Something might be about to happen

For hotwives and the men who adore them.
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Re: Something might be about to happen

Unread post by BrunetteLover » Sun Apr 14, 2024 4:58 am

I did not dig through your writing, only skimmed it, and picked up a few points for me to respond to.

First, my advice is to stop making it about one other man and one man only. This politician guy. Start fresh, there are men everywhere, and they are all horny and want sex.

Not making it about him alone makes it about the only one person it is about - your wife. Your wife and her freedom. I have a personal North Star with which I follow for advice - I have a saying: "Living life in the moment is the greatest aphrodisiac on Earth." Stop planning and scheming about this one man, branch out and see what happens. The second best experiences you will ever have in life are planned. The best...

The follow up to the above principle is my next value: "Our best lives flourish under freedom." Now I do not by any means imply the right to come and go, free of commitments. By freedom I mean to experience, even occasionally, living the lives that best match our inner spirits. I am entirely committed, emotionally and sexually, to enjoying the company of my wife and none other. She does not have that same commitment, and that is entirely acceptable for me. She does not love me any less that I do her, it is just that her mind and body were not built for lifelong monogamy.

As mentioned above in this topic, hotwives (or happily married prostitutes who enjoy their job, in my wife's case) are rarely doing anything that many, many women think about, and possibly crave. They are just doing it for real, and with their husband's consent and support. In my wife's case, she has had a prostitution fantasy since high school, and is just living out something she intended all along.

So bottom line, for now, is that this is about your wife (within the guidelines of a supportive marriage) enjoying the freedom to have other men be powerfully attracted to her (an overwhelming aphrodisiac for women) and to possibly follow through on those impulses if it suits her desires.

This is about her, not you, and certainly not the politician. Besides, why a politician? They are so creepy. My wife is attracted to linemen. Tell my wife you are 1) really hot for her, and 2) you are a lineman, and you will be sliding in and out of her withing 15 minutes. Go ahead I dare you.

Posts: 51
Joined: Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:36 am

Re: Something might be about to happen

Unread post by JR1966 » Thu Apr 18, 2024 3:39 am

Tank Turner wrote:
Tue Apr 02, 2024 11:10 am
Hi BD8280,

Since joining this repository of knowledge, I've detected a recurring theme exclusively to husbands. For some reason, they want to accelerate their wives into the lifestyle. My advice is to chill and let wives progress at a pace that's comfortable for them.

My wife's opinion is 50% of married women would become hotwives if their husbands supported their forays into sexual liberation. Her opinion might be close to reality. However, regardless of what husbands want, if their wives want it to remain a fantasy, husbands will have to remain contented with their wives decisions.

My advice is to make your wife 100% comfortable to explore boundaries of her sexuality. You cannot tell her too often that you'll love and support any decision she makes. Ultimately, it is always wives' decisions.

I have detected that there seems to be a percentage of wives who want to become hotwives, yet they want to be able to use the excuse that they did if for their husbands when in relaity they wanted to do it. They merely wanted to blame someone other than their sexual desires. I'd be good with that. Give women a way to defend what their want to believe is their pristine honor.
Wow bingo bingo winner winner! I’ve found that this is spot on with my wife! If she wanted to do it then it would be 100 percent for me. She’s just not a very sexual woman (I think partly due to meds). Ultimately up to the wife if she wants and up to the wife with who if she does.

I’m stuck in fantasy and talking to her about it and I’m ok with that.

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