I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

For hotwives and the men who adore them.
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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by stillcanhang57 » Wed May 30, 2018 6:32 am

sadie wrote:
stillcanhang57 wrote:
Totally get the whole sexually dangerous turn on aspect but...WITH A RANDOM STRANGER! Now you've not only exposed yourself to some possible serious health issues but in turn Frank, Mike and anyone else the three of you may come in contact with. Condom play is fun but with established partners. Hopefully all test come back clear.

Still curious about Mike's feelings about Frank and his choice to discuss your relationship and basically attempt to pimp you out to random stranger.
Hmm, lots of people have unprotected sex with strangers and aren't always rational about it. I had a lover who started using barriers (dental dams) with me after I played another woman also using barriers and yet a few years later she chose to spend an entire week fucking a guy she met at an ashram, most of it anal. Her choices were decidedly not rational given even unprotected lesbian sex has incredibly small transmission rates and of course unprotected anal is the highest to the receptive partner. P was quite rational about her choices most of the time, she had her reasons in this case and no STI was transmitted.

I think the term random here is wrong, Carrie hooked up with this guy of her own free will and that selection process was decidedly not random. Random would be she opens a phonebook and chooses a name to proposition. Same for my former lover P.

Carrie is the individual in this room at greatest risk (receptive vs penetrative partner), it's really her call and clearly Mike was informed.

Same thing as to "pimping". Frank's selection didn't look random to me and while I'd question his judgement and selection criteria at this point I still think "networking" would be a more apt term.

Carrie, keep up the great work good, Mike you're no slouch in putting the fingers to keyboard, glad you're weighing in :-).
Sadie, thanks for pointing out what were clearly a poor choice of words on my part. I should have phrased it different.
Carrie and Mike have asked opinions here about their brand new exploration in this kink. I know there's a ton of different ways people approach involving new sexual partners and our particular hard rule is protection until verification. Meeting a stranger, then fucking him multiple times in less then 24 hours without protection is clearly risky behavior. Especially when multiple people are at risk. However that's just us and I shouldn't had projected my feelings so harshly.

Also in regards to Frank and pimping. Again maybe too harsh of a word and a case of us projecting. The idea that one of my SO's play partners would be openly discussing our kink and basically recruiting a different individual, without first having an real conversation with us first is yet another hard rule. We expect and demand 100% discretion from all of the people that we give the privledge of fucking my SO. The idea that our kink is the topic of watercooler conversations would be delt with swiftly.

Again, we have asked both Mike and Carrie their thought process about these things but probably came across as to aggressive thus the lack of response.

Thanks again Sadie and I will try to be more open to choices in this kink that are different then our own.

I do agree that it's amazing when Mike jumps in .

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by mundyman » Wed May 30, 2018 7:01 am

Carrie and Mike,
Thanks for sharing your journey into and through this lifestyle. The threads where both partners write and share their reactions and thoughts are the most interesting. I realize how tough it can be, and time consuming, so thank you very much for your efforts. Please don't stop.
I hope you realize that for those other couples who may e thinking of entering this lifestyle, your thread is no doubt of great interest. They are looking at your experiences, and REACTIONS and THOUGHTS, to your experiences, as they have their own conversations and make their own decisions.
Do people use this board as stroke material, absolutely. And no doubt your journal entries detailing your encounters with Frank and your vacation guy illicit the most interest. But never underestimate how many people look to your thread for knowledge and instruction. Learning from your successes and mistakes, and regrets, and your reactions to them.
Yes you have a greater audience then I think you know.
This board is full of cheerleaders, naysayers, doubters, fakes and flakes. Don't let them get you down. There are many more here who are curious and supportive. Much of what you be hearing now are those concerned for you and curious as to why. Also if you read the board random debates and arguments can spring up on any thread in reaction to something posted in that thread. It's not necessarily a negative toward that poster, but just a convenient place to have that argument, and you know how social media can make people very brave and aggressive.
So please keep posting!! Please keep sharing both of your viewpoints. You'll probably go more dark now that Frank is done, but hopefully you can share both of your thoughts and conservations as you decompress from the last month, tally the successes and failures, and contemplate your next moves going forward. Now that the seal has been broken so to speak, do you see yourselves wanting to continue and how. Another steady fuck buddy, or more random hookups? Stay with older more mature men, or go your age or even younger? Do you choose based on cock size or it doesn't matter. Do you try Black or other ethnic men, or keep it the same as you. Do you now dress to impress and tease as you go out or keep it the same? If you saw a random when you were out either with Mike or alone, would feel confident enough to flirt and maybe even have a random hookup. Does Mike's fear of losing you subside and does he begin to think about you doing this, or does he want to be more in control and involved?
All the best wishes and good thoughts to you both as you continue your journey in this lifestyle.
Thanks again for sharing.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by lighting » Wed May 30, 2018 12:04 pm

Hey Carrie-

Was off for a few days and just finished reading your story about Brad. So, before things get too far out of hand (or in hand, as the case will be), I wanted to ask some questions.

I know that I'm not alone in getting off on the penis-size discrepancy between hot wives and their husbands/ boyfriends versus their lovers. How much does that play into arousal for you and Mike? Does Mike like you telling him in detail how much different your lover's cock is than his? And what about you telling Brad (or any other lover) that they are bigger than your husband? When my wife was active in the lifestyle, it was something I told her she should do- it was an incredible gut-punch and arousal generator when she would come back home and let me know she told some random guy she fucked that he had more than me. Would Mike react the same way?

