I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

For cuckoldresses and the men who serve them.
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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Open2it » Sun Dec 24, 2023 12:58 am

Welcome back, happy holidays, and Thank you!

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by entropia » Sun Dec 24, 2023 4:58 am

Ky, I'm glad to hear that everything is ok and better of all, I'm glad youre back in the game, I hope you'll find time to go on giving us the story

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by scarlettscuck » Sun Dec 24, 2023 5:37 am

So happy to see you posting again Ky. Love hearing how your life with Jaimee has evolved and you two amazing people have the itch again! It’s natural and beautiful. Enjoy the ride of life (even more)!
13th year in the lifestyle
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Please say hello!

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by mick_flow » Sun Dec 24, 2023 7:48 am

Merry Christmas Ky ! - hope you arrived safe and sound back in the UK. I guessing we got the update courtesy of a long over night transatlantic flight! - I’m really looking forward to more updates!

Stay safe and well.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by DoctorLuv » Mon Dec 25, 2023 11:08 am

It’s great to hear that you’re surviving & even thriving.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Southernman » Tue Dec 26, 2023 6:09 am


So great to hear from you again. Your original story is Hall of Fame material. I hope we can hear the rest of the story as it progresses. Your writing is awesome and look forward to hearing from you.


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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by mundyman » Tue Dec 26, 2023 6:27 am

Ky_Da wrote:
Sat Dec 23, 2023 3:19 pm
I don’t know how much I’ll be able to update in future, but I have a little time, so I thought I’d write for a few minutes. To be honest, I kind of miss it. Writing’s always been a way for me to work out what I’m thinking and feeling. I’ve got some time to kill, so here it goes.

Living in the UK has been a massive change for me – much more so than I had anticipated. I knew it wasn’t going to be a seamless transition, but the abruptness of it surprised me. I’ve found it harder to make friends. It’s difficult to break into those tight knit groups at pubs and even work. It’s harder to spark up a meaningful conversation with a stranger – not impossible, but it takes a good while before people feel they know you well enough to let you in. The culture is a bit more reserved than I'm used to. But I'm trying to keep an open mind and heart, take opportunities to meet people when I can, and have faith that in time I'll make some good mates.

Anyway, let me give a little update on us. Far too much has happened to try and tell all, but I’ll hit a few highlights. A little over a year ago I was spending months away from home at a time, and the missus was really feeling the effects. I was too, but work kept me so engaged that I didn’t have much time to think about much else. I couldn’t see much past the project I was working on at the time.

Since I was away so much, my wife managed to breathe life back into an old friendship of hers. A gal named Emilia who she knew from school. There’s a lot of history there that I’m going to skip over and just say that they’ve again become good friends. Emilia’s wife took some time to come around, but she eventually got there. Emilia and her wife have become like my kid’s two favorite aunts. They’re great.

My wife never complained about my travel schedule. Truthfully, she was really in her element being back in England. She was happy to have family and friends nearby again. She was thriving in a lot of ways. I realized pretty quickly that I might not be getting back to living in the States for a long time, if ever. And maybe that’s a good thing, we left behind some interesting history.

But even though Jaimee wasn’t moaning about being a single mom for long stretches, I could tell she was growing more and more frustrated. Instead of spending the few days we had together in bed having passionate sex, we spent a lot of that time trying to work out issues that seemed to crop up while we apart. I felt I was getting in the way when I was home when I was only trying to help, but I really was messing up her routine when I was around.

I was frustrated one night after a long row and so rolled over to go to sleep. But after a while of not falling asleep, I picked up my phone and started reading one of my old but favorite cuckold stories. After a while, Jaimee rolled toward me and looked at what I was reading. She was surprised and asked how often I read cuckold-related stories. I confessed that every once in a while, but that I still tried to keep it in check.

That seemed to open the floodgates, and we spent a couple of hours talking about some of the fun experiences we had back in the past.

Eventually she asked, “Are you hard?” She turned on the lamp on the nightstand.

I shrugged and nodded.

“Want to have a go?”

“Sure,” I said, and began to turn towards her.

But she pushed my shoulder as I tried to move closer, “Then have a wank. I want to watch.”

“Seriously?” I asked, feeling the start of some sparks in my gut that I thought were extinguished.

Wagging her brow, she gave me a knowing look, “It’s been a while since I tortured you. Go ahead. Read your story and do yourself. I want to watch.”

So, I did. I pushed down my shorts, freed my cock, and jacked off while I tried to read my story. It felt so weird to do it while she watched. It was the most thrilling thing I’ve done in a long while.

I carried on for about five minutes or so before she asked, “How often to you masturbate when you’re away?”

“I’m usually so busy I don’t think about sex that much. Maybe every few days,” I confessed.

“We’ve become quite the boring couple,” Jaimee teased. “A long way from the spicey times.”

I couldn’t help but laugh, “Spicey times, huh. I guess that’s one way to put it.”

She glanced down at my cock, giving me the clear signal that I was supposed to continue masturbating. Once I reengaged, she continued, "I'm sorry I've been so stroppy with you lately. I've been doing a lot of self-care, and frankly, it's got a bit samey."

