I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by mundyman » Sun Nov 04, 2018 7:07 am

This sounds like the pendulum has swung for Aaron. If he does indeed like to 'own' Carrie so he can enjoy the cuckold experience of seeing her fuck another man, then this sounds like his emotional response to finding out she wanted to see Anthony on her own.
It sounds like Aaron's emotional issues and anger with losing his women goes a lot deeper then either of you two realize.
It would certainly seem to make sense that this meeting takes place in a somewhat public location.
Good luck.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by il2sw » Sun Nov 04, 2018 7:54 am

I few pages ago, you said Aaron wouldn’t do anything that would piss you off because he had so much to lose if he couldn’t have you anymore. Now, he has pissed you and Mike off, and now you say you’re are the one who has everything to lose. Look at how much your self-respect has diminished.

Aaron knows Mike disapproves this meeting and you’re going to go anyway. Now Aaron knows he can drive a wedge between you and your husband, because instead of prioritizing your marriage, the only thing you can think of are your little girl fantasies.

I’m sorry for Mike.
Our story and pics: here

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Sun Nov 04, 2018 8:41 am

Mike called his buddies and they have an extra ticket for the Dolphin game with the Jets. Always an exciting game. They picked him up at 11:30 and he was happy to go.

I read what all of you said and I understand how you feel about this. Mike and I talked right up to the time he left with his friends. I told him repeatedly that I would not go if that was what he wanted. He repeatedly said that if I felt like it was safe and would enjoy it he was ok with it. I may or may not enjoy it but it's my choice in his mind. He has total veto power and he knows it. He said he felt is was me who was being taken advantage of not him. We both want this adventure to continue, him as much as me.

I know I'm in for some punishment but nothing so severe that my life is in danger or serious physical harm. I am scared, but again it's an erotic fear. It was getting Mike excited as well. Mike said it was inevitable that I would end up in a situation like this the way I was going and he's right. I am willing to push the limits as far as Mike and I can go. May as well see what it's like and go from there before we cancel what may be the best situation we will ever find.

I know Aaron is a selfish, manipulating egotistical bastard, but that's what makes him sexy to a true submissive. I am definitely a true submissive.

I doubt it will go beyond normal BDSM. I'm sorry I am disappointing some of you and you have lost respect for me, but It's our journey and we don't want to end it before it has to.

Thanks to the few of you who support us, sadie in particular. Also those that wish us well.

20 minutes to go. I'm scared to death, but so excited and turned on.



Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by sadie » Sun Nov 04, 2018 8:57 am

Best wishes Carrie, I look forward to hearing how it pans out.

<3 <3

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Sun Nov 04, 2018 1:47 pm

Just home from the game. I'm done with the Aaron chapter of our journey. This wasn't fun. Not sure what Carrie will say, but I'm done. We can maybe pursue other men at some point, but all I'm worried about is Carrie. I should have never let her go. The game and the many beers helped but even my best friend said I seemed down and worried. I will let you know when she gets home. I know some of you are worried. I have no idea.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Sun Nov 04, 2018 2:07 pm

Carrie is home thank god. She kissed me and went straight to the bedroom. She said let the people online I am OK. She is so sweet. When she got out of the car the driver helped her out as usual but he gave her a serious hug, kissed her on the cheek and said something in her ear. She was carrying her shoes and she looked tired and sad. I'm so pissed at myself for letting her go.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by stillcanhang57 » Sun Nov 04, 2018 2:18 pm

Hey .Mike. Good news is they kicked some Jets ass.

Mike, I think your confusing your fans angst. It's not so much I and I think some others here, are worried about Carrie's physical safety, but more so the mental choices she's making. You have every right to be dissapointed in her and the douche bag Aaron. Personally I think he crossed a huge boundary the othwr day when he interjected Anthony in to the date without prior consent from Carrie and most importantly you.
Think you made your feelings clear by just saying Fuck this shit" and enjoying a good football game.

Sorry but this, in the opinion of a internet lurker, was a stupid and disrespectful choice by your wife.


Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by sadie » Sun Nov 04, 2018 2:21 pm

Mike, I'm not saying this lightly and until (and if) you and she relate what's evolved, I certainly won't be drawing any conclusions, nor should my thoughts carry much weight.

I'm sorry you regret, that's never easy. Still I think you're better off giving your veto after this was done than would have been before. You did agree and that's done, you'll both move on from here.

I'm concerned you relate that Carrie's affect is sad. I hope in time you'll let us know about that, right now take care of yourselves, sounds like that's where you're heading anyway.


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Sun Nov 04, 2018 2:53 pm

She insisted that I post for you people and let you know how she is. That's how sweet and caring she is she doesn't even really know you people yet she wants you know especially Sadie and solstice that she is ok. When I went into the room after posting for her again she wanted me to get into bed with her and hold her. She was sobbing and said she was sorry that she was so selfish and should have known it was too muchj for me. She apologized over and over. I just held her and told her we both made the decision. This was precious, she said the Dr. Lector sounds very sexy to her. She lost a lot of sleep last night as I did and add the tension she fell asleep in my arms. I love her so much.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Sun Nov 04, 2018 4:13 pm

stillcanhang57 wrote:While we are happy to hear she decided to return home, don't misinterpret my response as a endorsement of her behavior. This wasn't your decision. This is all on Carrie. From the moment 12 hour's ago , when the little emperor thought he could control your marriage, to the moment that Carrie decided her desire for Aaron and Anthony was more important then you and your respect, she showed her true self. This isn't on you Mike. She made the choices. She knew you weren't happy but CARRIE made the choice to go.
Even though I am pissed that you blame Carrie I will explain my position. I am doing this for myself more than I am for you.

I am of the belief that she only agreed this to make me happy. it's not what she wanted. I know she did it originally to make me happy. It took years to get her to the point where she could do this. I pushed her and it caused arguments and disagreements. I was determined to get her to fuck other men and I was relentless and slowly I got her there because she is so sweet and loves me. She gave in to her submissive inner sexual self so she could do it and enjoy. She surrendered her mind not just her body. How can I fault her for trying to find excitment and satisfaction? What else was she to do? fuck other men and be miserable.

In the end she did it for me and I will never feel differently. It has ended badly but we will resolve any problems and go on loving each other. The future is yet to be seen, but no matter what happens we will always be doing it together. I'm looking forward to my role as Dr. Lector.

she is sleeping peacefully and I will be right beside her to comfort all night starting now.

I do have to say this before I join her in bed. Almost everything you say I resent and disagree with and it's not like that with the other guys. If I took your attitude, what good would that do our relationship? It is what it is and all of us make selfish mistakes. We forgive but in Carrie's case, there is nothing to forgive. I can't believe you and your wife ever really enjoyed this.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by stillcanhang57 » Sun Nov 04, 2018 5:04 pm

Well your wrong if you actually think me and my SO are enjoying this. If you go back to March of this year, when your wife came here seeking advice about this kink, we were some big fans and supporters of your adventure. Obviously in the 8 months since , the two of you have escalated things to a point that some of us are not experienced with. In our ( SO and I ) Carrie has become so infatuated with the BDSM aspect. In her and your own words, Aaron's demands and Carrie's decision to follow them , without respect to your angst, have now made a major course change in your relationship and your kink.

If your cool with it then eho am I to judge.

As I said , maybe Cuckold or a BDSM forum would be more appropriate. Just from what Carrie and you have actually posted here, Carrie is crossing lines.


Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by DavidnDaria » Sun Nov 04, 2018 5:20 pm

Here's what I don't get: How can anyone outright dismiss what willingtoo and Carrie have written and blame anyone? How? Their's is a relationship. They post here telling people what they do and then get it shoved back at them without regard for what they write?

Yeah, it's a forum. I don't get it. Never have, never will. People need to be more tolerant of people they don't know and will likely never know.



Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by sadie » Sun Nov 04, 2018 6:14 pm

Dave, Mike, there's no arguing with Mr stillcanhang, he and some other gentlemen in this place absolutely cannot conceive that any point of view other than theirs could be valid.

And when the very real counter examples come up, those who live it successfully by any other formula, they are so offended that reality doesn't meet their expectations that they can only find blame. They blame the men for not being man enough or more often the woman for being insufficiently servile to the man.

Mike, you're a mensch, thanks for letting us know how she is.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by mundyman » Sun Nov 04, 2018 6:24 pm

Thanks for the update Mike.
Take care of your wife, reconnect, let her decompress, listen to her, let her vent; then begin to discuss and share what you both want moving forward.
No one ever said this lifestyle is without potholes, curves, and obstacles, both self inflicted and those out of your control. You got to experience yours while sharing with a forum full of supporters and skeptics.
There is no question of your love for Carrie nor hers for you.
You will get past this, learn and grow, and emerge stronger then ever.
Thanks for sharing and continued good luck to you and Carrie.


Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by hotwifelover31 » Mon Nov 05, 2018 4:26 am

Admittedly, I am relieved I didn’t venture on OHW this weekend and endure the angst and trepidation of the difficult detour your journey took due to Aaron’s arrogance and Carrie’s need to go deeper into her submissive cravings. Most of all, as I would have espoused contemporaneously, I have absolute confidence you both would come out the other side with your marital bond reinforced.

For me, the two most fundamental tenets of non-monogamous marital exploration are that the shared wife’s sexual pleasure and emotional happiness are enhanced and the marital devotion is strengthened. You have checked both boxes. Now, as you both have shown repeatedly is your guiding principle, you can decide where to go from here with your love and devotion to each other continuing to guide you.

Hindsight is always 20/20 and perhaps you dove too quickly into the deep end with Aaron. Power hungry pricks inevitably show their true colors. No need to beat yourself up. Regardless of opinions as to where this falls into the addiction spectrum, it’s just as intoxicating as any other substance. You both got hooked (as did your followers).

All that matters is Carrie is safe and you love her more than ever. That had never wavered.


Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by JeffBingham » Mon Nov 05, 2018 6:30 am

Thank you, Mike for the update. Please let Carrie know that some of us who expressed concern with the decision to go did not lose an ounce of respect for you or her. I was simply worried that proceeding in the face of doubts about Aaron's behavior could cause trouble. Carrie's safety and happiness was my only concern. That, and your continued love as a couple.


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by solstice » Mon Nov 05, 2018 7:03 am

I also should apologize to you both for expressing my views too forcefully, my concern was in response to Aarons odious treatment to both you and Mike, I do care for you both.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:18 am

Good Morning,

I called in sick today because I am sick...... emotionally sick. Mike stayed home with me and is working while I escape through sleep. This must be what it feels like to be raped.

I read everything that was written yesterday and I will not weigh in with my opinion. Most of you were supportive and we appreciate that. In hindsight it was a mistake to go, but we all learn from our mistakes. Mike and I place no blame on each other and our marriage is completely intact and is much stronger than this bump in the road. He has been so kind and caring.

I will say that stillcanhang is no longer welcome here but I can't stop him. He has given us nothing worth while on this journey and his opinions are not worth reading. I've tried to be polite, but not any more.

As Mike said, the Aaron chapter of our journey is over. It was inevitable that he would push things too far and it was inevitable that I would test my limits to the limit.

What I am about to write here is not very sexy and I doubt many of you will be pleasuring yourselves while reading. I will not go into detail on some what happened, but I will tell you what happened in general.

Aaron definitely took his anger out on me. He was waiting for the limo to arrive and immediately took me up to the condo. The Shaman Drum music was playing and seemed even more ominous than ever, but so sexy to me. It makes me feel so submissive and vulnerable in normal circumstances. Now it took on an entirely new sense of danger. He played it because he knows exactly how it affects me.