By the way, your recounting of the encounter was great- all the emotion leading up to and during was completely engrossing- but your description of your reaction on seeing Brad for the first time was INCREDIBLE. I had to stop reading for a couple of minutes.
He took off his pants, T shirt and bathing suit. I thought OMG when I actually saw what he had, both his physique and his cock.

I actually think I gasped a little seeing it for the first time. Seriously, it almost took my breath away. It was maybe just a little longer than Mike and Frank but much thicker. He was tall and with that overpowering body, but I couldn't take my eyes off his huge cock. I wanted to give him the best blowjob he ever had then have him the best sex he ever had.
The primal lust in your writing is overwhelming. I'm not a guy that inspires feelings like that in regards to either physique or cock, and the best times my wife and I ever had after an encounter was when she had a guy she just plain WANTED like that. It colored the entire rendezvous- all her thoughts and feeling were just LUST. It always blew me away when she was like that, I'm hoping Mike felt the same way.

About seeing Brad again- my advice (self-serving, at the least) is to go for it. My reasoning is this: it's not like you're really seeking him out- it happens to be that you are going to a convention previously-booked and might have an opportunity for some extra-curricular fun that you hadn't anticipated with a guy with whom you seem to have meshed well. Maybe it happens. Maybe he says "No." Maybe he wants to but can't get away, and then you don't have another convention near him. Even if it does happen, it doesn't sound like you're the type to randomly fly to NJ because you got dick on the brain. It's fun and a fling. If it's not, then don't do it. Again, just my two cents.

I absolutely look forward to your posts whenever I log in; I love your writing and hope you (and Mike) continue. It's nice to have both sides to stories, especially as someone who was once in and now is out of the lifestyle.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Wed May 30, 2018 1:45 pm

mundyman wrote:Carrie and Mike,
Thanks for sharing your journey into and through this lifestyle. The threads where both partners write and share their reactions and thoughts are the most interesting. I realize how tough it can be, and time consuming, so thank you very much for your efforts. Please don't stop.
I hope you realize that for those other couples who may e thinking of entering this lifestyle, your thread is no doubt of great interest. They are looking at your experiences, and REACTIONS and THOUGHTS, to your experiences, as they have their own conversations and make their own decisions.
Do people use this board as stroke material, absolutely. And no doubt your journal entries detailing your encounters with Frank and your vacation guy illicit the most interest. But never underestimate how many people look to your thread for knowledge and instruction. Learning from your successes and mistakes, and regrets, and your reactions to them.
Yes you have a greater audience then I think you know.
This board is full of cheerleaders, naysayers, doubters, fakes and flakes. Don't let them get you down. There are many more here who are curious and supportive. Much of what you be hearing now are those concerned for you and curious as to why. Also if you read the board random debates and arguments can spring up on any thread in reaction to something posted in that thread. It's not necessarily a negative toward that poster, but just a convenient place to have that argument, and you know how social media can make people very brave and aggressive.
So please keep posting!! Please keep sharing both of your viewpoints. You'll probably go more dark now that Frank is done, but hopefully you can share both of your thoughts and conservations as you decompress from the last month, tally the successes and failures, and contemplate your next moves going forward. Now that the seal has been broken so to speak, do you see yourselves wanting to continue and how. Another steady fuck buddy, or more random hookups? Stay with older more mature men, or go your age or even younger? Do you choose based on cock size or it doesn't matter. Do you try Black or other ethnic men, or keep it the same as you. Do you now dress to impress and tease as you go out or keep it the same? If you saw a random when you were out either with Mike or alone, would feel confident enough to flirt and maybe even have a random hookup. Does Mike's fear of losing you subside and does he begin to think about you doing this, or does he want to be more in control and involved?
All the best wishes and good thoughts to you both as you continue your journey in this lifestyle.
Thanks again for sharing.
Thanks so much for your thoughtful post. The encouragement to continue writing does motivate me to keep posting and it's nice to know people are interested in all facets of our experiences. I like people to respond. In the original thread title I said, hopefully people will respond. It makes us feel like people have a sincere interest in us.

This being "Stroke Material" is a good thing IMO. Mike especially likes knowing that guys are stroking and I do enjoy pleasing people with my writing. I guess it is a turn for me as well knowing our adventures are turning some of you guys on that much.

We do plan to continue but not sure how. Frank just happened out of luck. Brad was a great experience so finding random men seems a possibility. Over the years we have gone out with the purpose of finding random men to flirt with and use only as fantasy men. So, I am used to flirting with strangers and getting them to take sexual interest in me. I guess I'm attractive enough to draw attention, but I think more importantly I have become very good at flirting and talking to men I don't know.

I have no idea of cock size when I engage with strangers and it really doesn't matter as long as he is as big as Mike or bigger. Brad's thickness made a huge difference, but honestly it's the excitement, danger and risk that really turns me on. I am mostly turned on by the danger of having sex with men I don't know very well.

I have fantasized about black guys but it hasn't been a main theme in our fantasies. I think if the right black guy came into the picture I'd be willing, so yes, I'm open to it but not seeking black men. Honestly, I don't encounter many.

I have always dressed in feminine clothing. I like being and feeling like a girly girl. Mike likes me in casual dresses that are appropriately short for the current style but not excessively short (except on vacation). I'd say I wear dresses 80% of the time when I leave the house even to the store. Mike especially likes sun dresses. I don't accent my breasts, but many of my dresses are again appropriate. Rarely do I look for dresses that expose a lot of my breasts. I do go without a bra a lot.

