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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 10:20 am
by bubbajack
I think there is no way to tell in advance of actually fucking some other guy what the exact outcome will be. :|

You have already experienced together some very real, very intense, very pleasurable feelings (Whew! :mrgreen: :whip: :whip: ) which come up for the two of you when you entertain the abstract proposition of "you-fucking-another-guy".

Whether those feelings - or something like them or something totally different - will occur when an actual strange cock goes into your actual pussy, remains to be experienced. :cool:

For us, the knowledge we had of each other and the great expanse of shared experiences we had built up over the more than twenty years we were married at the time I watched and she accommodated a guy sticking it into her seemed to sum up in that moment how lucky and happy we were to be married to each other!

He was a nice guy and she fucked him again - I should say we both fucked her again (alternate suck-fuck spit-roasting was involved - a long-desired favorite of mine :twisted:) - and the actuality was even better than our fantasies leading up to it. :D

So good luck, whatever happens - or doesn't. :)

(For my part, I would greatly prefer that you do it and post pics of the event. Thank you.)

Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 6:45 am
by Tongue4Kitty
willingtoo wrote:Hello everyone. I am married and 37 years old and he is 45. We have no children and have been happy for the most part of the 10 years we have been married but the Hotwife desires on the part of my husband has become a bit of a problem for us. We started fantasizing about it 5 or 6 years ago and it was fun and turned me on. He wanted to know about the guys I was with before we married and what we did specifically in bed. Over time he wanted the fantasy more and more until eventually It was almost never about us but just me and the fantasy guy. The sex has been good in our marriage overall and I often had an orgasm.

He eventually wanted us to go out to bars and have me flirt with guys which I did a few times and it was fun. We went together. He gave me a lot of rope in flirting. When we got home he wanted to know which guy at the bar I would consider having sex with if I were single. Usually I met a couple guys just fun conversation and a dance or two. I’d tell him which guy and then we fantasized about the guy taking me sexually. The fantasies were fun and they sometimes turned me on to the point of orgasm. He was unbelievably turned on and Loved it ! Took awhile to understand it (having sex with other men) was all about me and not him with other women but I believe that now. I thought it was an excuse for him to fool around. The focus is always on me and I believe him. He rarely flirts with or talks about other women. He is kind and considerate and we have some domestic problems like all couples. The sex has been good in our marriage and I orgasm almost every time. He is average in penis size and girth like 7 inches and a good lover. Basically he is a great guy and a good husband. So far so good right?

The way I see him. 6’2 and nice looking. I have researched the term Cuckold and he does not fit that criteria. He is not real domineering but certainly not submissive or into humiliation as I have read some foot guys are that are obsessed with female feet. So, sounds more like he’s into the Hotwife thing I have read about. He loves female feet and tells me mine are beautiful. He just likes me to wear sexy shoes and pose my legs and feet for him before sex. Also he in public and watch if other men notice or glance at my feet and legs. Same at the bar. During sex my feet become secondary. More like foreplay. He likes me to point my toes during sex and also wants that in the fantasies with other men. I have no problem with the foot fascination in fact he gives a wonderful foot massage any time I want and buys me any shoes I want and pedicures. Just mentioned it because feet are a big part of his sexual passion

The way I see me.. I am an average 37, 5’ 3”, year old female average in every category. Girl next door type “They” say.. People usually say I’m Cute and I agree!. I have always liked sex. I remember sexual feelings about it even pre teen. After my cousin in HS I had 3 guys and 5 or 6 in college. Virginity Lost early (Illegal but I encouraged him and I wanted it to happen ) to an older cousin when I was 16 he was 28 or so (totally resolved and I was not raped). I lean to the submissive kind especially in sex. I like the man to be in charge in bed and do things his way. Tall, assertive, confident men turn me on. Handsome not necessary. As I said, I lean to the submissive side of things.

I want to make him happy, but how far do we go with this?

Most recently he has encouraged me to flirt with a guy at work that pays a lot of attention to me. I found the guy attractive but nothing more. He is divorced and about 50. But the more we flirt, the more the sex vibes are obvious and I have found it easy to fantasize about him which drives my husband crazy and he almost explodes. We have been “flirting” going on over a year and my husband keeps encouraging it and fantasizing about it. By now husband sounds really serious about wanting me to do it. Even offering to pay for a room in a really nice hotel.