I let out a sigh and set my phone down on the nightstand. I again stopped masturbating, but instead of chastising me, she moved her hand into place and continued. She has a masterful hand. She knows exactly how much pressure to apply, how to grip me, how fast to go, when to speed up or slow down, and seems to know exactly when I’m ready to cum because she’s got the edging thing down to a science. She’ll keep me on the edge until she decides I’ve had enough.

Eventually, I came all over my stomach. I felt the warm liquid land in several large spurts, it began to cool quickly. Jaimee put her petite finger in one of the puddles and twirled it through the viscous substance.

“Do you think about it sometimes?” I asked, enjoying an erotic moment with my wife. “Those spicey time?”

“Ky,” she said, her voice chiding. “Of course, I do. Every time I see our boys. I try not to, but…”

“…they look a lot like their father,” I finished, referring to the guy who got her pregnant back when we were playing around fast and foolish. The boys do look a lot like Wade. Which, all things considered, isn’t a bad thing. They’re handsome boys. They’re in the 99th percentile for their height and weight, and they’re extremely bright.”

I went to the bathroom and cleaned myself up, and when I returned to bed, we stayed up talking about various subjects for a couple of hours. I knew I needed to go to sleep, but I had an itch I needed to scratch before I called it a night.

“Do you ever think about doing it again? Is it an idea you entertain?” I asked.

My wife shook her head, “I can’t let myself go there. We’ve had a number of starts and stops over the years, and each time it gets harder to stop.”

“And you’re afraid if we started again, you wouldn’t be able to stop?”

“Hmm,” she mumbled in affirmation. I bent over to pick my shorts up off the floor when my wife noticed something. “Are you getting hard again?”

“I can’t help it. We haven’t had much time together, and then we start talking about the spicey times back in the day. I still have mental images seared in my brain of Wade’s cock penetrating my wife. I think about the fact that it was that cock that got you pregnant. It’s all recorded in my head, and all I have to do is hit the play button.”

“You sound like you want to do it again… do you?” she asked me, giving me no hint about how she really felt.

“Don’t ask me that,” I said as I sat on the edge of the bed. “You know there’s always a part of me that wants that, but I’m trying to be more in control of myself. We have three kids now.”

“No need to remind me,” she said dryly. “Every minute of my day revolves around them.”

We talked a little more but moved off of the subject, and I left for a two-week trip the following morning.


I was several weeks later before we found ourselves in bed after an intimate evening. The sex was good, but I think we both felt like we didn’t give it our best. I was definitely feeling a little disconnected from her the more I was out of town. I had masturbated every day during those two weeks I was gone, each time thinking of my wife and her various lovers of the past. I stayed up way too late on a few occasions and got myself off multiple times in the same night. I felt those old feelings coming back with a vengeance.

With my heart thundering in my ears, I confessed my feelings to my wife and told her what I’d done every night while away. She was genuinely shocked, and for the next few nights, we didn’t talk much. I finally had to force the issue one night after we got the kids to bed.

“Jaimee,” I said, pulling her back down to the couch. “Please talk to me. What’s going on?”

My wife let me guide her to sit next to me, but it took her a few awkward minutes before she spoke. In reality it was probably only a few seconds, but it felt like minutes.

“Ky, I can’t believe you want to go back to that?” she started. “The hardest things we’ve had to work through in our marriage was because of me committing adultery.”

The way she stated it really hit me between the eyes. I wasn’t sure why she’d used the words she had. “I’m not suggesting we start again,” I said in my defense. “I just confessed to thinking about the times in the past.”

“Ky, I know you. That’s where it starts, but that’s not where it stops. And I’m telling you clearly. I don’t have the willpower to carry you through this.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I spend a lot of time at home alone with the children. It would be nice to have someone at night when you’re not around.”

I blinked in surprise. “You mean you’d…” I couldn’t finish my sentence.

“In a bloody minute?” she said in exasperation. “And before you ask—I don’t tell you about it because we decided we wanted to move away from all that. Even talking about this is like playing with fire.”

I sagged into the couch. She was right about one thing. Letting myself even consider it for a moment had proven to be like touching the flame. I was about to say something when suddenly she pivoted off the couch, moved between my knees, pulled down my boxers and gave me a BJ. It didn’t take long, and I lost it. She’s still got the oral skills. She swallowed everything and then got to her feet.

“Yours is the only cock I need, Ky. I know we’ll get through all this. I’m happy your job is going so well, and while it’s hard to have you gone so much, things are pretty good all things considered. I don’t want to risk it.”

All I could do was nod.

More time went by. Travel. Life. Kids. In-laws… I’d managed to get my head back into work and focused again, so I thought the subject had died. But then I woke up one night and felt the bed shaking softly. I continued to act like I was asleep and listened as my wife got herself off. We had sex only hours before, so I was surprised she was doing her self-care thing.

The following night I tried to step up my game, making sure to get her off a couple of times. But once again, I caught her masturbating in the middle of the night.

On the third night, I let it go on for a while, but when I thought she was getting close, I said, “Who are you thinking of?”

Jaimee yelped in surprise and pulled the sheet to her chin. “You scared the shite out of me.” Then followed up with, “and you ruined my bloody orgasm.”

“I gave you two only a few hours ago,” I said, turning onto my elbow.

“I know. And they were lovely. I don’t know what my problem is, but I’ve bee waking up randy like this lately.”

