Whatever happened to Jerry and Diane?

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Whatever happened to Jerry and Diane?

Unread post by SeaGirtCuck » Sat Aug 05, 2023 1:50 pm

Whatever happened to Jerry and Diane from this site?
They were very active for years here. She would have sex at the company apartment with company visitors and others. Beyond that, she had all kinds of adventures.

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Re: Whatever happened to Jerry and Diane?

Unread post by dnic » Sat Aug 05, 2023 3:43 pm


I was just thinking the same thing today.

Attached is a copy of a PM I received from viking68 in 2017.

I had asked him the same question as he had a work connection with Diane and thought he may have some insight.
That is the extent of my knowledge, I would think Inigo may have more info, hopefully others have more to add.

Looking thru some old saved posts and see you in Jan of 2006, were you following them on the Adult communities forum pre 2006?

Sent: Wed May 17, 2017 2:57 pm
From: viking68
Recipient: dnic

I wrote Diane, via PM, on January 26th asking her how she and her family were doing. I have received no reply. I think the colon cancer returned. I don't know that for a fact, just putting two and two together.

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Re: Whatever happened to Jerry and Diane?

Unread post by MichaelW » Sat Aug 05, 2023 5:05 pm

I printed out some of the old Jerry and Diane posts and my wife read them on a long car trip. She said later that those posts were the convincing thing that started her seriously wanting to do someone else. I thanked him for the unknowing help when they were still active. Would be nice to have an update. Hope they are doing well.
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Re: Whatever happened to Jerry and Diane?

Unread post by bar9716 » Wed Aug 09, 2023 8:07 pm

Was she the one that would go to Penn State football games with a girl friend and bet guys from the opposing team? If so, those were incredible stories and that should be a sticky thread.

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Re: Whatever happened to Jerry and Diane?

Unread post by bar9716 » Wed Aug 09, 2023 8:07 pm

Was she the one that would go to Penn State football games with a girl friend and bet guys from the opposing team? If so, those were incredible stories and that should be a sticky thread.

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Re: Whatever happened to Jerry and Diane?

Unread post by kinkydetroit » Thu Aug 10, 2023 3:53 am

bar9716 wrote:
Wed Aug 09, 2023 8:07 pm
Was she the one that would go to Penn State football games with a girl friend and bet guys from the opposing team? If so, those were incredible stories and that should be a sticky thread.
Yes she was.

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Re: Whatever happened to Jerry and Diane?

Unread post by dnic » Thu Aug 10, 2023 3:18 pm

I thought we could use a Diane refresher today, hope this isn't breaking any rules.

As well if Rich is still around he may be able to offer some insight into what happened to Jerry and Diane.


Post subject: Re: company apartment IIPostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 7:18 pm
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I'm mostly back on schedule with my contract work so I was set to have a nice nonstressful visit. However, life has been testing me with new wrinkles lately and an unusual one did come up on this trip -- this was definitely a first.

I got the word early on that Rich would be staying at the apartment. He was giving a briefing so I decided to attend supposedly to observe for company reasons but the real purpose was to size him up in advance as I like to do. During the preliminaries, I was introduced as Dr. Xxx as is usual in formal settings. Rich gave me a really strange look -- didn't seem to fit the situation. But things proceeded normally so I didn't dwell on it. I assessed him to be mid 40's, reasonably sharp and not at all bad looking and I thought it would be fun to get together with him later.

Later on at dinner, Rich was very polite, friendly and touchy feely. He was constantly touching my arm and smiling. Rich constantly had this Cheshire Cat grin as though he'd just eaten the canary and was pleased with himself. He watched ardently while I pranced around and played on the dance floor. My sixth sense Diane radar was telling me that there was something eerie going on but I couldn't figure out what it was. It became clear when we got to the apartment.

Rich didn't act at all surprised to find me at the apartment but that isn't unusual as I know my co-occupants are often tipped off in advance. The bomb came very quickly. Rich looked directly at me and said "You're Diane" -- well, yeah -- so what? He told me he'd been reading me on the Our Hotwife forum for a long time and recognized me immediately when we were introduced (mystery solved) and hoped we'd meet someday under just these circumstances (I nearly fainted). The tables were turned -- I'm supposed to do the surprising. Some might find my reaction strange but I suddenly felt like I'd been set out naked at a busy intersection during rush hour. Only a few here who are very close to me and trusted know my identity in the "real" world. Of course people at the company including Ed, the execs and some others know my situation but to the best of my knowledge, they don't participate in the forum. Even with only some thousands of members spread across a vast landscape including many millions of people, I knew this could happen but didn't expect it. A daughter did discover me here but that was my fault because I was lazy with computer access and that was enough embarrassment for a lifetime.

It is the relative anonymity I have here that allows me to be candid, forthcoming and speak from the heart. I can bare my soul and inner thoughts describing details and intimacies of sexual encounters without the participants reading my blow by blow graphic descriptions and personal assessments of them. In this instance, I would feel weird issuing a report card on Rich detailing our encounter so I'm not going to describe the particulars of what happened this time. I can only hope that he will be discreet and not come forth with his own report with graphic details and say something like "Diane is definitely only two stars on my scale and basically a bum fuck!" (although I really didn't get any vibes along those lines). It is possible we could cross paths again.

On the positive side, the encounter with Rich was otherwise very pleasant. He was very flattering and said he'd wanted to do this for a long time but thought it could only happen in his dreams (chivalry lives). He put his arm around me, pulled me to him and kissed me. I'm not going to say anymore about the rest of the night except that I enjoyed it.

I expect I will continue apartment visits but am dazed for the moment and still processing these events. Jerry doesn't seem to think it's that big a deal and I shouldn't overreact. You know who you are Rich. Hope you aren't offended by anything I said.


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Re: Whatever happened to Jerry and Diane?

Unread post by boonja » Sun Feb 04, 2024 10:18 am

they're still cruising the heartland

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Re: Whatever happened to Jerry and Diane?

Unread post by sw6 » Sun Feb 04, 2024 12:20 pm

What I remember about Diane is how she would offer a hint of her colored bra during business meetings - usually to the guy that would share the Apt that night

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Re: Whatever happened to Jerry and Diane?

Unread post by dnic » Mon Feb 05, 2024 8:29 pm

sw6 wrote:
Sun Feb 04, 2024 12:20 pm
What I remember about Diane is how she would offer a hint of her colored bra during business meetings - usually to the guy that would share the Apt that night
Diane's coloured bra's!

I enjoyed the tales of her trips with Ed.

I remember the first post I read of Jerry's was April or May of 2005 and he was lamenting on whether he had lost his wife forever as Diane had gone away on her first trip with Ed.

There are still some of Diane's earlier posts in her blog, in the links section.


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