I am drawn to tall men who are older, but open to men my age who are at least near 6" tall. Younger men not so much.

Mike likes to have some control, yes and I like him being close when I am alone with another man. It doesn't matter to me if he participates or watches. Whatever he wants is ok with me. I did enjoy him watching with Frank because I know how much it thrills him.

Hope I answered all your questions and again I appreciate your support.


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by superb101 » Wed May 30, 2018 6:32 pm

I was wondering if you had given any more thought to going to a strip club. You potentially have many men eyeing your body without the involvement of full on sex.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Thu May 31, 2018 1:44 am

lighting wrote:Hey Carrie-

Was off for a few days and just finished reading your story about Brad. So, before things get too far out of hand (or in hand, as the case will be), I wanted to ask some questions.

I know that I'm not alone in getting off on the penis-size discrepancy between hot wives and their husbands/ boyfriends versus their lovers. How much does that play into arousal for you and Mike? Does Mike like you telling him in detail how much different your lover's cock is than his? And what about you telling Brad (or any other lover) that they are bigger than your husband? When my wife was active in the lifestyle, it was something I told her she should do- it was an incredible gut-punch and arousal generator when she would come back home and let me know she told some random guy she fucked that he had more than me. Would Mike react the same way?

By the way, your recounting of the encounter was great- all the emotion leading up to and during was completely engrossing- but your description of your reaction on seeing Brad for the first time was INCREDIBLE. I had to stop reading for a couple of minutes.
He took off his pants, T shirt and bathing suit. I thought OMG when I actually saw what he had, both his physique and his cock.

I actually think I gasped a little seeing it for the first time. Seriously, it almost took my breath away. It was maybe just a little longer than Mike and Frank but much thicker. He was tall and with that overpowering body, but I couldn't take my eyes off his huge cock. I wanted to give him the best blowjob he ever had then have him the best sex he ever had.
The primal lust in your writing is overwhelming. I'm not a guy that inspires feelings like that in regards to either physique or cock, and the best times my wife and I ever had after an encounter was when she had a guy she just plain WANTED like that. It colored the entire rendezvous- all her thoughts and feeling were just LUST. It always blew me away when she was like that, I'm hoping Mike felt the same way.

About seeing Brad again- my advice (self-serving, at the least) is to go for it. My reasoning is this: it's not like you're really seeking him out- it happens to be that you are going to a convention previously-booked and might have an opportunity for some extra-curricular fun that you hadn't anticipated with a guy with whom you seem to have meshed well. Maybe it happens. Maybe he says "No." Maybe he wants to but can't get away, and then you don't have another convention near him. Even if it does happen, it doesn't sound like you're the type to randomly fly to NJ because you got dick on the brain. It's fun and a fling. If it's not, then don't do it. Again, just my two cents.

I absolutely look forward to your posts whenever I log in; I love your writing and hope you (and Mike) continue. It's nice to have both sides to stories, especially as someone who was once in and now is out of the lifestyle.
Thanks for your response and I'm glad you enjoy my posts.

Mike doesn't seem too concerned about cock size. He didn't dwell on either Frank or Brad's cock size and I don't go on about it. Mike has more than enough to satisfy me and he feels confident about that. He worries more about me having an emotional attachment.

My turn on is the tension, fear, and excitment of giving myself to a strange man. It's scary but so erotic. Being taken and used by men has been the theme of my fantasies for as long as I can remember. Cock size is secondary and not really that important to me. My pleasure comes from giving pleasure to men. The more they like it, the more I like it so I try very hard to please.

There is a posibility that I will try to locate Brad before my trip to Philadelphia, but Mike and I have not discussed it much. At this point, I think future men will be guys I meet in various situations.

I seem to be physically attractive to enough men that I can get their interest. I'm not the "knock Out" that Mike thinks I am but I have confidence that I am cute and sexy enough for many men.

More importantly I think I am good at flirting and non verbal signals that express my interest. I know how to make eye contact and other non verbal signals that say it's ok to approach me. The right smile and facial expression. It's easy to let a man know I am attracted to them. I have flirted so many times with strangers over the years of finding fantasy men that I have gotten pretty good at it.

Each encounter has made me more confident in my sexiness and that makes it easier to flirt.

Thanks again for posting and don't hesitate to ask more questions. Answering questions often helps me clarify things.


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by DanEvans » Thu May 31, 2018 9:47 am

willingtoo wrote:
This being "Stroke Material" is a good thing IMO. Mike especially likes knowing that guys are stroking and I do enjoy pleasing people with my writing. I guess it is a turn for me as well knowing our adventures are turning some of you guys on that much.

Ya got me strokin’

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by insertomit » Thu May 31, 2018 1:23 pm

cpeater wrote:
willingtoo wrote:Mike here
Not using a condom was no doubt a stupid decision, but Frank had no problem with it. We are getting tested next week and no doubt inform Frank. I'm not really worried but we'll find out for sure.
My wife has on several occasions skipped the condom despite promising to use one. It's a rule-violation, sure, but she knows she can get away with it and that I will forgive her because it's a symptom of just how hot she gets with her lovers. So far no consequences (knocking on wood). She is very unlikely to become pregnant.
Those hotwives... :whip:

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by stillcanhang57 » Thu May 31, 2018 2:33 pm

Hey Carrie and Mike. My SO and I are curious if the lack of response to our questions over the last week is because they were uncomfortable or if it's just a matter of not really knowing how to respond? Given the depth of the questions and the fact you guys are really new in this kink, we understand.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Fri Jun 01, 2018 2:36 am

Good Morning,

The "Accessories" that Mike ordered arrived yesterday. He is excited and I'm sure he will be using them soon. I have no idea what they are because he wants to use them without me knowing before hand. I love being surprised. I am excited that he is willing to initiate these new ideas to our bedroom and looking forward to new experiences.