“So, who were you thinking of?” I asked again.

It was still dark in the room, but I swear I could feel her blushing. “You, of course.”

“I know that’s a lie,” I pushed back, keeping my tone light and teasing. “Fess up. I told you everything a few weeks back.”

“It’s not my fault, Ky. You got me thinking about things again.”

“So again, who is he?”

“Who says it’s a he?”

This time I laughed. “You haven’t been with a woman in years, and while I know you’re not opposed to it, I don’t believe you were fantasizing about a woman.”

I let the silence linger, holding my tongue and letting her know she had to be the next one to speak. Finally, she gave a heavy sigh. “His name’s Mathew, I think—he lives in a terraced house near Emilia. I don’t know him. I’ve never spoken to him. He’s just someone Emilia knows casually.”

“He must have left an impression,” I suggested.

“He’s just some bloke, Ky. I’m sorry I woke you. I know you have an early flight.”

Looking at the desk clock, I saw that I was going to have to get up in an hour. I wasn’t going to get back to sleep that night.

“Do you want a hall pass for while I’m away?” I sounded like I was teasing, but I almost couldn’t hear my own words with all the blood rushing through my ears.

“Don’t offer me that,” my wife snapped. “We already discussed this.”

“We’ve talked about it,” I agreed, “but so far it’s just been talk.”

“Ky,” my wife said in a strained whisper. “If you keep bringing this up, you know what it’s going to lead to. I’m managing to keep it together, but I feel like you keep trying to tempt me.”

“Maybe I am,” I said, pushing the bed covers down and kicking off my shorts. In a quick movement, I got to my knees, pulled off her panties, and pressed my cock into her. I slid in with no resistance. “I remember fucking you right after Wade had you. There were times I could barely feel you, he stretched you out so much.”

“Ky,” Jaimee whined, “You have to stop or we’re both in trouble.”

“I was so jealous that he was the only one you gave your ass to,” I pushed further. I knew I shouldn’t, but damn it felt good. My lust had been building for weeks, and I felt powerless to stop it. “Even to this day, I bet he’s fucked your ass ten times the number I have.”

“Ky,” my wife said again, only the tone of her voice had changed. I could tell she was getting into it. “I’m warning you, if you start this again, I don’t know where it will lead.”

“I know.” I continued to thrust into her with slow, steady strokes, trying not to nut too quickly. “But that’s where the excitement’s always been—for both of us.”

We had sex for nearly an hour after that. It was raw, emotional, passionate, everything that had been missing for so long. I finally had to stop and get ready to leave.

“I’m gone for two weeks, just tell me about the details.”

Jaimee closed her eyes and pulled the sheet up and over her body. “You’re in lust. You don’t know what you’re saying.”

“Probably,” I admitted. “But the hall pass is yours if you want it.” I kissed her goodbye and headed for the airport with my heart in my throat.
If she were to take the plunge and find another lover(s) to cuck you with, would this person be male or female?
Given that Wade is thousands of miles away, but that she’s on her home turf, is there a logical candidate for her to rekindle a relationship with, or would she have to find someone new?

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by tojanman » Tue Dec 26, 2023 7:18 am

Nope! You can’t end your post without telling us whether she took the hall pass out not especially since your don’t know when your will be able to update again!

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Tue Dec 26, 2023 10:12 am

The problem with having a friend like Emilia is that she’s very much into women’s power – not that that’s bad in and of itself – but when Jaimee told her friend of our conversation, Emilia took it as a personal challenge to help her friend ‘break the patriarchy’. Instead of listening to a close friend discuss how she felt reluctant to accept her husband’s hall pass, Emilia escalated things and started actively pushing Jaimee towards male friends of hers.

I was oblivious to all this for nearly a month because I was in the Middle East and had little contact with my wife for days and sometimes weeks at a time. I swear, that man camp they built up there in the ME for the project is fairly well stocked, but it’s out in the middle of literal nowhere. Eventually, my wife and I had a chance to catch up, and Jaimee told me everything that was going on. She hadn’t done anything yet, but she was considering it.

I could spend days writing about it, but unfortunately, I don’t have the time, so I’ll give you the compressed version. Once my wife decided to dip her toe back in the water, it didn’t exactly go smoothly. Through Emilia and other friends, she met a man named James. He was nice. They went out, but he was still trying to reconcile with his wife, and that date fizzled out pretty quickly. Then came Jack, and Daniel, Edwardo, and finally Thomas. They all had varying degrees of success and/or failure, but none of them made the cut.

Meanwhile, my stay got extended, and then I had to fly to New York to meet with our joint venture partners. It was while I was in NY that the shoe finally dropped. Or maybe I should say, the panties finally dropped. Emilia had finally gotten her connected with Mathew, the guy that lived near Emilia. He’s 40 years old, divorced, and has two teenage kids that spend most of their time with their mom.

I guess I’m getting ahead of myself. The panties didn’t drop immediately. I actually made it home for a weekend and nothing serious had started with Matt yet. They had gone to a pub a couple of times, and spent time getting to know each other, but it started out a slow burn. The weekend I was home was the same weekend they had a dinner date planned. I took the kids and watched her turn herself into a knockout, returning to the hotwife role as easily as putting on an old sweater in the middle of winter.