I’m in a bad place. My flirting has turned me to thinking it would be erotic and exciting and I’m being encouraged by my husband to proceed. And that’s where it is at. I go back and forth. So many worries especially what it might do to how I feel about him (husband) after.

I can’t talk about this with anyone in my circle obviously. Not even with best friends or relatives. I’m very nervous and so is my husband. Both of us are back and forth. No pressing decision right now, but is becoming more difficult every day. He and I know that we are both close. That’s why I thought it would be good to come to a safe place where I am unknown.

Just writing this makes me more clear about our relationship if nothing else.

Ideas, thoughts or information would be great!
Hi willingtoo, since you've already been flirting with your workmate for about a year, you could ask him his favorite toenail polish color??

Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 7:00 pm
by Mr ablondemilf
Nothing2see wrote:Some men (myself included) don't give a hoot about feet. There are many such fetishes, but the only one truly connected to hotwifing is the wish to see your wife sexually desired and or sexually fulfilled by another man.

I second the motion to avoid coworkers.
Dude, I totally agree. My thoughts exactly. :D

Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 3:55 pm
by willingtoo
We have heeded the advice given here and decided to go in a different direction. The work situation is just too dangerous. I am already working on cooling it down. Here is how it evolved.

We were out with a group of friends and a guy my husband used to work with was there. I spoke with him quite a bit. He had moved away and he just moved back into our area. I forgot how attractive he is. My husband noticed how well we clicked and when we got home we began to talk about making him our fantasy guy. He has always seemed to like me and even flirted a little when he lived nearby. We have already had fantasy sex thinking about the guy. Damn these fantasies are soo powerful. Always have been powerful for my husband but now for me as well.

So we began to fantasize and I was surprised how easily I was able to get turned on to him. My husband loves the idea and so do I. As many of you said, the guy at work was too dangerous. This guy lives an hour or so away, so just enough to have it happen often enough and not be too close.

We should see him again at a party in a couple weeks. He is divorced now so that won't be a problem. It will probably take time to get it going, but we can build the fantasy. We already have some sexy ideas. He is tall, confident and assertive which is the type I am attracted to. Not sure if he is into feet but that doesn't matter. It would be nice for my husband though. The switch to a new guy was easier than I thought.

Comments always welcome.

Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 6:37 pm
by stillcanhang57
Nice update! Great choice not bringing coworker in on this. As you both realized, way too many potential issues. Really fortunate you guys ran into old mutual friend. Key here is to talk and communicate with your husband, away from the bedroom! Kitchen table conversations.
Take your time and move at the pace of the slower partner. Remember this kink is a team event.
Iam assume your amazing husband will be apart of all the explorations of this new guy. Will you be open and honest with this guy about your kink? Maybe your husband can bring up the initial conversation.

Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 1:24 pm
by willingtoo
I have been cooling it down with the guy at work and I think he has noticed. Still trying to be friendly but not in the flirty way. I am sure he will approach me sometime and probably ask if there is something wrong. I can't obviously explain, but I will be as kind as I can be and assure him that there is nothing wrong. If he pursues it more, I will just say Mike and I were having problems and I was being flirty as a distraction, or something like that. I feel bad about making him think there was something there when I thought there was. I will just be kind and friendly. It will be OK after awhile I'm sure.

My Husband (Mike) contacted his old co-worker and suggested they get together for a few drinks. He wants to feel him out and see if there may be potential to go in this direction. He has no real plan other than take it one step at a time. We have thought maybe a few drinks together with just the three of us and start from there. I'm getting more excited about this guy. He really is sexy, I just never looked at him that way when he worked with Mike a few years ago. A lot has changed in the way I look at guys now. Mike is thrilled that he is sexy to me and excited to go in this direction.

Unbelievable how much I have changed in my attitude about this whole Hot Wife thing from 3 or 4 years ago. I still love my husband as much as ever, but I trust him and believe our marriage can withstand the affair and that he has no interest in other women. he never shows interest in other women. I seem to be his total focus. I would never blame him for where we are. I have gone along willingly. Just never thought it would turn me on so much.