This is the first Friday in over a month that I don't have a date set up and I'm glad. We are back to normal not being totally preoccupied with Frank. We are actually talking about other things that took a back seat. We have been having great sex at a normal pace re-living our experiences and fantasizing. In the past week we have had sex 3 times which is normal for us.

We are open to new men, but have nothing planned for now. We are going out with friends Sat. night but obviously I won't be flirting in their presence. The normal evening with them is dinner and dancing and I assume this will be the same kind of evening. Mike will make plans with the other guys today.

We are getting tested this coming week for STD's. The doctor told me that it is best to wait 3 weeks. We aren't worried, but knowing will take it off our minds completely. I guess using condoms is the only way to go in the future. Neither of us like that because it is so much better without especially for Mike. We plan to try several kinds to see which are most sensitive. We'll try a different brand every time we have sex. It won't stay on the entire time of course, but we'll get an idea of which is best.

We are open to specific condom suggestions from anyone here at OHW.

So far so good. We have learned a lot about this lifestyle and ourselves.

It took us years to get to this point, but I think it would be impossible for most couples to get there any other way. I assume most women are like me in their reluctance to get involved. So many doubts and fears to deal with. There was conflict and at one point I thought it was going to ruin us. But continued discussion allowed me to gain trust in Mike and his intentions and realize the potential for really mind blowing experiences. It takes awhile to understand that if it is consensual and hurts neither of us it can make our sex life so much more exciting and us closer as a couple.

I have gained a lot of confidence in how I look to men. I feel much sexier. I also know that I am definitely a submissive in bed and that I want to explore more with Mike, but future lovers as well. I think Mike's experiments will help me safely explore my limits. He can push the envelope without fear of exceeding what I can take and enjoy. I enjoy this much more than I thought.

Mike loves finally living out our fantasies. It thrills him so much. he absolutely loves sharing me with other men. I will encourage him to post this weekend.

As long as we keep communicating and do this together, I think we can enjoy this lifestyle for a long time.

I will keep you posted on our "Experiments" and any new developments in finding other men. We are in no hurry.


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by JustWantToWatch » Fri Jun 01, 2018 5:28 pm

Yeah I treated myself like an amusement park multiple times reading this thread! I love your writing style!

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by jamorgan66 » Sat Jun 02, 2018 3:49 am

I'm bewitched by this thread, Carrie is incredibly erotic. I sincerely hope you both continue sharing as you explore.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Sat Jun 02, 2018 6:44 am

Good Morning !

It seemed like a regular Friday night rent a movie and maybe sex after. We were sitting next to each other looking at the TV menu of movies to rent. After a few minutes Mike stood up and said, "keep checking for something to watch and I'll be right back."

A few minutes later I heard him come up behind me and he said, "Put down the remote and sit back" The couch is situated so that it can be approached from the back. I said ok, but it seemed a strange request. Just as I leaned back his hands came over my head and I realized I was being blindfolded. I was totally surprised because it was so sudden and unusual but I knew we weren't going to watch a movie. I started to get excited.

After he tied the blindfold he came to the front of the couch and took my hand and I stood up. He said nothing but began taking off the robe I was wearing. I started to ask what he was doing and he abruptly told me to shut up. Totally uncharacteristic for him. I've only heard that tone of voice when he was really angry and he never told me to shut up.

When the robe was off, he pulled down my panties and helped me step out of them. A robe and panties is all I usually wear when we watch TV before bed. He turned me around and something came over my mouth and I knew it was some kind of gag right away. There was a round object partially in my mouth. I had seen them before in porn videos so I recognized that it was a ball gag. Now I couldn't see any light what so ever and I couldn't talk.

He took my wrist and put what felt like handcuffs and put another on the other wrist but my hands weren't together. I felt something snap and then another. My hands were tied. I could separate them but only about hip width. Now I started to get excited and I felt some of the familiar erotic fear I felt with Frank.

He grabbed my arm and carefully led me to the bedroom. He sat me down on the edge of the bed. Then he grabbed my ankles, lifted my legs and turned me so my feet were now on the bed. He said, again in a firm voice, "Put your hands over your head." I obeyed.

He began to gently massage my breasts then up and down my stomach. He was beside me on the bed. he started approaching my clit but never quite touched me and kept touching my nipples and moving his fingers over my stomach. I was really getting turned on. I felt really helpless and excited. He was obviously teasing and frustrating me and it worked. I couldn't wait for him to touch my clit but he just kept coming close but then moving his fingers back up my stomach..

After what seemed like a long time he finally began to touch my clit and massage it. He spread my legs apart and started giving me oral. He had only given me oral a few times. It wasn't a regular part of our love making but he knew Brad did it and I told him I had liked it. It felt wonderful and I began my little girl submissive moan like I did with Frank.

Next he started fingering me with what was obviously two fingers. He kept moving his tongue around my clit. I started to move my hips in response to his fingers that were pressing against the top wall of my vagina. I started shaking and was getting close to cuming and he stopped.

He turned me over with my hands over my head and he positioned my hips in doggie fashion. Then nothing for a couple minutes.