I drank in those delicious feelings of angst and jealously like a starving man ending a month-long hunger strike. But… that weekend ended in disappointment, at least for me. They went to dinner, enjoyed each other’s company, and then he dropped her off at home with a chaste kiss. That night when we were getting ready for bed, I thought about the path that we were heading down again. Jaimee looked amazing as she took out her earrings and removed her makeup, going through her nightly routine as she readied for bed.

I sat on the edge of the tub and watched her, this beautiful woman that had been the heart of my life through thick and thin, through the highs and lows. She was no longer the innocent woman I first met, in today’s lingo, I guess I’d say that she’s been run through by a number of men and has racked up a respectable body count. But that was several years ago, and we’d lived monogamously since we’d made the move to the UK. Yet, here I was, letting the genie out of the bottle again. And this time I sensed there would be no returning it.

“I’m surprised you came home early,” I said as I watched her apply a facial moisturizer.

“Do you mean disappointed?”

“No,” I said a little too quickly, and then added, “just a little surprised. You’ve been out a number of times with Matt, but you haven’t done much beyond that.”

“Just seeing how things go,” she said in nonchalance.

“Are you worried he might have a small dick?” I teased. “Maybe you’re looking for someone as big as Wade?”

Jaimee rolled her eyes, “No one’s as big as Wade, Ky. And it doesn’t matter if he’s small. I’m used to small.”

“Ouch,” I guffawed and placed my hand over my cock. “I’m perfectly average for my cultural demographic I’ll have you know.”

“So you’ve said.” She gave me a glance in the mirror, but she was playing it straight and not giving me any clue if she was teasing me, angry, excited, nothing. It was killing me.

We went to bed, and I did my best to focus on her, get her warmed up and make sure she had a great orgasm. She reciprocated and things felt great, normal, even better than normal. We were laying down and getting ready to go to sleep when she finally spoke more than just a few words.

“I hope you’re ready for this, Ky,” she said, an ominous tone to her voice.

“We’re not new at this, I think I’m good. I know what’s coming this time.”

“I’m not sure you do.”

“Jaimee,” I said slowly. “What do you mean by that?”

“I mean that I’m going to be making the decisions going forward. I mean it won’t be you that decides when it’s time to take-away-the-haul-pass. If we’re doing this again, I don’t need your haul pass.”

“I think I understand,” I admitted. “And it seems fair.”

“You may not think so in a few months. That tends to be what happens,” Jaimee explained. “Just when we start to really get things going, you end it, and leave me with my feelings strewn all over the pitch. I’m not going through that again.”

“Yeah… I can see that. And you’re right. I haven’t been fair. But I still want to be involved. I need—,”

“—I know what you need, Ky. And I’ll make sure you get it and more, but we’re doing this on my terms this time. My first role is still to be a wife and a mum, but things will be different this time, yeah?”

“Got it,” I said with a nod. That seemed to satisfy her, and she seemed calmer, more at peace.

“I hope so,” she continued. “You got to live out a lot of your fantasies, but mine never happened because you decided we needed to end things.”

I could sense a big row coming if I pushed her much more for details, so I decided to let it lie for the night. It’s interesting to note that as we had that conversation, I began to have those same feelings of regret, that I shouldn’t have started down this path again and that I should have left things alone. Things were good, why was I messing around? This is the dichotomy of wanting a hotwife. You both want it, and you don’t. I’ve tried to leave it alone, move on with my life… but inevitably I come back to it.

And to anyone reading this thread, remember that what I’m sharing now happened over a year ago. Mathew has now been a part of our lives for almost a year, and overall, it’s gone fairly well. We had our bumps, but we seem to have found a good equilibrium. Mathew has become a true boyfriend in all senses of the word. After all these months it feels like that’s truly his role—not some pretend construct for a thrill. Maybe the distinction is lost on many reading this, but for me, there really has been a difference. In the past the whole boyfriend thing was more of a way to raise the stakes. It feels different than it did even with Wade. For those new to this thread, Wade was someone my wife hooked up with steadily in the past. We send him pictures of the boys once in a while, and we text on occasion, but our contact is minimal.

Matt and Jaimee go on dates, see each other frequently, and have sex often. Occasionally they go to his family events – to Matt’s family, Jaimee is known as his girlfriend. She’s even attended a couple of school functions for Matt’s kids. And oddly enough, Jaimee’s struck up a friendship with Matt’s ex-wife – that’s a longer story than I can write here, but maybe someday in the future.

I’ll try to make time and drop back and fill in the blanks of time between when I dropped off and today, but we’ll see. It has felt good to write again.

A few interesting observations and experiences to share:

As it’s been nearly a year that their relationship has existed, they’ve gotten into a fairly steady routine. She’s occasionally at his house with Emilia and her wife watching the kids, or he stops by our flat late at night after the kids are in bed. One day months back, I came home and noticed she had a new bottle of perfume, it was one that Matt liked and had bought for her. Then I noticed a part of her side of the closet had been divided up with a small section dedicated to clothes she wore only for Matt. It really did a number on me to see her take a step like that.