I think we have to try doing this when the time is right. At least once. We both do. The new guy will probably take some time so we still have time to discuss it and see if we want to proceed. That's Ok because the fantasy sex is awesome. We have a lot of discussion out of the bedroom and fantasy so we have time but also excited about the possibility.

I am on the submissive side so the guy seems right. He is tall, confident and assertive which is what turns me on. I like the man to be in charge. No rough stuff just in control. I give in easily and like to please a man. I am more into giving pleasure. Giving pleasure is a turn on for me. For instance, I like giving oral more than getting it. I like oral, but giving and knowing I am pleasing a man is much more of a turn on to me. Mike loves that about me.

Mike reads what I write here. He says I am more expressive. Anyway he wants me to describe myself to other men on this forum.

I am 5'3 inches and weigh about 125. People say I am cute. 34-24-36. People have always said I have pretty legs and a few over the years have commented on my feet being pretty (Mike says they are gorgeous). I have shoulder length hair light brown and blue eyes. I am very flexible as I was a gymnast in high school. I like to dance and like it when I know men are watching. Have fantasized about being a stripper. I dress conservatively but also like to be casual. I am submissive in the bedroom but not as much in real life. I'm outgoing and like people. I have always been a flirt. My fantasies have always been of me being taken by a powerful man. I give a token resistance, but always give in.

Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 3:13 pm
by Tiburon
Awesome persepctive, being as the female versus male side..

I wish you guys the best of luck and hope for a happy experience

I havent had the opprotunity with my wife yet, but reading these POV, be it female or male, i enjoy it...

Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 10:09 pm
by lionbrand
That sounds really good. It is great that you both are on the same page with the same goal. I'm sure you will make your fantasy real. Both your husband and the guy you will go for are really lucky. All the best!

Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 10:57 pm
by jps18
You have the guy picked out , you use him as your fantasy man and are really turned on by him . You sound hot by your description so I'm sure he wants you too . I'm thinking things will progress faster than you think . Especially after he and Mike have a couple of drinks and start to talk about you . Once your desire for him is in the open , I say with in a week he will be in your bed . Good luck to you , Mike and your future fuck buddy !

Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 5:20 am
by willingtoo
Mike met with his old co-worker for a couple drinks last night after work. After catching up on his divorce etc. He eventually brought me into the conversation. He said that I really enjoyed talking to him the other night and he said the same about me. So he set up a "Date" for the three of us to meet at a Bar next week to get to know each other. He is not dating anyone as he just moved back to the area. He did tell Mike that he was pretty horny. Mike will be good at getting something going. He is motivated for sure.

I am excited as I will have a chance to flirt a little more and hopefully get him to ask me to dance and see where it goes from there. Mike wants to make an excuse to leave us alone for awhile. Like he forgot to go to the office and bring some documents home for the weekend. Mike will come up with some kind of excuse to leave us alone for a couple hours. I will certanly make the best of that time without being too obvious. I'm pretty good at letting men know when I am attracted to them without coming right out and saying it. I'm also good at body language and dancing just a little suggestively. I can be sexy without being too obvious. Mike says I have some pretty sexy moves on the dance floor. Of course I will showcase my legs and feet even though the chances of him being a foot man are slim, but hey, never know. I will definitely be wearing an appropriately short dress and sexy shoes. If not feet, most guys like pretty legs. I'm sure my legs will get his attention. I'm very good at leg and foot teasing. Mike has taught me how to tease without being obvious. He is an expert LOL.

Meanwhile the fantasy sex with Mike is as intense as ever. I can't wait for something to happen. I am ready for sure if the situation is right and we turn each other on after being with him alone. I will be at my flirty and suggestive best.

I am excited to say the least. Just writing this has me moist and butterflies! If at all possible, Mike will make something happen. We'll see.

Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 5:34 am
by stillcanhang57
Well things seem to be progressing rather quickly. Have you and your husband talked about boundaries and expectations now that this next step is approaching? What if, while your husband runs to the office, this guy wants to make out or wants you to blow him in the bathroom? A quickie in his car? Will your husband support this or will want you to wait until he's present?

Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 7:39 am
by cpeater
As an experienced cuckold I think you're getting great advice here. I look forward to following your story.

Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 8:39 am
A woman who has pretty feet may not get foot fetichism, but she can use it to her advantage. It's all part of the tactics one uses in case of war and other activities of love and sex!

Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 9:58 am
by BayouBull
I do notice women's feet and legs. I had a previous HW and girlfriend that took care of her feet and toenails tell me that
when a woman takes care of her feet, she takes care of everything else as well.

Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 6:59 am
by willingtoo
stillcanhang57 wrote:Well things seem to be progressing rather quickly. Have you and your husband talked about boundaries and expectations now that this next step is approaching? What if, while your husband runs to the office, this guy wants to make out or wants you to blow him in the bathroom? A quickie in his car? Will your husband support this or will want you to wait until he's present?
We have not talked about anything like that happening. I think this will move a little slower than you think, but you never know I guess. The bathroom or the car is not my style. I prefer bedrooms/hotel rooms.

Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 7:10 am
by button_x
obviously, pretty feet are part of the total package. but, what really gets my blood to stirring are perfect legs. you know, legs with feet at one end and pussy at the other. : )

Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 8:11 am
by Mr1SexyGILF
button_x wrote:obviously, pretty feet are part of the total package. but, what really gets my blood to stirring are perfect legs. you know, legs with feet at one end and pussy at the other. : )
I am definitely a leg man. My favorite analogy is "Legs that go all the way to heaven.

I am certain that yout legs (and feet) would demand my full attention willingtoo.


Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 4:06 am
by willingtoo
We are meeting Mike's former co-worker tonight at a Bar for drinks. The place is half way between our house and his. We are going separately from work to the meeting place. Mike is going to call at the last minute and say he will be late leaving work. The guy and I will be alone for the first hour or more. I plan to be friendly and flirty but not so much as to be obvious. We don't have a long term plan except to invite him to our house for dinner next. He is not dating yet as far as we know so hopefully he will come alone. He just moved back to the area and getting settled. Mike and I are very excited about the possibilities but who knows. This will probably take a little time to develop if it happens at all. I can tell he thinks I'm attractive, but not sure he'd be willing to get involved in a sexual encounter with me. Mike loves the tension and so do I. We have had fantasy sex about him a lot this week. Hope he is still attractive to me after being alone with him for awhile. Mike is going to take his time meeting us. He is nervous but so excited and so am I.

The guy at work did finally ask me if something was wrong because I have been much cooler to him. I assured him that he had done nothing wrong and things have been less tense. I'm still friendly but not like before. The advice I received here was absolutely correct. I can see where the work situation was definitely dangerous in terms of causing problems. The sexual tension had me blind to the dangers.

I'll be back tomorrow and let you know how it went. Have to get to work.

Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 5:04 am
by sextiescouple
Sounds like you've really got your head on, and are moving in a great direction.

Just a thought. Let's say that you and the guy at the bar (your husband's ex-co-worker) gives you great vibes and you get him to tell you he's interested. Will you still play it cool tonight, or will you go for it?

Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 7:09 am
by willingtoo
I doubt that will happen as I won't be too forward or obvious. I will certainly flirt a little and be really friendly but I think it's better to let things play out a bit. Better if he knows Mike approves and that may take some time. But who knows. I'm horny enough but I'm not even sure he will turn me on enough for sex. So far he is very attractive and even though I knew him from years ago working with Mike, I'm not positive he will continue to be a man I would sleep with. He sure meets a lot of my criteria. I may not be his type. I hope to get him to ask me to dance. We'll know a lot more after tonight.

I'm really excited to see where it goes. So is Mike. He's called me twice this morning at work he's so excited.

Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 4:45 am
by willingtoo
I met the guy (Frank) at 5:30 and I told him Mike would be late so we found a table and he ordered drinks. I said it was good that he and I had time to get to know each other and he agreed. We talked a little about his new position, his divorce and adjusting to living in a new location alone. His wife left him for another man. I asked if he was lonely and he laughed and said, "Yea, a little lonely and very horny." I just smiled and let it slide. He said that Mike should not let a wife as cute as me be alone with a single guy. I just said that Mike was not the jealous type and didn't mind other guys paying attention to me. I said in fact that he kind of liked seeing other men flirt with me. So he said, "Then I guess it's ok if I flirt with you?" I replied with a laugh, "Sure, why not?" He moved his chair closer to me after that comment. I was hoping he'd ask me to dance but Mike showed about 1.5 hours late and we talked so much that it didn't get to the dancing or more serious flirting. I wanted to see what it felt like in his arms.