Suddenly I felt a slap on my butt cheek. It startled me. I made a gasp and little girl moan. I expected doggie sex but instead received a slap. It wasn't real hard, but it did sting a little. After a pause, another slap a bit harder. It was some kind of whip.

Next I felt a feather like object tickling the same area that I was slapped. Wow, the sting and now a tickling feeling. New sensations and I liked it. After a few minutes another slap. Again I gasped and made my little girl moan. I wanted to talk but that was impossible. I have never been gaged and I wasn't sure I liked it, but it did make me feel helpless and vulnerable along with the wrist cuffs and blindfold. I actually felt "Taken." by Mike for the first time.

After two more slaps, each harder than the previous and more tickling, he spread my legs farther apart and I felt his hand moving between my legs and I heard a quiet buzz. I knew it was the small vibrator I was familiar with and he began stimulating my clit.

I was so turned on and wet. He started inserting the vibrator into my vagina and slowly fucking me with it, alternating between my clit and my vagina. It was amazing. I was moving my hips in sync with the vibrator and moaning with unbelievable pleasure but I could still feel the sting of the whip.

This was so different. Beside the falaka, he had never done anything like this to me.

Again I was near orgasm when he stopped. That was really frustrating me. I wanted to cum so bad.

Next he flipped me over, put my cuffed hands above my head, spread my legs and started teasing me with his cock. He rubbed my clit and almost entered but didn't. I was going crazy and I kind of expressed it with a pleading moan. A moan that said, "For heaven's sake, FUCK ME !

Finally he drove into me deep and my body exploded with pleasure. A total body orgasm that lasted for what seemed like several minutes. I began shaking and he continued to thrust. Another sudden, hard, deep thrust and I exploded again with pleasure. I was shaking uncontrollably.

He continued to thrust faster and faster and finally he had as powerful an orgasm as I can remember him having.

He stayed inside me and I could feel him getting soft. He was breathing hard and said nothing. I was still gaged, blindfolded and my cuffed hands were above my head.

He took off the blindfold and the first thing I saw was a masked face looking at me. It scared me to death ! It was a hockey mask like the one Jason wore in the movie. I mean it scared me so much I screamed, muffled of course by the gag.

He just looked at me and I was terrified. Was it Mike or maybe Frank??

He took off the gag and then the cuffs.

First thing I said was, " Who are you?" I was pretty sure it was Mike but not totally sure.

He took off the mask and it was Mike. I said, "Oh my God you scared the shit out of me." He just smiled.

Then I said, "It was amazing Mike. I loved it!"

He smiled and laid beside me.

We talked for a long time after telling each other how we felt, liked and about future experiences. Too much to write about this morning, but I will post again maybe tomorrow about the aftermath. We have much to do today and I have no time left to even edit. sorry.


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by mundyman » Sat Jun 02, 2018 7:35 am

Wow, imagine a couple experimenting with the sex they have. A husband and wife who are in tune to their needs and desires and are trying to make the sex between them fun, connecting, and special. It sounds like he is learning how to push all your buttons and maybe a few you didn't know you had. And perhaps a dormant part of his personality is coming to the fore.
I am so happy for you both!!
As much as you've grown, your husband Mike has grown as much if not more. It sounds as if watching and listening to Frank take you has served as a model for Mike to follow and emulate as he develops his own dominant style. Keep communicating and having fun. The only thing I might suggest is a predetermined safe word or gesture you can use while gagged in the chances that he tries something that you're not comfortable with or turns too intense.
Gosh I love your story.
Thanks for sharing.
Continued success to you and Mike as you continue to grow and discover your sexuality in this lifestyle.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Sat Jun 02, 2018 10:13 am

willingtoo wrote:Good Morning !

It seemed like a regular Friday night rent a movie and maybe sex after. We were sitting next to each other looking at the TV menu of movies to rent. After a few minutes Mike stood up and said, "keep checking for something to watch and I'll be right back."

A few minutes later I heard him come up behind me and he said, "Put down the remote and sit back" The couch is situated so that it can be approached from the back. I said ok, but it seemed a strange request. Just as I leaned back his hands came over my head and I realized I was being blindfolded. I was totally surprised because it was so sudden and unusual but I knew we weren't going to watch a movie. I started to get excited.

After he tied the blindfold he came to the front of the couch and took my hand and I stood up. He said nothing but began taking off the robe I was wearing. I started to ask what he was doing and he abruptly told me to shut up. Totally uncharacteristic for him. I've only heard that tone of voice when he was really angry and he never told me to shut up.

When the robe was off, he pulled down my panties and helped me step out of them. A robe and panties is all I usually wear when we watch TV before bed. He turned me around and something came over my mouth and I knew it was some kind of gag right away. There was a round object partially in my mouth. I had seen them before in porn videos so I recognized that it was a ball gag. Now I couldn't see any light what so ever and I couldn't talk.

He took my wrist and put what felt like handcuffs and put another on the other wrist but my hands weren't together. I felt something snap and then another. My hands were tied. I could separate them but only about hip width. Now I started to get excited and I felt some of the familiar erotic fear I felt with Frank.

He grabbed my arm and carefully led me to the bedroom. He sat me down on the edge of the bed. Then he grabbed my ankles, lifted my legs and turned me so my feet were now on the bed. He said, again in a firm voice, "Put your hands over your head." I obeyed.