Matt and my wife had been dating steadily, which included sex, for two months before I was finally pulled in and involved. Jaimee would send me pictures and videos, but she made me wait two months before I was able to actually sit in the bedroom and watch. During those months, I did get to know Matt a little. We went golfing once – he can crush it off the tee, but he can’t putt for shit so ended up with the win.

That first time I watched, I dropped the kids at Emilias and then went to his house. Following the instructions I was given by my wife, I let myself in and made my way to the master bedroom. They were already in the bedroom. Jaimee was nude and sitting on the edge of the bed. She motioned for me to sit in a chair that had been placed in the corner, and then Matt (still dressed) dimmed the lights. Matt stepped to the bed, and without speaking, Jaimee unzipped him and took his cock out.
I have to admit that I was happy that it wasn’t this size of Wade’s cock, but a little disappointed too. Like everything with experiencing your wife sleep with another man, you feel many emotions at the same time. That said, Matt’s got nothing to be ashamed of. He’s bigger than me, but not so big that my wife can’t take him down to the root, something she did as soon as his cock was free. It’s something beyond erotic to see your wife take another man’s cock into her mouth. It’s such an intimate act when it’s not done porn style where there’s a lot of gagging and crying involved. And this was not that. My wife sucked him off while they held each other’s gaze. It was deeply erotic and drove my angst through the roof.

Over these last months, I’ve watched them on a handful of occasions, but to be candid, it’s sometimes too much for me. That first night I watched, after he came in her mouth, he sat down next to her, and the way he brushed her long, dark hair back and kissed her neck and felt her breasts told me he had already learned her intimate tells. That night, I didn’t watch another man fuck my wife, I watched my wife’s boyfriend make love to his girlfriend. Trust me, there’s a distinction. Between them there was passion, an intimate closeness, and copious amounts of caring if not love.

That night I did make an excuse to use the bathroom, and while I was in there, I took a moment to take a look around. And sure enough, my wife had her own dedicated drawer filled with some of her personal things. A small walk-in closet had also been organized to give Jaimee room for some of her things. My wife basically had set up a home away from home.

Returning to my chair, I saw that a box of tissue and a bottle of lotion had been set on the small nightstand. Jaimee and Matt were completely into each other, not noticing me in the least, so I dropped my pants – I guess I should say trousers now – and made use of the left out articles. I came rather quickly the first time, but it didn’t take much to be hard again and ready for a second round.

Eventually Matt and Jaimee ended their session. My wife gave me a chaste kiss as she went to the bathroom. Then Matt and I had one of the more interesting conversations I’ve ever had. Someday maybe I’ll make time to share the details. Jaimee had told me a lot about what Matt does for work, and why he ended up divorced, but Matt added in the detail as we spoke. He works as a product manager for a software development company and mostly works from home. He and his wife married young and never were able to make it work. They wanted very different things in life and that caused endless tension. Matt and his ex are still fairly close and work hard to coparent their kids.

My wife came out of the bathroom while we were talking and slid back into bed with Matt. That was hard to watch, but it’s what I expected would happen. What was more difficult to see was her curl into his side and stroke his cock as they both spoke with me. It was so bizarre to carry on a conversation while she was slowly rubbing his cock. I guess I’ve seen the same thing before between her and Wade, but it had been a long time and I really felt the intensity.

Once Matt was fully erect, Jaimee looked at me and asked, “Do you want to join me and help me suck Matt’s cock?”

I knew that was one of her fantasies, but I had to decline. I just couldn’t get there. My wife took it well enough and didn’t push it, but she did throw her leg over his waist and mount him. And as she was taking him into her pussy, she turned her head to the side and said, “I think the children should be getting to bed soon.”

I took the statement for what it was, a dismissal. I zipped up and left.

I wish I had time to elaborate and go into more details, but I just don’t. I’m at the in-law’s place enjoying the day with family and working on being present in the moment. The wife is busy chatting with a new sister-in-law, my boys are driving their grandparents spare because they won’t stop wrestling, and my daughter’s fast asleep next to me. All is well.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Des 31 » Tue Dec 26, 2023 10:40 am

Loved that original post. Very descriptive, and it recently happened that I also sneaked in to see the guy pumping into my wife.

She prefers I not be in the same room when entertaining her dates. I instead watch when possible from our dark hallway so as not to disturb either of them.
Our hotwife history from its beginning at viewtopic.php?f=5&t=50057

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by venus-can99 » Tue Dec 26, 2023 10:49 am

Thanks for the update Ky while enjoying Boxing Day with the in-laws. Look forward to hearing more details as you have time for update. Is Jamiee exclusive to Matt now? Has she played with Emilia at all for old times sake or keeping her hands off out of respect for their marriage?

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by entropia » Tue Dec 26, 2023 12:51 pm

Hi Ky, thanks again for sharing, your life is super hot as ever. Just a curiosity, has the sex life between you two changed now that she has a steady boyfriend? ever tried denial or some new games?

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by mick_flow » Wed Dec 27, 2023 5:28 am

Ky_Da wrote:
Tue Dec 26, 2023 10:12 am
It was so bizarre to carry on a conversation while she was slowly rubbing his cock. I guess I’ve seen the same thing before between her and Wade, but it had been a long time and I really felt the intensity.

Once Matt was fully erect, Jaimee looked at me and asked, “Do you want to join me and help me suck Matt’s cock?”

