he wants no contact with me, and that he wants her completely independent of me. I told Becka that I was ok with that, and in fact at least he was being honest, and in actual fact its pretty hot. She agreed.

So that's where we are at. She is going to continue to try and get him to come out of his shell more and realize his position. I told her I respect anything he wants and they are both in control. That I get turned on at my position. She listens very intently.

That is the latest update. She told him she spoke to me and it will never happen again, I won't contact him and there will be no more talk of all meeting. He said he really likes her and the way she makes him feel when he is around her. It's sweet playful and honest. Its hot and sexy.

That is such a turn on for me. I can't help but want this situation to develop more. Time will tell....
Okay, I'm not even in this lifestyle, and, being 60 years old, and never having been married, I'm probably not the best person to be giving relationship advice. But as a lawyer, I'm trained to always think about the worst-case scenario.

1. Right now, I accept and understand that Becka is deeply in love with you. I get that.
2. I also get "........He told her that he is not pursuing her in the way that if she was single, as there wouldn't be any restrictions on the relationship. He said he doesn't want to compete with me that he enjoys having a relationship with her independent of me and the dynamic I desire. He said its a new dynamic for him and he is trying to figure out and respect boundaries....."
3. I'm going to assume that she tells him about her/your children, and probably, how old they are, and she'll probably tell him when they head off to college, and the two of you become empty nesters.
4. I've gleaned from this thread that you are either not working outside the home, and that you are a househusband, and if she's earning enough to support the whole family, hey, more power to all four of you.
5. Here's my concern --------->

a. The longer she sees him, the more her emotional connection to him deepens.
b. And vice-versa.
c. You've indicated this guy is wealthy, well-known, etc.
d. Trust me, those of us who are wealthy.....we are accustomed to getting what we want. (Doesn't always happen; my dinero could not get me my dream house, but that's a story for another time)
e. A few months after your youngest daughter has headed off to college, him and Becka are out to dinner, and he says "I know we agreed from the get-go that I wasn't going to compete with your husband....but I have developed feelings for you and I want us to be together for the rest of our lives as husband and wife".

I'm really, really concerned about what happens if/when he says something like that. And I hope I'm worrying needlessly.


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Re: A slippery slope?

Unread post by David52 » Mon Mar 27, 2023 1:44 pm

SoCal: I’m sorry things didn’t work out with your contact with Mike. I had thought it might be a good opportunity for you to understand where he hopes to go with his relationship with Becka. I guess you will need to rely on your wife’s interpretations. If this turns out to be a long term thing for them, you will have other chances. It is after all a 3 way relationship and he will need to understand that some day. If you do get a chance, don’t come on strong with the kinky stuff, he seems pretty straight.

I hope things are going well in any case and, as always, thanks for sharing.

$2 Ho
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Re: A slippery slope?

Unread post by LawyerWouldbeCuckold » Tue Mar 28, 2023 5:20 am

We haven't heard from this guy in a bit.....getting a bit concerned.

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Re: A slippery slope?

Unread post by edgedndenied » Fri Apr 07, 2023 9:35 am

Hope all is well
Would love to hear an update

Long Lurker 34
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Re: A slippery slope?

Unread post by Long Lurker 34 » Fri Apr 07, 2023 11:33 am

edgedndenied wrote:
Fri Apr 07, 2023 9:35 am
Hope all is well
Would love to hear an update

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Re: A slippery slope?

Unread post by LockedInWM » Sat Apr 29, 2023 6:19 am

He last logged in on 7th April.

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Re: A slippery slope?

Unread post by Timburkey » Sat Apr 29, 2023 9:52 am

This for me was a thread that would lay a template for any wannabe cuck. No updates in over a month, I am worried. I hope and pray all is well with SCB and hopefully he is having a good time.

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Re: A slippery slope?

Unread post by edgedndenied » Tue May 09, 2023 12:59 pm


SoCal Bosun
Posts: 67
Joined: Fri Apr 23, 2021 7:39 am

Re: A slippery slope?

Unread post by SoCal Bosun » Thu May 11, 2023 10:04 pm

Hello everyone. I’m sorry for my absence. Everything is ok. Definitely a mini shift but that’s possibly my interpretation. Becka is continuing to see him. But as it’s worked out it’s only been about every two weeks. Apart from an evening very recently where it was his birthday. He booked a campsite close and she went up to spend the day and the night with him. Doing fun activities with him and camping. It’s silly as it’s always something that we all do together and I’ve encouraged and taught her how to be practical driving boats, being in the outdoors etc. So in a silly way for me that was much more of an intimate time they spent together. It’s always the way of the cuck. Occasionally can’t help but send her texts encouraging her to enjoy him, and how unfortunately she knows it’s not necessarily healthy but she sees how arroused and how quickly her husband cums when she turns on the cuck switch. Then I feel silly for sending such a message.

Anyhow. I’m rambling. Sorry for my lack of update. Still here. Still living the cuck life. We celebrated our 18th anniversary recently too. Ahhhh. Thé rabbit hole of the mind.

I will update soon more details.

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