He began to gently massage my breasts then up and down my stomach. He was beside me on the bed. he started approaching my clit but never quite touched me and kept touching my nipples and moving his fingers over my stomach. I was really getting turned on. I felt really helpless and excited. He was obviously teasing and frustrating me and it worked. I couldn't wait for him to touch my clit but he just kept coming close but then moving his fingers back up my stomach..

After what seemed like a long time he finally began to touch my clit and massage it. He spread my legs apart and started giving me oral. He had only given me oral a few times. It wasn't a regular part of our love making but he knew Brad did it and I told him I had liked it. It felt wonderful and I began my little girl submissive moan like I did with Frank.

Next he started fingering me with what was obviously two fingers. He kept moving his tongue around my clit. I started to move my hips in response to his fingers that were pressing against the top wall of my vagina. I started shaking and was getting close to cuming and he stopped.

He turned me over with my hands over my head and he positioned my hips in doggie fashion. Then nothing for a couple minutes.

Suddenly I felt a slap on my butt cheek. It startled me. I made a gasp and little girl moan. I expected doggie sex but instead received a slap. It wasn't real hard, but it did sting a little. After a pause, another slap a bit harder. It was some kind of whip.

Next I felt a feather like object tickling the same area that I was slapped. Wow, the sting and now a tickling feeling. New sensations and I liked it. After a few minutes another slap. Again I gasped and made my little girl moan. I wanted to talk but that was impossible. I have never been gaged and I wasn't sure I liked it, but it did make me feel helpless and vulnerable along with the wrist cuffs and blindfold. I actually felt "Taken." by Mike for the first time.

After two more slaps, each harder than the previous and more tickling, he spread my legs farther apart and I felt his hand moving between my legs and I heard a quiet buzz. I knew it was the small vibrator I was familiar with and he began stimulating my clit.

I was so turned on and wet. He started inserting the vibrator into my vagina and slowly fucking me with it, alternating between my clit and my vagina. It was amazing. I was moving my hips in sync with the vibrator and moaning with unbelievable pleasure but I could still feel the sting of the whip.

This was so different. Beside the falaka, he had never done anything like this to me.

Again I was near orgasm when he stopped. That was really frustrating me. I wanted to cum so bad.

Next he flipped me over, put my cuffed hands above my head, spread my legs and started teasing me with his cock. He rubbed my clit and almost entered but didn't. I was going crazy and I kind of expressed it with a pleading moan. A moan that said, "For heaven's sake, FUCK ME !

Finally he drove into me deep and my body exploded with pleasure. A total body orgasm that lasted for what seemed like several minutes. I began shaking and he continued to thrust. Another sudden, hard, deep thrust and I exploded again with pleasure. I was shaking uncontrollably.

He continued to thrust faster and faster and finally he had as powerful an orgasm as I can remember him having.

He stayed inside me and I could feel him getting soft. He was breathing hard and said nothing. I was still gaged, blindfolded and my cuffed hands were above my head.

He took off the blindfold and the first thing I saw was a masked face looking at me. It scared me to death ! It was a hockey mask like the one Jason wore in the movie. I mean it scared me so much I screamed, muffled of course by the gag.

He just looked at me and I was terrified. Was it Mike or maybe Frank??

He took off the gag and then the cuffs.

First thing I said was, " Who are you?" I was pretty sure it was Mike but not totally sure.

He took off the mask and it was Mike. I said, "Oh my God you scared the shit out of me." He just smiled.

Then I said, "It was amazing Mike. I loved it!"

He smiled and laid beside me.

We talked for a long time after telling each other how we felt, liked and about future experiences. Too much to write about this morning, but I will post again maybe tomorrow about the aftermath. We have much to do today and I have no time left to even edit. sorry.

Mike here

Not much time to write but Carrie wanted me to express my thoughts about last night. We are busy today and tonight.

I think this has brought out a latent sadistic side of me. I enjoyed falaka but Carrie never showed much interest even though it turned her on some at the time. I was always afraid of inflicting pain and I was ok without doing it even though it turned me on and appealed to me when I watched videos. never thought I'd be doing it with her. Her embracing it with Frank has open up things for me that I never thought I'd like.

She loved last night and is eager for more and so am I. I have a lot of ideas and keep getting more. I'm as excited about more restraint/pain exploration as I am excited about her next lover which also excites the hell out of me. This has opened up a whole new world for us.

Can't wait to punish her pretty little feet!

No more time.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by Open2it » Sun Jun 03, 2018 3:25 am

willingtoo wrote:
Mike here

Not much time to write but Carrie wanted me to express my thoughts about last night. We are busy today and tonight.

I think this has brought out a latent sadistic side of me. I enjoyed falaka but Carrie never showed much interest even though it turned her on some at the time. I was always afraid of inflicting pain and I was ok without doing it even though it turned me on and appealed to me when I watched videos. never thought I'd be doing it with her. Her embracing it with Frank has open up things for me that I never thought I'd like.

She loved last night and is eager for more and so am I. I have a lot of ideas and keep getting more. I'm as excited about more restraint/pain exploration as I am excited about her next lover which also excites the hell out of me. This has opened up a whole new world for us.

Can't wait to punish her pretty little feet!

No more time.
Have you considered taking Carrie out for a date while she’s wearing a plug, bullet vibe, or other toy designed to enhance her libido? Think of how she’d be squirming in her seat close but unable to orgasm until you got home. :whip:

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Sun Jun 03, 2018 3:51 am

Good Morning!

Had a great time with friends last night. Dinner and dancing after at a dance bar for a few hours. One of the girls said she has noticed a difference in me lately. She couldn't put her finger on the specific difference. I'll ask her about it again next time I talk to her.