I knew that was one of her fantasies, but I had to decline. I just couldn’t get there. My wife took it well enough and didn’t push it, but she did throw her leg over his waist and mount him. And as she was taking him into her pussy, she turned her head to the side and said, “I think the children should be getting to bed soon.”

I took the statement for what it was, a dismissal. I zipped up and left.
Ky, that’s such a hot scene. Hope your Boxing Day was awesome. It’s so good to see you back here. It’s fair to say you’ve been missed. Not only the exciting life you’re living, but some amazing writing.

We moved the over direction, to the US. My wife found “the one”, and ended up moving stuff over to his and staying over on a regular weekly basis. Eventually she started to talk to me about co-parenting…

I guess the push to see how far things can go is what drives a lot of us, we all love that. But as Jamie hinted at in her comments about you putting a stop to things, sometimes it can go quite far. Perhaps too far. Has anything happened which you feel pushed your boundaries ?

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by David52 » Fri Dec 29, 2023 4:55 am

Ky. Thank you for sharing your story with such honest clarity. Best wishes to you, Jaimee and your family for the new year. I hope your desire to be home more this year works out. David

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by venus-can99 » Fri Dec 29, 2023 6:24 am

Ky wish Jaimee, Matt, you and the kids a wonderful 2024 and sexy, fun-filled and erotic one for the adults :D
IIRC Jamiee had pierced her nipples when she was in the US does she have the piercings now? Also when she goes with Matt as his gf does she wear her rings?

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by magnus » Fri Dec 29, 2023 8:29 am

It's so great to see you posting about your cuckold adventures, now that they've started up again. This thread was always one of my favourites and your writing really brings the adventures to life.
You're living my dream and I really appreciate you sharing the story with us.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Fri Dec 29, 2023 9:26 am

I've been considering what to share next. Our recent adventures have been full of firsts, and we've come a long way from when we began playing. This time, Jaimee’s had a different approach. She's grown more confident, and it shows in her poised demeanor. Perhaps 'regal' isn't quite the word, but she certainly carries herself with a newfound authority. She's a woman who's come into her own, sure of her identity and desires.

I sense Jaimee might miss the dynamic she shared with her ex, Wade. He was straightforward, unyielding to her tactics, a man of the old-school, rugged mold. There was a clear-cut, almost primal sense of protection in his manner. With Matthew, things are different; he's a sharp dresser, eloquent, and self-assured, yet he doesn't command the same presence for her. It's possible Jaimee yearns for the days of yielding to someone like Wade, as her interest in Matthew seems to be waning.

Matthew, Jaimee's current partner, is certainly polished and considerate, but lacks Wade's raw magnetism. Or perhaps it's Jaimee who has changed. The idea of inviting Wade for a visit crosses my mind, stirring a mix of fear and thrill within me. Would I be chasing a bygone thrill, attempting to recapture what once was? My mind wanders there, though I know it might be wiser to let be. Yet, leaving things be has never been my forte… I’m honestly not sure if she’d be pleased or furious if Wade suddenly showed up for a fuck date.

Hitting on a few random topics, I mentioned before that my wife was unhappy that we hadn’t fulfilled some of her fantasies. Unfortunately, that hasn’t progressed as well as she’d like, and we’ve had to make some compromises. She really wanted me to get into the cock sucking thing with her, and the cream pies, but as much as I love seeing my wife sleep with other men, I just can’t get there. The cage isn’t something that’s appealing to me either. But the cage was never much a part of either one of our kinks. The compromise was that I did let her try pegging me. Once.

As a compromise, I’m only allowed to masturbate when she’s watching me. That’s proven to be much harder than I would have ever thought. There’s something about the act that she really likes to watch. For me it’s both titillating and humiliating. But it’s not always convenient aligning our schedules, so I’ve gone some good long stretches without any relief.

Jaimee likes me more when I’m on edge and haven’t cum in a while. I guess I’m more attentive and supporting. After I cum a few times, I kind of go into this I-don’t-give-a-shit attitude for a while. I’m sure most here can relate. Regarding denial, we play with that occasionally. It’s not a frequent thing – which I’m good with. It does heighten the whole experience, but for me a little goes a long way. I don’t know how you guys go for months and even years at a time.

To answer a question I got earlier. Jaimee did have nipple rings, but she hasn’t worn them for a while. They’re not convenient while nursing and raising kids. I don’t think she has much interest in wearing them again, but who knows what the future holds.

And finally, I thought I’d share a memory I’ve had burned into my brain since it happened. Some months back, I had a chance to get home for a few days, so I took it. I came home unannounced late on a Friday night, and figured out pretty fast that my wife and Matt were there alone. I went to the master bedroom hoping I might be able to hear some erotic, but all I heard was my wife on the phone and the shower running. I knocked on the door to give some warning, and then I stepped inside the bedroom. It felt so odd to feel like a stranger entering in my own bedroom. I was so turned on and hard I could hardly contain myself.

Jamiee was lying with only a sheet covering her. It was obvious that I had just missed their fun. Her hair was in disarray, and her skin was flushed. She was surprised to see me – shocked really – but her surprise quickly turned to happiness, and she got out of bed to greet me. After a long embrace and several deep kisses, she told me that Matt was in the shower but that I should put my suitcase away and join them. She could feel my erection and knew I was ready to go.