He was very friendly and was definitely checking me out. I made sure he had a good view of my legs and feet, but he never mentioned them specifically, but I know he noticed my legs (my best feature) at least. There were definitely sexual vibes between us. It was a good start.

So he and Mike began to talk about work etc. but he kept shooting glances at me and I smiled back. I went to the ladies room and Mike asked Frank what he thought of me and he said I was really cute and fun to talk with. He told Mike that his ex had cheated on him and left with the other guy. He asked Mike if he ever worried about me. Mike said yes he does worry because I am so friendly and flirty and that I talk about other men sometimes. Mike said that he'd almost rather know about an affair than find out when it was too late and lose me to another man. Frank seemed surprised and said Really?? Mike said he rather know the guy and have some control over things. He did a great job of setting things up for maybe something more.

Before we left the bar, out of the blue Mike invited him to our place for a cookout on Sunday by the pool. (We live in South Florida.) and he accepted.

Frank does turn me on and I can see being with him sexually. He's about 6'2 or 6'3", about 50 not super good looking but sexy in a rugged kind of way. I love that rugged manly look. He's very confident and assertive but not cocky. I'm not attracted to cocky guys at all.

As we were leaving the bar, he gave me a couple of those "Looks" when Mike wasn't able to see.

We came home and had great sex thinking and talking about the possibilities. Mike and I are going to talk more today about our plan for Sunday. He is still in bed. We are excited. It's not a done deal, but looks promising. I've got butterflies thinking about it.

We've fantasized about this for a couple years now and this is the closest we've been to reality. I'm ready!

Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 4:55 am
by cpeater
Thanks for the update sounds very promising and exciting!

Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 5:37 am
by Mr ablondemilf
Sounds like you are making progress. Progress is progress, so move forward at a comfortable rate for you. You will know when the time is right. Thanks for posting and please keep us updated on your progress. :D

Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 6:23 am
by willingtoo
Hoping for some replies to this post.

Frank is coming over today at 1:00 for a cook out. We realized last night that things could happen quickly (even today) since Mike already laid the groundwork at the bar the other night. We are both ready to have it happen but, there is the trust factor. Mike and Frank have a few mutual friends from work that could find out if Frank were to tell anyone. Mike has known Frank for several years and says he's a straight up guy not likely to talk about this to anyone. Very mature and not to be involved in any kind of childish behavior. He has never shown signs of being a gossipy kind of guy or braggart. Mike says he'd really have no motive for kiss and tell. There is no work competition that a rumor about us would help his position with the company. He is 50 years old and doesn't need to brag. In short, what ... 6351#would he have to gain by telling?

Still it's a worry, but isn't there always a chance people will find out no matter who we are involved with? Even though things have moved rather quickly, we have been considering this for several years and think we have worked out all the potential problems. We are both so anxious to have this happen, and it could even today. Being in the privacy of our house it will never get safer than that.

The plan is for me to give the men time to talk without me being involved. I can stay busy in the kitchen etc. Hopefully Mike can move the conversation to where it was the other night (explained above). He will wing it because he has no idea how Frank will respond to continued conversation about me being willing. If Frank doesn't bite on the conversation, Mike will not push and just wait till Frank shows signs of interest. He will probably be here for several hours and have a few drinks which may loosen him up and be willing to talk more. I told Mike that if it moves in the direction we hope it does, he can tell Frank directly that I am open to making it happen.

We are so scared and excited about today. I hope some of you read this and give your opinion. If we hold back today it isn't over but I don't know what a delay would do to help. Both of us are inclined to trust Frank to be discrete.

Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 6:32 am
by frank12
Unfortunately the MOST likely situation is that Frank will want to tell others about his conquest. It is part of human nature to do that. It requires great self-restraint to recognize this about oneself and control that urge to tell others. Now, he may have that, but the downsides of it are something you both have to reconcile before letting it go further. It breaks the mood to do so but if things begin to head that way it would be good to have "the talk" with Frank, and read between the lines as he undoubtedly will *say* that he will keep it secret.... make note of how easily he talked of his previous relationship too...

The delay does indeed play an important part, as it gives you more time to assess how trustworthy and discreet Frank is. It also will tend to raise his level of anticipation - all good for you.

And still, enjoy yourselves!