We both are excited about our new found sexual identities (Dom/sub). It opens so much room for exploration and fun. Mike likes expressing his dominant side. He said it's always been there but he didn't know how to express it with me. He could role play being dominant, but those fantasies were more force or rape themed. He enjoyed the falaka we tried a couple years ago, but he said I didn't seem too enthused and so he didn't pursue it any further. Now that he knows that the door he is all in.

He kept the "Jason Mask" from a Halloween costume he wore to a party a couple years ago. He corrected me and said he was Hannibal Lecter, not Jason. It probably sounds stupid to all of you, but it actually did scare me and I loved the shock and surprise. He said he would assume that persona when we had sex that involved s&m. ( We're still not sure what we are doing....s&m or BDSM). Maybe someone could clarify. Anyway, mike said he now has a ton of things he wants to try with me and I won't know what they are until it happens.

I have been thinking about the evolution of my submissive personality. Why am I submissive. What experiences made me that way. In my fantasies I was always the helpless victim of a big strong, aggressive man that "Took" me. It was that way since I can remember, early teens. I'm just curious about that and why danger and fear turns me on so much. I am drawn to Alpha males but I didn't marry one. I guess I see Alpha men as being sexy but not what I want in a real relationship.

Mike said he always thought of me as his sweet little Princess being used by some stranger and he was my rescuer, protector. I guess we were the perfect match that way. Him being the Dom is a new role. So now he plays two roles, protector when I am with other men, and Dom when we have sex together. I'm still the helpless little Princess in either situation.

I have always had a pretty strong Libido or sex drive and still do. I can remember having sexual sensations even as a very young kid (10 or 11 years old I'd guess) I would think any woman that gets into being a Hot Wife would have a similar level of interest in sex. We have had an active sex life since we met. We are well matched that way.

Nothing on the horizon with a new lover except the guy Frank mentioned. We're still not sure about that possibility. Not sure how to say this, but meeting Strangers is not a problem. I don't want to sound arrogant about my ability to attract men. I have confidence that I am fairly attractive, nice looking. I think it's somewhat my physical attractiveness, but more my personality and non verbal communication. The way I look at men (eye contact) smile etc. A girl can say a lot with just her facial expressions and body language without being a "Knock Out". Attracting and Meeting strangers is not a problem. I don't think it would be difficult for any nice looking woman with the right attitude, verbal and non-verbal communication skills. But I think Frank like hook ups are more rare and somewhat a matter of luck.

I'm looking forward to Dr. Hannibal Lecter's next attack and abuse of Mike's helpless little princess.

I'll keep you updated and describe our new experiments for those that are interested.


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by SutterKane » Sun Jun 03, 2018 10:36 am

I want to thank you for writing down your thoughts about what the two of you are going through on your way to discovering you deeper sexuality! Don't worry about you writing skills, your writing is just fine. Typo's and spelling errors aren't a problem unless they're so egregious as to make your story unreadable.
Don't be discouraged if you don't get a lot of replies. I won't comment on a post unless I have some thing to add or ask, though I will say "Thank you" if I find a post especially useful or inspiring.
That you two are willing to open up about this most private aspect of your sex lives is amazing. The way Carrie has been sharing her thoughts and feelings as this is happening to you both is beautiful and humbling in many ways. You might not think of what you and she are doing as a great service, but I assure you it is. My wife has had so many questions answered by just reading what Carrie has written. When you put your thoughts out there it add a depth that would be sorely be missing without your view.
I thank you both for being so incredibly brave as to come on a public Internet forum such as this and in such an open and vulnerable way. That takes guts!
My deepest and sincere thanks to you both and may the two of you never stop sharing you journey with us.

"Give into temptation. It may never come your way again!" -Robert A. Heinlein
"Women and cats will do as they please,and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea"-Robert Heinlein
"Gratitude is riches and complaint is poverty and the worst I ever had was wonderful"Bro. Dave Gardner
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus!

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Mon Jun 04, 2018 2:39 am

Good Morning !

I called my friend that made a comment about there being something being different about me. We have been friends since FSU and I knew she'd be honest.

She said I seemed a little distracted at the bar where we went dancing Saturday night. I guess it was obvious, to her anyway, that I was checking out guys and even smiling at a few. She asked if there was anything wrong between Mike and me. Of course I said no, but didn't know how to respond from there without explaining things I wouldn't want her to know. I'm not sure I convinced her.

She said, "You've always been a flirt Carrie, but not as much since you've been married. You've stepped it up."

She started talking about her marriage and that things weren't the same with her and her husband. They rarely have sex anymore and in general the spark has dimmed. It wasn't just her that had lost interest in sex, it was him too. She said maybe twice a month and just routine vanilla sex. They have been married two years before us. I was in her wedding, so that would be 12 years. We are the same age.

We had talked various times about rough times in both our marriages and sometimes about sex, but not as much as when we were single. She wanted to know about our relationship especially about sex and romance. I said actually we had found ways to spice things up. Of course she wanted to know what we did to make it more exciting.

We talked, when we were younger about what turned us on about guys. She knew I liked big guys that were Alpha types and that I liked sex a little rough and she thought I would surely I would marry that type. Mike isn't the Alpha guy in the room but he has always been outgoing and had a lot of confidence. He did pretty well in the dating and sex department before we met.