Like I had done entering the bedroom, I knocked on the bathroom door a moment before I went inside, telling Mathew that it was me coming in – our closet is attached to the bathroom, and I needed to go in to put my luggage away and hang up some clothes. To get to the closet, I have to walk right by the shower, and the shower has a sliding glass door, so I had no choice but to see a naked man in my shower for a minute. By this time in his and Jaimee’s relationship, I’d gotten to know Matt fairly well. But it was still a bit awkward giving him a nod hello as I passed by.

As I was changing into more comfortable clothes, I looked back at the shower and thought about the situation. Another guy was using my shower. I’m not sure why it struck me like it did then, but my brain got stuck on that thought for few minutes. Taking a shower was such an everyday event for me when I was home, but something about seeing another man use it, after having just been in my bed with my wife… it really dialed up the intensity for me. It had also been almost a month since I’d been home last, so the pump was primed.

I changed into a casual tee shirt and gym shorts and returned to the bedroom. Sitting on the bed, I chatted with my wife for several minutes about work, kids, and home stuff. We started kissing and I was nearly ready to burst, but when I started fondling her breasts, she told me to be gentle, that she and Mathew had already had several long sessions. I felt a stab of jealousy and frustration as I thought she was hinting at not wanting to have sex.

I shifted to the middle of the bed and, following my wife’s hint, I sat up against the headboard. She then pulled down my shorts and began to suck my dick. About at this same time, Matt came back into the room, drying his hair with a towel but still just as naked as I’d seen him in the shower. He looked at me, and then at my wife, who was positioned so that her ass was toward him. Matt approached and began to rub his hands over her ass, but after a minute, Jaimee told him she was too sore and didn’t want to go another round with him.

“Well, I’m glad you have another hole then,” Matt said as he went to the nightstand where we keep a few things like lubricant and a few toys.

Jaimee pulled up, leaving my wet dick in the air. I felt the coldness and immediately wanted the warmth of her mouth again. I was disappointed that she said she was sore – I was fairly sure that would mean no actual sex, but I was getting a great blow job, so I wasn’t about to complain.

“Mattew,” Jaimee said, I haven’t done that in ages. She brushed his hand away when he rested it on her ass, but when he repositioned his hand, she didn’t push him away again.

I could tell she was feeling very excited. Her breath quickened, and she kept having to stop the blowjob to take deeper breaths. Matt applied ample lubricant and started slowly working his thumb into her ass. It was having a serious affect on her. Being with two guys at the same time isn’t something she’s done much. After a time, Matt knelt on the bed and started positioning his cock at her entrance. Hearing and feeling my wife’s reactions as he entered her nearly made me cum. She had one hand around the base of my dick and was trying to focus on giving me a good BJ, but it was clear she was distracted.

It didn’t take long for Matt to be completely inside her ass. He began thrusting, which rocked her back and forth, with each rock forward pushing her onto my dick, and each pull backward pulling her away. This only lasted a short time though because she quickly got to a point where she had to focus only on getting fucked in her arse. She was squirming and trying to hold onto my dick, making a sporadic attempt once in a while to resume the BJ, but eventually she quit trying and just held onto my dick with her hand while Matt picked up his pace. Jaimee was clutching at the sheets, my legs, and my sides as things escalated. She finally gave in completely and laid in my lap, one hand still wrapped around my dick, and the other around my waist.

I tried, but I couldn’t hold on any longer. I came harder in that moment than I had in months, maybe years. It was an orgasm that pulled from my very core. I shot ropes of cum onto the back of her neck and upper back. It was obvious I hadn’t cum in a long time. I don’t know if I’ve ever cum so much. Matt shot his load onto her lower back a few minutes later, and then returned to the bathroom to clean up.

“That was quite the welcome home,” I said, taking several deep breaths.

“I didn’t know you were coming home, or I would have planned a proper homecoming,” she said, relaxing herself onto the bed, her head still in my lap. She was covered in cum all across her back.

“I’m not complaining. That was so erotic.”

Jaimee closed her eyes and smiled. “I’m glad you liked it.” She then finally released my dick, but I was still semi-hard. “Looks like someone’s ready for another go.”

“I wouldn’t turn it down, but didn’t you say you were too sore?”

“For Matt, yeah,” she said nonchalantly. “But you never make me sore.”

Another kick in the cuckold solar plexus. It was another way of her telling me Matt’s cock was bigger than mine. And true to her word, a few minutes later, she climbed up onto my lap and rode me until I came again. Forgetting we’d cum on her back, I reached around and hugged her. I felt the slippery cum under my fingers as it rubbed into her skin. She giggled but didn’t lift herself off of me. It was a nice intimate moment.

Once Matt was back in the bedroom, it didn’t take him long to have Jaimee ready for yet another round. I watched as Jaimee braced herself for the discomfort she was about to feel, but she didn’t stop him. And after a few minutes of thrusting, any pain had long since been replaced with pleasure as I listened to my wife moan and pant. By the way she dug her fingers into his skin, I could tell he evoked so much more intensity and passion from her. So hard to watch, yet so erotic and fulfilling at the same time. I love hearing and seeing my wife in that exact moment, filled with pleasure, happy.