We again went to the balcony first. He told me to take a seat and offered pot. Of course I accepted immediately and took several hits. He had a drink of some kind and had a cigar lit in the ash tray. Gone was the usual friendly greeting and instead a very serious tone.

He wasted no time telling me that he had made it clear that beside Mike, I was his to use exclusively. That meant him taking me or giving me to another man, it was his decision. I said, "I didn't realize that was what you and Mike agreed to. I'm sorry I misunderstood."

He said, "Well we need to make sure that never happens again. Who gets to fuck you and when they fuck you is my decision or it's over and I'll move on to another girl. You are special, but there are always others almost as good as you. Not as smart and pretty as you, but very submissive with beautiful feet. I know this situation is exactly what you and Mike are looking for and I know this situation is perfect for you so you need to make up your mind. Do I control you or do I move on."

From here I will just paraphrase because I can't really quote:

He was very honest and went on to say that the other two couples were motivated by money and obviously Mike and I are not. He said he can get them to do most anything. The men agree to anything and they love it. True Cuckolds he said. I've fucked these girls anytime I want them and have given those girls to several men each so far. They aren't as smart or pretty as you, but they are submissive as hell and have gorgeous feet.

The man that wants you asap is willing to fly in and pay $2,000 for half a day with you and I know that makes no difference with you and Mike..

I said very submissively and in a soft voice, "No, no, I want you to control me and I don't want this to end. I'm willing to have sex with whomever you want and whenever and I'm sure Mike will go along." That was before things transpired.

I can't believe those words came out because I know that is not what Mike originally agreed to. I think he did mention exclusivity at one point, but not that it was agreed to. But for the time being I was not going to contradict him and make him even more angry. I had no idea how he would react. I was really scared and at that time would have agreed to just about anything, but at the same time I wanted him to take me any way he wanted.

He said, "I'm going to do what I want with you today and you'll never want to piss me off again." The adrenalin rush of fear was like nothing I've ever experienced before.

He said, "Take your shoes off and pose your legs and feet." I removed my shoes and began posing as sexy as I possibly could. He was getting aroused for sure. Then he said, "now take off your dress real slow." I said, "Out here?" He said, "Just take it off slowly." I did my best strip tease while posing my feet in ways I know he thinks is sexy." The Drums playing in the background made me feel sexy as well. I was scared but getting very turned on, but I knew things were going to get more intense.

He watched me strip and he was obviously really turned on. I could see his hard on growing in his pants. When the dress was finally off, He told me to smoke more pot then he stood, grabbed my arm roughly and led me to the bedroom. Rush of adrenalin but so scared.

He told me to lay on the bed and show him how I fuck. (again with the imaginary man). He handed me a vibrator and I started fucking myself with it. I was moving as sexy as I could and moaning. I pulled my knees up and pointed my toes as I used the vibrator on my clit and put it inside me. It was penis shaped and much bigger than vibrators he used in the past. I had my eyes closed for the most part but with glances I could see him touching himself sitting in a chair by the bed. He warned me not to cum as usual. I obeyed but was so wet and ready for his cock.

Now things star ted to get very different.

When he was finished he told me to lay on my stomach lengthwise on the bed. He first blindfolded me and cuffed my wrists then put a pillow under my hips. The restrained my ankles with my legs spread. He placed a powerful vibrator directly on my clit My arms were above my head. I knew what was coming but had no way of knowing when.

Suddenly a tremendously painful whack on my butt which felt like a leather strap or belt. A total mix of pleasure from the vibrator and horrible pain from the strap. No build up, just an extremely hard slap. I made a helpless little cry. The next hard slap was on my foot. Again no build up, just a painful slap with a strap. He continued hitting me alternating between my feet and butt at an irregular pace so I had no idea where or when the pain was coming. At one point I began to cry and whimper and I think that turned him on even more. He didn't stop and the pain was overcoming the pleasure of the vibrator. I was sobbing.

It was all about his pleasure, not mine. The vibrator was just to keep me turned on so he could deny me ultimate pleasure.

From here on I will just give a brief description of what he did to me.