I didn't know how to respond and I knew whatever I told her there would be follow up questions. I didn't want to reveal too much. I said we fantasized and role played. I said, " You know, rough sex things like that." I knew she would want more detail and I was trapped. I wished I had never called her about her comment.

She said, "Tell me more." I said we role played that we were with fantasy people that were different.

She wanted to know if the fantasies were about specific people or just made up. I said, "Just made up people that were different." She said, " Both of you? You both think about other people?" I answered yes.

She said she didn't think her husband would be into her being with another man. I asked her if they fantasized or role played, turning things back to her. She said no, that they tried different positions and having sex in different places in the house and a couple times the car in a dark parking lot, but the enthusiasm didn't increase significantly.

She said that she had thought about different men during sex but never told her husband. She didn't know if he did or not and was leery about telling him or asking if he did the same.

This was beginning to be a face to face conversation and I suggested having lunch this week and talk more about it. She immediately agreed and we set a date for Wednesday this week. Now I have time to think about what to tell her that would satisfy her curiosity, maybe help her with ideas and yet not reveal too much about me and Mike.

We have engaged in fantasy sex for at least the past 7 or 8 years. It started with Mike wanting to know about my past experiences and it progressed from there to fantasies to him wanting me to actually do it. he's never shown interest in other women. His focus has always been me. The only problem we had was that it became all about me with other men and less and less about just us. That's where we had some disagreements and arguments.

It wasn't until I realized that his desire for me with other men would never go away. He admitted as much. It was then I began to consider it more.

I think it is hard for most people to keep the excitement going in a marriage. As I've said before, we both have a pretty strong sex drive and have not had to deal with the stresses of being parents which I have read is a big deterrent to passionate sex. If we had kids, I doubt I'd be a Hot Wife at this point in our lives anyway but probably eventually

I like sex now as much as I ever did and Mike has always wanted sex on a regular basis. I'd say we've averaged 2 to 3 times a week throughout our marriage so the passion has never disappeared, waned or declined much except when we had disagreements.

Mike confirmed that I was checking out guys the other night but he Loves it. He said I have been doing that for awhile when we are out.

No sex since Friday night, but I think tonight or tomorrow.


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Mon Jun 04, 2018 3:05 am

SutterKane wrote:Mike,
I want to thank you for writing down your thoughts about what the two of you are going through on your way to discovering you deeper sexuality! Don't worry about you writing skills, your writing is just fine. Typo's and spelling errors aren't a problem unless they're so egregious as to make your story unreadable.
Don't be discouraged if you don't get a lot of replies. I won't comment on a post unless I have some thing to add or ask, though I will say "Thank you" if I find a post especially useful or inspiring.
That you two are willing to open up about this most private aspect of your sex lives is amazing. The way Carrie has been sharing her thoughts and feelings as this is happening to you both is beautiful and humbling in many ways. You might not think of what you and she are doing as a great service, but I assure you it is. My wife has had so many questions answered by just reading what Carrie has written. When you put your thoughts out there it add a depth that would be sorely be missing without your view.
I thank you both for being so incredibly brave as to come on a public Internet forum such as this and in such an open and vulnerable way. That takes guts!
My deepest and sincere thanks to you both and may the two of you never stop sharing you journey with us.

"Give into temptation. It may never come your way again!" -Robert A. Heinlein
I responed to your post in a pm.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by stillcanhang57 » Mon Jun 04, 2018 3:28 am

So what are we thinking here Carrie? Maybe a potential couples swap with your friends? Or maybe loan out Mike and his Hannibal Lector mask for a little instructive lesson.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Mon Jun 04, 2018 3:48 am

stillcanhang57 wrote:So what are we thinking here Carrie? Maybe a potential couples swap with your friends? Or maybe loan out Mike and his Hannibal Lector mask for a little instructive lesson.
No, not thinking in that direction at all. I would not have brought up the topic of sex except for her comment about a change in me led to sex. My apparently obvious interest in other men is what prompted the conversation. Mike and I are not interested in swapping partners with anyone. The agreement has always been that I would be with other men but I don't want him with other women. Mike is totally fine with that. In fact he shows no interest in other women and I want to keep it that way.

She is one of my closest friends and I want to keep it that way. Dr. Hannibal Lector is all mine!

I am looking forward to our lunch meeting and see where that goes. I doubt I will ever reveal my membership in the Hot Wife Society unless she brings it up and I doubt she will.



Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by sadie » Mon Jun 04, 2018 5:13 am

In a post-50-shades world I think you can safely allude to an interest in sensual bondage etc, only I would implore you to distance yourself from those awful books. There's nothing wrong with fantasy but E L James has simply written fatuously dangerous stuff.

Since you've already opened to the theme of fantasy about others that's decent cover for flirting, however it's pretty close to home and I'd caution about hinting of actual play. I'd rather have straight friends thinking I was kinky.

Then again I can remember when feminism and therefore much of the lesbian world was extremely judgmental about BDSM, holding that even between women that could never be consensual.

Glad as ever to hear from you :-)

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Mon Jun 04, 2018 9:22 am


I'd rather have straight friends thinking I was kinky.

Thanks Sadie. I am confused about the above sentence.



Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by sadie » Mon Jun 04, 2018 12:54 pm

Carrie, I'm sorry, I'll try to be more clear.

Among people who are more or less straight, I think most will have an easier time wrapping their heads around people being kinky while monogamous than in most forms of non-monogamy.

Of course it's different for all people, and certainly there are people becoming familiar with swinging as a thing, still I think you're more likely to be judged if people think you're going in that direction.

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