I went and picked up the kids. We slept in as much as they would let us the next morning, which is 6:30 for the boys lately. And then we went about and had a family day. I could tell my wife had had quite a night though. She moved around gingerly all the next day.

So that’s the memory that I keep running through my mind. Although, I still think about those days with Wade, when she had her short, dyed hair, nipple rings, and got ridden like a thoroughbred racehorse. Those were some exciting times, and I sometimes miss the dynamic we had with Wade – though I’m sure I’m suffering from selective memory.

Overall, It’s been a nice week home, and I’ve had the family all to myself. I’ll even be home the week after the 1st before I have to hit the road again. If I don’t post again soon, Happy New Year all.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by venus-can99 » Fri Dec 29, 2023 10:53 am

Thanks for the excellent post as always Ky

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Wistful » Fri Dec 29, 2023 11:52 am

Wonderful lifestyle summary of you and Jaimee during the past couple of years. I'm sure you left out much--but I'm left thinking you've brought us quite up to speed.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by offendedgame » Fri Dec 29, 2023 1:31 pm

Happy new year, Ky.
I'm glad you both are doing well.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by DoctorLuv » Fri Dec 29, 2023 5:05 pm

Thank you very much for taking time to post for your fans

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by David52 » Sun Dec 31, 2023 7:51 am

Ky, Are you serious about inviting Wade for a surprise visit? Did you not agree that Jamiee calls the sexual shots now? I hope you will talk this over and over before taking what seems an irreversible step.

I am amazed that Jamiee can juggle the responsibilities for three small children and two men. Did Emilia (and wife?) move down to London to help Jamiee? They are good friends indeed! Other help: nanny, family, you? Who knows about Matt?

Thank you for bringing us along. I can understand how important your work is, but it seems you need to be home more! Best for the new year.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by Ky_Da » Mon Jan 01, 2024 3:31 pm

David52 wrote:
Sun Dec 31, 2023 7:51 am
Ky, Are you serious about inviting Wade for a surprise visit? Did you not agree that Jamiee calls the sexual shots now? I hope you will talk this over and over before taking what seems an irreversible step.

I am amazed that Jamiee can juggle the responsibilities for three small children and two men. Did Emilia (and wife?) move down to London to help Jamiee? They are good friends indeed! Other help: nanny, family, you? Who knows about Matt?

Thank you for bringing us along. I can understand how important your work is, but it seems you need to be home more! Best for the new year.
Hey David. Serious about Wade... not really, probably more me reliving the old days. I think about it once in a while, but it feels like one of those things where the risk far outweighs the potential reward. As far as Jaimee juggling responsibilities, yeah, she's amazing, but keep in mind that what I've shared has taken place over time. Life is busy, but we try to strike a balance. And it's more that we moved closer to Emilia and her wife. I made a career change that required we live closer to the London. They don't exactly live around the corner, but we connect with them fairly frequently. We try not to use them too much to watch the kids, but they're always willing.

We got pretty lucky where we landed when we moved, and Jaimee's been able to make two close friends in the building where we live. They have kids of similar ages, so there's a fair amount of kid watching/swapping that goes on. If one of the other married couples wants a date night, we watch the kids, and visa-versa. And yes, they know about our life style. I was extremely embarrassed about it when they first learned about it, but I'm getting more comfortable with it was time goes on. Maybe that's the next thing I should share.

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by KyGrappler80 » Tue Jan 02, 2024 2:22 pm

So great to read this again. Can you share or remind us who your wife resembles? What about Wade? Who would play them in the movies?

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Re: I'm Ky, and I'm a cuck-oholic

Unread post by txrockdog » Tue Jan 02, 2024 4:40 pm

Not to sound all fanboy Ky, but your threads and posts have been the one thing I look for first on OHW for YEARS! Glad to have you back and hope you can find the time to help us catch up to where you are today.

Please don’t take this as a lecture or badgering, but what is it about eating creampies or sucking cock that you just can’t get past? Because frankly, Jaimee seems like a dream cuckoldress for you and knows how to push every one of your buttons. She has seemingly bent over backward and gone way outside of her initial comfort zones over and over to completely fulfill your fantasies. She desperately loves you and at least from your telling of it, it seems like all she wants to do is to take you to where your deepest fantasies want to go.

I recall a scene you described that I believe you may have since deleted, where you sucked Wade’s cock for her while his upper half was hidden from you and she came super hard while watching it. Given that reaction and knowing how happy you could make her, what is it about doing it that would prevent you from giving her that pleasure? It isn’t like you have not had a cock in your mouth a few times now and that you haven’t eaten somebody else’s cum from her before. So what is it that stops you from doing it again…and again and again?

If I had a wife that was so keyed in on what turned me on and was so willing to go so far to make me happy, there is nothing I wouldn’t do if she told me it turned her on. It is just a cock and some cum…

Again, I don’t mean that as a lecture, I am just honestly curious about what makes those things a step too far for you when you are both so far outside of the norm with this lifestyle to begin with.

Thanks for coming back and posting again, and if you decide the answers above are just too personal, I understand. But don’t think I won’t keep coming back here every day hoping to find another update from you. Happy New Year to you and the family and good luck with your career and (hopefully) less traveling in 2024.

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