He finally ceased the falaka and butt slapping. ( Mike said there were visible marks on my feet and Butt when I got home). He released my ankles and positioned me on the side of the bed in doggie position with him standing behind me. He commanded me to use the vibrator. He began fingering my anus. First one finger, then two then three. Thank god he was using lubricant. I was having trouble relaxing and I knew what was coming. The rest you can visualize yourselves. His cock is so thick. Not a thick or long as Anthony, but very thick and long enough. It hurt and gave me no pleasure at all even with the vibrator. He grabbed my hips and aggressively fucked me and it was obviously not for pleasure. He grunted like an animal. He eventually pulled out of my anus and drove into my vagina trying to make me cum, but to no avail. I was not turned on anymore.

It was right then I realized that this kind of punishment would never be sexy to me. For the first time I felt degraded and not a sexy little submissive. Up to then, this adventure was just an extension of my fantasy life and I was playing a role.

He put me on my back, still blindfolded and cuffed, with my legs off the side of the bed. He elevated my legs and started giving me oral and used his finger to fuck me. It did arouse me but he stopped again just as I was ready for an orgasm. I was still going in and out of the sexy submissive mode, but not as turned on as would normally have been.

Next he told me to sit on the edge of the bed and suck his cock. He used his hand to control my head the pace and depth I took his cock. It was not the usual sensual oral sex I give, but very rough and aggressive. He forced it so deep and long that I gaged a few times. The he started pinching my nose and I couldn't breathe at times with his cock deep in my mouth. He said he wanted to cum in my mouth and I did everything I could to make that happen fast and get it over. Finally he did cum in my mouth and he commanded that I swallow. He groaned with tremendous pleasure and his sperm almost filled my mouth. I swallowed.

In the same position he started fucking me missionary. He drove my knees toward my head and fucked me so aggressively. He started to choke me and it wasn't just a symbolic choke, it was meant to scare me and it did.

He continued to fuck me in different positions but with the same aggressive punishing manner and he finally, after fucking me for what seemed an hour he came again deep inside me. I was not turned on at this point at all.

What happened next was something I never dreamed he would do. I will describe it briefly because it was devastating. Still cuffeded and blindfolded, the limo driver came into the room and he told him I wanted him to fuck me. I knew it was him because her referred to him as Brian and I know his name. Again I was the pathetic submissive and said, " Yes I want you to." I was in total shock. He started giving me oral and I was getting excited he was so good at it. He fucked me in several positions but mostly missionary. I finally had an explosive quivering orgasm and he exploded about the same time. The great joy of the orgasm was quickly replaced with a feeling of depression and humiliation.

He got off me and immediately left the room. I got the feeling he was not happy about taking me.

Aaron brought my clothes and shoes into the bedroom and uncuffed me and took off the blindfold. I had this deep feeling of depression even though I just had a fantastic orgasm.

He talked to me and I just listened. Basically he said we had to make up our minds about him controlling me or not. I didn't say it because I didn't want to anger him, but it was over and I would never be with him again under any circumstances.

Brian was still in the condo and he told him to take me to the car. How embarrassing. Brian apologized and said Aaron insisted. I said nothing but went to the car with him. I was sobbing all the way home and Brian continued to apologize and I just said, "It's ok Brian, I understand."

When we got home my feet were so sore I couldn't wear my shoes. He helped me out and gave me a warm sincere hug. He said, "You're not the first he's treated this way. You didn't deserve that and I am truly sorry." I just kissed him on the cheek like, "I forgive you."

I walked into the house and Mike was waiting. I kissed him and went straight to bed. I was exhausted and depressed and just wanted to escape into sleep. Mike was so kind and tender and he held me all night.

We talked this morning and he is filled with guilt, and regret about ever getting me into this. I continue to say it was my decision. Nobody forced me.

I have no idea where this will go if anywhere. This is healing time. I can't write any more. Too depressing.

Last edited by willingtoo on Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:37 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by DavidnDaria » Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:32 am

Carrie and Mike,

We are glad that your marriage and bond is stronger. We really don't know what else to write to support both of you, so we'll leave it at, take care of each other: You are special.



Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by sadie » Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:42 am

Carrie you know you have all my love and my heart is with you. I'm sorry that Aaron did that to you and that you've been subjected to an assault. Also good job on being so polite asking an offending member of this forum to desist, you don't need gaslighting and emotional assault added to what you've already been through.

If SCH57 comes around with an "I told you so" .. or really any other comment .. and the mods allow it I will be leaving OHW.

Unfortunately my partner Alice has been through some similar experiences. Some "dominants" are very good at hiding their true attitudes long enough to gain trust, unfortunately they only do that with intent to violate the trust that's been extended. I don't have time to go into details just now and she got off lightly compared to what you've just related. I'm doubly sad that my guess about the interaction between you and Brian was about on target.

Again with love and in sisterhood.

<3 <3 Sadie

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Mon Nov 05, 2018 9:08 am

sadie wrote:Carrie you know you have all my love and my heart is with you. I'm sorry that Aaron did that to you and that you've been subjected to an assault. Also good job on being so polite asking an offending member of this forum to desist, you don't need gaslighting and emotional assault added to what you've already been through.

If SCH57 comes around with an "I told you so" .. or really any other comment .. and the mods allow it I will be leaving OHW.

Unfortunately my partner Alice has been through some similar experiences. Some "dominants" are very good at hiding their true attitudes long enough to gain trust, unfortunately they only do that with intent to violate the trust that's been extended. I don't have time to go into details just now and she got off lightly compared to what you've just related. I'm doubly sad that my guess about the interaction between you and Brian was about on target.

Again with love and in sisterhood.

<3 <3 Sadie
As always thank you for your unwaivering support. We wll get through this for sure. One thing some of you seem to understand is how strong our relationship is. There is no way anyone could know. I will be writing soon because I have to. Not about the incident, but everything else and I will share here if anyone is interested.

Mike feels terrible but is focusing on my feelings not his. That's the kind of man he is. He is a wonderful man and I love him so much. He listened to everything that happened. Neither of us feels like sex right now, but our sexual passion won't end because of this. We will always have ach other for that and so much more.

Even now I think the HWjourney will continue in some form, but with much more knowledge for making decisions.


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Mon Nov 05, 2018 9:10 am

DavidnDaria wrote:Carrie and Mike,

We are glad that your marriage and bond is stronger. We really don't know what else to write to support both of you, so we'll leave it at, take care of each other: You are special.

Thank you so much for your kind words and support. It's appreciated more than you knwo


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by lionbrand » Mon Nov 05, 2018 10:47 am

Carrie and Mike, you are really brave and I really admire your courage how you are pursuing your wildest dreams. I'm really sorry for your awful experience Carrie. You really did not earn to be treated that way. All the best.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by solstice » Mon Nov 05, 2018 11:09 am

Dear Carrie
I am struck by your honesty and courage in writing down your experiences, even when they are so painful to relate. I hope the pain and the marks he inflicted will soon go away.
When you made that trip to Aaron, I consoled myself by thinking that having come on strong on the phone, he would have shown his gentler side on your arrival, just shows I am a poor judge when it comes to the evil in some men: Thank goodness you have Mike at your side to love and comfort you.
Aaron giving you over to his driver was unforgivably cruel.
My thoughts are with you and Mike.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by shall54 » Mon Nov 05, 2018 12:48 pm

I believe this changes things...this is suppose to be about you and Mike. Don't let Aaron change your dynamics...he has an agenda which may include somehow getting you away from Mike. Aaron sounds jealous and possessive of you...it's best that you end things with him now! Remember the venue in which you found Aaron/Anthony, there are many more where they came from.

Sorry, when I posted this, I had not seen the other subsequent posts...you were raped period. You need to be strong now as well as Mike. This will be difficult as your emotions are going to be all over the place. Do not bottle your emotions, talk though all of what you are going through with Mike.

Sorry this happened to you,

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